Home Berries How to make dill water for colic. Dill water: a proven remedy for colic. Rules for storing the remaining broth

How to make dill water for colic. Dill water: a proven remedy for colic. Rules for storing the remaining broth

If you ask a woman who has recently given birth what she wants most of all, she will almost certainly answer that the most important thing for her is a happy and calm baby.

However, as practice shows, problems often arise with the second point, because newborns are constantly tormented by pain in the tummy, which is why dill is so common among the people when breastfeeding with colic in a child. Firstly, this remedy is completely natural, secondly, it has no side effects, and thirdly, this plant improves digestion in general.

Fennel, as dill grass is often called, is a fragrant plant with a dark green color of carved twigs. Even in ancient times, people noticed that dill has pronounced carminative properties - it helps to remove gases from the intestines, thereby reducing bloating and relieving discomfort in it.

For babies, this is a particularly useful alternative, because fennel is a plant with a low level of allergenicity, so individual intolerance to such a natural medicine is very rare among newborns. In addition, dill does not have severe side effects, like most medicines designed to improve digestion in babies and alleviate the condition with colic in the tummy.

The only negative property that can be attributed to dill water is its specific taste. Like the green herbaceous plant itself, fennel-based tea or decoction has a rather pronounced taste and aroma, which is not always to the liking of babies who are breastfed.

Dill water can be given to newborn babies from a very early age, especially if they are tormented by severe pain in the abdomen.

If the baby flatly refuses a new drink, you can sweeten it a little, just remember that white refined sugar itself can provoke gas formation, so you need to carefully make fennel tea sweet.

Key Benefits of Dill Water for Infants

  • Help with colic: dill is excellent at neutralizing raging gas in babies, bringing them out naturally, thereby relieving symptoms and eliminating pain in the intestines.
  • Restful night sleep: very often the cause of capricious and excited behavior in infants is pain in the stomach, and therefore if this trouble is eliminated, the baby will begin to sleep better at night, become more balanced and cheerful.
  • good digestion: decoctions based on dill help intestinal motility well, so this medicine will not only get rid of the gases accumulated in the tummy of the newborn, but also allow him to empty the rectum in a timely manner, thereby avoiding the risk of constipation.
  • Affordable price: fennel seeds or dried leaves are inexpensive, and if you wish, you can get such a miracle cure yourself if you have a private plot or you live in the private sector.
  • Safety: dill is the best alternative to drugs and chemicals in the presence of intestinal colic in a child while breastfeeding.

Dill water during breastfeeding for a newborn

The fastest and easiest way to prepare such a healing and saving remedy is to buy ready-made fennel-based tea at a pharmacy or in the children's department of a supermarket. Nowadays, most well-known baby food companies produce drinks of this kind. They contain nothing but dried raw materials, previously processed and placed in granules, except that sometimes a little sugar is added to tea to improve the taste of the drink.

Making it is very simple - just boil some water, cool it and pour it into a baby bottle, where you add the indicated amount of granules or powder. Shake the bottle and the baby tummy medicine is ready. And if you are worried that the baby may become addicted to a plastic bottle, then give him dill water from a teaspoon or with a clean pipette.

If desired, you can also get dried raw materials from the pharmacy. Only in this case, do not forget to pre-check its quality - such a product must have a certificate, as well as a note that the dill was grown in an area free from radiation and any other pollution.

For the best effect, this tea is best offered to the baby between feedings, when his tummy has already digested and absorbed the mother's breast milk. But you should not do this more than three times a day, because water can reduce the baby's appetite, and at the next feeding there is a danger that he will eat less milk than he should.

This, in turn, can lead to a decrease in lactation. Therefore, give the newborn a fennel decoction to drink little by little, in small quantities.

It is especially useful to offer such a life-saving remedy in the afternoon and in the late afternoon, when pains and cuttings in the intestines usually increase. But at the same time, it is necessary not to forget about the special diet for the nursing mother herself, since dill water will be useless if the cause of intestinal colic in the baby lies in the woman’s wrong menu.

It is for this reason that, along with carminatives, doctors advise reconsidering the diet of a young mother and temporarily limiting the consumption of potentially dangerous foods.

The nursing woman herself can take dill broth, especially when the problem of excessive gas formation and flatulence haunts both (this phenomenon is by no means uncommon after childbirth).

In addition, fennel has another positive effect, although not as pronounced as the ability to remove gases from the baby's tummy - it gently calms the nervous system and helps to improve sleep. Although dill does not have a strong sedative effect on the psyche, it is included in the category of foods useful for nervous conditions and restless behavior.

It should also be noted that fennel-based decoctions and teas contain useful substances - vitamins and minerals, so such water will not only soothe the tummy of a newborn baby, but will also partially fill the need of its growing body for irreplaceable elements.

How to make a decoction of dill when breastfeeding a baby

It is best to prepare at home such water from dried fennel seeds, which can be obtained at any pharmacy in the city. However, do not stock up on dill water for the future - the shelf life of such a decoction is quite short, so brew a new tea for the baby every time.

  • To steam dried dill, first crush its seeds.
  • Boil one glass of drinking water and let it cool down a bit.
  • Pour fennel with water and leave for at least half an hour.

For one glass of boiling water, you will need no more than one teaspoon of dry, crushed raw materials. At the same time, it is important to remember that water, only removed from the fire, kills and destroys all the beneficial properties of dill, so tea is steamed not with boiling water, but with a liquid whose temperature has dropped to 75-60 degrees.

Since the ventricle of a newborn baby is very small, he does not need a lot of water for the tummy to work - a single serving should not exceed a teaspoon.

You can also prepare such a decoction using fresh dill, just rinse the greens first and chop finely.

In most cases, dill during breastfeeding with colic in a child copes well with the problem of pain in the tummy. If this technique does not help you, consult your pediatrician and review your daily diet again.

Often, after the birth of a child, parents are faced with digestive problems crumbs, bloating, colic and stool disorders. In the course are numerous funds from the pharmacy, drops, drugs and traditional medicine. But, the simplest and most effective of them is dill water for newborns, which was used by our great-grandmothers.

Is this remedy useful, will it harm the child and to whom can dill water be given, only to small children, or can it be used for similar problems for adults?

Dill water for babies

Newborns are born with sterile intestines and skin, and from the moment of birth, the body is actively populated with useful and conditionally pathogenic microbes.

When breastfeeding, the baby receives the first beneficial microbes from the skin of the mother's nipple, and colostrum and breast milk help in the settlement of the intestines and in the work of enzymes.

It is more difficult for artificial people in this regard, they do not have support from the immune components of breast milk, and intestinal enzymes do not work so actively for them.

In the first about three months, while the flora is being settled and digestion is adapting to new working conditions, while the intestinal tissues are maturing and enzymes are being activated, digestive problems are possible:

  • bloating,
  • rumbling belly,
  • frothy, loose stools,
  • stools of different colors from bright yellow to greenish,
  • colic, abdominal pain,
  • constipation, diarrhea.

This period is quite difficult for parents, as the baby is naughty, cries, can hardly be applied to the chest, twists with knives and sleeps badly.

The reason for this is the immaturity of the intestines and the still incomplete digestion of the incoming food, as well as the periodic "uprisings" of the microbial flora.

Of course, everyone goes through this period, and often you just need to wait out the difficulties, but you always want to help the child and relieve colic. One of the popular remedies for them is dill water for colic.

It is used for both formula-fed babies and infants.

Dill water while breastfeeding

If for artificial people, the introduction of additional liquid is always justified, whether it be ordinary water or dill water, then with babies, not everything is so simple.

According to the WHO, a breastfed baby does not need to be given any additional fluids or nutrition other than breast milk for up to six months. This can be fully attributed to dill water, which is recommended for colic in the first months.

The introduction of additional liquid can lead to a decrease in the amount of milk in the mother's breasts, the liquid itself can provoke colic, since it is also far from sterile, even if it is dill water.

Usually, dill water is given from a bottle, which leads to nipple confusion and can provoke breast rejection. Therefore, it is far from always worth using this recipe.

The most optimal will be proper breastfeeding, which reduces colic, and dill water for nursing mothers, in order to prevent them from digestive disorders that affect the digestion of the baby.

Dill water will be useful for a nursing mother and as an additional liquid, as a drink between feedings.

Dill water: composition and properties

The main component of dill water, which you prepared at home or purchased in pharmacies or stores, will be an extract from the plant.

It can be garden dill or its noble counterpart - fennel. Their main properties are:

  • aid in the removal of waste products of metabolism in the intestines
  • help in the reproduction of beneficial intestinal microflora (prebiotic properties)
  • reduction of smooth muscle spasms, relief of intestinal pain
  • activation of blood circulation in the walls of the intestine
  • carminative property, which facilitates the discharge of gases
  • slight diuretic effect
  • sedative and antispasmodic
  • choleretic effect
  • slight relaxing effect

According to parents, taking dill water helps many babies much faster and more efficiently than many other expensive and modern drugs.

Dill water: instructions for use

Pharmaceutical preparations of dill water can be sold in various forms:

  • dill or fennel grass in placers, bags, briquettes for making decoctions
  • filter bags for brewing as tea (manufactured by Krasnogorskleksredstva, Altai, Marislavna)
  • granulated sachets for dissolving in water (Plantex)
  • ready-made solutions (happy-baby, baby-calm).

Pharmacy solutions are prepared under sterile conditions using special solutions, which allows them to be stored for up to a month in a refrigerator.

This water is prepared according to a doctor's prescription in advance, and therefore it must be ordered at a pharmacy, but its composition will be as accurate as possible for use.

Such water is shown to children during colic with spasms and pains in the abdomen, as a carminative, antispasmodic.

Dill water is contraindicated for children with allergies or individual intolerance to fennel or ordinary dill.

You can buy dill water or raw materials for its preparation in all pharmacies both in Moscow and in any other city, as well as in children's goods and food stores.

How to prepare dill water for newborns?

It is far from always possible to order and quickly receive dill water from a pharmacy, and colic usually begins on the night when pharmacies may already be closed.

It is quite possible to prepare such a decoction at home. But it is worth remembering that this decoction cannot be stored for a long time, its shelf life is no more than a day, and every day you will need to prepare a fresh portion.

How to make dill water for a newborn? For its preparation, dill seeds or fennel grass are taken.

A completely affordable recipe for dill water is the following:

  • 1 teaspoon of seeds or herbs per cup of boiling water. Infuse the product for at least 45 minutes under the lid. The solution must be filtered.

How to brew dill water for a newborn in filter bags? It's even easier, one sachet is brewed with 200 ml of boiling water and infused for 40-60 minutes.

How to give dill water to a newborn?

The prepared decoction of dill water should be taken in a teaspoon up to six times a day.

When using filter bags of dill water, the cooled broth is given as a tea during the day from a bottle or glass, if the child does not drink it well, you can add it to the mixture or mix it with breast milk.

The preparation of a solution from granules is carried out according to the instructions, but one of its drawbacks will be the presence of sugar or additives in it to enhance the taste, as well as a large volume of the solution - 50 ml.

After such a solution, the baby may be capricious, since such additives themselves can provoke colic.

The use of ready-made solutions in the form of drops is the simplest - they are given with a spoonful of milk or a mixture, or dripped directly into the crumbs' mouth.

The effect of the use of dill water occurs after about 10-15 minutes from the moment it is taken. Usually the baby calms down, their stool and gas pass, and they calmly fall asleep.

The effect with regular use will be quite persistent and will help fight even severe colic in children.

Dill water for older children and adults

Such water is also indicated for older children, as well as adults, including pregnant women.

Indications for its use will be bloating and discomfort during digestion, carminative action, relieving cramps and pain in the abdomen with functional digestive disorders, an appetite stimulant.

Dill water is prepared for older children, adults and pregnant women at the rate of 1 tablespoon of raw materials per glass of boiling water. The tool can simply be brewed or insisted in a water bath, in a thermos. Take it in a tablespoon 3-5 times a day.

How much dill water to give a newborn?

The dose of dill water for babies is selected individually, usually starting with a teaspoon of dill water before or during feeding.

In the first days of admission, such water is given from one to three times a day, gradually, as the body adapts and monitors reactions and tolerance, you can increase the dose to 2 teaspoons up to six times a day.

Dill water for newborns at home should only be prepared in a sterile container, and dill seeds should only be purchased at a pharmacy.

It is forbidden to use seeds from nearby markets or from a neighbor's grandmother, they may contain hazardous substances.

Seeds are poured with boiling water, and the child can only be given water that has cooled down, with a temperature of about 36 degrees.

Keep the water only in the refrigerator and each time before use it is heated to a warm state.

From 3-4 weeks, the baby begins to suffer from colic. They arise due to the adaptation of the digestive system to a new food. Regardless of the form of feeding, breastfeeding or artificial, gases are formed in the intestines, accompanied by painful sharp spasms. During or after the feeding process, the baby suddenly freezes, blushes, tightens its legs and begins to cry piercingly. You can help him in several ways. Gymnastics, circular strokes on the tummy, a warm diaper, dill water for newborns. The latter can be ordered at the pharmacy department or made independently.

The benefits of dill water for newborns

Pharmacy tincture of sweet fennel fruits, reminiscent of ordinary dill, is called dill water. The fruits of the plant have a carminative effect, help relieve gas formation in children and adults. The medicine is safe for newborns, effectively eliminates colic. Does not cause allergies even in two-week-old babies.

It naturally helps:

  • develop beneficial flora in the baby's intestines;
  • relieve spasms of smooth muscles;
  • normalize blood circulation, expand blood vessels;
  • prevent constipation in a newborn;
  • increase the motility of the stomach and intestines, which contributes to the movement of gases;
  • improve appetite;
  • increase the flow of milk of a nursing mother;
  • calm the nervous system, relieve insomnia.

For prevention, a nursing mother needs to follow a diet and not eat some foods that provoke bloating. Drinking a little dill water (recommended half a glass three times a day) half an hour before the start of feeding will increase the amount of milk and she will not have to give her baby medicine for colic.

Dill preparations have such useful properties:

  • relieve inflammation;
  • stimulate metabolic processes;
  • increase lactation;
  • considered a natural remedy for constipation;
  • have antibacterial properties;
  • help the kidneys and excretion of bile;
  • restore microflora;
  • get rid of putrefactive formations;
  • have a diuretic effect.

Store bought dill water or homemade

Dill water is purchased in prescription departments according to an individual recipe. There are similar preparations and solutions that include fennel seeds. Their doctors recommend drinking at the first symptoms, bloating, spasms in babies. These are Plantex, Baby Calm, Subsimplex . Many parents prefer to prepare their own water for their baby and not resort to medication. Here, the opinions of doctors differ, because pharmacy dill water is prepared in complete sterility, and it is used strictly according to the instructions, and the remedy prepared at home can be either strong or weak, and the dosage will have to be adjusted independently.

It will be useful: if an attack of colic does not go away and the baby continues to cry, you can use an emergency method - gas vent tube.

Dill water prepared at home or in a pharmacy is taken as needed. Sometimes it causes allergies, and in some cases the opposite effect occurs. The newborn puffs even more. Then the medication is stopped. The therapeutic effect is manifested gradually and sometimes goes unnoticed. It is not designed to completely get rid of colic, but to improve the functions of the immature intestinal system, remove gases and get rid of discomfort. The baby is still tormented by colic, but the spasms become less strong and painful, the adaptation process is facilitated.

How to make dill water at home

To brew the right infusion, it is better to buy the fennel or dill seeds included in the composition at a pharmacy, and not on the market. They are ground into powder, ground in a coffee grinder or blender. Purified water is used, and all the dishes required for manufacturing are doused with boiling water. The seeds do not need to be boiled. They are insisted in boiling water or in a water bath. Then the desired properties are revealed to the maximum, the taste of the drink becomes more pleasant and does not disgust either the mother or the newborn. How much to lay raw materials when brewing depends on the recipe.

The most commonly used recipes are:

Recipe #1

  • fennel tsp without a slide;
  • water 0.25 l.

Prepared seeds are thrown into a thermos and poured with boiling water. After half an hour, filter.

Recipe #2

  • dill tsp with a slide;
  • water 1/4 liter.

Dill seeds are brewed with boiling water and left for 1-2 hours. Then they filter.

Dill water according to a pharmacy recipe:

  • essential fennel oil (purchased at a pharmacy) 0.05 g;
  • water 1 l.

After mixing the ingredients, the water is ready for use.

Recipe #3

  • Fennel in seeds (you can dill) 3 g;
  • water 0.25 l.

Raw materials are poured with boiling water and kept in a water bath. After 20 min. remove from heat, let it brew for at least an hour. Then the newborn is filtered and watered.

It will be useful: not only drugs can help the passage of gases. Try a simple yet effective colic massage for newborns.

If parents have a garden bed with herbs, you can use fresh homemade dill and make dill tea:

  • fresh chopped dill greens 10 g.
  • water 2/3 cup.

The greens are thoroughly washed, finely chopped, placed in a thermos and brewed with boiling water. After an hour, filter.

How to store

Ready-made dill potion, bought at a pharmacy, is stored in a glass container in the refrigerator on the far shelf for no more than 30 days. You can not store water in the door, because when you open the temperature is constantly changing. Before drinking a newborn, the infusion is warmed to room temperature. Pour the desired part in advance into a spoon or cup and leave to bask naturally. Dill water prepared at home for babies is best used freshly brewed and stored in the cold for no more than a day.

How much to give dill water to a newborn with colic

Doctors allow babies who have reached two weeks of age to drink dill water.

Mom can dilute the water with a few drops of breast milk or formula. Babies rarely like the taste of fennel, and they may spit it out. You need to take the remedy before feeding.

For dill water purchased at a pharmacy, instructions are attached, which must be followed. According to the instructions, the contents of the vial are diluted with 35 ml of water. Shake before use. Children of the first year take 0.5 ml. before feeding. The maximum dose per day is 2 ml.

Important! The correct dosage is determined after consulting a pediatrician who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

How to give dill water to a newborn depends on the form of feeding:

  1. Artificers are poured dill drink into a bottle.
  2. Breastfed babies are fed from a spoon or pipette so that the baby does not try the bottle, which can lead to breast rejection.

How much and how often you can give water to newborns, young mothers are interested. The dosage depends on the age of the baby. If the baby is offered dill water for the first time, it is necessary to monitor his reaction. Fennel and dill can cause allergies. A teaspoon three times a day is the optimal dose to start with. If there is no reaction, the baby feels good, you can drink dill water more often - up to 6 doses per day. Pain and spasms subside or stop 15 minutes after ingestion.

If colic appears due to dysbacteriosis, indigestion, indigestion, constipation or diarrhea, there is no point in drinking dill water. Only a doctor can diagnose the disease and prescribe a full treatment. When colic in a newborn does not go away, bloating and cramps continue after 4 months of age, you should contact your pediatrician. How many times and for how long to give healing water to a newborn depends on his condition. If the digestive process is normalized, the reception is stopped.

Due to the immaturity of the digestive system, newborns often experience colic. They are caused by the accumulation of gases in the intestines. The baby has bloating, paroxysmal pain occurs. Visually, this is expressed in tucking up the legs, loud crying, which is difficult to calm down. Relief usually comes after a bowel movement or the removal of gases. Every mother with colic in a baby tries to alleviate his suffering. Dill water will be a safe and affordable assistant in this.

Useful properties of dill water

At home, dill water is most often prepared from the fruits (seeds) of fennel ordinary. Its other name is dill pharmacy. You can take dill seeds, but, although the fruits of these plants are similar in composition, content of essential oils and therapeutic effect, fennel is still more effective for intestinal problems.

There are several useful properties of fennel and dill, thanks to which water prepared on their basis becomes useful for newborns:

  • have a carminative effect;
  • help relieve spasms of smooth muscles of the intestines and stomach;
  • increase the secretion of gastric juice;
  • have anti-inflammatory and soothing properties.

In folk medicine, dill water has long been used:

  • in the treatment of diseases of the intestines and stomach;
  • from flatulence;
  • as a light sleeping pill;
  • as an expectorant in bronchitis.

For many years, mothers and grandmothers have been using dill water for children's colic. It is a safe and cheap drug. Due to the ability of dill water to relieve spasms of the smooth muscles of the intestine, it helps in the discharge of gas in newborns. With regular use, discomfort in the tummy decreases, and the digestion process improves. Even if dill water does not completely relieve colic, it will alleviate the condition of the child.

Note! For other digestive disorders in babies (vomiting, constipation, diarrhea), dill water will not be able to help, only the doctor should prescribe the appropriate treatment.

With all the positive characteristics of dill water, there are infants to whom this medicine does not bring relief from colic.

Cooking at home

Each mother can prepare dill water on her own, but be sure to keep your hands clean and sterile dishes (before using it, pour boiling water over it).

From fennel fruit

Fennel fruits are freely sold in a pharmacy. There are several options for preparing a remedy from them that alleviates the suffering of a baby with colic.

Option number 1

Cooking method:

  1. Crushed fennel seeds (1 tsp) should be poured with 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. Leave to infuse for 45 min.
  3. Strain through a wide bandage or gauze.
Fennel fruits can be bought at any pharmacy

Option number 2

Cooking method:

  1. Grind 2 g (1 tsp) fennel seeds, pour them into a container.
  2. Pour 1 glass of boiled water.
  3. Hold in a water bath for 20 minutes.
  4. Let it brew for about an hour.
  5. Strain through cheesecloth.

Such infusions cannot be stored for a long time, you need to cook as much as the child drinks during the day.

Babies under 1 month should be given only a freshly prepared portion of the infusion.

Option number 3

For this cooking method, you will need fennel seed essential oil (sold in a pharmacy). It is necessary to pour 5 ml of oil into 1 liter of boiled water and shake the mixture thoroughly. This water can be kept in the refrigerator for 30 days (after the end of this period it is unsuitable for consumption). Before use, the container is shaken vigorously, then the required amount of the product is measured and heated to a warm state.

The basis for the preparation of dill water at home can be the essential oil of fennel seeds

From dill seeds

From dill seeds, you can prepare some water according to the same recipes as from fennel.

Advice! In summer, it is good to brew tea from fresh dill leaves.

You need to take fresh sprigs of dill, rinse well and 1 tbsp. l. chopped greens pour 0.5 cups of boiling water. The tea is left to infuse for 1 hour and filtered. Use it in the same way as dill water.

Rules for use in colic

It is advisable to consult a pediatrician before using dill water. But usually it is used according to the following rules:

  • the age of the newborn from which you can drink dill water is over two weeks;
  • at one time, give the baby no more than a teaspoon of this water, a two-week-old baby needs 15 drops per tongue;
  • in total, 3-6 receptions are allowed during the day.

It is preferable to drink dill water before feeding. You can use a teaspoon or a baby bottle. If the newborn refuses to drink dill water, it is diluted with mother's milk or a mixture (depending on the method of feeding). You can pour the product into the baby's cheek from a syringe without a needle.

Dill water begins to act in 15-20 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can put a heated diaper on the baby's tummy and make light stroking movements.

On the first day of treatment, it is enough to limit yourself to 2 doses of 1 tsp. It is necessary to monitor the reaction of the baby: whether he tolerates this medicine well, whether there are any allergies, whether colic passes. With a positive result in the future, the dosage is increased to 4-6 tablespoons per day.

Use dill medicine until digestion normalizes and colic stops. But if the water was canceled, and the baby's gas formation increased and discomfort resumed, treatment should be continued.


It is contraindicated to treat newborn babies with dill water in case of individual intolerance or allergy to fennel (dill) fruits.

In rare cases, side effects from using the product may occur in the form of itching, urticaria, red spots on the skin.

Video: Dr. Komarovsky about infantile colic

As soon as the baby is born, his gastrointestinal tract begins to tune in to receive and digest his first food - colostrum, and after a couple of days, breast milk or formula. The result of this process is the settlement of the baby's intestines sterile before birth with beneficial microflora. Everything would be great if intestinal colic caused by excessive gas formation and bloating were not an almost obligatory step in this kind of “tuning” of the intestine.

Bloating in newborns is a common problem that is present in most families. The cause of the painful condition is the accumulation of gases, which dill water will help to get out

When is dill water needed?

Usually, symptoms of bloating appear during feeding or soon after the baby has eaten. The baby begins to cry, bringing the legs to the tummy and blushes. In this case, neither stroking the tummy nor rocking in the arms can calm the child. Relief comes only after the baby soils the diaper and the gases that bother him come out naturally.

Sometimes there is no strength to wait for this moment, and dill water, a carminative agent long known for its beneficial properties and tested by many generations, will help alleviate the suffering of your beloved crumbs.

How does dill water work?

This tool is a solution of fennel oil, commonly called "drug dill". A solution with a saturation of 0.1% is valuable primarily because it is quite acceptable to use it to save babies from colic almost from birth.

By the way, it is on the basis of fennel seed extract that Plantex is produced. It is a soluble powder that successfully replaces dill water for modern young mothers. The powder dissolves easily both in pure water and in breast milk. Apply Plantex already after two weeks from the date of birth.

However, such a remedy alone will not be enough if, in addition to colic, the child also has symptoms of indigestion, such as constipation, diarrhea, or lack of appetite (we recommend reading:). In such cases, be sure to show the child to the pediatrician.

For busy mothers, the Plantex preparation is suitable, which is made on the basis of natural fennel oil and packaged in convenient packages. Inside them are granules that dissolve easily in water.

What are the benefits of dill water?

Fennel and dill products have a number of useful properties:

  • help cleanse the body of toxins and support the vital activity of beneficial microflora;
  • improve intestinal motility, relieve spasms;
  • favor the expansion of blood vessels and the arrival of blood in all corners of the body;
  • helps to reduce pressure on the walls of the intestine, expanding it;
  • serve as an effective diuretic;
  • inhibit and eliminate inflammatory processes in the body;
  • stabilize the work of the heart muscle;
  • regular intake of preparations based on fennel and dill helps to increase the passage in the bronchi, reduces the resistance of air flows entering the bronchi, prevents their stagnation in the airways;
  • helps to liquefy and expedite the withdrawal of sputum when coughing;
  • promotes the secretion of bile;
  • improves appetite;
  • enhances lactation in the mother;
  • excellent remedy for constipation;
  • has an antibacterial effect;
  • improves kidney function;
  • has a mild sedative effect, due to its properties it has a positive effect on sleep and the nervous system;
  • by improving intestinal motility, it allows not only to get rid of constipation, but also to successfully remove gaziki in a natural way. That is why dill water helps to eliminate pain in the tummy of a child and normalizes digestion.

The healing properties of dill water will also be useful for nursing mothers. Regular intake stimulates lactation and helps to normalize digestion. In addition, the mild soothing effect of dill water is especially useful for mothers who have recently given birth.

Pharmacy preparations

In almost every pharmacy today, you can easily buy fennel fruits, and large pharmacies with prescription departments can offer a ready-made drug. On factory packaging, fennel seeds are usually referred to as "Common Fennel Seeds". You can also find them in shops and kiosks where they sell planting material, but for dill water you should buy fennel only in pharmacies. Fennel seeds on the shelves in grocery and garden stores may well be treated with some kind of chemicals.

Pharmacy dill water (at a concentration of 0.005–0.1%) is made under sterile pharmacy conditions from fennel seeds. Essential oils of anise, chamomile and other medicinal herbs that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and have antispasmodic properties can be added to the composition of such a pharmacy. The drug can be kept at home in the refrigerator, but you should not use it after a month after opening the package.

Dill water from the manufacturer KorolevPharm LLC

This product is marketed as “baby food for young children”. It is an emulsion, which includes: glycerin, fennel oil (extract) and vitamin B1. The contents must first be diluted with 35 ml of water directly in the vial. The included syringe is used for precise dosing. It is also convenient for them to subsequently measure the dose for one dose - this is 10 drops or about 0.8 ml.

Vodicka is offered to the baby before each feeding, regardless of whether it is morning or evening (when colic especially manifests itself), since the drug has a certain cumulative effect.

The opened bottle is stored no more than 1 month in the refrigerator. This is the only negative - before taking the drug, you need to warm it a little in your hand or under a stream of warm water.

Plantex and its analogues

Pharmaceutical products include the well-known drug "Plantex", which is a soluble granules of a dry aqueous extract of fennel seeds with the addition of fennel essential oil. Sold in sachets of 5 grams. The contents of the sachet should be mixed with breast milk and given to the child before feeding.

It is also easy to purchase Plantex analogues: HIPP instant tea, as well as BabyCalm, Happy Baby and Bebinos preparations (more details in the article:). To brew the HIPP Fennel Instant Infant Drink, pour a teaspoon of tea granules into boiling water. The granules dissolve easily and quickly, then the drug must be cooled and given to the newborn cooled down.

Simethicone-based preparations

There are also alternative drugs that are produced on the basis of the synthetic ingredient simethicone -, "Sub Simplex", "Simethicone" and other analogues. Of course, all these drugs cost certain funds, while dill water can be made at home without much difficulty.

How to prepare dill water at home?

Recipe #1

  1. Pour a teaspoon of fennel seeds ground with a blender or coffee grinder into a cup (250 ml).
  2. Pour boiling water (but not steep). Insist for 40-45 minutes and then filter through cheesecloth or hair sieve folded in several layers.

One spoonful of this infusion is good to add to expressed breast milk or infant formula and give to the baby. Sometimes babies drip from a pipette 15 drops of infusion directly onto the tongue. Such homemade dill water is stored for only a day. In the morning you need to prepare a fresh infusion.

Recipe #2

Water is also prepared on the basis of fennel essential oil, for this, 0.05 g of oil is diluted in 1 liter of water. The solution can be kept in a cold place for a month. Before giving such a solution to the baby, it must be warmed up. Do not use a microwave to warm up - it is better to pour a little solution into a clean cup and put it in a vessel with hot water.

Recipe #3

It is noteworthy that in the absence of fennel fruits, a carminative can be prepared on the basis of ordinary dill in the old way, tested by our great-grandmothers. For this, 1 tsp. dill seeds must be poured with 1 cup of boiling water and kept for 1 hour, then filtered.

It is also good to brew a kind of tea from fresh dill, for which 1 tablespoon of chopped fresh herbs pour 100 ml of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Then also cool, filter and use later as dill water.

In order to bring the conditions for preparing the product at home as close as possible to sterile, the water for preparing the product, regardless of the recipe chosen, must be taken cleaned and all dishes must also be rinsed with boiling water. Newborn babies up to a month should be given only a freshly prepared remedy.

Fresh dill water from green twigs will also perfectly help a newborn - our grandmothers knew this recipe, who did not have access to a store assortment of medicines

Dosage of drugs

Dosages of dill water and methods of its use are determined separately for each specific case. Recommendations for the use of funds are described in detail in the instructions and descriptions for them. If you suspect an allergic reaction of the child to some of the ingredients of the preparations, you need to be especially careful.

Dill water should not be abused, since an excess of it can, on the contrary, increase gas formation in the intestines of a newborn and lead to constipation. Increase the number of doses of the drug should be gradually, carefully watching how the baby's body reacts to this.

Most Frequently Asked Questions

  • How to give the drug to a newborn? From a syringe, a small spoon (you can use coffee) or from a bottle equipped with a dispenser. You should not use a bottle with a regular nipple, since an excess of dill water and its frequent use can provoke an overdose in the baby and disturbances in the stomach, and increase gas formation.
  • How much dill water can be given to a child? No more than 1 teaspoon at a time.
  • How often should a newborn be given the drug? It is optimal to do this 3 or 4 times a day before / after meals or in between feedings. If, when taken with such a frequency, no negative reactions are found in the baby, but, you can increase the number of dill water intakes up to 6 times a day.
  • What to do if the baby does not want to drink? Mix dill water with breast milk or a mixture if the baby is artificial.
  • Are there any limits regarding the application time? Newborns can be given dill water from 2 weeks of age (we recommend reading:). You can stop taking the drug when the child's digestion has stabilized and excessive gas formation no longer bothers him - there are no other restrictions on the timing of admission.
  • Does the dosage of the drug depend on the feeding system of the child? The amount of the drug does not depend on whether the baby is artificial or fed with mother's milk.

When to stop taking the drug?

Do not forget that despite all the healing properties, dill water is only a supportive treatment.

Its use allows you to eliminate the symptoms of swelling, but not its root cause. If a child has a severe degree of dysbacteriosis or indigestion, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

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