Home Preparations for the winter Sam Smith is dating 13 Reasons Why star Brandon Flynn. Sam Smith Meets New Love Sam Smith's Personal Life

Sam Smith is dating 13 Reasons Why star Brandon Flynn. Sam Smith Meets New Love Sam Smith's Personal Life

Samuel Frederick Smith, better known as Sam Smith, was born in 1992 in London, England. His parents, Keith Cassidy and Frederick Smith, encouraged their son to study music from childhood. Sam has been with Youth Music Theater UK since childhood, appearing on stage in 2007's Oh! Carol.

Under the tutelage of pianist and singer Joanna Eden, Sam studied vocals while playing in local jazz bands. He received his musical education at St Mary's Catholic School, where he was also a member of student musical groups.

In October 2012, Smith's "Latch" reached number 11 on the UK Singles Chart, an incredible success. He later said that it was not easy to achieve success - he had to change many managers, and several times Sam was seriously disappointed in show business and even wanted to quit. But success still awaited him ahead, and a resounding success.

In February 2013, Sam released the lead single for his first studio album, and soon he, along with the well-known band "Naughty Boy", performed the hit "La La La", which topped the UK charts. So the young performer became a real star.

The EP album "Safe with Me", which included four songs, was released in the same 2013, the most successful track on it was the song "Nirvana".

The single "Money on My Mind" was released in February 2014, and a studio album under the same name was expected by the summer of the same year. The album was incredibly successful and placed on the 2nd line of the famous "Billboard 200" chart, and, in addition, it brought Sam great commercial success, becoming the second best-selling album of the year and second only to Taylor Swift with his album "1989".

In January 2014, Smith made his first appearance on American television on Jimmy Fallon's show (Late Night with Jimmy Fallon), and this debut turned out to be very successful - Sam soon already visited the highly rated Saturday Night Live project. So, the American audience, which was very important for the young artist, received him very warmly, and soon the song "Stay with me" broke all records, hitting second place in the US Billboard Hot 100 chart. However, there was still a homeland ahead - in the English similar chart, Sam's song was firmly placed at the very top. By the way, by the end of 2014, the number of views of the video for this song exceeded 170 million.

Among those from whom the young performer draws his inspiration, Sam names Beyoncé, Adele, Lady Gaga, Whitney Houston, although he does not want to imitate anyone, preferring to go his own way. In general, Sam Smith is called the biggest musical breakthrough of the English scene in the last couple of years.

Best of the day

It is known from Sam's personal life that he is openly gay, he came out in May 2014. Later, he admitted that he was very worried about what the audience's reaction to this recognition would be, but everything went fine - everyone seemed to be completely unimportant, and Sam relaxed. He said in an interview that in childhood it was difficult for him because of being overweight, he was overgrown with complexes and was embarrassed by himself. But over time, it passed, or rather, he learned to cope with it. Somehow, in a conversation with reporters, Sam admitted that now he does not suffer from his excess weight at all and does not want to be thin and muscular at all, on the contrary, he wants to be fat and have fun.

And in an interview with 4Music, Sam admitted that he suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder, that is, he is obsessed with obsessive thoughts, anxiety and fears. For example, he can hardly leave the house without checking several times whether all the taps are closed, whether the gas is turned off, and the like.

Be that as it may, today Sam Smith is the favorite and idol of millions, he is idolized at home, he is warmly welcomed in the USA, and also adored by a multi-million audience of fans on the Internet.

British born musician. He was born on May 19, 1992 in London, UK. The zodiac sign is Taurus. He is 185 cm tall and weighs 78 kg. He is world famous, has many musical awards.

What does

Sam's relatives saw creative talent in him at an early age. The boy liked to perform on stage, take part in school concerts. He loved to sing and play musical instruments. As a teenager, Sam played in musical theater. At the age of 15, he played the first role excellently. The play was called Oh! Carol. Critics were delighted with the young artist.

For others, it was a complete surprise when Sam abandoned his acting career in favor of a musical one. He began to seriously study vocals, began to compose music. He was assisted in this by the famous jazz singer and pianist Joan Eden. Regular music lessons really helped develop the young man's talent, he was able to improve his abilities.

Sam took his first steps to fame by participating in the Disclosure group. The highest achievement of the team is the song "Latch". It peaked at number 11 on the UK Singles Chart. Sam understood that this result was a great start to his career, but he wanted to achieve more success. He almost gave up music, pondered further actions for a long time. He ended up releasing his own single "Lay Me Down". It became his destiny. Hearing him, the famous musician Naughty Boy offered to record the song "La La La".

Soon the joint work was released. He was a huge success: almost instantly he was at the top of the music charts around the world. A video was shot for the composition, which in a few months gained more than two hundred million views. So, overnight, Sam became a famous performer, who was invited to TV shows, concerts. He consolidated his success with subsequent songs, which became no less successful. He has a fan club. Each concert began to gather a huge number of spectators.
Among his awards are the prestigious Grammy and Oscar. In 2016, he received an Oscar for "Best Song for a Film".


The musician is not married, there are no children. Sam admitted that he has a non-traditional sexual orientation. At the beginning of his career, he was worried about how others would react to this fact, but the fans convinced him that this was not an obstacle to success. Nothing is known about Sam's relationship. He does not say whether he is currently dating someone or not.

The performer believes in love and sublime feelings. He dreams of meeting a person with whom he will build a serious, strong relationship. Many novels were attributed to him, but he himself did not confirm them.

Sam Smith is a popular and incredibly talented singer who, despite his youth, has achieved a lot in music. He has many prestigious awards to his credit. Compositions become instant hits, occupying high lines of music ratings.

Sam Smith

Charming Sam Smith with a strong and, at the same time, gentle voice won the hearts of millions of fans not only in the UK, but also far beyond its borders. Through ups and downs, overcoming all obstacles, the young musician climbed to the top of the British charts and securely secured his place as a favorite of English music lovers. His voice captivates and shakes with its depth, and natural charisma gives the image even more sincerity and romance. The most authoritative TV channels talk about him and the most popular magazines write about him, and music critics do not get tired of repeating about his brilliant future. Who is Sam Smith?

short biography

Samuel Frederick Smith, known as Sam Smith, was born on May 19, 1992 in London to a wealthy family. His mother was a successful banker and broker until she had to choose between a career and helping her son in his musical endeavors. Parents gave Samuel a very good education, which, in particular, allowed him to develop his musical talents from an early age. He is a graduate of the prestigious Youth Music Theater UK, where his musical career began. Also, the young musician studied at St Mary's Сatholic School, where he was a member of the musical theater group and sang in the choir.

Over the years, Sam Smith has tried himself as a member of various musical groups, preferring jazz bands. For a long time he studied singing and songwriting with Joanne Eden.

The first serious popularity of the singer was brought by the single “Lay Me Down” and the song by Noti Boy “La La La”, recorded together with Sam. Thanks to concerts and performances at the most popular shows in America, Sam Smith very quickly and deftly managed to conquer American music lovers. Unconditional popularity in his own country, supported by the love of American fans, allowed the young talent to break into the world music arena.

With the release of his first album - "In The Lonely Hour", Sam Smith finally and irrevocably became a world-class star. This was confirmed by a number of prestigious awards, including Grammy, Oscar, Golden Globe and others.

The singer has repeatedly said that his own experiences and sufferings associated with unrequited love formed the basis of his lyrical and spiritual songs. In one of his interviews, he said that he was very worried about unrequited love and was in a state of deep depression. It is his personal experience and subtle spiritual nature that allow Sam Smith to convey the depth of human relationships so clearly and will reach the hearts of all listeners.

Interesting Facts

Top Sam Smith Songs and Albums

The first popularity of the young singer was brought by the song " Latch» which was released in October 2012. The song peaked at number 11 in the UK charts and brought widespread attention to the rising star's work.

In early 2013, he released his debut c titled "Lay Me Down", and in the middle of the same year he finally won the hearts of British music lovers with the performance of the song " La La La", which immediately after the release took first place in the music charts and brought wild popularity to its performer.

"La La La" (listen)

The real breakthrough on the world stage took place in the first half of 2014, when Sam Smith released a solo album called In the Lonely Hour, which brought the singer international popularity. It was this album that allowed the performer to receive the coveted Grammy statuette in the category of the best pop album of the year. Circulation beyond the popular album broke all records and amounted to 1,400,000 copies in England and more than 1,250,000 copies in the USA. He securely secured his place as a leader not only in the British charts, but also in the charts of many other countries. In the US, it became the third most popular album, second only to 1989's Taylor Swift and Frozen. The album's most popular songs were " Money On My Mind", "Stay With Me", "I'm Not The Only One". Sam Smith said that the album was based on his painful experiences from unrequited love. The artist said that the feeling of unrequited love just tore his soul to shreds while he was working on the album. It was at this moment that the performer publicly admitted his orientation.

"I'm Not The Only One" (listen)

In 2017, another Sam Smith album was released called "The Thrill of It All", which repeated the success of the previous album and once again topped the UK charts.

The most popular song of the new album was " Too Good At Goodbyes», which for a long time held the first position in the UK, Australia and New Zealand charts, took 5th place in the US charts and entered the top 10 songs of most European countries.

"Too Good At Goodbyes" (listen)

The song " Writings On The Wall». It not only topped the British charts, but was also chosen as the soundtrack to the film "007: Spectrum" from among the films of the legendary Bond. The successful song was co-written by Sam Smith with Jim Napes. Sam stated in an interview that it took only 20 minutes to write the song. Critics reacted to it ambiguously. Many of them said that the song is trying to follow in the footsteps of the legendary "Skyfall" soundtrack. Nevertheless, criticism did not prevent the performer from receiving admiring reviews from fans and the highest award for his soundtrack.

"Writings On The Wall" (listen)

Awards and nominations

Sam Smith can be safely called one of the most titled young performers. In the three years of his popularity, he has collected more awards than nominations. This is a great rarity for young performers, which testifies to the unquenchable interest in his work both from fans and from authoritative critics.

Sam Smith's first songs to receive prestigious nominations were Stay With Me and La La La. They have been nominated for awards. MTV and Brit Awards in 2014. And despite the fact that the songs did not win the first time, the singer himself became the winner in the category "Critic's Choise" and "Sound of 2014" in the same year.

Nevertheless, the super popular song Stay With Me still did not go unnoticed. In 2015, she brought Smith victory in one of the most prestigious competitions - Grammy. She was in the lead in two categories at once: “Song of the Year” and “Record of the Year”. The album, which included this song, received a victory as "Best Pop Vocal Album", and the singer himself won in the category "Best New Artist". Thus, Sam Smith immediately received four Grammy statuettes. Not all performers with many years of experience, not to mention young talents, can boast of such results.

2015 was a truly victorious year for Sam Smith, and after a brilliant success at the Grammys, brought him victory in the prestigious Breakthrough of the Year and Worldwide Recognition categories according to Brit Awards, as well as the title of "Musician of the Year" according to Elle Style Awards.

The most striking victory in the career of a young performer, of course, was Oscar. He received a coveted victory in the category "Best Motion Picture Score" for the song Writings On The Wall, which added to the list of brilliant soundtracks of the popular Bondiana. This song was also awarded golden globe.

Bright and original Samuel Smith, thanks to his deep and amazing voice, easily won the hearts of music lovers all over the world. This extravagant and incredibly talented musician has collected all the most prestigious awards and prizes in the field of music in record time, thereby reinforcing his global success. Despite the fact that he, it would seem, has already reached the peak of popularity, music critics around the world unanimously predict an even more successful future for the young performer, and millions of fans are looking forward to new hits and new victories in the world of music from their idol.

Video: Listen to Sam Smith

Despite the openness and honesty of the winner of the award " » Sam Smith(23), fans know little about the musician's personal life. It seems that the singer prefers to keep it a secret. But recently it became known that the musician fell in love! The singer became his chosen one Taytay Starhs.

As insiders told the magazine The Sun , Sam and Taytay, have already been seen together on dates more than once, during which the famous singer was clearly struggling to control himself. "Sam is in love with Tai and they really spend a lot of time together," a source close to the artists said. - Recently, they were together in the London bar Freedom (“Freedom.” - Approx. ed.) And did not hide their tenderness for each other at all. Sam kept "fingering" Tai when no one else was watching. At least he thought so."

“After the end of the date at the XXL bar at five in the morning, they passionately kissed and hugged,” the insider added, noting that the couple had completely ceased to be shy of prying eyes. A friend of the musician also noted that at first Sam mistook this for another hobby, but later realized that his feelings had grown into something more.

Recall that at the end of January last year it became known that Sam broke up with his young man named Jonathan Zeizel and began to keep the details of his personal life a secret. As for Taytayya, the musician appeared in the media only once, when he publicly kissed the wife of musician Quentin Leo Cook, better known under the pseudonym Fatboy Slim, 45-year-old actress and TV presenter Zoe Ball.

Popular British singer Sam Smith - a musical discovery of the past year - said that he "would never give concerts in Russia." The reason is homophobic laws.

Smith, who is nominated for six Grammy Awards, came out shortly before the release of his debut CD. He has a chance to win statuettes in four of the most prestigious categories - Song of the Year, Record of the Year ("Stay With Me"), Album of the Year ("In the Lonely Hour") and Best New Artist.

“I don't hate Russia, I just never come to Russia because of what they do to homosexual people. It's disgusting and makes me terribly angry," he said.

According to Smith, no matter how many billions of pounds he is offered, he will not give concerts in Russia. This saddens him, because among the Russians he has a lot of fans who contacted the singer via Twitter and asked for a visit. But the visit will not take place.

Smith also spoke out against the Catholic Church, saying that its teachings about homosexuality, which he had heard in school, were simply ridiculous. “From what I remember, they think you can be homosexual and just not have sex. That's funny. I'll put it this way: I'm living proof that it's genetic. This happens because it is not a choice. And that's it. This is my only argument. You love who you love and I can't help but love guys."

The Grammy Awards will take place tonight and Smith will be performing. "I'm not gay singer Sam Smith," the musician said. "I am Sam Smith, a singer who is gay."

On Thursday, Sam released the music video for "Lay Me Down," which ends with a same-sex church wedding. In the role of one of the suitors in the video, he himself appears. Smith's homeland legalized same-sex marriage last year, but the Anglican Church continues to ban weddings for homosexual couples. According to the singer, with his video he wanted to make a kind of protest: “Churches do not recognize same-sex marriages, but we entered into such a marriage. In the church. Of course, this marriage is not real, but still, ”he commented in an interview with Rolling Stone.

Smith is often compared to compatriot Adele, and he himself admits that such comparisons flatter him: “She is my Michael Jackson. But I must say that we are very different. It seems to me that our comparison often annoys her. And it annoys me in turn that people can't get over the fact that two musicians who perform pop songs don't look like typical pop stars."

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