Home Roses Children's books in a dream. Book - complete interpretation of a dream according to dream books Why do you dream about a book given by your father?

Children's books in a dream. Book - complete interpretation of a dream according to dream books Why do you dream about a book given by your father?

according to Vanga's dream book

In a dream, this symbol means wisdom, knowledge, foresight. In front of you are huge shelves lined with books, there are a lot of them, and you just can’t choose the right one. This dream means that in real life you find it difficult to choose your life path. In a dream, you hold a book in your hands and read inscriptions in a language unfamiliar to you - in reality you will discover abilities hidden in yourself until now. Seeing a book with torn pages in a dream is a sign that you will make a rash decision that will ruin all your plans. A dream in which you receive a book as a gift is a symbol of your wisdom and insight. Perhaps you yourself are not aware of the existence of such a gift. Seeing an old magic book in your hands is a sign of sinfulness and fall. In real life, your actions are dictated by selfishness.

Why do you dream about a book?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

read - unexpected news; scrolling, seeing - a new acquaintance; tearing - forgetting something; looking at a book is a good thing; if there are many books, there is a lot to do; burning - losing a friend; a large volume - to fame; Ancient books in the Repository (library) - to recovery (Chinese).

I dreamed about the Bible

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing the Bible in a dream means that you will have the opportunity for pure and bright pleasure. Seeing yourself rejecting biblical teaching is a sign that you are ready to give in to tempting temptations.

Why do you dream about the Bible?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

be in church; repentance; personal revelation, big changes.

I dreamed about reading

according to Miller's dream book

Reading in a dream is a sign that you will excel in a task that seemed difficult. If you see other people reading, it means that your friends will be kind to you and you will be well settled. Offering something to read or discussing what you read in a dream means that you are constantly improving your literary knowledge. If you come across unclear, incoherent text in a dream, it means that you are in danger of worry and disappointment.

Why do you dream about bookbinding?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

return of lost (debt, property); to judicial or personal prosecution (it’s not for nothing that they say “get into trouble”).

Seeing a story in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

If you see yourself listening to a story or acting as a character in a story, then perhaps in real life it is not you, but others who control your life and make choices for you. Apparently, even if the narrator is not familiar to you, he or she represents the person who controls your life. If you feel like you are a storyteller, while at the same time observing yourself, then this may indicate your uncertainty about the correctness of the decisions that you are currently making in real life. Before acting on such decisions, you want to test them on dream material and thereby avoid harmful consequences.

Memoirs, Diary, short story, pamphlet, story, poem, Story, Essay, volume, book, Novel, edition, microbook, reading material, pedigree book, one-volume book, problem book, Scroll, Deuteronomy, Divan, paleotype, prochiron, Register, Breviary, apocalypse, bestseller, little book, booklet, monthly book, menaion, dream book, Herbalist, thriller, Index, wackenbook, quartant, lagbook, landbook, octave, octoechus, exodus, Elsevier, canon, book, booklets, helmsman, solver, typikon, triodion, degree book , stoglav, Brick, jammapada, bereshit, bogoglasnik, bogoglas, guinness, gradual, ecclesiastes, bruliar, memora, strata, nomocanon, lawmaker

Book in Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita:

Books - buy, see, read - success in work, news, acquaintance - last minute - loss of a friend

Interpretation in Esoteric dream book Sleep Book:

  • Find, take, steal - you will receive very important information, make a discovery, create a doctrine.
  • To tear, to lose - your work will be appreciated, your merits will be noted.
  • Scrolling - learning, gaining knowledge. For applicants - admission to a university.
  • Reading means spiritual elevation, growth.
  • Why do you dream about the Book? Ukrainian dream book?

  • Reading books is a reward, reading in the library is a surprise; to see them burning is a loss of hope, friends; to buy is a benefit. The account book is a fraud.
  • IN Modern dream book, if you dream about a Book:

  • If in a dream you read books, then in reality you will be guaranteed fame, honor and respect. A dream in which you think about the meaning of what you read has the same meaning. For an author to see his work published in a dream means that the path of his book to the reader will not be easy. A dream in which you see children reading means that the young people with whom you will communicate will turn out to be worthy representatives of their generation. Seeing old books in a dream means that you should beware of evil in any of its manifestations. A bookcase filled with books symbolizes that your work and leisure time will be related to acquiring knowledge. Empty bookshelves portend distress due to lack of livelihood or loss of job. If you dreamed that you were in a bookstore, then you are destined to experience the influence of inspiration.
  • If you dream about a Book? IN Miller's Dream Book:

  • Seeing children reading books speaks of future harmony and good behavior among young people.
  • To dream that you spend a lot of effort and time to discover the hidden meaning of the texts of learned authors is a sign of honors and awards that you have earned through long work.
  • Seeing old books in a dream is a warning to beware of evil in any form.
  • Pleasant aspirations, activities, honor, respect and wealth - this is what it means to dream that you are looking at or reading books. For an author to dream that his works are going into print is a warning dream: he will have a lot of troubles on the way of his books to the reader.
  • Interpretation of sleep Book in Lunar dream book:

    Read books - study; tear - forget something important.

    Seeing a book in a dream Vanga's dream book:

  • A dream in which you receive a book as a gift is a symbol of your wisdom and insight. Perhaps you yourself are not aware of the existence of such a gift.
  • In a dream, this symbol means wisdom, knowledge, foresight.
  • In front of you are huge shelves lined with books, there are a lot of them, and you just can’t choose the right one. This dream means that in real life you find it difficult to choose your life path.
  • Seeing a book with torn pages in a dream is a sign that you will make a rash decision that will ruin all your plans.
  • Seeing an old magic book in your hands is a sign of sinfulness and fall. In real life, your actions are dictated by selfishness.
  • In a dream, you hold a book in your hands and read inscriptions in a language unfamiliar to you - in reality you will discover abilities hidden in yourself until now.
  • What does it mean to see a book in a dream The newest dream book?

  • Read - to sustainable stability; buy - to prosperity; write - to amazing news. Antique room - meeting with past problems; communication with childhood friends. Artistic K.: reading - to gourmet food; writing X. k. is a fantasy that is not destined to come true. Republishing your K. (brochure) means restoring a broken relationship with a person of the opposite sex.
  • What does a Book mean in a dream? Family dream book?

  • A dream in which you are looking at or reading a book foreshadows pleasant aspirations, activities, honor, respect and wealth.
  • If in a dream you make an effort to comprehend the secret meaning of this or that work, honors and rewards earned through long work await you.
  • Children reading are a good dream: you won’t have too many problems raising them.
  • If the author dreams that his work is published, he will have to expect trouble from the publisher.
  • Ancient books in a dream are a warning against evil in any form.
  • Book in a dream Eastern dream book:

  • You are holding a book in your hands and reading inscriptions in a language unfamiliar to you - it means that you will discover abilities hidden in yourself until now. Seeing a book with torn pages means making a rash decision. A dream in which you receive a book as a gift speaks of your wisdom and insight. Perhaps even you yourself don’t realize it.
  • In a dream, see a book. IN Tsvetkov's Dream Book:

  • read - unexpected news;
  • looking at a book is a good thing;
  • scrolling, seeing - a new acquaintance;
  • if there are many books, there is a lot to do;
  • tearing - forgetting something;
  • burning - losing a friend.
  • What does Book mean? Noble dream book:

  • Books fall on you - useless knowledge / interference in your career.
  • Seeing seeds between the pages of a book means tears from a letter or book.
  • A scarlet ribbon - abandoned love, which you will have to regret.
  • If you are looking for a place in a book without success, look in the past for the answer to what worries you.
  • To be afraid to open a book means you will find out something unpleasant.
  • With scary pictures - your guilty conscience.
  • Reading a book is an honor, wisdom, joy, satisfaction of curiosity.
  • Orange – malaise / ironic attitude towards you, ridicule.
  • To learn from it is to gain influence.
  • Taking out anything ominous means harm from knowledge and its abuse.
  • In a normal book, find blank pages - interesting news, sensation / gaps in knowledge / liberation from fatality; the further course of your life depends entirely on the decision you make.
  • A huge book is a heavy responsibility.
  • Blue – peace, happiness, the path to wisdom, higher knowledge.
  • Hearing thunder when you open a book means a difficult but glorious fate lies ahead.
  • Green – hope, love, kind attitude towards you.
  • Poisonous green - deceit, lies.
  • Kabbalah, reading magic books is a lot of work.
  • Violet, purple - misunderstanding / the path of the artist, performer or magician.
  • With indecent ones - lust that will not be satisfied.
  • Printing books means receiving an inheritance.
  • To be among books in a library means the mind is lost among unsystematic knowledge / a call to think carefully about everything before deciding on something.
  • Finding anything in a book with blank pages means you don’t know how to use your influence.
  • Seeing a book without a cover is a new destiny clearly defined by your present.
  • White is the new destiny you have chosen.
  • Simply revealing this means your influence is useful to someone.
  • Read the manuscript - misunderstanding will disappear.
  • A sealed book means someone is stopping you from finding out the truth.
  • A book tied with a black ribbon is a destiny that you abandoned.
  • The pages in the book stick together - confusion in your head.
  • Red – discord, anger, struggle.
  • A mottled book - a worthless life / a frivolous attitude towards you / a happy and varied fate.
  • Books, reading
  • To take something out of a book is to apply the knowledge to benefit.
  • Gray - secret anger, gloomy, hopeless future.
  • They give you a wrapped book - there will be nothing lasting and final in your fate and your position.
  • Chained - don't reveal what you know.
  • Yellow – envy, jealousy, betrayal.
  • Seeing a lot of books, going through them, opening them is a joy, a spiritual thirst that will remain unsatisfied, a desire to accumulate knowledge.
  • Look at a book with pictures - they have something to do with your future.
  • Brown - secret intrigues and slander.
  • If he is unfamiliar - fate.
  • The color and type of the book being given symbolizes the attitude of the donor towards you.
  • The white book is joy, happiness, obedience to you.
  • Decorated with expensive fabric, stones - thirst for true knowledge / profitable marriage / profitable friendship.
  • Black - deception, slander, malice.
  • To see one big book means to occupy an influential position.
  • Blue – sadness, melancholy, alienation, religious path.
  • Pink – love, something pleasant.
  • Being in the archive is a waste of time.
  • Ready book - woman prostitute.
  • Seeing a Book in a dream. IN Schiller's Dream Book:

  • buy, read or see - success in science, discoveries, a pleasant, bright, conscious life.
  • What does the Book mean? Old Russian dream book:

  • read - unexpected news; scrolling, seeing - a new acquaintance; tear -: forgetting something; looking at a book is a good thing, if there are a lot of books, there is a lot to do; burning - losing a friend.
  • What does a Book mean in a dream? Italian dream book?

  • It is a symbolic designation that gives shape to a certain stereotype, a categorical reduction of the “Super-I”, fixed in behavior. Symbolizes the theoretical justification of the matrix in current events that do not allow a person to achieve progressive or functional development.
  • The meaning of sleep Book in Mayan dream book:

    Book in Vedic dream book of Sivananda:

  • Seeing a book in a dream is a good sign. Your future life will be very pleasant. If a woman dreams of books, then her son will be very educated.
  • Interpretation in Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong Sleep Book:

  • You see a man reading a book. - A noble offspring will be born.
  • There is a book on the table. - You will then receive a new appointment, a promotion.
  • Why do you dream about the Book? Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor?

  • Explanation and Interpretation
  • Primary elements - wood, fire, metal, earth, water.
  • Elements - wind, heat, dryness, cold, humidity.
  • Organs - liver, gall bladder, heart, kidneys, lungs, spleen.
  • Reading/the process of reading in a dream cannot be imposed from the outside, it is always independently chosen, reading in a dream always symbolizes a desire/craving for certain information. New information necessarily entails a revision of the old and the release of unnecessary ballast: knowledge remains, and negative emotions (possibly associated with tension in acquiring knowledge) and internal self-blocking are smoothed out. Slow leafing and looking at pages with different fonts are especially beneficial. It is even more favorable when the pages contain both text and pictures - this is a combination of logical and figurative thinking into a single whole. The consequence is the discovery of possibilities (perhaps you didn’t even know about them), and in some perspective - an increase in creative potential. A book/reading a book/tablets in a dream, etc. - the harmony of yang action and yin state is assumed, therefore all senses are involved: eyes (see), skin (touch the pages), hearing (hear their rustling), smell (old books have a persistent odor). Reading in a dream and its consequence is an opportunity for a new understanding of one’s actions during the day (an outside view), a change in behavior and relationships for the better, and an unexpected receipt of the necessary information. The dream is favorable. Searching and reading old books (often in abandoned houses, attics, and so on) is a search for necessary information that was lost in the past. Reading manuscripts, letters, notebooks is the need to obtain information from a specific person. This voluntary combination of one’s own information with someone else’s in a dream makes the author mutually connected with the dreamer. Whether this is favorable, or the dreamer wants to help someone to the detriment of himself - this is an act of his will. But the desire for help in the future will return, as all good deeds are rewarded. Reading books in a dream with unpleasant (as if dancing before your eyes) fonts, torn, dirty pages - the dreamer, with a high probability, found himself in a situation in the past that entails reading similar books in the present. If this is information, then an unpleasant dream is necessary: ​​mistakes must be corrected, negative emotions must be overcome. If in a dream there is a feeling of meddling in someone else’s business, then such information can have a rather unfavorable effect in reality. Here the dream is interpreted depending on the character of the dreamer: is there a habit of empty curiosity? A book in reality is a source of long-term storage of information (a source of various energy), in a dream it acts as part of the information of the Cosmos, therefore it cannot be directly used to harm the reader (there is no ill will, there is a need), troubles will be the result of the dreamer’s own actions. Reading books in a dream is a sign of a fairly high tension situation, the resolution of which depends on the attitude towards what is happening in the dream and on his behavior in reality.
  • Planets - Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Venus, Mercury.
    • Primary elements - wood, fire, metal, earth, water.
    • Elements - wind, heat, dryness, cold, humidity.
    • Organs - liver, gall bladder, heart, kidneys, lungs, spleen.
    • Planets - Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Venus, Mercury.
    • Explanation and Interpretation
    • Reading/the process of reading in a dream cannot be imposed from the outside, it is always independently chosen, reading in a dream always symbolizes a desire/craving for certain information. New information necessarily entails a revision of the old and the release of unnecessary ballast: knowledge remains, and negative emotions (possibly associated with tension in acquiring knowledge) and internal self-blocking are smoothed out. Slow leafing and looking at pages with different fonts are especially beneficial. It is even more favorable when the pages contain both text and pictures - this is a combination of logical and figurative thinking into a single whole. The consequence is the discovery of possibilities (perhaps you didn’t even know about them), and in some perspective - an increase in creative potential. A book/reading a book/tablets in a dream, etc. - the harmony of yang action and yin state is assumed, therefore all senses are involved: eyes (see), skin (touch the pages), hearing (hear their rustling), smell (old books have a persistent odor). Reading in a dream and its consequence is an opportunity for a new understanding of one’s actions during the day (an outside view), a change in behavior and relationships for the better, and an unexpected receipt of the necessary information. The dream is favorable. Searching and reading old books (often in abandoned houses, attics, and so on) is a search for necessary information that was lost in the past. Reading manuscripts, letters, notebooks is the need to obtain information from a specific person. This voluntary combination of one’s own information with someone else’s in a dream makes the author mutually connected with the dreamer. Whether this is favorable, or the dreamer wants to help someone to the detriment of himself - this is an act of his will. But the desire for help in the future will return, as all good deeds are rewarded. Reading books in a dream with unpleasant (as if dancing before your eyes) fonts, torn, dirty pages - the dreamer, with a high probability, found himself in a situation in the past that entails reading similar books in the present. If this is information, then an unpleasant dream is necessary: ​​mistakes must be corrected, negative emotions must be overcome. If in a dream there is a feeling of meddling in someone else’s business, then such information can have a rather unfavorable effect in reality. Here the dream is interpreted depending on the character of the dreamer: is there a habit of empty curiosity? A book in reality is a source of long-term storage of information (a source of various energy), in a dream it acts as part of the information of the Cosmos, therefore it cannot be directly used to harm the reader (there is no ill will, there is a need), troubles will be the result of the dreamer’s own actions. Reading books in a dream is a sign of a fairly high tension situation, the resolution of which depends on the attitude towards what is happening in the dream and on his behavior in reality.

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    Seeing a Book in a dream

    Seeing a book in a dream is a good sign.

    Your future life will be very pleasant.

    If a woman dreams of books, then her son will be very educated.

    Interpretation of dreams from Sivananda's Dream Book

    What do dreams mean Book

    You will gain wisdom. Closed - you will become a secret keeper. Open - your wise advice will prevent trouble. Lots of books (library) - your knowledge will help you gain a position in society. Making notes in the margins - participating in a discussion will help you understand a complex issue. Read a book - fame awaits you. They give you a book - a meeting with like-minded people. If you write a book, you will gain followers and students. A book in a foreign language means hidden abilities will come out. Ancient books - honor and awards await you.

    Try to remember what this book looked like and what it was called. Feel its weight, its texture.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

    Dream about a Book

    it is a sign of strength and power. Sometimes she points to a friendly and interesting interlocutor. A book in the hands of a little boy means good news, and in the hands of a girl or girl it means even more good news.

    Holding a well-known, honorable book in your hand means acquiring great strength, but holding a closed, unknown book means imminent death.

    Writing a book portends the acquisition of something condemned by religion. Tearing a book means getting rid of sadness and everything bad, and achieving goodness and goodness.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

    Meaning of Dreams Book

    "reading a book" - employment, hobby, knowledge.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Idioms

    What does a Book mean in a dream?

    The book lies on the table - a new appointment, a promotion.

    Classic books in the monastery premises - the patient must recover.

    In the monastery premises there are classical books - the patient must recover.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Chinese dream book

    Meaning of sleep Book

    Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

    Interpretation of sleep Book

    Writing means amazing news.

    An antique book is a meeting with past problems, communication with childhood friends.

    Writing it is a fantasy that is not destined to come true.

    Republishing your book means restoring a broken relationship with a person of the opposite sex.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Newest Dream Book

    What does the Book predict in a dream?

    Seeing books in a dream foretells a pleasant pastime, material wealth, honor and respect. Reading books is a sign of protection and wisdom. If in a dream you read books in foreign languages, in reality you will receive recognition and awards that will mark your noble work.

    Reading ancient tomes in a dream is a warning to beware of evil in any form. Reading romance novels is a false consolation. The catechism foreshadows meeting devout people. Studying grammar from a textbook in a dream means that in reality you will make a wise choice, deliberately going through great difficulties.

    Dealing with a dictionary in a dream means that in reality you will quickly complete the assigned task. Looking for a word in the dictionary - in managing affairs you will depend on the opinions of strangers, but only at first; Having quickly mastered the system, you will take a step forward by improving it.

    Reading an almanac in a dream portends great danger, especially if your lifestyle involves frequent trips to other cities. A book in the form of a small brochure suggests that your behavior borders on frivolity. An address book or telephone directory promises an addition to the family. A trade or accounting book is a harbinger of eternal debtors. A hardcover book - to the growth of your well-being; in a paperback - you will incur losses; a frayed or torn book - you do not know how to appreciate what you have, which is why you are always dissatisfied with something.

    Buying books in a dream means that in reality you will receive help. Seeing yourself in a bookstore indicates your literary aspirations, erudition and good taste. If in a dream you are rummaging through a bookcase in search of the volume you need, it means that in reality you are successfully applying your knowledge and erudition in practice. Seeing an empty bookcase is a harbinger of frustration due to lack of money for the most basic needs and lack of work that can provide sufficient livelihood.

    Borrowing books from the library means an irrepressible craving for everything new and self-improvement, thanks to which you will achieve great success in life. Lending books to the library means that in reality you will make acquaintance with educated and erudite people. Sitting in the reading room, surrounded by a mountain of books - such a dream foreshadows intense mental work, which can lead to mental illness.

    Reading the Bible in a dream means that you will have the opportunity to enjoy a relaxing holiday away from family and household worries. Making notes in the margins of the Bible is a sign of trouble due to the fact that you will not agree to act against your beliefs. Seeing children studying the Bible in a dream speaks of mutual understanding between you and your children based on common views.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

    Interpretation of sleep Book

    The book is written in an unknown language - this dream suggests that in the near future you will learn a lot of new things and will be able to apply this knowledge in practice. To avoid any difficulties, take any book and sprinkle each page with coarse salt or ground coffee, then put the book under your pillow for 3 days.

    If you dreamed of an old textbook, the dream says that in the near future they will try to hand you something old, unnecessary and harmful. Wash your face with melt water for a week, then you will be able to understand what you need and what you don’t.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Mayan Dream Book

    Dream Meaning Book

    It is a symbolic designation that gives shape to a certain stereotype, a categorical reduction of the “Super-I”, fixed in behavior. Symbolizes the theoretical justification of the matrix in current events that do not allow a person to achieve progressive or functional development.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Free Dream Book

    See a book in a dream

    To look at or read - honor, respect, wealth;
    for authors - to see that their works are going into print - there will be a lot of troubles before the book is published;
    try to discover the hidden meaning of the texts of learned authors - honors, rewards for long work;
    to see children reading - speaks of harmony and good behavior of young people;
    old books - beware of evil in any form.
    Also see Read.

    Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

    Dream Prediction Book

    Interpretation of dreams from Tsvetkov's Dream Book

    Why do you dream about the Book?

    Re-reading a book means unfavorable news.

    Buying means success in science.

    Tearing a book means forgetting something.

    A burning book means losing a friend.

    Studying complex texts in a dream means becoming famous in reality.

    Antique books are a warning to beware of something bad.

    Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

    What does the dream Book mean?

    In front of you are huge shelves lined with books, there are a lot of them, and you just can’t choose the right one. This dream means that in real life you find it difficult to choose your life path.

    In a dream, you hold a book in your hands and read inscriptions in a language unfamiliar to you - in reality you will discover abilities hidden in yourself until now.

    Seeing a book with torn pages in a dream is a sign that you will make a rash decision that will ruin all your plans.

    A dream in which you receive a book as a gift is a symbol of your wisdom and insight. Perhaps you yourself are not aware of the existence of such a gift.

    Seeing an old magic book in your hands is a sign of sinfulness and fall. In real life, your actions are dictated by selfishness.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

    Seeing a Book in a dream

    Acquaintance; read - profit, joy, reward, unexpected news; cheerful - joy; important - wisdom; writing is a loss, a waste of time; rewrite is good; tear - parting; burning books - loss of hope or friends; buy - benefit; account book - deception; bookstore - be thrifty.

    Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation Veles

    What do dreams mean Book

    If you see a library full of books, this means that you will be highly appreciated by your business partners.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Gypsy dream book

    Dream about a Book

    A big book means advancement up the career ladder.

    A brochure - to the favor of people on whom your future may depend.

    The primer is for a fun, interesting adventure.

    Bestseller - detective story to fame and fortune - some exciting event awaits you.

    Writing a book in a dream means dissatisfaction with your professional activities.

    Printing a book means receiving an inheritance or material reward.

    Buying a book means you have to do something useful not only for yourself, but also for others.

    Books fall on you - such a dream can be a harbinger of useless activities, difficulties in business, difficulties in your career.

    A full bookcase means prosperity.

    An empty bookcase means poverty and deprivation.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

    What does a Book mean in a dream?

    Symbol of information - past or future.

    Search for life's truth.

    Seeing the Bible means the spiritual meaning of life will be revealed to you.

    You will become a respected person.

    Closed book - you have something to learn; lots of books.

    Library - you will achieve a position by overcoming obstacles.

    An open book with text - your experience will be useful to you and others.

    Making notes in the book is for a new meeting.

    Interpretation of dreams from the Self-Teacher on Dream Interpretation

    Meaning of Dreams Book

    To see one big book means to occupy an influential position.

    A well-read book is a woman of easy virtue.

    Seeing a lot of books, going through them, opening them is a joy, a spiritual thirst that will remain unsatisfied, a desire to accumulate knowledge.

    To learn from it is to gain influence.

    To take something out of a book is to apply the knowledge to benefit.

    Taking out anything sinister means harm from knowledge and its abuse.

    Printing books means receiving an inheritance.

    To be among books in a library means the mind is lost among unsystematic knowledge / a call to think carefully about everything before deciding on something.

    Being in the archive is a waste of time.

    Finding anything in a book with blank pages means you don’t know how to use your influence.

    Simply revealing this means your influence is useful to someone.

    In a normal book, find blank pages - interesting news, sensation / gaps in knowledge / liberation from fatality; the further course of your life depends entirely on the decision you make.

    Look at a book with pictures - they have something to do with your future.

    With scary pictures - your guilty conscience.

    With indecent ones - lust that will not be satisfied.

    A huge book is a heavy responsibility.

    A sealed book means someone is stopping you from finding out the truth.

    Chained - don't reveal what you know.

    Decorated with expensive fabric, stones - thirst for true knowledge / profitable marriage / profitable friendship.

    To be afraid to open a book means you will find out something unpleasant.

    Hearing thunder when you open a book means a difficult but glorious fate lies ahead.

    The pages in the book stick together - confusion in your head.

    If you are looking for a place in a book without success, look in the past for the answer to what worries you.

    Books fall on you - useless knowledge / interference in your career.

    The color and type of the book being given symbolizes the attitude of the donor towards you.

    If he is unfamiliar - fate.

    The white book is joy, happiness, obedience to you.

    Red - discord, anger, struggle.

    Pink – love, something pleasant.

    Orange - malaise / ironic attitude towards you, ridicule.

    Yellow - envy, jealousy, betrayal.

    Brown - secret intrigues and slander.

    Green - hope, love, kindness towards you.

    Poisonous green - deceit, lies.

    Blue - peace, happiness, the path to wisdom, higher knowledge.

    Blue - sadness, melancholy, alienation, religious path.

    Black - deception, slander, malice.

    Gray - secret anger, gloomy, hopeless future.

    Violet, purple - misunderstanding / the path of the artist, performer or magician.

    A mottled book - a worthless life / a frivolous attitude towards you / a happy and varied fate.

    A book tied with a black ribbon is a destiny that you abandoned.

    A scarlet ribbon - abandoned love, which you will have to regret.

    White is the new destiny you have chosen.

    They give you a wrapped book - there will be nothing lasting and final in your fate and your position.

    Seeing a book without a cover is a new destiny clearly defined by your present.

    Seeing seeds between the pages of a book means tears from a letter or book.

    Interpretation of dreams from

    Dream book of the 21st century

    Why do you dream about the Book and what does it mean:

    Seeing a big book in a dream means advancement up the career ladder, a brochure means people on whom your future may depend will be in favor with you.

    Writing a book in a dream means dissatisfaction with your professional activities, printing means receiving an inheritance or material reward, buying means you have to do something useful not only for yourself, but also for others.

    Miller's Dream Book

    Why do you dream about a Book in a dream?

    Seeing that you are looking at or reading books means pleasant aspirations, activities, honor, respect and wealth. For an author, seeing that his works are going into print is a warning dream: he will have a lot of troubles on the way of his books to the reader. Why dream that you spend a lot of effort and time discovering the hidden meaning of the texts of learned authors is a sign of honors and awards earned by you through long work. Seeing children reading books speaks of future harmony and good behavior among young people. Seeing old books in a dream is a warning to beware of evil in any form.

    Idiomatic dream book

    Why do you dream about a book?

    “Read a person like an open book” - see the essence of another person, direct access to his life and information. “book romance” - artificial, formal, feigned or stereotyped relationships; “reading a book” - employment, hobby, knowledge.

    Children's dream book

    A book in a dream, what does it mean?

    Book - In it you can read the answer to a question you are interested in or find a prediction of your near future. If you see a whole library, then soon you will have to communicate with a large number of people or take part in a mass event.

    Maly Velesov dream book

    Why do you dream about a book?

    Book - Introduction; read - profit, joy, reward, unexpected news; cheerful - joy; important - wisdom; writing is a loss, a waste of time; rewrite is good; tear - parting; burning - loss of hope or friends; buy - benefit; counting - deception; bookstore - be thrifty.

    The ABC of Dream Interpretation

    To dream about a Book, what does it mean?

    Book – A symbol of information - past or future. Search for life's truth. Seeing the Bible means the spiritual meaning of life will be revealed to you. You will become a respected person. Closed book - you have something to learn; many books (library) - you will achieve a position by overcoming obstacles. Open book with text - your experience will be useful to you and others. Making notes in the book is for a new meeting.

    Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

    Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

    Why do you dream about the Book?

    Collection of interpretations of Zhou Gong

    Book on Chinese ancient books:

    There is a book on the table - You will then receive a new appointment, a promotion. You see a man reading a book - A noble offspring will be born.

    Vanga's Dream Book

    Why do you dream about the Book?

    Book - in a dream, this symbol means wisdom, knowledge, foresight. In front of you are huge shelves lined with books, there are a lot of them, and you just can’t choose the right one. This dream means that in real life you find it difficult to choose your life path. In a dream, you hold a book in your hands and read inscriptions in a language unfamiliar to you - in reality you will discover abilities hidden in yourself until now. Seeing a book with torn pages in a dream is a sign that you will make a rash decision that will ruin all your plans. A dream in which you receive a book as a gift is a symbol of your wisdom and insight. Perhaps you yourself are not aware of the existence of such a gift. Seeing an old magic book in your hands is a sign of sinfulness and fall. In real life, your actions are dictated by selfishness.

    Esoteric dream book

    The secret of sleep:

    Book – Read spiritual elevation, growth. Scroll to learn, gain knowledge. For applicants admission to university. Find, take, steal will receive very important information, make a discovery, create a doctrine. Tearing, losing your work will be appreciated, your merits will be noted.

    Psychological dream book

    Book in a dream

    The book is an eternal symbol of wisdom, knowledge, understanding. Reading in a dream can mean a desire to learn something, to find a solution to a complex problem. Such a dream can also express the dreamer's desire for power and prestige, which should come with knowledge. But reading can also mean a desire to escape from everyday life, dissatisfaction with it.

    Dream Interpretation Tarot

    Book: interpretation of the image

    Book on a Chain – Extraordinary Events. Getting an education. Knowledge as such

    Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

    Interpretation of the Book from your dream

    Book – New person surrounded (acquaintance); new business, occupation.

    What does it mean when you dream of a sacred, ancient book, a tome - Dedication, spiritual revelation; meeting with a spiritual Teacher.

    Ancient dream book

    I had a dream - Book

    Books – Writing is a waste of time and money; reading funny books is a sign of joy and pleasure; reading books that are important and high on the subject signifies virtue and wisdom; rewriting good books means acquiring useful knowledge

    Psychoanalytic dream book of Samokhvalov

    If you dream about a book in a dream

    In dreams about a Book, the content, shape, and color matter. Notebooks. Memories. Opened books - Memories and a hint of transfer. Sacred books. Superego, archetypal magical tools Symbols of the Self. Book reading. Dive into awareness. An old book or in an unknown language. Something repressed.

    Dream Interpretation of Yogis

    See Book:

    A book is your ability to receive information. The fact that she is white is correct information.

    Ancient French dream book

    Why do you dream about a book, interpretation:

    Seeing books in a dream means making a profit in reality. The dream can foreshadow a variety of fun events.

    Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

    Interpretation according to the saint:

    Vedic dream book of Sivananda

    You dream about a Book

    Seeing a book in a dream is a good sign. Your future life will be very pleasant. If a woman dreams of books, then her son will be very educated.

    Semenova's lunar dream book

    What is night vision about?

    Dream Interpretation Bookstore - Opportunities, plans, relationships, new hobbies (depending on the contents of the shelves). Choosing, leafing through books is a choice of life direction, a new activity.

    Psychological interpreter Furtseva

    A book in dreams is an eternal symbol of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. When you dream that you are reading a book, it means that you are striving to learn something new. Or solve some complex problem, find information that could help you. Reading a book in a dream - perhaps you are striving for power, for prestige, to achieve which you need new additional knowledge. However, this also means that you are trying to escape from the everyday life that is weighing you down. That you are dissatisfied with your everyday routine, it seems unbearably boring to you, and you want to learn something more.

    Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

    For those born in January, February, March, April

    Seeing a lot of books in a dream means a meaningful, pleasant conversation.

    For those born in May, June, July and August

    For those born in September, October, November, December

    Seeing yourself reading a book in a dream means excellent learning for students.

    Why do women and men dream about the Book?

    Experts have found that the plot of women's dreams is emotional and consists of small details. And the dreams of men are distinguished by specificity and active dynamics of events. This is due to gender differences in brain function. The symbolism of sleep is the same for a woman and a man, therefore a Book in a dream has the same meaning for both sexes.

    Dreams on the 23rd almost always come true and tell of future troubles. If you dreamed of many events that were not connected by any storyline, this indicates that you may make a mistake and go far from your goal.

    Read more in the dream book:

    • why do you have dreams?
    • why do you have a dream?
    • why do you dream about the image

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