Home Berries The full meaning of the name love. Love: the meaning of the name, character and fate of the girl. Different languages

The full meaning of the name love. Love: the meaning of the name, character and fate of the girl. Different languages

Our life in many respects depends not only on us. Maybe we don’t think about it, but the location of celestial bodies also has an effect, and everyone has long known about it. After all, there are horoscopes, and a lot of mysterious phenomena that happen to us are also subject to them.

You just need to choose the right rhythm of life, feel its beat and accurately assess the situation. Only in this case we will be happy in our little world. Manicure, oddly enough, should also be done on certain days, apparently the satellite of the earth, the moon directly assists this process. The manicure lunar calendar for March 2019 is covered in this article, and you can make it your desk book.

March manicure calendar 2019

March is the beginning of spring, and the natural desire to embellish your life is inherent in many. Nails are the main component of success, since even small characteristics affect the perception of the entire appearance.

March 1 - today is a good day for cutting nails and manicure. It will bring you tremendous success in your endeavors.

March 2 - at the moment it is undesirable to paint your nails, this accompanies the attraction of failures, it is better to go for a massage.

March 3 is now a neutral day for giving nails a new shape. However, again everything obeys your inner mood: for example, if you go to the salon in a bad mood, then the master is unlikely to succeed.

March 4 is the right day to create a new image. Going to a specialist for a manicure will come in handy, so feel free to head to a beauty salon.

March 5 is a convenient day for painting nail plates. Promotes career advancement.

March 7 - a manicure made today will only bring bad luck, and you may quarrel with your loved one.

March 8 - on this day, it is important not to do anything with nails. Celebrate Women's Day and enjoy the day.

March 9 - when cutting the nail plates today, you will simultaneously get rid of the disease that has long haunted you.

March 10 - today is the perfect day for a manicure, be sure to contact the master. The varnish will last for quite a long time and delight you with irresistibility.

March 11 - at the moment it is undesirable to go to a beauty salon, any manipulations with nails will bring you a lot of failures.

March 13 is a great day for cutting nails and building up nail plates. You will definitely be recognized at work.

March 17 - now you should not go to a beauty salon: a manicure is unlikely to succeed, so take care of household chores.

March 18 is an unfavorable day for cutting nails, as there is a chance of deterioration in health.

March 19 - today they visit a beauty salon and do a manicure, but everything is determined by the internal mood.

March 20 is a good day for cutting the nail plates and giving them a different shape. You will be marked as the best worker, so go ahead

March 21 - a trip to a beauty salon promises love inconsistencies on this day, so stay at home and switch to other things.

March 23 is an unfavorable day for cutting nails, you risk injury, including getting into a car accident, so be careful.

March 24 is a fruitful day. Will bring you success in a financial event, so do not miss your chance.

March 25 - today a trip to a beauty salon is more likely to be postponed, this will not contribute to success, but, on the contrary, will bring disappointment.

March 27 is now a great chance to get a prize, and the manicure done will only inspire you.

March 30 - you should not cut your nail plates at the moment, this is unlikely to bring good luck.


The signs of the zodiac and the moon in them affects the mood, feelings and emotions of people. It is important to feel it. The manicure lunar calendar for March 2018 will be an indispensable assistant so that everything is fine in your life, even after nail treatment.


Everything that happens in life is not accidental, the main thing is to understand it correctly. Success, luck and your well-being depend only on you, including your skillful use of the manicure calendar in March 2018. Wealth and health, happiness and long life!

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Meaning: The name Love is of purely Slavic origin. It means directly the very word that it looks like - "love". At the moment, this name is popular in Russia, and in Belarus, and in Kazakhstan, and in Ukraine. And moreover, it belongs to the category of the most influential names in terms of karma ...

The female name Love enjoys relatively little popularity today, although it continues to be on the list of the most common names of the modern "Russian world". It has a strong energy and has a pretty good compatibility with Russian male names ...

Popularity: The Russian female name love in the ranking of names is listed at 49-51 positions. According to statistics, today there are 3-4 girls out of 1000 newborns.

Conversational options: Lyuba, Lyubanya, Lyubochka

Modern English counterparts: Not available

The meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the name Love is fraught with many secrets unraveled by modern researchers, and the main one says that the girl named in this way belongs to such qualities as activity, efficiency, restlessness, determination, courage and a desire to develop endlessly ...

For the most part, Lyuba, these are women with a high opinion of themselves, but at the same time they are patient, restrained and very calm. These girls are characterized by humor and positivity, they are cheerful and always sow only positive around them, and moreover, they are always in the spotlight.

Advantages and positive features: the main advantage of all bearers of the name Love lies in their ability to charm anyone, even an initially very nasty person. Plus, the bearers of this name can boast of the ability to achieve their goals.

Love is bad for people who are trying to use it to achieve their own selfish goals. And the bearers of the name Love never keep people close to them who are prone to manipulating others.

Interesting about the name Love: The name Love found its place in the Orthodox nomenclature immediately after the advent of Christianity in Russia. Belongs to one of the most revered martyrs in Orthodoxy.

The nature of the name Love

The nature of the name Love, or rather the bearers of this name, is such that it implies the presence of a whole bunch of important and necessary qualities. But among their huge number, the first thing to do would be to highlight such as sociability and sociability. Girls named Love, for the most part, are very sociable representatives of the weaker sex. They have many friends and associates, comrades, and they communicate with everyone in the same way.

The second factor that should be emphasized is the ability to achieve your goals no matter what. So, having decided to achieve something, Lyuba will definitely achieve this, no matter what it costs her, because otherwise she will simply cease to respect herself, and later, perhaps, she will become isolated in herself. This is another feature of the character of all girls who received the name Love at birth.

Well, in addition to all of the above, it would be worth mentioning other important character traits of all bearers of this name, without exception. We are talking about such traits as openness, love of love, justice, sincerity, honesty, disinterestedness, integrity, responsibility and diligence, punctuality and commitment. Of course, in each Luba these features can manifest themselves in different ways, but the fact remains that they are present in each.

Early childhood

In the early years, the beautiful name Love bestows on a girl such traits as restlessness, anxiety, energy, talent, creativity and developed imagination. She cannot sit still for a minute, forever in motion, thinks out more and more new activities for herself, is fond of everything that at least slightly attracts her attention, grabs a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bdifferent things, but the truth is, few of them can be completed, because she is deprived the ability to concentrate and achieve goals.

Parents will not have to be upset, at least for the most part, but behavior will not bring joy, because this girl will be an eternal source of trouble - quarrels with peers, self-indulgence, periodic resentment and tantrums, riskiness and overly active games.

But already in these years, leadership qualities will begin to emerge in her, which will certainly bear fruit later.


Adolescence will also bring many problems. Pampering, restlessness, lack of control, lack of any discipline, inability to compromise, unwillingness to give in, plus self-sufficiency - these traits will bring so much trouble that the "ancestors" will sometimes have to be in indescribable shock.

But everything is smoothed over by Lyuba's virtues, among which are purposefulness, diligence, leadership, and the desire to be the best in the eyes of everyone around.

In her studies, everything is quite good, but not excellent - she can easily cope with all subjects, both in the exact sciences and in the humanities, without much difficulty she will delve into any subject and easily cope with the task, which is beyond the power of others. True, all this is accompanied by an unwillingness to live according to general rules, talkativeness, sloppiness and fun that knows no bounds. Her energy is over the edge - this girl can only be pacified by total control.

grown woman

Thanks to the influence of the patron planet, excellent relationships with relatives can take place in adulthood, moreover, in the course of a lifetime. Credulity, shyness, vulnerability and sensitivity are manifested only with close relatives, while on the "friendly front" everything is different - here she trusts few people.

Love tries to avoid attachment, and in no case will it ever let a gentleman close to itself, which can limit its freedom. Love of freedom and independence - these are the features that she is not averse to even boasting, although sometimes she dreams of the opposite.

With the opposite sex, the bearers of this female name are much more complicated. Usually the girl so named is not looking for fleeting entertainment, and longs for true love, but this can change, especially under the influence of a talisman stone and an animal symbol.

The interaction of the character Love with the seasons

Spring - in a girl born under the auspices of the spring season, purposefulness, perseverance, assertiveness, emotionality and aggressiveness rage. She craves the perfect in everything, is self-critical and easily criticizes others. There is also impulsivity. There is no sentimentality and romance, but a man, nevertheless, will not feel bad next to her.

Summer - the meaning of the summer season gives rise to a vulnerable, tender, affectionate, vulnerable woman by the origin of the soul and essence, but this is about a woman born in the first half of the quarter, and in the second a leader by nature, a responsible and stubborn woman comes into the world. In both cases, there is both erudition and eloquence, communication with such a lady is very attractive, she is interesting.

Autumn is an autumn lady and a completely unique personality. Independence, freedom of action, respect for others - this is what she is afraid to lose for any of the reasons. She needs to feel needed and needed. Does not tolerate criticism, although she criticizes herself quite often. Doesn't like being told what to do and how to do it. It is difficult for the opposite sex to get along with her temperament.

Winter - and born under the auspices of the winter three months, does show incredible demands on itself and people, although in its judgments it is for the most part too superficial. The character is complex, any words can be perceived as a reproach or rudeness. In the soul, friendliness and integrity, excessive self-confidence and lack of communication skills are always exposed to the outside.

The fate of the name Love

It is difficult to say exactly how the fate of the bearer of the name Love should develop in relationships with men, in love and personal life in general, focusing solely on the energy of the name. But nevertheless, something can still be said with 100% certainty ...

So, we can say with confidence that every Love, without exception, should be popular with men and in demand, which is not surprising, because such positive, open, sensual, kind and honest girls simply cannot but attract attention to themselves. True, there is one “but” - Love will not let every man come to her - at first she will select potential candidates for a long time in accordance with her own criteria.

But on the other hand, there is one counterbalance here too - by choosing a man who will definitely be to your liking, and starting to build relationships with him, Lyuba will definitely be faithful to him and devoted, and will never allow herself to change him. The bearers of this name respect devotion and fidelity, they are eager to receive it, and therefore they themselves adhere to it. But it is worth a lot in modern times ...

Love and marriage

It is difficult to say, focusing on the energy of a particular name, what a person will become a husband or wife in the future. The same is the case with the bearers of the name Love. But something can still be said about them. And first of all, it would be worth saying that the bearers of this name are good wives in maturity, faithful, kind, understanding, devoted, honest, and ready to sacrifice everything for the love of the other half and his happiness.

But it will be so only in maturity, and then when the time comes for the meeting of the true second half. And before that, Love can go through potential partners for a long time, looking for someone that will meet all the requirements and criteria. And the bearer of the name Lyuba can have quite a lot of criteria - they usually look for devoted, promising, faithful, authoritative, strong in spirit and will, obligatory men.

In addition, it can be said that the very relationship with the husband of the bearer of the name Love will depend on the husband himself, on his attitude towards her. Lyuba always respond to their men in the same way that they receive from them, in a mirror way - if the husband loves Lyuba, gives and devotes himself to her, proves his loyalty and devotion, and cherishes her, then she will answer the same. But if only he dares to offend her in something, then no apology will help.

Love is like a mother

The issue of motherhood is so complicated at all that experts try not to take it up, because in most cases it is impossible to say even half exactly what the bearer of this or that name will be like a father or mother. But as for Love, everything is a little simpler here. And we can say with absolute certainty that such a woman cannot become a bad mother.

But first, the bearer of the name Lyuba will probably be preparing for motherhood for a long time, planning it. As a result, the child is likely to be expected and desired, and this is a big plus, because this is precisely the guarantee that he will grow up in love and care. As for motherhood, then Love can only be a good mother, because with her kindness, attentiveness, caring and sincerity, sensuality and painstakingness, she simply cannot but be a good mother.

Most likely, Luba will have a much closer relationship with her daughter than with her son. The father will have to take care of the upbringing of the son. Although, in fact, she will love the same son, and daughter, and the youngest child, and the firstborn. It's women, for the most part. The love of which should be enough for everyone, without exception, at least two children will be in the family, at least all ten.

Love horoscope


Aries is a girl. Born under the auspices of such a zodiac as Aries, and at the same time received the name Love, she is purposeful and persistent, stubborn and never gives up, but is guided by emotions and makes many mistakes in making decisions. Doesn't take advice from friends or relatives.


Taurus - and here, the lady who received the name Love, is self-critical and temperamental at the same time, analyzes a lot, is reasonable, never goes against fate and always weighs all decisions made. Not sentimental, but easily absorbed by memories and depressed.


Gemini is impulsive and aggressive, reacts extremely negatively to any criticism addressed to her, can raise a fuss where it is unrealistic for another person, a brawler and a very eccentric person. He prefers to be in the center of attention, and no matter in what light he presents himself.


Cancer - a girl named after Love, who was born at the time of the reign of this zodiac sign, is vulnerable and sentimental, vulnerable and receptive. She tries to be firm and tough, but in the end she herself suffers from the same efforts. She does not know how and does not want to be a leader, she is slow.

a lion

Leo - a lioness, who received the name Love at birth, on the contrary, is a born leader, a person who prefers to be a manager, but not someone who is manipulated and controlled. He does not tolerate instructions and mentoring, he achieves everything on his own and solves any troubles personally and without someone else's interference.


Virgo - the meaning of Virgo bestows a difficult character. This is an erudite and friendly lady by the origin of her soul and nature, but she does not want to spend time in the company of people. A loner, and her compatibility is only with the same lonely and independent males.


Libra - and the name Love, which became Libra according to the sign of the zodiac, is a lady who is fond of everything in a row with a developed imagination and a craving for everything unknown. Wants to appear strong and responsible, but in reality is unstable, fickle. But sociable and friendly.


Scorpio is here, the bearer of the name Love, it is freedom-loving. Independent, demanding and fickle lady. Very decisive and powerful, but it seems to many different. It is difficult for men to get along with her, too intrusive, persistent, untouchable and independent.


Sagittarius is, on the contrary, a too dependent and dependent woman who needs endless support, tips and incitement. She is afraid to make decisions, relies on intuition and advice from loved ones in everything, trusting and shy. But it will become an ideal wife.


Capricorn is demanding, demands from people what she herself can never give, defends her opinion to the last, imposes it on everyone around, does not like those who do not want to accept her for who she is. Her worldly goal is self-realization and becoming as a separate unique personality.


Aquarius is sweet, friendly, attentive, has excellent compatibility with all signs without exception. Rudeness and insolence does not tolerate spirit, avoids potential traitors and liars, hates flattery. She will be an ideal wife and a good mother to her children.


Pisces - shy, not talkative. Does not like to talk in vain, a good listener. At any moment, she will come to the rescue and listen to the person in need of her shoulder. She has few friends, but they are all time-tested. He feels comfortable only in the company of relatives and relatives.

Compatibility with male names

The best compatibility for a girl named Love with men, who at birth are called such name forms as Adrian, Anatoly, Aristarkh, Thaddeus, Khariton, Svyatoslav, Semyon, Rem, Osip, Nestor, Vyacheslav, Eugene, Grigory. In the case of an alliance with a guy named by one of these names, there is every chance of building a really strong, happy, passionate and long-lasting couple. The marriage will be truly “clean.”

Alfred, Dmitry, Trofim, Nikolai, Varlaam, Izyaslav - with representatives of the opposite sex, called these variations, relations can also be mutual, honest, clean and sincere, but in the end they can end in parting, because there is incompatibility of characters.

But with people like Apollo, Demyan, Luka, Saveliy, Yaroslav and Stanislav, it’s better not to create a couple for Lyuba, because such relationships will not end in anything good, jealousy will surely replace feelings, and the final parting.

The name Love comes from the ancient Greek name Agape, which means "love" in translation. The girl Agape had two more sisters - Pistis and Elpis, which means faith and hope. Like the names Vera and Hope, the name Love was not used for the baptism of girls until the beginning of the 18th century, despite the presence in the calendar.

The first interest in the name Love appeared during the reign of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, and was most often used among the nobility. The peak of the popularity of the name falls on the 50-60s of the twentieth century, and now the name Love of girls is called less and less.

Among women there are a lot of worthy representatives bearing the name Love. For example, actresses Lyubov Orlova and Lyubov Polishchuk, singers Lyubov Uspenskaya and Lyubov Kazarnovskaya, the famous athlete and scout Lyubov Kulakova, Lyubov Shevtsova - Hero of the Soviet Union, head of the underground organization "Young Guard" and many others.

Name days and patron saints

The patroness of all women named Love is considered Roman Love - one of the sisters of the famous triad "Faith, Hope, Love." All three sisters were beheaded by pagans for their holy faith in Christ in front of their mother, the martyr Sophia. Before the execution, nine-year-old Lyubov, ten-year-old Nadezhda and Vera, who was only 12 years old, were subjected to severe torture. Three days after the death of the girls, their mother Sophia died at the grave of her daughters.

Name characteristic

A woman named Love can be described in two words - fatal and frantic. The only thing that can make her lose her head and do crazy things is love. In all other respects, this is an attractive personality for everyone, possessing an extraordinary mind and composure.

The energy of the name Love contains a strong character, dressed in softness, sincerity and kindness. Fortitude and vital wisdom are hidden behind the pretty appearance of a pleasant and erudite woman.

The main character trait of Lyubov is the firmness and strong will that has been observed in her since early childhood. Excessive firmness results in a desire to command, although it cannot be called a conflict personality. With all the sociability and sociability inherent in Love, a chill and some detachment are always noticeable in her. She never fully opens up to people, even those closest to her.

The restraint and patience of Love is again determined by the firmness of character. She knows how to control herself, never falls into tantrums, always radiates friendliness. Her interests are the most important for her, and she knows how to defend them. Even if outwardly Lyuba is sociable and cheerful, another person still lives inside her, immersed in her thoughts and plans, about which Lyuba does not tell anyone.

Love is very artistic, and life for her is one big stage on which Lyuba can play a variety of roles. Behind a pretty appearance and outward calmness lies an iron will that guides Love through life. She rarely becomes a victim, rather the opposite. Tactfully and imperceptibly, she makes others begin to serve her without noticing it. Love is a born leader who always acts as he sees fit, regardless of the opinions of others. Her leadership is especially evident in a narrow circle of people.

When communicating with Anyone, the interlocutor should remember that a woman remembers both bad and good for a very long time. If you still have to get on the list of her enemies, then you can be sure that this is forever. She is a very devoted person, but she chooses her few friends very carefully.

Recipe for the occasion::

Love in childhood

Little Lyubasha is a sweet and shy girl who does not give her parents any trouble. Her artistic abilities appear very early, which must be allowed to develop.

At school, Love is a solid average. She stands out among her classmates with beautiful neat clothes and impeccable makeup. Even then, boys begin to pay attention to her, with whom the girl knows how to be friends, but still likes to spend more time with her girlfriends. Teachers easily negotiate with Lyuba, she rarely goes into open conflict.

Lyuba grows up very early, and her character changes - the girl begins to keep a distance between herself and the outside world. She leaves the care of adults, but parents need to pay attention to the emotional experiences of their daughter and support her in everything. All the affections and interests instilled in Lyuba in childhood, she will keep for life.


Little Lyuba can often get colds, and as she grows older, she can have problems with gynecology.

Due to overload at work or a turbulent environment at home, nervous breakdowns are possible, which can seriously undermine Lyubino's health. As a result of disruption of the nervous system, metabolic disorders are possible.

Sexuality of Love

Love never lacks fans, as it looks good and knows how to win people over. For communication and sex, Lyuba tries to choose a highly intelligent partner with whom she would be interested and who has a lot to learn. An ordinary or simply ill-mannered person will never interest her.

Because of women like Love, men commit madness, leave families and ruin their careers. She herself surrenders to passion completely and requires the same from her partner.

Lyuba literally rushes headlong into relationships - she knows how to love passionately and passionately. It can easily lose its head, go crazy with love and jealousy. The state of being in love gives her a feeling of fullness of life, continuous euphoria. She sees only good features in a completely chosen one and stubbornly does not notice his shortcomings.

In sex, Luba is very sensual, but a little shy. For her, there are taboos that she will never transgress. She needs a sensitive and delicate partner and a calm environment. Casual sex with a stranger is almost impossible.

Marriage and family, compatibility with male names

Most often, the first marriage for a woman named Love ends in failure, as she only learns to be soft and compromise. And although Love is not at all deprived of male attention, she may be threatened with loneliness - due to overly inflated ideals of love and marriage.

Love is not a very good housewife, as she is sorry to waste time on household chores. Therefore, Lyuba needs a calm, homely and not obsessed with order husband. She will be a faithful and devoted wife, and she will demand the same from her husband. Love is always generous and indulgent towards the people it loves.

Lyuba can sacrifice everything for the sake of a loved one, but she does not always see her mistakes. Excessive guardianship and care, the constant desire to keep everything under control can cause a husband to want to “free himself”. Love considers itself the head of the family and does not like to be contradicted or act in its own way.

Lyuba will be a very caring mother, she will try to comprehensively develop her children, take them to sports sections and circles.

A successful marriage for Lyubov is possible with men named Alexei, Alexander, Gleb, Victor, Gennady, Konstantin and Julius. An alliance with Yuri, Igor, Stanislav, Vasily, Valentin and Boris should be avoided.

Business and career

Love from an early age strives for independence - first from the parents, then from the husband. She will never be a simple housewife, because sitting at home within four walls is torture for her. She needs companionship and satisfaction of her ambitions. Love is endowed with a bright personality, and all its aspirations are aimed at being realized in life.

There are a lot of professions suitable for Love. This person, talented in all respects, can prove himself in art, science, pedagogy, jurisprudence, and in production. Whatever Lyuba does, she will be talented and competent everywhere.

You can rely on Love as an organizer, manager - she knows how to make difficult decisions and not evade responsibility. Love steadfastly overcomes all obstacles and difficulties, does not give up and does not give up.

If Love decides to start her own business, then most likely she will be lucky, since her character has all the traits necessary to achieve success.

Whatever profession Lyuba chooses, she will never stop growing spiritually and emotionally.

Talismans for Love

  • The ruling planet is Saturn.
  • The patronizing sign of the zodiac is Libra.
  • A favorable time of the year is summer, a favorable day of the week is Friday.
  • The color that brings good luck is blue, blue.
  • Totem plant - linden. Linden is considered a symbol of marital fidelity and love. The tree acts as a talisman that protects from the evil eye, delusion and evil spirits. In no case should the linden be broken, chopped or defiled in any other way.
  • Totem animal - praying mantis. This insect is a symbol of cunning and resourcefulness, helping Love to adapt to any life situation.
  • Talisman stone - lapis lazuli. This stone is a symbol of success and power. The healing and magical properties of lapis lazuli will help its owner get rid of bad thoughts and gain inner freedom, cure migraines and nervous disorders.

Horoscope for Love

Aries- a woman with irrepressible energy, infecting everyone around her with her optimism. She is confident in her abilities and never gives in to difficulties. This is an honest and noble person, although a little cruel and tactless. Most often, she gets a weak-willed partner as her husband, since it is precisely such men that she most attracts.

Taurus- A sociable and sociable personality, prone to conservatism. She knows how and loves to work, because work gives her financial independence, which is very important for Love-Taurus. A woman plagues her partner with jealousy and constant checks. Her love is obsessive, incredibly strong and constant. Can passionately love one man all his life.

Twins- a charming personality, the soul of any company. He knows how to adapt to any situation and get out of the water dry. Her flexible mind and resourcefulness make a woman a good diplomat. Moral principles do not at all forbid Lyuba to spin two novels at the same time, burning with sincerity at once on "two fronts".

Crayfish- A hardworking, responsible person who can handle any business. A woman may seem hard and insensitive to others, but in fact she is a kind and vulnerable person. She will be a devoted and caring wife to her husband, but with her whims she can bring anyone to white heat.

a lion- Purposeful and ambitious personality, with clear life plans. A woman will not allow anyone to command her or interfere in her life. She needs to work and act like air - a waste of time depresses her. With all its fortitude, Love, born under the sign of Leo, knows how to faithfully love and trust, and betrayal hurts her very much.

Virgo- Persistent and prudent, she knows how to bring any matter to its logical conclusion. When Love-Virgo is confident in her abilities and strengths, she becomes the most successful in her business. And although those around her consider mercantile and secretive, she is capable of deep feelings and affection.

scales- Balanced and reasonable personality, but slightly indecisive. He checks and rechecks everything, he thinks for a very long time, but he makes a minimum of mistakes. Love-Libra is constantly in search of the golden mean, the search for balance is the purpose of its existence.

Scorpion- a femme fatale, passionate and temperamental. She knows how to be her own among strangers, often becomes the object of envy and gossip. Love, passion and thirst for power lead Love-Scorpio along a very difficult life path. She knows how to be cruel and caustic, so living with such a woman is very difficult.

Sagittarius- an open and uncompromising personality who does not know how to lie and dodge at all. She always speaks directly about what she thinks, so she easily makes enemies for herself. She firmly believes that nothing is impossible in life, you just need to make an effort. Sooner or later, Luba-Sagittarius always achieves what he wants.

Capricorn- a cautious, thoughtful woman, always acting for sure. She will not take up a case if she is not sure of success. She is an incredible hard worker, can work to physical and mental exhaustion. In a relationship with a man, respect and mutual understanding are important to her, first of all, and love comes in second place on this list.

Aquarius- a vulnerable and vulnerable woman, endowed with strong intuition. If Love-Aquarius learns to trust her intuition, she will be able to overcome the uncertainty that accompanies her in life. She feels people and predicts events, but prefers to keep her abilities to herself and does not always trust them. Her feelings are always deep and devoted, but she does not always know how to express them.

Fishes- a woman who strives for perfection in everything. It is very important for her what others think about her, so she always listens to other people's opinions. Compassion and a spiritual approach underlies most of Love's actions, her sensitive nature is always ready to help those in need. She is ready to give everything she has to her beloved person.

The content of the article

Origin and meaning

The female name Love is a literal translation of the ancient Greek name Agape. It is also the name of the youngest of the Christian martyr sisters (Hope, Faith, Love), whose names have become the name of virtues revered by mankind. It used to be popular, but is no longer popular.

Name astrology

  • Libra
  • Ruler Planet: Saturn
  • Talisman Stone: Lapis Lazuli
  • Color: dark blue
  • Linden tree
  • plant: lovage
  • Animal: praying mantis
  • Favorable day: Friday


The phonosemantics of the name (sound) is quite saturated and impresses with its hardness and temperament. Love has a strong, strong-willed and secretive character. As a child, she was very active and friendly. The school is mediocre. Such a student is little interested in theoretical knowledge, she is in a hurry to get to know real life.

With age, Lyuba acquires a noticeable, selfish character that was formed in childhood. Such a woman has a high opinion of her abilities, is conflicted. She skillfully and confidently defends personal interests. The fate of relatives and friends rarely interests her.

The secret of the name Love is that behind a charming look and a gentle voice lies an iron character. The girl always focuses on intuitive feelings. She does not trust logic, personal experience, someone's convictions and persuasion. Observant, not devoid of participation in various intrigues. The love of money and beautiful clothes makes her look for an opportunity to strengthen her financial condition.

In the life of such a person, a man plays a huge role. She always strives to look perfect, she is very worried about her health. Therefore, she simply needs a “male shoulder”, support and financial assistance. But the “money bag” will not suit her, since Lyuba also urgently needs inner harmony, a sense of satisfaction with her personal life. That is why she can reveal her true, explosive and unbridled nature only when she is sure that this does not threaten her well-being.

Interests and hobbies

Love loves a beautiful and luxurious life. Her hobbies are always directly proportional to the level of wealth. However, it is also obvious that, being a creative person, she never sits idly by. Favorite needlework is considered the best cure for boredom.

Profession and business

A girl named Love will do a job that does not require a lightning-fast reaction, responsible decisions. Good luck brings floristry, librarianship, merchandising, pharmacology. She feels great in the role of a social worker, archivist, cook, administrator.


Lyuba likes to discuss the topic of health. She devotes a lot of time to studying modern methods of healing and improving appearance. Allergic reactions to which her body is prone are more likely to be hereditary.

Sex and love

Love is charming, charming and flirtatious. She likes men. At the same time, happiness does not smile at her in her intimate life due to her complex nature and high demands on the stronger sex. Such a girl simply raves about "Mendelssohn's march" and "a stamp in her passport." She does not even allow her lovers to maintain the illusion of freedom, which provokes another break in relations. Her sexuality can be called average, but the desire to love and be loved is the highest.

Family and marriage

The story of a woman with a complex name Love after the wedding does not end, but only begins, as she makes every effort to create a family hearth. The family for her is a real “Klondike” of family values, a way to arrange married life reliably and harmoniously, with love for children.

According to Mendelev

Beautiful, good and feminine name. It shows the influence of the lexical meaning of the word love and the psycho-emotional indicators of the sounding name Love.

In life, the owner of this name is distinguished by beauty and kindness. With both men and women, he always maintains the best relations and almost never conflicts, but in relationships there is always a slight chill and some detachment. It seems that she is never completely open, and frank even in front of the closest person.

Love has a strong, but not sufficiently mobile type of nervous system. Her excitability and susceptibility are reduced, in any case, everything that happens in her soul is not outwardly manifested in any way. Pleasant and unpleasant events, as it were, flow around her without touching her, and some trifle, insignificant for others, can have a strong influence on her. True, this rarely happens.

Nothing definite can be said about her intellect: for different women named Love, it can be completely different, although for the majority the type of thinking is male, analytical, and the logic is straightforward. Oddly enough, she sometimes achieves great professional success in technology and production, that is, in traditionally male areas.

Love in youth is better than Love, more feminine and beautiful. During this period of her life, she is more frank and sociable. The distance between her and other people comes later.

Success in men is clear, ubiquitous and undeniable. Despite the high sexuality, in intimate relationships, he still retains noticeable restraint. He brings up children in strictness, they grow up mentally and physically healthy, seasoned and balanced people, but internally they are closer to their father than to their mother.

Love Name Colors:

Bluish, lilac, white.

According to D. and N. Zima

The meaning and origin of the name: The name Love appeared in Russia along with Orthodoxy as a tracing paper (literal translation) of the Greek name Agapa, "Love"

The energy of the name and character: No matter how attractive and charming the meaning is invested in this name, it is easy to see that it sounds quite firm and passionate. It has an impulse, strength, so that this love can not only warm, but scorch and torment a person and, first of all, Lyuba herself. What to do, reality is usually far from philistine ideas. Approximately the same thing happened with the word angel - Christmas cards paint rosy-cheeked harmless babies, while all holy books speak of angels as warriors, whose power is impossible to look at without unbearable torment. So is the Sun, it is good to contemplate it only from afar, and even through the haze of clouds, otherwise it simply burns a person's eyes. Well, besides, the philistine meaning of the word love is erased due to frequent use, and the solid and passionate melody of the name itself comes to the fore.

In a word, the name is capable of endowing Lyuba with a very difficult and far from mild character. However, the firmness of the name makes her patient and restrained, she is friendly in communication, benevolent, but this feeling is very far from touching serenity. One has only to hurt her pride, as an explosion can occur and there will be no trace of goodwill. Lyuba usually has a very strong will, most often from childhood she knows the value of the word "must" and devotes a lot of time and effort to her studies. Often she can stay apart in the team. The sufficient isolation of the name plays a significant role here, but even if Lyuba is outwardly sociable and cheerful, another person will still live inside her, immersed in her own thoughts and considering her own plans.

Best of all, these qualities of Luba are manifested in her career. She can be very stubborn, and failure does not unsettle her. She is not afraid of painstaking daily work, which makes her a good, albeit rather stubborn worker. It is especially favorable if Lyuba manages to combine work with her spiritual interest in her career. The fact is that due to the combination of emotionality and restraint, most of Lyubin's feelings acquire the character of deep passion, and therefore if any interests were instilled in her in childhood, then she usually retains them for life.

The same applies to Lyuba's love relationships, in which she, most likely, will try to remain faithful to one and only person. But in the family, Lyubina's will and firmness may not be entirely favorable, she is usually a good housewife, but it is very possible that, trying to manage her husband, she will provoke many family scandals.

Secrets of communication: When communicating with Anyone, one should not forget that she is able to remember both good and bad for a very long time. Be sure that if you happened to be among her enemies, then this is most likely forever, although outwardly she can be rather reserved with you.

The trace of a name in history:

Lyubov Orlova

Undoubtedly, in her time there were actresses no less beautiful and even very talented, but it was Lyubov Orlova (1902–1975) who became a kind of symbol of the 30s–40s of the 20th century, creating on the screen a vivid image of a girl of her generation. Perfectly educated (she graduated not only from the Moscow Conservatory, but also from the choreographic department of the theater college), the actress, according to the directors who worked with her, immediately began to feel the role and took an active part in the detailed study of the image of each of her heroines. By the way, this is one of the reasons why many directors simply refused to work with Orlova - they could not tolerate the willfulness of the actress, who did not agree to do everything exactly according to their orders.

Orlova's film debut was the role of the fatal Grushenka in the adaptation of Dostoevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov", followed by comedy films: "Circus", where Orlova played Marion Dixon, "Spring", "Volga-Volga" and others. She sang and danced superbly, which, combined with her natural bright appearance and talent, simply could not help but make her the idol of millions.

The concepts of "life" and "ordinary" for Orlova simply did not exist; being a creative person, she managed to bring into everyday life the same elements of surprise, play and fantasy that she successfully used on stage. So, the actress personally designed some items of her life, loved things "with a twist" (not necessarily expensive) and came up with styles of extraordinary dresses.

Orlova's husband, director G. Alexandrov, treated his famous, but at times capricious, like a girl, wife gently and reverently - just like she did to him. She starred in almost all of his films, and it was about her that the director made his last two films - Starling and Lyre and Lyubov Orlova. The people around in a good way envied the star couple, not getting tired, however, to wonder: how, having lived together for so many years, they managed to maintain a relationship in which they never said “you” to each other in their entire lives - only respectful “you”.

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