Home Berries The full name of Oksana is female. The origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Oksana. What suits Oksana

The full name of Oksana is female. The origin, characteristics and meaning of the name Oksana. What suits Oksana


The name Oksana in different languages

Consider the spelling and sound of a name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 奧克薩娜 (Ào kè sà nà). Japanese: オ ク サ ナ (Okusana). Kannada: ಒಕ್ಸಾನಾ (Oksānā). Hindi: ओक्साना (Ōksānā). Ukrainian: Oksana. Greek: Οξάνα (Oxána). English: Oksana (Oksana).

The origin of the name Oksana

The name Oksana in translation, presumably from Greek means "foreigner", "wanderer" (the Greek word "xenos" - "alien, alien"). Also often given the meaning of "hospitable".

The name Oksana is the Ukrainian colloquial form of the name Ksenia. This opinion about the name Oksana is very common, but poorly substantiated. With the same success, we can say that Ksenia is colloquial from Oksana. Or Ksenia is colloquial from Aksinia. Or Aksinia - colloquial from Xenia.

There is also an opinion that Ksenia, Oksana, Aksinia are different names. Ksenia, apparently, comes simply from "xenos" - a foreigner. But Aksinia and Oksana, in addition to the same root, have prefixes. The Greeks once gave two names to the Black Sea: Axinos (inhospitable) and Yukseinos (hospitable). This "o" at the beginning of the name Oksana is a modified prefix in the Greek name for the Black Sea. Less like a modified "a" in the first version than "u" in the second. And it is quite possible that the name Aksinia originated from the same name. The name Oksana is often interpreted as "hospitable", apparently, they believe that Oksana is still from the second option (Ksenia). But there is more in common in the interpretation and formation of the name Oksana with the name Aksinia. There are no intersections of the formation of the name of Aksinia and Xenia. Oksana is a controversial case.

The nature of the name Oksana

Oksana's character is difficult to describe, since this woman is no different and has an even, strong, sociable disposition. In childhood, Oksana is a calm, independent child who is always on his own mind. The modest, unremarkable Oksana has a rich inner world, full of dreams, grandiose and far-reaching plans. She studies well, listens to her parents in everything, is energetic and affable in the circle of girlfriends. The adult owner of this name is intelligent, active, decisive, sociable.

Often in adulthood, Oksana acquires brightness, charm and special charm, becomes much more attractive to men. This is due to the fact that, having gained life experience and self-confidence, she knows her own worth, begins to love herself, moves from plans and dreams to real decisions. If Oksana does not succeed in something, she will never back away or close in herself, but will gently bypass the problem and move on. In business, she always demonstrates resourcefulness, energy, but at the same time kindness and patience. She does not have very many friends, but Oksana knows how to be friends and take care of friendly relations.

The mystery of the name Oksana

Oksana herself is not inclined to blame herself for her failures. She always believes that she is simply unlucky in this situation, or that other people are to blame for her.

In family life, Oksana is a good wife. But she loves to sleep, but if she wakes up early, she will be irritable and unhappy. A woman's day would be ruined. Oksana has amazing patience, she can work with children all day and teach them lessons, or devote it to cleaning. Oksana is a monogamous woman. She is jealous and often withdraws into herself because of this feeling.

Oksana often wants to reeducate her loved one. She loves independence and leadership.

Astrological characteristics of the name

Name color: silver gray
Radiation: 97%
Planets: Saturn
Stone talisman: chalcedony
Plant: immortelle
Totemnoe animal: rabbit
The main traits character: firmness, majesty

Additional name characteristic

Vibration: 120,000 vibrations / s.
Self-realization(character): 94%
Psyche: eccentric and incendiary
Health: poor health, frequent colds

Numerology named after Oksana

The owners of this number of the name always take an active life position and always clearly know what they want to achieve. They are the best at navigating difficult and even extreme life situations; they cannot be confused by dramatically changed circumstances or taken by surprise by difficulties. However, "long-term" projects are not their strong point - they quickly lose interest in the business and let the threads out of their hands, which automatically crosses them out of the number of business people. The strong point of "units" is the execution of assigned tasks, and the more difficult and difficult the task is, the more likely it is that "unit" will solve it faster and better than anyone else. Men and women of the "unit" are brave and confident in their abilities, they know how to make money, but they are also easy to spend. They tend to make impulsive and rash decisions. In most cases, they are the soul of the company and reliable friends.


Planet: The sun.
Element: Fire, warmth, dryness.
Zodiac: .
Colour: Yellow, bright red, gold.
Day: Sunday.
Metal: Gold.
Mineral: Chrysolite, heliotrope, carbuncle, diamond (especially yellow).
Plants: Heliotrope, mistletoe, peony, ginger, laurel, cedar, lemon, wild rose, olive, almond, oak.
Beasts: Lion, eagle, falcon, scarab.

The name Oksana as a phrase

Oh He (Oh, Oh)
To Kako
C Word
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
N Our (Our, Your)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Oksana

Oh - deep feelings, the ability to handle money. For completeness of realization, however, a person must understand his purpose. The presence of this letter in the name shows that the goal is prepared for him and you need to use your rich intuition to distinguish it from the bustle of existence.
K - endurance, derived from fortitude, the ability to keep secrets, insight, life credo "all or nothing".
C - common sense, striving for a strong position and material security; in irritation - imperiousness and capriciousness. It is important for a person to find his own path in life.

H - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything, indiscriminately, sharp critical mind, interest in health. A diligent worker, but cannot stand the "monkey labor".
A - a symbol of the beginning and a desire to start and implement something, a thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.

Sexuality of the name Oksana

She is looking for support in love. Oksana's love can be limitless, but she needs to constantly feel her partner's shoulder next to her. She is smart, proud, persistent in achieving the goal, knows about her merits and wants to get what it deserves from life. Unfortunately, Oksana rarely feels satisfied in love, her requirements for a man are very high, and her character is not pliable. The man does not gain easy success over Oksana, she is not one of those who, after the first acquaintance, makes sexual contact. The element of addiction is very important for her, in order to surrender to a man, she must feel his family.

Intimacy gives her pleasure only if all interfering circumstances are removed, if being alone is serene, some extraneous sound can completely deprive her of an erotic mood. Oksana prefers a cozy home environment for an intimate date.

Her sexual behavior is independent: she loves to take the initiative and does not tolerate when her partner leads her. Oksana is quite sophisticated in sex and literate, she is not indifferent to the stories of friends on this topic, she does not leave erotic literature without her attention. With a man with whom she is close, Oksana can discuss the most intimate topics; in her sexual satisfaction in general, the trust in her partner is of great importance.

She prefers gentle, pliable men, responsive to her caresses, accepting her erotic program. Oksana loves long love games and gives her partner complete freedom of action.

She is jealous if she receives evidence of her lover's infidelity, reacts sharply, feels deeply offended, does not forgive betrayal.

Characteristics of the name Oksana according to B. Khigir

The Ukrainian form of the name Ksenia, translated from ancient Greek - "stranger", "guest". Oksana is strong, active, decisive, principled, straightforward, sociable, inventive, resourceful nature. Has a strong will and a persistent psyche. She is affable with others, friendly, not conflicting. He tries not to offend anyone, but he will not let himself be offended. Not a self-critical, somewhat eccentric person, she is often unable to soberly assess her actions and miscalculations. She blames others for her failures or believes that she was simply unlucky.

He does not give in to obstacles, but seeks to overcome them. She almost always succeeds. Does not change his beliefs and views. It is impossible to convince her. While formally agreeing with opponents in the discussion, Oksana still maintains her opinion. Very calculating. Weighs and thinks through each decision in advance.

This woman is monogamous. Sexy, although outwardly cold and restrained. In the house, she is the head of the family, an indisputable authority. Very attached to the family.

A good wife, mother, hostess. Jealous, but, having received a reason for jealousy, withdraws into himself. In love, Oksana is looking for support and puts forward high demands on a man. In sex, he likes to take the initiative, does not tolerate when a partner leads. She prefers gentle, pliable men, sensitive to her caresses, accepting her erotic behavior in intimacy.

Oksana is smart, proud, persistent in achieving her goals, knows about her merits and wants to get what she deserves from life. Economical, zealous, stingy hostess. He seeks to live apart from his mother-in-law. Take care of the upbringing of children. She is trying to re-educate her husband, but this one she rarely succeeds. He does household chores without much eagerness, but does everything quickly.

Her house is perfectly clean. Prefers "male" professions. Achieves professional skills in geology, surgery, maybe a sailor, photojournalist, design engineer, financier, businessman.

Pros and cons of the name Oksana

What are the positive and negative aspects of the decision to name the child Oksana? On the one hand, his femininity, familiarity, sounding strength in him speaks well about this name. It goes well with Russian surnames and patronymics, has many abbreviations and diminutive forms, such as Oksanochka, Oksanushka, Ksyusha, Ksyushenka, Oksyusha. And the character of most of the owners of this name has an even, generally positive connotation. But to some parents, the name Oksana may seem too old-fashioned or rustic, which will negate all its advantages.


Oksana's health is strong enough. She, as a rule, does not really like to play sports, but leads a rather active lifestyle, which allows her to always look good.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Oksana manifests herself as a demanding wife and a caring mother. She is a good housewife, loves to take care of the house, is attached to her loved ones. The owner of this name often tries to impose her leadership on her family, but since she most often chooses a strong and energetic man like her as her husband, she cannot strengthen her authoritarian position.

Professional sphere

In the professional field, Oksana is interested in work associated with risk, inconvenience, extreme conditions. For example, she will gladly become a policeman, a photo reporter, work on a ship, take part in expeditions, bring up children abandoned by her parents, and work in a circus.

Famous people named Oksana

Oksana Chusovitina (famous Soviet, Uzbek and German gymnast, since 2006 has been playing for Germany; the only gymnast in history - a participant in the 5 Summer Olympics (1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008), Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1991))
Oksana Fandera (actress)
Oksana Fedorova (TV presenter)
Oksana Khvostenko (famous Ukrainian biathlete)
Oksana Dmitrieva (politician)
Oksana Baiul (figure skater, 1994 Olympic champion in women's singles skating)
Oksana Akinshina (actress)
Oksana Arbuzova (actress)
Oksana Domnina (ice dance skater)
Oksana Kazakova (Russian figure skater, who performed in pair skating)

Oksana's birthday

Compatibility with zodiac signs

This name is suitable for a girl born under the zodiac sign of Aquarius or Pisces. will make Oksana a kind and imprudent contemplator of life, living with plans and possessing a special vital insight. will be able to develop a craving for beauty in Oksana, therefore, under their influence, she will become creative, talented, sensitive, romantic and very interesting.

According to Mendelev

Nice, loud, big and simple name. It is understandable why, being the Ukrainian form of the name Ksenia, it is popular far beyond the borders of Ukraine, having become a completely independent name.

Oksana is also endowed with deep intuition, but only, perhaps, to a somewhat lesser extent. The nature is strong, active, decisive, does not stop halfway and always strives to achieve the goal set for itself. Very attractive and sexy, although it remains, surprisingly, "courageous" and "cold". She will find a way out of any difficult situation, she is inventive and resourceful, she will not give up in front of obstacles, but will try to overcome them. She almost always succeeds.

He rarely conflicts with people around him, colleagues, friends, and is affable and friendly. But to convince her of something is an almost insoluble task. Even outwardly agreeing with the opponent in the dispute, Oksana will remain unconvinced.

Has a strong will and a persistent psyche. He tries not to offend anyone, but he will not let himself be offended. When communicating with her, many feel her some kind of elusive superiority.

Oksana's color is piercing hot pink.

Sexy portrait of the name (by Higir)

She is looking for support in love. Oksana's love can be limitless, but she needs to constantly feel her partner's shoulder next to her. She is smart, proud, persistent in achieving the goal, knows about her merits and wants to get what it deserves from life. Unfortunately, Oksana rarely feels satisfied in love, her requirements for a man are very high, and her character is not pliable. The man does not gain easy success over Oksana, she is not one of those who, after the first acquaintance, makes sexual contact. The element of addiction is very important for her, in order to surrender to a man, she must feel his family. Intimacy gives her pleasure only if all interfering circumstances are removed, if being alone is serene, some extraneous sound can completely deprive her of an erotic mood. Oksana prefers a cozy home environment for an intimate date.

Her sexual behavior is independent: she loves to take the initiative and does not tolerate when her partner leads her. Oksana is quite sophisticated in sex and literate, she is not indifferent to the stories of friends on this topic, she does not leave erotic literature without her attention. With a man with whom she is close, Oksana can discuss the most intimate topics; in her sexual satisfaction in general, the trust in her partner is of great importance. She prefers gentle, pliable men, responsive to her caresses, accepting her erotic program. Oksana loves long love games and gives her partner complete freedom of action. She is jealous if she receives evidence of her lover's infidelity, reacts sharply, feels deeply offended, does not forgive betrayal.

According to Higir

Ukrainian colloquial form of the name Ksenia. Presumably comes from the word "xenia" - hospitality or "xenos" - stranger, foreign (Greek)

For women with the name Oksana, fate is not very easy, but always interesting. As a child, she leaves the impression of a sullen and stubborn girl. She is independent, persistent in satisfying desires, if this is prevented, she can arrange a tantrum. Noisy games with peers attract her little; she prefers games that require perseverance. He studies without much enthusiasm, although he is more often listed in well-performing students. In friendship, he prefers girls, but even the closest friend will not entrust his secrets. And her plans are always grandiose, which can be guessed from Oksana's unexpected actions, which amaze others.

In early childhood, Oksanas often suffer from colds, poor health is the scourge of many Oksanas during their subsequent life.

She is not inclined to assess herself soberly and often blames others for her failures or believes that she was simply unlucky. In her actions, there is almost always calculation, she is economical and stingy.

Oksana's husband needs to know that it is better not to wake her up in the morning. She will wake up unhappy, and because of this, the day will be hopelessly ruined. Oksana is a solid person, all day long, showing amazing patience, can, for example, prepare lessons with children. She, like in childhood, remains largely unpredictable. For example, he can declare that he will start attending the karate section from tonight. It is useless to dissuade her, she will still do her own way. Monogamous, jealous, but, having received a reason for jealousy, withdraws into herself.

She makes attempts to re-educate her husband, a proper rebuff, however, somewhat cools her. She strives to live separately from her mother-in-law.

Kirill will be the best husband for Oksana, life will also be successful with Victor. Alexander, Arkady, Gregory, but unsuccessfully with Ignat, Mark, Bogdan, Peter, Stepan.

What a wonderful event - the birth of a child! Even before the appearance of the baby, parents and relatives begin to think about what to call him. And if this is a girl, then the choice becomes even more problematic.

After all, there are so many different, long and short names in languages. For example, the name Oksana. It sounds so sophisticated and feminine that it is difficult to imagine its owner to another. And what does the name Oksana mean? And what does the story say about the origin of this name?

History and characteristics

Greece - this is where the habit of calling daughters Oksana came from. The origin of the name Oksana has references exclusively to this country. Its translation is varied, the word can mean several options: "wanderer", "foreigner" and even "hospitable". Such an interpretation of the name Oksana even sometimes scares parents away from this option, and the reason for this is thoughts of a possible problematic character in the girl.

However, the trouble does not always lie in the name of the child. Of course, the name leaves its mark on human behavior, but there is no direct influence. An example is the following: there are two girls, Oksana and. To put it very roughly, it is the same name. Rather, even variants of the name. But this does not mean that the girls will not have similarities. There will definitely be traits that make the owners of such names almost sisters.

In Orthodoxy, Oksana is patronized by the martyr Xenia. On January 31, that is, on the day of the name day, they pray to this saint. In addition, on February 6, they bring their prayers to Blessed Xenia of Petersburg.

The mystery of the name Oksana is connected with the life story of an almost eponymous saint who decided on voluntary madness. It is curious that due to the nightly prayers, afterwards truly strange, but wonderful things happened at her churchyard.

Forms of the name Oksana are presented in three versions: Ksenia, Aksinya and Aksana. The first one is as independent as the original source. The second and third options are mainly found on the territory of Belarus and Ukraine. Constant debate about which name isthe founder, even Wikipedia cannot decide. Although such a clarification, in principle, is a senseless and meaningless dispute.

If we consider all the short variants of the name Oksana, then the list is as follows:

  • Ksyusha.
  • Xana.
  • Ksyuta.
  • Oxy.
  • Sana.
  • Ksyunya and many others.

In addition, nicknames sometimes appear the most unexpected and original. By the way, there are already quite an impressive number of them, and they are all in the public domain. The full version is undoubtedly very beautiful, but it is too "feminine", that is, adult. A little girl clearly needs something simpler. But Ksyusha is exactly how you can want to call your child.

The meaning of the name Oksana also includes the approximate development of the girl's behavior. It is noted that as a child, Ksyusha does not cause much trouble to parents and others. He prefers calm and quiet games, lives mainly with girls, loves dolls. But even at a very early age, Oksana is different from other children. She is more volatile in terms of mood. By the way, this trait remains with all Oksanas throughout their lives.

In general, the meaning of the name Oksana for a girl carries a lot of positives. A cheerful and optimistic child with a little bit of stubbornness is, in fact, wonderful.

Fateful influence

An analysis of the name Oksana leads to the following conclusions: such a girl can be happy if she remains as disruptive, but at the same time, ifIn particular, the sphere of relations with the opposite sex, here Ksenia should, on the contrary, be a little more restrained. The desire for leadership can scare off her chosen one.

Fate loves to ask Oksana daring tasks. But the girl bravely solves many problems, even without paying special attention to them. Oksana herself (if you study the meaning of her name in great detail) is a simple and kind person, which is what her name disposes of. She adores children and can give up a brilliant career for the sake of family well-being. But initially she is in no hurry to get married, because she knows about her dedication to re-educating a loved one.

The compatibility of the name Oksana is presented as follows:

Chosen One -. Such a couple has every chance to burn with a sincere and pure fire in relation to each other, but the creation of a family and coexistence can be complicated by misunderstanding in everyday life. The couple Oksana and Sergei rarely get married. And if this happened, then these two will definitely not be bored.

Chosen One -. The coexistence of such a person and Ksyusha is quite real, they always have something to talk about. There is only one problem, the same as in the previous version - the wedding is under a big question.

Chosen One -. With this person, Oksana is unlikely to be able to find her happiness. Huge differences in natures will constantly lead to scandals and a showdown.

Chosen One -. A girl can be happy with this person. With such a man she will never be bored. Both partners have independence from their "second half", which means that there will be a minimum of quarrels.

The chosen one is Igor. Oksana is not looking for a dull life, her heart friend fully meets all the conditions. An excellent understanding will help these two get along well under one roof.

The characterization of the name Oksana quite clearly shows the possible outcome of events. It depends on the girl how her personal life will turn out. And if we talk specifically about the name, then by the mere sound of it, certain assumptions appear. However, only herselfa girl can choose a person with whom she would like to be close.

Energetic Persistent Incendiary

Oksana Fedorova, TV presenter

  • Meaning of the name
  • Influence on the child

What does the name Oksana mean?

The meaning of the name Oksana includes active response (OK-) and lively participation (OKO-), collective involvement (-KSA-) and spiritual simplicity (-SANA).

Such a description creates a vivid, unforgettable image, capable of expression and self-expression, as well as emotional control and quick reactions to events.

It is believed that Oksana is the Ukrainian colloquial form of the name Ksenia, so ingrained that they have become completely different. Recently, it has gained popularity and distribution far beyond the borders of this country and began to be used more than Xenia. Parents do not very often call their daughters that, but it does not lose its position in the ratings and, perhaps, one day it will enter the top ten.

If we talk about what the name Oksana means from the point of view of numerology, then he is influenced by the number 1, which gives energy and an active life position to his representative.

Would you name a child by that name?

Oksana is an Orthodox, Russian and Ukrainian name that comes from the Greek word "xenos", which means "wanderer", "stranger".

In addition, it is often interpreted as "hospitable". An interesting fact is that the prefix "O" is a modified Greek spelling of the Black Sea.

In Orthodoxy, Oksana's name day is celebrated on January 31. On this day, they pray to Xenia the martyr, who died in agony, but did not change her firm faith in Christ.

The mystery of the name Oksana is a story about the life of another saint. After the death of her husband, Blessed Xenia, having distributed all her property to the poor, chose the path of voluntary madness. During the day she wandered around the city, and spent the nights in prayer. After the end of her earthly life, many miracles took place at her grave, so the church leadership canonized her.

As for the present time, first of all, I would like to recall the wonderful Russian actresses: Oksana Fandera and Oksana Akinshina and also Miss World, later a TV presenter and singer - Oksana Fedorova. Many famous sportswomen-hostesses of this name have appeared in the world of sports: figure skaters - Oksana Domnina and Oksana Grischuk, biathlete - Oksana Khvostenko.

Name forms

Simple: Oksana Full: Oksana Former: OksanaAffectionate: Oksanochka

Anyone who hears the word Oksana associates it with something very pleasant, majestic and, perhaps, to some extent even powerful. There are sources that claim that the origin of the name Oksana is associated with the word "guest". Probably for this reason, these are very independent women who show independence in everything, and sometimes it seems that they have something of a witch in them. Their life full of events is by no means simple.

This name is perfect for girls born under the constellations of Aquarius or Pisces.

They will be assisted by the planet Saturn. The patron stone is chalcedony, totem plants are immortelle and cypress. Calm silver-gray and flashy bright pink shades will suit Oksana's face.

The characteristic of the name Oksana did not remain without the influence of the season in which she was born.

Energetic and stubborn "winter" Oksana will, nevertheless, be famous for her kindness and condescension. "Autumn" will be straightforward and practical. “Summer” is a gossip and schemer who loves to be the center of attention. The character of "spring" Oksana is largely determined by her ambition and striving to achieve her goal by all means.

Oksana amazes those around her with her eccentricity, the ability to ignite and involve everyone who is near her in the activity. The source of the origin of these qualities is not entirely clear, because in childhood she seems to be a closed and uncommunicative child.

Despite the fact that she has a strong nervous system and willpower that can be envied, she will defeat everything and everyone who will stand in her way to achieve her goals.

But the distinguishing characteristic of Oksana is her ability to cool down as quickly as to “wind up”. Not even an hour will pass, and she will not even remember about the conflict.

Oksana has a developed intellect, good mental abilities. She is proud of her capabilities, does not detract from her personal dignity and strives to get everything that she deserves from life. She knows how to stand up for herself, and no one can force her to change her mind. Even if she agrees with you, be sure that this is only the external side, deep down she thinks as before.

If you remember what the name Oksana means, you will not be surprised by the fact that this is a person inclined to delve into his inner world.

With all this, she is of the opinion that anyone is to blame, but not herself. Though rare for her, defeats leave an indelible mark on her life. The problems of others weigh her down, she will leave the conversation if she feels the plaintive notes in the voice of the interlocutor.

Character traits









Oksana is not the woman that men pay attention to when they first meet. Modesty in behavior and dress is not conducive to creating a vivid impression. But if there was an opportunity to read her thoughts, Oksana's dreams would amaze with their grandeur.

If she falls in love, her feeling will be very strong and long-lasting. She needs a reliable partner who will not fail in difficult times.

Oksana's character requires a calm home environment for intimacy. Giving preference to affectionate, gentle partners, she will make sure that in sex the initiative completely belongs to her.

Oksana is the constant leader of the family. Housework will become a heavy duty for her. But in classes with children, she will show patience and lively interest.

The meaning of the name Oksana for a girl

An interesting fact is that the meaning of the name Oksana is explained from two positions: spelling and semantics. As for the spelling, it is associated with the name Xenia, which means "alien", and the prefix "A" in the word Aksinya is an epithet that the Greeks used to describe the Black Sea.

This is a great name that will give your child a lot of positive qualities. However, some parents are of the opinion that it is too simple and rustic, so they are in no hurry to choose it for their girl.

As a child, Oksana seems to be an uncommunicative, lonely child. She will avoid noisy companies, preferring a quiet environment. Among her friends there will be mostly girls, whom she will sometimes take offense at, accusing them of her miscalculations and failures.

No one will know about her secrets, she will not allow anyone to look into her inner world.

Oksana has a tendency to haste, it is difficult for her to carefully weigh all the pros and cons, so you should not get involved in affairs that have a certain amount of risk.

But this is a child who flawlessly fulfills the instructions of parents or teachers.

How will Oksana succeed?

Oksana has clearly expressed abilities in humanitarian subjects, although at school she does not differ in special diligence, but her academic performance is excellent. From early childhood, she will show interest in "male" professions. In the future, Oksana can become a successful financier, talented teacher, surgeon or translator.

Character imbalance will be a serious obstacle for your girl. But this is a child, not devoid of charm, of which sometimes there is even too much. She insists on her own until the last minute, strictly following her inner voice.

The creation of home comfort and handicrafts will be very interesting for her. Health is quite strong, although there is a possibility of diseases of the cardiovascular system and diabetes mellitus.

What games will Oksana like?

This child will have a great time playing quiet board games, which will help develop his attentiveness and intelligence. Not showing much interest in active pursuits, however, at a certain stage in his life, he may unexpectedly get carried away by some kind of sport. If you get a pet for her, she will show tender feelings for him, but you will take care of him exclusively.

Oksana is a beautiful Slavic name that characterizes its owner as a brave woman who loves adventure and risk. It sounds a kind of mystery and romance that the bearers of the name have.

Brief description of the name

There are many versions of the origin of the name. Translated from Greek, it means guest, this name is most common in Russia. There is a version according to which the name comes from Xenia - hospitality, and it became an abbreviated version of Polyxenia, which means hospitable. There are people who consider the Greek word xenos as the basis - stranger, wanderer, alien.

Ksenia Milasskaya patronizes women with this name, she ran away from home, frightened by the marriage imposed by her father, and under the name Ksenia came to the monastery in Milassa. She subsequently built a nunnery. According to eyewitnesses, at the moment of her death, a glow appeared over the holy place. Name days are celebrated on February 6 ( January 24 old style). On the same day, the name days of Xenia of Petersburg, the holy fool for Christ's sake, are celebrated.

Girls can be called by their full name - Oksana, but there are also diminutive variants - Oksanochka, Oksanka, Ksana, Sana, Ksyunya, Oksya, Oksik, Oksanchik, Ksanchik, Ksanka, Ksyuta.

The meaning of the name Oksana is perfectly expressed by the signs of the zodiac and talismans. Patronizes the name Aquarius, girls born under this sign will be especially happy. The best day of the week for Ksyuta is Saturday, and the favorable time of the year is winter.

Jewelry with stones such as chalcedony and sapphire will suit her. Chalcedony is the expression of the female essence, it attracts love and helps in life. With its help, you can cheer up and get rid of the blues. Sapphire personifies constancy and loyalty, chastity and virtue, at the same time it gives power and helps in business and personal relationships. It is a symbol of friendship and selflessness.

Lucky colors for Xana are crimson, gray, blue-green. Figures in the shape of a rabbit, cypress and immortelle will bring good luck. The rabbit is the personification of cunning and timidity, at the same time it is a symbol of fertility. The immortelle gives the owner of the name longevity and modesty, energy and health.

Cypress has long been used for embalming. Therefore, it is symbolized with grief, grief, mourning. In Eastern countries, he is associated with immortality, and in Greek culture, he personifies life after death. The Chinese consider it to be a talisman against misfortune.

Metal for Oksana is tin and electrum. Tin gives a name such qualities as flexibility and the ability to adapt to circumstances, it helps to avoid quarrels and conflicts. Electrum gives perfection and prosperity, it helps people who deserve it. And the owners of bad thoughts get only trouble from him.

Meaning of the name

The meaning of the name and the fate of the owner of the name Oksana depend on the time of birth. Winter Ksyuts are soft and amorous natures, this is the personification of femininity and weakness, honesty and sincerity. They become ideal wives and mothers. Summer leaves its mark on character, giving women authority, straightforwardness, exactingness towards themselves and those around them, emotionality. This mixture sometimes repels and scares people. But qualities such as honesty and a sense of justice attract a girl born in summer.

Spring is a time of love and adventures, Oksana, born in spring, love risk, they are selfish and strive to get whatever they want. They need either everything or nothing. Autumn gives girls logic and prudence, character combines all the positive qualities. But at the same time, autumn brings in such characteristics as secrecy and isolation. Which means - this woman will open up only in the family, in which she will feel surrounded by care and love.


Women named Oksana has a sense of purpose and independence. Many parents go too far in education and demand complete obedience from little Ksyuta. And they manage to do this, but in adolescence there is a high risk of getting an acute conflict. The most optimal options in education will be instilling the right interests.

Full of energy, Oksana spends it on everything, studies, games, conflicts, sometimes dwelling on the same thing. But if she turns her attention, she can completely immerse herself in new things. The girl's aggravated self-esteem does not allow her to lose in arguments. She is ready to defend her views to the end.

Ksyushenka is constantly ready for self-defense, which allows her to maintain her independence. But this quality often spoils the girl's life, creating the basis for the education of unhealthy pride. It gets in the way in life, especially in family relationships. In work, conflicts often arise on this basis, so it is better to choose an activity that is not related to teamwork.

When communicating with Oksana, one should not forget about her high vulnerability and sensitivity, she is very touchy, and for a long time remembers those who brought her trouble. But at the same time, he is a wonderful listener, attentive, able to sympathize. She can always give good advice and help in solving problems.


The fate of women with such a character is not easy, but life is always full of interesting events. As a child, Oksanka gives the impression of a sullen girl, not inclined to communication, with a stubborn character. She is independent and does not like to play active games with her peers. She studies well, but a little lazy.

She is mostly friends with girls, but rarely any of her friends know her well, she will never entrust her secrets and plans to others, although Ksyuta always has many goals. She is able to shock others with unexpected actions, achieves grandiose goals. She is not inclined to self-delusion, and blames others and circumstances for all possible failures, but not herself.

She is calculating and stingy, does not like being woken up in the morning. If this happens, the mood will be ruined for the whole day. He always does everything in his own way, and, as a rule, gets his way. There is no point in dissuading her. Monogamous in love, looking for his man, and when he creates a family, he will be truly happy.


Not only character and fate depend on the meaning of the name Oksana, but also relationships with men. Oksyusha is an amorous person, always surrounded by male attention, but because of the difficult nature of the relationship, the relationship often ends in the bouquet-candy period. A woman with this name is ready to give love, and she does it quite thoughtlessly. She should not forget that men are owners, and they want to be the only ones.

In a man, she is looking first of all for a reliable support, a faithful shoulder in difficulties, but despite her amorousness, it is not easy to win her location. Outwardly, she is interesting, there is some kind of zest that attracts men. If Oksana met her man, she is ready to completely trust him and give her boundless love.

She is attracted to sensual and affectionate men. Ksyuta loves attention, appreciates loyalty, will not tolerate betrayal. She is extremely jealous and this feature of her character often becomes the cause of numerous quarrels and conflicts with a man. But if she realizes that jealousy is not justified, then she quickly calms down.

Emotionality is expressed in the fact that Oksanka's mood often changes, she can talk nicely, and after a minute she withdraw into herself. Children are important for this woman, she simply worships them. She will make a wonderful mother, kind and understanding. In the family, the owner of this name becomes an authority, respects her, and even the mother-in-law listens to her opinion.

The hostess from Oksyusha will turn out to be good, she quickly fulfills her duties, but treats them as a labor obligation. As a monogamous person, he will remain with his beloved man for life, will become a faithful and reliable support for him, surround him with care and warmth, but sometimes there will be attempts to re-educate his spouse. Although, she quickly realizes the futility of this occupation, and accepts a man with all his flaws.

The main thing in the family for Ksyuta is trust and mutual understanding, rudeness and reproaches do not take root, since this woman will never tolerate such an attitude. It is important to choose the right partner by name, Oksana has good compatibility with Boris, Igor, Alexander, Mikhail, Victor, Maxim, Grigory. Relationships with Mark, Bogdan and Stepan should be avoided.


In her work, Oksana is responsible, but often relies on her intuition. This does not allow her to make informed decisions, impulsiveness wins. But a woman has all the makings of a leader, she is a wonderful manipulator and knows how to convince others that she is right. The nature is strong, this allows her to move towards her goal. But she is not capable of adequately assessing herself, she is always looking for those who are to blame for her failures. Therefore, it is undesirable for her to occupy leadership positions.

Determination and resourcefulness help her to achieve heights in career growth. She is more interested in humanitarian areas, so the choice from intellectual professions will be the most correct decision for Oksana. She will achieve success in medicine, pedagogy, archeology, geology, music, journalism, psychology, design, acting.

The main thing for Oksana when choosing a profession is to take into account not so much material opportunities as personal interest. She should enjoy her work, otherwise, she will not perform her duties efficiently. She cares about management recognition and is able to perform well if she is valued as an employee.

Oksana has all the makings of a good businessman, she really looks at things, is economical and knows how to achieve her goals. She can be put by imbalance and inability to make informed decisions, so things will go better if there is a sober-minded partner nearby. She is not interested in large capitals, Oksana has enough to earn enough to have enough for life and pleasure.

Ksenia and Oksana

Many are interested in the question, are Ksenia and Oksana the same or are they different names? They have been used independently for a long time, despite their kinship. Oksana sounds softer, and all the characteristics of the name are smoothed out. Ksenia's character is manifested in a vivid form. It is believed that Ksenia is the Russian version of the name, while Oksana is more often used in Ukraine.

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