Home Potato Why do warts appear. Why warts appear and what is the connection with psychosomatics. Why are warts dangerous?

Why do warts appear. Why warts appear and what is the connection with psychosomatics. Why are warts dangerous?

Warts on the body are a consequence of the development of the human papillomavirus in the body. In almost all cases of the appearance of skin growths, the action of HPV is to blame. This is a dangerous and not passing disease that modern medicine cannot cope with (but the human immune system is capable of this, but only occasionally.

By themselves, warts that grow in different parts of the body, being benign neoplasms, if they do not itch, cause a minimum of discomfort, are not dangerous for a person. Speaking about how dangerous such growths are, first of all, it is necessary to note a certain probability of their degeneration into malignant neoplasms. Such transformations lead to the development of cancer.

How to get rid of warts on the body

Many people use folk remedies for warts, but often face failure, because it is quite difficult to remove neoplasms caused by the development of HPV. You can young and small warts. In any other case, it is recommended to contact specialized doctors. If a person is diagnosed with HPV and has skin manifestations (warts, papillomas, condylomas, etc.), then the treatment of the disease should be comprehensive: it is necessary to remove any growths and conduct immunomodulatory therapy.

Removing warts from the skin can be done using the following methods:

  • Laser equipment. Bloodless technology, which guarantees the rapid removal of tumors, the absence of scars and other traces after surgery. The disadvantage of the method is its high cost and inaccessibility in small towns;
  • Electrocoagulation. The growths in this case will be removed using high-frequency current. The method is safe, affordable, can be used for both adults and children of different ages;
  • Cryodestruction. A modern and recently popular way to remove neoplasms. The removal of warts occurs with the help of a point effect of liquid nitrogen, as a result of which pathogenic tissues die off, and the growth itself simply falls off some time after treatment;
  • Surgical excision. The traditional way to remove skin tumors. It is recommended to resort to it if the removal of warts in other ways is impossible (for example, with multiple formations or with large sizes of single growths);
  • Radio waves. The radio wave method of removing warts is also often used in our country. The method is safe, painless, can be carried out only with the appropriate equipment and highly qualified specialist.

Important! The doctor should choose a method for removing warts based on the results of tests and examinations. It is not recommended to independently remove large and chronic warts at home, because. this can lead to their damage and further rebirth into a more dangerous form.

Warts, which can appear on any part of the human body, are rather unattractive neoplasms.

They are not only a cosmetic defect, but also pose a threat to human health. Therefore, it will be useful to know what warts appear from and what to do if they begin to grow.

The cause of their occurrence is HPV, which is present in the body of almost every person. There are over a hundred varieties of it. An infection can exist in the body for years without showing itself. The papilloma virus infects the skin and mucous membranes of a person; it does not penetrate into organs and other tissues.

If the human body is weakened, the immune system ceases to keep the situation under control, and growths appear in the places where the infection is concentrated, which can be single or grow in whole groups, causing discomfort to the patient. Both adults and children are susceptible to infection.

Men and women are equally affected. Sometimes the disease can manifest itself during pregnancy. Benign seals are treated both with the help of drugs and traditional medicine. There are times when the papilloma needs to be physically removed, then the doctor decides on the most appropriate method for its destruction. This can be laser exposure, electric current, liquid nitrogen, or surgical excision of the growth.

The causative agent of the disease

The causative agent of the disease, which leads to the growth of warts on various parts of the body, is the human papillomavirus. It enters the body through wounds and microcracks on the skin and mucous membranes.

Until the virus was found by scientists, it was believed that warts arise from contact with frogs - this is a delusion. To stay healthy, you need to know what causes warts. After all, you can take preventive measures and prevent the growth of papillomas on the body, head and nose.

Types of warts

Warts that appear on the hands are simple or flat papillomas.

Let's consider their properties in more detail:

  • Simple papillomas resemble nodules of a round or oval shape. Their size usually does not exceed 10 mm. They are identical in color to the skin, but sometimes have a pinkish or brownish tint. With this type of infection, there is a main wart, around which child growths arise. When it is removed, small neoplasms also disappear.
  • Flat papilloma small size and smooth surface. Its color can be both flesh-colored and with a yellowish tinge. This type of growth is more common in people under the age of 30.
  • mosaic warts is the most complex form of skin lesions. They are formed during the growth and connection of simple growths. Their surface is rough due to the dense stratum corneum. It is difficult to treat these warts because there are many foci on the body that are not so easy to find and remove.

Even if you know what causes warts, protecting yourself from them is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. After all, the virus cannot be seen with the naked eye, and it is simply impossible to completely prevent injuries and skin cuts. It should be remembered that the human body is able to prevent the infection from developing freely, which leads to the absence of the growth of warts, so you need to monitor its health and the proper functioning of the immune system.

Localization on the body

Despite the fact that the hands are most susceptible to injury, warts can occur anywhere on the human body. They are localized on the face and neck, causing concern for both women and men. Particular attention should be paid to papillomas in the area of ​​​​the feet and heels, because the manifestation of plantar papillomatosis in this case prevents a person from leading an active lifestyle and walking a lot.

You can observe warts on the fingers and toes. No less annoying are papillomas on the genitals (in the perineum and on the penis), on the pubis and anus. The cause of the signs of human papillomavirus disease in intimate places is sexual contact with a carrier of the infection.

Are warts dangerous?

Papillomatosis is a disease that can appear in a person at any age. It is not so much associated with the infection of the papillomavirus itself, but with the state of the human immune system, which loses the ability to withstand its rapid reproduction. The growths themselves usually do not hurt, but their presence does not decorate a person, which can lead to the appearance of complexes and certain barriers in communicating with other people.

Many people know what causes warts, and may avoid close contact and even handshakes. In addition to a clear cosmetic defect, papillomas pose a threat to human health. This is due to their ability to degenerate into malignant tumors, the treatment of which is becoming more complicated exponentially. Therefore, it is so important to consult a doctor in the presence of this disease so that he takes the situation under control.

Why warts appear, what methods of their diagnosis exist

Doctors know why warts appear on the hands and other parts of the human body. These are predominantly benign neoplasms of viral etiology caused by HPV.

Its introduction into the body does not always lead to the appearance of warts. The virus can have a long incubation period, from several weeks to a year.

The infection manifests itself when the body has suitable conditions for this, created by stress or a weakened human immune defense.

Growths can be localized anywhere, their favorite place is the hands, but they can grow on the legs, on the face, in the groin and perineum. A person needs to know why warts appear and what to do about them, because this is a problem that can arise at any time in life.

Reasons for the appearance

There are two main routes of HPV infection - sexual contact and infection in the home through shared objects such as doorknobs, handrails and towels. The virus does not live long in the external environment (it dies after 3 hours), but if it gets on the skin of a person, it does its best to penetrate the body.

Consider why warts appear on the hands:

  • The presence of microtraumas of the skin, abrasions and cuts, so any damage to the skin should be immediately treated with an antiseptic that is available.
  • Work associated with an increased risk of injury to the skin of the hands, namely laundry and cleaning in public places.
  • Excessive sweating can cause infection when shaking hands, because it is easier for the virus to get on the skin of a healthy person.

Uncomfortable shoes that are rubbing and tight can cause plantar virus infections because the type of infection that causes it loves moisture and warmth. You need to buy boots and shoes made of breathable materials and make sure that wearing them does not cause discomfort.


Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and determine the nature of the neoplasm by prescribing additional studies and tests for the patient.

The main diagnostic methods for HPV are:

  • PCR analysis, which will help to establish not only the type of virus that has affected the skin, but also its concentration in the tissues.
  • Dermoscopy is the study of tissue under a microscope.
  • Histology is a study that helps to establish the presence of cancer cells and the stage of the disease, if any.
  • Cytological examination of the scraping.

By visiting a doctor and passing the necessary tests, a person will know why warts appear and what kind of virus provoked their growth.

What do they look like

Warts on the hands are dense formations that rise above the level of the skin. Their value can reach 1 cm above the surface of healthy skin. They can be smooth or rough, depending on the age of the neoplasm. Over time, a stratum corneum forms on its surface.

There is no skin pattern on the surface of the growth, but it is restored after its removal or disappearance. If the disease progresses, daughter growths appear next to the existing warts.

Usually the wart does not hurt when pressed on it, but there are times when its roots grow into the muscle layer, which appears as discomfort during palpation. On the surface of the formation, black dots can be seen, which are thrombosed capillaries. To learn how to visually identify warts, you need to use the medical literature or the Internet and study photographs of this disease on your hands.

What causes warts on the hands and how to deal with them

In nature, there is an infection that provokes the growth of papillomas.

Their appearance is due to HPV, but humanity has not yet come up with a way to avoid infection and completely cure the infection that has entered the body. A wart on the hand usually looks like a flat formation, and many consider it as a cosmetic defect.

The growths that form on the mucous membranes are fraught with a hidden threat.

Under the influence of external and internal factors, they can degenerate into malignant tumors and endanger human health and quality of life.

Signs of degeneration into cancer

There are a number of signs, the presence of which requires urgent medical attention.

These are the following symptoms:

  1. Inflammatory process that appeared in the area of ​​localization of the growth or nodule.
  2. Unpleasant sensations such as pain, burning and itching.
  3. Suppuration of the wart or its bleeding.
  4. A sharp increase in build-up and a change in its appearance.

Most often, the cause of these symptoms of the disease is frequent injury or improper treatment of warts. This should be avoided so that a benign formation is not reborn. It is not enough to know what warts appear from, you also need to make sure that you do not miss the complications that have appeared.

Removal Methods

Physical destruction of warts is justified if medical treatment is not effective enough and does not lead to their disappearance.

There are many ways in which growths can be removed:

  1. Electrocoagulation which is performed under local anesthesia. The wart is removed using a device that acts on the growth with a high frequency current. Thus, it is cut off, and the wound does not bleed under the influence of high temperature.
  2. Surgical excision carried out in case of extensive lesions. This is an operation that is performed under the influence of local anesthesia. After it remains a small scar.
  3. laser removal papillomas is one of the most effective and safe methods of their destruction. It removes warts layer by layer. After the procedure, there are practically no scars and spots with altered pigmentation.
  4. Cryodestruction with liquid nitrogen fights warts by freezing them out. At the site of exposure, a hemorrhagic bladder is formed, at the site of which a crust subsequently forms. After removing the formations in this way, an inconspicuous pink spot remains.

When removing warts, if possible, the material obtained during their destruction is sent for histology. This study allows you to understand whether the removed growth is benign and whether there are signs of oncology.

Folk remedies

There are many folk remedies for warts, recipes for which can be found on the Internet and in specialized literature. Each person will be able to choose the most suitable for treatment.

There are the following time-tested recipes:

Before you self-medicate, you need to consult a doctor and take tests. Traditional medicines are good when they are used as an addition to the main treatment.


You can protect yourself from infection by observing the following HPV infection prevention measures:

  • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene, the use of individual household items.
  • Restriction of interaction with carriers of the virus.
  • Absence of casual sexual contacts.

Doctors have developed a vaccine that can protect against 4 types of the most dangerous types of the virus that provoke the development of oncology. Vaccination must be done before the onset of sexual activity.

Cryopharma is a preparation containing dimethyl ether and propane. The therapeutic effect occurs due to the creation of a low (up to -60 ° C) temperature when spraying an aerosol can. The course of therapy is 10-14 days.

When removing papillomas with drugs, you must first soften the skin with warm baths. Toxic drugs should be applied pointwise, on the skin outgrowths themselves, and make sure that the composition does not get on healthy skin. Vaseline can be applied to the areas of skin outside the growths to protect them. If several papillomas grow in a certain place, then treatment should begin with the largest of them (maternal). If it passes, then there is a high probability that the rest will also disappear.

Before starting therapy with medications and herbal preparations, you should make sure that the formation is of a benign nature. To do this, you must first consult with a specialist.

Hardware and surgical methods

Patients most often resort to hardware and surgical methods in case of ineffectiveness of medication. Hardware methods include:

  • radio wave,
  • cryogenic,
  • laser,
  • electrocoagulation.

With the radio wave method, the main tool is the radio knife. It emits high frequency radio waves that heat the papilloma and remove it from the surface of the skin. With the laser method, high-energy laser beams are directed to the growth. However, the result is similar - the wart is burned very quickly from the surface of the skin. The rehabilitation period takes a little time - about 15-20 days. Other advantages of the radio wave and laser methods are their non-contact and painlessness, the absence of scars. However, these methods are quite expensive. If there are a lot of papillomas, then therapy may not be affordable for the patient.

Unlike the laser and radio wave method, electrocoagulation uses electrodes that touch the surface of the skin. A high-frequency current is passed through them, acting at the local level, which also effectively burns out the papilloma from the surface of the skin. However, this method is only effective for small formations.

You can remove papillomas not only with heat, but also with cold. The cryogenic method is based on this feature. The papilloma surface is treated with liquid nitrogen at a temperature of –200 °C. It also causes destruction of tissues affected by the pathology. There are no scars after papilloma removal. The duration of the procedure is only a few minutes. This operation is not always painless, so it is performed under local anesthesia. Tissue recovery time after the procedure is 10-15 days.

The surgical method has recently become less popular. However, it is quite cheap and versatile. In particular, it is indicated for the removal of papillomas with a deep root. The method consists in cutting out the papilloma with an ordinary scalpel. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. The disadvantage of the method is a large seam and a long recovery period.

It is forbidden to cut papillomas on your own at home. Such an operation can lead to sepsis, suppuration, severe inflammatory processes.

No method of removing papillomas gives a 100% guarantee that there will be no recurrence. After all, the virus from the body will not disappear anywhere, and when immunity is weakened, it will again make itself felt in the form of the appearance of a new skin growth. After 3-4 months, papillomas reappear in 20% of patients. The highest percentage of recurrences is after removal by the surgical method, the smallest - with the laser method.


Prevention of papillomatosis must begin in childhood - after all, a significant part of skin growths is formed at this age. The occurrence of papillomas indicates that the human immune system is out of order. Therefore, you need to work on strengthening it:

  • follow the daily routine and normalize sleep;
  • monitor the diet, which should contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • treat ;
  • engage in physical education and sports.

Adults need to give up bad habits. It is recommended to ensure that the virus does not enter the body. To do this, it is necessary to observe basic skin hygiene, treat wounds and injuries, and not use other people's personal hygiene items, such as towels.

Hard growths and soft "pendants" on the skin are defects that must be disposed of as quickly as possible. But why and from what do warts appear on the body? Skin tumors do not look aesthetically pleasing, sometimes causing pain, itching and burning. Each such outgrowth is formed by a strongly overgrown epithelial tissue and horny scales. You can avoid the appearance if you know about the causes of occurrence and take precautions.

How does the appearance of warts and papillomas depend on HPV infection?

Unfortunately, not everyone knows why warts appear, and some people do not consider the problem important for themselves. This is just one of the many reasons why the disease is so widespread. One of the main factors in the “indestructibility” of the infection is the lack of a drug that can permanently remove the infection from the body. DNA human papillomaviruses are very small particles that exist outside of living cells in the form of virions that are not capable of reproduction.

Causes of warts and papillomas - infection with different strains of HPV:

  1. More than 40 types of papillomavirus can infect the genitals, leading to the formation of genital warts.
  2. About 25 strains belonging to low and medium oncogenic risk groups cause the appearance of warts and papillomas on the skin and mucous membranes.
  3. A high risk of developing oncology is associated with infection with viruses belonging to 16, 18 and another 20 other types of HPV.

Almost everyone has contact with patients or carriers of human papillomavirus infection throughout their lives.

Sometimes a person does not understand where warts come from if he follows the rules of hygiene, takes vitamins, and leads a healthy lifestyle. papilloma viruses

less than bacteria and fungi, are not microorganisms, able to endure the most adverse conditions. They are easily transmitted from person to person; constant self-infection during shaving, epilation, or in other everyday situations is not excluded.

Scientists have studied several types of HPV, in which hundreds of types (strains) have been identified. Viruses enter the cells of the host organism, which then reproduce not their own DNA, but the viral one. However, the infection may not manifest itself for a long time: for several months or years. Therefore, one can only wonder where the warts come from, because the moment of infection goes unnoticed.

Papillomavirus infection in most cases is suppressed by the immune system and is not felt. Provoke the activation of HPV in human cells mainly various diseases of internal organs, hormonal and metabolic disorders, other infections, especially sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

How do papillomas and warts occur?

The disease manifests itself after the incubation period: infected cells of the basal layer of the epithelium react to the "invasion" of viruses by a violation of reproduction, growth and normal keratinization. It is necessary to remember why warts appear, and pay attention to the appearance of small papules or plaques on the skin, oral mucosa, and genital organs. Most of these neoplasms are benign tumors.

What form the papilloma or wart takes depends on the HPV strain, the location of the focus of infection, the properties of the skin, and the body's response to the reproduction of the virus. In some cases, elongated papillae or soft balls on the leg - papillomas - form on the body. Such skin tumors grow on the face, neck, armpits, on the chest, can be painted in flesh, pink, brown. The base is thin or wide, the surface is uneven, has no skin pattern.

The formation of ordinary, juvenile, plantar and other types of growths under consideration is associated with different HPV genotypes.

In 80–90% of cases, self-healing occurs: after 6–24 months, the growths regress (disappear). Most often this happens in childhood and adolescence, which is characterized by the appearance of warts on the face, hands and knees (flat and youthful). The disease can acquire a chronic course, then new areas of the skin are affected.

If the papillomavirus exists outside the chromosomes of the host cell, then it does not pose a danger in terms of the development of oncology. Sometimes malignancy occurs, that is, the transformation of a benign process into a malignant one. Several dozen strains of HPV exhibit medium and high oncogenic properties. This means that in certain situations they are able to integrate their DNA chain into the genome of human cells. The result is the formation of a cancerous tumor.

Types of warts and papillomas

Overweight and elderly people who have weaker local and general immunity are more susceptible to infection. However, it should be distinguished from growths resulting from HPV infection, senile warts or age-related keratomas. These are neoplasms of an oval or rounded shape, dark brown in color, with an oily surface. Keratomas often appear on the head and chest. Papillomavirus causes the formation of growths in the folds of the skin, on sweating areas of the body that experience friction.

Classification of warts and papillomas according to external signs, localization on the body:

  • genital warts (genital warts);
  • ordinary (vulgar);
  • filiform (hanging);
  • flat (youthful);
  • periungual;
  • plantar.

Genital warts in the female body affect the vagina and cervix. Intraductal papillomas appear in the mammary gland, and common warts appear on the nipple. Condylomas in men form in the groin, affect the foreskin and the external opening of the urethra. Cancer of the penis can be caused by genital warts caused by HPV-16, 18.

Common warts (vulgar) - papules with a dense, rough surface. Reach 0.3–1 cm in diameter. Occur predominantly on the hands. The growths on the soles and near the nails resemble this type of wart in appearance. They are painful and difficult to remove.

Flat warts are small papules with rounded outlines. Usually formed on the face and hands in school-age children. May spontaneously disappear as they grow older. Hanging warts look like threads or mushrooms on a stem. This type of skin tumor is often confused with soft fibroids, which are not associated with HPV.

How are warts and papillomas transmitted?

The most common way of HPV infection is contact-household - through handshakes and other touches. Viruses penetrate through cracks, abrasions and cuts on the body from the surface of surrounding objects. HPV is transmitted through all types of sexual contact. During childbirth, a newborn receives the virus from a mother who has condylomas or an infection in a latent state.

High humidity in swimming pools, saunas, baths, gyms, showers contributes to infection with common, plantar, periungual warts on the feet and hands.

Often a person is surprised that warts have appeared on intimate places, recalls recent sexual intercourse. It is not necessary that the infection occurred immediately before the onset of genital warts. The incubation period in some cases is 5 years or more, but usually 2–8 weeks. All this time the infection exists in a latent state (hidden). During this period, there are no warts on the skin, an analysis for the presence of HPV gives a negative result.

Precautionary measures

It is almost impossible to avoid various contacts with asymptomatic HPV carriers and people who have warts and papillomas. Infection and self-infection occurs repeatedly, resulting in the presence in the body of several strains of HPV. All this increases the likelihood of activation of viruses, the appearance of growths on the skin and relapses after treatment.

Infection with genital warts occurs even when using a condom: the virus penetrates as a result of contact between unprotected skin areas.

You should remember what causes warts on your feet and use slippers on the beach, in the pool, sauna, bath and public shower. Favorable conditions for the penetration of the virus are created when the skin is damaged and there is no disinfection. This situation often occurs when shaving, epilating, using a hard scrub, using a hard washcloth. The smallest cracks, cuts and scratches become the "entrance gate" for HPV.

Soft fibromas, senile warts, moles, skin horn - skin lesions that occur for various non-infectious reasons that do not depend on the papillomavirus. Therefore, measures to prevent HPV infection will not help to avoid the appearance of other skin tumors. Such neoplasms cannot be removed by means that are intended for viral warts.

It is necessary to visit a doctor and get advice from a specialist in the field of skin diseases. The dermatologist will determine the type of neoplasm and prescribe complex therapy. Removal of various types of growths is carried out on an outpatient basis using liquid nitrogen, laser or other techniques.

This material is posted for educational and informational purposes, is not professional medical advice or scientific material and cannot serve as a substitute for medical advice.

In contact with

It happens that due to various exogenous and endogenous processes, the epithelial and nipple balls of the skin grow, from which warts appear. The size of these rounded nodules rarely exceeds 15 mm - 20 mm. However, over time, the formations can merge with each other, affecting large areas of the body.

A wart is a problem not only of an aesthetic nature, but also of a medical one.

What are the causes of warts?

The culprits of the occurrence of nodules are human papillomaviruses.

Ways of infection can be as follows:

Often, simply contact with an infected person or their belongings is not enough. The process of development of the virus occurs due to some disorders in the body, the main of which is a decrease in immunity.

That is why warts often appear due to a lack of vitamins, colds, hypothermia, the presence of HIV infection, and systemic disorders.

Predisposing factors for the growth of formations are also:

  • Stress, psychological stress or trauma;
  • increased sweating;
  • Disorders of the autonomic nervous system (vegetative neurosis);
  • Insufficient blood supply to small capillaries (acrocyanosis);
  • Uncomfortable clothes and shoes;
  • Poor observance of hygiene rules;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Diabetes;
  • Random change of sexual partners.

Interesting! It is often impossible to determine what exactly became the root cause for the development of a wart, since the incubation period of the virus can last several months.

Most often, warts appear in children and adolescents. In kindergarten, kindergarten, school and other educational institutions, the child daily contacts with a large number of people. It is worth taking into account the reduced state of the immune system, which constantly suffers from acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and other similar diseases.

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Warts on the hands: causes and treatment at home

Video about the causes and types of warts

Types of warts

In medicine, there are several types of warts. Each type of formations has its own size, shape, color and place on the body.


  1. Common warts are light, compact, dry, raised areas with a hairy surface, ranging in size from a pinhead to a pea. Formations can grow and merge into one large plaque. Often appear on the hands. In most cases, such warts do not cause pain;
  2. Plantar warts are common warts that appear on the feet. The structure is dense, keratinized, similar to dry corn. Color dirty grey. Education may consist of many small bundles with dark patches. Cause pain when walking
  3. Flat warts or juvenile warts are more common in children, teenagers and young adults. They have a rounded or irregular shape, are characterized by a smooth and flat surface. Warts affect the back of the hands and face. Formations have a pinkish color. Appear due to irritation of the skin (scratch, cracks);
  4. Genital warts - thin soft formations, attached to the base in the form of a leg. Color pink, pinkish purple. They tend to grow rapidly. These warts appear on the mucous membranes, genitals and nearby areas of the skin if hygiene is not observed.
  5. Filiform warts - appear on thin areas of the skin, in folds. The formations have an elongated shape with an uneven edge.
  6. Senile warts - appear in older people. The growths can be grayish, brown, and even black. The shape is oval. The surface is loose, rough, covered with sebum. Appear in the face, neck, torso.

Localization of warts in different parts of the body

Warts on the hands

Most often, warts appear on the hands and there are a lot of explanations for this. Hands are the part of the body that most often comes into contact with the skin of another person. It is possible that the friend or acquaintance to whom you shook hands was a carrier of an open form of the papillomavirus and had a wart.

Attention! Girls who regularly do manicures are also at risk. Poorly sanitized instruments also increase the risk of warts.

We constantly take various objects with our hands, not knowing for sure which viruses and bacteria are stored on their surface. What is the elevator call button, the handrail on the bus or any door handle worth? In addition to all this, various wounds, cracks, scratches on the skin, which further increase the likelihood of "catching" a wart.

Related article:

How to remove warts with liquid nitrogen?

Warts on the legs

Warts on the feet appear due to injuries caused by wearing uncomfortable and improperly selected shoes. An attribute of clothing that compresses or frays the leg is a sure way to the formation of knots.

Slightly small shoes will rub the callus, which means that an open area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin appears for infection. Too stuffy shoes will contribute to more sweating and create favorable conditions for the emergence and growth of the virus.

Attention! Break the habit of walking barefoot in a public pool, sauna or shower. Such places are the "hotbed" of HPV.

Warts on the face or neck

Why do warts “crawl out” on such seemingly inaccessible parts of the body? After all, this zone is not in such active interaction with the outside world as the hands. The thing is that the skin in these places is much thinner, which means that it is easier for the virus to enter the body.

The reason for this is constant touching with dirty hands. You can also bring the infection using hygiene items or cosmetics of another person (razors, sponges, brushes, etc.). People with damaged or diseased skin are also at particular risk.

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