Home Diseases and pests Semolina pancakes on kefir. Fritters on kefir from semolina. How to cook semolina pancakes with raisins

Semolina pancakes on kefir. Fritters on kefir from semolina. How to cook semolina pancakes with raisins

Fritters with semolina are distinguished by splendor and airiness. This is a good option for a quick and nutritious breakfast. The main subtlety of cooking - before frying, the dough must be left for 15-30 minutes, so that the semolina swells properly.

Pancakes with semolina - a hearty dish for breakfast or afternoon snack


chicken eggs 2 pieces) Kefir 200 milliliters Sugar 60 grams Semolina 50 grams Vegetable oil 20 milliliters Salt 2 grams

  • Servings: 4
  • Time for preparing: 30 minutes

Recipe for pancakes with semolina on kefir

The basis for the test for pancakes are sour-milk products. Kefir of any fat content will do.

  • Mix eggs with kefir, beat the mixture.
  • Add sugar. Mix well so that it dissolves completely. Add a pinch of salt.
  • Fall asleep mango. Leave the dough for 15 minutes so that the cereal has time to swell.
  • Pour in the sifted flour. Add 1 tsp. soda. Mix well with a mixer.

The pan needs to be well heated. Fritters are baked in vegetable oil. To make them not too greasy, you can not pour oil into the pan, but grease the bottom with a silicone brush.

In the photo, the recipe for pancakes with semolina is served with sour cream and berries. You can also serve them with jam.

Recipe for pancakes with semolina on oatmeal

This recipe will come in handy for fans of a healthy diet. Wheat flour in it is replaced with ground oatmeal.

Ingredients needed:

  • 200 ml of kefir;
  • 180 g of oatmeal;
  • 1 egg;
  • 40 g of semolina;
  • Apple;
  • Soda or baking powder;
  • Vegetable oil.

To make pancakes even more healthy and low in calories, you can bake them in a non-stick pan. In this case, it is not lubricated with oil. In order not to scratch the surface of the non-stick pan, it is convenient to turn the pancakes over with a silicone spatula.

  1. Beat the egg, pour kefir into it.
  2. Add semolina, mix everything and let stand for 10-15 minutes. The semolina should swell.
  3. Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder.
  4. Combine the ingredients, add 1 tsp. baking soda or baking powder. Mix everything with a mixer.
  5. Peel the apple, grate on a fine grater, add to the dough. Mix.

The dough is quite thick, it is convenient to spread it on the pan with a tablespoon.

Fritters can be sprinkled with cinnamon and served with honey.

Recipe for pancakes with semolina and candied fruit

The groats will add splendor to the pancakes. Candied fruits are best chosen soft.

Ingredients needed:

  • 250 ml of kefir;
  • 200 g flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 g semolina;
  • 50 g candied fruits;
  • Baking soda.

According to this recipe, kefir must be heated to 37 ° C.

  1. Stir semolina in warmed kefir, leave for 10 minutes.
  2. Beat eggs, pour into kefir.
  3. Sift flour. Mix the dough with a mixer. Add baking soda and mix again.
  4. Grind candied fruits, pour into the dough.

Grease the finished pancakes with butter. They are served with jam, jam, maple syrup, condensed milk.

A familiar dish can always be prepared and served in such a way that there simply will not be those who refuse it. For example, pancakes with semolina are probably often cooked in any home, and there is nothing special about their preparation. We want to change your mind a little. And the secret is simple. Let's add a "zest" to a familiar dish so that its taste becomes even more attractive.

You can add just one ingredient, and a traditional dessert or pastry will leave the best impression of yourself.
Orange zest will make the dish original, so you can safely add it to the dough. Tangerine zest will also work.
For serving, you can not be limited to sour cream sauce or honey. Chocolate has also proven to be excellent. As you can see, everything is quite simple. The cooking process is not the most difficult, and it does not take much time, and your breakfast will be delicious and beautiful.

Fritters with semolina on kefir

step by step photo recipe


  • kefir - 1 cup (300 ml),
  • vegetable oil - for frying,
  • orange peel - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.,
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • semolina - 4 tbsp. spoons,
  • baking soda - 1/3 teaspoon,
  • wheat flour - 3-4 tbsp. spoons,
  • sour cream with sugar - for serving,
  • honey - for serving.

Cooking process:

Pour kefir into a bowl and add semolina. Mix the contents well and leave for 20 minutes so that the semolina becomes softer and swollen.

When the right time has passed, add sugar. The rate of sugar is calculated for moderately sweet dough. Sweet tooth is better to put more sugar in pancakes.

Pour boiling water over oranges and remove the zest from the skin on a fine grater. Transfer the orange zest to a bowl with kefir-semolina dough.

Beat in chicken eggs. If you want to use quail eggs, then double their rate.

Pour in wheat flour and soda. Then stir the dough with a whisk to remove lumps.

The consistency of the dough for pancakes with semolina will resemble thin sour cream.

Pour oil into the pan, wait until it heats up. Scoop out the dough with a large spoon. Watch when the pancakes become rosy on one side, carefully flip them over to the other. Leave them to fry for a few more minutes depending on the power of the fire.

Put ready-made orange pancakes on semolina and kefir on a dish with paper napkins. After a while, the excess oil will go away, and the pancakes will not be so greasy. For a more dietary option, fry the pancakes in a dry non-stick pan.

You can serve a delicious dessert to the table with sour cream. It is easy to prepare: just mix sour cream with sugar. Pour the sauce over the fritters. You can add some honey.

Orange pancakes with semolina are ready!

For the recipe and photo we thank Honovets Evgenia

Lush milk semolina pancakes are a great option for breakfast or a light snack throughout the day. The recipe is quite simple and consists of the most affordable products. On the Internet, you can find a huge number of recipes for such pancakes, and they all have their own flavor. Each hostess, for sure, prepared such a dish with her own secrets and individual cooking technology. I offer a simple recipe for semolina pancakes, which is prepared very quickly, and both adults and children will appreciate the end result. Serve them warm with jam, honey, condensed milk or sour cream. I do not recommend cooking semolina fritters in large portions, as they lose their taste after cooling. Although, you can use the microwave and reheat if you have cooked too much.

Taste Info Fritters


  • milk - 300 ml;
  • semolina - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • wheat flour - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • baking powder for dough - 1 tsp;
  • sunflower oil for frying.

Cooking time: 30 min. Difficulty: Easy

How to cook pancakes with semolina and milk

There are recipes where semolina is simply poured with a liquid ingredient and left to swell. This recipe is very well suited for a sour-milk base: kefir, fermented baked milk, snowball. We won't cook like that. In this recipe, you need to cook semolina porridge, and only then on its basis we will prepare pancakes with semolina and flour. Boil fresh milk. When the milk boils, pour in the semolina, stirring with a spoon so that there are no lumps. You can also stir with an iron whisk. Boil for a few minutes and turn off the heat.

Add salt, granulated sugar and a slice of butter to hot semolina. Stir to dissolve all ingredients. Cool the semolina a little.

Add chicken egg. Take a hand whisk or electric whisk and mix until smooth.

Sift wheat flour first. Combine it with baking powder (you can replace it with baking soda - half a teaspoon). Add the flour mass to the semolina dough and mix well. You should get a thick dough that slowly slides off the spoon. Now you can put something else in the dough: small pieces of fruit or berries. Apples can be grated, bananas can be crushed with a fork, and small berries can even be used frozen.

Heat unflavored sunflower oil in a frying pan. Take a tablespoon, collect a portion of the dough and put it on a hot frying pan. Fry over medium heat on one side and the other, until golden brown.

Prepare a plate with paper towels. Lay out the semolina. Leave for a couple of minutes to absorb excess vegetable oil. After, transfer to a clean dish and quickly serve to the sweet table. Enjoy your meal!

Semolina porridge for such pancakes can be cooked in another way:

  • pour semolina, sugar, salt into cool milk;
  • put a piece of butter;
  • put on a slow fire;
  • actively stir the porridge with a whisk;
  • when the semolina boils, it is ready.

Today we will learn how to make wonderful and very simple pastries - airy and unusually tender! Semolina pancakes are much lighter and fluffier than regular wheat flour pancakes, and they bake faster. We offer you several options, with cereals and with ready-made semolina, because in each case the baking is a little different.

Semolina pancakes cook faster than porridge, so let's start with them.

Quick semolina pancakes: a recipe with cereals


  • Kefir - 200 ml + -
  • - 100 g + -
  • - 2 tbsp. + -
  • 150 g or 1/2 cup + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • on the tip of a knife or to taste + -
  • Vanillin - on the tip of a knife + -
  • Soda (quicklime) - 1/2 tsp + -

Making homemade semolina pancakes

  1. We combine semolina with flour in a deep bowl, then pour in kefir and beat in 1 egg. Sugar, salt and beat with a mixer or mix with a spoon, but so that no lumps remain.
  2. The consistency of the dough should be very thick - it should be laid out in a pan, and not poured out, but if it seems watery, add the grits in half with flour, we are not in a hurry - be sure to let it brew for 15-20 minutes so that the semolina swells and becomes more airy after baking .
  3. Now we pour soda, vanillin again intensively stir everything and proceed to baking.
  4. Pour oil into a deep frying pan and wait until it warms up well.
  5. Now spread the dough in portions and fry the pancakes on each side until golden brown. One side will cook in a couple of minutes, the other in a minute - no more.

It is best to fry semolina pancakes in oil, avoiding a dry frying pan, otherwise they will become harsh and will not rise so well.

We take out the finished pancakes and put them on a dish with a slide. If they turn out to be too greasy, put them first on folded napkins or paper towels to absorb excess oil.

Serve them with sour cream, whipped cream or condensed milk. Enjoy your meal!

If you add very little sugar to the dough, but do not skimp on vegetable oil when frying, semolina pancakes will become very similar to donuts. They are incredibly tasty, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

How to make flourless semolina pancakes

According to this recipe described above, you can cook semolina pancakes without flour. We just don't add it and that's it!

The only thing to do is to add more cereal and let the finished dough stand a little longer.

Semolina pancakes

Semolina porridge pancakes are cooked a little longer, but the dough is even more tender and smooth.

  • Pour milk and water into a saucepan in half, only 2 cups of liquid.
  • Bring to a boil and pour semolina in a thin stream, stirring constantly with a whisk. Keep it on fire for just a couple more minutes and turn it off.
  • We cool the semolina porridge to a warm state, otherwise the eggs, which must be added, will simply boil.
  • When the temperature of the porridge becomes room temperature, we drive in 2 eggs, mix and pour in the melted butter - it needs no more than 2 tbsp.
  • Pour 2 tbsp. sugar, a pinch of salt, pour 1 tbsp. baking powder and mix well.
  • Lastly, add flour. Depending on the manufacturer, it may take half or a whole glass to bring the dough to the desired density.

We will bake semolina pancakes in a hot pan, in vegetable oil. Ready served piping hot with jam or jam. Enjoy your meal!

Additional ingredients in semolina fritters

This type of baking is good because you can add many different ingredients to it, making it even more delicious.

  • Candied fruits, dried fruits, nuts

Finely chop both of them so that large pieces do not interfere with the dough to bake. Put them last so that the dough is already well mixed.

  • Cocoa

Very tasty will be from semolina. Pour cocoa before adding flour, as it absorbs moisture very strongly and the dough may turn out to be too dry.

Also in this case, increase the amount of sugar or serve pancakes with chocolate cream.

  • Fresh fruits

Here you need to be careful not to make the dough too liquid. We add quite a bit of chopped, not grated apples or pears. Bananas are good - they can be finely chopped, or you can grind them into a puree.

As you can see, in order to cook semolina porridge pancakes, you do not need to resort to complex tricks or tricky products - just work a little and there will be a slide of fragrant airy pancakes on the table. Treat yourself and your loved ones to gentle and light pastries!

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

When you want to have a snack, but there is not too much time for cooking, I always cook pancakes, this is one of my favorite dishes. Most recently, I learned from a friend a recipe for kefir fritters with semolina. They are fluffy and insanely delicious. Even if you are not very strong in cooking, you will surely succeed in this dish the first time. My family is very fond of these pancakes, and quite often my family asks me to cook them. If you have just started to get comfortable in the kitchen and want to surprise and please your loved ones with something delicious, then I recommend that you try this recipe. I am sure that pancakes will appeal to all members of your family, and everyone will be full and satisfied. You can add to the dough, or other fruits and berries.


- 0.5 cups of store-bought kefir of any fat content,
- 2 tablespoons of semolina,
- 1 cup flour
- 1 pinch of salt,
- 2 tablespoons granulated sugar,
- half a teaspoon of soda.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Pour kefir into a bowl with the percentage of fat content that you decide to purchase.

Then add semolina, soda, salt, granulated sugar and mix everything well.

At the end, add the most ordinary premium flour. Using a mixer or a regular kitchen silicone whisk, mix everything well. The dough should be homogeneous, without any lumps.

In order for the semolina pancakes to be better removed from the pan, pour 1-2 tablespoons of ordinary sunflower oil into the dough, only it is desirable that it be without a bright and pronounced smell of seeds.

Heat 4 tablespoons of sunflower oil in a non-stick frying pan. Then lay out the pancakes using a silicone spoon for this purpose, or the most common one.

Fry the pancakes until a beautiful color.

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