Home Beneficial properties of fruits Dry starters what. Preparing fermented milk products at home. Vivo yogurt starter

Dry starters what. Preparing fermented milk products at home. Vivo yogurt starter

Yogurt starter is a special product that contains special fermented milk bacteria that are involved in the fermentation process. They must contain the so-called Bulgarian bacillus, as it allows you to process lactose and sugar into lactic acid, which has a positive effect on the condition of the intestines. This ingredient is sold both in stores and in pharmacies. Its price is usually relatively low.

The yogurt starter also contains many bifidobacteria, which not only improve the condition of the intestines, but also strengthen the immune system. This is why homemade yogurt is one of the healthiest dairy products. His positive traits are as follows:

  • homemade yogurt is completely natural, since you will not add various preservatives and harmful additives to it;
  • you can be confident that you will eat fresh yogurt if you prepare it yourself;
  • a homemade product made with sourdough contains a large number of protein that is easily absorbed by the body;
  • If you are lactose intolerant, then you will probably like homemade yogurt, since this fermented milk product contains minimal amount this substance;
  • Using yogurt you can cope with constipation in adults and children, as well as improve intestinal microflora.

In order to cook really tasty and healthy yogurt, you need to choose the right starter. Therefore, when you go shopping for ingredients for a fermented milk dish, carefully study the list of sourdough manufacturers, its varieties, and also read consumer reviews. We will tell you about the varieties of the product in our article to make it easier for you to make a choice.


There are many varieties of yogurt starters, each of which has its own pros and cons. When choosing it to make yogurt or kefir with your own hands, pay attention to the manufacturer. It is best to give preference to well-known companies whose products often appear on store shelves. It is better not to buy sourdough from little-known companies. Here is a list of products from the best manufacturers which are popular among housewives:

  • “Vivo” (“Vivo”);
  • "Lactina" ("Lactina");
  • "Narine";
  • "Lactoferm";
  • "Evitalia";
  • "Yoghurt."

If it is not possible to find yogurt starter in your stores, you can always order it from the online store. Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date!

In addition to the manufacturer, yogurt starter also has differences in consistency. There are dry and liquid starters. Dry sourdough is also called “live”. It has a longer shelf life than liquid and gives the yogurt a special taste.

In turn, liquid yogurt starter has a much shorter shelf life and also gives the finished yogurt a completely different taste. However, if you have health problems, then yogurt made with liquid starter will help you strengthen your immune system, just like a product with dry starter.

How to make yogurt with and without starter at home?

You can make yogurt at home with or without sourdough. This tasty product can be given to infants, children, pregnant women and people with reduced immunity. You can prepare yogurt using a yogurt maker and a slow cooker. We will tell you how to do this right now.

In the yogurt maker

To make yogurt with starter in a yogurt maker, you won't need much time or effort. To do this, prepare the required amount of milk and starter, carefully read the instructions on the ingredient package, and then you can add the starter to the liquid, mixing the ingredients thoroughly. Then the resulting mixture should be poured into a yogurt maker and left to infuse for eight to ten hours. After the required amount of time, your sourdough yogurt will be ready to eat.

To prepare a product in a yogurt maker without starter, you need to find a replacement for it. Most often, “live” yoghurts are used as a starter, preferably in a very fresh form.

In a slow cooker

If you don’t have a yogurt maker, you can also make sourdough yogurt in a slow cooker. Prepare necessary ingredients, namely:

  • 1 liter of fresh milk;
  • dry sourdough – one sachet.

Boil the milk and cool it to thirty degrees. Then add the starter to the liquid, stir and pour the mixture into sterilized jars. You need to pour water into the multicooker bowl and lower the jars into it so that the liquid reaches the shoulders of the can, and then turn the multicooker to the “Heating” mode. Leave the jars of yogurt in the slow cooker for six to eight hours, and then remove them and close the lids, putting them in the refrigerator. This will stop the ripening process and your yogurt will be thick and tasty.

Greek yogurt

Many housewives believe that Greek yogurt is very difficult to prepare on their own. Actually this is not true. To enjoy this delicious product, you need to take a liter of fresh or UHT milk, bring it to a boil, and then cool it to room temperature. Then you should add the starter, mix the contents of the container thoroughly and wrap it in warm blankets, after covering it with a lid. Leave the mixture to sit for five hours.

After the required amount of time, you need to strain the mixture through cheesecloth and wrap the resulting clot. Leave the package hanging for two hours so that the liquid can drain on its own, and after that time the Greek yogurt will be ready for use.

Using yogurt starter, you can always prepare delicious fermented milk products that will not only delight you and your family with their taste, but also help improve intestinal health and strengthen the immune system. Enjoy ready-made sourdough yoghurts with pleasure!

There are a lot of publications on the Internet on how to make sourdough for bread - rye or wheat... And even articles on how to dry sourdough and how to restore it | And then my friends turned to me | They sell medicinal herbs, including spices and sourdough for bread | It turned out that buyers had problems reconstituting dry sourdough for bread (they didn’t understand what and how to do)… Well, since we’ve been baking bread at home for two years now, yeast-free bread, just on sourdough, we decided to help them - to describe in detail how to restore dry sourdough for bread

There is no big difference in the recovery process... But wheat starter is more capricious and slower... Sometimes it needs to be fed more and wait longer to wake up

May strict readers forgive me, I wrote on those images that came to mind, describing the process and accompanying detailed photos| We really treat sourdough as a living organism, which is why we use the words “Wake Up”, “Feed”...

So let's begin!


  • dry rye sourdough for bread - 50 g
  • water - as needed
  • rye flour - as needed

  1. So, we fed the starter. Now she needs to be given time to “feast”! Place the fed starter in a warm place. And we watch how it swells and rises. At the same time, it foams and bubbles appear inside. The smell transforms into a pleasantly bready one. This takes several hours. “Accelerated” leaven will rise faster.



  • dry wheat sourdough for bread - 50 g
  • water - as needed
  • wheat flour - as needed

The description is almost the same, but there are nuances!

  1. So, take 50 grams of dry sourdough, add about the same amount of pure drinking water| The water should be warm (but not hot!) Place in a warm place | We wait until the starter dissolves and becomes liquid | This usually takes 2-3 hours
  2. Now we have a liquid starter... but it is "hungry". She needs to be “woke up and fed”! Add about the same amount again warm water(that is, the volume will double). Now add a little flour (wheat for wheat sourdough, rye for rye sourdough). Stir constantly with a whisk (so that there are no lumps) and add flour until it reaches the consistency of thick sour cream.

  3. So, we fed the starter. Now she needs to be given time to “feast”! Place the fed starter in a warm place. And we watch how it swells and rises. At the same time, it foams and bubbles appear inside. The smell transforms into a pleasantly bready smell. This takes several hours. “Accelerated” leaven will rise faster.
    Attention! Wheat sourdough is less suitable than rye sourdough. This takes longer. If your wheat starter doesn't double the first time... just feed it again. And she will definitely “be grateful to you”!
  4. The starter has risen, approximately doubling in volume. Now you have your own “starter” (the amount of wet, dispersed starter culture that you can feed and increase in volume). Next... what do you want to do - bake bread, pancakes, buns...? That is, how much starter do you need in the recipe?
  5. IN Once again we feed the starter (that is, we double its volume) and achieve the required amount. Place the “starter” in a separate container. And the received required quantity we use sourdough in the recipe.

Bon appetit!



On the topic, see also:

In conditions of increasing intensification of the technogenic impact of civilization, significant microecological disturbances occur in the human body, having serious consequences, both for individuals and for society as a whole. The solution to this issue goes towards the widespread consumption of dietary supplements - nutraceuticals. Prebiotics - have nutritional value and are essentially natural food ingredients (vitamins and their precursors), polyunsaturated fatty acid, individual minerals and trace elements (calcium, selenium, zinc, iodine, fluorine), essential amino acids, some mono- and disaccharides, alimentary fiber(cellulose, pectin, hemicellulose, etc.).

Along with prebiotics, widespread "probiotic products"− living microorganisms or products fermented by them, which have a beneficial effect on human health by normalizing its microbial ecosystem.

The industrial form of release of prebiotics and probiotics are:

  • pharmaceuticals;
  • biologically active additives (BAA);
  • sourdough

IN last years great attention researchers are attracted to propionic acid bacteria (PBA), distinctive feature which is a wide synthesis of vitamin B12 and high immunogenic and antimutagenic properties. In this regard, it is relevant to create drugs - probiotics and prebiotics based on PCB and its symbioses with different types of lactic acid bacteria (LAB), to identify their ability to accumulate bacterial biomass and vitamin B12.

These drugs are promising, their production is relevant. Therefore, below we present a small study on gaining experience in obtaining these drugs.

The goal of the project is:

1. Development of technology and conditions for cultivating PCB with accumulation maximum quantity biomass of bacteria and vitamin B12;

2. Development of technology and equipment for dehydration of the resulting living form and obtaining it in dry form, using the spray drying method.

To achieve the goal, the following tasks are set:

  • optimize the composition of the nutrient medium and cultivation conditions for the accumulation of biomass and vitamin B12 by probiotic bacteria;
  • usage various types symbiosis of PCB with LAB, to identify their ability to accumulate biomass and vitamin B12;
  • study the organoleptic and physico-chemical characteristics of liquid sourdough;
  • conduct comparative analysis product received different ways dehydration;
  • study the conditions for dehydrating starter cultures by spray drying;
  • select protective media for starter cultures under spray drying conditions;
  • consider the influence of the conditions for introducing protective environments on the quality of the resulting dry starter;
  • obtaining probiotic products, in particular fermented milk, based on the obtained starter cultures and analyzing their quality.

The work carried out approaches one of the areas of development of science and technology. Priority direction index: 4 - Technology of living systems.Critical Technology Index: 4.5 Chemical and biological synthesis of medicinal and food products.

In accordance with the assigned tasks, a work plan was drawn up:

  • search for an optimal nutrient medium, with determination of the component composition;
  • development of conditions for the cultivation process in order to maximize the accumulation of bacterial biomass and vitamin B12;
  • studying the effect of supplements that intensify the development and accumulation of vitamin B12.

The advantages of dry preparations should be considered:

  • increasing shelf life;
  • increased storage stability;
  • less sensitivity to temperature changes.

To the disadvantages dry preparations applies:

  • decreased viability of microorganisms;
  • use of expensive protective media during dehydration;
  • usage additional equipment to carry out the dehydration process.

FREEZE DRYING (more about her at the end of the page). In industry, the predominant use for the production of dry starter cultures and dietary supplements isfreeze dryers .With freeze drying, dehydration of the product occurs during its freezing in a rarefied atmosphere. In this case, moisture is removed from the frozen product at low temperatures.

This dehydration method has several advantages:

  • drying of thermolabile drugs;
  • formation of a developed surface of the dry product;

and a number of disadvantages:

  • expenditure of a significant amount of heat;
  • high cost of obtaining a unit of product;
  • probable spoilage of the product during thawing;
  • expensive process equipment.

SPRAY DRYING. Alternative method dehydration is spray drying carried out in a stream of hot drying agent, as a result of fine dispersion, a developed contact surface is formed, which contributes to the short-term presence of the product in contact with hot air.Spray drying is not used as a method of dehydrating substances containing living microorganisms.

Advantages of spread drying:

  • possibility of drying directly from solution;
  • developed droplet dispersion surface;
  • intensive heat and mass transfer;
  • short duration of drying in a swirling flow of heat agent;
  • maximum temperature of particles in the zone high temperatures does not exceed wet bulb temperature;
  • possibility of drying thermolabile products.

Disadvantages of spray drying:

  • decreased bacterial viability;
  • high specific consumption of drying agent.

COMMERCIALIZATION. The main task of commercialization of this project is the creation of dry probiotic starters and dietary supplements based on PCB and its symbioses with LAB.

The main objects of commercialization are:

− multivitamin complexes;
− dietary supplement;
− dry starters enriched with vitamin B12.

Sourdough and dietary supplements have a number of advantages,which determine competitive advantages of this development:

  • the raw material is whey, which is a by-product of production in the dairy industry, which has low cost;
  • The basis of the nutrient medium is whey containing necessary set nutrients, therefore minimizing the amount of added growth components;
  • the starter culture contains a high content of vitamin B12, as well as other vitamins;
  • dry sourdough contains a large number of viable microorganisms.

The planned practical purpose of probiotic starters enriched with vitamin B12 and dietary supplements includes:

− production of fermented milk products;
− production of functional drinks;
− application in production bakery products;
− use as direct application preparations;
− preparation of cheeses.

STUDY. At the first stage of the work, the composition of the growth components of the nutrient medium for the cultivation of Propionibacterium freudenreichii was optimized.It has been established that propionic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria belong to the actinomycete group of microorganisms. So, for the quantitative recording of these bacteria, identical media are used, as a result of which, to accumulate the biomass of propionic acid bacteria, a background medium based on whey was taken with the addition of growth components of yeast autolysate and hydrolyzed milk with subsequent optimization.

Propionic acid bacteria are active producers of vitamin B12. It should be noted that vitamin synthesis depends on cultivation conditions. It is known that for better synthesis of vitamin B12, the presence of Co 2+ ions in the nutrient medium is necessary. Also, some literary sources indicate that Co 2+ ions can be precursors of vitamin B12. However, in natural nutrient media, the cobalt content is minimal, so we also added Co 2+ ions to the background nutrient medium, which affect the yield of biomass and the synthesis of vitamin B12.

From Figure 1 it is clear that the optimal background nutrient medium at this stage for the accumulation of biomass is Pr. freudenreichii is the environment of the following chemical composition: TC + 5% yeast autolysate + 5% hydrolyzed milk + CoCl2 (20 mg/l), as it allows bacteria to accumulate significant amount vitamin B12, in the amount of 15.4 mcg/ml.

The determination of the amount of vitamin B12 was carried out by the spectrophotometric method, and the biomass by the weighing method. Because the, important factor for the cultivation of bacteria is temperature, so at the next stage, we considered the effect of temperatures in the range from 27 to 31 ° C on the studied bacteria Propionibacterium freudenreichii.

From Figure 2 it is clear that the best temperature conditions cultivation for Propionibacterium freudenreichii is 30°C, at which a significant accumulation of vitamin B12 occurs - 22.911 μg/ml.

Drying modes were tested using a control medium. The background environment with the maximum accumulation of vitamin B12 and biomass was taken as a control.

Dehydration was carried out by spray drying. The obtained data are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Indicators of dry and liquid starters


Types of starter cultures

Temperature selection

Vitamin B12, mcg/ml





Determination of the total amount of probiotics, CFU/cm 3

10×10 8

8×10 8

9×10 7

10×10 10

A comparative analysis showed that dry sourdough is slightly inferior to liquid sourdough in terms of the presence of vitamin B12 and there was a slight decrease in CFU/CM 3



In the above example, the so-called spray drying. But it should be noted that in practice freeze drying is widely used. This method perfectly preserves various food products: fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat, fish, soups and cereals, mushrooms, seasonings. Freeze-dried products have the widest possible use as ready-made products instant cooking, and as semi-finished products for further industrial processing (confectionery, food concentrate, meat and dairy, perfume and other industries).

Concerning sublimation drying bacterial preparations, then in medicine and biotechnology they are more often called drugs (starters, dietary supplements, bioconcentrates) lyophilic drying, i.e. lyophilized, since the result is lyophilic (easily soluble) substances.


The freeze-drying process, by its nature, is the dehydration of frozen material as a result of the transition of a substance (ice) from a solid to a gaseous state, bypassing the liquid phase. The term "freeze drying" is most often used in Russian literature and in practice, however, he is not the only one. This process is also defined as “molecular drying”, based on the nature of the movement of steam in the pores of the product and in drying chamber. In medicine and biotechnology, as noted above, it is called “freeze drying”. In foreign Food Industry The term freeze-drying is often used.

The physical basis of the freeze drying process is clearly illustrated phase equilibrium diagram for water in the coordinates steam pressure - temperature. On the phase diagram, at the intersection of the boundary curves, there is a triple point, at which water can exist simultaneously in all three phases: ice - water - steam. If heat is applied to frozen material at a pressure below the triple point of water (4.58 mmHg or 611.73 Pa), the process of sublimation will take place.


Vacuum drying occurs in a hermetically sealed apparatus, and heat transfer by convection is small. Therefore, in order to maintain a significant drying intensity in a vacuum, the heat necessary to evaporate the liquid is supplied to the material being dried by conduction from a heated surface (contact drying) or radiation from heated screens (infrared drying). Thus, vacuum drying by the method of supplying heat to the material is contact drying or drying with infrared rays under vacuum conditions.


Freezing provides fixation the most important properties product, and subsequent sublimation of ice creates a porous structure. At the same time, sublimation dehydration involves mild heat treatment conditions in a vacuum and makes it possible to obtain a final moisture content of several percent. As a result, the quality of freeze-dried products is very high, they are easily rehydrated before further use.

However, despite high quality of the resulting dry starter cultures and increasing their shelf life, they are still slightly inferior in relation to their analogues obtained (canned) in liquid form.For example, take a look at Fig. 4 (the figure is taken from the description of the invention to RF patent No. 2309982), which shows the change in the number of propionic acid bacteria cells in liquid, frozen and freeze-dried sourdough (the CFU / cm3 indicator dropped from 12 orders of magnitude to 10).

Fig.1. Change in cell number during freeze drying

Biomass production under production conditions

The process of obtaining dry, liquid and frozen bacterial concentrates (starters) is carried out in several stages using appropriate equipment: fermenters, separators, freezers and drying chambers.

1. Cultivation

Cultivation (growing) of microorganisms is carried out in a fermenter (Fig. 2)

Rice. 2. Fermenter “Bior-01”, 100 l

Fermenters or bioreactors, are chambers in which microorganisms are grown in a liquid or solid medium. The process that takes place in the fermenter is called fermentation.

2. Separation

The culture liquid obtained during fermentation is separated on a separator (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Separator

Separation(Latin separatio - separation) are various processes of separating mixed volumes of dissimilar particles, mixtures, liquids of different densities, emulsions, solid materials, suspensions, solid particles or droplets in a gas.

Culture fluid is a liquid in which a culture of microorganisms is grown. In the culture liquid, biomass can be in a heterogeneous form - biomass cells can form agglomerates.

At the first stage of processing the culture liquid, the mass of the producer is separated from the liquid phase - separation. The liquid is also further processed if it contains metabolites of practical value.

Technological techniques used to separate cells from the medium depend on the nature of the producer. For example, Saccharomycetes (baker's yeast) have relatively large cells and are capable of flotation, therefore, after thickening the biomass by flotation, they are separated on conventional drum vacuum filters. Subsequently, the biomass removed from the filter is pressed and a product with a high content of living cells with high baking activity is obtained.

In practice, in the production of bacterial (probiotic) starters, the biomass is separated by centrifugation. The sedimentation of suspended particles occurs under the influence centrifugal force. After separation, 2 fractions are formed: biomass (solid) and culture liquid.

3. Preparation of biomass for drying (freezing)

Next, the biomass is mixed with a cryoprotective medium (cryoprotectors). Cryoprotectants protect viable microorganisms from negative influence phase transition water into ice when freezing.

Note: Cryopreservation is one of the most reliable methods of long-term preservation of microorganisms in active form. With a general decrease in the temperature of the system (cryoanabiosis), the activity of enzymes is suppressed, metabolism, development, growth slows down, and the sensitivity of cells to deficiency is weakened. nutrients. Inhibition of vital activity during freezing of living organisms is caused by the partial conversion of water into ice.

Ice formation is associated with the extraction of water from the protoplasm of cells, as well as a decrease in the content of free water in the system. The freezing process has a negative impact on structural components cells, which can lead to their death. Therefore, a mandatory requirement when carrying out this process is the presence of cryoprotective substances - cryoprotectors. They help reduce osmotic pressure inside cells and thereby prevent the rupture of cell membranes during thawing and freezing.

Fermented milk products are recommended for those who want to lose weight, get rid of digestive problems, strengthen immune system. Yogurt owes its valuable properties to the starter culture, which consists of a culture of living organisms. However, not all types of product are equally useful.

How to make yogurt from starter

Thanks to the unique ability of lactic acid cultures to absorb lactose and create lactic acid, we can carry out the process of milk fermentation. Thus, yogurt is produced by adding live fermented milk cultures to milk. The most common among them are Streptococcus thermophilus and Bulgarian bacillus. To start their life activity, it is created optimal temperature– approximately 43-45 degrees (at temperatures above 50 degrees, beneficial bacteria die).

Milk must maintain the specified temperature for 8-12 hours to obtain a tasty and healthy product. During this time, beneficial bacteria ferment milk sugar. You can make yogurt from starter culture either from whole milk or from pasteurized milk, but you need to use only clean, sterilized or at least quickly treated with boiling water. To complete the fermentation process, preserve bacterial microflora and obtain the optimal consistency of yogurt, the product is cooled to 5 degrees.

Yogurt starter - benefits and harms

This is sour milk product is popular not only for its taste, but also for the beneficial properties it has on the body. The bacteria included in its composition help normalize the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract and speed up metabolism. Since the bacteria in the fermented milk product ferment lactose, yogurt is easier and better digested than milk. Indications for its use are:

  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • infection due to which the intestinal microflora is disrupted;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • recovery period after undergoing surgery;
  • treatment with antibiotics and other serious drugs that can disrupt the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

Since, like kefir, yogurt bacteria ferment lactose, such drinks are digested much easier than many other foods. Even people who are allergic to milk protein or lactose intolerance, consume natural yoghurts. They contain a lot of minerals and vitamins that have beneficial influence on human body: Suppress pathogens, strengthen the immune system, aid bone repair/growth.

Yogurt starter contains two main components that help the body fight various diseases, including cancer. The first substance is lactobacterin, which suppresses pathogenic flora in the intestines. The second is calcium, which protects bones from destruction and suppresses the action of harmful bacteria that cause intestinal cancer. According to research, daily consumption of a serving of natural, fresh fermented milk product helps to seriously strengthen the immune system.

The benefits and harms of yogurt starter are not equal - the second is possible only in exceptional cases. A harmful starter for yogurt will be:

  • upon expiration of its expiration date;
  • when storing the starter in improper conditions;
  • when adding any preservatives, flavor enhancers and other chemicals to it.

Dry starter for yogurt

To prepare fermented milk products, several types of starter culture are used, including dry industrial starter culture. This starter base can be purchased at a pharmacy or grocery store. The content of the starter is standard: it contains Bulgarian bacillus and thermophilic streptococcus. The taste and fat content of yogurt prepared from this substance differs from ready-made store-bought yogurt and has a more viscous structure. Dry yogurt starter is used only according to the instructions, otherwise the product will not benefit the body.

If you decide to ferment yogurt at home, then if you follow the preparation technology, you are guaranteed to get a natural and healthy product. Pharmacy dry sourdough improves the digestive process, strengthens the immune system and has a positive effect on the entire body as a whole. The bacteria in its composition have undergone lyophilization (they have been dried), but after entering the milk they come to life and begin the fermentation process.

The advantages of dry types of starter cultures are a long shelf life, bacterial resistance to external influence and good taste of the finished drink. The long shelf life of bacteria is possible due to their industrial lyophilization, and the product must be stored in the refrigerator or freezer. The storage method you choose will determine how long the beneficial bacteria will remain active and viable. In the freezer, the starter can remain fresh for up to a year and a half, in the refrigerator - up to a week.

Live yoghurt starter

This natural probiotic prevents the proliferation of putrefactive bacteria, helps cleanse the intestines, improve the digestive process, and helps food be better absorbed. The most useful is considered to be a fermented milk product made from whole cow's or sheep's milk based on the Bulgarian stick. In this case, the ideal option is a live starter for yogurt. This substance can be stored for no more than 20 days, which should be taken into account when choosing a starter.

Due to their short shelf life, liquid live starters are not as popular as dry starters. However, such products contain as many beneficial bacteria as possible. The second disadvantage of such a product is the taste, which is far from desirable: yogurt is often too sour and has an unpleasant consistency. At the same time, preparing and eating fermented milk products from live starter cultures is still preferable, especially for sick people.

Homemade yogurt starter

Using the product you can easily prepare natural yogurt, cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk. For these purposes, you can use either a yogurt maker or an ordinary thick-walled pan (it is important that the dishes are not thin, otherwise the milk will cool quickly, and this will have a bad effect on the activity of beneficial bacteria). Some housewives even use a multicooker, choosing the appropriate operating mode for the device. The starter for yogurt at home must be fresh. If desired, you can add fresh berries or pieces of fruit to the finished drink. How to make yogurt from starter?


  • water;
  • milk – 3 l;
  • Lactobacterin – 1 pack.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat the milk to 43-45 degrees.
  2. Pour a little water into the ampoule with lactobacterin, mix the contents of the bottle thoroughly, then pour it into the milk (you need to pour it carefully, stirring the contents of the container with a whisk).
  3. Pour the milk into a jar, the surface of which must first be treated with boiling water, or leave it in the pan. Close the container tightly with a lid and wrap it with a warm towel.
  4. Move the dishes to a warm place for 12 hours, then put the drink in the refrigerator. You can make an excellent breakfast from ready-made homemade yogurt by mixing it with fresh fruit and cereals.

Yogurt starter - which one is better?

Since a store-bought product has little beneficial properties, it is better to prepare yogurt with sourdough, and you can choose either a live culture or a dry product. It is difficult to determine which is the best dressing for yogurt: there are many types of products on the market from different manufacturers, both domestic and imported. However, before you take the packaging you like, you need to pay attention to the bacterial composition of the product. Which starter is best to use for yogurt? The best option will be a product with the most diverse bacterial content.

Sourdough Evitalia

The product is dried viable microorganisms of five different types, including thermophilic streptococci, lactobacilli, acidophilus bacteria, etc. In addition, Evitalia ferment contains vitamins B, A, C, E, folic acid, magnesium, calcium, natural antioxidants. Doctors recommend eating the product as a dietary supplement to your main diet in order to normalize or maintain the condition of the intestinal microflora.

Evitalia - instructions for use

Each manufacturer attaches to the product detailed description process of preparing homemade dairy product. The instructions for using Evitalia are simple and practically no different from using other starters similar to it. A homemade drink can even be given small child as complementary foods (must be over six months old). How to make yogurt at home with starter:

  1. Boil 2 liters of milk, for which you will need a thick-bottomed container.
  2. Cool the liquid to 43 degrees, remove the film formed on the surface of the milk.
  3. Add dry sourdough starter (1 package) and whisk the liquid thoroughly with a whisk.
  4. Cover with a lid and wrap the dish in several layers of warm cloth (it is better to place the pan in a warm place).
  5. After 12 hours of ripening, you can try the product. Store it ready in the refrigerator. It is recommended to consume a glass of yogurt every day on an empty stomach, and then 20 minutes before meals.

Sourdough Vivo

Bacteria for this brand of yogurt include lactobacilli of all types, streptococci, acidophilus and Bulgarian bacillus. With this tandem, microorganisms produce a large amount of lactic acid, which has a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria. Vivo sourdough helps eliminate eating disorders and eliminate the consequences of infections in the intestines. In addition, with constant consumption of the product, metabolism accelerates, due to which a person’s weight gradually returns to normal.

Vivo sourdough - instructions

You can even give homemade dairy products to children starting from the age of six months. Thanks to the content of beneficial lactobacilli, Vivo yogurt helps improve the digestive process and effectively removes toxins from the intestines. Below is a detailed recipe with a photo of the preparation of the drink. detailed instructions Vivo starters:

  1. Boil milk (2-3 liters), then cool to 40 degrees. When using an ultra-pasteurized product, boiling is not necessary, you can only heat it to the specified temperature.
  2. Separately combine the package of starter base with big amount warm milk, then pour the resulting mixture into a common container.
  3. Close the dish with a lid, wrap it in multilayer material and keep in a warm place for at least 8-10 hours.
  4. Later specified time Cool the product using the refrigerator. In this case, you can immediately start drinking the drink. Store it for no longer than 3 days in the refrigerator.

Yogurt starter price

Starter bases for fermented milk products appeared on the shelves of Russian pharmacies and stores recently, but have already become a very popular, sought-after product. Nutritionists strongly recommend using them for people with gastrointestinal problems and those who care about their health. Where can I get yogurt starter? In addition to grocery supermarkets and pharmacies, the product can be bought in an online store or ordered on the manufacturer’s official website. At the same time, the price of yogurt starters is affordable: the base for 3 liters of milk is inexpensive. Examples:

  • “Skvaska” for yogurt – 65 rubles;
  • Evitalia – 70 rub.;
  • Vivo – up to 80 rubles;
  • Good Food – 80 rub.;
  • Laktoferm ECO Yogurt “SlimYogurt” - 75 rub.

Video: Starter for homemade yogurt

Very beneficial for our health. A person who monitors his health tries to consume them daily. However, the quality of modern products often leaves much to be desired. Therefore, many today prefer to cook them themselves. To do this, you need two components: milk and sourdough. There are many offers on the market today, but not all of them are capable of providing good quality final product.

Today we are interested in Vivo sourdough. Reviews say that many parents today trust only her. This is a well-known brand that offers you to prepare delicious, natural and healthy products at home. Their shelf life is very short, only 1-2 days, but this guarantees the complete absence of preservatives and other chemicals in the composition.

Benefits for the body

Of course, unlike store-bought products, homemade fermented milk has one drawback - it takes time to prepare. This is more than offset by the fact that you will have a real live product. Especially good result obtained if Vivo starter is used. Reviews emphasize that they are very easy to use, the final product ripens quickly, and the taste pleases the whole family.

Scientists' opinion

Numerous studies also confirm that kefir or yogurt prepared in this way contains lactic acid and bifidobacteria, which our body really needs. Compare for yourself: what is better - store-bought yogurt with a shelf life of several months, in which only gelatin, dyes and preservatives remain, or live biomass with bacteria, which suppresses the development of pathogenic microbes, neutralizes toxins and protects our intestines?


Today, in pharmacies and stores you can find various starters that allow you to prepare a fermented milk product at home. How is Vivo sourdough different from them? Reviews from regular consumers indicate that they were interested primarily in the ease of use. You do not have to carry out a complex process and observe technological subtleties. Just 10-15 minutes, and on the table - delicious drink with living microorganisms. This is exactly the second reason why consumers decide to make kefir at home themselves.

We will look at nutritionists a little lower) - these are, first of all, living, human-friendly bacteria that are used to ferment milk. They perfectly help strengthen the immune system and help babies up to 6 months adapt to their first complementary foods. This is an ideal product for the growth and development of children; it is necessary for pregnant and lactating women, the elderly and athletes. If you decide to lose weight, take antibiotics or want to restore your intestinal microflora, then this is your most faithful assistant.

Source of vitamins and microelements

Fermented milk products are famous for enriching the body with a large amount of useful substances. Unfortunately, this has nothing to do with store-bought products. So, if you want to be healthy, then Vivo sourdough will become your ideal companion for many years. If the right fermented milk products are present in your diet from childhood, this will help maintain health, prevent a number of diseases, and provide the body with a number of nutrients.

Our liver is constantly suffering from toxins produced by harmful microbes. Homemade fermented milk will help you keep their quantity under control. In turn, this significantly reduces the load on the kidneys and liver, and therefore prolongs your life.

For all organs and systems

Sourdough "Vivo" is not only a product necessary for restoring normal intestinal microflora. While effectively helping with dysbiosis, homemade fermented milk products also improve metabolism and reduce the risk of infectious diseases and ARVI, eliminate functional disorders in the gastrointestinal tract. With regular consumption, problems such as constipation, bloating and diarrhea almost completely disappear.

Home abundance

If you think that you can only make kefir, you are very mistaken. The manufacturer offers us a choice of a whole range of dry starters, with which you can get fermented baked milk and sour cream, cottage cheese and yogurt. That is, you will need a lot of desire and whole milk. IN summer time the second will not matter. Followers healthy image People can also use a low-fat product at their discretion.

I would also like to note that Vivo bacterial starters have been tested many times in various institutes of microbiology and virology. The samples were examined for the composition of bacteria in the dry product and in the finished product, when fermenting one portion per liter or three liters of milk. The researchers were completely satisfied with the results. Vivo dry starters turned out to be very good, of high quality, and the number of beneficial microorganisms in them was much higher than in store-bought products. Moreover, even when fermenting one portion of 3 liters, they turned out to be 100 times more than the required minimum. In the finished product, two cultures are easily recognized - this and thermophilic streptococcus.

Starter for kefir production

This product is a natural probiotic, but what is sold in stores today is no longer even close to that. Therefore everything more people switch to home cooking useful product at home. Dry kefir starter is produced by gentle drying, and therefore all microorganisms do not die, but go into a special form of suspended animation. After entering a warm environment, they become more active and begin to feed intensively. As a result, the milk sours and turns into a healthy drink.

How is Vivo starter activated? The instructions say that this is a unique symbiosis of yeast, lacto- and bifidobacteria, which are created by nature in order to protect the gastrointestinal tract from various diseases. For cooking homemade kefir you will need to prepare the dishes. Cleanliness is the key to ensuring that you end up with a quality drink. Now it's time for milk. It must be boiled and cooled to room temperature (about +20 degrees). All that remains is to dissolve the dry starter of one sachet in a small amount of liquid and add it to the milk.

Your task is completed. Now all that remains is to close the lid and put it in a warm place for 4-6 hours. After this, the container is placed in the refrigerator to cool. The drink is ready, you can treat your family.

Homemade acidolact

Vivo fermented milk starters allow you to enjoy a wide range of fermented milk products that are loved by children. or "Narine" is a product of health and longevity. Probiotic microorganisms found in sourdough are very beneficial for our health. As a result of regular use of acidolact, you can notice a significant improvement in your health. Among the beneficial properties are:

  • Anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Ability to neutralize toxins in the body, side effects medications.
  • Stimulating the processes of cleansing the body.

At home, you can prepare acidolact from a special starter. For one liter of milk (boiled and cooled to 37 degrees), you need to add 1 bottle of starter. Mix well and put in a thermos for at least 8 hours. Very convenient to do at night. Then in the morning you will have a delicious and healthy breakfast.

Live Vivo starters can also be consumed in concentrated form. To do this, add a tablespoon of boiled water to the bottle, stir and drink before eating. Children can take one per day, and adults - 2-3 bottles per day.

Vivo yogurt starter

This delicate, bright product with various fruit additives is most loved by the little ones. And not without reason. Regular consumption of yogurt stimulates the immune system and significantly reduces the risk of developing intestinal infections. Yogurt has a high concentration of amino acids, minerals and vitamins. This starter contains live cultures that have a number of beneficial properties.

Now let's look at how you can prepare this at home the most useful product. Vivo live starters allow you to do this quickly and without unnecessary complications. You will need a liter of boiled milk. To speed up the process, you can take pasteurized one and heat it to 25 degrees. Add the starter into it and stir until completely dissolved. The mixture is left in a warm place. The ripening time of yogurt directly depends on the temperature environment. If it is not higher than 30 degrees, then you will have to wait 14-18 hours. And by raising the temperature to 45 degrees, you will reduce the cooking time to 5 hours. At the end of the time, you need to put the yogurt in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours. Now all that remains is to add muesli or berries, or any jam.

Various options for your table

Vivo yogurt starter is a great everyday option for all members of your family. The products differ from each other in composition, so everyone can find something that suits them. Sourdough with lactulose is very popular today. It is a probiotic enriched with a prebiotic. It is lactulose, which is neutral in itself, but is a breeding ground for the growth of beneficial bacteria. Regular consumption of this product helps to increase the acidity of the intestinal environment, which means pathogenic microorganisms will be destroyed by themselves.

Fit yogurt is a great option for active people, the composition is ideal for those who want to be in good, athletic shape. The basis of the starter is made up of specially selected strains of probiotic microorganisms, which are able to activate and accelerate metabolic processes in the body.

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