Home Agriculture Table of the Kremlin diet from Komsomolskaya Pravda. Kremlin diet: Lose weight by summer with Komsomolskaya Pravda! Why do we lose weight on the Kremlin diet

Table of the Kremlin diet from Komsomolskaya Pravda. Kremlin diet: Lose weight by summer with Komsomolskaya Pravda! Why do we lose weight on the Kremlin diet

Evgeny Chernykh

Kremlin diet

With deep gratitude to my colleagues from the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, who believed me and generously provided the pages of the most popular Russian publication for conducting an unusual journalistic experiment with an unpredictable result in the fall of 2004.

Thanks to my mother, Ekaterina Kuzminichna, who worried all these months about her son losing weight in front of the eyes of the whole country.

Thanks to my wife Valentina, who put up with all my culinary “quirks”, refusals of pancakes, dumplings and pies.

Special thanks to the readers of Komsomolskaya Pravda, who sincerely supported me from the first days of the experiment.


Hello my dear reader!

You, of course, have already heard a lot about the Kremlin diet, which is why you bought this book in the last hope of getting rid of excess weight.

"Sheer weight. he is like a demon, He tenaciously holds our organs under siege! And also it is visible both in front and behind, So that it disappears, overweight!

This is how my favorite bard Yuri Vizbor sang in Soviet times. Although at that time there was no obesity epidemic in our country. There were only the first symptoms.

I will try to justify your hopes, dear reader, I will help break through the fat blockade, defeat the demon and keep the new weight.

I'm the same as you. Or maybe he was even fatter than you are now.

November 6 last year I pulled 99 kg. With a height of 178 cm. Consider a centner of "live weight"! By May, 82 remained on this diet. Exactly the same in me now, at the beginning of autumn. But by November I will try to get rid of another 5 kilograms.

So you are not alone. Let's lose weight together.

I will not urge you to “eat less”, starve for weeks, pull tons of iron in the gym, run a marathon. You and I, buddy, don't need it. I won't even blame you for getting fat. I myself love delicious food, instead of a barbell, to raise a glass of wine at lunch or to sleep, and to drive seven sweats not in a trendy fitness center, but in a bathhouse under a birch broom or in another pleasant environment.

Are you and I to blame that today we are being sold the wrong food that a normal person needs. That's why even children get fat right before our eyes. And what can we say about us!

And I am sincerely glad that you are joining the army of supporters of the Kremlin diet. Where today politicians and pop stars are losing weight, and most importantly, millions of ordinary citizens of Russia. Such as you and me.

The main proof that our diet is what we need! - fuss of book pirates. The publishers smelled "fried" and, raising their pants, rushed for Komsomolskaya Pravda. Hastily tear it from the newspaper pages and rivet the opuses of the mysterious pseudo-nutritionists who have not sat on it for a single day. Otherwise, how could a huge pie and other floury victuals appear on the cover of one little book with the silhouette of the Kremlin (well, how could it be without it): “You can afford fried meat, pastries and red wine, and all this with the maximum benefit for your body.” Bullshit! Just pastries and a pie will not bring benefits to the body. Vice versa.

They also lie in another book about the most paradoxical diet in the world, that “eating meat, fish, bacon, eggs, washing it all down with vodka and dry wine, Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov lost 15 kg! Complete nonsense! Yuri Mikhailovich has not taken a drop of alcohol into his mouth for many years.

I will not bother you with long discussions about proteins, fats and carbohydrates, calories, as is customary. I'd rather teach you how to lose weight from the first pages. That's why you bought my book. I'll try to give as much advice as possible. To support you, I will give the stories of other ordinary people who have lost 20-30 kilograms. Maybe you will find something instructive in my experience.

This book may not answer all your questions. Or they will come later. Then I advise you to read Komsomolskaya Pravda. I continue to write about the Kremlin diet there, to develop it.

And if you have a computer and there will be time - visit us at blog.kp.ru.

This is a club of readers of Komsomolskaya Pravda who are losing weight on our diet with you. Come on, let's chat.

Good luck to you, buddy, in the fight against excess weight.

Your Evgeny CHERNIKH



Usually doctors tell us that we should eat less eggs, meat, butter. And this paradoxical diet, oddly enough, requires the opposite. Eat more meat (at first) and other protein foods, but limit your carbohydrate intake. The experience of thousands and thousands of Komsomolskaya Pravda readers proves that there really are results. Already in the first weeks the weight falls. Meat, fish, eggs. No matter how strange it may seem.


This phenomenon has a scientific explanation. When the intake of carbohydrates, the main source of energy, is sharply limited, it quickly begins to process the accumulated fat reserves.

You are going to get rid of fat, not so. whether?

Our diet is low carb. According to this principle, fashionable in the West are composed

Evgeny Chernykh

Kremlin diet

With deep gratitude to my colleagues from the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, who believed me and generously provided the pages of the most popular Russian publication for conducting an unusual journalistic experiment with an unpredictable result in the fall of 2004.

Thanks to my mother, Ekaterina Kuzminichna, who worried all these months about her son losing weight in front of the eyes of the whole country.

Thanks to my wife Valentina, who put up with all my culinary “quirks”, refusals of pancakes, dumplings and pies.

Special thanks to the readers of Komsomolskaya Pravda, who sincerely supported me from the first days of the experiment.


Hello my dear reader!

You, of course, have already heard a lot about the Kremlin diet, which is why you bought this book in the last hope of getting rid of excess weight.

"Sheer weight. he's like a demon He tenaciously keeps our organs under siege! You can also see it from the front and back. So that he disappears, overweight!

This is how my favorite bard Yuri Vizbor sang in Soviet times. Although at that time there was no obesity epidemic in our country. There were only the first symptoms.

I will try to justify your hopes, dear reader, I will help break through the fat blockade, defeat the demon and keep the new weight.

I'm the same as you. Or maybe he was even fatter than you are now.

November 6 last year I pulled 99 kg. With a height of 178 cm. Consider a centner of "live weight"! By May, 82 remained on this diet. Exactly the same in me now, at the beginning of autumn. But by November I will try to get rid of another 5 kilograms.

So you are not alone. Let's lose weight together.

I will not urge you to “eat less”, starve for weeks, pull tons of iron in the gym, run a marathon. You and I, buddy, don't need it. I won't even blame you for getting fat. I myself love delicious food, instead of a barbell, to raise a glass of wine at lunch or to sleep, and to drive seven sweats not in a trendy fitness center, but in a bathhouse under a birch broom or in another pleasant environment.

Are you and I to blame that today we are being sold the wrong food that a normal person needs. That's why even children get fat right before our eyes. And what can we say about us!

And I am sincerely glad that you are joining the army of supporters of the Kremlin diet. Where today politicians and pop stars are losing weight, and most importantly, millions of ordinary citizens of Russia. Such as you and me.

The main proof that our diet is what we need! - fuss of book pirates. The publishers smelled "fried" and, raising their pants, rushed for Komsomolskaya Pravda. Hastily tear it from the newspaper pages and rivet the opuses of the mysterious pseudo-nutritionists who have not sat on it for a single day. Otherwise, how could a huge pie and other floury victuals appear on the cover of one little book with the silhouette of the Kremlin (well, how could it be without it): “You can afford fried meat, pastries and red wine, and all this with the maximum benefit for your body.” Bullshit! Just pastries and a pie will not bring benefits to the body. Vice versa.

They also lie in another book about the most paradoxical diet in the world, that “eating meat, fish, bacon, eggs, washing it all down with vodka and dry wine, Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov lost 15 kg! Complete nonsense! Yuri Mikhailovich has not taken a drop of alcohol into his mouth for many years.

I will not bother you with long discussions about proteins, fats and carbohydrates, calories, as is customary. I'd rather teach you how to lose weight from the first pages. That's why you bought my book. I'll try to give as much advice as possible. To support you, I will give the stories of other ordinary people who have lost 20-30 kilograms. Maybe you will find something instructive in my experience.

This book may not answer all your questions. Or they will come later. Then I advise you to read Komsomolskaya Pravda. I continue to write about the Kremlin diet there, to develop it.

And if you have a computer and there will be time - visit us at blog.kp.ru.

This is a club of readers of Komsomolskaya Pravda who are losing weight on our diet with you. Come on, let's chat.

Good luck to you, buddy, in the fight against excess weight.

Your Evgeny CHERNIKH


Evgeny Chernykh

Kremlin diet

With deep gratitude to my colleagues from the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, who believed me and generously provided the pages of the most popular Russian publication for conducting an unusual journalistic experiment with an unpredictable result in the fall of 2004.

Thanks to my mother, Ekaterina Kuzminichna, who worried all these months about her son losing weight in front of the eyes of the whole country.

Thanks to my wife Valentina, who put up with all my culinary “quirks”, refusals of pancakes, dumplings and pies.

Special thanks to the readers of Komsomolskaya Pravda, who sincerely supported me from the first days of the experiment.


Hello my dear reader!

You, of course, have already heard a lot about the Kremlin diet, which is why you bought this book in the last hope of getting rid of excess weight.

"Sheer weight. he's like a demon

He tenaciously keeps our organs under siege!

You can also see it from the front and back.

So that he disappears, overweight!

This is how my favorite bard Yuri Vizbor sang in Soviet times. Although at that time there was no obesity epidemic in our country. There were only the first symptoms.

I will try to justify your hopes, dear reader, I will help break through the fat blockade, defeat the demon and keep the new weight.

I'm the same as you. Or maybe he was even fatter than you are now.

November 6 last year I pulled 99 kg. With a height of 178 cm. Consider a centner of "live weight"! By May, 82 remained on this diet. Exactly the same in me now, at the beginning of autumn. But by November I will try to get rid of another 5 kilograms.

So you are not alone. Let's lose weight together.

I will not urge you to “eat less”, starve for weeks, pull tons of iron in the gym, run a marathon. You and I, buddy, don't need it. I won't even blame you for getting fat. I myself love delicious food, instead of a barbell, to raise a glass of wine at lunch or to sleep, and to drive seven sweats not in a trendy fitness center, but in a bathhouse under a birch broom or in another pleasant environment.

Are you and I to blame that today we are being sold the wrong food that a normal person needs. That's why even children get fat right before our eyes. And what can we say about us!

And I am sincerely glad that you are joining the army of supporters of the Kremlin diet. Where today politicians and pop stars are losing weight, and most importantly, millions of ordinary citizens of Russia. Such as you and me.

The main proof that our diet is what we need! - the fuss of book pirates. The publishers smelled "fried" and, raising their pants, rushed for Komsomolskaya Pravda. Hastily tear it from the newspaper pages and rivet the opuses of the mysterious pseudo-nutritionists who have not sat on it for a single day. Otherwise, how could a huge pie and other floury victuals appear on the cover of one little book with the silhouette of the Kremlin (well, how could it be without it): “You can afford fried meat, pastries and red wine, and all this with the maximum benefit for your body.” Bullshit! Just pastries and a pie will not bring benefits to the body. Vice versa.

They also lie in another book about the most paradoxical diet in the world, that “eating meat, fish, bacon, eggs, washing it all down with vodka and dry wine, Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov lost 15 kg! Complete nonsense! Yuri Mikhailovich has not taken a drop of alcohol into his mouth for many years.

I will not bother you with long discussions about proteins, fats and carbohydrates, calories, as is customary. I'd rather teach you how to lose weight from the first pages. That's why you bought my book. I'll try to give as much advice as possible. To support you, I will give the stories of other ordinary people who have lost 20-30 kilograms. Maybe you will find something instructive in my experience.

This book may not answer all your questions. Or they will come later. Then I advise you to read Komsomolskaya Pravda. I continue to write about the Kremlin diet there, to develop it.

And if you have a computer and there will be time, visit us at blog.kp.ru.

This is a club of readers of Komsomolskaya Pravda who are losing weight on our diet with you. Come on, let's chat.

Good luck to you, buddy, in the fight against excess weight.

Your Evgeny CHERNIKH



Usually doctors tell us that we should eat less eggs, meat, butter. And this paradoxical diet, oddly enough, requires the opposite. Eat more meat (at first) and other protein foods, but limit your carbohydrate intake. The experience of thousands and thousands of Komsomolskaya Pravda readers proves that there really are results. Already in the first weeks the weight falls. Meat, fish, eggs. No matter how strange it may seem.


This phenomenon has a scientific explanation. When the intake of carbohydrates, the main source of energy, is sharply limited, it quickly begins to process the accumulated fat reserves.

You are going to get rid of fat, not so. whether?

Our diet is low carb. According to this principle, fashionable in the West systems of American cardiologists Atkins and Agatston, Polish doctor Kwasniewski were compiled.


The basis of the diet is a table of the "cost" of products. It reflects the amount of carbohydrates in 100 grams of vegetables, fruits, milk, etc.


1 c.u. (point) in the Kremlin diet is equal to 1 gram of carbohydrates.

WEIGHT FALLS - up to 40 points eaten (c.u.) per day.

WEIGHT IS KEPT - 40 to 60 points per day.

WEIGHT INCREASES - over 60 points.

But here everything is individual.

If you move a lot, your work requires physical activity, play sports - perhaps even 80-100 points will be nothing.

The work is sedentary, you move only by car, do not go to the gym - the points will be lower.

Do not forget about physical education, a weekly bath.

Do not skip breakfast, lunch, dinner. You can also eat late at night. Most importantly, don't starve!

What is allowed: meat, fish, poultry, eggs, cheese, vegetable oil.

What is limited: bread, rice, potatoes, flour, sweet dishes, beer. At first, you will have to forget about sweet berries, fruits and vegetables, juices that are high in carbohydrates. Tea, coffee - without sugar.

You can use sweeteners if it's hard to drink tea in an eye. Especially at first. But try to avoid them.

Carefully study the table of "cost" of products. She is your guiding thread in the first weeks and months of the diet!

But, sweet tooth, do not despair. After the weight begins to steadily fall, you will gradually introduce the same berries and fruits into the menu.


When the weight returns to normal, you can eat everything - for 60 or more glasses a day. Everyone will choose the norm individually. Allow yourself a piece of cake, pastries on holidays. The main indicator is weight. As soon as he rises again by 2-3 kilograms, return to 30-40 points.


(Temptations on the way of losing weight)

Many people like the diet because you can skip a glass or two of “cheap” (in the sense of points) dry wine, a glass of vodka. But I warn you - do not overdo it with alcohol. There are few points in vodka, but a lot of snacks are required.

But it’s better to forget about beer altogether until you lose weight.

The second temptation is meat, fish. They have 0 points. But this does not mean that you can eat chops, kebabs in kilograms. Look at your palm. Your serving of meat should be the same size and thickness. And do not lean on fatty foods.


Losing carbohydrates, the body will begin to use the accumulated fat for energy. That, I remind you, is the meaning of the diet. Habitual nutrition changes, so stomach problems can occur. Some people have disorders, while others, on the contrary, have constipation. Remember: this is temporary until the body has mastered a new type of food. Don't go for laxatives. Drink 1.5-2 liters of pure water per day, tea without sugar. Eat more cabbage from the first days, other "cheap" (by points) vegetables, add vegetable oil, raw wheat bran, flaxseed to salads.

Take multivitamins.



I remind you. 1 c.u. (point) in the Kremlin diet is equal to 1 gram of carbohydrates. In the store, carefully study the labels on packages, jars, bottles, packs ...

It indicates the nutritional value of the product, the content of proteins, fats, carbohydrates per 100 grams. Remember: it is in one hundred grams of the product, and not in a specific pack, jar.

Let's say you decide to buy "Miracle Yogurt" with strawberries. The label says that in 100 grams - 16.3 g of carbohydrates. And in one glass of this yogurt - 13 grams. So, a glass draws on 20 grams of carbohydrates (c.u.) - I ate two - the daily norm was completed.

But there is one more nuance. On the label of "Miracle Yogurt" it is written that it contains sugar. And sugar in the Kremlin diet is not welcome. Therefore, it is better to take yogurt without sugar.


Products (100 g)Points (c.u.)
Unsweetened yogurt
1.5% fat2
3.2% fat2
6% fat2
Yogurt sweet2
Fruit yogurt2
"Miracle Yoghurts" with fruit additives2
Cocoa with condensed milk and sugar (canned)2
Coffee with condensed milk and sugar (canned)2
Kefir low fat2
1% fat2
2.5% fat2
from cow's milk2
from mare's milk2
Table mayonnaise2
Sweet-cream unsalted butter “33 cows”2
Sweet cream butter "Vologda"2
Sweet-cream unsalted butter "Amateur"2
Sweet-cream unsalted butter "Peasant"2
Ghee butter2
Pasteurized non-fat milk (sterilized)2
1.5% fat2
2.5% fat2
3.2% fat2
Non-fat baked milk
1% fat2
4% fat2
Powdered milk "Smolenskoye"
15% fat2
Powdered milk
25% fat2
Condensed milk with sugar (canned)2
Sterilized condensed milk (canned)2
curdled milk
1% fat2
2.5% fat2
Cream 8-10% fat4,5
20% fat2
25% fat2
35% fat2
Condensed cream with sugar (canned)2
Dry cream
42% fat2
Sour cream
10% fat2
15% fat2
20% fat2
25% fat2
30% fat2
Homemade nonfat cheese2
Homemade cheese
4% fat2
Sausage (smoked)2
Kostroma (melting)2
Russian (floating)2
Sweet cheese curds
8% fat2
Sweet cheese curds with vanillin
16% fat2
Cheese curds for children 23% fat2
Tan (airan)2
Low-fat cottage cheese2
Cottage cheese soft diet low-fat2
Curd 2% fat2
5% fat2
18% fat2
Cottage cheese soft dietary2
4% fat2
Curd mass sweet with vanillin
16% fat2
Curd mass sweet
"Citron" 8% fat2
Curd mass sweet "Moscow" with vanillin2
20% fat2
Curd mass sweet with raisins 23% fat2
Curd mass sweet with dried apricots "33 cows"2
Sliced ​​loaf
(from premium wheat flour)2
Lavash Armenian2
Wheat bread2
Milk buns2
Butter buns2
Butter bagels2
Potato starch2
Corn starch2
egg noodles2
Rye cakes2
Wheat flour premium2
Wheat flour first grade2
Wheat flour second grade2
Whole flour2
Wheat germ flour2
Buckwheat flour2
Corn flour2
Whole soy flour2
Soybean flour, defatted2
Long biscuits2
Almond cookies2
sugar cookies2
Butter cookies2
Custard gingerbread2
Horns for tea2
Drying vanilla2
Sweet straw2
Cream crackers2
Croutons "Kirieshki"2
Croutons "Three crusts"2
Doctor's bread2
Crispy bread2
Buckwheat (prodel)2
Peas shelled2
Oats (grain)2
Wheat (grain)2
Rye (grain)2
Rice Basmati2
rice wild2
Long grain rice2
Rice Mistral brown2
Ontario wild black rice2
Steamed rice2
Rhys Texas2
Barley (grain)2
Lamb, beef2
Veal, pork2
Geese, ducks2
Sausages (boiled, half-smoked, raw-smoked, servelat)2
Sausage "Doctor"2
Pork legs2
beef liver2
chicken liver2
Beef sausages2
Pork sausages2
A heart2
Dairy sausages1,5
Pork tongue, beef tongue2
Eggs in any form (piece)2
Pork fat, beef2
Black caviar2
Red caviar2
Crab sticks2
Crab meat2
spiny lobster2
River crayfish2
Fish, fresh, salted, boiled2
Finished fish2
Dried fish2
sea ​​kale2
Green peas2
Daikon (Chinese radish)2
vegetable marrow2
White cabbage2
Brussels sprouts2
kohlrabi cabbage2
red cabbage2
Green onion2
greenhouse cucumber2
fresh cucumber2
Pickled cucumber2
Parsnip (root)2
Sweet green pepper2
red sweet pepper2
Parsley (greens)2
Parsley (root)2
leaf lettuce2
Celery (root)2
Celery (greens)2
Jerusalem artichoke2
Dill (greens)2
Green beans2
cherry plum2
A pineapple2
Rowan chokeberry2
White dried2
White fresh2
Chanterelles fresh2
Butterfish fresh2
Honey mushrooms fresh2
Dried boletus2
Boletus fresh1
Dried boletus2
Table mustard2
mustard powder2
Pressed yeast8,5
vegetable marinade2
white sauce2
mustard sauce2
mushroom sauce2
Cranberry sauce2
red sauce2
onion sauce2
sour cream sauce2
soy sauce2
tomato sauce2
Horseradish sauce2
Blackcurrant sauce2
table vinegar2
apple cider vinegar2
ATTENTION: data for standard sauces. Look at the labels when buying them in stores.
Green pea2
Dessert corn2
sweet corn2
Squash Cavier2
Eggplant caviar2
Beet caviar2
Salad with seaweed2
Natural fish in oil2
Fish in tomato sauce2
Peppers stuffed with vegetables2
Cod liver2
tomato paste2
tomato puree2
Green beans2
Red beans2
Sprats in oil2
Rafinated sugar2
Waffles regular2
Fruit waffles2
Grillage in chocolate2
Dragee sugar2
Chewing gum
Marshmallow in chocolate2
Glazed caramel2
Candy caramel2
Caramel with milk filling2
Caramel with fruit and berry filling2
Caramel with chocolate-nut filling2
candy fudge2
Chocolate candies2
Fruit and berry marmalade in chocolate2
Pastila in chocolate2
puff pastry2
Biscuit cake2
shortbread cake2
Cake airy with cream2
almond cake2
Custard cake (tube)2
Waffle cake2
Sponge cake with fruit filling2
puff cake2
Cake almond2
Sunflower halva2
Halva tahini2
bitter chocolate2
milk chocolate2
Milk creme brulee2
milk chocolate2
Dairy with fruits and berries2
Dairy in chocolate glaze2
Creamy creme brulee2
Creamy chocolate2
Creamy with fruits and berries2
Creamy in chocolate glaze2
Creme brulee ice cream2
Chocolate ice cream2
Ice cream with fruits and berries2
Plombir in chocolate glaze20
"Taganka" in chocolate glaze2
Plombir YuMO2
"Snow Maiden"2
Maxi Bon36

End of free trial.

Evgeny Chernykh

Kremlin diet. 300 best recipes

Let's lose weight by enjoying food

The Kremlin diet, which has gone to the people from the pages of Komsomolskaya Pravda, has become the most popular method of losing weight. Even the senior warrant officer Shmatko in the rating series "Soldiers" recently switched to it! The scriptwriters also put the mother of the "Beautiful Nanny" Lyubov Polishchuk on the Kremlin. But Lyudmila Gurchenko herself insisted that the scriptwriters of the series "Beware, Zadov!" sent her to Petrozavodsk to lose weight on the Kremlin diet. If the most important of the arts today - the television series - has noticed us ...

Unfortunately, there are many myths and tales about the Kremlin diet now. Including on TV, in health magazines. Who out of ignorance, and who deliberately launches rumors that here it is necessary to lose weight exclusively on bacon, meat, sausage, drinking vodka in full. Everything else, they say, is prohibited, even vegetables. And this is life-threatening. I agree, it's dangerous. So you can't lose weight! I am also against this method of losing weight, leading straight to a hospital bed.

Therefore, before moving on to the recipes promised on the cover of the book, I want to introduce you to the basic principles of the Kremlin diet.

We lose weight correctly

Before you go on a diet, take the necessary blood tests, find out the content of sugar in the blood, cholesterol, triglycerides. Do an ultrasound of the internal organs. If you have a serious illness, ALWAYS consult with your doctor about which foods and in what form you are allowed and which are not. From the allowed products and make up your Kremlin menu.

After a few months, repeat the tests to know the changes in the body.

I myself regularly undergo examinations, consult with the attending physician.

The Kremlin diet is not recommended for pregnant, lactating mothers. As well as people with kidney problems.

The basis of the diet is a table of carbohydrate content in 100 grams of food and drinks. 1 point equals 1 gram of carbohydrates.

To lose weight, you need to gain about 40 points per day with food (someone loses weight better by 20, someone - by 30-35 points. It is absolutely impossible to sit on 0 points!)

Let's lose weight slowly!

For the first two or three weeks, your food is LOW-FAT meat, fish, poultry, eggs, cheese, seafood, mushrooms, VEGETABLES. It is due to vegetables that you gain the necessary carbohydrates (about 40 grams).

Bread and all flour, sugar and all sweets, potatoes, cereals, fruits, berries, beer, sweet alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are excluded. Tea, coffee - without sugar.

If it’s hard without sweets, at first add sweeteners to tea, coffee.

Strong drinks, dry wine, although not prohibited, it is better to spend the first weeks without them. Alcohol delays the weight loss process. Is that a glass of dry wine, a glass of vodka on the weekend. For first success.

Already from the third or fourth week (depending on the lost kilograms), you GRADUALLY add nuts, seeds, milk, kefir, fruits, berries (except grapes, bananas, watermelons). Keeping everything in the same daily norm - about 40 points.

As you approach your planned weight, GRADUALLY add Hercules, oatmeal, buckwheat, grapes, watermelons, bananas, dried fruits, brown rice, black bread, honey.

The main thing is not to rush. Records are not needed here. The body must gradually get used to the new style of eating. Remember, it's important to get through the first three or four weeks. For the body to adapt. There will definitely be periods when not a single kilogram will go away in a week or two. Do not panic. It happens to everyone!

If you break the diet, the next morning continue to strictly observe it.

Do not starve, do not skip breakfast, lunch, dinner. If you are hungry, have a snack with cheese, and starting from the third or fourth week - an apple, an orange, nuts. You can also have dinner after 18.00. Remember: a hungry belly is deaf to weight loss!

Take vitamins.

Keep the weight!

The main thing in any diet is not just to lose weight, but for a long time - ideally forever - to keep the new weight.

If you, having lost excess weight, to celebrate, start again absorbing potatoes, cakes, white bread, sugar, beer every day, in a word, return to your previous diet, then the kilograms, alas, will return. Miracles don't happen.

Therefore, the Kremlin diet should become a way of life for you. Then the new weight will be preserved, health will become better.

Once you lose weight, you can eat ANYTHING. Limiting only sweet and starchy foods. White bread, potatoes, beer, bananas, prunes, raisins, not to mention sugar, should be on your table very rarely. The same sugar is better to replace healthy honey. A tablespoon a day will not affect the weight. Yes, and a piece of cake, birthday cake is not canceled.

The main thing is not to gain again THREE extra pounds. Then URGENTLY sit down on forty habitual glasses until the excess is gone.

But the beauty of the Kremlin diet, with the right process of losing weight, is that your body will gradually wean itself from sweets, flour and other foods, drinks that cause obesity and serious illnesses that accompany it. You just don't want to eat it afterwards.

Do not be surprised that the portions themselves will become smaller. After all, the volume of the stomach will return to normal. Pressure normalizes, heartburn, stomach pain disappear. But this, I repeat, takes time. So DO NOT HURRY.

It is desirable to combine the Kremlin diet with MODERATE physical education, a bath, a sauna.

We count carbohydrates

Unfortunately, in one table it is impossible to give all the products. Therefore, when going to the store, I advise you to carefully study the labels on packages, jars, packs, bags, bottles.

It indicates the nutritional value, the content of proteins, fats, CARBOHYDRATES in 100 grams of the product. Focus on these carbs.

Ideal weight

How many kilograms should be dropped? The question is far from idle. It's stupid to chase a wasp waist. This can be harmful to health as well. Therefore, I recommend shedding really extra pounds.

You can determine your normal weight using the BMI formula - body mass index.

Divide your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared.

Normal weight: result from 19.5 to 24.9.

Excessive thinness: below 19.5.

Overweight: 25–27.9.

Obesity 1st degree: 28–30.9.

Obesity 2nd degree: 31–35.9.

Obesity 3rd degree: 36–40.9

Obesity 4th degree: over 41.

Example: your weight is 83 kg. Height - 1.78 m. We determine what the squared height in meters is. Multiply 1.78 by 1.78 = 3.17. (Write down each your own number so that you don’t have to calculate each time during further calculations!)

Divide the current weight of 83 kg by 3.17 = 26. Weight is overweight. We will lose weight.

I told you, friends, only the basic rules for getting rid of excess weight on the Kremlin diet. Surely you will have many questions. And for beginners, and for those who are already shedding extra pounds. There are really a lot of nuances here. But the book you are holding in your hands is dedicated to recipes for “Kremlin dishes”.

I will tell you more about all the nuances of the most popular method of losing weight in the next book “KREMLIN DIET FROM EVGENY CHERNYKH: QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS”. It uses the experience of many readers of Komsomolskaya Pravda, who have lost up to 50 kg over the past year, and the advice of doctors. The book will be out of print soon. So wait.

Read the daily Komsomolskaya Pravda on Wednesdays and the weekly on Thursdays. I still write about the Kremlin diet.

If you have a computer, go to blog.kp.ru

This is an international club of Komsomolskaya Pravda readers who lose weight on CD. In addition to advice, newcomers will also receive moral support here, which is so important in the first weeks.

On the next page you will find the basis of our diet - the famous table of carbohydrate "cost" of foods and drinks. It will become your guiding star on the way to a new, healthy and slender body.

Good luck to you, dear readers, in the fight against excess weight!

Kremlin diet

Table of "costs" of basic foodstuffs

How much is cabbage soup and porridge in the Kremlin kitchen

Current page: 1 (total book has 9 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 7 pages]


100% +

Evgeny Chernykh
Kremlin diet. 300 best recipes

Let's lose weight by enjoying food

The Kremlin diet, which has gone to the people from the pages of Komsomolskaya Pravda, has become the most popular method of losing weight. Even the senior warrant officer Shmatko in the rating series "Soldiers" recently switched to it! The scriptwriters also put the mother of the "Beautiful Nanny" Lyubov Polishchuk on the Kremlin. But Lyudmila Gurchenko herself insisted that the scriptwriters of the series "Beware, Zadov!" sent her to Petrozavodsk to lose weight on the Kremlin diet. If the most important of the arts today - the television series - has noticed us ...

Unfortunately, there are many myths and tales about the Kremlin diet now. Including on TV, in health magazines. Who out of ignorance, and who deliberately launches rumors that here it is necessary to lose weight exclusively on bacon, meat, sausage, drinking vodka in full. Everything else, they say, is prohibited, even vegetables. And this is life-threatening. I agree, it's dangerous. So you can't lose weight! I am also against this method of losing weight, leading straight to a hospital bed.

Therefore, before moving on to the recipes promised on the cover of the book, I want to introduce you to the basic principles of the Kremlin diet.

We lose weight correctly

Before you go on a diet, take the necessary blood tests, find out the content of sugar in the blood, cholesterol, triglycerides. Do an ultrasound of the internal organs. If you have a serious illness, ALWAYS consult with your doctor about which foods and in what form you are allowed and which are not. From the allowed products and make up your Kremlin menu.

After a few months, repeat the tests to know the changes in the body.

I myself regularly undergo examinations, consult with the attending physician.

The Kremlin diet is not recommended for pregnant, lactating mothers. As well as people with kidney problems.

The basis of the diet is a table of carbohydrate content in 100 grams of food and drinks. 1 point equals 1 gram of carbohydrates.

To lose weight, you need to gain about 40 points per day with food (someone loses weight better by 20, someone - by 30-35 points. It is absolutely impossible to sit on 0 points!)

Let's lose weight slowly!

For the first two or three weeks, your food is LOW-FAT meat, fish, poultry, eggs, cheese, seafood, mushrooms, VEGETABLES. It is due to vegetables that you gain the necessary carbohydrates (about 40 grams).

Bread and all flour, sugar and all sweets, potatoes, cereals, fruits, berries, beer, sweet alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are excluded. Tea, coffee - without sugar.

If it’s hard without sweets, at first add sweeteners to tea, coffee.

Strong drinks, dry wine, although not prohibited, it is better to spend the first weeks without them. Alcohol delays the weight loss process. Is that a glass of dry wine, a glass of vodka on the weekend. For first success.

Already from the third or fourth week (depending on the lost kilograms), you GRADUALLY add nuts, seeds, milk, kefir, fruits, berries (except grapes, bananas, watermelons). Keeping everything in the same daily norm - about 40 points.

As you approach your planned weight, GRADUALLY add Hercules, oatmeal, buckwheat, grapes, watermelons, bananas, dried fruits, brown rice, black bread, honey.

The main thing is not to rush. Records are not needed here. The body must gradually get used to the new style of eating. Remember, it's important to get through the first three or four weeks. For the body to adapt. There will definitely be periods when not a single kilogram will go away in a week or two. Do not panic. It happens to everyone!

If you break the diet, the next morning continue to strictly observe it.

Do not starve, do not skip breakfast, lunch, dinner. If you are hungry, have a snack with cheese, and starting from the third or fourth week - an apple, an orange, nuts. You can also have dinner after 18.00. Remember: a hungry belly is deaf to weight loss!

Take vitamins.

Keep the weight!

The main thing in any diet is not just to lose weight, but for a long time - ideally forever - to keep the new weight.

If you, having lost excess weight, to celebrate, start again absorbing potatoes, cakes, white bread, sugar, beer every day, in a word, return to your previous diet, then the kilograms, alas, will return. Miracles don't happen.

Therefore, the Kremlin diet should become a way of life for you. Then the new weight will be preserved, health will become better.

Once you lose weight, you can eat ANYTHING. Limiting only sweet and starchy foods. White bread, potatoes, beer, bananas, prunes, raisins, not to mention sugar, should be on your table very rarely. The same sugar is better to replace healthy honey. A tablespoon a day will not affect the weight. Yes, and a piece of cake, birthday cake is not canceled.

The main thing is not to gain again THREE extra pounds. Then URGENTLY sit down on forty habitual glasses until the excess is gone.

But the beauty of the Kremlin diet, with the right process of losing weight, is that your body will gradually wean itself from sweets, flour and other foods, drinks that cause obesity and serious illnesses that accompany it. You just don't want to eat it afterwards.

Do not be surprised that the portions themselves will become smaller. After all, the volume of the stomach will return to normal. Pressure normalizes, heartburn, stomach pain disappear. But this, I repeat, takes time. So DO NOT HURRY.

It is desirable to combine the Kremlin diet with MODERATE physical education, a bath, a sauna.

We count carbohydrates

Unfortunately, in one table it is impossible to give all the products. Therefore, when going to the store, I advise you to carefully study the labels on packages, jars, packs, bags, bottles.

It indicates the nutritional value, the content of proteins, fats, CARBOHYDRATES in 100 grams of the product. Focus on these carbs.

Ideal weight

How many kilograms should be dropped? The question is far from idle. It's stupid to chase a wasp waist. This can be harmful to health as well. Therefore, I recommend shedding really extra pounds.

You can determine your normal weight using the BMI formula - body mass index.

Divide your weight in kilograms by your height in meters squared.

Normal weight: result from 19.5 to 24.9.

Excessive thinness: below 19.5.

Overweight: 25–27.9.

Obesity 1st degree: 28–30.9.

Obesity 2nd degree: 31–35.9.

Obesity 3rd degree: 36–40.9

Obesity 4th degree: over 41.

Example: your weight is 83 kg. Height - 1.78 m. We determine what the squared height in meters is. Multiply 1.78 by 1.78 = 3.17. (Write down each your own number so that you don’t have to calculate each time during further calculations!)

Divide the current weight of 83 kg by 3.17 = 26. Weight is overweight. We will lose weight.

I told you, friends, only the basic rules for getting rid of excess weight on the Kremlin diet. Surely you will have many questions. And for beginners, and for those who are already shedding extra pounds. There are really a lot of nuances here. But the book you are holding in your hands is dedicated to recipes for “Kremlin dishes”.

I will tell you more about all the nuances of the most popular method of losing weight in the next book “KREMLIN DIET FROM EVGENY CHERNYKH: QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS”. It uses the experience of many readers of Komsomolskaya Pravda, who have lost up to 50 kg over the past year, and the advice of doctors. The book will be out of print soon. So wait.

Read the daily Komsomolskaya Pravda on Wednesdays and the weekly on Thursdays. I still write about the Kremlin diet.

If you have a computer, go to blog.kp.ru

This is an international club of Komsomolskaya Pravda readers who lose weight on CD. In addition to advice, newcomers will also receive moral support here, which is so important in the first weeks.

On the next page you will find the basis of our diet - the famous table of carbohydrate "cost" of foods and drinks. It will become your guiding star on the way to a new, healthy and slender body.

Good luck to you, dear readers, in the fight against excess weight!

Kremlin diet
Table of "costs" of basic foodstuffs

How much is cabbage soup and porridge in the Kremlin kitchen

Approximate "cost" of ready meals

(Attention: these are standard dishes according to the official catering recipe. At home, the proportions and, accordingly, the points may change.)

I remind you that this table shows the cost of ready-made meals according to standard catering recipes. Somewhere there are potatoes, flour gravy, other high-point products.

And now let's learn how to independently calculate the "cost" of dishes.

The easiest way to evaluate scrambled eggs. One egg in the Kremlin diet "costs" 0.5 carbohydrate points. He broke a couple into a frying pan - one point. If you fry with ham, everything is also simpler than steamed turnips. In meat - 0 points. Therefore, the pan is "calculated" only by the number of eggs. Meat doesn't count.

Salads are more difficult. Glasses are different in tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage. And most importantly, it is difficult to determine by eye how much the signor tomato pulls. There are, however, tables of the approximate weight of products by the piece. An average cucumber weighs 100 grams, as does a potato. A tomato with a diameter of 5.5 cm is 75 grams, a diameter of 6.5 cm is 115 grams, etc. But a ruler, especially a caliper, for measuring diameter is hardly a kitchen essential tool. And what cucumber is considered average? In tables scattered in popular books on nutrition, for example, my favorite grapefruit is estimated at 100-130 grams. But for some reason I come across only giants in stores. Three pieces per kilogram go off scale.

Therefore, there is only one way out - to buy a kitchen scale. Better unpretentious, without electronic bells and whistles - accuracy to hundredths of a milligram is not required here.

With the advent of scales in the kitchen, not very pleasant surprises can await you, believe me. Suddenly it turns out that the average, in your opinion, tomato, which you sincerely considered a 100-gram one, will pull all 200! The same picture will be with other vegetables and fruits. And you wondered why you are not losing weight, gaining about 40 points on vegetables at the rate. Overdone with carbs!

But there will be no trouble with weights. Weighed a large tomato: 200 grams - 8 points. One hundred gram cucumber - three more points plus. Sprinkled with plenty of dill (20 grams) - here is another point (100 grams of dill - 4 points. To be precise, 20 grams is less than a point. But it is better to round up).

A tablespoon of mayonnaise or sour cream (20 grams) - plus a point, if two are added - 2 points. (Vegetable oil - zero! Yes, it is more useful.)

Now we count. The simplest vegetable salad with mayonnaise or sour cream for more than three hundred grams will cost us about 14 points.

Let's determine how many points are contained in 100 grams? Let's remember school mathematics lessons.

Let's make an equation:

360 grams of lettuce - 14 points

100 grams of lettuce - X points

X= 100 × 14: 360 = approximately 4 points.

(I remind you: the “cost” of products and ready-made meals in the tables of the Kremlin diet is given per 100 grams.)

If you are preparing a meat salad, add the weight of beef, sausage, chicken to vegetables. Just remember that in meat, fish - 0 points. Count boiled sausage as 1 point.

Take, for example, the beloved Olivier salad - most often I am asked about it. The easiest recipe to make scoring easier:

● 300 g of boiled chicken (or beef) - 0 points

● 200 g boiled potatoes - 32 points

● 1 cucumber (100 g) - 3 points

● 1 tomato (100 g) - 4 points

● canned green peas (50 g) - 3 points

● 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise or sour cream (50 g) - 2 points

Salt to taste, but there are no points in salt.

Total: 800 grams of lettuce pulled 44 points, 100 grams - 5.5 points.

But each hostess has her own signature Olivier recipe. Yes, and cabbage soup, soups are all prepared in different ways. Therefore, consider everything that comes into play. That is, in a plate, bowl, pot, pan.

But I do not at all urge you to keep a scale in the kitchen at hand for the rest of your life. It's boring and dreary - every day everything is strictly calculated, calculated. No pleasure from food, one continuous arithmetic. Let's not take an example from fans of low-calorie diets. It is better to sympathize with them, the poor fellows, who are forced to calculate the kilocalories that came with each eaten cutlet, carrot.

We need scales at first to roughly represent how many grams in which fruit, vegetable. Well, when you develop an eye, and with your own weight everything will be in openwork, you can safely push the scales to the far shelf. And then you don't have to count the points. You will roughly know what and how much you can eat without harm to your health and figure.

On the example of Olivier, you noticed that the potatoes gave the main points to the salad. She strongly "weights" cabbage soup, borscht. Potatoes, which promote weight gain, are not welcome in the Kremlin diet. As is flour. Fried meat, fish - 0 points. And rolled in flour before frying - and immediately the "price" jumped up. In a tablespoon - 20 grams of wheat flour - 14 points. However, at first, both flour and potatoes should not be present in your Kremlin dishes in any way!

A special article is porridge. They are liquid, viscous, crumbly. Depending on the amount of water, milk.

Loose porridge

● A glass of pearl barley, millet, buckwheat, rice needs 1.5–2.5 cups of liquid.

Viscous porridge

● Buckwheat - 3, millet - 3.5, rice - 4 cups.


● Millet, pearl barley - 4.5, rice - 5.5, oatmeal, semolina, "Hercules" - up to 6 glasses of water, milk.

But even these calculations are not interesting for you, beginners. You will eat porridge when you lose weight or are close to it.

Menu for the week

Attention! This menu is exemplary, only as a guide to the culinary action! Change, add dishes depending on your appetite, taste, wallet. The main thing is to follow the principle of diet. Losing weight - less than 40 points a day.

For complex recipes at first do not chase. The simpler the food, the better… Less opportunity for infractions.

I remind you: no bread on the table. And sugar! Forget about side dishes for main courses in the form of pasta, vermicelli, rice, buckwheat, potatoes.

No rusk-flour breading! Meat and fish are best eaten with vegetables.

Traditional soups with cereals, noodles, potatoes are also not for us. Shchi, borscht - without potatoes!

We'll have to suffer for the sake of health, figures!

Reach the ideal weight you are aiming for, then slowly add both potatoes and cereals. By then if you want.


Newbies! The first 2-3 weeks you will have to exclude fruits, nuts, milk, kefir. Score points with vegetables!

First steps in the Kremlin kitchen

So, friends, you have already got acquainted with the basics of the Kremlin diet. Dealt with the table. We learned how to count points in simple salads. It's time for the promised recipes.

I confess that I do not want to offer you the usual recipe collection, which are now a dime a dozen. Including, alas, the Kremlin diet. Pseudo-nutritionists like Anna Vishnevskaya collect standard recipes for dishes that include potatoes, sugar, flour, rice, they immediately write about pastries, cakes, arrange glasses more often from a lantern, without bothering to calculate. Or even go without glasses. And they put it on the market. People, that is, the people, still shove.

First, many traditional dishes do not fit the Kremlin diet. It would be foolish to put them in this book.

Secondly, there are a lot of nuances in the diet. Therefore, it is more important for me that you understand the principles of the Kremlin cuisine, especially for beginners.

“I’ve been sitting on the Kremlin diet for a week. I can no longer look at scrambled eggs, sausage and boiled meat. Guard, help with recipes!!!" Such requests come very often.

“How can you live at least a week without potatoes, bread, cereals, pasta?” I sometimes hear angry voices.

“Okay, I’ll somehow survive on ordinary days on your CD. But on a holiday, how to be without a bowl of Olivier salad? And there are potatoes in it, ”thirds sigh.

Calm down, friends, don't panic! I declare with full responsibility, based on the experience of many, many Kremlin members who have lost weight with the help of Komsomolskaya Pravda:

A LOT OF DELICIOUS DISHES CAN BE PREPARED IN THE FIRST DAYS AND WEEKS. Without potatoes and other products prohibited for beginners. The choice is really huge.

And even holidays, significant dates you can meet and celebrate without violating the Kremlin rules.

These are not my fantasies, believe me.

On the eve of the New Year, I met with the chef of the legendary restaurant "Yar" Maxim Tarusin. One of the best specialists in Russia, well versed in domestic, European and Oriental cuisine. I led the conversation just about what poor beginners should do without a herring under a fur coat.

Why give up the whole salad? Maxim said at the time. - Easier - from one potato. You can replace it with cabbage. Just boil it lightly so that it is soft. And cover the herring with cabbage. Or apples, asparagus. There are many options. Experiment.

Roast can also be prepared without the traditional potatoes with mayonnaise.

Take celery root instead. A very useful product. And not in short supply. Also boil a little first with butter, parsley, pepper, so that it is soft. And put on a baking sheet with meat. You can add tomatoes. Celery root is more expensive than potatoes, of course. But it has less waste.

A traditional jelly can be "packed" in Savoy or ordinary cabbage. The dish will look original on the festive table.

- More details, please…

- You cooked the usual jellied meat. But before pouring it into the mold, lay a film on the bottom, then put slightly steamed and beaten leaves of Savoy or native white cabbage. Put boiled meat, carrots, onions, garlic in layers on them. I add oyster mushrooms, celery root to the jelly. Cover everything with cabbage leaves and only then fill it. When the jellied meat has hardened in the refrigerator, cut it into pieces and serve on the table with horseradish sauce with whipped cream.

An interesting variant of "saving" the legendary Olivier salad, which is called "Russian" abroad, was suggested to me by the well-known Moscow restaurateur Igor Bukharov, the husband of the "dowryless" Larisa Guzeeva. You just need to simply replace the potatoes with an avocado or the same celery root. Avocado is best cut into cubes. Celery - grate on a coarse grater (recipes will be below, in the corresponding part of the book). Bukharov claims that in the very first version of Olivier, created in Moscow by the famous Frenchman, there were no potatoes.

So keep it up, friends. Fantasize. Fantasy is the basis of culinary art. Just stick to the Kremlin diet.

And those are the rules. Your kitchen should not have potatoes, flour, sugar, cereals, pasta, starch. For dressing salads, use vegetable oil, sour cream more often. Be careful with mayonnaise. There is sugar in there. Look at the label, choose the mayonnaise, where there are fewer carbohydrates. 2-2.6 per hundred grams. Or make your own. Sugarless.

Be sure to follow the label when buying sauces. There, too, the amount of sugar can vary several times. Depending on the brand of sauce, manufacturer.

Fry meat, fish without breading. Do not add bread to minced meat.

I will tell you more about the principles of cooking certain dishes in the relevant chapters. I tried to build them on the principle from simple to complex. When and what can a person who is losing weight eat in order to get rid of excess weight without problems and feelings of hunger.

By the way, I do not recommend from the very first days to hit very complex recipes, culinary masterpieces. Don't be smart. The simpler the meals, the easier it will be to lose weight. And when the body gets used to the new style of nutrition, then you will turn around, treat yourself and your loved ones. I advise them to also attach to the Kremlin diet. The whole family is more fun to lose weight. And easier.

The book contains recipes for dishes that perfectly match the Kremlin diet. This is the main principle. By the way, many Kremlin recipes have already been collected by our readers in the NK WHITE KOLPAK cookbook, which was organized by the tireless Muscovite NK White Sneakers on our blog.kp.ru

Some of these recipes are also included in the book.

And we start with the usual scrambled eggs. The best breakfast ever.

Bon Appetit!

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