Home Berries Human freedom social science. What does the term "free society" mean? Free society: different models. The term "free society": what people understand by it

Human freedom social science. What does the term "free society" mean? Free society: different models. The term "free society": what people understand by it

Vita sine libertate, nihil!
(Life without freedom is nothing!)
Latin saying

Lesson Objectives:

  • Educational (cognitive): to give students an idea of ​​what freedom is; show the evolution of the concept of "freedom"; reveal the features of the manifestation of freedom in various spheres of public life; to characterize the most common restrictions and violations of human and civil rights and freedoms.
  • Developing: create conditions for the formation of students: logical and figurative thinking; ability to work with written and oral sources; ability to compare homogeneous phenomena; ability to group and classify information.
  • Educational : to bring students to the understanding that freedom is an enduring value in any society, to reveal its significance in the life of every person; to continue the formation of value orientations of students by discussing alternative models of human behavior in situations of choice; demonstrate a model of cross-cultural dialogue (on the example of statements by representatives of different cultures and eras about freedom); create motivation to study the subject.


Today at the lesson we will talk about freedom. What expressions with this word do you know?(Freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, freedom of choice, freedom of creativity, etc.). As an epigraph for the lesson, I offer you the Latin saying Vita sine libertate, nihil!, which translates as "Life without freedom means nothing."

We will consider a number of questions during the lesson: Firstly what freedom is, what are its main aspects, how it is limited and how it is violated; Secondly, we will see how freedom manifests itself in various spheres of public life ( in which?- economic, political, social and spiritual), in -third Why do we need freedom. We do not accidentally turn to this topic. Freedom is one of the eternal values, and today it is more important than ever to know what freedoms and to what extent we have and how we can protect our freedom.

What is freedom? Let's turn to fragment No. 1 of the didactic material and get acquainted with one of the definitions of the concept of "freedom". The dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov gives us the following definition of the concept of "freedom": it is "independence, the absence of constraints and restrictions that bind the socio-political life and activities ... of society and its members." But this definition was not always so. In different historical eras, freedom was perceived by people in different ways. For primitive man to be free meant to belong to a clan, a tribe, "to be one's own." In antiquity freedom is the ability to control the fate that was in the hands of the gods, as well as freedom from political despotism. In the Middle Ages freedom meant leading a spiritual, righteous, and sinless life. During the Renaissance freedom was understood as the unhindered development of the human personality, the emancipation of the creative consciousness of people. Into the new time this word was written on the banners of all Western European revolutions and symbolized the equality of all citizens. For a man of an industrial, modern society freedom acquired economic and legal meaning. What is freedom for you personally? (this is an opportunity to have political and civil rights; to manage your resources, your capital, your time).

So, we tried to answer the first question of the lesson - what is freedom, as our contemporaries understand it. Name the documents in which human rights and freedoms are enshrined (Universal Declaration of Human Rights, constitutions of countries). Let's turn to task number 2 - this is a fragment of the text of the Constitution of the Russian Federation - and let's see what rights and freedoms are reflected there. We will distribute them according to the spheres of public life. However, there are rights and freedoms that are difficult to attribute to any particular area. These are the so-called personal rights and freedoms. Now read the document and distribute the numbers of articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation by spheres of public life (economic sphere: 8, 34, 37; political - 2, 13; social - 19; spiritual - 28, 29, 44).

So, we partially got acquainted with our rights enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and confirmed your idea that to be free means to have certain rights. The French philosopher Charles Montesquieu said that freedom is the right to do whatever is permitted by law. But sometimes freedom is understood as permissiveness, complete independence from any norms or restrictions. Even the Roman orator Cicero once remarked that freedom is independence from laws. So, you are presented with a choice of two points of view on freedom. What statement do you agree with? Now you are exercising your right to freedom. You choose - this is your free choice of two options - what are these options called? (Alternatives).

Our choice can be conscious or unconscious. let's consider situation of informed choice. Tell me what you could do now if you didn't have to go to this lesson? What made you come here? How conscious and how free is your choice? A conscious choice is not always the right one. A person can drink, smoke, use drugs. Is this a conscious choice? Free? (The choice is free, but entails lack of freedom, dependence). But the choice always remains with the person!

Sometimes choice happens unconsciously. Because of which? (Instinct (“I don’t know what came over me”), due to lack of information or false information). Give examples from your life when you made an unconscious choice.

And sometimes a person is in a situation of false choice. A similar situation is described in the novel by Yaroslav Hasek "The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik": "I offer you quartering or burning at the stake of your choice." Why is this a false choice?

Why do you think it is difficult for a person to make a choice? First, a person feels responsible for his choice and, at the same time, uncertain about it. Which exit? (Shift the burden of the decision on someone else's shoulders). On whose shoulders do we usually shift the burden of responsibility? Who do we blame for our failures? (parents, state, God). But when we do decide to make a choice, we face three questions. Let's work with task number 3 of didactic material.

"What I want?" - what does this question reflect? (wants, needs). "What I can?" - what does this question reflect? (Abilities: physical, intellectual, mental, as well as circumstances, that is, the influence of the situation). "What should I?" - what does this question reflect? Who or what forces people to make choices? (Duty, responsibility, conscience, etiquette, moral standards, traditions, public opinion, law, social standards, cultural traditions, etc.). But do the answers to all three questions always coincide? Often a person is torn between opposing aspirations, alternatives, between what he WANTS, CAN and MUST do. Give an example of the discrepancy between the answers to these three questions from your own life experience.

As you can see, there are internal and external factors that influence a person's choice. What applies to internal factors?(Desire, ability and responsibility, conscience). Now we have controllers in public transport, but this was not always the case. If we turn to representatives of the older generation, they will tell you that there used to be cash registers in public transport and passengers, entering the bus or trolleybus, had to throw a coin into the cashier and tear off the ticket. All buses had the inscription "Personal conscience - the best controller." Why do you think it doesn't exist now? Is there no conscience now? Or has it gotten smaller? Conscience is necessary for a person, because often we are responsible not only for ourselves, but also for the lives of other people. For example, what should be the responsibility of the driver? In what state should he start working? (sober, well-rested, not violating the rules of the road).

What applies to external factors limiting human freedom? (Norms of morality, traditions, public opinion, law, social standards and cultural traditions). And let's think about whether absolute, unrestricted freedom is possible? For example, is it possible to consider the hero of Daniel Defoe's novel "Robinson Crusoe" absolutely free, who lived alone on a desert island for a long time? Conclusion: freedom is always relative.

Thus, there are internal and external restrictions on human freedom. What are they needed for? (They are designed to ensure the freedom of people). Society monitors the observance of the norms adopted in it. The state supports the rights and freedoms of the individual in society through legislation. If the freedom of a person and a citizen is violated, then the state restricts the freedom of the violator - how? (Prisons, psychiatric hospitals). However, we should not forget that sometimes our rights and freedoms are restricted illegally. Let's look at possible violations of our rights in various areas of public life.

Economic sphere. How are consumer rights violated? (body kit, cheating, false information). To prevent such fraud, there is a “Consumer Protection Law”, which gives a person the opportunity to assert their rights. How are the rights of employees violated in the labor market? Let's turn to job advertisements (task number 4), because soon you yourself will face the problem of employment. Read the advertisements and name the requirements for employees (gender, age, length of service, qualifications, registration, work experience, etc.). Don't you think that this is a violation of the rights of citizens? This is discrimination in the labor market.

Political sphere. How are political rights to freedom violated? All of you know very well that in our city the "Vladimirsky Central" is still functioning - a prison that used to contain political prisoners who fought for civil rights. Let's read a poem by Alexander Galich (task number 5) and think about it: is it possible to say with certainty that the lyrical hero is not free? Conclusion: even if a person is not physically free, he can remain a free spirit.

spiritual realm. Let's turn to those articles of the Constitution that you referred to the spiritual sphere. How are these rights violated? (Censorship, religious oppression, etc.).

As we can see, our rights and freedoms can be violated in all spheres of public life. And the task of a person is to know their rights and fight for them! It is not enough just to have the right to freedom, you also need to be able to defend it. Let's see how you now understand the meaning of the word "freedom": offer your associations that begin with each of the letters of this word.

WITH words, power...
V– power, choice, religious tolerance…
O- Responsibility, responsibility...
B- struggle, the future ...
O- restriction, relative freedom ...
D- activity …
A– alternative, absolute freedom…

Do we need freedom? Let's read the sentence given in task number 6. So how is it easier to live: free or not free? And what do you prefer: freedom, which entails a difficult choice and responsibility for the decision made, or following the path suggested by someone else, perhaps more intelligent and experienced?


  • Draw (or describe) a portrait of a free man. What qualities will he have?
  • For those who wish: Recall situations from your own life when you walked away from a choice (did not make a choice). For what reasons? To whom did you shift this responsibility and why? Did you feel the consequences of this decision?

Didactic material for the lesson

  1. Freedom is independence, the absence of constraints and restrictions that bind the socio-political life and activities of ... society and its members. (Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. - M., 1978, p. 648).
  2. Read excerpts from the articles of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and determine which areas of society they regulate.
Articles Constitution of the Russian Federation

Article 2

Man, his rights and freedoms are the highest value. Recognition, observance and protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen is the duty of the state.

Article 8

1. The unity of the economic space, free movement of goods, services and financial resources, support for competition, and freedom of economic activity are guaranteed in the Russian Federation.

Article 13

1. Ideological diversity is recognized in the Russian Federation….

3. Political diversity and multi-party system are recognized in the Russian Federation.

Article 17

2. Fundamental human rights and freedoms are inalienable and belong to everyone from birth.

3. The exercise of human and civil rights and freedoms must not violate the rights and freedoms of other persons.

Article 19

2. The state guarantees the equality of human and civil rights and freedoms regardless of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, property and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership in public associations, as well as other circumstances ...

Article 20

1. Everyone has the right to life

Article 22

1. Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person

Article 27

1. Everyone has the right to move freely, choose a place of stay and residence

Article 28

Everyone is guaranteed freedom of conscience, freedom of religion...

Article 29

1. Everyone is guaranteed freedom of thought and speech.

Article 34

1. Everyone has the right to freely use his abilities and property ...

Article 37

1. Everyone has the right to freely dispose of their abilities to work, to choose the type of activity and profession.

Article 44

1. Everyone is guaranteed the freedom of literary, artistic, scientific, technical and other forms of creativity, teaching ...

3. Fill in the table "Factors influencing our choice":

  • Required sales representative, male/female, 20 to 40 years old, car, driving license category "B", work experience as a sales representative or sales manager for at least 6 months. Executive, responsible. Salary 25,000-35,000 rubles, fuel, communications are additionally paid.
  • The company needs a permanent job: a loader (male), salary up to 15,000 rubles; storekeeper-designer (male), salary up to 16,000 rubles; age up to 45 years. Full social package.
  • Pharmacists needed. Experience from 1 year. Work in Gorokhovets, transport and housing are paid, salary is 15,000-20,000 rubles.
  • A brand manager is required (male or female, under 35 years old, higher education (marketing specialist), preferably with work experience), salary from 18,000 thousand rubles.
  • Required plumber (male, with experience of 1 year, age up to 45 years, salary 12,000 rubles).

5. Read a poem by Alexander Galich. Is it safe to say that prisoners are not completely free?

I choose freedom
But not out of battle, but into battle,
I choose freedom
Just be yourself.
And this is my freedom
Do you need clearer words?
And that's my concern
How can I get along with her.
But sweeter than your stories
I am the pride of my misfortune,
Freedom of government soldering,
The freedom of a sip of water.
(Alexander Galich)

6. How do you understand the following statement of the Polish satirist Stanisław Jerzy Lec:“Those who put blinders on their eyes should remember that the kit also includes a bridle and a whip”?

Sources and literature

  1. Constitution of the Russian Federation. Anthem of the Russian Federation (as amended by the law of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 2008 No. 7-FKZ). - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2009.
  2. Social science. Textbook for university entrants / G. G. Kirilenko, M. V. Kudina, L. B. Logunova and others; ed. Yu.Yu. Petrunina. - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M., Aspect Press, 2003. S. 330-335.
  3. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. - M., 1978. S. 648.
  4. Fundamentals of State and Law: A Textbook for Applicants to Universities / Ed. Academician O.E. Kutafin. – 5th ed., revised. and additional - M.: Jurist, 1997. S. 74-86.
  5. Sorokina E.N. Pourochnye developments in social science. Profile level: 10th grade. - M.: VAKO, 2008. S. 145-149, 396-401.

Absolute truth is a once and for all established truth that has no refutation, the limit of human knowledge in the process of cognition. Absolute truth can always turn into relative if new knowledge arises. Abstract theoretical thinking is a type of thinking in which a person relies on strictly scientific data, using them in his life, and sensual-concrete thinking is a way of reasoning based on religious ideas, faith, and their preference over abstract theoretical thinking. Abstraction - distraction "Freedom - in social science is a philosophical category. Among philosophers there is no unambiguous definition of the term" freedom ". Freedom is a form, a type of human behavior, defined by him, a person, for himself on the basis of worldview, belief and faith. freedom may include independence in thoughts and judgments, the ability to express one's opinion, freedom is a responsible attitude to one's actions, freedom is the right to do what is not prohibited by society (law, law). different circumstances, to have the right to choose actions (means) to achieve the set goal.In cases where a person’s behavior can be defined by society as negative deviant behavior, society gives itself the right to restrict a person’s freedom through the restriction of his rights by moral norms or written law. Freedom is not only a philosophical category, but also an economic category. I, social political, spiritual; but in any case, this is the choice of rational ways to achieve the goal, rational, that is, not damaging society, but contributing to its improvement. from the specific properties of the object in order to see new significant connections within the object and between objects. Activity - in the dictionary of foreign words - is an energetic, intensified activity, from the word "activus" - active. But in social science, this is a process that does not always give a specific positive or negative result, which allows a number of social scientists not to consider communication as an activity, but only as an activity, since communication can be pointless. Analysis is a method of scientific knowledge based on the decomposition of the whole into separate components. The Administrative Code is the legal norms governing activities in the field of management, the code regulates social relations that arise in the process of organizing and executive-administrative activities of public administration. An administrative offense is always associated with management. Administrative legal relations - that is, considered in accordance with the requirements of the administrative code. Authoritarian - the principle of government, based on unquestioning obedience to power, the regime does not tolerate opposition. Authority is a generally recognized value, recognition of a person's merits by society. Arbitration court - a court on property disputes between business entities (legal entities). Adaptation is addiction. Aspect - the point of view from which the subject is considered. Basis - the economic basis that ensures the survival and development of society. The basis is priority, the superstructure is secondary. Superstructure - the political (ideological) component of society, in other words, what ensures the effective existence of society (including the basis). Budget - list of expenses. Spending plan. Veche is a national assembly in ancient Russia. Faith is a form of worldview, which consists in the ideas and beliefs of the individual in the world. It is formed under the influence of religious, political or other beliefs about an ideal society. It is expressed in the beliefs of the individual that the world must be changed or preserved on the basis of the principles and ideals that he has. Perception is a reflection of objects and their properties in the form of a holistic image. Sensation is a reflection in the cerebral cortex, in the human mind of individual properties of objects and phenomena. Representation is the preservation in memory of a generalized sensually visual image of an object. Hegemony - from the Greek hegemonia - domination, leadership, primacy, predominance; in Marxism, hegemony is the leading role of a social class, for example: the hegemony of the proletariat. Hypothesis - a scientific assumption put forward to explain a phenomenon, requiring verification at the empirical and theoretical levels. Globalization is the processes taking place in society and associated with problems that arise in the course of combining the efforts of peoples, society as a whole, on a global scale to solve economic, environmental, political, communication and other problems. Global problems: a colossal gap in the development and well-being of the regions of the planet, the problems of war and peace, the state of the biosphere, environmental problems. The state is a political territorial organization with the following features: 1. Sovereignty, 2. The presence of special governing bodies, 3. The monopoly right to establish laws (legal norms) that are binding, 4. Monopoly right to establish and collect taxes, 5. Monopoly right to use violence. 6. The presence of the institution of citizenship. Only the state has the right to implement economic, social policy, cultural and ideological course within the framework of sovereignty. State (oral sample) - 1. State - a political system based on the management and subordination of society to the laws created by this state. 2. Management and subordination are carried out on the basis of the ability to issue laws, control their implementation, and punish non-compliance with laws. That is to realize three forms of power: legislative, executive and judicial. 3. The political system can be implemented through a dictatorship or democracy. 4. Dictatorship is power concentrated in the hands of one person, one narrow group, party, seeking to exercise this power through violence rather than suppress opposition within society. 5. Democracy - a form of government based on the power of the people, that is, the election of representatives of the branches of government (most often only legislative). In a democracy, all these branches are interdependent, but still some primacy is given to the legislature. 6. Among democratic states, forms of government are known such as: a monarchy in modern society (Sweden), a constitutional monarchy (Great Britain), a parliamentary republic (Austria), a presidential republic (USA), a mixed republic (RF). 7. Dictatorship - authoritarian or totalitarian. Both forms can be represented by military or civilian regimes: fascist, Bolshevik, nationalist, or others. 8. State: unitary (France), federal (union) - primarily the United States, confederate (allied with limited common power structures). 9. The legitimacy of power in the state - the support of power by the majority of the population. 10. Conclusion - the state is primarily an apparatus of coercion, with the only difference being who carries out this coercion: the individual (party) or society itself (democracy). The state is a political system capable of organizing society for its best management. The state ensures the integrity of society as a system. The hallmarks of a state are sovereignty, power, laws, an apparatus of violence, and an administrative apparatus. Power controls the economic, social, political, spiritual subsystems through persuasion or the use of force (the threat of force). The power in the state establishes the level of subordination of some members of society to others, their rights and obligations. Power in the state is considered legitimate when supported by the majority of the population. The exclusivity of such a political system as the state lies in the fact that it is 1. a system of power - the right to issue the necessary laws, 2. the right to demand the execution of published laws, 3. the right to punish those who seek to violate the laws adopted, 4. the right to form an image thoughts of the citizens of the state. The humanization of labor is the process of creating working conditions that, without reducing production capabilities, would not harm human health. Discipline is a certain order of behavior of people that meets social norms, as well as the requirements of a particular organization. Discipline is: 1) military; 2) state; 3) negotiable; 4) labor. Contractual discipline - the degree of determination of the mutual obligations of the parties assumed in the process of industrial relations. Declaration - 1) a solemn proclamation of the principles and the name of the document in which they - the principles are set out, 2) a statement on behalf of a party, organization, state, 3) an application submitted to customs for the transport of goods, valuables in a designated amount, etc. Declaration - voicing or a written statement of your intentions; for example, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (a document adopted by the UN) speaks of the human right to be protected from any form of discrimination. Deviant behavior - from the Italian word "via" - road, deviant, that is, "off the road", that is, deviating from the main road, not like everyone else. It can be positive - collecting and negative - drug addiction. Deviant behavior or deviant behavior is behavior that does not correspond to social norms, it can be positive and negative, for example, + collecting, inventing; - offense, etc. Deduction - a logical conclusion coming from the general (general judgments) to a particular conclusion. Demography - the science of population and its change, demographic - describing the population, its ethnic essence, size, gender, age composition, etc. Demography - literally: population description, a science that explores the resettlement of people, their composition, number. Dumping - dumping, that is, dropping; dump export. Export of goods at reduced prices, lower than domestically or on the world market. The purpose of such actions is to ruin a competitor, to deprive him of the market for the sale of goods. Activity - a form of activity inherent only to man, is to transform the surrounding reality; produced by the subject and directed to the object. The subject sets a goal and determines the means to achieve it. The goal is motivated by consciousness and subconsciousness, while consciousness acts on the basis of 1) needs, 2) beliefs, 3) interests. There are the following activities: practical and spiritual; labor, play and special - creative. Activity - transformative activity peculiar only to man and aimed only at changing the conditions of existence. In the process of activity, a person acts as a subject acting on an object with the help of means (actions, deeds, objects, etc.) to achieve the goal. In the course of such an impact, a person performs actions that lead to a result (expected, niche or higher than expected). Human behavior in the process of activity consists of actions. At the heart of any act is motivation - the need for action. Needs are physiological, existential, social, prestigious and spiritual. Needs are based on beliefs (strong views on something) and interests (the desire to change or save something). All this can be realized through practical, spiritual, creative, labor and play activities. Dictatorship is a regime, a form of government, a form of political power based on the unlimited powers of the leadership, party, individual. Discrimination - oppression on any grounds. Differentiation - from the Latin "difference", the division of the whole into parts, forms and steps. The difference between one group and another, when it comes to the division of society by income, level of education, types of activity, we must talk about stratification, since differentiation is not a group, but the difference between one group and another on specific grounds. Democracy is a social system based on the elective power, on granting the population broad democratic rights and freedoms, first of all, the right to elect and be elected to legislative bodies, freedom of speech, press, assembly, freedom of conscience, etc. Delink ventnoe - from the word "delinquent": offender, rebel, criminal; that is, delinquent - in other words, criminal. Dualistic monarchy - from the word "dual", in this type of state, the monarch appoints the government, independently of the parliament and adopts regulations with the consent of the government. Spiritual-theoretical activity is a form of activity that is inherent only to a person and is expressed in the generalization of accumulated experience, practice; reflection of the objective patterns of development of society and personality through intellectual work - the formation of ideas, theories, hypotheses, that is, through the reproduction of intangible values. Spiritual and theoretical activity is looking for ways to form or change the consciousness of the individual. Spiritual and practical activity is a form of activity inherent only in man and expressed in the generalization of accumulated experience, practice; reflection of the objective patterns of the development of society and the individual through the practical application of theories developed in the course of spiritual and theoretical activities and applied in practice by spiritual and practical activities. Spiritual consumption is the use of spiritual values ​​or spiritual benefits obtained in practice, in which a person feels the need, that is, in knowledge, the desire to act, in communication, in aesthetics. The "Greens" are a political party that sets as its task the formation of such a government that would pay maximum attention to the struggle for the protection of the environment and nature. Currently, the Greens do not have a majority in the political structures of states, but their influence is growing. Ideals are what a person sees as the perfection of nature, society and the individual. The ideal is the highest ultimate goal of aspirations, activities in the transformation of nature, society and the individual. Inventive activity is a creative process, as a result of which something new is produced, which has significant technical differences compared to previously manufactured devices in the same field of science. Investment - or capital investment, investment in the production of something. Individuality is the unique originality of a person, a set of his unique properties. An individual is a person as a biological species, with certain characteristics that are common to all people. Induction is a logical conclusion based on going in the process of cognition from the particular to the general. Deduction - from the general to the particular. Integration is the process of combining efforts to create something whole from separate parts. Integration - literally: restoration. Integer - an integer. Internationalization is the strengthening of common features, including cultural ones, among different societies, peoples, strata, classes. Internationalization is intensifying due to globalization, the global division of labor, and so on. Interpretation is the interpretation of the meaning of a word. Intuition - knowledge that arises without awareness of the ways to obtain it, insight, usually intuition occurs in a person who persistently deals with one, less often several problems that he knows thoroughly. Otherwise: intuition is an area of ​​the subconscious, that is, the process of comprehension takes place at the level of the subconscious, not controlled by consciousness, hence the insight. In fact, intuition, insight is impossible without detailed knowledge. Infrastructure is an internal component of something, components of something, including society. Ideology - thought, the direction of thought towards conservatism, liberalism, socialism, and other ways of social development. Truth is immutable knowledge, something that cannot be doubted. Truth can be absolute or relative. Absolute - once and for all established and proven truth. Relative - A truth that is or is believed to be true until proven otherwise. The historical process is the path of human development, which consists in expressing the results achieved in the course of the activities of subjects in the economic, social, political and spiritual spheres. The most significant subjects of historical activity are: Marx, Klyuchevsky, Herzen and Berdyaev. They believed that the people are a conservative subject of history, aware of themselves as a single whole, with a common mindset and traditions. Capital is value that yields surplus property or profit. Caste is a closed social group isolated from others, the isolation of which is supported by tradition, less often by laws. Class (-S) - a social social group or institution, the formation of which begins in the era of capitalism, i.e. with the beginning of the industrial stage of the economic development of society. The main distinguishing feature of the class is the attitude (possession) to property. The main classes are the bourgeoisie (the class of capitalists, owners of the means of production) and the proletariat (the class of hired workers who do not own the means of production: "... the proletariat has nothing to lose but its chains." Karl Marx). In an industrial society, the working class is growing in number and is usually the majority of the population. In a post-industrial society, the working class is decreasing in number. The qualities of a modern worker - Literacy and correctness in the performance of the functions assigned to the worker, on which the quality of products depends, is called professionalism. Closely related to it is special vocational training, which requires the ability to perform complex labor operations, it is called a qualification. Labor discipline - the degree to which an employee fulfills special requirements for his work and labor operations - is the key to success in work. However, only in cooperation with technological discipline - a clear and consistent implementation of each stage of work, high product quality is ensured. An important role in improving the quality of production is played by the initiative of employees, which makes it possible to find the best ways to develop and improve labor activity. But only with the precise and clear interaction of the segments involved in material production, in a timely manner fulfilling their obligations - the performance of the subjects of production, is the logical conclusion of high-quality and competent labor activity. Conservatism is a direction in the social movement seeking to preserve the existing social order (norm). Competition - rivalry; in a market economy, it regulates costs, that is, it strives to reduce costs, and production results, that is, it improves quality. Consolidation - strengthening, consolidation, rallying, combining the efforts of several individuals, groups to achieve a goal. Communication - connection. Competent - having knowledge on a particular issue. Quotation - the ability of securities to liquidity, that is, their price at a given time, depending on their demand. Communication - means of communication, communication. Cooperation is a form of labor organization in which a large number of people participate in one production process or in different, but interconnected processes. Consensus is a political setting for finding compromises, based on the possibility of reaching an agreement, making decisions on the principle of unanimity. A confederation is an association of sovereign states to solve common problems. Confessional - from the Latin word "confession", means: religion, church. Confession - this or that direction in religion, church. For example: Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Buddhist. Social control is a social institution that regulates the behavior of an individual so that his actions correspond to what society expects from such an individual. A concept is a system of views on something. The concept is a single plan of action. A conceptual judgment, that is, a judgment based on a scientific (or non-scientific) understanding of the nature of things and built according to a certain algorithm (sequence of actions). Criterion - a sign of something on the basis of which an assessment, classification is carried out. The criterion of truth is that which certifies the objective truth of knowledge. Social practice is considered to be the highest criterion of truth. Culture - a set of material and spiritual values ​​created by mankind throughout its development, the development of society. Culture is what is created by society and in society. Personality - a person acting as a subject in the environment of social relations. Lumpen - a declassed element, the lowest social stratum, for example, the homeless, criminals. The Unified State Examination Handout says that lumpen, as an element not bound by prejudices, more often than others act as the initiators of change. Liberalism is a political and economic course that upholds the right of citizens to own, use and dispose of private property (natural human rights). As a political direction (ideology), liberalism arose in Europe in the 19th century, initially the liberals advocated bourgeois reforms, granting the population voting and other rights. In politics, as a party, the liberals defend the right to dominate the market economy, non-interference of the state in the affairs of the market (the thesis of self-regulation of the market; the liberals assign the role of the "night watchman" of the bourgeois, capitalist system or the market to the state). Lobby - a public association, a group, for example, a group of deputies in parliament. Such a group is engaged in "pushing through" a solution that is beneficial to itself or to higher persons on whom the lobbyists depend (whose henchmen they are). Logic is the science of laws and forms of thought. Logic is based on judgments, inferences and concepts. Formal logic - studies the forms of thoughts and the forms of their combination. Dialectical logic - studies thinking in its development. Mathematical logic - logic developed by mathematical methods, is especially visible in the design and use of computers (computers). Lumpen - from the word lumpen - rags, in the public sense - these are declassed elements - vagrants, beggars, criminal elements. Legal - legal. Material production is the purposeful labor activity of people. The process of production of material goods and things. Mentality is the final fusion of the spiritual world of a person, his approach to practice and theory of knowledge. This phenomenon is personal, inherent in each individual person, depending on the type of his activity. Worldview - a phenomenon of the spiritual world of a person, his views on the world as a whole; his relation to this world; the degree of satisfaction with the world and the desire to transform or preserve it. The views of the individual, his attitude to the world, satisfaction with the world, the desire to transform the surrounding reality are based on convictions - stable views on the world, ideals and principles. Worldview is 1. ordinary, that is, formed in the process of a person's personal activity; 2. religious, formed on the basis of a person's attitude to religion as a whole - formed on the basis of the experience of other people, perceived traditionally; 3. scientific, which is formed on the basis of learned scientific data and their systematic processing. Moral assessment of a person is such an assessment of the activity of a person, which consists in approving or condemning actions from the point of view of their compliance with the rules that exist in a given society. Morality is understood as the norms of consciousness, and morality is their practical implementation in life. Ethics is engaged in the definition of criteria of morality and morality. Moral categories are: honesty, generosity, courage, lies, betrayal, cowardice, conscience, pride, repentance, shame, etc. moral and moral assessment of a person is always wider than legal and legal, since not everything that is condemned by moral categories , is punishable by law. Each society has its own norms of moral evaluation, it often happens like this: in one society, what is approved in another is condemned. An example of the formation of universal moral values ​​is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the UN in 1948 (See the meaning of the term "legal and legal assessment of the individual"). Majoritarian electoral system - from the Latin "major" or "major", chief, senior, greater. An electoral system based on the principle of winning the one who gets the most votes. Basic principle: one district - one winner. This system is characterized by a single-member constituency. Monopoly - from the Latin word "mono" - one, a form of capitalist enterprise based on the degree of centralization of management, the degree of unification of production, usually a monopoly controls the market for the production and sale of goods: a syndicate, cartel, trust, concern. Mobile - mobile. Municipal - from the Latin word "local". A municipality is a local self-government body of a city in some states of Europe. Municipal tax, i.e. local tax. Local self-government - local authorities, in the regions of urban, rural settlements, which form the local budget, manage municipal property, and are engaged in law enforcement. Marginals - from the Latin word marginalis - located on the edge. In social science - those elements that are outside the main strata of society. The group is distinguished by its instability. Municipality - body of local economic self-government; municipalization - forced transfer by the state of the private property of the municipality. A nation is a large group of people, an ethnohistorical community (a kind of ethnic group) that has the following features: 1. stable economic ties, 2. literary language, 3. territory, 4. historical path. Nations are formed only under capitalism, other ethnohistorical communities are called: clan, tribe, nationality (see signs 3,4,2). In the clan and tribe, in addition to the common territory of residence, there are blood ties, the nationality is already developing a common literary language. But only a nation is united by stable economic ties. Nationalization is the transfer of private property into the hands of the state. Scientific knowledge is knowledge with the aim of knowing the world as it is, regardless of the subjective perception of a person. Scientific knowledge is carried out at two levels - empirical and theoretical, but by different methods - 1) at the empirical level - observation and systematization of observation; experiment and systematization of the experiment; conclusion based on observations and experiments; experience and common sense. 2) in the theoretical - the study of abstract theoretical laws when working with objects that cannot be observed; the methods of this knowledge are logic, scientific hypothesis and mathematical modeling. In the process of scientific development, theoretical knowledge can turn into empirical - experimental. The scientific revolution is a new stage in the development of science, in which new theories are created, sometimes contradicting previously known truths. During the scientific revolution, theory finds its confirmation in practice through experiments and experiments. Innovation - from the word "new" - the creation of something that has not yet existed, for example, the creation of an airplane by the Wright brothers. Social norm - rules of conduct established by society for all its members. Norms are the standard that society expects from a person. A normative legal act is a single legal document. Rules of law - laws in general. An illegal party is an illegal political force. Society is a part of the world isolated from nature; in the narrow sense - a dynamic, changing group of people united by a common goal, for the sake of which consolidation took place. The main goal of such an association, as a rule, is the struggle for survival. In the broadest sense of the word - all of humanity as a whole. The dynamism of society as a system is visible in the huge number of segments that make up this system, interacting with each other and serving to achieve the goal set for society. Such segments are the economic, social, political and spiritual components of society, dynamically interacting with each other, that is, in the process of social relations - the relations of people among themselves in the process of social production. Any form of interaction between people in the process of social relations is directed either to material or spiritual production. For the most effective functioning of society, it must be studied. Currently, such sciences as political science, sociology, jurisprudence, economics, etc. are engaged in this. Thus, society is a dynamic segmental system, the action of which is aimed at material and spiritual production in order to ensure the survival of mankind. The opposition is a political force that has its own views on the methods of government, the opposition opposes the authorities, offers its own version of development. Objective truth is reliable, correct knowledge that exists regardless of how a person perceives it. Objective knowledge exists regardless of whether a person studies it or not. An oligarchy is a political group that has economic dominance in society. Otherwise, "the power of the few" or, more rarely, one - the exploiter, the slave owner, the militaristic elite of society (the junta). A public association is a social group of people united by common interests and rights. Their goal is to achieve these interests, rights. A public association is characterized by voluntary entry and exit from it, its independence from the state. In the course of the historical process, a public association can turn into a social group. Parascience is a branch that, unlike science, is engaged in the study of the supernatural, which is still inexplicable from the standpoint of modern science, revealing the essence of natural and social phenomena. Cognition - obtaining knowledge about the world, the surrounding reality, the subject. There are two types of knowledge - empirical or experimental (observation, experiment, systematization of observations and experiments, conclusions), rational (analysis, synthesis, comparison and assimilation, generalization and abstraction, conclusion). Social cognition - obtaining knowledge about a person and society, about a person within society. The features of such cognition are 1. that the subject and object of cognition coincide, 2. social cognition itself is subjective, 3. the object of study is complex and constantly changing, 4. observation and experiment are limited in their capabilities. Based on paragraphs. 1 - 4, we can conclude: social cognition requires a specific historical approach with the identification of patterns in the development of internal ties (relationships) in society. Such patterns are established on the basis of revealing the facts of social reality that require scientific interpretation (interpretation), scientific justification, and scientific evaluation. At the same time, it must be remembered that the fact itself is objective, and any scientific assessment is subjective and depends on the scientific objectivity of the subject. Politics is the art of managing society, the state. At the heart of politics is power, power determines what is obligatory for execution. Politics is 1. the art of governing the state on the basis of the power received, retaining this power, and improving it. Management occurs by leading politicians through coercion and persuasion; 2. - the field of activity associated with relations between classes, nations, social groups, the problem of which is the conquest, retention and use of state power, participation in public affairs. When problems arise related to the issue of property, and, consequently, with the issue of power; within the social, economic and spiritual spheres affecting the political structure of the country, the issues of solving these problems acquire a political character. Politics - "is the most concentrated expression of the economy," said V.I. Lenin (no matter how we treat Lenin, he is right here). The political system determines the relationship between man and power. On one side of this system there is a person, the figures who govern the country, and on the other side there is a person, people living in this state. Even a person who is far from politics is influenced by political decisions and can take part in political life, for example, through elections. Relations to power and property determine the laws of the country, which determine the form of state and political structure. The basic law of today's Russia is the Constitution of 1993. A political party is a group of people connected by political interests, the main purpose of such an organization is to gain power in society. To achieve this goal, the party determines its political course, approved by the majority of the population, or, otherwise, the political party comes to power, relying on violence. If a political party comes to power not legitimately, but it is supported by the majority of the population, then it still gets power. The most acceptable form of obtaining power at the present time are direct, universal, equal, secret - democratic elections. The most rational in modern society is a multi-party system. Political course or political program - a program of political action put forward by a political party in the economic, social, political and spiritual spheres. The content of the course (program) determines the direction of activity so that it (the course) is attractive to the majority of the population or part of the population ready to vote (support) such a party in elections or otherwise. The program differs from the course in that the program is the theoretical part, while the course is the implemented part of the party's policy. Both the program and the course are subject to adjustment (may be changed). The political system is the order of the internal organization of the state, based on two principles: democracy (democracy) or dictatorship (power of a few or one). Dictatorship can be totalitarian (fascism, national socialism, Bolshevism) or authoritarian (military power, civilian power, but in both cases based on violence). There are four types of democracy: constitutional-monarchical (Great Britain, Sweden), parliamentary republic, presidential republic, mixed type of power: parliamentary-presidential. Cognition is the process of acquiring knowledge. Prestige - assessment by society of the social significance of the individual. Crime - the most dangerous form of violation of social norms - the offense. It is committed knowingly and guilty, threatens the life, health of a person, the survival of society, can be an encroachment on the property of a person and the state. Punishment for such an offense is provided for in the Criminal Code. Proportional electoral system - a system based on the principle of proportional division of votes depending on their total number. Priority - primacy in anything: in science, in art, technology, etc. So in law, LAWS have primacy - right, that is, the law. The oath of the President - determines the time when he begins to exercise his powers. Privatization is the transfer of state property to private ownership (the conditions for this are specified separately). Principles - from the Latin "principium" - the basis or beginning; basic, initial provisions of social theories, teachings. Guiding ideas, the basic rules for the activity of the individual in his desire to transform the world: nature, society, personality. Progress - moving forward from the lowest to the highest, improving something, getting more advanced. Social progress - qualitative changes in the state of society, aimed at moving from simple forms of organization of society to more advanced ones, which make it possible to improve the economic structure of society, thereby transforming social relations, while changing the political structure of power, primarily property relations; these changes are impossible without the transformation of human consciousness, his spiritual state. The forces that promote the development of productivity in society through the humanization of social relations are progressive. Marx singled out 5 consecutive cycles (formational approach), each of which was more perfect than the previous one. He called them formations: primitive communal, slaveholding, feudal, capitalist and communist. Social progress and regress constantly alternate, and the progress of one inevitably entails the regression of the other and vice versa. Schelling considered the level of the legal structure of society, the supremacy in it of laws established by society itself, to be the criterion of progress. A precedent is in law: a "judicial precedent" is a case that took place earlier, which now serves as a model for making a decision. Presumption - in law: presumption of innocence - an assumption based on the probability of innocence, a person is considered innocent until proven otherwise by a court. Pluralism is the right to have one's position in society, the ability to choose from several options, the ability to choose the acceptable from many. PRESIDENT - The head of state and the highest official of Russia. * It defines the main directions of domestic and foreign policy; * Is the Supreme Commander; * Has the right to impose a state of emergency on the entire territory or part of the subjects of Russia; The President signs the laws of Russia in their final form; * it suspends the by-laws of the Government if they go against the Constitution of the state. * Under certain circumstances, the President decides on the resignation of the Government or the dissolution of the State Duma. He is elected for a term of 4 years, has the right to hold office for no more than two consecutive terms. The President must be a Russian citizen at least 35 years of age who has lived in Russia for at least 10 years before the elections. Privileges - advantages in something received from the state or others. The political system is an integral mechanism for the formation and functioning of political power. Precedent - going ahead, a case that has taken place, serving as an example or justification for cases of this kind; the second meaning is a court decision rendered in a case on the basis of similar cases. The President of the Russian Federation is the head of state with supreme powers, he is also the supreme commander in chief. Public law regulates relations affecting the public interest, one of the participants in such a process is usually endowed with state power. For example, a policeman is a citizen. Rational knowledge is the process of acquiring knowledge through the mind: theory, hypothesis, model, mathematical verification of the model. Rational - reasonably justified, expedient, irrational - unreasonable, not leading to the achievement of the goal. A revolution is a radical turning point, a rapid shift that causes strong changes in the economy, the political sphere, etc. Regression is a movement back from higher to lower, from complex to simple, deterioration of something. The regime is political - it can be totalitarian, authoritarian, democratic. Mode - a way of organizing state power, its bodies. A referendum is a form of expressing the will of the people on the most important issues, in the Russian Federation it is used in exceptional cases: the adoption of the constitution of the Russian Federation in 1993, a change in the territorial structure. A similar form of expressing the will of the people is a plebiscite - a referendum on the inclusion or exclusion of new territories into (from) a subject, a plebiscite is held with the consent of the Russian Federation and the subject or subjects themselves if they are united. A secular (from the word "light") state is a state where the church is separated from it (from the state). In such a state, the church does not directly influence the economy, social sphere, politics and culture. The state where religion (Christianity, Islam, Buddhism - world religions; Judaism), the church has a direct influence on the government or the leaders of the church rule the country, is called theocratic. Self-knowledge is the process of acquiring knowledge about oneself. This is carried out in three stages: 1. comparison of one's Self and the ideal Self, an attempt to get closer to the ideal; 2. self-esteem, which is expressed in the assessment of what has been achieved in comparison with the expected, 3. increase or decrease in self-esteem, based on the result. In the process of self-knowledge, a person uses self-confession - an assessment of what he has done to himself. Self-knowledge can be carried out in the process of activity: games, labor, communication. Sanction - the word has several semantic meanings, including the opposite ones: prohibitive and permissive sanctions. 1. approval by the highest instance of a legal norm, giving it legal force. That is, a sanction is a legal norm in itself. 2. sanction - part of the norm, the law, indicating the legal consequences for the violator of the law. That is an example of the impact of the state on the individual. 3. measure of influence of the state against the state. 4. sanction - approval of something, permission for actions (for paragraphs 2 and 3). Property - the right to own, use, dispose of property. Freedom is a necessary human activity, that is, a natural, objectively determined course of development of events. Freedom is an activity not independent of the laws of nature and society, but actions in accordance with their norms. Freedom is the right to choose the means to achieve the goal. Freedom is not only a philosophical category, but also a political, social, economic and spiritual category, that is, without harming society, a free person improves himself and it. But philosophers have not found an unambiguous definition of the term freedom. The absolute freedom of one person necessarily acts as the limitation of the freedom of another. A person is free when she is given the right to choose faith, beliefs, worldviews, interests, the freedom of one person should not restrict the freedom of another person. Social cognition is the process of acquiring knowledge about society and the individual. The peculiarity of such cognition lies in the fact that 1) the subject and object of cognition coincide; 2) knowledge is subjective, and the object of knowledge is constantly changing. Experiences and experiments to obtain social knowledge are limited. Therefore, in social cognition, a concrete historical approach is used, that is, a person and a situation are considered in relation to a given object at a given moment in time. Based on this, facts are determined, they are interpreted, and a person evaluates them through the prism of his mind. A social group is a group of individuals united by common interests, goals, deeds in various fields (social, economic, political, spiritual). Such groups are: classes, nations, public associations, parties. The goal of such groups is survival, achievement of success in the task, gaining power. The human individual is simultaneously included in different social groups. Synthesis - literally: connection or generalization; a method of scientific knowledge based on obtaining a whole from individual components. Mixed system - combines the majority and proportional systems. Social norms - the rules of behavior in society, established by law and society. They can be ordinary (from the word custom) or traditional - unwritten or moral, as well as written laws. Socialization - from the word "society" - society, that is, the process of getting used to, adapting a person to society; habituation (acquisition of values, methods and forms of activity) of a person to a particular social group that exists in society. Socialism is a social direction based on the idea of ​​building a socially just society: without the exploitation of man by man. The socialist doctrine presupposes: the equal distribution of public goods, the complete abolition of exploitation and class struggle as a method of building such a society. Social (public) state - a state directing its efforts to ensure decent living conditions for a person - society. Social status is the place in society that a person occupies. It happens acquired and prescribed. Stratification - the division of society into separate groups, united by educational, property or other features - strata - layers. In modern society, the theory of social stratification is based on the level of income. Structural unemployment is the reduction of jobs as a result of the replacement of human labor by machine labor. In modern society, such unemployment is sought to be overcome through training in new professions. The family is a social group based on kinship ties. "The family is the cell of society." There are different types of families in different societies. For example, in a traditional society, this is a patriarchal family, the head of which is either the eldest in the family or the husband. Since in a traditional society a man is the main earner who provides for the life of the family, he is the master; the position of a woman is subordinate, the younger ones listen to the elders, that is, the more experienced. Often a man in general (a boy) can command women, even if they are older than him. In a patriarchal family, violence is often present as a form of conflict resolution. In an industrial society, a partner family is formed with equal rights and duties of husband and wife. In a partner family, the duties of the spouses are divided between them approximately equally or in a different form of distribution. In a partner family, violence is unacceptable either between spouses or in relation to children. An equal family in an industrial or post-industrial society is less stable, since there is no or almost no material dependence of one family member on another (in a husband-wife relationship). The subject of law is the law enforcer. The object of law is what or to whom the action of the norm (S) of law is directed. The subject of power is the State, political parties, elites and leaders (political law enforcers). The subject of power through the objects of power (political institutions) affects the object. Subjective truth is reliable correct knowledge that exists in parallel with objective knowledge and depends on the subject, the person. Subculture - the culture of some social stratum. The layer itself has only its inherent features: gender, age, etc. the word "sub" means below, being a part of something. Sovereignty is the complete independence of a state from anyone or anything. In a narrow sense, this is the binding nature of decisions of state power, the possibility of canceling decisions of non-state political organizations, and the possession of a number of exclusive rights. Secularization is the transfer of church land ownership to the state. Theocratic state - see secular state. Theory is a generalization of experience, social practice, reflecting the objective laws of development, nature, society and the individual. A totalitarian regime is a system, a form of power based on the principles of the domination of one political party, headed by one leader, whose personality is an unconditional authority for others. Under a totalitarian regime, there is no opposition. The regime is based on violence, terror, relies on the army, coercion and does not tolerate opposition. Tolerance - from the Latin tolerancia or patience; patience, tolerance towards another person. Theocracy, theocratic state - a state in which religion dominates, which is led by religious leaders. Tradition is a law based on norms that have been established in time, preserved from old times, another name is customary law, customary law. The first rule of law is tradition, legal custom. Traditions are always conservative. Tradition - from the Latin "tradicio" - "narrative". In other words: historically developed and passed down from generation to generation customs, customs, rules of conduct, customs, rules of life. The traditional mode of production is a form of material production based on peasant labor, the exploitation of the peasant as the main source of income. Usually, this mode of production is understood as the primitive communal, slave-owning and feudal state of society. In a traditional society, the one who owns the land dominates. It is being replaced by an industrial society. Labor activity is a conscious need for a person to work with the use of tools to achieve their goals. Relations between people in the process of production are called relations of production. Labor discipline - the degree to which an employee fulfills special requirements for his work, labor operations. Beliefs are stable views on the world order. The desire to embody their ideals and principles in the existing world through actions and deeds. Unitary - a state structure characterized by centralized management of administrative-territorial units and the absence of separate, independent state formations. A unitary state excludes any independence of its constituent territorial units. A legal fact is a non-fictional event related to the field of law. Federative state structure - from the Latin word "federation", which means - union; that is, relating to the union (federal) state. Such states are the Russian Federation, the USA, the Federal Republic of Germany and others. Folklore - literally: "the voice of the people", a work of oral folk art. Formations (or socio-historical formations) are forms of organization of society depending on the main mode of production. Whoever owns the means of production in a society is at the political helm of such a society. Marx singled out the following formations: primitive communal, slaveholding, feudal, capitalist and communist. Formation - from lat formation - education. A stage in the development of human society, characterized by its own characteristics: 1. social and political relations. 2. A method of production based on the interaction of productive forces and production relations. The productive forces are characterized by their relation to property: whoever owns property establishes production relations. Based on this, Friedrich Engels singled out 5 socio-historical formations: 1. primitive communal, 2. slave-owning, 3. feudal, 4. capitalist, 5. communist. Formation - a stage in the development of human society, characterized by its own characteristics: 1. mode of production and 2. social and political relations. The mode of production is based on the interaction of 1. productive forces (people) and 2. production relations (relations between people in the production process). The productive forces are characterized by their relation to the means of production, that is, by property relations: whoever owns the property establishes the relations of production. Based on this, Friedrich Engels singled out 5 socio-historical formations: 1. primitive communal, 2. slave-owning, 3. feudal, 4. capitalist, 5. communist. The formational approach is a form of contemplation of the historical process from the point of view of five socio-historical formations that naturally replace each other, with each subsequent civilization being at a higher level of development of productive forces and production relations, the change of civilizations is natural and civilization exists separately from such forms of organization of society like savagery and barbarism. The functions of power are the execution, implementation of the tasks facing the state: the formation of legislation, the protection of the rights of citizens, guarantees for the protection of their property, maintaining stability within society, etc. The goal is the first thing that a person determines for himself, starting conscious activity. The civilizational approach is a form of considering the historical process from an independent point of view on the development of each civilization, as well as their free interaction without being tied to the level of development of productive forces and production relations. Western civilization is an industrial type of organization of society, which includes Europe, Japan and North America. This type of civilization is characterized by intensive production. In this civilization, active, creative, transformative human activity comes to the fore. The ideals of civilization are the principles of constant renewal of society. The most important value of Western civilization is an independent person, individualism, ideas about inalienable human rights, civil society and the rule of law. Civilization and culture relationship - Spengler: civilization and culture are different things, culture is a creative stage in the development of society, and civilization is the time of the decline of culture, the time is not the production of spiritual values, but the consumption of material values. Weber - culture is a system of civilizational values ​​that distinguish one level of civilization from another. Traditional civilization is a type of organization of society, which includes the countries of the East: China, India, Malaysia, as well as Africa, parts of South America. The Eastern type of civilization has deep historical roots, which are based on traditions, customs, religion, passed down from generation to generation. This type of civilization is characterized by collectivism. Traditional society changes slowly, it is not inclined to change the internal structure of society. The traditional type of civilization is largely formed under the influence of natural and climatic conditions. Civilization - from lat. Civilis - civil, state. Level, stage of social development of material and spiritual culture in a certain period of time, considered through the facts of historical reality, arranged in chronological sequence. Moreover, each subsequent civilization reaches a higher level of perfection than the previous one. Private law - establishes equality between all participants in the legal process. Legal capacity is the ability of a person to acquire rights and obligations through his actions. Legal capacity comes from the moment of birth, then with age it can increase. Legal capacity is the ability to consciously dispose of one's rights and obligations. Legal capacity is regulated by age, for example, children from 6 to 14 years old can only enter into small household transactions, such as buying bread, pencils, etc. The fourth power is the press, the media. Ethnos - from the Greek "ethnos", that is - the people, ethnic - folk: clan, tribe, nationality. Ethnosocial - a description of a particular group of peoples, people. Aesthetics is the idea of ​​the beautiful and the ugly, the sublime and the base. Ethics - the doctrine of morality, as one of the forms of social consciousness. Evolution - improvement, slow and gradual development. Economics is the science of the social production of what a person needs for his survival, improvement of living conditions, ways of improving it. Existential needs - according to Maslow's theory, needs consisting in security, stability, etc. Extensive - literally: expanding, growing due to volumes, not quality. The word is opposite in meaning: intensive. Extremism is a commitment to extreme views and measures. Extremism is seen as a form of negative deviant behavior. Elite - the best, selected; elite belonging (to) the best members of society or the best members of society themselves. The same goes for elite culture. The elite is a narrow group of citizens necessary for the people, directing its activities in all spheres (social, economic, political, spiritual). Members of this group have the highest status, obtained as a result of the highest intellectual and moral superiority, a high sense of responsibility and the greatest activity in society. This group leads the masses of the people, i.e. governs society. Jurisprudence is a set of sciences about law. A legal and legal assessment of a person is such an assessment of a person’s actions, which is given from the point of view of the compliance of these actions with written state laws, a legally legal assessment of a person includes a moral assessment with all its components. The moral assessment does not always coincide with the legal assessment of the individual. Sometimes what is condemned by law is approved by society and vice versa. From the history of the state and law of Russia, since 1993. June 12, 1990 - adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty - Independence of Russia. December 12, 1993 - the adoption of the Constitution of Russia at a national referendum. State machine. The Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 establishes the following system of state bodies: 1. head of state - the President of the Russian Federation; 2. representative (that is, elected) and legislative body of the Russian Federation - the Federal Assembly, consisting of the Federation Council (178 people, 2 from the subject), consisting of representatives of the subjects of the federation, appointed by the subject itself and the State Duma (450 deputies), elected by the people according to party lists - proportional system; The chambers sit separately and have equal powers. 3. Government of the Russian Federation - the highest body of executive power in the country; the head of government - the prime minister - is submitted for approval to the State Duma by the President, in the event of a triple rejection by the Duma of a candidate for the post of prime minister, the President has the right to dissolve the government or the State Duma, the same occurs if the President does not agree with the Duma's vote of no confidence in the Government; 4. public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, that is, regions, territories, republics, cities of federal subordination (Moscow and St. Petersburg), other units within the Russian Federation; 5. Judicial power is exercised by the justice system - Courts; 6. The Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation - carries out the management of the most important criminal cases, oversees the conduct of cases by the investigating authorities, represents the prosecution in court, exercises control over the observance of the law in places of deprivation of liberty and pre-trial detention; 7. The state system includes the police department, the FSB, the army and other structures; 8. issues of local importance are solved by local governments, they implement some state tasks, but are not included in the structure of the state. State power in Russia is exercised on the basis of the principle of separation of powers into legislative, executive and judicial. The parties do not replace each other, establishing mutual control in the system of checks and balances. The President, as head of state, is the guarantor of the Constitution of Russia - the Russian Federation - this is the official name of the state, the rights and freedoms of its people. The President is elected on the basis of universal, equal, direct and secret elections. Any Russian citizen at least 35 years old and permanently residing in Russia for at least 10 years can become president. The President may serve no more than two consecutive terms in this post. The President may be deprived of his powers in the following cases: on his own initiative, in case of persistent incapacity to exercise his powers, on the initiative of the Federal Assembly. The Federal Assembly - consists of the State Duma and the Federation Council, if the Duma can be dissolved in the cases mentioned above, then the Federation Council cannot. The Government of the Russian Federation - manages the economy, organizes the implementation of the laws of the country, controls all the structures of executive power in the country. The Chairman of the Government is appointed in agreement with the State Duma in the event that - a new President takes office, the Government resigns, the Chairman of the Government resigns. The Court of the Russian Federation is the ONLY BODY IMPLEMENTING JUSTICE. THE COURT IS: CONSTITUTIONAL COURT, CIVIL COURT (arbitration - since 1995); ADMINISTRATIVE COURT, CRIMINAL COURT. Only the top floor of the judicial bodies is named in the Constitution: the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court, the Supreme Arbitration Court - judges are appointed to all these courts by the Federation Council, and to the rest - by the President. -Court happens - Constitutional, Arbitration and general jurisdiction. Economic disputes can be resolved by an arbitration court - a court elected by agreement of the parties. -Justice on the ground can be carried out by magistrates considering all types of cases of a simple offense. -Legal responsibility, it is also legal responsibility, is a set of adverse consequences for those who violated the law: "by a specific offense;" an offense entails measures of state coercion; "these measures are established in a special manner, determined by the law of Russia. Crime is the most dangerous type of offense. The crime is directed: "against the person; "against the economy; "against public safety; "against state power; "military crime; "a crime against peace and humanity. The defendant has the presumption of innocence - he cannot be called a criminal until it is proven in court. The maximum punishment in Russia is life imprisonment. Currently, the execution of sentences for those sentenced to death is suspended , although the death penalty itself has not yet been excluded from the system of punishment.Circumstances excluding criminal prosecution for a person who has committed a violation of the law falling under the CC: necessary self-defense, extreme necessity (extreme situation), causing harm to a wanted person, etc., physical and mental coercion, reasonable risk (medicine), execution of an order An administrative offense - it falls under the AC RF: petty hooliganism, abuse, disruption of a headdress, obscene chanting, etc., entail administrative penalties - a warning, a fine, reimbursable - confiscation, seizure dmet, with the help of which the offense was committed); deprivation of special rights, correctional labor, administrative arrest for up to 15 days with the performance of physical work; administrative expulsion from the Russian Federation. Disciplinary responsibility - for committing a disciplinary act. These are: violation of the rules of service, labor discipline, the Labor Code names the types of punishment for disciplinary offenses: remark, reprimand, dismissal. The form of the state structure of Russia - the Russian Federation. Russia is a democratic, federal and legal state with a republican form of government. State integrity is determined by the presence of unified federal authorities. Each subject independently determines its structures, but in such a way that they do not run counter to the requirements of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The status of a subject of Russia is determined by its Constitution. The constitution defines the regime in Russia as democratic. The only thing about a referendum in the Constitution is that it is appointed by the President, the range of possibilities for a referendum is not defined in the Constitution (according to the law of 1995, the issue of early termination of his powers by the president, as well as the State Duma and the Federation Council, cannot be submitted to a referendum. Real power of the people of Russia is expressed in the ability to elect a president, elect members of the State Duma and take part in a referendum.The Constitution defines and consolidates the fundamental principles of organizing all spheres of society.The Civil Code - the Civil Code of Russia - implements property and related non-property relations.Family Code - 1995 , defines the relationship of citizens within a separate family. The Labor Code defines the system of actions that occur in the process of social production between the employer and the employee. The Code of Procedure - regulates the procedure for investigating illegal acts, crimes. The Criminal Code - establishes the criminality of acts, the punishment for them. All These are sources of Russian law. Below is a "ladder" of legal acts of different legal force: "constitution" federal law "decree of the president" government decree "normative act of the ministry or department" legal act of local governments. Public and private law. Public law regulates relations affecting the public interest, one of the participants in such a process is usually endowed with state power. For example, a policeman is a citizen. Private law - establishes equality between all participants in the legal process. Legal capacity is the ability of a person to acquire rights and obligations through his actions. Legal capacity comes from the moment of birth, then with age it can increase. Legal capacity is the ability to consciously dispose of one's rights and obligations. Legal capacity is regulated by age, for example, children from 6 to 14 years old can only enter into small household transactions, such as buying bread, pencils, etc. Rules of law are rules of conduct that are mandatory for all members of society. The rules are fixed by law. Violators of the rules are forced by the state to comply with the rules. Permanent norms are enshrined in laws and are valid for a long time, temporary norms - in decrees, instructions, etc. State or Constitutional law governs matters of state structure. Individuals are "human beings" endowed with rights. A legal entity is an organization that has separate property that is liable for their debts, which can be a defendant or a plaintiff in court. LE - commercial and non-commercial. Commercial - partnerships (full or limited). - business companies - (LLC, CJSC or JSC) Fundamentals of the theory of state and law. Rules of law. 1. Signs of the rule of law. Rules of law are social norms that reflect the internal structure of society. 1. General obligation for members of the society and persons located on the territory of this society. 2. Norms are created in the process of life and personal experience of citizens. 3. Norms are imposed on society by the ruling forces and are addressed to specific social strata (youth, military personnel, property owners, etc.). 4.Norms always a) provide the right to a certain freedom of action in society, but also b) oblige to perform or not to perform certain actions than to regulate social relations. 5. Norms are characterized by stability: repeated use and duration of existence. 2. Regulatory act. An N-P act is a law or a by-law adopted in the prescribed manner by the authorities (referendum) that regulates the procedure for legal relations within society, the state. Such an act has a specific structure, form and content; comes into force from the moment of publication. 3. Types of legal acts. Laws: 1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the main law that establishes the social structure of the state. 2. Federal constitutional laws - detail and develop the provisions of the Constitution. 3. Federal laws - are adopted on the subjects of the jurisdiction of Russia, they cannot contradict the Constitution of the Russian Federation. 4. Laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - are adopted in accordance with federal laws and the Constitution. In the event of a conflict between the laws of the Russian Federation and a subject of different competence, priority is given to the laws of the Russian Federation, but if the law of the Russian Federation granted the subject the right to determine his own actions, and because of this, contradictions arose, then in this case the law of the subject, and not R. F. By-laws: 1. Decrees of the chambers of the Federal Assembly - the legislature .. 2. Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation. 3. Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation - executive power. 4. Normative acts of the central executive authorities. 5.N A of local governments. 6. Intraorganizational (local acts) legal acts. Branches of law. 1. State or Constitutional law - regulates social relations between the state and society, the state and the subject of the Russian Federation, the state and local government, the state and the individual. 2. Administrative law - regulates relations in the field of public administration, establishes competence - the legal status of public administration bodies. 3. Civil law - the most extensive branch, regulates all property and related non-property relations of ownership. 4. Family law - regulates property and personal non-property relations related to marriage and family membership. 5.Financial law - regulates relations related to the financial and budgetary activities of the state. 6. Criminal law - determines the degree of danger of certain acts, referring them to crimes against the law: that is, against the person, health of citizens, property and society. Only the Criminal Code establishes punishment for the commission of unlawful acts, including in other branches of law. Legal relations Signs of legal relations. The emergence of legal relations is the main result of legal regulation. Specific rights and obligations of specific subjects - persons in relation to each other, enshrined in the rules of law are called subjective or individual. However, for the emergence of the norms of legal relations, it is not enough to have only the norms of law, the actual circumstances of their application are also needed. The actual circumstances with which the nomes of law associate 1. the emergence, 2. change or 3. termination of legal relations are recognized as legal facts. Legal facts are fixed in the hypotheses of legal norms. Among the various types of legal facts, their differentiation on the basis of will is of particular importance. In this point of view, legal facts are divided into two groups - legal events (do not depend on the will of people) and legal actions (volitional acts of human behavior). Actions are divided into lawful (legal acts and legal actions) and unlawful (crimes and misdemeanors). Relationships are characterized by certain characteristics. First, they are intellectual and volitional relationships. Relationships are always conscious-volitional in nature. Secondly, legal relations are inextricably linked with the rules of law. Thirdly, the participants in the legal relationship are endowed with mutual subjective rights and obligations that are inextricably linked. Fourth, legal relations are an element of the rule of law in society. They are protected (guaranteed) by the state. Thus, the legal relationship is a social relationship regulated by the rules of law, the participants of which are endowed with mutual legal rights and obligations protected by the state. The structure of the legal relationship. Relationships are made up of certain elements. Their combination forms its structure. It includes subjects, content and object of legal relationship. The subjects of a legal relationship are persons who may be their participants. Only a person or a community of people can be a participant in a legal relationship. In any legal relationship there must be at least two subjects. To participate in legal relations, each subject is endowed by the state with a special legal property - legal personality, i.e. the ability to be a participant in a legal relationship. As part of legal personality, it is customary to single out legal capacity, legal capacity and delictual capacity. Legal capacity is the ability of a subject to have rights and bear legal obligations. The main thing in legal capacity is not rights, but the fundamental opportunity (ability) to have them. The legal capacity of organizations arises from the moment of their formation, i.e. from the date of making the relevant entry in the unified state register of legal entities. Legal capacity is the ability of the subject, established by law, to acquire and exercise rights directly by his actions, create duties for himself and fulfill them. The legal capacity of individuals is inextricably linked with their intellectual and volitional maturity. Legal capacity of legal entities arises simultaneously with legal capacity and terminates from the moment the liquidation of the legal entity is completed. Delicacy is the ability of the subject to personally bear legal responsibility for the violation of the right, provided for by law. The content of the legal relationship is formed by the subjective legal rights and obligations of its participants. This is the legal content of the relationship. Subjective law is a type and measure of the possible behavior of a participant in a legal relationship, provided by the state. A characteristic feature of this right is the ability to use it at your own discretion. The legal obligation manifests itself in two aspects. First, the obligation to perform certain actions in the interests of the authorized person. The object of the relationship (material or non-material benefits) is understood as everything that the subjective rights and obligations of its subjects are aimed at. Offenses and legal liability. 1. Types of offenses. Offenses and misdemeanors are types of offences. The most dangerous type of offense is a crime. A crime is a socially dangerous act (action or inaction) prohibited by law and punishable in accordance with the Criminal Code. A distinctive feature of the crime is their public danger in comparison with other offenses, since it, the crime, encroaches on the individual. Its rights and freedoms, the constitutional system, property, etc. Offenses for which liability is not provided for by the Criminal Code are called misdemeanors. A misdemeanor is much less dangerous than a crime. Misdemeanor encroaches on various aspects of the rule of law. Misdemeanors are: administrative. Civil, disciplinary. Administrative offenses encroach on a wide range of public relations in the field of public administration. Responsibility for them is provided for by the norms of administrative law (Administrative Code of the Russian Federation). Civil offenses - encroach on property and personal non-property relations, regulated by the norms of the Civil, Family Code, they, as a rule, cause property damage. Disciplinary offenses encroach on the legally binding order of the activities of certain groups of people, they are committed in the sphere of official relations. Legal responsibility is a measure of state coercion, which is embodied in the obligation of the guilty person to undergo certain hardships provided for by law. 1. It is applied by the state represented by state competent authorities. In the process of bringing to justice, the offender is subjected not only to state, but also to public condemnation. Legal liability deprives certain needs of the guilty person, who is obliged to endure them. Legal liability comes only for the committed offense. Legal responsibility is carried out in strict accordance with the law. Legal liability is 1. criminal, 2. administrative, 3. civil, 4. disciplinary, 5. material. The presumption of innocence is a universally recognized norm of international law, which consists in the fact that no one can be called guilty until his guilt is proven in court, in the manner prescribed by law. Legally framed in 1948 by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Law enforcement One of the central places in public life is occupied by law enforcement. It is carried out by a system of bodies specially formed for this purpose, which are called law enforcement. The Prosecutor's Office is a unified federal centralized system of bodies exercising supervision on behalf of the Russian Federation over the observance of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the execution of laws in force on its territory. The system of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation consists of: the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation; the prosecutor's office of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as military and other specialized prosecutor's offices equated to them; prosecutor's offices of cities and regions; other territorial, military and other specialized prosecutor's offices. Bodies of the prosecutor's office exercise their powers independently of state, municipal bodies, their officials, public associations. The main functions of the prosecutor's office are: 1. supervision over the observance of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the implementation of laws; 2. observance of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen; 3. enforcement of laws by bodies carrying out operational-search activities, inquiry and preliminary investigation; 4. for the enforcement of laws by bailiffs, as well as administrations in places where detainees are kept. The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (MVD) - the main functions: the protection of law and order, the prevention and suppression of crimes, the investigation of crimes, etc. The main tasks of protecting public order and combating crime are performed by the police. The militia of the Russian Federation is subdivided into criminal militia and public security militia (MOB). In order to fulfill the duties assigned to it by the police, it is given the right: to require citizens and officials to stop the offense; if there are sufficient grounds to check identity documents; draw up protocols on administrative violations; carry out administrative detention, etc. The Federal Security Service (FSB) is a single centralized system of federal security service and border troops that ensures the security of the Russian Federation. The FSB is directed by the President of the Russian Federation. The management of the Federal Security Service is carried out by the director of the FSB of the Russian Federation. The FSB bodies carry out their activities on the basis of the principles of legality, respect for and observance of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, humanism, unity of the system of FSB bodies and their centralized management, etc. The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation is a federal executive body. It pursues state policy and manages in the field of justice, and also coordinates the activities in this area of ​​other federal executive bodies. The activities of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation are managed by the President of the Russian Federation. The main tasks of the Ministry of Justice are: implementation of state policy in the field of justice; ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of the individual and the state; enforcement of acts of judicial and other bodies, etc. Advocacy - advocacy is qualified legal assistance provided on a professional basis by persons who have received the legal status of a lawyer to individuals and legal entities (principals) in order to protect their rights, freedoms and interests, as well as to ensure access to justice. Notary - is a system of state bodies, officials and citizens who are granted the right to perform notarial acts by law. Its main task is to protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens and legal entities by performing by notaries the notarial actions provided for by legislative acts on behalf of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the law, notarial bodies certify transactions for which a notarial form is established. The Constitution of the Russian Federation is the fundamental law of the state. 1. The Constitution is an act of the greatest legal force, the foundation of the legislation of the state and the public life of the country. The Constitution regulates at the highest legal level social relations related to the organization of society and the state. 2. The Constitution determines the relationship between the state and public institutions, such as property relations, the rights and freedoms of citizens, etc., thus, in a constitutional state, the Constitution is not only the fundamental law of the state, but also of society. 3. In Russia - the USSR - the Russian Federation - the fifth Constitution is in force. They were adopted in 1918, 1924, 1936, 1977 and the current Constitution in 1993. 4. The Constitution of 1993 proclaims the rights of man and the man himself as the highest value of society and the state. The principle of separation of powers, the principle of ideological pluralism, the diversity of forms of ownership and forms of management, the principles of federal and local self-government are being implemented. 5. signs of the Constitution are: 1. broad, fundamental in comparison with the laws, the subject of regulation; 2. the supremacy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation throughout the country; 3. Constitution - a legal act of direct action; 4. The Constitution is the starting point for all legal acts of all branches, for all branches of law it is the basic source. 5. The President of the Russian Federation acts as the guarantor of the Constitution, he has the right to suspend all acts of the executive authorities of the subjects if they contradict the Constitution of Russia. 6. Fundamentals of the constitutional system are the fundamental principles of the organization of the state: 1. the foundations of state power (democracy, federalism, the rule of law, the principle of separation of powers, state sovereignty and the republican form of government). 2. the foundations of the relationship between man and the state (human rights and freedoms, their recognition as the highest value of society, their protection by the state) 3. the foundations of civil society (political and ideological diversity, multi-party system, the secular nature of the state, a variety of forms of ownership, freedom of economic activity, freedom of labor and welfare state). 7. Human rights and freedoms. The Constitution of the Russian Federation considers that human rights and freedoms are biosocial and cannot be alienated (a person is free by nature and cannot be deprived of this freedom). Rights and freedoms in Russia can be enjoyed by all its citizens, as well as non-citizens of Russia, regardless of their race or any other affiliation. Russia is guided in this by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Freedoms, adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948. The personal rights of citizens include: the right to life, protection of the dignity of the individual, freedom and personal inviolability, inviolability of private life, the definition and indication of one's nationality and etc. To political rights - real participation in the management of the state and society, participation in the formation of the foundations of state power and local self-government, freedom of thought and speech, the right to receive reliable information, the right to participate in political and other associations. Social and economic rights include the right to private property, the right to freedom of entrepreneurial activity, the right to engage in any type of activity, unless prohibited by law, the right to choose a profession, the right to use cultural achievements, etc.

A person lives and develops within the framework of the free choice of his path.

Liberty- this is a person's ability to active creative activity in accordance with his desires, intentions, ideals and values. In free activity, he achieves goals and realizes himself.

In the history of social thought, the problem of freedom has always been filled with different meanings. More often, it boiled down to the question of whether a person has free will or whether all his actions are due to external necessity. The extremes in resolving this issue were reduced to voluntarism and fatalism. According to the first approach, a person is free, free to do as he pleases. This is his generic quality. From the standpoint of fatalism, everything in the world is predetermined, and every human action is only an unconscious link in the chain of cause and effect.

But in everyday life, a person is faced with the pressure of external circumstances for him. People are not free to choose the time and place of birth, the objective conditions of life, the existence of their concrete existence. But on the other hand, human existence is not a one-dimensional line from the past to the future. These are always alternatives that involve a choice that is characterized by both different means of achieving the goals set and different results of achieving the goals. Accordingly, a person is also free in what consequences are coming from his choice and to what extent he is responsible for them.

The concept of freedom is often reduced to a perceived need. But freedom is always a choice in specific conditions or the possibility of such a choice. Absolute freedom does not exist, it is always relative. This is determined at least in the fact that society determines the range of choice with its norms and restrictions. In real life, freedom exists in the form of the need to choose.

No less important role in human life is played by such a social and personal factor as responsibility. Responsibility is a social concept that characterizes an objective, historically specific type of relationship between an individual, a team and society from the point of view of the conscious implementation of the mutual requirements placed on them.

Responsibility is formed in the individual as a dialectical unity of internal and external requirements.

The formation of personality involves the development of a sense of responsibility in it. Responsible behavior can come in different forms: discipline and self-discipline, organization, the ability to foresee the results of one's own actions, the ability to be critical of oneself.

Liberty- the ability of a person to act in accordance with their interests and goals. Freedom implies self-determination of a person, freedom of will (choice), the ability to act according to the will. Personal qualities are manifested in the course of social relations and imply a certain degree of human freedom in their actions and behavior.

A responsibility- the ability of a person to consciously fulfill a moral duty and legal norms, make the right choice, resolve issues and achieve results. The scope of human activity is determined by social norms, i.e. legal, religious and moral rights and obligations. Social norms and values- the requirements for human behavior as part of the social system. These requirements are based on customs and traditions, social, moral and aesthetic norms, religious norms, legal norms (laws). For their implementation, the individual is personally responsible.

Morality(from lat. mores) - a form of social consciousness that performs the function of regulating the behavior of an individual in society. Morality is the norms and evaluations of human behavior. Morality regulates a person's actions in all spheres, acts as a spiritual guide to which one must strive. With the help of morality, society evaluates the activity of the individual, his motives, motivations, intentions and results.

Moral assessment- approval or condemnation of the activity of the individual from the standpoint of moral requirements that prevail in a given society in a specific historical period of time. One of the categories of morality is the concept of "good", which is diametrically opposed to the concept of "evil". Good (virtue) is the beginning of moral and moral concepts, evil is synonymous with vice and immorality.

moral values- the most general, fundamental principles and ideals that make up morality. Moral values ​​express people's attitude to reality (to facts and events), priorities are determined on their basis, relationships are built, goals are put forward. Moral standards refer to the adherence to general moral ideals and certain principles of behavior.

A special role in morality is played by a person's awareness of the need to independently develop and follow moral principles, such as:

Duty - adherence to moral requirements, awareness of the need to fulfill them, that is, voluntary, and not under pain of punishment, fulfillment of the requirements of morality;

Dignity - self-esteem of a person, his awareness of his qualities and ability to fulfill his duty;

Conscience is the highest form of human capacity for moral self-control.

Freedom can be understood as:

    the ability to act, obeying only their desires (voluntarism);

    the ability to act subject only to such limitations as ensure recognition and respect for the rights of others (Universal Declaration of Human Rights);

    conscious necessity (B. Spinoza);

    "negative" and "positive" freedom (E. Fromm). Negative freedom - "freedom from" - freedom from external circumstances, from predestination that dominates a person. Positive freedom - “freedom for” - is a condition for human growth and development.

Need - These are the conditions in which a person is initially placed and which determines his activity.

In any sense, absolute freedom is unattainable and impossible:

    firstly, due to the presence of necessity, the natural and social laws that prevail over a person;

    secondly, due to the presence of responsibility.

The acquisition of freedom by a person inevitably leads to responsibility for their actions.

A responsibility - awareness of oneself as the cause of committed actions, in internal control over them. Social responsibility - human behavior in accordance with the interests of other people and society as a whole.

Inner freedom is not limited by its responsibility, but exists and develops through it. Inner freedom is a necessary condition for the disclosure of the creative potential of the individual.

Society must provide a person with a certain degree of external freedom, which is necessary for free activity.

A free society is a society that provides:

    in the economic sphere, freedom of entrepreneurial activity that protects competition;

    in the political sphere - pluralism and democratic principles of organization;

    in the spiritual - free-thinking, religious and ideological pluralism;

    in the social - the possibility of social mobility.

1.8. The systemic structure of society: elements and subsystems

There are three different definitions of the concept of society: society in the broad sense, society in the narrow sense, society as a system. All of them are correct, but reveal different aspects of understanding society.

1. Society in the broadest sense - a part of the material world isolated from nature, but closely connected with it, consisting of people with will and consciousness and including forms of their association and ways of interaction.

This understanding emphasizes the dependence of society on nature and the influence of nature on society at any stage of its development. In addition, the influence of society on nature, especially at the present stage of development of society.

2. Society in the narrow sense - a set of people united by a common activity and common interests.

3. Society as a system - this is a dynamic complexly organized system, characterized by the following features (features of society as a system):

    orderliness, the existence of laws, principles that determine the functioning of society;

    integrity, society is a single entity;

    integrativity, society as a whole has integrative properties, that is, properties that are not reducible to the properties of individual moments;

    complex organization, society does not consist of simple elements, but of subsystems with an internal structure, and, ultimately, of people, each of whom has a will and consciousness;

    dynamism, the ability to change individual parts, their development or degradation, while maintaining the integrity of the whole society;

    self-sufficiency, the ability to sustain one's own existence.

Complex organization society means that it consists of subsystems of society (spheres of public life):

1. the economic sphere, which includes the production of material goods and relations arising in the process of production - distribution, exchange, consumption of material goods.

2. social sphere, including social structure and social groups

3. the political sphere in which society carries out self-regulation, management with the help of institutions of state and law.

4. The spiritual sphere is the sphere of social consciousness in which spiritual production is carried out and spiritual benefits are created.

Each of these spheres is autonomous (independent) in that its existence is determined by laws and principles that are not reducible to the laws of other spheres.

At the same time, they are all interconnected and intertwined in the real life of society and the activities of individuals.

In addition to the spheres of public life, the structure of society includes such elements as social institutions (institutions of society) (see paragraph 1.9.).

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