Home Berries Mango lassi. Indian lassi with mango. Lassi for a beautiful figure

Mango lassi. Indian lassi with mango. Lassi for a beautiful figure

Never be afraid to do what you don't know how to do. Remember: the ark was built by amateurs. Professionals built the Titanic. A dessert without cheese is like a beauty without one eye - Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin Seize the moment. Think of all those women on the Titanic who refused dessert. - Erma Bombeck My weaknesses are food and men. Exactly in that order. - Dolly Parton If you go to the store to buy bread, the chance that you will come out with only a loaf of bread is one in three billion. - Erma Bombeck All we need is love, but a little chocolate here and there won't hurt either. - Charles Schulz Don't put off until dinner what you can eat at lunch. - A.S. PushkinI'm afraid of heartburn or an allergy to caviar from Hennessy, which in big apartment On Rublyovka I’ll get lost at night and die. - KVN song Everything that I like in life is either immoral or it makes me fat. - François de La Rochefoucauld I use wine when cooking. Sometimes I even add it to dishes. - V.S. Fields. How can you rule a country in which there are 246 varieties of cheese?" - Charles de Gaulle What disgusting, what disgusting this jellied fish of yours! - Hippolyte in the film "The Irony of Fate" I simply cannot eat caviar, but I have to force myself. - Heroine Audrey Tautou in the film “Fatal Beauty” When there are major troubles, I deny myself everything except food and drink. Oscar Wilde What is the difference between a husband and a boyfriend? - Cindy Garner Camembert... is another man’s friend in difficult times. - Georges Clemenceau You Are you crazy? A dear friend flies in from afar for a minute - and you don’t have a cake! - Carlson, who lives on the roof. There’s a bakery on our street called “Bonjour, croissant!” Hello, toast!" - Fran Lebowitz. And I'll open a bakery in Washington, "Hey, damn it! - Marina R. The food here is absolutely terrible and the portions are too small. - Woody Allen A robot will never replace a person! - Ogre If you want to know me, eat with me. - James Joyce Uh-oh, dear! What kind of peacock is this? Don’t you see, we are eating... - Genie from the film “The Adventures of Munchausen” If the country does not have at least fifty varieties of cheese and good wine, which means the country has reached the end of its rope. Salvador Dali By chewing your food thoroughly, you help society. - Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov, “12 Chairs” Nothing brightens up the table like a firecracker in Olivier! - Folk wisdom. If you have unexpected guests and there is nothing in the house, go down to the cellar and take a leg of lamb. - Elena Molokhovets And honey... I just don’t understand what the secret is... If there is honey... then it’s gone right away! - Winnie the Pooh Today I will be photographed for the magazine "Skilled Cook". I urgently need to wash myself and buy new insoles! - Freken Bok I haven’t eaten lobster for three days. - A snickering official (KVN joke) Hunger is not a thing - it won’t run away into the forest. - Popular wisdom Nothing improves the taste of home-cooked food more than studying the prices in a restaurant. - Folk wisdom

One of my favorite drinks is a fermented and healthy “deliciousness” that can be very easily made at home. This post will probably be a little off topic and a little late, after all, it’s already the end of summer, but in Salt Lake City the temperature still doesn’t drop below 30 C, and a couple of days ago it was as much as 37! So we can say that for us summer didn’t even think of ending.

The first time I tried Lassi was in an Indian restaurant and it immediately captivated me with its refreshing, sour-sweet taste, and its necessity when absorbing spicy and spicy Indian dishes. Later, having met my Janu, I learned that in India only ordinary Lassi is found, and not with mangoes, this is a purely American invention.

Kefir— in I already wrote why Kefir is superior to yogurt in its beneficial properties. I ferment Kefir at home from kefir grains.

Coconut milk as well as rich in medium chain fatty acids, which are not stored in fat reserves, but are immediately spent on energy. Lauric acid, which is found in Coconut milk strengthens the immune system and has antibacterial and antiviral properties. You can do it very easily and simply.

Cow's milk unpasteurized is a good source of fat-soluble vitamins: A, E, K, D and protein. My favorite is the one that comes from pastured cows. As always, I advise you to avoid drinking store-bought milk or if you have an intolerance to it. Then replace it with coconut milk.

Mango rich in Vitamin C and big amount antioxidants. Research claims that mangoes contain polyphenols that can inhibit development cancer cells. In India, by the way, it is considered the king of fruits.

Stevia is a natural, almost calorie-free sweetener. My post is about her.

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Preparation time

Cooking time

Total time

Recipe type: Drink

Cuisine: Indian

Number of servings: 2


  • Kefir, preferably homemade - 1 glass
  • Milk, coconut/unpasteurized cow's milk - 1 cup
  • Mango, peeled, cut into cubes - 1
  • Saffron/turmeric - a pinch
  • Stevia - 40 drops
  • Ice - taste

Lassi is an Indian refreshing drink classic version prepared by churning yogurt, water, spices, fruit and ice. We can say that lassi is an Indian diet shake. This drink not only perfectly quenches thirst, but also hunger, and also promotes digestion.

Lassi recipes

- 1 liter of fermented baked milk or yogurt;
- 3 glasses of water;
- 6 tbsp. granulated sugar;

- ice in cubes.
Cool the water and mix with fermented baked milk, sugar and cardamom. Beat the mixture with a mixer. Serve chilled with ice cubes.

Simple lassi with syrup:
- 200 ml natural yoghurt;
- any syrup to taste;
- sugar to taste;
- ice in cubes.
Add syrup and sugar to yogurt and beat everything well. Cool and serve.
Mango Lassi:
- 150 ml natural yoghurt;
- 75 ml milk;
- 1 mango.
Peel the mango, cut into pieces, blend in a blender and rub through a sieve. Then mix the resulting pulp with yogurt and milk. Cool and ready to serve.

"Mithi" lassi:
- 4 cups of yogurt;
- 3 cups of cold water;
- 2 tsp. rose water (or 3 tbsp. lemon juice);
- 6 tbsp. Sahara;
- 1/4 tsp. ground cardamom seeds;
- crushed ice.
Dissolve sugar in a small amount warm water and mix it with the rest of the ingredients. Beat the mixture with a mixer or a simple whisk. Serve chilled in glasses with ice.
Lassi with chocolate:

- 50 g milk chocolate;
- ground almonds for decoration;
- ice in cubes.
Cool the chocolate and crush it into crumbs, mix the yogurt with chocolate and ice and beat in a blender until foam appears. Pour the finished lassi into glasses and garnish with ground almonds.
Banana mango lassi:
- 2 glasses of natural yogurt;
- 3 bananas;
- 1 mango.
Mix all ingredients in a blender.

Lassi with spices:
- 2 tbsp. water;
- 1/2 tbsp. natural yogurt;
- 2 tbsp. granulated sugar;
- a small piece of ginger rhizome;
- 1/2 tsp. ground cardamom.
Grate the ginger and combine with the rest of the ingredients. Beat with a blender.
Lassi with blueberries:
- 1 glass of natural yogurt;
- 3 tbsp. blueberries (you can take fresh or frozen);
- sugar and cinnamon to taste.
Instead of blueberries, you can use wild strawberries, strawberries or raspberries. Beat all ingredients well and can be served. This drink reminded us of milk with berries (blueberries and strawberries), which used to be eaten with spoons from bowls in the villages

Lassi with pineapple:
- half a glass of water;

- 1 cup pineapple pulp, diced;
- 2 tbsp. Sahara;
- ice in cubes.
Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a blender and serve immediately.
Lassi with banana:
- 1 tbsp. natural yogurt;
- 1 banana;
- half a glass of water;
- nutmeg, cinnamon and black pepper to taste.
Combine water with yogurt, add fruits and spices, whisk everything with a whisk or blender.

Lassi for a beautiful figure

1) Lassi to improve digestion:
- half a glass of natural yogurt;
- half a glass of water;
- ground ginger, cumin, salt and black pepper to taste.
2) Lassi to stay slim:
- half a glass of natural yogurt;
- half a glass of water;
- ground ginger, cinnamon and red pepper to taste.
In each option, you need to combine all the ingredients and thoroughly beat the resulting mixture.

We have included ice in our lassi recipes, but you can do without it.
If you are not yet familiar with lassi, then be sure to try it - this Indian drink is not only healthy and refreshing, but also very tasty. In addition, children usually like it: if you cannot persuade your beloved child to try yogurt or kefir, then try treating him to lassi

Let's prepare an excellent summer drink today, which came to us from Asia. Lassi is a popular Indian drink of Punjabi origin. Prepared on the basis of yoghurt - dahi (traditional Indian fermented milk product) with the addition of water, salt, honey,

spices, fruits and ice by quickly whisking. Widely distributed in northern India and Pakistan, where it is used as a refreshing drink during the hot season. They drink lassi - a cocktail also with mango pulp or other fruits, cream and ice cream.

This is very healthy cocktail. He is the very first assistant for good digestion. When yogurt is mixed with water in a mixer, its molecular structure changes, which is easily digestible and stimulates the digestion of food.

The cocktail can be drunk both before and after meals, or you can replace it with food. This is a great drink for a fasting day.

The most simple option Lassi is a very well beaten mixture of dahi, water, spices and salt. Among the spices, Indians most often use roasted and ground cumin seeds. It is very common to drink sweet Lassi with fruits. This drink is simply irreplaceable in the hot summer. It perfectly quenches thirst, refreshes and eliminates the feeling of hunger, without overloading the body with food. This is just the thing that can suit everyone in the summer.

If you want to make a drink for children, then sweet banana Lassi would be an excellent option. For it you will need 2 bananas, 2 tablespoons of lemon juice, white grape juice or cold water- half a glass, honey - 2 tablespoons, natural yogurt or fermented baked milk - 1 glass, ground cardamom - a quarter of a teaspoon, a pinch of nutmeg and a little grated lemon zest for decoration.

There are also recipes for Lassi with mango and other fruits. You can change the proportions in recipes yourself and add different fruits and spices to your taste. This way you will get an excellent cocktail that will definitely meet all your preferences.

We will look at the recipe for simple Lassi.

How to prepare traditional Lassi:



Water - 2 glasses,

Yogurt (without additives) - ½ cup,

Honey - 2 tablespoons,

Ginger (fresh grated) - ½ teaspoon

Lemon quarter

Cardamom (ground) - ½ teaspoon

Peel and pit mango, cut into pieces. Grind in a blender. Add water, yogurt and lemon juice and spices to the mango. Beat. If desired, serve with ice.

Pour the finished cocktail into glasses with ice and sprinkle nutmeg And lemon zest and you can serve. Cook for 5 minutes and enjoy the whole day.

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