Home Diseases and pests Small brown discharge at 10 weeks pregnant. Brown discharge during pregnancy. Dmitry Sorokin, Zurab Matua and Andrey Averin - Group

Small brown discharge at 10 weeks pregnant. Brown discharge during pregnancy. Dmitry Sorokin, Zurab Matua and Andrey Averin - Group

Here we are with you and approached the first "anniversary" period, which was the onset of the 10th week of pregnancy! And although your baby is so few weeks from conception, the stage of laying and forming his future organs and systems has already been practically completed, and now the fetus is actively growing and developing.

The main thing is that at this stage many congenital malformations of the baby can no longer be formed. This means that from now on, the expectant mother should breathe calmly and not worry over trifles. And also, in memory of this first anniversary, you can take a photo of the abdomen at 10 weeks of pregnancy.

Fetal size at 10 weeks pregnant

So, the 10th week of pregnancy has come: what is happening with your baby?

  • His little heart works at full capacity, producing up to 150 beats per minute.
  • The bile ducts, rectum and intestines have almost completed their formation. The liver is actively developing.
  • The diaphragm appears, the creation of the immune and lymphatic systems continues.
  • Already, the fetal brain is working incredibly active.
  • At 10 weeks of pregnancy, the photo of the child clearly shows that the fetus has already formed legs and arms, fingers on them, the oral cavity and auricles.
  • The hormone testosterone begins to be produced in the testicles of future boys.

This week, the baby's future baby teeth are laid. Mom needs to pay attention to her own diet and add more foods containing calcium to the menu.

At 10 weeks of pregnancy, a photo of the fetus gives clear characteristics of its parameters. The length is already 30-40 mm, and its weight is about 5 g.
Visually, now it looks transparent, without hairline, but with fluff already being laid down.

The expectant mother needs not only to carefully monitor her own health, but also to take care during this period of sufficient intake of iodine into the body, because right now its accumulation begins in the thyroid gland of the future baby.

Feelings at 10 weeks pregnant

The photo of the tummies will not show pronounced external transformations, especially in clothes, for the expectant mother for the period of “pregnancy of 10 weeks”, while it is still too early. So far, the woman's weight is increasing due to the pouring of the mammary glands, an increase in blood volume and a change in the size of the uterus.

At 10 weeks pregnant, the photo will show that the waist has begun to round, telling mom that it's time to think about changing your own wardrobe to more comfortable clothes for pregnant women.

Among the almost constant sensations of expectant mothers at this stage of pregnancy, toxicosis, frequent urination, increased fatigue and drowsiness can be noted. Be patient, because soon, from the second trimester of pregnancy, it will become much easier.

Do not be afraid of the appearance of a dark strip going down from the navel on your stomach. Pigmentation occurs due to increased melanin production, and later this strip will disappear on its own.

Age spots may also appear on the face, but this is temporary and not dangerous.

Take care of your own health, because a weakened immune system can now cause the development of thrush in a woman. Everything is also actively working hormones in the body of the expectant mother, which provokes constant mood swings during this period, even sleep disturbances are possible.

If you want to avoid overwork, eliminate drowsiness and a feeling of constant fatigue, you need to be able to fully rest and relax. For this, long walks in the fresh air, yoga classes, water classes in the pool are perfect.

Sometimes, in agreement with the doctor, in order to normalize the condition, motherwort infusion is prescribed to the expectant mother. At 10 weeks pregnant, a woman may experience abdominal pain. In this case, you should describe in detail to the doctor the nature of these pains.

Abdominal pain in a pregnant woman for a period of 10 weeks occurs in the following cases:

  • In connection with the physiological changes taking place in the body of the expectant mother. The influence of hormones and the growth of the fetus contribute to the stretching of the ligaments that hold the uterus. In this case, episodic pulling pains may occur in the groin area and on the sides of the woman's abdomen.
  • Pain that occurs in the upper abdomen can be associated with stomach problems and intestinal disorders. To eliminate them, you should make changes to your diet, or better, consult a gastroenterologist.
  • Dangerous cramping pulling and aching pain that occurs in the lower abdomen. In the case when such pain is accompanied by even slight brown vaginal discharge, you should immediately rush to the doctor. Such symptoms may indicate a threatened miscarriage, and now time is only against you.

Vaginal discharge at 10 weeks pregnant

The tenth week of pregnancy has begun, which is normally characterized by the following vaginal discharge:

  • amount is moderate
  • consistency is uniform
  • color - light, milky,
  • the smell is slightly sour.

If you notice the appearance of gray-green or yellow discharge, if they are bubbling, with flakes and an unpleasant pungent odor - hurry to your doctor without delay!
Now the protective functions of the body of the expectant mother are very weakened, so it is possible to attach a genital infection. It can be thrush (candidiasis), infection with gonococci or chlamydia, etc.

Regardless of the type of disease, it must be treated in order to exclude both intrauterine infection of the fetus and the occurrence of developmental disorders of the unborn child.

The expectant mother should be very careful about the appearance of brownish or spotting. If bloody or brown vaginal discharge appears, which is also accompanied by cramping abdominal pain, this may indicate a risk of spontaneous miscarriage.

Having found such signs in herself, a woman should immediately seek medical help! If in such a situation you turn to a specialist in time, there is a very high probability of maintaining the pregnancy.

Ultrasound: 10 weeks pregnant

As a rule, the 10th week of pregnancy is not a period for a planned ultrasound. But if for any reason (for example: clarification of the term or control of pregnancy), an ultrasound scan is performed at the tenth week, then you will meet with an extraordinary miracle!

Ask the doctor to take an ultrasound photo of 10 weeks of pregnancy, where it is clearly visible that the size of the unborn baby at this time can be compared with the size of an average plum. And although the fetus still has so little time, it already resembles a real tiny little man.

What happens at 10 weeks pregnant?

With the help of ultrasound, you will see a clearly visible outline of the body of your baby, its miniature arms and legs are clearly visible, even the elbows and ankles of the baby are visible!

This little inhabitant of your abdomen can retract its lips on its own, spitting out and swallowing amniotic fluid, closes and opens its mouth. The kid can already wave his arms bent at the elbows, unbend his small fists, move and bend his legs under him.

Imagine how many interesting and surprising things a mother can learn and see during an ultrasound examination at the 10th week of pregnancy!

In practice, brown daub during pregnancy is very, very common. Not in all cases, this portends danger and promises problems with gestation. But absolutely always, doctors urge women in such situations to seek medical advice: spotting of any color, quantity and consistency at different stages of pregnancy can mark a real danger.

Actually, the biggest difficulty is this: there are a number of reasons why spotting in early and late pregnancy is considered a physiological norm, but also many situations when they are a sign of a serious disorder. Therefore, never jump to conclusions and always confirm your guesses or fears in the gynecologist's office.

If not in most cases, then at least very often, women are worried about this phenomenon in the early stages of pregnancy. Moreover, it can occur already in the very first days and weeks - at 3, 4, 5, 6 weeks. Sometimes it seems that this is the beginning of menstruation, or that there is a brown daub instead of menstruation.

Most likely, this is implantation bleedingoccurring between 6 and 14 days after conception: a fertilized egg at this time is attached to the walls of the uterus, which may be accompanied by a slight release of blood of any color and barely noticeable pain in the lower abdomen from the side of implantation. Most often, implantation bleeding has a pale color - pinkish, cream, beige, light brown. It looks like a slight admixture of blood to the usual vaginal whites.

Since with the onset of conception, the hormone progesterone begins to dominate in the body of a pregnant woman, creating in it all the conditions necessary for the preservation and development of pregnancy, under its influence, light brown discharge can occur from time to time at different stages of pregnancy, starting from the beginning - 9, 10, 12 week. They are minor, not accompanied by pain and other discomfort. May resemble discharge, as on the last day of menstruation. Also, such a symptom may indicate a lack of progesterone, and in this case, the pregnancy is in jeopardy.

Some women normally have a brown daub in the form of an ichor (the so-called "daub") in the first trimester - on the days of the expected menstruation.

In most cases, light brown discharge is not dangerous, but risks can still be. But if you observe dark brown discharge during pregnancy, and especially if they are accompanied by other dangerous symptoms, then you should contact your gynecologist immediately.

Dangerous brown discharge during pregnancy

It is very difficult, and even almost impossible, to independently reliably determine the cause of such a phenomenon. This is exactly the case when it is better to play it safe and go for an examination to the doctor. There are frequent cases when blood from the vagina during pregnancy, including brown, indicates a threat of miscarriage, which often occurs in the very early stages. It is possible that the pregnancy develops ectopically: in this case, it will have to be interrupted. If, along with this symptom, other signs of ectopic pregnancy appear, then in no case should you hesitate: every minute is precious!

If you complain of brown vaginal discharge, your doctor will likely refer you for an ultrasound to diagnose your condition more accurately.

Ultrasound is able to detect disorders and pathologies that require immediate medical attention:

  • ectopic pregnancy: when the fetal egg is fixed in a place not suitable for its further development;
  • detachment of the fetal egg: when an already attached embryo begins to be rejected by the mother's body, as a result of which spotting occurs;
  • placental abruption or placenta previa: noted at a later date and also threatens pregnancy with its interruption or premature onset of labor. In this case, dark brown discharge during pregnancy will be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen;
  • missed pregnancy: with intrauterine death of the fetus, the body will begin to try to get rid of it, which is accompanied by a number of characteristic signs, including spotting.

Any of these conditions require immediate medical attention. And only a specialist can confirm any of them. Therefore, to do nothing or rely on one's own guesses is at least irresponsible. Most of all, brown discharge during pregnancy should cause concern if at least one more sign is present at the same time:

  • there is nausea, vomiting;
  • dizziness, fainting are observed;
  • there is a strong weakness;
  • chills occur;
  • bleeding is profuse;
  • accompanied by pain in the abdomen or lower back, radiating to the rectum.

Do you observe brown discharge during pregnancy, while your stomach hurts, you feel sick, you feel dizzy? Go see a doctor! And let him reassure you that this is just a “side effect” of your condition, which does not threaten you and the baby in any way. God would. In the meantime, exclude any physical activity: strict bed rest is indicated. In this case, it is better to lay your legs on a hill.

Brown discharge in late pregnancy

We have not yet mentioned that the cause of the appearance of brown blood from the vagina may be some diseases of the genitourinary system of a woman. Also, with erosion of the cervix, this phenomenon is not at all uncommon. In this case, brown spotting may appear due to a mechanical effect on the neck: after intercourse, after a gynecological examination, etc.

By itself, neither erosion nor the discharge arising from it poses great threats, but after childbirth, the disease will have to be treated if it does not disappear on its own.

If spotting occurs at 38-39 weeks of gestation, then there is a very high probability that this is a mucous plug. It looks like a fragment of clear or whitish mucus, which may contain streaks of blood. Sometimes the cork leaves gradually, in parts (slight mucous discharge) or all at once (in the form of a clot of dense mucus), but this is always a harbinger of an early birth: they can begin after a few hours or only after a few days or even weeks.

Especially for - Elena Semenova

During the period of bearing a child, a woman carefully monitors all changes in her body. Close observation helps not to miss the occurrence of alarming symptoms. Unusual vaginal discharge and many other pathological signs can be manifestations of complications.

brown discharge during pregnancy- one of the most alarming symptoms, the fairly frequent appearance of which indicates a pathological process that threatens gestation. That is why when there is a discharge from the vagina with an admixture of blood, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.

Normal vaginal discharge during pregnancy

There are no clear criteria for the norm of discharge from the genital tract during gestation. Their number can vary widely - from almost complete absence to abundant whites, leaving a mark on underwear or sanitary napkins. Some experts believe that the maximum amount of discharge from a future mother per day should not exceed the volume of a teaspoon.

The consistency of normal vaginal discharge in the expectant mother is slimy and slightly liquid. Beli should be uniform, without inclusions distinguished by color. In some women, the discharge from the genital tract approaches a condition similar to raw egg white.

Normally, vaginal discharge in a healthy expectant mother is transparent. Rarely, they can take on a whitish tint. Grayish, yellowish, reddish and brown discharge during pregnancy is considered a deviation.

During physiological pregnancy, leucorrhoea is not accompanied by a smell. Sometimes the discharge may have a sour taste. Leucorrhea of ​​a healthy woman is not accompanied by pathological symptoms - pain during intercourse and urination, itching in the perineum, rash or redness on the labia and perineum.

Physiological causes of brown discharge

Usually, a brown spot on underwear or a sanitary napkin is a symptom of a gestational pathology. But sometimes this symptom occurs during the physiological course of the period of bearing a child.

Brown discharge in early pregnancy may be a symptom in the uterine wall. This event occurs a week after ovulation, which coincides with the 18-25th day of the menstrual cycle. Smearing pale brown discharge may indicate pregnancy before a delay. With late ovulation, implantation occurs at the 5th week of pregnancy, but this happens quite rarely.

Light brown discharge during implantation of the fetal egg occurs due to the destruction of the vessels of the inner wall of the uterus. When the capillaries are exposed, a small amount of blood enters the organ cavity. After a while, it leaves the uterus through the vagina.

Attention! When brown vaginal discharge appears, the expectant mother should immediately seek medical help, since in most cases this symptom is a sign of dangerous complications.

Discharge during implantation has a consistency resembling custard. They are observed once and are not accompanied by other symptoms. Sometimes such discharge has a beige or pinkish color.

In rare cases, small bleeding from the vagina can be a symptom of hormonal changes in the body. Their duration does not exceed 2-3 days. Such secretions appear in response to changes in the endocrine system.

Most often, discharge is observed on the days on which menstrual bleeding should begin - at 4-5 weeks of pregnancy. Sometimes they can be repeated 1-2 months in a row - for 8 and. However, normally, such discharge stops from the second trimester of pregnancy.

What discharge should alert women?

Brown discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy

Brown discharge in the first trimester of pregnancy can be observed as a result of the development of three pathologies:

This pathology proceeds in several stages, the first stage is the threat of miscarriage. Symptoms of complications are pulling pains in the lower abdomen and dark brown vaginal discharge. These signs are observed due to the onset of detachment of the membranes from the inner layer of the uterus. Bleeding with a threatened miscarriage is usually quite poor, sometimes it may be absent. When the process enters the second stage, called "started spontaneous abortion," the vaginal discharge becomes scarlet. Their number also increases, a woman may notice an increase in abdominal pain.

The first two stages of spontaneous abortion are amenable to medical adjustment with timely access to a doctor. With the appearance of brownish and reddish discharge, accompanied by pulling pains in the abdomen of the expectant mother, an ambulance should be called immediately. While waiting for her, a woman is recommended to be in a state of complete rest. Doctors prescribe drug therapy, which includes antispasmodics (No-shpa) and hormonal drugs (). In the third stage of the pathology, called "abortion in progress", the pregnancy is terminated, and the embryo dies. A miscarriage can occur at any period of gestation, but most often this complication occurs before the 10th week of gestation.

Ectopic pregnancy. This pathology is characterized by implantation of the fetal egg not in the uterine cavity, but in the fallopian tube. The embryo is fixed in an abnormal place, where it grows and develops. Over time, the fertilized egg becomes too large, rupturing the fallopian tube, causing bleeding. It can be internal (into the abdominal cavity) and external (from the vagina). In the second case, a woman has brown or red discharge.

A rupture of the fallopian tube may be accompanied by pulling pains in the abdomen (usually in one of the halves), pallor of the skin, general malaise, a rise in body temperature, a decrease in blood pressure, and other symptoms. This pathology requires immediate intervention, since it poses a threat to the life of a woman. The term of rupture of the fallopian tube depends on the place of implantation of the fetal egg. When the embryo is fixed in the area of ​​the ampoule, bleeding occurs at 6-7 weeks of gestation, in the lower part - at 9-10 weeks of gestation.

Bubble drift. A rare disease associated with abnormal development of the membranes of the fetal egg. In pathology, instead of several layers of epithelial cells, a formation appears, consisting of a large number of small vesicles. The disease is associated with abnormal fertilization, in which the genetic set of the embryo has 46 chromosomes from the father (with a norm of 23 chromosomes).

Cystic drift is a dangerous precancerous pathology; with a long course, abnormal tissues grow through the uterine wall and affect neighboring organs. The main symptom of the disease is yellow-brown or red-brown discharge from the vagina. Sometimes, with cystic drift, a woman complains of headache, nausea, vomiting, and swelling. Pathology requires immediate treatment - cleansing the uterine cavity from abnormal tissues. Lack of medical care can lead to malignancy of the tumor.

Brown discharge in the second trimester of pregnancy

Bloody discharge from the vagina in the second trimester of the childbearing period is a symptom of two pathologies:

Premature detachment of a normally located placenta (PONRP). Usually this complication is provoked by physical exertion or emotional unrest. With detachment of the placenta from the inner layer of the uterus, there is an exposure of the vessels that feed the body of the fetus. This phenomenon leads to the development of bleeding, accompanied by pulling pains in the lower abdomen. It can be internal with the formation of a hematoma, which does not give a vivid clinical picture.

If detachment occurs along the edge of the placenta, external vaginal bleeding is observed. Its intensity depends on the degree of damage. When a small section of the organ is torn off, a woman develops a spotting brownish discharge. With detachment of more than ¼ of the placenta, scarlet profuse bleeding appears. PONRP is not amenable to treatment, if possible, doctors perform an emergency delivery. With detachment of more than 1 / 3-1 / 2 of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe placenta, the baby dies from oxygen starvation.

Placenta previa. This pathology is characterized, which covers the uterine os, or is located at a distance of less than 7 cm from it. The first clinical symptom of placenta previa is uterine bleeding. Most often it has a plentiful character, scarlet color, is not accompanied by pain and occurs at rest without the action of external factors. Less commonly, bleeding is scanty, has a brownish tint. Medical tactics depend on the degree of loss of intravascular fluid - in mild cases, pregnancy is prolonged, in severe situations, doctors are forced to perform an emergency operation.

Brown discharge in the third trimester of pregnancy

Brown discharge at 40 weeks of gestation may be a sign of a mucus plug. This formation is located in the cervix and is a factor in protecting the child from infections. When a mucous discharge with streaks of blood or with a brownish tint appears, a woman should be ready for the onset of labor, which is likely to occur within a few hours.

The cause of brown discharge earlier in the third trimester is PONRP and placenta previa. These pathologies have a more pronounced clinical picture than with their development at 20-28 weeks. When observing bleeding from the vagina, a woman should immediately seek medical help.

Brown discharge unrelated to pregnancy

One of the reasons for the appearance of pathological vaginal discharge is cervical erosion. In the initial stages, the disease is asymptomatic, in this case it is diagnosed during a routine gynecological examination. Pregnancy is a trigger for the progression of many diseases, including cervical erosion.

With the progression of erosion, a woman may observe scanty brownish discharge from the vagina. Sometimes they can appear after mechanical irritation - sexual intercourse, use of a tampon, etc. This pathology must be treated without fail, since with prolonged existence it can degenerate into a malignant tumor.

To treat cervical erosion, doctors resort to cauterization of the epithelium. This method injures the organ and can contribute to the difficulty of natural childbirth. Expectant mothers are recommended to undergo therapeutic treatment.

Another reason for the appearance of brownish discharge is infectious diseases of the genital organs. They can arise due to specific microflora - trichomonas, chlamydia, gonococci, etc. Sometimes pathological discharges are the result of the multiplication of non-specific pathogens - staphylococci, streptococci, etc.

With infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, the discharge becomes plentiful, change the consistency, color and acquire an unpleasant odor. Quite often, the pathology is accompanied by other symptoms - pain when emptying the bladder, itching and redness of the perineum.

Bacterial infections of the genital organs can cause intrauterine infection of the fetus, so they should be treated urgently. For therapy, antiseptic and antimicrobial drugs are used.

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