Home Fruit trees Moderate diffuse changes in the pancreas are treated. Pancreas change. What types of diffuse changes reveal

Moderate diffuse changes in the pancreas are treated. Pancreas change. What types of diffuse changes reveal

The pancreas is one of the organs of the digestive system. Inflammatory processes cause malfunction, which creates health problems for a person. To identify inflammation, symptoms and complete diagnosis of the human body are used. A common type of diagnosis of the disease is ultrasound, in which the displayed picture on the monitor of the device will show the presence of changes in the organ and its external structural state.

Diffuse changes in the pancreas (DIPG) are the most worrisome among physicians. This becomes the cause of metabolic disorders.

What are diffuse changes in the pancreas? Doctors do not consider diffuse changes in inflammation of the pancreas as a separate disease. They are often defined as an abnormal process in the body, which is caused by a decrease or increase in the pancreas, a strong density of organ tissues, metamorphoses of capillary vessels and other non-standard development factors.

The structure itself is divided into three parts:

  • head;
  • tail;
  • body.

All abnormal problems occur both in a separate department and individually in each. The causes of such a problem are a condition that is not controlled by medicine and various factors contribute to this, mainly a failure in the work of metabolic processes and metabolism.

Diffuse changes that have arisen in the pancreas means that pathological and inflamed cells of the organ come into contact with healthy cells, thus forming a heterogeneous tissue in the gland of the pancreas. If all the tissues of the gland are not included in this process, then this is called focal lesion of the pancreas, when the entire organ is subject to such a change - a diffuse lesion.

Often with this type there is a strong degeneration of the pancreatic organ. This is reflected in a decrease in tissues and the number of healthy working cells. The reason for this manifestation is frequent acute attacks of pancreatitis, metabolic disorders in the pancreatic organ, the development of oncological pathologies.

But there are other reasons for the onset of a dystrophic state of the digestive organ:

  • elderly age;
  • severe intoxication of the body and tissues;
  • alcoholic beverages;
  • improper nutrition with harmful products;
  • the occurrence of tissue pancreatic necrosis during an acute attack of pancreatitis.

A diffuse change in the inflamed pancreas appears in a child after hepatitis, chronic gastritis, an inflammatory process of the gallbladder. The risk comes from the wrong diet (chips, fast foods, synthetic food additives, chocolate with palm oil). And also can provoke childhood diseases (measles, scarlet fever), food poisoning, excessive use of antibiotics. Do not forget about the dangers of the psychogenic factor - nerves, stress experienced. This will cause an irreversible factor of diffuse changes in the gland at a young immature age.

Therefore, it is necessary to control the condition of children and, in case of suspicion of this anomaly, to undergo a course of diagnostics of the body in order to eliminate it.

Diffusion has the following types:

  • the appearance of minor pathologies;
  • moderate diffuse;
  • unexpressed;
  • pronounced diffuse pathologies.

Minor changes

Diffusely heterogeneous changes in the structure of the pancreas with minor metamorphoses of the gland are not a 100% guarantee of the developing pathology of the pancreas. True, it gives rise to a complete diagnosis of abnormalities of the gland and the identification of anomalies of occurrence for further arresting of development.

When conducting ultrasound, slight deviations from the norm of the reflection of ultrasonic waves appear, on the obtained picture the gland of the pancreas looks lighter than usual. The condition does not cause special clinical problems. To a greater extent, a violation in the metabolic process and the appearance of pathology provokes nervousness, stress, and malnutrition.

As for the onset of a dystrophic state of the pancreas, this phenomenon itself is an irreversible effect, in which the tissues of the organ are affected and healthy cells die off. Dystrophy with inflammation of the pancreas, gradually replaces healthy cells with fatty ones, which becomes the cause of pancreatic necrosis.

Moderate diffuse changes

When concluded after an ultrasound scan, this means that some changes have occurred, which are evenly distributed throughout the organ.

The resulting moderate diffuse changes in inflammatory processes in the pancreas and the severity for the patient will be determined only by the doctor. It will determine this according to the auxiliary types of diagnosis and the symptomatology of the disease.

If there are any, the work of the gland and liver is checked, since the connection between them is along the ducts. To do this, take a biochemical analysis, which will show what is happening in the organs. Only after receiving a complete picture of the pathology, therapy is carried out and prescribed.

Unexpressed changes

The inflamed pancreas also has diffuse changes of an unexpressed form. Then there will be no obvious symptoms. The unexpressed ones do not cause a malfunction in the work of internal organs and do not interfere with the production of hormone enzymes. Diffuse changes in the structure of the gland will appear due to pathological diseases of the liver, gallbladder, hereditary predisposition.

And also in the diagnosis of ultrasound, there is no increase in the pancreatic organ. Therefore, attention is paid to the degeneration of normal cells into lipid tissue. Lack of proper treatment leads to an increase in fatty content on the parenchyma of the organ. This is a pathological process that at this stage does not affect the work of the digestive tract and the functional work of organs.

Pronounced diffuse

As for the pronounced diffuse changes in the organ, they testify to the emerging pathology that occurs in the human body. This will be the result of inflammatory processes or developing chronic diseases that will lead to pancreatic dystrophy. A pronounced form of pathology requires urgent diagnosis of the human body, in order to identify the cause of origin. In severe cases, it is accompanied by severe pain and complaints about the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the human digestive system.

The reasons for the appearance and development of pronounced diffusion of the gland:

  1. Acute pancreatitis. Stagnation of pancreatic juice leads to pain symptoms, vomiting, a serious state of human health. To relieve symptoms, smooth muscle relaxation is used, the production of hormones and pancreatic juice enzymes is suppressed. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, narcotic analgesics are prescribed. In the absence of improvement in health, surgical intervention is performed, which reduces the pain condition and temporarily stops the development of pancreatitis.
  2. In the chronic course of pancreatitis, the signs of diffuse changes will be pronounced and moderately pronounced (stage of remission of the gland disease). With an exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease, the symptomatology is similar to the acute form, therefore, relief occurs according to the same scheme of treatment and diagnosis.


To diagnose the diagnosis with diffuse changes in the pancreas, ultrasound does not give a complete picture of the pathology, since the location of the pancreas is in an inconvenient place for this. In addition, there are some interferences that interfere with obtaining an accurate visual image. Therefore, in many cases, measures are taken that determine how the structural properties of the pancreas change:

  • analysis of urea for diastasis;
  • MRI (computer diagnostics);
  • palpation;
  • examination with an endoscope.

Only after a complete examination, the gastroenterologist is able to recommend the appointment of therapeutic measures to stop the developing pathology of the gland. Also, to identify diffuse changes, the symptomatology of an organ anomaly is used.


Conducting an ultrasound scan and detecting changes in the pancreas are often random, since in many cases the pathology will pass without symptoms.

Therefore, with diffuse changes, signs of the appearance will appear:

  • loss of appetite;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • pain in the right or left hypochondrium;
  • nausea with bouts of vomiting.

And also there is a physical appearance of a person with pancreatitis with the development of diffuse changes:

  • pale skin;
  • strong weight loss;
  • weak muscles.

Symptoms and physical findings may not match. Since the pancreas is adjacent to other organs, it serves as a side effect on the gland from other organs of the digestive system.

Therefore, in many cases, diagnostics are carried out in a complex, but the main type is an ultrasound scan of the pancreas and the entire gastrointestinal system.

With the development of an acute type of pancreatitis, ultrasound will show an increase in the size of the organ, fuzzy edges, a strong expansion of the main channel of the gland. At the same time, changes will appear in other adjacent organs adjacent to the gland, which are focal or total. With neoplasms, diagnostics sees strong changes in the organ, which makes it possible to take control of their development. All structural changes are similar to the tissues of the organ and are not very significant in size.

Ultrasound detects changes without problems, but with small neoplasms, the contour of the organ itself does not change, which serves the purpose of additional diagnostic measures - a biopsy. As for large neoplasms, they are clearly visible, since they deform the pancreas.



The resulting diagnosis of dystrophic changes found in a disease of the pancreas requires an urgent review of nutrition and diet. Therefore, after passing diagnostic measures, the doctor, having on hand the data of the patient's health status, will prescribe a dietary meal in an individual form.

  • eating food in small portions;
  • porridge-like food;
  • food is warm, but not hot;
  • there is no fried, fatty, salty, spicy food in the diet;
  • exclude preservatives and harmful synthetic additives;
  • switch to cooking, food park;

For correct and healthy nutrition, you will need a nutritionist consultation with your doctor. What is important with this pathology.

Unbalanced, inadequate nutrition is fraught with dangerous health consequences, including changes in internal organs.

The reasons for the disruption of their functioning are fibrotic processes, disruption of the endocrine gland, metabolism. Diffuse changes in the pancreas are not an independent disease, but a sign that indicates the presence of a pathology that requires immediate treatment.

It is possible to determine the nature of organ changes using an ultrasound examination. This diagnostic method allows you to assess the uniformity of the microstructure of tissues. If a person has an organ enlargement, then we can say that there are diffuse changes in the pancreatic parenchyma.

After diagnosis, the cause of the disorder should be identified, since the disease can only be cured by knowing the type, form of the disease that provoked the unpleasant symptom. But organ enlargement is also a sign of aging, which has nothing to do with disease.

Provoking factors, reasons

Hepatomegaly, diffuse changes in the liver and pancreas are manifestations of the following pathological processes:

  • inflammatory diseases;
  • fibrosis, lipomatosis caused by diabetes mellitus, siderophilia;
  • surgical intervention;
  • atrophic processes of the pancreas;
  • antibiotic treatment;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • bad habits;
  • obesity;
  • unhealthy diet, which is expressed in the use of fatty, high-calorie and spicy foods.

There can be many reasons for organ changes. They occur under the influence of several factors, since a disease of one organ leads to disruption of the functioning of the whole organism. To avoid disastrous consequences and complications, you should immediately visit a doctor who will help you correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe adequate and effective treatment.

In each case, the patient is assigned a comprehensive diagnosis to determine why the patient's pancreas has increased or decreased. Ultrasound examination allows you to give a more complete clinical picture of the disease, as well as identify the factor that provoked diffuse changes in the liver and pancreas.

If a person eats incorrectly, which means that the functioning of the intestinal tract fails, which entails dysfunction of the endocrine gland, which means that all internal organs of a person suffer. Therefore, a person may develop serious deviations and diseases of the internal organs of the abdominal cavity, which are accompanied by a change in their size.

Symptoms of diseases

Manifestations of changes are determined, first of all, by the main diagnosis, which is made by a specialist after a complete examination of the functioning of the body. Depending on the signs, the local therapist can diagnose the ailment that provoked the enlargement of the organ.

Pancreatitis: main manifestations

If a person has a serious disease - pancreatitis, then the clinical picture of pathological processes is as follows:

  • damage to organ cells;
  • the release of hormones involved in the breakdown of food into muscle tissue;
  • digestion and destruction of cells, organ tissues by the released enzymes;
  • poisoning by waste products, decay;
  • constant pain in the abdomen, in the hypochondrium on the left side.

Diffuse changes in the pancreas lead to a worsening of the condition, which manifests itself in dizziness, pain, nausea, and gag reflex. In addition, the patient's blood pressure rises significantly, and the heartbeat also increases. The attack is accompanied by a long time and is severe. In this case, urgent intensive care, surgery is required. The operation is extremely rare.

If the pathological processes were provoked by chronic pancreatitis, then they are accompanied by edema. The progressive nature of the disease can lead to serious complications. The gland is reduced and acquires a heterogeneous, abnormal structure. Consequently, the pancreas begins to produce fewer enzymes, which affects the well-being of a person.

Signs of a digestive tract disorder are a constant feeling of heaviness, loss of healthy appetite, persistent problems with stool, which manifests itself in constipation or diarrhea. If in this case timely treatment is not followed, then over time, the patient's exacerbations will become more frequent, and the condition will worsen. In this case, the exacerbation will be accompanied by pronounced unpleasant, painful sensations.

Diffuse changes in the parenchyma of the liver and pancreas are a sign of fibrosis. The disease proceeds without any pronounced manifestations. But in the gland there are significant transformations. The glandular tissue of the organ is replaced by connective tissue, which significantly reduces the production of essential substances that are responsible for the breakdown of food in the stomach.

In addition, many hormones produced by the liver and pancreas, including lipase, amylase, insulin, support the normal functioning of metabolism. A decrease in their number leads to serious violations. The signs of fibrosis in the initial form are almost identical to those of pancreatitis. The person begins to feel discomfort in the hypochondrium, nausea, and loss of appetite.

When the disease worsens or progresses, its symptoms become more serious. The patient quickly loses weight, he is constantly nauseous, problems with stool appear. Exhaustion of protein, carbohydrate reserves lead to intoxication and poisoning. If at this stage of the progression of the disease, the patient does not receive the correct treatment, then he may develop diabetes mellitus, since the production of insulin practically stops.

Manifestations of lipomatosis

Lipomatosis is characterized by the replacement of healthy tissue with fat. Such processes most often occur due to improper nutrition. If a person eats high-calorie foods, then this leads to obesity. Fatty tissues are unable to produce hormones and enzymes necessary for the digestive tract, which is a consequence of irreversible processes.

If the lesions of lipomatosis are limited, then the production of enzymes is compensated by other organs. With an uncontrolled exacerbation of the disease, healthy tissues begin to die off and are completely replaced by fatty ones. These areas have a compressive effect on the parenchyma, which is accompanied by constant and severe pain. Moreover, such processes completely disrupt the functioning of nearby internal organs.


Signs of diffuse changes in the pancreas are individual in nature, which depends on the form and type of disease. Changes in the organ can be diagnosed independently by symptoms. If there are pains from the left side of the hypochondrium, gag reflexes, an unreasonable deterioration in health, then this is a good reason to seek medical help.

In case of suspicion of diffuse changes in organs, the doctor prescribes an ultrasound examination. It helps to determine the disease itself, its form and degree of damage. With it, you can view all the changes. The manifestations of pancreatitis according to the results of the examination are an increase in density, fuzzy contours with dark areas, which indicate hemorrhage or necrosis.

Also, a sign of pathological changes in the organs of the peritoneum are fluid and a decrease in echogenic listening, as well as the acquisition of a fuzzy contour of the organ and its uneven edges. Moderate diffuse changes in the pancreas are difficult to identify, since they are insignificant. But they manifest themselves in an increase in the organ, which entails inflammatory processes that need to be urgently treated.

If the disease is started, then ultrasound examination shows the presence of calcifications and neoplasms, which can develop into a tumor. If a person has fibrosis, then ultrasound shows an increased compaction of the gland, but at the same time it retains its normal size. The least pronounced are the changes provoked by age-related changes and lipomatosis. Pathological changes are moderate. But this does not mean that they do not require treatment.


Diffuse changes in the pancreas, the treatment of which is directly related to the form, nature and type of the disease, require a comprehensive diagnosis. Only after an ultrasound scan, the attending physician can prescribe drug treatment, which is aimed at correcting the underlying disease.

If the pancreas is diffusely heterogeneous, then this indicates acute pancreatitis. It is necessary to treat it with the help of relief of pain syndrome, therefore, non-steroidal drugs are used, which reduce inflammatory processes. In the absence of the desired effect, narcotic analgesics are used. Treatment is carried out only in a hospital, as the patient's condition must be constantly monitored.

To relax the muscle muscles with spasms, antispasmodic drugs are prescribed. To reduce the production of hormones, digestive enzymes, atropine-based preparations are used. In addition, a cold compress is applied to the affected area. To eliminate pain and other symptoms of the disease, you must follow a certain diet. Fatty, salty and spicy foods are excluded from the diet. You can not drink alcoholic drinks, carbonated sweet water. Food should be light and steamed.

It is also not recommended to eat mushrooms, smoked foods, seasoned dishes. If you follow a strict diet, the progression of pancreatitis, fibrosis completely stops. The diet together with treatment gives positive results after 2 weeks. The course of treatment can be extended or changed if there is no positive result.

The pancreas in the "picture" of the ultrasound should look like a homogeneous substance. In the presence of pathologies, it can be increased or decreased, its density (echo density) - deviate from the norm in any direction (increased or decreased). Pockets of disease and heterogeneity of the structure may also be noticeable. This can be shown by an ultrasound scan, but it is impossible to determine the presence of a specific disease only by the results of such an examination.

Diffusion means the spread of the disease evenly throughout the body.

What are diffuse changes in the pancreas?

Diffuse changes in the pancreas are not a diagnosis. This is a general terminology, which means that there is a pathology in the organ, and the specialist noticed it in the process of ultrasound diagnostics. The term "diffuse" itself means that the disease has spread evenly throughout the organ, the disorders are not focal.

At the same time, the ultrasound doctor checks the echo signs of other components of the abdominal cavity to make sure that the changes in the gland are a sign of an independent disease of the organ, and did not appear as a result of the spread of pathology from the liver (hepatosis), biliary, spleen (splenomegaly), etc. organ deviation situations will be reactive.

In order to find the cause of diffuse induration, other diagnostic procedures are performed. It is imperative to take blood for biochemistry, which will show abnormalities in the functioning of the pancreas. A general blood test is performed, the main desired indicator of which is an increase in the level of leukocytes, which determines the presence of inflammation in the body. To check the ducts of the compacted organ, endoscopy of the duodenum is done, which makes it possible to examine the mucous membrane. The child is often characterized by heterogeneity of diffusion of the gland.

The results of ultrasound and other studies of diffuse changes are analyzed by doctors.

What types of diffuse changes are detected on ultrasound?

Diffuse changes in the pancreas can be of a different nature:

Such echo changes in the organ are analyzed not separately, but simultaneously with the results of blood tests, urine tests, and other diagnostic methods. Only a complete study will help formulate an accurate diagnosis.


Constant heaviness in the abdomen is one of the signs of pancreatic diffuseness.

Diffuse changes in the pancreas can be recognized by the characteristic processes:

  • the desire to eat disappears;
  • dense and loose stools alternate;
  • there is a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen.

There are symptoms by which you can recognize diffuse changes in each specific disease:

  • Chronic pancreatitis. The disease develops for a long time; first of all, swelling appears, as well as small hemorrhages caused by tissue damage; after that, the diffusion of enzymes is disrupted, which is provoked by changes in the size of the pancreas to the smaller side and its hardening. As the disease worsens, the pain increases.
  • Acute pancreatitis. Increased pressure destroys the integrity of the tissues of the organ, which is why the excretion of digestive juices is disturbed, which contributes to the intoxication of the whole organism. The patient complains of acute pain on the left under the ribs, nausea and vomiting; an increase in tachycardia may occur, the pressure drops. Symptoms do not disappear without a course of high-intensity therapy or surgery.
  • When mild diffuse changes in the pancreas are triggered by fibrosis, there may be no symptoms at all. This is due to the fact that the amount of enzymes produced decreases, which is why the digestion process is disrupted; there is nausea, vomiting, loose stools and a decrease in BMI. Due to the depletion of protein reserves in the body, insulin production is disrupted, which can lead to diabetes mellitus.
  • With lipomatosis, the tissues of the pancreas are replaced by fatty ones, which disrupts metabolic processes in the body, which serves as a lack of nutrients. Diffuse changes in the structure of the pancreas directly affect the manifestation of signs of the disease: if there is one focus, the symptoms are absent or mild; if the disease has spread to the entire organ, painful sensations and disturbances in the functioning of the organ appear.
  • Indistinct diffuse changes. The reasons are a previous illness or sugar problems.

Treatment with traditional methods

If the symptoms of the disease are not pronounced, the patient does not need therapy, but undergoes auxiliary studies to find out if there are cysts or tumors in the gland.

A common cause of changes in echostructure is acute inflammation of the pancreas. Initially, it is necessary to stop the pain, so the appointment is for anti-inflammatory drugs or narcotic analgesics, if the former do not help. To relax the spasm of the ducts, antispasmodics are used. Thanks to this, the outflow of enzymes is improved.

Diffuse changes in the liver and pancreas caused by fibrosis are treated with anti-inflammatory drugs.

Diffuse changes in the liver and pancreas, which are caused by fibrosis, are treated with anti-inflammatory drugs (non-steroidal), as well as antioxidants.

If intoxication has begun, antibacterial drugs are prescribed. Sometimes the patient is referred for surgery. Lipomatosis, regardless of what type of disease it belongs to, is treated with diets. Sometimes surgery is needed.

With an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs in a medical report, you can read the following entry: Ultrasound signs of diffuse changes in the pancreas. Read on about what it is and what consequences it can lead to.

Pancreas: structure and function

The pancreas is an organ of the digestive system that combines two main functions: endocrine - the synthesis of hormones and exocrine - the secretion of enzymes. It is located in the left hypochondrium and is covered with a connective tissue capsule. The parenchyma of the gland has a weakly expressed lobular structure.

Digestive enzymes synthesized by the cells of the organ are secreted in an inactive form (enzymes). This protects the parenchyma of the gland from autolysis. The secreted juice, through a special excretory duct, enters the intestinal cavity. The main components of pancreatic juice:

In the cells of the islets of Langerhans, located in the parenchyma of the organ, insulin and glucagon are synthesized, which enter directly into the blood. These hormones regulate the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the body. Insulin is produced when the concentration of sugar in the blood is high and activates its entry into cells. Glucagon is released into the blood at a low glucose concentration, stimulating its release from the depot.

Diffuse changes in the pancreas on ultrasound in adults - what is it

This term is used by the doctor of ultrasound diagnostics when detecting abnormalities in the structure of an organ, localized evenly throughout its volume. Such changes are not a clinical diagnosis, but only a manifestation of pathological processes. In most cases, they do not have any symptoms, except for the characteristic signs of diffuse changes in the pancreas on ultrasound.

According to their histological structure, diffuse changes represent the replacement of functionally active cells of an organ with connective tissue, i.e. in the stroma of the organ, foci of fibrosis are formed. In some cases, fatty degeneration occurs and lipomatosis develops - the replacement of glandular tissue with adipocytes (fat cells).

Reasons for the development of diffuse changes in the pancreas

The occurrence of foci of fibrosis in the organ is associated with chronic inflammatory processes. Substances released during inflammation stimulate the division of fibroblasts, which replace the parenchyma of the gland. Chronic pancreatitis may be a possible cause of diffuse lesions.

This disease develops in the following cases:

  • gallbladder disease (chronic cholecystitis, gallstones);
  • postponed acute pancreatitis;
  • duodenal ulcer;
  • abuse of fatty, spicy foods, strong alcoholic beverages;
  • alcoholism.

Chronic pancreatitis is asymptomatic for a long time. Periodically, a person is worried about dull pain in the left hypochondrium, in some cases radiating to the back.

An exacerbation of the disease is provoked by errors in the diet, alcohol intake, and severe stress. With a long course, a gradual replacement of a healthy parenchyma by fibrous tissue occurs, which leads to a violation of the exocrine and endocrine functions of the organ.

In diseases of the liver and gallbladder, secondary changes in the pancreas are often observed. The term "secondary" means that the cause of the detected abnormalities is in the disease of other organs.

The mechanism of their development is associated with an increase in pressure in the excretory ducts of the gland, which leads to a delay in the withdrawal of pancreatic juice, activation of proteolytic enzymes and damage to organ tissue. As a result, acute pancreatitis develops, turning into a chronic form.

Useful video

What organ deviations can be visualized during an ultrasound scan can be found in this video.

Diagnostics of the diffuse changes in the pancreas

Ultrasound diagnostics reveals organ pathology even in the absence of clinical symptoms. In acute pancreatitis, there is a decrease in the echogenicity of the organ, blurred contours and an increase in its size, but without pronounced structural changes.

The most pronounced deviations in the structure of the organ are manifested in chronic pancreatitis. The parenchyma of the gland becomes hyperechoic, fibrous and fatty inclusions are observed, in some cases, deposits of calcium salts are found, both in the stroma and in the excretory ducts.

Age-related changes in the pancreas on ultrasound are manifested by the following echo signs:

With long-term diabetes mellitus, pathologies of the internal structure of the gland are also observed: a decrease in its size, fibrosis and foci of sclerosis.

Consequences and treatment of pathology

Despite the absence of complaints and vivid clinical symptoms, pathologies of the structure of the organ lead to serious health problems. The consequence of a gradual decrease in the volume of healthy tissue is the development of functional failure. With a violation of exocrine function, symptoms such as:

  • intolerance to fatty and spicy foods;
  • nausea, vomiting after eating;
  • pain syndrome;
  • hypovitaminosis of vitamins A, E, K, D due to impaired absorption of fats.

The defeat of the endocrine cells of the organ causes the development of insulin deficiency and the gradual development of diabetes mellitus. Its main symptoms are: constant thirst, dry mouth, increased urine output, pruritus, chronic purulent skin infections.

Treatment of diffuse changes in the gland is aimed primarily at the treatment of the underlying disease that caused their development. As a rule, it includes adherence to the diet prescribed by the doctor, the use of enzyme preparations that compensate for exocrine insufficiency, the use of hypoglycemic drugs for diabetes mellitus.

Diffuse changes in the pancreas - a concept that is not related to the diagnosis. This term is the conclusion of a specialist in ultrasound diagnostics, indicating that the patient has pancreatitis of various forms or its consequences. The degree of diffuse degeneration varies depending on the stage of the pathological process.

What are diffuse changes

Diffusion in the context of anatomy is the process of replacing some components of cellular tissue with others. A similar phenomenon is diagnosed in the pancreas, where affected areas coexist next to normal cells. Therefore, this kind of manifestation is detected using the ultrasound method.

Under the influence of factors such as old age, diabetes, impaired blood circulation, diseases of the cardiovascular system, there is a loss of pancreatic cells with the formation of adipose or connective tissue in their place. Experts do not recognize this condition as a disease. Persistent modifications are observed with impaired blood circulation and the functioning of endocrine organs, metabolic failures.

Changes in the structure of the pancreas are characteristic of pancreatitis and dystrophic disorders occurring in the metabolic system. Such processes can proceed for a long time, without being accompanied by any painful symptoms.

Moderate diffuse changes

In most cases of painful symptoms, this condition does not necessitate therapeutic intervention. Moderate diffuse changes are evenly spaced transformations on the parenchyma. Medical experts call parenchyma the union of the main functioning cells of the glandular organ, transformations in which affect the level of density.

If the patient has complaints, then it becomes necessary to conduct an additional examination of the pancreas, gallbladder, digestive organs, and liver. These organs are interconnected, and a failure that occurred in one of them may be similar in symptomatic picture to the pathology of the other.

Unexpressed changes

Slight distortions of a diffuse nature are not cause for concern. The identification of such a symptom may indicate a recent inflammation, an improper diet, and often stressful situations. One of the reasons for the disorder in the functioning of the pancreas is a failure in the nervous system. Regular experience of stress leads to an increase in the level of secreted secretions, and depression inhibits this function of the gland.

Eliminating the cause of such violations, which consists in observing the rules of nutrition and maintaining a positive emotional mood, allows you to correct the changes. If the initial stage of an unexpressed pathological process is left without due attention, then there is a high probability of the formation of reactive lesions, which can lead to dangerous diseases.

Pronounced diffuse changes

Transformations in the pancreas indicate the presence of an inflammatory process or disease in the body. When organ modification is pronounced, the doctor conducts additional studies of the digestive system. In difficult cases, diffuse transformations are accompanied by pain syndrome, a feeling of the presence of a seal in the pancreatic zone, and disorders of the digestive system.

The most common reason for the formation of pronounced changes is pancreatitis, which manifests itself in several forms:

  1. The acute stage of the disease causes stagnation of pancreatic fluid in the glandular organ. At the same time, the patient is in serious condition, experiencing severe pain. In this case, doctors recommend taking medications aimed at relaxing the digestive muscles and suppressing the function of the gland.
  2. The chronic course of pathology can be determined by both pronounced and moderately pronounced changes. With this type of disease, the stages of remission and exacerbation are recorded. The acute phase requires therapeutic intervention.


Signs of diffuse changes in the pancreas depend on the underlying disease. The list of clinical symptoms includes the following conditions:

  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • diarrhea;
  • regular constipation.

Pancreatitis in acute form and dystrophic changes are characterized by a significant increase in pressure in the duct of the gland, which leads to deformation of the organ. Enzymes necessary for digestion penetrate the cellular structures of the pancreas, causing intoxication of the body. Such poisoning is accompanied by pain localized under the sternum on the left side. Also, the patient experiences nausea, vomiting, low blood pressure, tachycardia. The condition requires surgical intervention.

The initial stage of chronic pancreatitis is manifested by the formation of edema, hemorrhages in the pancreas. With the progression of the pathology, the size of the gland decreases, the proliferation of connective tissue, which replaces the enzyme-forming damaged cells. As a result, there is a violation of the production of digestive substances.

With the development of fibrosis, the displacement of healthy cells of the pancreas with the formation of connective tissue is diagnosed. Thanks to this replacement, there is a sharp decrease in the production of enzymes and hormones. The onset of the disease is not accompanied by a vivid symptomatic picture.

Lipomatosis is characterized by the replacement of normal cells of the gland with adipose tissue. The patient has a deficiency of hormonal and enzyme substances. The severity of the pathology depends on the volume of diffuse transformations. With minimal changes, the disease does not manifest itself. With the progressive proliferation of lipoid cells, a malfunction of the gland with painful symptoms occurs.


The causes of diffuse changes vary considerably. In elderly people, atrophy of the gland is often diagnosed, manifested by a decrease in its size. In this case, echogenicity (a situation where the pancreatic tissue reflects ultrasonic waves) is within normal limits. Patients do not experience painful sensations and do not need treatment.

Another cause of diffuse changes in the gland is pancreatitis, in which enzymes and toxic substances are released. Once in the blood, toxins cause the destruction of all organs and systems, including the pancreas. Patients complain of severe pain, fever, vomiting, and rapid pulse. In this disease, the gland has an increased size and a fuzzy structure. Echoes are reduced, the diameter of the ducts is changed, neurotic areas are revealed.

Inflammatory processes occurring for a long time in the pancreas cause the development of fibrosis, accompanied by the proliferation of connective tissue, replacing damaged cells. Pathology is detected during ultrasound diagnostics, echoscopically determined by the amplification, increased density of the organ. In the absence of complaints of malaise, the patient does not need treatment.

Lipomatosis, characterized by diffuse distortions, occurs in the elderly and diabetic patients. The disease is manifested by the proliferation of fat cells, as a result of which the tissues of the gland are pinched. Excessive lipid formation can be caused by steatosis, which belongs to the category of diseases caused by improper lifestyle.


Various pathologies accompanied by DIP can lead to serious consequences:

  • abscess - the penetration of pus into organs and systems, leading to the development of the inflammatory process;
  • neoplasms in the form of cysts and tumors;
  • internal bleeding;
  • pleurisy, pneumonia develop as a result of the penetration of infection into the circulatory system;
  • duodenal stenosis - excessive pressure of the pancreas on the duodenum leads to a narrowing of its lumen.

It is possible to prevent the formation of complications with the help of detailed adherence to the doctor's prescriptions, the correct diet, and a revision of the lifestyle. Early detection of diffuse transformations allows a person to avoid the formation of severe consequences.


Examination of changes in the gland is carried out using ultrasound diagnostics. This method allows you to determine the level of density of the gland and changes in homogeneity, to identify the area of ​​inflammation. It is possible to confirm the presence of diffusion with the help of a comprehensive examination, which consists in carrying out the following measures:

  • collection of anamnesis;
  • clarification of patient complaints;
  • palpation of the pancreatic zone;
  • a general blood test (carried out to determine the level of pancreatic substances);
  • urine analysis (allows you to identify pancreatic enzymes);
  • CT scan.

Determination of echographic signs of diffuse changes takes a leading position in ultrasound examination. The method, based on the ability of the tissues of the human body to reflect ultrasonic waves, allows you to get an objective picture of the state of internal organs. First of all, the specialist pays attention to the decoding of the following echo signs:

  • heterogeneity of the organ structure with the definition of areas of increased echogenicity;
  • change in the size of the gland;
  • the degree of expansion of the ducts;
  • the presence of neoplasms.

The pancreas on ultrasound is defined as an organ with a homogeneous structure and unchanged echogenicity. The level of density can vary from normal values ​​in the direction of decreasing or increasing. A decrease in echo characteristics and density is detected with the formation of cysts, the presence of fluid in the organ. Increased echogenicity indicates the development of fibrosis.


Diffuse changes in the pancreas do not require treatment, since this condition is not an independent disease. Alterations of the organ indicate natural processes occurring in the body, or about diseases that have been transferred in the past. In such cases, the changes do not cause painful sensations and anxiety, therefore, therapy is prescribed when the diagnosis is clarified.

Treatment in both children and adults is aimed at correcting the underlying disease. It is impossible to eliminate the formed diffuse degenerations, since there was a significant replacement of healthy cells of the pancreas with adipose or connective tissues.

If the cause of the changes is diabetes mellitus, then the therapeutic effect is aimed at maintaining glucose levels. Such treatment implies adherence to a specialized diet, taking anti-hypoglycemic medications. Elderly patients with gland modifications are advised to do gymnastics and follow other rules of a healthy lifestyle.


Diet in diffuse metamorphoses is determined by the final diagnosis, since the condition is caused by various pathologies, including pancreatitis, moderate hepatomegaly, diabetes. Regardless of the identified disease, alcohol intake is contraindicated in patients. Alcoholic drinks cause deterioration and exacerbation of painful sensations.

The basis of the diet of people suffering from pancreatic pathologies is dairy and plant products, various cereals. Smoked and salty foods, spices, preservatives are excluded from the diet. Portions should not be large, contributing to the increased production of digestive juice.

The list of prohibited foods includes alcoholic beverages, foods with a bright salty, smoked, spicy taste, sausages, canned food, and seasonings.

Experts recommend the following dishes as the most suitable products for consumption:

  • porridge;
  • lean meat, fish;
  • fruits;
  • dairy;
  • vegetables.

Steam is the preferred cooking method. Dry water should be avoided, as well as excessive use of salt and sugar, as this can lead to the deposition of unnecessary substances in the body.

Prevention and consequences of the disease

Prevention of diffuse changes occurring in the tissues of the pancreas consists in observing certain principles:

  • in order to increase the efficiency of the organ, the effect on the body of fatty foods, alcohol, nicotine should be excluded;
  • drinking teas based on medicinal herbs;
  • moderation and fragmentation of food;
  • conducting regular examinations of the whole body.

Compliance with preventive measures can significantly reduce the likelihood of the formation of diffuse transformations, as well as severe consequences, expressed by the strongest pain sensations and the need for surgical intervention. By themselves, diffuse rearrangements are not a disease and do not require specialized therapy.

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