Home Roses Why does not power saving mode turn off windows 10. Windows power saving modes. Setting up an energy saving plan

Why does not power saving mode turn off windows 10. Windows power saving modes. Setting up an energy saving plan

Friends, you have visited this site, which means that you are looking for quality advice on how to solve the problem that has arisen. And you know, you did the right thing, that you came to us, because it is here that you will receive answers to your questions. So, what modes did the developers provide to the Windows 7 operating system? There are such power saving modes:

  • hibernation;
  • hibernation mode;
  • hybrid mode (aka mixed).

Probably, everyone has had such a situation when, being immersed in work on a laptop, you have to urgently get ready and leave somewhere, and you are sorely lacking time to save open applications and documents. How do more experienced users get out of these situations? Very easy!

They just know how to set up the desired operating mode for their system. And now you will become the owner of this knowledge. Well, let's take a look at each of them separately, and start with the sleep mode.

Sleep mode

Sleep mode.

Sleep Mode - A state of the computer / laptop in which the power supply is reduced to a minimum in relation to normal mode. The process by which a laptop "goes into hibernation" can be compared to the "Pause" button on the player. You can "immerse yourself in sleep" either purposefully or automatically, having previously set the required parameters. While in this mode, all documents with which you dealt will not disappear, but will remain in the Windows RAM. But this only works when the laptop is powered from the mains. Otherwise, after the battery charge expires, all files will disappear without recovery. When you exit the "sleepy kingdom", the system will restore your files in the form in which it remembered them "going to sleep".



Hibernation - in fact, is very similar to sleep mode and is mainly designed for laptops, but it is still different, now I will explain how. The point is that "immersion" in this state is possible when activating and configuring this mode. Well, let's say, it is activated and even tuned, you say, and what next? And then the following happens. The work that was carried out with programs and other applications in such layouts is remembered by the system in the form of a certain image, which will be written on the hard disk in the form of the hiberfil.sys file, but not in the system's RAM, as it happened in hibernation mode. Hybernation can be started in two ways , assuming it's already configured:

  • Press the "Start" button, then in the main menu we find "Shutdown" and, hovering over the arrow next to this line, we will see how a submenu will appear with a list of necessary functions, where we will select "Hibernation";
  • Closing the laptop lid, which is very quick and convenient.

This is the most advantageous mode for a laptop, because if the lid is suddenly closed, the remaining programs and files will not be affected. Opening the lid will entail the system restoring all applications and documents in a matter of seconds.

Hybrid mode

Hybrid mode.

Hybrid mode - was born thanks to the developers who combined the two previous modes into one. Why this "explosive mixture"? It's that simple! The trick is that while the PC is in hibernation mode, it will save all data, both in RAM and on disk. In the event of a power surge or loss of power, all information will be restored from the hard drive. The computer exits this state in the same way as hibernation, but with a slight delay. The mode of such a plan is used exclusively on personal computers.

How to disable hibernation on Windows 7

Sleep mode is a useful thing if you use it on laptops, but on personal computers this function is not always appropriate. Why should this mode be inconvenient on a PC, you will be surprised? Let's explain. There are situations when there is a need to connect to a computer using remote access, and in this mode, your attempts will be "to the light" system. And besides, it is not uncommon when you want to go to the kitchen for tea, talk on the phone, or you just have to distract yourself, you come, and your "cyber friend" sleeps like a "dead sleep." And it makes no sense to save power consumption of a PC, because there are no batteries, the charge of which is limited in time, because power is taken from the mains. Plus, you need to spend time to wake up the "sleeping handsome". So, the question arises, what to do to disable hibernation on windows 7?

So, there are such ways to help turn off sleep / hibernation modes:

  • Thanks to the control panel;
  • Using the command line;
  • Using the registry by modifying HiberFileSizePercent and HibernateEnabled.

And now more details about each of them.

Windows 7 how to disable hibernation?

Good question! The control panel will help us with this. And so that everything is correct, we will perform the following steps:

Disable hibernation - control panel to help you

To disable hibernation through the control panel, you must:

hiberfil.sys Windows process - what is it?

hiberfil.sys is a file that the operating system creates when it goes into hibernation state. It is stored in the memory of the hard disk. If you do not need this mode, and there is not enough space on the hard drive to store it, then it is reasonable to disable hibernation, and simply delete the hiberfil.sys file.

Disable hibernation in Windows 7 using the command line

Under the Administrator, we call the command line:

If you suddenly need to return the hiberfil.sys file and activate the hibernation mode, then you will need to enter powercfg -h on in the command line field.

How can I change the HiberFileSizePercent and HibernateEnabled file entries in the registry?

Let's now look at how to change the entries in the HiberFileSizePercent and HibernateEnabled files.
and what is it for.

As we found out, it is possible to disable hibernation in Windows 7 in several ways. We have already discussed them above. Now let's consider the possibility of disabling this mode using the registry. For this purpose, it is necessary to change the records in the above files.

So, you need to do the following:

How to enable hibernation in Windows 10?

Ever since the Windows 10 system was released, questions began to grow among the people like mushrooms in the forest. And that's okay, new version - new settings. There are a lot of questions, but one of the most frequently asked is "How to enable hibernation in Windows 10?". Immediately you have to make a reservation that sleep and hibernation modes are present in Windows 10, but only absent from the Start menu, it's time to tell you how to return these modes to their usual place. So let's get started:

  1. Press the right mouse button "Start", then select "Power Management";
  2. On the left side of the open window, click on the item "Actions of the power buttons";
  3. A new window will open, click on the entry "Change parameters that are currently unavailable." This function is only available to the Administrator;
  4. Further, at the bottom of the window, the entry "Shutdown parameters", which was previously inactive, is activated. Opposite the "Hibernation" item, put a tick;
  5. And finally, click "Save Changes".

You can enable hibernation in the same way.

After completing the described actions, your problem will be eliminated, and you will again contemplate hibernation in the Start menu.

How to disable hibernation in Windows 8?

When it comes to the ability to disable hibernation in Windows 8, there are two ways that come to mind. You will certainly learn about them. We will not torment them and now we will consider them:
The first method (using the control panel)

  • Press simultaneously 2 keys on the keyboard - Windows + I;
  • We choose, painfully familiar, "Control Panel";
  • Or open the menu by pressing the "Windows" button and select the desired item;
  • In the "Control Panel" we turn to "Hardware and Sound";
  • And in a new window, selecting the "Power supply" section, we find "Setting the transition to sleep mode" and click on it;
  • In the drop-down list, open the "Put the computer into sleep mode" and mark "Never" in the list, and click on the "Save changes" button below.

If you need to turn off sleep mode in a laptop, then this is done much easier and faster. The battery charge icon will help you navigate to the settings. Open "Additional power options" and in the same list select the "Never" value.

Method two (only applies to Windows 8)

  • At the same time, press the Windows + I keys, then at the very bottom press "Change computer settings";
  • Select "Computer and Devices";
  • Then go to the "Shutdown and hibernation" section;
  • On the record "Sleep", in the drop-down menu, set the parameter "Never".

You do not need to confirm the changes.

Exactly the same actions can be used to turn off hibernation, provided that it is active.

Well friends, we talked about the modes of operation of the system, about their benefits, as well as about the subtleties and nuances encountered when setting them up. We would be glad if this article helped you solve problems when enabling / disabling these modes.

This feature was originally implemented for Surface Precision Mouse. The Windows 10 operating system informs its user about the quick connection of the mouse in question and the connection of the PC with it.

With the implementation of the new function, numerous users of the Windows 10 operating system will no longer need to look in the settings for the section designed to add a device paired via Bluetooth. According to an additional report, the software giant Microsoft is partnering with a number of companies, including Logitech. The purpose of this collaboration is to provide support for the new function with various devices connected to the computer using Bluetooth.

It should be noted that users of Android and iOS mobile software platforms already enjoy the ability to quickly and conveniently pair Bluetooth devices with a mobile device. Thus, smartphones turned out to be more convenient than computers in this respect.

Further improvements to the Windows 10 operating system come as no surprise. After all, a modern OS needs to be popular not only among users, but also among developers who create software for the platform and thereby significantly expand its capabilities and functionality.

Operating system development companies traditionally hold annual developer conferences. This year Microsoft's Build conference will take place May 7-9 in Seattle. Interestingly, Google I / O, the developer conference for the search giant that develops the most popular mobile platform, Android, will take place almost simultaneously with Microsoft's corresponding event from May 8-10, 2018. Thus, the days of significant presentations will coincide.

At such conferences, software companies show their most interesting developments to developers of applications for their operating systems. And this makes such events interesting not only for programmers, but also for a wide audience of users, which, on the basis of these announcements, has an idea of ​​the possibilities that will find application in computer devices of the future.

At the Build 2017 conference, the software giant Microsoft pleased with new software tools (cloud and for developers), as well as the next version of Windows 10.

Build kicks off earlier than I / O this year. It should be noted that the huge popularity of smartphones makes Google's developer conference very interesting. It is possible that in 2018 the conference, which starts a day earlier, will be able to attract some of the interest that usually goes to the Android operating system and related technologies. Indeed, many who wish to attend one of the most significant events of the year in the software industry will not be able to attend both conferences.

Readers will be able to discuss the improvements that bring with them new functions of Windows 10 and other topics related to high technologies not only in the comments, but also in

There are functions in computers that many do not use, although they can significantly improve the work with the system. For example, power mode was introduced in Windows 98, but not many people know about it.

Using it, the user can distribute and save battery power. You can also end the work using one of the options. And finally, using one of the energy-saving modes, you can save electricity. Of course, this option is unlikely to greatly affect the situation with one PC, but in any enterprise you can solve the problems with high bills.

Computer energy

Many people want to know how to turn off the power saving mode. But, before talking about it, it is worth understanding what most requires energy in the PC.

As practice shows, the monitor and hard drive are demanding. For example, a display typically operates normally when both horizontal and vertical are engaged. In this case, it can take up to 100 watts.

In standby mode, horizontal scanning is disabled, but the monitor can return to normal very quickly. But you can save up to 90% of energy consumption. If you use the mode in which the vertical scan is disabled, you can save 10-15% in power consumption.

The hard drive works in a similar way. It can be sent to Before this, the PC will save all the final work of the programs. And then it will stop contacting the hard drive.

Hibernation works a little differently. In this case, all information about the current state of the operating system is saved to the hard disk, so you can quickly return to work. This option will not require power consumption to save data.

There is also a "hybrid sleep" that combines the features of the previous two modes. It both saves files of open programs in RAM, and creates a hibernation file to save system data.

Power supply

By default, almost all modes are immediately present on the PC. Therefore, many people want to know how to turn off the power saving mode. All information on this topic can be found in the "Power supply" menu.

To get to it, you need to right-click on the battery icon in the tray. Thus, a list of options will appear in which you must select "Power supply".

You can also use the "Control Panel". To do this, click on "Start" and on the right we find the required line. A dialog box with a list of system functions will open. You need to find "Power Supply" in it.

Power plan

In a new dialog box, you will have to figure out how to turn off the power saving mode. Two plans are immediately available to the user: balanced and economical. The system recommends using a balanced one because it keeps a balance between performance and power consumption of the PC.

The lean plan will not help you turn off the power-saving mode in Windows 7, since it is designed precisely to save energy in absolutely everything.

A high performance plan is also available on the system, but it is hidden. In this case, the system can start all the necessary and unnecessary processes, so the power consumption of the computer will increase significantly.

Plan setup: laptop

Before thinking about how to turn off Power Saving Mode, you can try setting up a Power Saving Plan. On the left, in the column, you will find the "Create Power Plan" function. Here you can enter the name of the new plan, and then start setting up.

If you have a laptop, then you will have access to two columns of settings: "On battery" and "From the network". Therefore, each parameter will have to be configured separately, for different situations. If you always use the laptop from the mains, then for the "On battery" mode, you do not need to touch anything at all.

In the power plan, you can set the time after which the display will be dimmed or turned off, as well as enable sleep mode. It is difficult to recommend anything in this case, since everything depends on the user.

Plan setup: computer

How do I turn off power saving mode on my computer? Here the situation is somewhat different. One could say that it is easier to do this. When you get to the menu for creating a power plan, you see only two parameters that can be configured:

  • turn off the display;
  • putting the PC into sleep mode.

If you want to completely turn off energy saving, you can choose not a specific time, but the "Never" item. In this case, the display will never turn off, and the sleep mode will never turn on.

Editing existing power plans

On a computer, power-saving mode works the same as on a laptop. You can adjust existing settings, as well as further adjust the power settings.

In this case, it doesn't matter what version of the Windows operating system you have. How can I disable power saving mode on my computer in this case? You need to open the line "Change advanced power settings", and then carefully look at all the available settings.

Customization options

The available standard plans are listed at the top of the dialog box. The selected mode will indicate that it is "active". Then you can start editing it.

For example, you can customize the operation of the hard disk. If you are familiar with the system, you can try to set a certain time, after which the hard drive will be turned off. If you don’t understand the matter at all, it’s best to do nothing.

Next, you can customize how Internet Explorer works. Here you can change the frequency of the JS timer. Maximum performance is set by default. Below you can adjust the settings for the desktop background. In power balanced mode, a slideshow is available. It can be disabled if necessary.

Below you can turn off the power-saving mode of a Windows 7 computer. In the "Sleep" line, you can find not only sleep mode, but also hibernation, which is in laptops. If you don't need any of this, you can simply set it to zero or Off. But there are tons of useful settings here.

For example, you can set the time after which the PC goes into sleep mode. Next, you can enable hybrid sleep mode, and below you can configure the time after which hibernation will turn on. The last configuration point is also very important. Here you can configure the wake-up timers.

You may have faced such a problem that you sent the PC to sleep mode, and after a while it turned on by itself. This usually happens because some system events are set that wake it up. To prevent this from happening, you can turn off the timers.

In the parameters there is a setting to temporarily disable USB ports. Below you can configure how the device will behave when the power button is pressed. For example, you can set a command for it, in which the PC will not turn off, but go into sleep mode. There is also a setting for the laptop lid.

Below you can adjust the power supply of the processor. Adjust the minimum and maximum conditions and the cooling policy.

You can also customize how the screen works.

Screen power consumption

How to turn off Power Saving Mode on LG Monitor? The following tip will work for any other display model as well. Remaining in the dialog box with additional power options, you can continue to customize the display. The user can change the operating time of the monitor, as well as adjust the brightness.

In the first case, you can choose the time after which the screen will be turned off completely. You can also try adaptive brightness control. It allows you to monitor light sensors to detect changes in lighting and select the desired brightness level.


And finally, how to turn off the power-saving mode in BIOS? First you need to switch to this mode. Next, you need to find the AI ​​Tweaker section, in which we select the EPU Power Saving Mode line. This is a power saving mode setting. Therefore, it will be enough to put the Disable value in front of it, which will disable it.

We know that there are various power saving modes on the operating system. Used correctly, you can save several hours of work.

If your mobile device is running the latest Windows 10 operating system, then it has another power saving mode that will increase battery life. It is called "Save charge"... Today we will analyze the correct use of the "Battery Saver" mode, consider the functions and differences from other modes.

Mode capabilities

Let's say you have a device with an OS such as Android, iOS or Windows Phone, then most likely you have dealt with low power modes. In Windows 10, Battery Saver has much the same functionality, such as dimming the screen, closing or preventing certain applications from consuming device resources, thereby conserving power.

But in practice, the modes are, of course, different, be it a laptop, tablet or smartphone. The main consumer of energy is, of course, the screen. If we talk about smartphones, then SUPERAMOLED screens consume a lot of energy. Applications and networks, such as 4G, play an important role.

On a Windows 10 device, the “Power Saving” mode turns on when the charge drops below 20%, if you want, you can change this value, for example, so that the mode is activated by 40% or 60%. This is done in the parameters.


We can say that the mode I am describing is analogous to those power management schemes that we know about. Of course, "Energy Saving" has more modest settings than in the control schemes, but it still has a number of interesting features. One of them is the indication of the components of the system that consume the most energy.

So, to enter the mode settings, you need to go to "All parameters"... This is done as shown in the screenshot, if you don't know.

Now we go to the point SystemSaving chargeBattery saving options.

Here you can configure everything you need, for example, turn off the activation of the mode when the battery power drops, or change this value to your own. Also, you can enable sending notifications when the power saving mode is active. You can turn off automatic dimming.

For example, if you have applications such as Skype that are running in the background, then you can prevent them from consuming power when the "Battery Saver" mode is on. We can add some applications to the list of exclusions. To do this, click on "Add application" in point “Everything is allowed”, Now we find the required application and click "Add".


It is clear that Windows 10 is just evolving, therefore, there are still few opportunities in some OS functions, including in the "Battery Saver" mode. This function is very interesting, but it still cannot realize its full potential. It would be great if more stringent settings were added, such as putting the processor into a low power mode. Perhaps in the future there will be many more interesting and useful settings for the "Energy Saving" mode.

Friends, you have visited this site, which means that you are looking for quality advice on how to solve the problem that has arisen. And you know, you did the right thing, that you came to us, because it is here that you will receive answers to your questions. So, what modes did the developers provide to the windows 7 operating system? There are such power saving modes:

  • hibernation;
  • hibernation mode;
  • hybrid mode (aka mixed).

Probably, everyone has had such a situation when, being immersed in work on a laptop, you have to urgently get ready and leave somewhere, and you are sorely lacking time to save open applications and documents. How do more experienced users get out of these situations? Very easy!

They just know how to set up the desired operating mode for their system. And now you will become the owner of this knowledge. Well, let's take a look at each of them separately, and start with the sleep mode.

Sleep mode.

Sleep Mode - A state of the computer / laptop in which the power supply is reduced to a minimum in relation to normal mode. The process by which a laptop "goes into hibernation" can be compared to the "Pause" button on the player. You can "immerse yourself in sleep" either purposefully or automatically, having previously set the required parameters. While in this mode, all the documents with which you dealt will not disappear, but will be saved in the windows RAM. But this only works when the laptop is powered from the mains. Otherwise, after the battery charge expires, all files will disappear without recovery. When you exit the "sleepy kingdom", the system will restore your files in the form in which it remembered them "going to sleep".



Hibernation - in fact, is very similar to sleep mode and is mainly designed for laptops, but it is still different, now I will explain how. The point is that "immersion" in this state is possible when activating and configuring this mode. Well, let's say, it is activated and even tuned, you say, and what next? And then the following happens. The work that was carried out with programs and other applications in such layouts is remembered by the system in the form of a certain image, which will be written on the hard disk in the form of the hiberfil.sys file, but not in the system's RAM, as it happened in hibernation mode. Hybernation can be started in two ways , assuming it's already configured:

  • Press the "Start" button, then in the main menu we find "Shutdown" and, hovering over the arrow next to this line, we will see how a submenu will appear with a list of necessary functions, where we will select "Hibernation";
  • Closing the laptop lid, which is very quick and convenient.

This is the most advantageous mode for a laptop, because if the lid is suddenly closed, the remaining programs and files will not be affected. Opening the lid will entail the system restoring all applications and documents in a matter of seconds.

Hybrid mode

Hybrid mode.

Hybrid mode - was born thanks to the developers who combined the two previous modes into one. Why this "explosive mixture"? It's that simple! The trick is that while the PC is in hibernation mode, it will save all data, both in RAM and on disk. In the event of a power surge or loss of power, all information will be restored from the hard drive. The computer exits this state in the same way as hibernation, but with a slight delay. The mode of such a plan is used exclusively on personal computers.

How to disable hibernation on windows 7

Sleep mode is a useful thing if you use it on laptops, but on personal computers this function is not always appropriate. Why should this mode be inconvenient on a PC, you will be surprised? Let's explain. There are situations when there is a need to connect to a computer using remote access, and in this mode, your attempts will be "to the light" system. And besides, it is not uncommon when you want to go to the kitchen for tea, talk on the phone, or you just have to distract yourself, you come, and your "cyber friend" sleeps like a "dead sleep." And it makes no sense to save power consumption of a PC, because there are no batteries, the charge of which is limited in time, because power is taken from the mains. Plus, you need to spend time to wake up the "sleeping handsome". So, the question arises, what to do to disable hibernation on windows 7?

So, there are such ways to help turn off sleep / hibernation modes:

  • Thanks to the control panel;
  • Using the command line;
  • Using the registry by modifying HiberFileSizePercent and HibernateEnabled.

And now more details about each of them.

windows 7 how to disable hibernation?

Good question! The control panel will help us with this. And so that everything is correct, we will perform the following steps:

Disable hibernation - control panel to help you

To disable hibernation through the control panel, you must:

hiberfil.sys Windows process - what is it?

hiberfil.sys is a file that the operating system creates when it goes into hibernation state. It is stored in the memory of the hard disk. If you do not need this mode, and there is not enough space on the hard drive to store it, then it is reasonable to disable hibernation, and simply delete the hiberfil.sys file.

Disable hibernation in windows 7 using the command line

Under the Administrator, we call the command line:

If you suddenly need to return the hiberfil.sys file and activate the hibernation mode, then you will need to enter powercfg -h on in the command line field.

How can I change the HiberFileSizePercent and HibernateEnabled file entries in the registry?

Let's now look at how to change the entries in the HiberFileSizePercent and HibernateEnabled files and what it is for.

As we found out, it is possible to disable hibernation in windows 7 in several ways. We have already discussed them above. Now let's consider the possibility of disabling this mode using the registry. For this purpose, it is necessary to change the records in the above files.

So, you need to do the following:

How to enable hibernation in windows 10?

Since the windows 10 system was “released”, questions began to grow among the people like mushrooms in the forest. And that's okay, new version - new settings. There are a lot of questions, but one of the most frequently asked is "How to enable hibernation in Windows 10?". Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation that sleep and hibernation modes are present in windows 10, but only absent in the "Start" menu, it's time to tell you how to return these modes to their usual place. So let's get started:

  1. Press the right mouse button "Start", then select "Power Management";
  2. On the left side of the open window, click on the item "Actions of the power buttons";
  3. A new window will open, click on the entry "Change parameters that are currently unavailable." This function is only available to the Administrator;
  4. Further, at the bottom of the window, the entry "Shutdown parameters", which was previously inactive, is activated. Opposite the "Hibernation" item, put a tick;
  5. And finally, click "Save Changes".

You can enable hibernation in the same way.

After completing the described actions, your problem will be eliminated, and you will again contemplate hibernation in the Start menu.

How to disable hibernation in windows 8?

When it comes to the ability to disable hibernation in windows 8, two ways come to mind. You will certainly learn about them. Let's not torment them and now we will consider them: The first method (using the control panel)

  • Press simultaneously 2 keys on the keyboard - windows + I;
  • We choose, painfully familiar, "Control Panel";
  • Or open the menu by pressing the "windows" button and select the desired item;
  • In the "Control Panel" we turn to "Hardware and Sound";
  • And in a new window, selecting the "Power supply" section, we find "Setting the transition to sleep mode" and click on it;
  • In the drop-down list, open the "Put the computer into sleep mode" and mark "Never" in the list, and click on the "Save changes" button below.

If you need to turn off sleep mode in a laptop, then this is done much easier and faster. The battery charge icon will help you navigate to the settings. Open "Additional power options" and in the same list select the "Never" value.

The second method (applies exclusively to windows 8)

  • At the same time, press the windows + I keys, then at the very bottom press "Change computer settings";
  • Select "Computer and Devices";
  • Then go to the "Shutdown and hibernation" section;
  • On the record "Sleep", in the drop-down menu, set the parameter "Never".

You do not need to confirm the changes.

Exactly the same actions can be used to turn off hibernation, provided that it is active.

Well friends, we talked about the modes of operation of the system, about their benefits, as well as about the subtleties and nuances encountered when setting them up. We would be glad if this article helped you solve problems when enabling / disabling these modes.


How to enable or disable windows power saving mode

There is an opinion that the PC does not spend a lot of electrical energy during its operation and the inclusion of the power-saving mode on the computer is relevant only for laptops, as this saves battery power. In fact, this is not the case. The same monitor consumes about 100 watts per hour. Quite significant indicators are accumulating per day. Therefore, if the equipment is often idle without work, then it is important for its owner to understand how to activate and then turn off the power-saving mode on windows 7 and 10.

Enabling power saving on Windows 7 and 10

The principle of activating such a function on computers with windows 7 and 10 is somewhat different, so it is better to consider the methodology for each operating system separately.

How to enable power saving mode on a PC with 7 installed:

  • Go to the "Control Panel" through the "Start" button;
  • In the upper right part of the window, change the view type to small icons;
  • From the list, select the item responsible for the electrical power supply.
  1. Turn off the monitor.
  2. Putting equipment into sleep mode.

The user simply sets the time after which the economy mode will be activated if the person does not perform any actions with the PC during this period. In addition, you can additionally set a password to "wake up" the computer, which will exclude its use by third parties.

Naturally, there is an opportunity on the Seven to "immerse" equipment in sleep and forcibly:

  • The same Start button;
  • On the right side of the menu, click on the arrow that is on the "Shutdown" button;
  • Select the required option.

How to activate a similar function on windows 10:

  • Activate the "Start" button menu;
  • Hover the mouse cursor over the "Shutdown" item or its equivalent;
  • After a couple of moments, an additional menu window will appear, allowing you to select "Sleep" or "Hibernation".

On notebooks with a Ten, usually the initially required state is in an inactive state. Therefore, it must be activated:

  • Right-click on the battery icon in the tray;
  • In the additional menu, select the item "Power supply";
  • In the next window, determine the scheme used and go to its settings using the corresponding button opposite;
  • In additional parameters, set the plus sign next to "Sleep after";
  • Set both parameters below located in the "On" position.

To automatically "fall asleep", you will need to perform the same actions as with the variant with the Seven. That is, go to the control panel, then to "equipment and sound", where it will be possible to enter the parameters of the electric power supply and set the time after which the desired function will turn on.

Algorithm for turning off the power-saving mode on a PC

It is quite logical that the user needs to know how to remove the automatic activation of the saving mode.

Turning off, both on the Seven and on the Ten, is very simple:

  • Return through the control panel to the power window;
  • Go to the settings of the used plan / scheme;
  • Set all automatic activation values ​​to the "Never" option;
  • Save the changes made.


Windows power saving modes

Sparing power consumption modes (and the ability to configure them) first appeared in Windows 98 and are currently present in any operating system.

Their use is associated with the possible need to save battery power (as, for example, in laptops), they can be used as one of the options for shutting down (the next time it will take less time), as well as to save electricity consumption (imagine how much the bill can decrease enterprise if it has several hundred PCs).

In this article, we will look at how to install, how to choose one of the existing options, as well as how to remove the power saving mode on your computer.

Computer power consumption

Basically, most of the energy in a running computer is spent keeping the monitor and hard drive running.

Monitor states

During normal operation of the monitor, both of its blocks are active in it - horizontal and vertical. This mode is called Normal and the consumption is up to one hundred watts.

Almost instantly, the display will return to work from the stand-by state, in which the horizontal sweep is turned off and the consumption consumption is reduced to ninety percent of the usual.

When switching to Suspend-mode, only vertical sweep will be disabled, the flow rate will decrease to ten to fifteen percent, but the monitor also comes out of it a little longer.

The use of the Power-off mode entails the shutdown of both scanners, while the power consumption is reduced to a minimum of five percent. But returning to normal operation will take as much time as switching on from a “cold” state.

Hard disk metamorphosis

The computer switches to Stand-by mode after saving the intermediate results of the work of open applications in RAM. This stops the access to the hard disk.

The state of Hibernate (hibernation) differs from the previous one in that on the open spaces of the hard disk (and not in the RAM), the entire state of the OS will be captured at a certain moment, to which it will return when it is next turned on.

The Hybrid Sleep mode, which appeared for the first time on windows Vista, combines the features and consequences of both previous ones - both saving files of open applications in RAM, and the state of the system in the file "hiberfil.sys" of the hard disk.

Enabling Power Saving in Windows

On windows 7, there are three power modes in the consumption settings since Vista. Up to windows 10, the power saving mode is represented (in Russian transcription) by three options: "Sleep", "Hibernation" and "Hybrid sleep".

They correspond to the Stand-by, Hibernate, and Hybrid Sleep states discussed above.

However, please note that not all motherboards and video cards are equipped with power saving support.

Also, this feature can be disabled in the BIOS or in the system settings.

As for other operating systems, you can enable the required mode on a Mac using the "Power Saving" tab in "System Preferences". In Linux, the appropriate commands are entered through the console (setterm, xset ...).

Mode selection in windows 10

To transfer the PC to one of the sparing modes on windows, you need to use the following algorithm of actions:

After activating the menu of the "Start" button, place the cursor on the "Shutdown" line (it may have the name "Shutdown"). In this case, an additional menu will appear, in which the cursor will need to be positioned on the "Sleep" key:

Hibernate in windows 10

Similar actions will lead us to the "Hibernation" mode. Only we press another key:

Hibernation in windows 10

The hybrid sleeping state is more complicated. On laptops, it will be disabled by default.

To activate it, you first need to go to the tray for the icon with the battery image (since on laptops using OS windows, the power consumption settings are placed in the System tray):

System tray in windows 10

By clicking the right mouse button, we will open the Power Supply menu from the menu that appears:

The following control dialog will open before us:

Power plan setup in windows 10

The checkbox in it will correspond to the currently used parameters.

Having moved to the "Settings", you must enable the plus sign opposite the "Sleep" and enable the "Hybrid sleep" option so that the value "on" corresponded to the picture:

Advanced power options in windows 10

After this activation, the "Sleep" button in the "Start" menu will transfer your computer not to a simple "Sleep", but to "Hybrid".

The PC can be brought out of any state associated with a decrease in power consumption by pressing the power button (although, to bring it out of the usual "Sleep", it will be enough to move the mouse or press any of the keyboard buttons).

Setting up an energy saving plan

Apart from the standard ones, on any computer there is an opportunity to fine-tune the acceptable power consumption modes for themselves. This is typical mainly for computers powered by batteries (since stationary ones always work connected to the network at maximum).

The transition to the parameters is carried out by the already mentioned method of calling the "Power supply" from the tray.

The parameters available for adjustment are opened by clicking on the section shown in the following figure:

Here we get to the list of all possible schemes:

Power plans

Separately, it should be said that in addition to the operating system diagrams, those that correspond to the installed applications from the manufacturer of your laptop (in this case, "Power4Gear") will be displayed here.

The enabled checkbox corresponds to the currently used scheme.

If your laptop is running alternately on battery and mains power, then it is logical to create your own power scheme to avoid alternating throwing between the inclusion of balance and maximum.

To do this, in the "Power supply" window, place the cursor on "Create a circuit ...":

Creating a power plan

We connect the checkbox opposite any of the existing ones (no matter which one) (1), enter a name for the new scheme being created (2), activate the "Next" button (3):

Power plan settings

Before us will open direct access to the three main settings and to change the list of additional ones:

The accessibility for their adjustment is included as shown in the picture:

Each of the sections is opened by clicking on the "+". Also, each is set to a value for mains and battery operation. For example, for a hard disk partition.

In general, you need to carefully go through all the sections of the additional settings, analyze the anticipated events and arrange all the checkboxes in accordance with the need and with your own vision of your work or habits. Remember that you will need to carefully consider the Power Buttons and Cover section for an easier solution to how to exit Power Saver Mode.

Disable energy saving

Before turning off the power-saving mode on your computer, you need to go back to Power Options. Either through the tray, or through the "Control Panel".

The "Plan settings changes" tab allows the function of putting the computer to sleep to be set to "never".

If you want to disable this function, then after setting these values, you need to click "OK" and "Apply".

Now you know about the possibilities and energy saving management on your computer. Read our new articles, ask us new questions.


Guide: How to disable hibernation on windows 7

Most PC users do not know how to disable windows 7 hibernation, and sometimes it is necessary to do this, since it is not always convenient for the user.

Hibernation is originally a low power consumption mechanism. During normal operation, there is no loss of computer data in this state. If a sudden shutdown occurs, data can be recovered from the hard drive.

There are several types of such "sleep":

  1. Simple. All files and documents are open on the PC. When you enter this state, all the original data are saved in the PC memory, then the system unit goes into energy-saving operation. The process is a bit like turning on a pause when listening to audio recordings or a movie.
  2. Hibernation. This type of "sleep" is used on laptops as it is the most economical and consumes less battery power. All information is first saved on the hard disk, after which the computer goes into a power-saving state.
  3. Hybrid type. Included by default in desktop PCs with software. All parameters and files are saved on the hard disk before turning on, and the system unit automatically goes into an energy-saving state. When the lights are turned off or other power outages occur, all information is easily recovered from the C drive.
back to menu

If you do not need the hibernation function, and you do not know how to disable hibernation in windows 7 settings, then use the following recommendations. Go to Start - Control Panel.

The settings we need are in the Category section. Go there, then enter the item "Hardware and Sound".

there select the section "Power supply", where you can change the current settings. However, changing the settings is possible if the user knows the administrator account.

This is where the "Sleep Mode Settings" will be. Click the button. Something like this will look like the window "Power plan settings" as shown in the picture below. Here you can disable the transition of the computer to hibernation windows 7.

In order for your computer to be in working order all the time, the settings must be set, as shown in the picture below, that is, the position "Never" on turning off the display and switching to "sleep".

The main function of the sleep mode is to save energy. But sometimes this mode can cause some inconvenience. For example, when watching movies or TV shows over the Internet.

To further disable hibernation, you can enter the advanced settings of windows 7, and then click the bird next to the item Sleep. In the Allow Hybrid Sleep settings, click the Disable option.

In order to cancel the function of automatic transition to "sleep", select the function "Never" in the settings. To do this, enter the number 0 in the minutes state line. Press “Apply” and “OK”.

In the same sequence, where there is a value "Sleep after", you can disable hibernation in the settings of windows 7.

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