Home Natural farming How to get rid of the heat in the apartment. How to escape from the heat in summer at home and on the street, at night: tips. How to get rid of the heat in an apartment or house? I need to drink more

How to get rid of the heat in the apartment. How to escape from the heat in summer at home and on the street, at night: tips. How to get rid of the heat in an apartment or house? I need to drink more

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My apartment is located on the 5th floor of a 5-storey building in Istanbul. Trees do not reach this height, the roof is flat, the windows face the sunny side. Therefore, in summer, when the temperature rises to + 40 ° C, the room turns into a branch of the Finnish sauna.

In such conditions, it is impossible to fall asleep and get enough sleep. And since I don't have an air conditioner, I have to somehow get out and try different ways to cool down.

For readers site I'll tell you what tricks and tricks I use to cool the room and bed and ensure a comfortable sleep.

To keep the room cold at night, it must be kept cool during the day.

    To keep the cold in the room, it is important to properly ventilate it. To do this, I close the windows when the outside temperature rises above + 25 ° C, and open when it drops below this value. The lowest temperature is from 4:00 to 7:00, so I open the windows in the morning and evening after 20:00.

  • To prevent the sun from entering the apartment, it is worth using the correct curtains. I have tried various materials and I can say that you should not buy synthetic curtains: they quickly heat up and fade. It is best to use thick white linen curtains.
  • So that the heat does not linger in the house, it is also worth getting rid of all dust collectors - carpets, rugs and mountains of pillows. This will make the air cleaner and cooler.
  • While airing, you can wet a towel and hang it in front of an open window. This will help cool the room quickly. But don't leave the towel overnight: a room that is too damp can be just as stuffy.
  • Earlier, when air conditioning did not exist yet, in the heat before going to bed, they wet the floors. The temperature in the room dropped immediately. This made it possible to fall asleep quickly and sleep comfortably.

Another way is to use ceiling fans

They are cheap, mounted on a chandelier and cool the room well. If you have such a fan, check that the switch is in the summer position. Many fans have 2 modes for different seasons.

  • If you can't find the switch, check the blades: they should turn counterclockwise so that the air hits the ceiling.

Homemade air conditioner

An ordinary small fan simply drives air, and its motor heats up the room. But any fan can be turned into a real air conditioner.

  • To do this, you need to freeze bottles or other containers with water and place them in front of the blades - then cold air will swell throughout the room. When the heat is particularly intense, I freeze 2 sets of bottles and just change them every 4-5 hours.

Cooling the bed

    If your bedding is made of satin or synthetics, it is worth replacing these materials with cotton or silk. Cotton sheets absorb sweat well and keep you cool. Natural silk is very light and tends to slightly cool the skin.

  • Also use cotton pajamas: they are better ventilated. Or sleep without clothes. And what? Also a way out.
  • Another great way to cool off is to put a sheet and pillowcase in the fridge in the morning, and make your bed with them before bed. But do not put the laundry in the freezer: there is a risk of getting sick.
  • Memory foam mattresses keep warm well. This is useful in the winter, but inconvenient in the summer. I have just such a mattress, so in the summer I put on a cotton mattress topper (which can also be put in the refrigerator).

It is sometimes difficult to survive the heat in a city apartment, especially on the top floors, where the air heats up to 40-50 degrees, but it's really possible to make your life easier. How to escape the heat in a typical city apartment? How can you make it easier for children to endure the heat?

The residents of brick houses are most fortunate - they have every chance of not melting. The brick has a high thermal inertia, that is, the wall heats up slowly. Therefore, in old buildings, where the walls are two or two and a half bricks thick, people feel most comfortable in the heat.

The inhabitants of panel high-rise buildings have the worst case - the lightweight concrete from which they are built heats up very quickly. The heat wave travels directly into the apartment, transforming it into a kind of sauna. The same applies to monolithic houses - however, they are often saved by fashionable ventilated facades.

So how to escape the heat at home if you are unlucky with your home? We often use the most obvious ways - we often go to the shower and open all the windows in the house. But obvious doesn't mean effective. There are little tricks that make it easier to fight the heat.

Fresh wind flow effect

They say that the best way to escape the heat in an apartment is to buy an air conditioner. But this is not included in our advice: an air conditioner is expensive, it loves to consume large quantities of electricity, and also, helping to escape the heat, it is harmful to health (it dries the air, it collects a lot of dust and bacteria).

Buy a fan, it is several times cheaper than an air conditioner. Place several bottles of frozen water or a plate of ice under the fan or in front of it. This will create the effect of an air conditioner, cold air will blow.

You can remember your childhood and make a fan. Everyone knows how to use it, and unlike a fan, it does not consume electricity.

Close the windows of the premises during the day, and in the early morning or evening, arrange a draft. This way you cool the room.

Close windows

The first thing to do in hot weather is to prevent sunlight from entering through the windows facing the sunny side. Otherwise, at 5 o'clock in the morning, the burning rays will wake you up, and the stuffiness in the room will not let you fall asleep again.

Hang curtains or blinds on the windows. If light enters a room, it raises the temperature of the dwelling by 3-10 degrees, while also creating a greenhouse effect.

Windows can be covered with reflective tape. Such a film is inexpensive, but it gives an effect. Alternatively, you can sew the film to the curtains from the side of the window.

If there is no hardware store nearby, even regular food foil, which you can buy at the grocery store, will do. It must be glued to the window with a reflective surface on the street. Foil perfectly reflects the sun's rays, preventing the room from heating up.

Pay attention to the color of your curtains. White fabric repels sunlight and black fabric absorbs.

3 bed sheet secrets: how a simple cloth can help you withstand the heat

Firstly, you can hang sheets on the windows - they will lower the temperature in the apartment by several degrees.

Secondly, a wet sheet can be used instead of a blanket, only it will have to be wetted several times a night. But you will save yourself from the heat for the whole night.

Thirdly, the sheet (or baby diapers) can be worn over the shoulders, like a cloak of the musketeers! They cool perfectly during household chores and games.

Drink it right

Avoid drinking soda, which will not quit your thirst. In the heat, it is better to use drinks that are made from natural products. Moreover, it will help the body to get full. If there are no restrictions on the use of water, try to drink more (it is advisable to drink at least two liters of liquid per day).

Other tricks

Replace incandescent bulbs with fluorescent or LED bulbs. They generate 80% less heat than incandescent bulbs.

Try not to turn on your computer and other power-consuming appliances during the day. This will help keep you cool in the room.

Try not to use the stove and oven. In the heat, as a rule, you do not feel like eating, this is a natural reaction. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits, or have a cold snack.

Take pets as an example, they are inactive in the heat. Try and you to reduce your activity in the hot part of the day, get up earlier or do things in the evening.

Houseplants help you withstand heat much more easily because their secretions cool the surrounding air. If you are not afraid to forget about your "green friends" and intend to water them with strict regularity - go ahead. You can buy seasonal plants if you don't really need them in winter. And choose flowers with large, wide leaves: their emitting surface is more extensive, which means there should be more potential benefits.

It is necessary to wrap a heated towel rail, which in most apartments is heated by running water and cannot be turned off, in foil. The foil will keep the heat inside, preventing it from entering the apartment.

Showers, bathtubs and basins as a way to better endure the heat

In the heat, our body heats up, so after returning home from the face don't get into a cold shower right away, the cardiovascular system suffers from this. In hot weather, it is better to take a warm shower: when you go out, the ambient temperature will seem colder than it actually is.

Go to the shower and bathroom at least 10 times a day, rinse the children especially often, this will help to survive the heat, even if it is +40 at home.

When taking a shower, try not to use detergents, they dry the skin.

The bathtub can simply be filled with water, evaporating, it humidifies the air and slightly lowers the temperature in the apartment, helping to endure the heat.

One bathtub fails? Put basins of ice water in all rooms, you can even throw ice from the freezer into the water. And don't forget to change the water, it heats up quickly. And also take a spray bottle and spray water in the room, the colder the better, it will be much easier to endure the heat!

The pool in the room will help children survive the heat

Do you have small children? They have nowhere to swim? They don't know how to escape the heat? Buy them a pool! Inflatable! No, this is not a joke. It is necessary to take a not very large inflatable pool and a bedding for a large pool (these are bedding so that the pool does not break, if any filth is lying on the ground, they do not get wet). We cover the entire floor with a mat, put a pool in the center, additionally put absorbent rags on the mat, which are sold for cleaning the floor, and let the children swim, not forgetting to give them toys. Very soon, you yourself will have a desire to climb into the pool and survive the heat in it.

How to fall asleep in the heat

If the heat makes it difficult to fall asleep, a couple of hours before bedtime, put the bedding in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator. Over time, of course, the bed will warm up, but it will be much more pleasant to fall asleep. In addition, bed linen and pillows should be made from lightweight and natural fabrics.

Choose lightweight, breathable fabrics that quickly evaporate moisture from the surface. And no synthetics: it disrupts the natural heat exchange of the body with the environment and will work like foil on the bed when cooking in the oven. You will literally fry, and even wake up on damp sheets.

Sleep with an open balcony or wide windows at night.

Keep a bottle of cold water near your bed so that you can wet your throat and wipe your face at night without getting out of bed.

How to escape the heat outside?

Any heat is more easily tolerated outside the city. If possible, go to the village to relax, eat natural vegetables and fruits.

If there is a cool pond and forest near your house, and business can be postponed until the end of the heat, then you are in luck. Go outside in the morning and evening.

A light, light umbrella will create shade. A fan will help to escape the heat when you are waiting for transport at a bus stop, in transport, in a stuffy store and other hot places.

Adapt! After all, people have lived without air conditioners for hundreds of years, and many continue to live now. Lead a healthy lifestyle, keep fit, and you will feel comfortable in any weather.

Do you know more original ways to escape the heat? Write in the comments, people need them :)

Up-to-date tips on how to escape the heat indoors and outdoors.

Along with the long-awaited summer comes abnormal heat. Many people simply cannot stand the heat, they feel bad and hard. Even those who love the heat are not always ready to tolerate temperatures below 30 °.

Important: The surest way to avoid heat in an apartment or house is to install an air conditioner.

But if you do not have an air conditioner in your apartment or house for some reason, you will have to look for other ways to solve such a problem as heat.

How to avoid heat in an apartment or house?

  • Open windows and balcony at night. In the daytime, when the sun comes up, be sure to close all windows and the balcony. At night, on the contrary, open it. This method will help prevent heat from entering the room.
  • Cover the windows with reflective tape. It is especially good to do this in those rooms that are on the sunny side. Reflective tape is not very expensive, but it works efficiently. Plain foil will do.
  • Cover windows with blinds or curtains. The less light enters the room, the better. The sun can heat up the indoor temperature by 10 ° or more. Therefore, it is better to create twilight in the rooms with thick curtains or blinds.
  • A fan can be used instead of an air conditioner. A fan is much cheaper than an air conditioner, but it can come in handy in a hot time. Cooling from a fan is especially effective if you place a couple of bottles of frozen water in front of it. You can also put a fan near an open window, it will disperse the air coming from the street.
  • Limit the use of ovens and stoves. This in no way means that you should completely switch to eating in cafes and canteens, but it is worth cooking simpler food, since heating stoves and ovens leads to unbearable stuffiness, especially if the apartment is small.
  • Damp mop regularly. Get in the habit of wet cleaning your entire apartment every day. This is not only useful, but also cools the room a few degrees in hot summer.
  • If you have a hot towel warmer in your bathroom, just wrap it in foil.

How to make an air conditioner out of a fan?

Video: How to survive the heat in an apartment?

Important: There is a lot of talk about the rules of being on the street in the summer, nevertheless, most people forget about them. They remember only when the sun already interferes with feeling normal. We will remind you of these simple rules.

How to survive the heat?
  • Before going outside take a refreshing shower... No need to take a cold shower, sharp temperature contrasts are not beneficial. Just freshen up with lukewarm water.
  • Headdress required. A hat is especially useful if you are outside during the peak of the heat. The choice of hats is great - hats, bandanas, baseball caps. Choose the options that work best for you, but don't drive yourself to sunstroke.
  • Sounds corny, but desirable stay home at lunchtime... If there is no urgent need, it is better to resolve matters until the moment when the peak of solar activity comes, namely from 12 to 14 hours.
  • Wear cotton clothing. Loose cotton clothing allows you to feel much more comfortable in the heat. If you do not want to get sunburn, choose clothes that cover your body as much as possible. Synthetics are not the best choice in general, and even more so in the heat, in such clothes you will be even hotter.
  • Take it with you outside cooling drinks- water, green tea, homemade lemonade. In the heat, it is unacceptable to get carried away with beer, coffee, cocktails with vodka. This leads to dehydration of the body.
  • Women can be put in a purse small fan... This simple device will help to escape from stuffiness in public transport, in crowded places.
  • If you are outside at the peak of the heat and you have an extra minute, eat ice cream in the shadow. Only you should not get carried away with ice cream, in the summer people often get sore throat due to hypothermia of the throat.

Important: Many doctors recommend walking barefoot on the grass in the summer. There are many points on the soles of the feet that stimulate the work of internal organs. As a result of walking barefoot on the grass, biologically active points are stimulated, blood circulation, which leads to an increase in the tone of the body.

Summer heat

The sweltering heat often keeps you awake at night. What to do? The answer is to look for simple yet effective cooling methods.

  • If you have indoor plants in your room, spray them with water from a spray bottle. Moisture in plants will last for a long time and thus make your breathing easier.
  • Place by the bed water bottle so that you can always refresh yourself at night.
  • Linens should be made of natural fabric, it is not so hot to sleep on. Some people chill their laundry in the refrigerator before going to bed. We do not recommend doing this. This cooling method can lead to inflammatory diseases.
  • At night do small draft in the apartment. Draft is something that many people are so afraid of, but in the heat it helps out well. If the layout of the apartment does not allow creating a draft, open the windows wide open. Mosquitoes and other insects flying at night are saved by mosquito nets.
  • Install fan at minimum or medium speed, placing it at your feet. From a thermoregulatory point of view, this is the best cooling method.

How to keep the room cool?

How else can you help your body cope with the summer heat:

  • Apply a minimum of makeup to your skin.
  • Pull your long hair into a bun.
  • The heat is easier to endure when you are on the beach.
  • Eat light foods, limit heavy foods, fatty foods, and sweets.
  • Sweet soda does not help quench your thirst, drink plain water, green tea, mint tea, lemon and mint water, lemonade is better.
  • Reduce active physical activity (jogging, strength training equipment, cardio loads), temporarily switch to more relaxed sports (walking, swimming, gymnastics with elements of yoga).

Summer heat is a good time for homemade cooling drinks

If you approach the issue of heat correctly, then you can transfer this time calmly and without suffering for the body. Until the mark of the thermometer begins to smoothly go down. It will be useful to know what to do if a person suddenly has heat and sunstroke. You will find out about this by watching the video.

Video: Heat and sunstroke, what to do?

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