Home Berries Raw turnip calories. Turnip: composition, calorie content, benefits, recipes. Energy value of turnips

Raw turnip calories. Turnip: composition, calorie content, benefits, recipes. Energy value of turnips

As you know, Russian folklore is literally replete with references to turnips, so almost all inhabitants of Russia and neighboring countries are familiar with it. True, often this acquaintance is exclusively in absentia. Indeed, in our time in cities it is often impossible to find turnips even “during the day.”

However, this does not mean that turnips are a useless and stupid product. On the contrary, the beneficial properties of turnips seriously surpass the properties of potatoes, which at one time forced turnips out of the gardens of most Russian people.

Of course, potatoes are probably superior in taste to turnips. However, let's look a little deeper into the chemical composition of turnips. Because the value of any product is determined precisely by the presence of nutrients in it, and not by taste characteristics. At least that's how it should be...

Composition of turnips

The benefits and harms of turnips

Let's start with the fact that turnips, unlike potatoes, are a dietary product. Because it contains half as many calories. But this is not yet useful, but just a preface.

Much more important is that turnips can prevent and alleviate many diseases, which include:

  • rheumatism, arthritis and other ailments that make us suffer from joint pain
  • diabetes mellitus (due to the low sugar content, as well as due to the presence of a special active substance in turnips - glucoraphanin)
  • chronic constipation (however, you need to act here very gradually and carefully, monitoring your well-being)
  • oncology (just don’t expect a complete cure from one serving a day)
  • toothache (you need to rinse your mouth with turnip broth)
  • sore throat, laryngitis and other diseases of the nasopharynx (you also need to rinse with a decoction)
  • increased nervous excitability
  • kidney stones, edema (due to the diuretic and antiseptic effect of the active substances contained in turnips)
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • any diseases of the respiratory system, including asthma and tuberculosis, regardless of their origin

It is also believed that turnips can have analgesic and antiseptic effects, as well as prevent baldness and premature gray hair. Moreover, turnips are also used as a remedy that can slow down the development of eye diseases.

It is also worth noting that turnips are absolutely objectively a very worthy source of easily digestible calcium (provided that the root vegetable is consumed raw).

Contraindications for eating turnips

It is important to understand that there are simply no absolute contraindications to eating turnips, because after heat treatment this root vegetable does not cause any acute reactions even in people with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver.

However, raw turnips can cause quite significant pain in those who are not lucky enough to “acquire” chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, kidney, liver and gastrointestinal diseases, as well as serious nervous disorders.

So be careful.

Turnips in cooking

The first thing that comes to mind is steamed turnips, which is glorified by a well-known saying. And this is truly a great way to cook turnips. Because steamed turnips retain maximum nutrients (compared to boiling and other heat treatment options), and the taste becomes pleasant and delicate.

However, in terms of effect, nothing compares to the raw product. Therefore, if you expect not just to enjoy turnips, but to get a healing effect, then you will have to learn how to prepare salads with raw turnips.

Turnip is a vegetable that is very often found both in the market and on supermarket shelves. Like any vegetable, turnip has its pros and cons, and in order to understand whether it will bring benefit or, on the contrary, cause harm, you must first understand what beneficial and medicinal qualities it has.

Each food product, both for men and women, has both positive and negative qualities. However, many nutritionists and doctors who advise following a healthy diet recommend adding turnips to your diet at least occasionally.

A simple garden plant is considered especially valuable during the cold winter period. Since turnip is rich in vitamins, it supports the immune system, has analgesic properties, and has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

Composition and calorie content

Compared to other vegetables, the calorie content of turnips is not that high. Only 30 calories per 100 grams.

However, 30 calories is the calorie content of a fresh product. Everyone knows that calorie content also depends on the form in which the product is. For example, Boiled turnips contain fewer calories than fresh ones - approximately 25-28 calories per 100 grams. And here fried, on the contrary, has a much higher calorie content - 50-60 calories per 100 grams. But it also depends on what type of oil was used for frying.

Steamed turnips are healthier and have less calories. In this case, the calorie content per 100 grams of product will be approximately the same as that of fresh turnips - about 30 calories.

Composition of turnips per 100 grams of product looks something like this:

  • Water – 90 g
  • Proteins – 1.6 g
  • Fats – 0.1 g
  • Carbohydrates – 6.3 g
  • Monosaccharides and disaccharides – 6 g
  • Starch – 0.4 g
  • Ash – 0.6
  • Acids (mostly organic) – 0.1 g

In addition to minerals, turnips also contain a whole list of vitamins., which are simply necessary for a healthy and strong body to maintain immunity and to improve tone.

Among the total number of vitamins there are the following:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamins B1, B2 and B9
  • Niacin or B3
  • Ascorbic acid (C)

Beneficial features

Turnips come in many varieties, but both black and yellow turnips have the same health benefits. And thanks to its unique composition, this is everyone's favorite The vegetable has significant benefits for the body.

Even despite some contraindications, some of the beneficial properties of turnips include: pain relief, supporting the nervous system and increasing immunity. This root vegetable has virtually no calories and is good for diabetics.

Useful properties of turnips

  • Turnip is a source of plant fiber in the human body. Due to its composition, turnip has a slight irritability on the smooth lining of the intestines, this helps it quickly remove unnecessary substances, waste and toxins from the body.
  • For men and women who plan to lose extra pounds, turnips are simply an indispensable product in the diet. Due to the fact that the calorie content of turnips is relatively low, and the product itself consists of almost 90% water, it not only does not add excess weight, but also helps to get rid of it.
  • Also, turnip has a calming effect on nerve fibers and cells in the body. When stressed, doctors recommend eating raw turnips, or drinking its juice, even with sugar.
  • In addition, turnips also have antibacterial properties. It is best to use it during illness or make compresses from it, then it will help you quickly get back on your feet.

Turnip is very useful for weight loss

The best advice for those who want to lose weight is to completely replace potatoes with turnips. In any form, instead of boiled potatoes, eat boiled turnips, instead of fried potatoes, eat fried turnips, this will help you easily get rid of unwanted weight.

It is also better to replace fatty salads with mayonnaise with a light and tasty salad of turnips, carrots and bell peppers. Cut everything into strips, add a little herbs to taste, and season it all with olive oil.

Turnip itself is a dietary, low-calorie and light product.. Nutritionists and doctors advise people who are overweight due to diabetes to add it to their diet.

Turnip is also useful for those who have not been able to lose weight for a long time, although they have tried various diets; thanks to its composition, it removes unnecessary toxins from the body, thereby preventing them from accumulating in adipose tissue.

Cocktails with turnips are also incredibly useful both for weight loss and simply for health. A slightly sweet and at the same time spicy taste, just perfect for vegetable cocktails. Here are a couple of the most common recipes:

  • An extraordinary, but incredibly tasty cocktail can be obtained if you mix turnip juice with cranberry juice, or replace the cranberries with pineapple, raspberries, or citrus juice. If desired, you can add a little sugar.
  • You can make a wonderful vegetable cocktail by mixing turnip juice with tomato juice and adding just a little garlic. This cocktail will help not only lose weight, but also improve health, tone the body and maintain a strong and healthy immune system.

What is useful to know

Turnip leaves are no less useful than the turnip itself; they contain no less useful components and substances necessary for the human body. Young turnip leaves contain a huge list of useful components, including the following:

  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorus
  • Iron
  • Potassium

But what is most striking is that the benefits of turnip leaves surpass even goat and cow milk in terms of self-interest! Turnip leaves can be chopped into a summer salad for an easy snack. As for the taste of turnips, it can be compared to celery.

Harm and contraindications

Despite a number of beneficial properties and qualities, turnips also have contraindications for certain diseases. For this reason, before you start consuming turnips, you need to make sure that it will not cause any exacerbations.

Eating turnips is prohibited if you have diseases such as:

  • Inflammatory processes in the stomach and duodenum;
  • Hepatitis, including chronic;
  • Colitis;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Gastritis.

Please note that turnip is an allergic product. And in order to avoid unnecessary allergies, you first need to make sure that the body reacts to a given food product absolutely normally.

For this reason, there is no need to immediately eat turnips in large quantities. It would be better to start with once a week, and if there is no irritation, nausea, etc., you can increase the consumption of turnips from 2 to 4 times a week.

As already mentioned, the nutritious root vegetable can have a harmful effect on the body of people suffering from diseases of the digestive tract and nervous system.

It is better not to abuse turnip even in case of obvious complications or intolerance by the body. If possible, this, albeit healthy root vegetable, should be completely excluded from the regular diet. Since there may be a feeling of discomfort due to a worsening condition, gastritis or ulcers may worsen, and heartburn will appear. In some cases, the body’s vomiting reaction to an unwanted product can also cause danger.

Turnip is a dietary vegetable with a storehouse of nutrients. The plant contains a huge amount of microelements and vitamins that improve the functioning of all organs and systems of the human body. The main wealth of the vegetable is ascorbic acid. In terms of vitamin C content, turnips are superior to oranges and other citrus fruits. The root vegetable contains a lot of indigestible fibers, which prevent toxins from being absorbed in the intestines.


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    Benefit for health

    Turnips contain microelements, biologically active substances, and vitamins. In terms of the content of coarse dietary fiber, the vegetable is ahead of other members of the cabbage family, including horseradish. Fiber is not digested in the small intestine, but swells with water, and as it moves through the colon, it removes up to 10% of the cholesterol from fatty foods and cancer-causing toxins.

    Useful compounds and vitamins in turnips:

    • Ascorbic acid- responsible for the elasticity of all organs, including skin and blood vessels.
    • Folic acid- necessary for human hematopoiesis.
    • Isocyanates- substances that have an anti-cancer effect are contained in the tops.

    Benefits of the plant:

    • enhances intestinal function;
    • speeds up digestion;
    • promotes the production of gastric juice;
    • cleanses the body of toxins;
    • increases immunity;
    • relieves vitamin deficiency;
    • prevents colds;
    • stimulates the gallbladder;
    • prevents the formation of stones;
    • strengthens teeth and nails;
    • improves skin condition.

    The usefulness of black, yellow, green and white turnips is the same. The color of the peel depends on the variety, but the chemical composition of the vegetables remains unchanged.

    For women

    The plant is especially useful for women in menopause, it calms the nerves and evens out the emotional background. The vegetable can be eaten to improve the condition of nails, hair and skin (turnip helps fight rashes on the face).

    The root crop is a champion in organic sulfur content. This healing element is necessary to maintain youth and good skin condition, it cleanses the blood, strengthens the immune system, increases bile production, and protects against toxins and radioactive contamination.

    During pregnancy

    Dishes made from boiled and stewed turnip vegetables are tasty, nutritious, easily digestible, and supply the pregnant woman’s body with essential microelements and vitamins. The root vegetable and its juice can be used as a folk remedy to treat colds, since many medications are prohibited for women during pregnancy.

    Expectant mothers can include the product in salads and soups, combining it with other vegetables, meat and fish. To get rid of the bitter taste of raw turnips, just pour boiling water over the root vegetable.

    For men

    Vitamin B in the plant normalizes the hormonal levels of men, which helps increase libido and improve erection.

    All cruciferous vegetables, and especially turnips, contain plant antibiotics and phytoncides. Given the mild diuretic effect of the vegetable, antibiotics quickly remove pathogenic microflora from the urethra.

    For children

    Vegetable puree from root vegetables can be introduced into a child’s diet from 6 months. The minerals and vitamins that make up turnips are necessary for the full growth and development of the baby. Carbohydrates in vegetables normalize the functioning of the digestive system and can be combined with any food. The product helps the absorption of iron and, thus, promotes faster development of the child's brain.

    For diabetes

    The healing properties of turnips are invaluable for people with diabetes due to the folic acid content in it. Other vitamins contained in the vegetable are also useful for this disease:

    The product, even after heat treatment, is eaten without salt, which is especially important for diabetics. Turnip helps lower blood sugar and improves kidney function. For type 2 diabetes, baked vegetables are most beneficial.


    Due to the high content of essential oils, there are a number of contraindications for consuming turnips.

    Eating a large amount of vegetables out of habit can cause gas formation in the intestines.

    People with the following health problems should not abuse the product:

    • inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
    • gastritis of any type;
    • malfunction of the thyroid gland;
    • chronic liver and kidney diseases.

    Patients with pancreatic diseases, including diabetics, can eat turnips only after the permission of the attending physician.

    When consuming root vegetables, like any other medicinal product, you should observe moderation. It is enough to eat no more than 300 g per day. In order not to harm the body, improve the digestibility of the vegetable and prevent the formation of gases in the intestines, it is better to eat the product heat-treated - boiled or steamed.

    Calorie content and BZHU

    Turnips are low in calories. It can be safely used by people suffering from excess weight or those who care about the beauty of their figure. Product BJU: 19%/3%/78%.

    Calorie content per 100 grams:

    • raw turnip contains 31.5 kcal;
    • boiled - 33 kcal;
    • steamed - 30 kcal.

    Nutritional value per 100 grams:

    • proteins - 1.5 g;
    • fats - 0.1 g;
    • carbohydrates - 6.2 g.

    Turnip composition:

    The vegetable also contains vitamins A, B1, B2, C, E, PP, Beta-carotene.

Fresh turnips are enriched with vitamins A, B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, E, C, PP, K, minerals magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium, manganese, iron, selenium, copper, zinc.

The calorie content of boiled turnips per 100 grams is 32 kcal. In a 100 gram serving of the product:

  • 1.4 g protein;
  • 0 g fat;
  • 6 g carbohydrates.

Boiled vegetables retain almost all vitamins and minerals. Due to its low fat and carbohydrate content and high dietary fiber content, this product is recommended for inclusion in the diet during dieting and weight loss.

Calorie content of steamed turnips per 100 grams

The calorie content of steamed turnips per 100 grams is 32 kcal. Recipe:

  • turnips are cut into thin circles, placed in a clay pot, salted to taste;
  • Add a few tablespoons of clean water to the pot with turnips. It is important not to overdo it with water, as then the turnips will turn out boiled and not steamed;
  • Ready turnips can be seasoned with herbs, onions, garlic, mustard, and sour cream. Those with a sweet tooth can add jam or honey.

Benefits of turnips

The beneficial properties of turnips are:

  • the product stimulates the intestines, promotes the production of gastric juice;
  • turnips are rich in dietary fiber, which remove toxins and waste from the body;
  • the root vegetable is enriched with vitamins and minerals, so it is included in the diet for the prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiency;
  • vitamin C of the product improves immunity, ensures the prevention of influenza and ARVI;

Turnip is a vegetable crop, one of the most famous representatives of the Cabbage genus of the Cruciferous family. The homeland of this plant is Western Asia: it has been proven that it began to be grown on the territory of the Arabian Peninsula more than 4 thousand years ago.

In Ancient Egypt and Greece, only members of the lower classes ate turnips: poor farmers and slaves. At the same time, in Ancient Rome, dishes made from it were popular among both peasants and the nobility. In Rus', turnips remained the main vegetable crop for a long time. Only in the 18th century was potato imported from Holland able to compete with this crop.

Turnip is a perennial plant. If sowing is successful in the first year, a rosette of ovoid, pinnately incised green leaves on long petioles and a fleshy round root grows from the seed. In the second year, a long stem covered with leaves appears from the root with yellow flowers collected in racemes. The fruit of the plant is a short, knotty pod with spherical seeds of a brownish-red color.

Turnip is one of the most important components of Russian traditional cuisine. The root vegetables of this culture have long been used to prepare malt stew - repnitsa; they are baked, boiled, stewed and served as a hearty side dish for meat dishes. Raw turnips are often included in vitamin-rich salads, and its juice is an indispensable component of healthy vegetable smoothies. Root vegetables are stuffed with vegetables, mushrooms and meat, pickled and dried, and prepared into stews and casseroles. Along with this, turnips are actively used as a means of traditional medicine, which allows one to effectively cope with many different pathologies.

Nutritional value of turnips and vitamins in its composition

Turnip is a vegetable crop with high nutritional value. The roots of this plant contain proteins, indigestible fibers, carbohydrates, vitamins and other substances beneficial to the body. An interesting fact is that turnip is a rich source of ascorbic acid: 100 g of product contains up to 23% of the daily requirement of this compound.

The nutritional value 100 g turnips:

  • 1.481 g protein;
  • 6.184 g carbohydrates;
  • 1.817 g indigestible fiber;
  • 0.263 g starch;
  • 0.099 g fat;
  • 0.083 g organic acids;
  • 5.671 g mono-, disaccharides;
  • 0.667 g ash;
  • 89.468 g of water.

Vitamins in 100 g of turnip:

  • 0.089 mg beta-carotene;
  • 0.039 mg riboflavin;
  • 1.089 mg niacin equivalent;
  • 0.091 mg alpha-tocopherol (E);
  • 0.769 mg vitamin PP;
  • 19.894 mg ascorbic acid;
  • 16.868 mcg retinol equivalent (A);
  • 0.046 mg vitamin B1.

Energy value of turnips

Turnip is a nutritious dietary product with low energy value. This property allows you to include dishes prepared on its basis in the diet menu for obese people.

  • Calorie content of 100 g of turnips in raw form is 31.73 kcal.
  • The calorie content of a medium-sized root vegetable (200 g) is 63.46 kcal.
  • Calorie content of boiled turnips is 32.17 kcal.
  • Calorie content of stewed turnips is 29.84 kcal.
  • The calorie content of steamed turnips is 31.04 kcal.

Microelements and macroelements in turnips

Turnips are a real storehouse of potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorus and other useful elements. Regular (at least once every 4-6 days) consumption of root vegetables contributes to the effective and rapid replenishment of the reserves of these essential substances in the human body.

Macronutrients in every 100 g of turnip:

  • 237.463 mg potassium (K);
  • 48.164 mg calcium (Ca);
  • 33.178 mg phosphorus (P);
  • 16.912 mg sodium (Na);
  • 16.861 mg magnesium (Mg).

Microelements in every 100 g of turnip:

  • 0.874 mg Fe (iron).

Useful properties of turnips

  • Turnips are a rich source of calcium. That is why regular consumption of dishes prepared on its basis is an effective preventive measure to prevent the occurrence of rickets in children, blood and bone diseases in adults.
  • Warm decoction and boiled turnip juice have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiseptic properties. Therefore, traditional healers prescribe using them for rinsing the mouth for toothache, stomatitis, gingivitis and other dental diseases. The substances contained in these drinks have a beneficial effect on the condition of the enamel layer of teeth. In addition, warm decoction or turnip juice, sweetened with honey, is taken orally for severe unproductive coughs, colds, acute laryngitis, as well as for hoarseness.
  • The root vegetables of the plant are a rich storehouse of vitamins and useful elements. Therefore, regular consumption of them in food is an effective method of preventing vitamin deficiency.
  • It has been established that the substances present in turnips help normalize heart rhythm and prevent the development of heart disease.
  • Turnips contain a lot of fiber and other substances that enhance the peristalsis of the digestive tract, stimulate the production of digestive enzymes and significantly accelerate metabolic processes. Thus, regular consumption of dishes prepared from it allows you to normalize the gastrointestinal tract, improve food absorption and get rid of obesity.
  • Turnip juice has a mild laxative and diuretic effect. Regular consumption of this drink benefits people suffering from constipation or diseases of the urinary system.
  • Boiled turnips, ground into a thick paste, are useful to apply to the affected areas for gout. In order to ease the unpleasant symptoms of this disease, you can also use an ointment prepared from the resulting puree and goose fat. In addition, turnip decoction is an excellent remedy for gouty pain: it is used to prepare daily warm baths.
  • Turnips contain a rather rare component - glucoraphanin. When chewing food, this substance is transformed by enzymes into sulforaphane, a compound that has antitumor and antibacterial properties. Thus, regular consumption of turnips can reduce the risk of certain infectious diseases and certain forms of cancer. Research has also shown that glucoraphanin has the ability to block enzymes that have a destructive effect on cartilage tissue.
  • Daily consumption of raw turnips normalizes the functioning of the visual apparatus, improves the condition of the skin and its appendages (nail plates, hair), and normalizes the microflora of the genitourinary tract in case of thrush.
  • Organic plant compounds contained in turnips can have a mild calming effect. For this reason, nutritionists advise including dishes prepared on its basis in the diet for insomnia, increased irritability and nervous excitability.

Contraindications for consuming turnips

  • The main contraindication to the consumption of turnips is the presence of diseases of the digestive tract that occur in an acute form.
  • According to nutritionists, consumption of the root vegetables of this plant (in any form) can cause harm to persons suffering from chronic kidney and liver diseases.
  • It is not recommended to include turnips in the diet of people suffering from chronic cholecystitis or hepatitis.
  • Turnip is contraindicated for people who have been diagnosed with central nervous system diseases.
  • Young mothers who are breastfeeding should introduce the root vegetables of this plant into their diet with caution. Under unfavorable circumstances, the substances included in their composition can cause severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation or severe allergic reactions in the infant.
  • An absolute contraindication to the consumption of turnips and dishes prepared on its basis is individual intolerance.

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