Home Berries The Guardians are the main characters. Guardians. The universe of the cult comic book. Why did the comic become a cult classic?

The Guardians are the main characters. Guardians. The universe of the cult comic book. Why did the comic become a cult classic?

Before the film Watchmen was released, the plot of the film was not fully known to anyone, but just before the release of Watchmen, the description of the film intrigued many, hence the high popularity of this film. What can be said right away is that the plot of the film Watchmen is really capable of impressing connoisseurs of fantastic pseudo-noir action films. So let's start studying the script.

The film is set in an alternate history/Cold War reality where Richard Nixon is re-elected to a third term and the US wins the Vietnam War. The hippie movement was eliminated soon after its appearance; the republican worldview was considered the only correct one. The Soviet Union has stockpiled a record number of warheads, and the world is only five minutes away from nuclear Armageddon on the Doomsday Clock. The events are similar to real history, but taken to the limit, as tense as possible.

In an alternative America, superheroes exist not only in comics, but also in reality. Most of them at one time united into teams. The first of these teams (almost not shown in the film) was the “Militia”, and the second, which replaced it, was the “Guardians” ( Watchmen), consisting of: Night Owl ( Night Owl), Rorschach ( Rorschach), Silk Specter ( Silk Specter), Ozymandias( Ozymandias), Comedian ( Comedian) and Doctor Manhattan ( Dr. Manhattan).

Unlike comic book superheroes, most Watchmen are not superhuman and do not have superpowers. According to the film, the first superheroes are ordinary people who are tired of the powerlessness of the law and put on masks in order to administer justice on their own; heroes who rely more on the strength of their own fists than on high-tech gadgets and acquired superpower. Many of them are not completely mentally balanced, and the Mothman generally ends his career in a mental hospital.

The superhero Doctor Manhattan is the only superhuman in the film, and his abilities surpass even those of Superman and are almost equal to divine ones. He is the core of America's national security, a counterweight to nuclear missiles in the USSR, whose existence maintains the fragile balance between the two superpowers, preventing the Third World War, which will destroy all of humanity.

During this period, US residents take to the streets demanding that the “costumed heroes” be retired, quietly robbing stores and burning cars; the guard shoots down hippie demonstrations; the press is drowning in praise of America; the president, speaking about the war, grimaces and makes stupid jokes.

It must be said that in the film there are no classic superhero feats that serve as examples of good deeds (except for the episode where Silk Specter and Nite Owl II save people from a burning building). The Comedian and Doctor Manhattan, participating in the Vietnam War, secure victory in less than two weeks, but achieve this through brutal, bloody methods.

The plot of the film Watchmen begins with the death of one of the former Watchmen - Edward Morgan Blake (The Comedian). No one wants to take on the investigation of his murder, since he worked for the government for a long time and may have had dangerous enemies, but the marginal superhero Rorschach (Walter Kovacs), the only one who did not part with his mask after the introduction of the law banning “costumed heroes,” begins his own investigation. Believing that someone has decided to get rid of the superheroes, he decides to warn his former teammates, but no one takes his concerns seriously. Jon Osterman (Doctor Manhattan) and Adrian Veidt (Ozymandias) are busy creating an inexhaustible source of energy that could completely solve humanity's energy needs and thereby end resource wars. Daniel Dryberg (Nite Owl) and Laurie Yuspeshik (Silk Specter) don't want to go back to being superheroes. It seems to them that a quiet, peaceful life is the ultimate dream. They don't believe Rorschach's story about the conspiracy against the Guardians.

Despite the fact that no one wants to cooperate with him, Rorschach comes to the longtime enemy of the Guardians - the supervillain Moloch the Mystic (Edgar Jacobi). But he gave up his criminal past many years ago and, having taken a new name, lives an ordinary life. He is too old to cope with the Comedian and, moreover, has cancer. During the interrogation of Moloch, Rorschach learns that the Comedian visited Moloch before his death. According to the former villain, he was very depressed and even cried, which is very unlike the normal behavior of the Comedian. Rorschach believes Moloch. Before leaving, he finds cancer cures from Moloch, produced by Pyramid Transnational.

Meanwhile, increasingly moving away from Jon Osterman, who has become a demigod, Laurie Yuspeshik begins dating Daniel Dreiberg - they begin an affair. John, in turn, increasingly losing his emotional connection with people, does not pay attention to this and continues to work on the perpetual motion machine. An unsuccessful assassination attempt is made on Adrian Veidt; the killer dies after swallowing poison before Adrian extracts the name of the customer from him. In the killer's apartment, Rorschach finds an employee identification card for Pyramid Transnational. Rorschach tries to interrogate Moloch again, but he is killed and his house is surrounded by police. Rorschach realizes that he has been framed and tries to escape, but he is arrested and imprisoned on charges of murder and violating the ban on "costumed heroes". Half of the prisoners in the prison are there thanks to Rorschach and want revenge on him. Rorschach undergoes a medical examination by a psychiatrist who tries to prove his insanity, but Rorschach sabotages the examination and scares the doctor with his life story.

Jon Osterman, having teleported a perpetual motion machine to Antarctica, goes to a press conference. There he is suddenly bombarded with accusations of involvement in the death from cancer of several people who knew him closely. Suddenly, Jon Osterman's ex-wife, whom he left for Laurie Yuspeshik, appears in the studio. Aged and also sick with cancer, she blames him for her illness and betrayal. Shocked, John leaves Earth, teleporting to Mars.

Meanwhile, the love relationship between Laurie Yuspeshik and Daniel Dreiberg continues to develop. After being attacked by a gang of criminals, they realize that both of their lives lacked the danger and adventure that they had as superheroes. Donning their costumes again, they work together to save people from a fire and then spend the night together. Nite Owl decides that it is imperative to rescue Rorschach from prison, and Silk Specter agrees with him.

Rorschach seriously wounds a prisoner who is trying to kill him, after whose death a mass riot begins in the prison. Nite Owl and Silk Specter, who arrive to help, help Rorschach get out of prison, and together they continue the investigation. Doctor Manhattan suddenly appears and persuades Laurie to go with him to Mars to talk about saving the world. Rorschach and Owl have to investigate together. Once on Mars, John tries to convince Laurie to stay with him there, predicting terrible misfortunes for the Earth, but Laurie tries to convince him to come back and save the Earth. During a conversation with John, Laurie learns that her real father is the Comedian, whom she despised all her life for trying to rape her mother. Laurie cries, and John changes his attitude towards the fate of humanity.

Prior to this, Doctor Manhattan refuses to destroy Soviet warheads aimed at major US cities, arguing that he is simply unable to do so. The Doctor's crystalline honesty and his desire for peace and tranquility only play into the hands of Ozymandias.

Meanwhile, Rorschach and Owl learn that Pyramid Transnational is under the control of Veidt International, and that Adrian Veidt is behind the plot against Manhattan and the murders. It turns out that it was he who killed the Comedian, who revealed his plans, staged the death of people close to Osterman from cancer, planned an assassination attempt on himself, got rid of the killer by putting poison in his mouth, framed Rorschach and used technological advances to prevent John from foreseeing the future. Owl and Rorschach travel to Antarctica to stop Veidt's plans from coming true.

In Antarctica, they learn that Adrian Veidt's ultimate goal was to use Doctor Manhattan's apparatus to destroy major cities in the USA and USSR in order to force them to unite in the face of a common enemy - Doctor Manhattan. This would prevent an already inevitable nuclear war. Rorschach and Owl are trying to defeat Ozymandias, but he turns out to be stronger than both of them and, moreover, carried out his plan even before their arrival - New York, Moscow and many other major cities of the world are wiped off the face of the earth.

John and Laurie teleport to the already destroyed New York and immediately realize that Adrian Veidt is involved in this. In Antarctica, he makes an unsuccessful attempt to destroy John, but is easily defeated. Then he tries to convince everyone that the death of millions of people was necessary to save billions. He turns on the many televisions in his base, and the heroes see that the heads of the two superpowers have concluded a truce, ending their long feud, to confront a new threat. John listens to Adrian's arguments and convinces Daniel and Laurie to remain silent so as not to cause the death of many more people, but Rorschach, strictly adhering to his principle of “no compromise, even in the face of Armageddon,” refuses to remain silent and dies at the hands of Doctor Manhattan.

Doctor Manhattan leaves Earth, completely detached from what is happening on it. Laurie and Daniel live together. Veidt remains unpunished. The USA and the USSR live amicably, which not everyone likes. At the very end of the film, one of the employees of the New Frontiersman newspaper finds Rorschach's diary in the mail, which he planted there before traveling to Antarctica, where all the details of his investigation were described, including conclusions about the true culprit of what was happening.

This spoiler fully reveals the plot of unprecedented cool in the film Watchmen, which made it a unique event in the world of cinema, and in particular superhero films based on graphic novels.


Despite the fact that they were never called Guardians (eng. The Watchmen) during their active years, this team of powerful costumed heroes was once the most famous in America. But public opinion against violent methods led to the team's demise in the 1970s. In 1985, during a new round of the Cold War between America and the USSR, one of these heroes was found murdered. While investigating the crime, his old teammates were forced to deal with their past. They also uncovered a conspiracy with serious consequences.

In the Land of Guardians, the emergence of masked heroes in the late 1930s changed the direction of world history. In the 1940s, these ragtag adventurers banded together to form the Militia. A new generation of heroes followed them. Who called themselves Crime Fighters, but went down in history under the name “Keepers”. Rorschach. The second Nite Owl, the second Silk Specter, Ozymandias, the Comedian Militia veteran, and Doctor Manhattan. Born out of a laboratory accident in the 1960s, Doctor Manhattan became the only hero on Earth with superhuman powers. His incredible ability to manipulate quantum particles made him a living nuclear weapon, changing the balance of power between the US and the USSR.

During the 1960s and 1970s, public opinion about costumed vigilantes changed. Following riots and police strikes, the Keene Act was passed in 1977, which banned superhero activities. The Guardians were forced to retire, except for Doctor Manhattan and the Comedian, who worked for the government, and Rorschach, who refused to stop waging his personal war on crime. When the Comedian was found murdered in 1985, Rorschach decided that the rest of the heroes were also under attack. This became even more apparent when there was an assassination attempt on Adrian Veidt (Ozymandias). Additionally, Doctor Manhattan has been accused of causing cancer in the people around him. As a result, he went into exile on Mars, which led to a deterioration in US-USSR relations. When the world was already on the verge of a nuclear conflict, Rorschach and the Nite Owl uncovered a monstrous conspiracy that threatened the lives of millions.

Doctor Manhattan (eng. Dr. Manhattan) - Jonathan Osterman - a fictional character in the DC Comics Universe. He is a member of the superhero organization Guardians. John was born back in 1929 into the family of a successful watchmaker. The boy always wanted to follow in his father's footsteps, but after the bombing of Hiroshima, his parents decide to send him to the Faculty of Physics. Having received an academic degree, Osterman entered the position of research assistant...

1986 Cold War. The Doomsday Clock shows three minutes to nuclear midnight. Writer Alan Moore and artist Dave Gibbons create the graphic novel Watchmen.

Twelve issues in two years. Cult status. An honorable place in the list of the hundred best English-language novels of all time according to the American magazine Time - along with Ubik by Philip K. Dick, Neuromancer by William Gibson, 1984 by George Orwell and a long list of non-fiction books. That's all them. "Keepers".

Sentinels of the Apocalypse

The action of "Watchmen" takes place in an alternative reality. Its main difference from the world we know is that superheroes exist and act there, costumed and masked arbiters of justice.

The world in Alan Moore's version turned onto a different track back in the 1940s and by the mid-1980s had gone quite far. Superheroes ensured US victory in Vietnam. The Watergate scandal is hushed up, Richard Nixon remains president until 1985, in which the events of the graphic novel take place. The Cold War shows no signs of abating; the United States is teetering on the brink of nuclear war with the Soviet Union. The United States has a strategic trump card on its hands - Doctor Manhattan, a superhero who sculpts Easter cakes from atoms and, like a genie from oriental fairy tales, can build a city or destroy it.

It must be said that heroes are not favored in this reality. Only Doctor Manhattan and the Comedian continue to work for the government; the rest of the “masked avengers” were sent into retirement by the state in 1977 (Keen’s legislative act). Former superheroes are busy with their own affairs, the world is slowly approaching nuclear Armageddon... and then Edward Blake, aka the Comedian, is suddenly found murdered. It's 1985. This is the plot of the novel.

Heroes with and without masks

Who are they, superheroes in the real world? And do society need them? We've already seen some answers to these questions - in the form of the alcoholic and destructive Hancock or the cartoon Incredibles. But it was Alan Moore who was the first to look closely at the faces of superheroes more than twenty years ago. What kind of features are there, under the mask?

Comedian (Edward Morgan Blake)

Born in 1924, he joined the Minuteman superhero organization in 1939 and carried out government assignments for forty-five years. Fought in Vietnam. The comedian always believed that the world was a cruel joke that he alone could appreciate. He didn’t care about morality or human life, and, apparently, he became a defender of justice out of a desire to shoot at living targets and not turn out to be a criminal. The comedian wore a yellow smiley badge, a smiling face. When his body was found, he had his badge with him, stained with blood. The bloody smiley is one of the symbols of the Guardians.

“This city is afraid of me. I saw his true colors."

Rorschach (Walter Kovacs)

Born in 1940. The main distinguishing feature is that he always wears a mask made of white fabric with symmetrical black spots, reminiscent of a Rorschach psychological test, which is why he got his nickname. The fabric of his mask is Dr. Manhattan's design, and the spots on it vary. Rorschach believes that the spotted mask says more about him than his true appearance. When superheroes were legally prohibited from being heroes, Rorschach did not listen and continued to single-handedly fight evil and create justice - as he understands it. He sees the world in two colors: no halftones, only obvious good and unambiguous evil. Evil must be severely punished. Pessimist, anti-communist, reactionary and masked avenger Rorschach lives by the slogan “The end is near.”

Doctor Manhattan (Jonathan Osterman)

The only superhero who truly has superhuman qualities (and the only one who is "acting"). Born in 1929, he dreamed of becoming a watchmaker like his father, but chose a more modern profession - nuclear physics. In 1959, he accidentally ended up in a laboratory during an experiment and received incredible strength, blue skin color, the ability to telekinesis and teleportation, and the ability to control matter at the subatomic level.

People and their problems are of little interest to John, but he helps the United States win the war in Vietnam and gain an advantage in the Cold War. He lives simultaneously in all moments of his past, present and future, knows everything and cannot change anything, and therefore indulges in sadness without trying to redo anything - for example, his love relationship with Laurie. Paradox: John's superhuman abilities hide a rather weak character.

Silk Specter (Lori Jaspeczyk)

Laurie is younger than the others, she was born in 1949. Her character is as indecisive as Doctor Manhattan, and besides, the girl has problems with her parents. She coped well with her “superhero duties,” but was very happy when they were all retired. Laurie eventually broke up with John and fell in love with Dan Dreiberg.

Night Owl (Dan Dreiberg)

Born in 1945. Unlike other heroes, he relies more on technical devices, although he can wave his fists. All his mechanisms and gadgets are somehow related to the theme of the owl. In 1977, he obediently left heroism, which he regretted in 1985. It is to him, after the death of the Comedian, that Rorschach breaks in with the news that someone is killing the heroes. Dan helps a colleague investigate an anti-hero plot.

“World peace... Something will have to be sacrificed.”

Ozymandias (Adrian Veidt)

Born in 1939. A child prodigy, an idealist, an orphan and a wealthy heir. He gives the money to charity, and he himself embarks on a journey along the route of the campaigns of Alexander the Great, his childhood idol. Returning to America, under the name Ozymandias he becomes a superhero, fights organized crime and soon earns a reputation as the smartest man on the planet.

In 1975, he left the ranks of heroes, became a businessman and successfully built his own financial empire. From the standpoint of both personal qualities and plot role, Ozymandias is the complete opposite of Rorschach; by the end, their confrontation can be characterized by the slogan “there must be only one left alive.”

Alan Moore

Author of comics, documentaries and fiction. Born on November 18, 1953 in Northampton (England), where he still lives. The most significant works: “Watchmen”, “V for Vendetta”, “From Hell”, “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen”. He considers himself a vegetarian, an anarchist, a practicing magician, and worships the Roman snake-like deity Glycon.

Myths and legends of modern America

As popular wisdom says, a holy place is never empty: in human culture there is a place for a mythological superman, and it must be filled. Otherwise, it is difficult for us, the inhabitants of the Old World - the land where the ancient Greek hero Hercules, the British King Arthur and the Russian hero Ilya Muromets walked, to explain why the costumed buffoons in the costumes of all kinds of spiders and bats are so dear to Americans. One can snort and consider an entire nation, which reads “funny pictures” - comics, to be inadequate. Or you can show off your erudition and trace the genealogy of superheroes to the beast gods of the ancient pantheons, and the tradition of masks to the social types of the medieval “commedia dell’arte”. The truth, we must assume, as always, is somewhere in the middle. Closer to the apocalypse.

By the way, the word “superhero” is not used in the novel. The masked heroes call themselves "vigilants" - members of the "vigilance committee", an organization of vigilantes. We are talking about street justice, about lynching, and the word denoting the heroes does not have a romantic, but rather cruel connotation.

One thing is certain: comic book heroes are not people, but symbols, collective images, embodiments of ideas. In the graphic novel by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, symbolism generally plays a very important role, and the most important symbol is the clock. A variety of watches appear every now and then in the plot and flash in the frame. Actually, the name Watchmen is more accurately translated into Russian as “Sentries.” There are also translation options such as “Guardians”, “Observers” and even “Watchmen”. Alas, neither option is ideal. And the slogan “Who watches the Watchmen” is difficult to convey in Russian, especially if you try to preserve the play on words. "Who's on the watch above the sentries"? "Who guards the guardians"? The words seem to have the same root, but the shades of meaning are not the same. And the option “Who watches the watchers” is completely anecdotal. However, despite all the complexities and ambiguities, “Sentries” is still closer to the original.

The already mentioned Doomsday Clock (or Apocalypse Clock, Doomsday Clock) is taken from the Chicago Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, on the cover of which they first appeared in May 1947. For more than 60 years, the minute hand moved closer to 12 o'clock, then moved away, reflecting the degree of humanity's proximity to nuclear self-destruction. Now, by the way, they show three minutes to midnight.

The creators of the atomic bomb set out to warn humanity about how bad things were in the world. Midnight signifies disaster. The last time the needles were moved was in 2015. Two minutes closer to the apocalypse.

Alan Moore's heroes are trying to reverse the fatal arrow, bringing order to the world according to their own understanding. For example, when Rorschach undertook to investigate the abduction of a six-year-old girl and found her brutally murdered, he burned the criminal alive. He was convinced of impunity: “You have no evidence, you won’t do anything to me!” But Rorschach does not follow the law, but his own ideas about how to deal with murderers.

Doctor Manhattan once cleared the streets of demonstrators by teleporting them all home. The fact that two people had heart attacks is a side effect; but mass riots were prevented, in which many more people would have suffered. The US war in Vietnam was over in three months, also thanks to the intervention of the almighty blue-skinned John.

Who got so sick of superheroes that he started destroying them? We will not reveal the intrigue. But let’s say that a newcomer to the world of “Guardians” will find a lot of interesting things: the storming of the Sing Sing prison, philosophical conversations on Mars, a love scene on board the eagle-owl ship “Archimedes” hovering over the city, a showdown in the Antarctic fortress of Karnak... Plus - plot loops and whole atomic bombs in the finale, thanks to which there is something to think about when turning the last page.

All issues of the graphic novel, except the last one, contain a textual “appendage” - pseudo-documentary materials that paint the background of the narrative. These are chapters of non-existent books, magazine articles and newspaper notes, letters, reports and various kinds of texts “authored” by various characters in the world of the Guardians.

Road to Hollywood

Alan Moore hates Hollywood. He has not seen any of the film adaptations of his works (including “V for Vendetta,” “Constantine,” “From Hell,” “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen”) and considers “Watchmen” fundamentally unsuitable for film adaptation. He refused to mention his name in the credits of all films, as well as royalties - in favor of his co-authors. It seems that Moore's film "Watchmen" received a curse instead of a father's blessing - in any case, journalists drew this conclusion from communication with a writer who is seriously interested in occult disciplines and, among other projects, is working on a book about magic.

The Hollywood fate of the film is not easy. A film adaptation of it was planned back in the early 90s, the director was supposed to be Terry Gilliam, but after many rewrites the script was shelved. In 2004, Paramount Pictures took over the case, a new script was written, and Paul Greengrass was chosen as director, but the film was postponed again, and in 2006, Warner Bros. bought the rights. Now Darren Aronofsky was expected to be the director, and he agreed to work on the film, but considered the realities of the graphic novel outdated and was going to replace President Nixon with President Reagan, and references to the US war in Vietnam and the Cold War with allusions to the war in Iraq and the fight against terrorism.

Ultimately, the film adaptation was directed by Zack Snyder, who established himself with the film “300,” also based on a comic book. Snyder is a true fan of “Watchmen”; he constantly emphasizes his caring attitude towards the original, persuaded Dave Gibbons to cooperate and hopes that Alan Moore will someday watch the film version of “Watchmen” and recognize it as worthy.

By this time, Zack Snyder had already finished the film. It's not easy to work with an iconic source material, but Snyder is confident in himself. He fearlessly dropped the scene of a giant squid attacking New York from the ending, but retained the psychological multidimensionality of the characters. The first director's cut of the film lasted three hours. There are four final versions of the film, of different lengths, for viewing in cinemas and for release on DVD.

Following the release of the film, a disc with the animated comic book “Black Ship” and other additional materials appeared on sale. "Black Ship" is a comic straight from the Watchmen universe. In a world where superheroes are the norm, what can comic books be about? About pirates, of course! In addition, the Amphora publishing house has finally released Alan Moore's original graphic novel in Russian. And in 2015, HBO began negotiations with Zack Snyder to make a television version of Watchmen.

Are we watching?

Modern projects are distinguished by their scale. If the attack is on the consumer, then on all fronts and flanks, reinforced by artillery, with a landing in the rear. A film adaptation of a book, a novelization of a film, accompanying games on different platforms are the commercial embodiment of the philosophical idea of ​​hypertext in full size, as long as there are enough millions for the budget. Of course, "Watchmen" is no exception. To whet interest in the source material in anticipation of the film, an animated version of the comic book appeared. The next step was games.

The game Watchmen: The End is Nigh (“Watchmen: The End is Nigh”) is a prequel to the events of the graphic novel. Developed by Deadline Games and published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment, gaming platforms - PC, Xbox 360, PS 3, genre - third-person action. The game was released in episodes and distributed through the network. In the first episode, the events of which take place in 1972, Nite Owl and Rorschach restore order on the streets, cheerfully dealing with the villains who come to hand. There is no point in expecting philosophical depths from the game - the most it can do is prolong the immersion into the world of “Guardians”, if you are satisfied with this version of it.

Glu Mobile, meanwhile, developed the Watchmen game for mobile phones. Customers are also offered an assortment of T-shirts, flasks, mugs, refrigerator magnets, school lunch boxes... yes, it's too early for Alan Moore to use up his curse! The scale of commercial promotion applied to Watchmen smacks of dark irony. A parallel inevitably arises with the comic book character Adrian Veidt, who made money by replicating superhero figurines and invested them in a completely different kind of project.

Alan Moore never returned to the world and events that had become canonical, so there are no official sequels or prequels to Watchmen, which does not stop numerous fans from creating their own versions. Unfortunately, there are almost no interesting ones; For the most part, fan fiction touches on the topic of relationships between heroes - from the most innocent to the more than frivolous. Someone sews costumes of their favorite heroes. Someone decorates themselves with tattoos - in general, among fans of “Keepers” everything is the same as in any community associated with some kind of hobby.

Something else is more surprising. How did one graphic novel (even in 12 issues) not lose its army of fans in more than two decades? Why was the film's release accompanied by such a stir - was it really just because of the copyright scandal? What is so compelling about this story that makes it stand out from hundreds, thousands of other superhero comics? Everyone looks for the answer themselves: Alan Moore did not consider it necessary to provide us with his own solution. And that's why…

...The end is near, but nothing ends.

Errors in the film

  • At the very beginning of the film, the TV show host keeps his hands on the armrests of his chair for a long time. However, when the long shot changes to a close-up, he appears to be holding his hands near his chin.
  • According to the film and the source comic, the Comedian is an ordinary person, albeit well trained in martial arts. But at the same time, he manages to break a piece out of the concrete wall without any consequences for himself. However, in the film such details are found too often, which all fans of the source comic accused him of. In the book, any battle was, in principle, realistic - sometimes a couple of blows were enough to knock out the enemy. Here the heroes never get tired, jump over fences, and punch through walls with their fists.
  • By the way, the hole in the wall that the Comedian punches with his fist during the fight disappears somewhere in the next scene. Although we are shown the same place, just from a different angle.
  • During this fight, the killer throws the Comedian across the room. At one point in time, the Comedian flies across the room towards the kitchen counter. It can be seen that between this counter and the wall there is something covered with black cloth on top. And this something is moving. In the commentary track for the Blu-Ray release of the film, director Zack Snyder confirmed that it is he who sits under this fabric. By the way, in the next scene, there is nothing similar between the counter and the wall.
  • The comedian grabs a kitchen hatchet from the table and throws it at the killer. The blade of the hatchet is aimed at the killer. But he manages to intercept him in the air. True, now he holds it backwards - not as if it was flying in his direction, but as if the Comedian was throwing it with the blade towards himself. The killer did not make any additional movements with his hand and, therefore, simply could not turn him over. By the way, later he sticks this hatchet into the concrete floor. Which is also quite strange behavior for kitchen utensils.
  • The killer, having captured the Comedian, breaks his right hand. However, later in the fight scene, the Comedian leans on her without any emotion, as if nothing is wrong with her. Although, what can you ask from a person who knocks out pieces of concrete with it.
  • If you look closely at the scene when a drop of blood falls on the icon, you will notice that this drop was made using a computer special effect. Firstly, it drips somewhere from the middle of the wound, and not from the edge, as a normal drop should. Secondly, it appears out of nowhere, and thirdly, it appears immediately in a regular round shape, without any intermediate forms.
  • After the Comedian is thrown out the window, the badge that is attached to his robe for some reason immediately comes off. At the same time, it not only comes unhooked, but for some reason hangs somewhere in the air, outside the camera. How else can we explain the fact that he falls to the ground much later than the Comedian’s body and glass fragments (although, according to the laws of physics, they should have fallen at least simultaneously).
  • During the flight, you can notice that halfway to the ground, the body of Edward Blake (the real name of the Comedian) turns over to face the ground. This is done to be consistent with the source comic, where he also falls on his face. However, he lies face up on the concrete. He simply would not have had time to turn over in the air one more time to fall into such a position.
  • Another problem with the Comedian's flight. We are shown how blood slowly flows out of his body on the concrete, but at the same time, the glass and the badge still have not landed. How long has it been since he fell, since such a large pool of blood has already leaked out?
  • During the credits, we are shown a meeting of a group of masked vigilantes called the Minutemen. It can be seen that Night Owl I is standing under a poster with the name of the group and at the same time, his head completely covers the number 1940. After that, they are all photographed. This photograph will be shown several times in the film. And in all these photos, the position of this poster will be completely different. The poster will hang quite far from the Night Owl's head. So much so that there is about a meter of distance between his head and the poster.
  • The plane that dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima was called the Enola Gay in our reality, after the pilot's mother. In the film, it is called "Miss Jupiter" - in honor of one of the members of the Minutemen group. But in ours and in the alternative reality of the film, this is the same plane - its tail number is 82. But for some reason their crew commanders are different. In our reality, it was Colonel Paul Tibbetts. In an alternative version, Peter Aperlo is one of the authors of the film's script. It is clear that this was done deliberately to perpetuate his name once again.
  • During the scene with the assassination of President Kennedy, we are shown a police escort on Harley Davidson motorcycles. But the police are driving modern models of this brand, produced after 1994. In 1963, the Harley-Davidson FLH Police models had only spoked wheels, a single front disc brake, and the rear shock absorbers were moved forward, rather than hidden behind the saddle containers, as we see in the film.
  • In the famous “Zapruder footage” of the Kennedy assassination, on which one of the opening scenes of the film is based, this very assassination occurs at the moment when the motorcade passes a road sign. And it is this index that hides the moment of the murder, causing ongoing debate about the murder among several generations of researchers. But even with all the detail of this scene by Zack Snyder, the road sign appears in the frame only at the very end of the road, and not at all near the place where the president was killed.
  • In this scene, Zack Snyder tried to use the famous "killer on the hill" theory by casting the Comedian as the real killer. However, this looks quite strange, since the construction of the scene makes it look as if the Comedian is shooting at the President, being in a completely open area, almost in front of the secret service and the police.
  • During the credits, there is a scene of a peaceful hippie demonstration being shot. Even allowing for the possibility of such an outcome (which is very, very unlikely), there is a small error in this scene. And it is hidden in the abuse of computer graphics. At the moment when the girl inserts the flower into the barrel of the rifle, you can notice that the flower loses its stem for a second. The flower itself remains suspended in the air, not connected to the trunk in any way, only to scatter a moment later when shot.
  • In the scene of the quarrel between the parents of Silk Specter II, you can see a snow globe on the TV - one of the symbols of the original comic. “Snowflakes” still fly in it. However, the parents argue in the room, the girl - the future "Silk Specter II" comes out of her room. Who then shook this ball so that snowflakes swirled in it?
  • The opening credits feature a scene in which Fidel Castro and an unidentified leader of the Soviet Union (possibly Leonid Brezhnev) host a parade on Red Square. As befits all those who host such parades, they stand on top of the Mausoleum and look at the GUM building (which, by the way, doesn’t look much like the real thing). However, in this case, it turns out that the technology is moving in the wrong direction. Here it moves from right to left. But all parades on Red Square always go from the Kazan Cathedral and Nikolskaya Street towards St. Basil's Cathedral and Vasilyevsky Spusk - from left to right.
  • One of the protesters throws a bottle of Molotov cocktail into a store window. However, for some reason the explosion from it resembles the explosion of an entire barrel of fuel. At the same time, in some scenes throughout the film we were shown the correct behavior of these bottles - they break and ignite the flammable mixture, rather than explode. Yes, if anything, TVs can’t explode like that either.
  • In the scene when we are shown the position of the Comedian's corpse on the pavement, he is clearly lying incorrectly. Firstly, with the acceleration with which he flew out of the window of his own room, he clearly had to fly further than a couple of meters from the wall and fall somewhere on the roadway. Secondly, for some reason he is not lying directly under the window, although in the scene with the throwing out he clearly flew out directly perpendicular to the wall. And finally - the bloody stain from his fall is too large for an ordinary person - more like a stain from a crashed elephant.
  • One of the detectives, at the crime scene, is holding a photograph of the Comedian with President Nixon. Later, when Rorschach studies the situation in the same room, this photograph is marked as evidence. That is, detectives not only touched the evidence, but also moved it at the crime scene, and then included it in the report. And this is clearly a violation of all search rules.
  • When the camera pans away from the crime scene in the Comedian's suite, a reflection of the Chrysler Center building can be seen in the front glass. However, when this camera zooms out to its maximum distance, we are never shown the building, although it flies far enough away that the Chrysler Center itself comes into view. That is, the reflection does not match the scene shown next.
  • Although the events of the film take place over several weeks, the Moon in the sky always remains in the same phase - full moon. It is this phase that is visible throughout the entire film - we are never shown any others.
  • During the Comedian's fight with the killer, he throws a knife. The knife sticks into the poster of the Silk Specter, breaking the glass. Later, in the scene when Rorschach is examining the room, we are shown this same knife sticking out of their paintings. But now it is located completely differently than we were shown before. For example, you can see that the crack from it runs right across the face of the Silk Ghost. Apparently different props were used for these scenes.
  • If you look closely at the newspapers that are shown throughout the film, you will notice that all the “non-plot” articles in them are just repeated words or paragraphs. For example, in the scene with the conversation between two Night Owls, at the beginning of the film, this can be determined by a similar “pattern” of the text and repeated letters at the beginning of paragraphs. On the one hand, this can be attributed to a mistake when creating the film, on the other hand, as an “Easter egg” for comic book connoisseurs. This is how most comics depicted newspapers and magazines.
  • During the conversation, Hollis Mason (the first Nite Owl) remembers all his fellow Minutemen. However, he lists almost everyone, except, for some reason, Silhouette. Although he had to remember about her, because she was quite a memorable girl, as we were shown in the opening credits, and a rather scandalous story was connected with her departure. Why did he forget about her?
  • When Dan enters his apartment and goes into the kitchen, in the scene of communication with Rorschach, you can notice that Night Owl's glasses are wet, covered with drops of water. This makes sense, since he was returning in the rain. But the strange thing is that at the same time, his hair and face are completely dry.
  • In the kitchen scene, Rorschach eats beans straight from the can. Before this, he had already eaten one, and having finished the second, he puts it next to the first. Literally a couple of centimeters away. However, in the next frame, which is already in the general plan, it is clear that these two cans are standing quite far from each other on the table. Obviously further than they stood before.
  • It’s quite strange that Night Owl makes his secret hideout on an abandoned metro line. Considering the situation that is happening on the streets, tramps, criminals and other individuals should be visiting him every day. In the comics, it was simply a shelter with a secret exit in one of the many nearby warehouses, with a special opening roof.
  • After talking with Dan, Rorschach leaves along a closed subway line. You can see that before descending onto the tracks, he puts his hands in the pockets of his coat. However, when the shot changes, we are shown that he is already on the tracks, he again puts his hands in his pockets.
  • When Adrian Veidt aka Ozymandias is interviewed in his office, the reporter says that he is the second of the Guardians to reveal his identity, referring to Hollis Mason, who even wrote a book about his adventures. However, firstly, the group of masked vigilantes that the main characters were part of was never called "The Guardians". This was the name of the comic book on which the film was based. The group was simply called the Crime Stoppers. Secondly, none of this group ever revealed their identity. The only masked hero to reveal his identity to the public was Hollis Mason. But he was not a member of the Guardians. He was a member of the Minutemen, the predecessor of the group that Ozymandias was in. By the way, it would be a stretch to include Sally Jupiter among the heroes who revealed their identity, who, although she hid her real last name (Yuspeshyk), did this only so that no one would know that she was from Poland. But her phone number and address were in the address book.
  • During the interview, the light shines on Dan's face in such a way that you can see that his glasses are just for appearance and not to correct his vision. From the glare in them, it becomes clear that these are glasses without diopters, just with flat lenses.
  • It’s quite strange to hear Adrian Veidt, who is called “the smartest man in the world,” talk about the Cold War. In his opinion, it all comes down to the energy problem, which is an overly simplified and very crude vision of the problem.
  • Rorschach's infiltration of a military base also looks very naive and stupid. He makes a hole in the fence a few meters from the entrance, then jumps on the roofs, hoping that no one will hear him, and breaks a window literally ten meters from the departing patrol.
  • After he breaks into the military complex, Rorschach begins to remember and list all the masked avengers and their fate. He mentions Nite Owl, the first Silk Specter, Dollar Bill, Silhouette, the Mothman, and Adrian Veidt (Ozymandias). But for some reason he forgets to talk about Captain Metropolis and Justice in the Hood. However, this also happens in the source comic. As well as the review about the first Silk Specter. In both cases, Rorschach speaks extremely negatively about her faded beauty. But while in the comics you can still somehow believe this, in the film this heroine is quite fit and youthful, and therefore his review seems completely off topic.
  • When the Comedian's coffin is carried out of the car, you can see that the stars on the US flag covering the coffin are at the back. But when the coffin is brought to the grave, the stars are already on the front of the coffin. That is, in the process of carrying it, it was turned somewhere one hundred and eighty degrees and continued to move, which is hardly a normal occurrence at a funeral.
  • Silk Specter remembers one of the Minutemen's meetings. When everyone leaves, she goes to her room to change clothes. In the process of changing clothes, the black glove that is on her hand disappears somewhere. She raises her hands to unbutton her collar - the glove is still on her, but when the shot switches to another shot, the glove is already gone.
  • We are shown how Dr. Manhattan destroys entire squads of Vietnamese soldiers with the help of his superpower. Quite strange, why then is he accompanied by a team of flamethrowers and ordinary shooters, if he is so omnipotent? After all, this can be dangerous for “cover groups.” And it’s not at all clear who the Comedian is shooting from a helicopter with a pistol. However, considering that it is absolutely impossible to hit someone with a pistol from a helicopter, we can assume that he is simply wasting bullets for his own pleasure.
  • At a bar, the Comedian shoots his pregnant girlfriend, killing her on the spot. As she falls to the floor, the camera briefly shows her corpse and Doctor Manhattan standing over it. At this moment, you can notice that the bottom of the corpse’s shirt has ridden up and under it you can see a special wide belt that secures her fake belly to depict pregnancy.
  • When the coffin with the Comedian is brought to the grave and shown from above, it becomes obvious that in fact, the grave is much shorter than the coffin. Which, however, does not prevent the next scene from showing us how the coffin is lowered into the grave.
  • During the first meeting of the Crime Fighters, we are shown how the Comedian, during his speech, raises a cigar to his mouth, but when the frame changes, from a different angle, you can see that his hands are already at his sides.
  • Moloch opens the refrigerator. The clock on the wall behind him shows that it is now twenty minutes past nine (20:20). But literally a minute later, when Rorschach appears to Moloch, the hands of the clock on the wall have already moved back and show fifteen minutes past nine (20:15).
  • During the interrogation, Rorschach breaks Moloch's index finger. However, later, when he talks about visiting the Comedian, the broken finger does not at all prevent him from buttoning his shirt normally, as if nothing had happened.
  • On the table next to Moloch's bed, when he remembers the appearance of the Comedian, you can see the book Howl by Allen Ginsberg. Initially, it lies so that the letters of the title are at an angle to the bed. Then, the book spontaneously turns with its title towards the bed, then lies again as it was originally.
  • The Comedian tells Moloch about the list, but in the film they never reveal the secret to us - how the Comedian knows about the list, why he saw it and why he doesn’t tell other masked avengers about it, but only Moloch. In the comic they talk about this, and the Comedian tells how he accidentally flew over the secret island of Ozymandias while returning from a mission. By the way, another blunder concerns the Comedian's phrase about a “stupid joke” - in the comic, this made sense, based on how exactly Ozymandias wanted to unite the countries. In the film, he chose a different path, and therefore the Comedian's surprise is a little unclear.
  • Up to this point, we have been shown that Rorschach is quite an athletic person. Thus, during the invasion of a military base, he makes fairly high jumps and generally displays commendable activity. But at the same time, in order to enter the cemetery, for some reason he fiddles with master keys, although for him, with such a physical form, it was much easier and faster to climb over the fence. This really happened in the original comic, but there Rorschach was an ordinary person, and it was easier for him to pick the lock than to climb over a high fence.
  • When the Comedian flies out of the window of his room, it is clear that the moon is not high above the horizon. But when he flies down a few moments later, the Moon is already visible between the houses on both sides of the street. That is, now it is clearly at its zenith. Naturally, this cannot happen at the same time.
  • The scene where Dan comes out to meet Laurie was apparently filmed on a different soundstage than the scene where Rorschach visited. In that scene, the hallway where Dan entered from the street was clearly wider than during Laurie's visit.
  • During Laurie and Dan's meeting, it can be seen that after she enters the house, a small wart appears on her cheek that was not there before. After some time in subsequent scenes, she disappears again. However, such behavior is quite typical for her. Throughout the film she appears and disappears.
  • When Doctor Manhattan changes into formal wear for a press conference, you notice a glitch in the CGI. Through the collar of his shirt, a blue glow can be seen emanating from his neck, although logically it should not be visible.
  • Another point that also comes from comics. When Manhattan is accused of causing cancer by dating him, Moloch is cited as an example of the victim. They say that he managed to get this disease from exposure to radiation during frequent clashes with this superhero. Which is quite strange, because in the film we were already shown how the meeting with Manhattan ends. And judging by the fact that Moloch has this disease in a terminal stage, like Manhattan’s ex-girlfriend, we can assume that the criminal met with him very often.
  • As further evidence that dating Manhattan causes cancer, the TV host calls in his ex-girlfriend Jenny. She appears in the television studio and at the moment of her appearance we are simultaneously shown the monitor of the television camera that is filming her. And you can notice that at some moments, on this monitor she makes completely different movements than in “reality”. That is, the audience is simply shown an existing recording of a previously filmed take.
  • When Jonathan Osterman enters the chamber, the timer near the door shows that there are only ten seconds left before the experiment begins. The doors close, the scientists come running to the closed door, they communicate with John for about thirty seconds. Then we are shown the timer again, and on it the number nine changes to the number eight. That is, according to the timer, only about two seconds have passed since the door was closed. I wonder how they managed to say so much to each other during this time?
  • Another point that puzzled many viewers. The scene of Jonathan's transformation into Doctor Manhattan, which we were shown in the film, leaves too many questions unanswered. For example, why did he forget the clock in this cell, how the door began to close on its own, why there were no warnings or emergency cancellations. In fact, most of these “mistakes” come from the comics. But they at least explained to us that he promised to repair the watch to his friend Jenny and simply forgot it in his lab coat. The door closed as a result of the start of the program. But the issue of safety in a scientific laboratory remained unsolved. Therefore, it is still unclear why there is no way to get out of the cell, and why no one drives random visitors away from the closing doors.
  • The laboratory incident occurs in 1959. And the door closing mechanism uses a gas-discharge indicator, quite authentic for that time. For one detail. If you look closely, you will notice that the number 5 in this indicator is an inverted number 2. This is a feature of the IN-14 gas-discharge indicator. And this type of indicators was created only in the USSR. Therefore, it is unlikely that he could have appeared at an American secret base at the height of the Cold War.
  • Another mistake in the film that came from a comic book. When journalists at a press conference learn that being close to Doctor Manhattan can cause cancer, for some reason they all rush to interview him and ask questions. Although, as a reasonable behavior, on the contrary, try to stay away from a creature whose radiation can cause a fatal disease.
  • Dr. Manhattan reveals that the circulatory system is emerging within the base. But if you look closely, you can see that for some reason this “circulatory system” does not have lungs or a heart. But the brain and spine are clearly visible. That is, they show us the human nervous system, not the circulatory system. However, this error also comes from the source comic.
  • Another question, both for the film and the comic, is why the US government did not create an entire army of such superhumans. After all, the technique is known. Why didn't the Soviet Union start developing a similar program to create similar creatures? In the comic, we were told that Doctor Manhattan was able to appear only because Jonathan Osterman, during the collapse, began to purposefully assemble himself, just as he had collected watches before. That is, it's all about his personality. But all the same, with a sufficiently large number of volunteers, at least one more person would probably have such determination.
  • We are shown how Doctor Manhattan, after stopping the war in Vietnam, begins to fight ordinary bandits. And this looks like a clear demotion. In the comics, this sequence seemed more logical. There we were told that Manhattan was engaged in the destruction of bandits during the reign of Kennedy, and he did not ask him to interfere in foreign policy, preferring to solve internal problems. But after Kennedy was assassinated and Nixon came to the presidency, he immediately invited him to take up the war in Vietnam. That is, according to the comic, on the contrary, he was “promoted.”
  • In many scenes with Doctor Manhattan, you can notice that his glow comes from sources behind the camera, and not from his body. This can be understood by the shadows that are sometimes cast by parts of his body (for example, his nose). With careful study, you can find quite a lot of similar moments. It’s just that when creating the effects, a rather complex system was used, with a special motion-capture suit that emitted light, subsequent processing with computer graphics and even additional light sources. But it was not always possible to mix them all in a consistent manner.
  • When the hitman emerges from the elevator in Ozymandias' office, he throws a box on the floor. She falls to the floor of the elevator in exactly the position she is supposed to, and then continues to lie in the correct position for almost the entire scene. Except when Ozymandias starts beating up his attacker. After this, for some reason the box lies perpendicular to the entrance to the elevator. Despite the fact that no one touched her, and the killer had already left the elevator and could not hurt her in any way.
  • Laurie and Dan are sitting inside the cafe, near the round window. In this window you can see part of the street and people at the bus stop. And these people appear and disappear with every change of plan. A girl sometimes finds herself sitting on a bench, sometimes standing next to her, a man wandering along the sidewalk appears near the bench, and then disappears somewhere.
  • Laurie's hairstyle changes when she leaves the cafe doors. At first, her hair is on her left shoulder. But literally in the next frame, without any action, the hair on the shoulder is already on the back. Although she didn’t touch them, didn’t turn her head, and there was no wind outside either.
  • Laurie, after leaving the cafe, puts on Ray Ban Wayfarer glasses with the Ray Ban brand name on the lens and on the temple of the glasses. But a similar logo appeared only on the next model of these glasses - “Wayfarer 2”. But on the first model there were no such inscriptions at all.
  • When Rorschach is chasing Dan and Laurie and comments on this, he says that they didn't recognize him without his mask. But Rorschach, throughout the entire film and comic book, never called his famous mask a “mask.” He considered her his true face and therefore called her accordingly.
  • After we are first shown a cigarette in the hands of Moloch, we can see that it has almost completely burned down to the filter. But when we are shown it from a different angle, after some time, it turns out that the cigarette is only half burned.
  • Rorschach is deceived by the position of Moloch's body. Even though he has been dead for some time, he continues to sit upright. But in fact, in a dead person, all the muscles are relaxed, which means that no corpse can sit upright, much less hold up its head, without some kind of outside help.
  • When Moloch's head is thrown back, you can see that his mouth is open at first, but literally in the next frame, when the angle changes, his mouth is already open. He simply did not have time for such an action - the frames change too quickly. In addition, during slow playback, you can notice that at this moment the corpse is blinking.
  • It’s amazing how the police found out that Rorschach would be at Moloch’s at that very moment, they were able to bring in special forces there, and the main thing is to keep their heads down until Rorschach discovers the body. Yes, we can say that all this was done by the one who wanted to frame Rorschach, he killed Moloch and warned the police. But then how did he know exactly when Rorschach would come to arrange everything like this? In the comic, however, a logical answer was given - the one who wanted to frame Rorschach, on behalf of Moloch, invited him to a meeting, setting a time, after which he told the police where and when Rorschach would be. And this explains everything completely.
  • We are shown how one of the special forces soldiers is about to break down the door with a sledgehammer. At the same time, he strikes from top to bottom, although the blow should go from the side, straight into the lock. And in all subsequent scenes it is clear that the trajectory of the blow is in such a way that, judging by it, he was going to simply knock off the handle of the door, instead of striking the lock and knocking it out.
  • When Rorschach jumps out onto the platform, where the police are already waiting for him, he begins to pour fire on them. In this scene, you can see one of the special forces soldiers who is simply standing on the steps to the right of the door, and is not going to do anything to somehow help his partners. He remains inactive until Rorschach turns a makeshift flamethrower on him.
  • A particularly dangerous bandit, accused of multiple murders, a masked vigilante famous for his cruelty, who has just destroyed a capture group, possibly armed, suddenly jumps out into the street in front of a group of police officers. What should the police have done? At a minimum, try to wound him, or even shoot him while “attempting to escape.” But for some reason, instead, they simply attack him with clubs, receiving a violent rebuff, and literally filling him with meat.
  • The news says that Walter Kovacs, who was hiding behind the Rorschach mask, is thirty-five years old. It's 1985. That is, this hero was born in 1950. However, at the beginning of the film we were shown a scene in which Kovacs, as a child, stands in the corridor, and next to his mother’s client is reading a newspaper with the headline - “The Russians have a bomb.” The first atomic bomb test that the United States learned about was carried out in the USSR in 1949. That is, at that moment Walter was already nine years old. So his correct age is around forty. However, he looks that age.
  • When the psychologist talks to Kovacs before administering the Rorschach test, you will notice that there is a bottle of pills on the table next to Walter. At first, this bottle is labeled directly to Walter. But when the camera plan changes, it turns out that this bottle has turned. Now she stands with the label facing the camera and her side facing Walter. We were not shown that anyone had touched this bottle.
  • During the Rorschach test, the psychologist shows Walter a paper with stains on it. After each card there is another flashback of Walter and his answer to the psychologist’s question. However, during the third and last test, you can notice that the card that the psychologist showed before the flashback and the card that Kovacs holds in his hands after the flashback are different.
  • The number of freckles on little Walter's face changes throughout the memories. There are more and less of them, and their number changes quite radically.
  • Rorschach breaks into the rapist's house, kicking down the door. At this moment, you can see how the door bounces slightly off the wall several times. It appears that there are springs holding it in this position to prevent the door from springing back and hitting the actor in the face after he kicks it.
  • The killer who is being tortured by Rorschach somehow convinces the audience and Rorschach that he cannot prove anything to the police. A rather strange approach, considering that the victim’s blood is on the table in his apartment, her leg is lying in the yard, and this girl’s meat is in the stomachs of the dogs. Why can't this be considered evidence?
  • During lunch in the cafeteria, Rorschach grabs a grid of hot oil and throws it over the offender. But there are large enough holes in this mesh through which all this oil should simply pour out back. Or at least there couldn’t have been as much of it as we were shown in the film. There should clearly be less of it.
  • At the moment when Rorschach knocks over the container of oil on the bandit, he is kneeling facing him. The next scene shows that he has already turned sideways towards him, and then again finds himself facing Rorschach. By the way, at this moment you can also see how the position of his hands changes. First, he covers his burned face with his hands. When the plan changes, his hands are already at a fairly large distance from his face. The time that passed between these plans, judging by the sounds, is not enough for him to be able to move his hands at this distance.
  • When Rorschach first visits Nite Owl's secret hideout, he can be seen running his finger across the table, which is covered in a thick layer of dust. Lori, being in the same shelter, also sees this layer of dust. However, when she removes the cover from Dan's ship, the Archimedes, no dust rises into the air. Although with the layer that was shown to us before, there should be a whole cloud there.
  • Dan shows Laurie his high-tech gadgets. She puts on her night vision goggles and Dan turns off the lights. And at this point you can notice several inconsistencies. Firstly, at the bottom of the glasses you can see the inscription IR, which can be deciphered “Infra Red” - infrared mode. But this mode looks completely different - it is, by and large, a thermal imager and should show multi-colored frames. In the film, we are shown something reminiscent of night vision. Secondly, you can notice that at the moment when Laurie examines Dan, an extraneous light source is reflected in his pupils, and his pupils are clearly not as dilated as they should be in the dark. So Dan is actually in the light.
  • Dan dresses in his suit, which he keeps in a secret hideout. But then Laurie came out, in the form of the Silk Specter. I wonder where she got it from? Did you go home, or did Dan have an extra costume from another superhero?
  • Why does the roof of a building that is supposedly on fire look as if someone spilled gasoline on its roof and simply set the resulting puddles on fire?
  • To secure the roof, Night Owl makes a strange decision. He starts firing a heavy machine gun in the middle of a populated area to knock over a water tank. Couldn't he understand that bullets that didn't hit the base of this tank could hit other houses? And maybe it would be easier to just push this tank with Archimedes?
  • A fairly large amount of water is poured onto the roof. So big that it even overflows the edge. However, when the Silk Specter is about to land on the roof, that roof looks completely dry. Where did all the water go that just poured out for just a few seconds in a row?
  • Laurie commits a spectacular but completely illogical act. She jumps onto the roof, flying through the ceilings. But she didn’t know at all what could await her below; what if there was already a raging fire there?
  • It is not clear who prevented us from immediately starting to transport residents from a burning house to a safe ship, instead of watering the roof, jumping into the fire and breaking the roof?
  • After a successful rescue, we are shown a love scene inside the ship. At this moment, the Moon can be seen from the ship's window. But this Moon looks too big. It should be much smaller. True, it wouldn't be so romantic.
  • We are shown that people on the streets see a fiery flash in thick clouds that have covered the entire sky. But at the same time, when they show us the ship, it hangs in the middle of the clear sky, and from this point you can see what is happening on the streets.
  • Although Big Shot, a local authority, says that there are a whole bunch of prisoners in prison who would like to settle their scores with Rorschach, for some reason only the three of them came to the cell. Where is everyone else? Why aren't they shown? True, this was answered in the comic. The Big Shot's subordinates simply held back everyone who wanted to take revenge on Rorschach while the leader talked to him. He just wanted personal revenge for not letting everyone else near his cell.
  • As in the comic, Rorschach ties the hands of one of the thugs who came to his cell hoping for revenge. But in the film, he first breaks the bandit's thumbs. And now this looks completely implausible. After all, the first reaction to pain in any person is to remove the limbs from the source of pain. That is, the bandit, after his fingers are broken, must first get his hands out of the cell. But instead, he somehow continues to remain in the same position, allowing Rorschach to tie his hands.
  • I wonder where the bandits in prison found a metal saw and a power source? Why do they even need a metal saw in prison? And is it really possible to find sockets at every step there? By the way, in the comic the thugs had a welding machine with a generator - a slightly more logical thing in prison.
  • After the toilet is smashed with the head of one of the bandits, something continues to pour out of it. At first you might think it is water from a bowl, but then you can see a trickle pouring out of it. But there is no tap inside the toilet. This can only be in the tank, and not in the bowl itself. But there is enough water to fill half the chamber.
  • When Nite Owl and Silk Specter are dropped off at the prison, the first bandit who runs at them is an Asian man with long hair. The silk ghost immediately knocks him to the ground with a kick. Where he remains until the end of the battle. But somewhere in the middle of this protracted battle, the same Asian with long hair appears again in the battle, only to be beaten by Nite Owl this time. It's not the same character because he's running from the opposite direction. Of course, one can assume that two twin brothers are being held in prison, but this is unlikely.
  • During the landing on the roof, the Silk Specter can be seen wearing high-heeled boots. But during the battle, they are suddenly replaced by regular flat boots. I suspect that this was done so that the actress would not break her legs during filming.
  • Another convention of the film. When Rorschach goes into the toilet with the dwarf and then comes out, after a while, a whole puddle of blood flows out. I wonder how much blood there must be in this dwarf for the puddle to fill the entire room (and in the film it was clearly visible how Rorschach drives the bandit into the very corner) and flow beyond its boundaries?
  • Rorschach and Nite Owl go to the Pyramid company office. Their ship "Archimedes" can be seen hanging near the wall of the building. The glass is not broken - this can be seen from inside the office. But we were never answered the question - how then did the heroes get inside the office from their ship?
  • When Nite Owl turns on the computer that says "Veidt Enterprises", a boot window appears with "Veidt Enterprises" written on it, and then a password window appears with "Veidt Enterprises" in the title. Why is Nite Owl so surprised that it turns out that the Pyramid company belongs to the Veidt Enterprises holding company, after he guessed the password and read it in the document?
  • Finding a password using brute force is a strange activity. Moreover, Night Owl introduces the word Pharaohs as Pharaohs. But why didn’t he then try to introduce another spelling of this word - Pharaons.
  • For some reason, Ozymandias' secret base in Antarctica stands on the edge of a huge glacier. Quite a strange location for such a serious object. After all, firstly, this glacier may begin to melt from the heat generated. And secondly, glaciers generally tend to break up at unexpected times.
  • Adrian Veidt raises glasses of champagne with his scientists, drinks and makes a toast. When they show us the scientists, it turns out that they are all already dead - poisoned. But it is strange that they all fell so silently that even the fall of the bodies could not be heard. Apparently, so as not to interrupt Ozymandias' speech.
  • When Veidt, along with his genetically modified lynx Bubastis, walks past the corpses of scientists, you can see that only Ozymandias himself is reflected on the mirrored energy panels in the corridor. But they apparently decided not to add the reflection of his computer-generated trot at the post-production stage.
  • The scene between Laurie and Doctor Manhattan takes place on the surface of Mars. Among other things, the audience is shown two natural satellites of this planet - Phobos and Deimos. However, these two moons are actually much smaller than they appear in the film. Phobos is actually about a quarter the size of our moon, and Deimos is twenty times smaller than Earth's moon. In addition, the satellites themselves are completely irregular in shape (in the film they are shown as almost regular spheres), and they are practically impossible to see from the surface of the planet.
  • By the way, we were never shown how Rorschach and Nite Owl learned the coordinates of this base, somewhere at the end of the world. Were they flying at random? After all, they were unlikely to be able to find something like that in the computer of a shell corporation.
  • The film takes place in an alternate universe where the United States won the Vietnam War. However, on one of the monitors in Veidt's office, clips of the film "Rambo 2" can be seen. But the film revolves around America continuing its fight for prisoners of the Vietnam War. Something that simply could not happen in this world. However, this can be seen as a film that was created as alternative fiction.
  • When Rorschach and Nite Owl infiltrate Ozymandias' base in Antarctica, take note of the entrance they enter through. It can be seen that several different pipes go into the wall in which the door is located. That is, it is implied that these pipes pass through this wall and continue somewhere outside the base. However, the door opens sideways, that is, when opened, it should simply block these pipes. Which is pretty stupid and weird.
  • In the process of discussing plans, Ozymandias reveals that it was he who killed the Comedian. But before that, at the very beginning of the film, a completely different person was shown as the killer - this could be seen in scenes when the killer's face was slightly illuminated.
  • After the battle between Ozymandias, Rorschach, and Nite Owl, Rorschach helps Nite Owl up while Ozymandias climbs the steps. At this moment, Rorschach's hands are free. However, when the shot changes to show Rorschach over Veidt's shoulder, it can be seen that his hands are now in the pockets of his coat.
  • Veidt goes on to explain how he killed the hitman he hired. At this moment, Rorschach decides to launch a surprise attack. He attacks Ozymandias from behind, but he manages to parry the blow without even turning to face him. However, in the next frame, Veidt already finds himself facing Rorschach and, accordingly, in a completely different position.
  • In the story about how he poisoned his own mercenary, we are again shown events that did not happen. At the moment when he was fighting off the bandit, we were constantly shown his hands and he simply shoved his hand into his mouth. In his story, he explains that he put a pill in his mouth.
  • The epicenter of the explosion in New York is in Times Square?? But the picture that is shown to us on Ozymandias's computer is a random collection of some buildings, and various recognizable buildings from the lower Manhattan area.
  • It’s a little strange that Doctor Manhattan, having the ability to create copies of himself, personally went to look for Ozymandias in the base and climbed into the generator. It’s even stranger that, having realized where he was, he didn’t teleport from there, because judging by the film, it literally takes him a split second to do this. But instead, he simply stood inside the generator, watching as the discharges enveloped him. Perhaps he knew it wouldn't hurt him at all. Then why was Ozymandias sure that this could somehow harm Doctor Manhattan? Could it be that, with all his intelligence, he could not figure out how repeated exposure to this field could affect him?
  • When Ozymandias catches a bullet from the Silk Specter, he turns clockwise so that he can only catch the bullet with his left hand. But when he gets up, it turns out that the bullet is half stuck in his right hand. By the way, why did he fall down the stairs if the bullet did not cause him any harm?
  • After Adrian drops the caught bullet, when it hits the floor, it makes a completely different sound than it should. A bullet is a piece of lead and should make a dull sound when it falls. And that ringing and familiar sound is produced by an empty cartridge case, which is usually made of non-ferrous metals.
  • When Ozymandias turns on all his monitors, he, according to the cliché beloved by all film makers, ends up right at the beginning of President Nixon's live broadcast. And even more strange is that although all the TV channels are international and located in different countries, their timings are literally perfect. The picture comes without any delays that are required for the signal to pass through satellites. And if you take into account that the signal needs to pass twice through satellites - first live broadcast on television, and then to Ozymandias' receiver - then all these Nixons should definitely speak at odds.
  • It is a little unclear how world leaders were able to unite so quickly after such a sudden “terrorist attack.” Not even an hour had passed since several major cities were destroyed. Even in more peaceful times, not at the height of the Cold War, this would have taken longer. First, it was necessary to at least figure out what happened, how to react to it, wake up all the leaders, contact the leaders of other countries, find out what is happening in their countries, and so on. Moreover, when we were shown all these explosions, it was clear that the last explosion was carried out in New York. That is, the USSR, knowing that Doctor Manhattan was an American, and not seeing that America had suffered in any way, would first of all launch a retaliatory nuclear strike on the United States. So, Ozymandias, instead of forcing all countries to unite against an external threat, would simply start World War III.
  • There are some close-ups of Nite Owl's face, showing reflections in his glasses. Especially when he's talking to Doctor Manhattan. And at these moments you can notice something interesting. In fact, to simulate the glow of this character, in many scenes it was simply replaced with blue lamps. These lamps are reflected in the glasses of the Night Owl costume. At other moments, you can see the motion-capture suit glowing with blue lights, in which the actor who played Doctor Manhattan, Billy Crudup, was filmed.
  • In this article you will learn:

    Laurel Jane Juspeczyk– a hero in a “Silk Specter 2” costume. Character from comic books and the 2009 film “Watchmen.” In the film, she was played by actress Malin Akerman.


    Laurie was born in 1949.

    She grew up constantly seeing conflicts between her parents. Stepfather Lawrence Schexnayder constantly snapped at Laurie during quarrels with her mother Sally Jupiter. Sally hid the truth about her birth and the name of her real father from her daughter. She did not allow the girl to read Hollis Mason's (Nite Owl) book, Under the Hood, which depicted an incident between her mother and him when he beat and attempted to rape her.

    Laurie and Manhattan in comics

    Path of the Guardian:

    Laurie was in the shadow of her mother for a long time, and during one of the “Crime Fighters” meetings she met the Comedian, her true father. He complimented her on how much she looked like her mother. Sally was angry at the conversation between the lousy father and his daughter.

    Laurel soon adopted her mother's pseudonym and began wearing a similar costume.

    After the first meeting of the Crime Fighters, Yuspeshik became interested in Doctor Manhattan, and this interest turned out to be mutual. They started a relationship. The heroine began working with Manhattan.

    In 1977, a law prohibiting the activities of costumed heroes came into force. Laurie was somewhat glad of this. She “retired” and stayed with the Doctor.

    New life:

    Over the years, the relationship between Doctor Manhattan and Laurie became increasingly cool. Humanity ceased to interest him, he became more and more alienated and indifferent. In the end, Laurel left her lover.

    The only person she could go to was Dan Dryburgh (Night Owl 2), a fellow costumed hero who retired after the law was passed.

    When the Comedian died, he took over the investigation of his death. He warned that someone was hunting for the suits.

    Conspiracy against heroes:

    Soon, Doctor Manhattan left Earth, accused of causing evil, and the planet found itself on the brink of the Cold War. This forced Laurie and Dan to put on their costumes again and go on an adventure. They pulled Rorschach out of prison and began to help him unravel the conspiracy against the heroes.

    After Laurel and Dan saved people in a burning building, Doctor Manhattan suddenly took her to Mars. The girl begged the Doctor to save the Earth, to stop the war, but he believed that the value of life was clearly exaggerated and there was no point in saving her. During this conversation, many old memories come back to life for Laurie, and she suddenly comes to the conclusion that her true father was the Comedian. This prompted Manhattan to think about how life could arise in such a struggle of opposites, in such chaos. Only then did life interest him again and he agreed to return to Earth.

    Laurie played by Malin Akerman


    Upon returning to Earth, they saw that half of the city of New York had been destroyed.

    Doctor Manhattan and Laurie were transported to his base, Ozymandias, in Antarctica. Trying to stop Adrian Veidt was pointless - his plan had already been carried out.

    When Ozymandias demonstrated that this plan worked - people forgot about the war, Laurie, Dan and Manhattan agreed that this was the only path to peace. But Rorschach, who does not know compromises, refused to remain silent, for which Manhattan kills him.

    Some time later, Laurie and Dan visited Sally Jupiter. Then Laurie told her mother that she knew the truth about her real father. She admitted that Sally and Blake's relationship was too complicated. The comedian was a scoundrel, but still gave her such a wonderful flower as Lori.

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