Home Fertilizers Lemon lemonade. How to make lemon lemonade right at home? Simple, healthy and tasty. With lemon zest

Lemon lemonade. How to make lemon lemonade right at home? Simple, healthy and tasty. With lemon zest

Frozen oranges and lemons drink

You may have already heard of this recipe - a similar one has been shown on television. From just 2 oranges you will get a whole 4 liters of "juice". Children just love this drink!


    Large oranges 2 pcs.

    Citric acid 10 gr

    Juice of 1 lemon

    Sugar 250 gr

    Chilled drinking water 4 l

Cooking method

    First you need to prepare the citrus fruits: wash the oranges and put them in the freezer for at least 12 hours.

    To prepare the drink, remove the citrus fruits, slightly defrost and grind in a blender. Add the juice of 1 lemon.

    Pour the citrus mixture with 2 liters of cool drinking water, mix thoroughly and let it brew for 15-25 minutes.

    Add sugar and citric acid, then add 2 liters of water. Stir. Let stand 15 minutes.

    Now carefully strain the resulting juice into a prepared container (for example, into jugs or bottles).

    Ready! Store in the refrigerator. This cocktail will taste like an orange soda.

How to make a Citrus Lemonade Orange and Lemon Drink

Refreshing lemonade is especially useful on a hot summer day. It is prepared from 3 types of citrus fruits, which creates an interesting combination of flavors.


    Large oranges 2 pcs.

    Lemons 2 pcs.

    Limes 2 pcs.

    Fresh mint 1 bunch

    Sugar 100 gr

    Chilled drinking water 3 l

Cooking method

    Gently peel the zest from citrus fruits - we will also use this to make a drink from lemons and oranges.

    Juice the fruit.

    Pour the zest and juice with 3 liters of hot water. Bring to a boil, add sugar, stir. By the way, you can also use honey instead of sugar.

    Suck the lemonade at room temperature. When it's completely cooled, add the grated mint. Refrigerate. Serve over ice!

Lemonade is great for quenching thirst and bringing freshness in the heat. The history of this drink has not been studied for certain. It is known for certain that it is old. The popularity of lemonade is explained, among other things, by its availability. The drink is easy to make at home. To do this, use one of the suggested recipes.

The technique for making lemonade from lemon at home is standard. The differences in recipes are minimal. They mainly relate to details and additional components that bring new flavors to the drink. The original lemonade recipe includes only water and sugar. This composition is suitable for almost everyone, including children.

For 4 servings of classic lemonade:

  • citruses - 2 pcs. medium-sized;
  • sugar - 100-200 g to taste;
  • boiling water - 1 tbsp. (230-250 ml);
  • drinking cold boiled water - 1 liter;
  • ice - optional (up to 20 cubes).

Cooking procedure:

  1. Wash and cut the lemons into delicate slices.
  2. Place in a plate and sprinkle with sugar. Stir. Cover and leave for a couple of hours.
  3. Pour boiling water into a container with citrus fruits. Wait for it to cool.
  4. Pour the liquid through cheesecloth into a decanter. Add cold water.
  5. Pour lemonade into glasses. Throw in ice sticks if necessary.

Mint recipe

  1. As in the previous recipe, you do not need to peel the fruit - just wash it. Then cut them in half and squeeze out the juice.
  2. Throw the remaining peel into a saucepan. Add mint leaves there. It is better to cut them off with your hands, and not cut them off.
  3. Fill a pot with water. Put on fire and hold for 3 minutes. after boiling.
  4. Before turning off the oven, add sugar to the water and stir the contents. Put the broth to cool.
  5. After cooling, pour the juice into the future lemonade and mix again.

Advice. A few mint leaves can be left and added to ready-made and poured lemonade. It refreshes better with ice.

Turkish lemonade is also prepared with mint. The drink, rich in vitamin C, is appropriate not only in summer, but also in the cold season. Number of ingredients per 5 l:

  • lemon fruits - 7 pcs.;
  • sugar - 0.5-0.7 kg to taste;
  • mint - 3-4 branches.

Cooking at home:

  1. Cut a clean lemon into small wedges right with the zest. Place in a blender bowl. Add half the sugar and grind into a gruel.
  2. Empty the mixture into a convenient container. Fill with water.
  3. Add remaining sugar and stir. It dissolves slowly in cold water, so don't overdo it and taste the sweetness all the time. You cannot use hot water in this recipe - it will absorb the bitterness from the rind.
  4. Refrigerate the lemonade overnight. Strain in the morning and serve with breakfast.

Honey Gingerbread Drink Recipe

Ginger in any form is a storehouse of trace elements useful for humans. It tones the body, eliminates the initial symptoms of acute respiratory infections, strengthens the immune system. In combination with lemon, an excellent energy drink is obtained. In winter, lemonade warms you up (even when cold), and in summer it quenches your thirst.


  • cold drinking water - 3 l;
  • ginger root - 1 pc. (200 g);
  • citrus fruits - 2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • honey - 4 tbsp. l.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Peel the root. Rub with fine shavings.
  2. Place the chopped ginger in a saucepan and cover with water.
  3. Wash the lemons. Squeeze the juice out of them into another container. Chop the crusts with a knife and toss into a saucepan with ginger. Pour sugar there.
  4. Boil, keep on fire for another 2 minutes, strain and leave to cool. Add honey and juice to the already cooled lemonade.
  5. Dilute the concentrated broth with the remaining 2 liters of water.

Advice. Lemonade according to this recipe turns out to be quite sweet. Navigate to your liking. The proportion of sugar and honey can be reduced.

Orange drink

This lemonade recipe allows you to make a refreshing fruit shake at home. The acidity of the lemon is partially offset by the orange. And strawberries diversify the taste.

How to make lemonade:

  1. Squeeze lemon juice. Save the peel.
  2. Peel the oranges. You will need it, not the pulp. Place lemon and orange peels in a saucepan, cover with granulated sugar and stir.
  3. Pour the zest with water and put on fire. After boiling, wait another 2 minutes.
  4. Remove the pan from the stove and leave to cool at room temperature.
  5. Filter the syrup. Add juice and whole strawberries to it.
  6. Refrigerate lemonade for 1 hour.

The drink is ready. It remains to pour it and cool it with ice. The recipes need a try. Experiment, prepare different types of drinks to choose the one that suits your taste more than others.

Do you like homemade lemonade?

How to make lemonade at home: video

Homemade lemonade made from aromatic lemons is a delicious, natural drink. well quenches thirst and has a pleasant taste. It is much tastier and healthier than any purchased drinks. The pleasant sour taste of lemonade tones the body in the summer heat, filling it with energy and invigorating. On a hot summer afternoon, it is so nice to get a bottle of this drink from the refrigerator, fill a glass with it and enjoy its refreshing taste.

There are several options for preparing this drink. In some varieties of homemade lemonade, various exotic fruits (limes, oranges, etc.), herbs and some other ingredients are added.

Making homemade lemonade is easy. The key to a delicious lemonade is the right balance of sugar and lemon juice. The syrup is usually prepared with heat treatment - this makes it possible to release the essential oils contained in the zest of lemons to enrich the drink.

Homemade lemonade benefits

The modern market is filled with low-quality drinking products, so many people are switching to home-made drinks. A drink made from natural ingredients at home will certainly have benefits for the body. Lemonade is the most useful of these drinks, as the raw materials for its preparation are lemons, which are extremely rich in vitamin C.

The most beneficial ingredient in lemon is its zest, which we usually just cut and discard. But the zest of lemons is a powerful antibacterial agent that helps to quickly cure a throat from a purulent sore throat. Adding a few pinches of powdered rind to homemade lemonade will give the drink antibacterial properties.

The pulp of lemons has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and the heart. It contains a lot of citrine - vitamin P, which is necessary for the prevention of thrombosis. This vitamin strengthens bones, protects them from fragility, increases the elasticity of blood vessels and capillaries. Traditional medicine uses lemon as a rejuvenating agent. Drinking homemade lemonade helps protect the body from free radicals and remove toxins from it. Homemade lemonade is also used to prevent cancer.

Benefits of lemonade:

  • Quickly quenches thirst, prevents dehydration.
  • Provides normalization of water-salt balance in the body, fills with energy and strength.
  • Eliminates metabolic disorders.
  • Prevents the deposition of cholesterol in blood vessels and the appearance of plaques on their walls.
  • Improves memory, improves performance and improves brain activity.
  • Accelerates metabolism, therefore allows you to slightly lose weight, without adhering to a strict diet (the sugar content in the drink used for weight loss should be minimal).

Drinking homemade lemonade is good for people who suffer from:

  • vitamin deficiency;
  • anemia;
  • urolithiasis;
  • cardiovascular disease;
  • scurvy;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • low acidity;
  • frequent viral and colds;
  • rheumatism.

Benefits for children

Homemade lemonade is a natural tonic and anti-microbial agent. These properties of this drink make it possible to use it for the prevention and treatment of colds. If your baby is prone to colds, prepare delicious homemade lemonade for him - with its regular use, this problem will no longer be relevant to you. In addition, the systematic use of homemade lemonade is the prevention of anemia and vitamin deficiency in children.

How to use lemonade correctly

The main danger of drinking homemade lemonade is that most people drink this drink cold, even ice cold. The body experiences increased stress in the heat. If you add to this drinking an ice cold drink, your immune system can malfunction. To prevent this, try to consume this drink slightly chilled, but not icy. Drink it no more than twice a day, consuming no more than one glass at a time.


Despite the fact that homemade lemonade is a storehouse of natural vitamins and minerals, there are a number of contraindications to its use. This drink is not recommended for people suffering from:

  • allergy to citrus fruits;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • increased acidity of the stomach;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys.

Several lemonade recipes

Lemonade is an escape from thirst in the hot season. A cool and tasty drink can be ordered in almost any cafe. Now there are a huge number of recipes with the addition of ice, exotic fillers, herbs. If you don't want to waste time looking for lemonade, then you can prepare it yourself at home.

The classic lemonade recipe

A common recipe consists of water, lemon, and sugar. Add orange, ginger, lime or saffron if desired.


  • clean water - 1.5 liters;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • lemon - 3 pcs.;
  • ice to taste.

Caloric content: 52 kcal.


  1. With 2 lemons, the zest is carefully removed with a thin layer, without touching the white part.
  2. Juice is squeezed out of all citrus fruits.
  3. Place sugar in a saucepan, 2 tbsp. water, zest. All components are cooked over low heat for 5 minutes after boiling.
  4. The remaining water and lemon juice are added to the resulting mixture. Bring to a boil, remove from the stove, cool down.
  5. When the drink is at room temperature, it is filtered and poured into glasses.
  6. Serve chilled with ice cubes.

This is a classic recipe, you can cook it yourself at home for any holiday or celebration.

Simple Peppermint Option

Perfectly quenches thirst and refreshes homemade lemonade with a sour taste and the addition of a sprig of mint.


Cooking time: 30 minutes.

Caloric content: 64 kcal.


  1. The lemons are washed, the rind is removed with a coarse grater.
  2. Juice is squeezed out of citrus fruits.
  3. The washed mint is finely chopped.
  4. Water is poured into the pan, put on the stove and after boiling, mint, sugar, lemon juice and zest are added.
  5. Everything is cooked for 2 minutes, after which the pan is set aside.
  6. After cooling, the drink is filtered and served to the table.

This is the most common mint lemonade recipe that cooks quickly and tastes good.

Unusual ginger lemonade

Ginger is a unique product, it is not only tasty, but also healthy. It perfectly strengthens the protective functions of the body and promotes weight loss.


Caloric content: 115 kcal.


  1. All syrups and juices are mixed in a small bowl.
  2. Mineral water is poured into the resulting mixture.
  3. Ice is added to the drink before serving.
  4. The lemonade can be garnished with a slice of lime or lemon.

The drink is popular due to the unusual pungency that ginger gives in combination with lemon.

Homemade lemonade with honey

Refreshing lemonade with the addition of honey will saturate the body with vitamins B, C and other microelements.


  • clean water - 1 tbsp.;
  • liquid honey - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • ice - 3 cubes.

Cooking time: 25 minutes.

Caloric content: 95 kcal.


  1. The water is heated, but not to boiling water, and honey dissolves in it.
  2. Lemon juice is added to the sweet liquid.
  3. The drink is poured into a glass, cooled and served with ice cubes.

It is worth remembering that when using boiling water, all the beneficial properties of the beekeeping product are lost.

Frozen Lemons Lemonade Recipe

Most people love lemonades, but not everyone knows that they can be made with frozen fruits.


Cooking time: 3 hours.

Caloric content: 76 kcal.


  1. The citrus is washed, dried, cut into half rings and placed in the freezer.
  2. After freezing, the lemon is poured into 1.3 liters of boiling water.
  3. The sugar is mixed with the remaining 200 ml of water and poured onto the fruit.
  4. Lemonade is covered with a lid for 2-3 hours.
  5. The drink is served with ice in a glass and a sprig of basil or tarragon.

It is better to send the lemon to the freezer in advance if this type of lemonade is being prepared.

Slimming lemonade

Most drinks negatively affect the body and figure due to harmful components. Healthy dietary lemonade is prepared with natural sweeteners.

Raspberry and blackberry lemonade

Thanks to blackberries and raspberries, this refreshing drink will be filled with unique taste and color.


  • clean water - 8 cups;
  • mint - 50 g;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - ½ tbsp.;
  • blackberries - 100 g;
  • raspberries - 50 g;
  • honey, stevia to taste.

Caloric content: 70 kcal.


  1. Blackberries are chopped with a blender.
  2. Mint twigs are added to the puree and everything is rubbed through a sieve.
  3. Stevia and water are poured into the mixture, the ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  4. The drink is mixed with the remnants of mint, raspberries and lemon juice.

Lemonade is best cooked during the warmer months, when fresh berries can be used.

Lavender Basil Lemonade

The basil and lavender drink can be served cold or warm without adding ice.


  • clean water - 8 cups;
  • dry lavender - 1 tbsp l .;
  • fresh basil - ¾ cup;
  • fresh lemon juice - 1 tbsp.;
  • stevia to taste.

Cooking time: 45 minutes.

Caloric content: 70 kcal.


  1. In a small saucepan, bring a mixture of lavender, 2 cups water, and stevia to a boil.
  2. After boiling, the drink is set aside, basil is added to it and everything is covered with a lid for 20 minutes.
  3. The lemon juice and the remaining water are mixed in a jug.
  4. The lavender liquid is filtered and poured into a jug.
  5. If there is not enough sweetness, honey or stevia is added, and if it is cloying, it is better to add water.
  6. Lemonade is placed in the refrigerator, served with ice.

The drink is suitable for lovers of spices and herbs that go well with lemon juice.

Bombay lemonade

A more complex version of lemonade preparation, but its taste will surprise even the most avid gourmets.


  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • cold water - 900 ml;
  • sugar syrup - 4 tbsp. l .;
  • lemon wedges - 8 pcs.;
  • ginger root - 5 cm;
  • fresh mint leaves - 8 pcs.;
  • caraway seeds - ½ tsp;
  • ice to taste.

Cooking time: 20 minutes.

Caloric content: 87 kcal.


  1. The cumin seeds are roasted for about 15 seconds until they are brown in a small saucepan over medium heat. The grains are immediately placed in a mortar and pressed down a little. Burnt seeds should not be used.
  2. The pitcher holds the juice from 2 lemons and caraway seeds.
  3. Ginger root is also sent to the mortar with ¼ tbsp. water. The resulting liquid is filtered and poured together with the syrup into a jug.
  4. The mint is cut into thin strips and placed in the drink with the remaining water.
  5. Lemonade is poured into a glass, ice and a lemon slice are added.

Such a useful product as ginger should always be at hand, because it can be added to many dishes and drinks.

Pear lemonade

Many are sure that lemon and pear are not at all combined, but this drink will convince you and prove otherwise.


  • carbonated mineral water or sugar syrup - 50 ml;
  • pear juice - 100 ml;
  • fresh sage - 5 g;
  • ice - to taste;
  • lime - 1 pc.

Cooking time: 15 minutes.

Caloric content: 64 kcal.


  1. Lime is divided into 4 parts, one of which is cut into slices.
  2. A piece of lime, sage, crushed ice is placed in a glass.
  3. All prepared ingredients are filled with packaged or fresh pear juice.
  4. At the end, syrup or soda water is added to the drink, everything is thoroughly mixed.

The recipe is prepared in a matter of minutes, which is very convenient when unexpected guests arrive.

  1. Lemons, as essential ingredients in lemonade, must be fresh and clean. Only yellow zest is used; when the white part hits, bitterness will appear. The juice is squeezed out by hand or with a juicer. In the absence of fruit, it can be replaced with lime, orange, grapefruit.
  2. The quality of the water greatly affects the taste of the drink. Among non-carbonated, it is better to choose purified or mineral, and carbonated should be of a neutral taste without excess soda and salt. For sparkling, mineral water is added at the end. Water is replaced by fruit drink, diluted juice, weak tea.
  3. Sugar will help soften the citric acid and give the lemonade a pleasant taste. It dissolves best in warm or hot water. Brown sugar will darken the drink with a caramel tinge. The product can be replaced with molasses, liquid honey.
  4. Some recipes use additional ingredients. All fruits, berries and even vegetables are suitable for this. You can add tinctures, decoctions. Adults prepare alcoholic lemonade cocktails.
  5. Spices add sophistication to the drink. Tarragon, vanilla, cinnamon, ginger are suitable for a delicate taste and aroma. The zesty hue is obtained with turmeric and saffron.

Homemade lemonade is quick to prepare and is healthier than purchased lemonade. During the preparation, only natural ingredients are used. These recipes are ideal during the heat and when meeting guests, when you need to quickly make a delicious drink.

On a hot day, you just want to please yourself with soft drinks. Therefore, today's material is dedicated to those who want to know how to make a truly delicious lemonade. By tradition, all manipulations are carried out at home. The drink is easy to make with lemon, water, and sugar. Let's start!

Lemon, water and sugar lemonade: "a classic of the genre"

  • lemon - 4 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 0.5 kg.
  • still water - 1 l.

Before making lemonade, make sure you have everything you need at home at home. The recipe itself is very simple.

1. Prepare the utensil for boiling the syrup. Combine granulated sugar with 200-300 ml in it. water. Put on low heat, wait for all the grains to dissolve. Stir the ingredients periodically.

2. When the syrup is cooked, refrigerate it, leaving it at room temperature. During this time, squeeze the juice out of the citrus, combine with the rest of the water and pour this mixture into the syrup.

3. Leave the drink in the cold for a while. When serving, you can fill the glasses with crushed ice and garnish with mint if desired. For a change, many hostesses use gas water.

Mint lemonade "Mojito non-alcoholic"

  • lemon - 1.5 pcs.
  • granulated sugar - 150 gr.
  • mint - 90-100 gr.
  • still water - 1 l.

We will tell you how to make Mojito lemonade at home. Similar to the previous recipe, the drink is made from lemon, water and sugar. Mint is also added (the highlight of the drink).

1. Rinse the mint, dry it, leave only the leaves. Tear or chop into large pieces. Leave some of the mint to decorate the drink when serving.

2. Half a lemon is also kept for serving. It is necessary to squeeze out all the juice from the whole citrus, leave the zest, it will come in handy.

3. Prepare the cooking utensils. Pour chopped mint into it, the remnants of the zest from one lemon, pour in water in the amount according to the recipe. Set the heat to medium and wait for the bubbling to begin.

4. When bubbles appear, set the minimum power, detect 3-5 minutes and turn off the heat. While the composition is hot, add granulated sugar and stir until it dissolves.

5. Prepare a sieve or cheesecloth, pour lemonade through the device. Pour in lemon juice, refrigerate for a couple of hours. Garnish with mint and lemon slices before tasting. Homemade lemonade is ready. Here's a simple recipe!

Lemonade with sea buckthorn and ginger

  • ginger root - 50-60 gr.
  • lemon juice - 40 ml.
  • chilled tea with bergamot - 175 ml.
  • sea ​​buckthorn (grind with sugar) - 40 gr.

1. Before making lemonade, rinse sea buckthorn berries and grind with granulated sugar. At home, these manipulations can be carried out using a sieve. The drink is made from lemon (juice), tea (instead of water) and sugar.

2. When the sea buckthorn with granulated sugar is grated, grate the ginger root, fold it onto cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. Combine with sweet berry mass. Pour in tea, add lemon juice.

3. Set the decanter aside for half an hour, after this time transfer to the refrigerator. After 1-1.5 hours you can taste it.

Agree, the simplest recipe for lemonade! At home, it can be made not only from lemon, but also from freshly squeezed citrus juice.

Fruit mix lemonade

  • apple - 1 pc.
  • strawberries - 0.3 kg.
  • peach - 2 pcs.
  • large grapes - 10 pcs.
  • pear - 1 pc.
  • sugar - 0.3 kg.
  • mint leaves - 5 pcs.
  • filtered water - 1 liter.
  • lemon - 2 pcs.

Before making lemonade, you should prepare all the ingredients at home. The drink is delicious from lemon, water and sugar. Additional fruits add exquisite notes.

1. Use an enamel saucepan, add sugar and a little water to it. Cook the syrup using the classic technology. After cooling, add all the chopped fruits, except for the lemon.

2. Stir the food gently using a wooden spoon. After that, pour in the rest of the water and squeeze the juice out of the lemon.

3. After cooling, homemade lemonade should be poured into glasses and garnished with mint leaves. The recipe is pretty simple, taste it!

Slimming lemonade

  • mineral water with gas - 1 liter.
  • fresh cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • basil purple - 4 sprigs
  • sugar - to your taste
  • lemon - 2 pcs.

It is worth knowing how to make slimming lemonade at home.

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