Home Diseases and pests ORU is an important means of developing basic physical qualities - strength, speed, agility, endurance, flexibility. Instructions for completing tasks

ORU is an important means of developing basic physical qualities - strength, speed, agility, endurance, flexibility. Instructions for completing tasks


2016–2017 academic year G.

SCHOOL STAGE 7-8 grades


I. Tasks in a closed form, that is, with the proposed answer options.

1. From what year is the countdown of the first Olympic Games of Ancient Greece?

a) from 595 BC;

b) from 684 BC;

c) from 776 BC;

d) from 836 BC

2. In what sport did Viktor Chukarin, Evgeny Podgorny, Elena Zamolodchikova, Aliya Mustafina, Dmitry Trush become champions of the Olympic Games?

a) artistic gymnastics;

b) fencing;

c) athletics;

d) swimming.

3. The First Russian Olympic Committee was created:

a) in 1900;

b) in 1911;

c) in 1952;

d) in 1990.

4. The honorary right to light the Olympic flame at the 1980 Moscow Olympics was deservedly received by:

a) hockey player Vladislav Tretyak;

b) basketball player Sergei Belov;

c) gymnast Nikolai Andrianov;

d) wrestler Alexander Karelin.

5. Artistic and rhythmic gymnastics refers to:

a) basic gymnastics;

b) industrial gymnastics;

c) applied gymnastics;

d) athletic gymnastics.

6. What does the physical culture of a person include?

a) knowledge about your body;

b) physical exercise;

c) the ability to apply knowledge in life;

d) all of the above.

7. The types of tourism include:

a) hiking, mountain, combined tourism, excursions;

b) cycling, sports tourism, outdoor activities, weekend hikes;

c) hiking, skiing, mountain, water tourism;

d) speleotourism, car tourism, weekend walks, motorcycle tourism.

8. The functional indicators characterizing the characteristics of a person's physical development include:

a) the level of development of general endurance; results of standing long jump, shuttle run, forward bend;

b) chest volume; posture form; body length and weight; the size of the hips.

c) heart rate; the strength of the main muscle groups;

d) calendar age.

9. All ORU (general developmental exercises) of a dynamic nature in relation to the needs and possibilities of mass physical education can be classified into groups:

a) performing the switchgear from a standing position, performing the switchgear from a prone position, performing the switchgear from a sitting position, performing the switchgear in place, performing the switchgear in motion;

b) outdoor gear for sports games, outdoor gear for gymnastics, outdoor gear for athletics, outdoor gear for ski training, outdoor gear for swimming;

c) elementary, with the weight of their own body, with a partner, with objects, on sports equipment;

d) complex, simple, mixed, complex.

10. What are the main physical qualities;

a) coordination, heart rate, flexibility, strength, speed;

b) agility, strength, speed, endurance, flexibility;

c) general endurance, speed-strength endurance, speed, strength, agility;

d) general endurance, strength endurance, flexibility, biceps volume, agility.

11. The most effective way to develop a sense of balance is when practicing on:

a) uneven bars;

b) a high crossbar;

c) gymnastic balance beam;

d) the Swedish wall.

12. Independent physical exercises during the school day provide:

a) maintaining high performance, active rest;

b) prevention of oncoming fatigue, contribute to maintaining high performance for a long time without overvoltage;

c) maintaining a healthy lifestyle throughout the day, body correction;

d) a rational daily routine, the development of physical qualities.

13. What is the main criterion for comprehensive and harmonious physical development?

a) the quality of theoretical knowledge about physical culture;

b) the level of development of physical capabilities;

c) health status;

d) socialization of the personality.

14. A healthy lifestyle is a way of life aimed at:

a) the development of the physical qualities of people;

b) maintaining high performance of people;

c) preservation and improvement of human health;

d) preparation for professional activity.

15. What is the daily routine?

a) fulfilling the instructions of the teacher;

b) preparation of homework;

c) distribution of main tasks throughout the day;

d) breakfast, lunch and dinner every day at the same time.

II. Tasks in an open form, that is, without the proposed answer options. Complete the definition by writing the appropriate word on the answer sheet.

1. A set of fundamental principles of Olympism, rules and by-laws adopted by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), ______________.

2. The official motto (slogan): “Hot. Winter. Yours ”belongs to the city - the capital of the Olympic Games ______________.

3. Teaching motor actions and developing physical qualities is the basis of ______________.

4. The sound attribute of a sports judge ______________.

5. The sport that combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting is called ______________.


    The tasks are in a closed form, i.e. with suggested answers.

    The tasks are in an open form, i.e. no suggested answer options.

    Charter or (Olympic Charter);


    Physical education;



The practical part.


Young men : handstand and headstand, forward roll, back roll.

Girls : forward roll, shoulder stand, back roll.

Sport games.

Basketball elements.


PHYSICAL EDUCATION 2016–2017 academic year G.

SCHOOL STAGE 7-8 grades

Full Name________________________________________________________________

Class ___________________


    Tasks in a closed form, that is, with suggested answer options.

    Tasks in an open form, that is, without the proposed answer options.

    Assessment (terms and sum) _____________

    Jury signatures __________________________________________________

Kuvshinnikova S.A.

General developmental exercises (ORU) are movements of the body and its parts, performed individually or using the actions of a partner, gymnastic apparatus and various objects. The main purpose of the ORU is the development of basic physical qualities (flexibility, strength, strength endurance, etc.), the formation of the necessary skills and abilities necessary for life, practicing various sports, fitness, professional activity (applied ORU). They are performed in different directions, planes, with different amplitude, speed, degree of muscle tension and relaxation. The number of switchgears is enormous, and their motor structure is varied. Some of the ORUs are technically simple, others require good coordination of movements, concentration of attention, physical fitness of the trainees.

Historically, ORUs were created, developed and accumulated within the framework of various gymnastic systems. These are the European gymnastic systems: German, Swedish, apparatus gymnastics by Spies, breathing exercises by Müller, athletic Sandova, Sokolskaya gymnastics, etc. In recent years, ORUs have been significantly enriched with elements of oriental practices: Chinese gymnastics, yoga, etc. Exercises are selected taking into account age, gender, the level of physical fitness. General developmental exercises occupy a significant place in the general system of physical education of children of preschool and school age and are necessary for the timely development of the body, conscious control of movements, are a means for strengthening and developing the body. General developmental exercises in kindergarten and school are used in physical education, in morning gymnastics, during physical education, in combination with hardening procedures, at children's parties. Correct exercise affects the physical development of children. General developmental exercises have a number of peculiarities: they are precisely dosed, and can be used in various variants and combinations.

ORU is also a means of forming correct posture. Formation of correct posture and correction of defects in posture, it is necessary to evenly develop the muscles of the whole body, focusing on the development of the static strength of the muscles of the back, abdominal and shoulder girdle, as well as the mobility of the spine. Harmonious development of the muscles of the whole body is one of the conditions for the formation of correct posture. With the help of general developmental exercises, this task is successfully solved. In addition, for the formation of correct posture, it is necessary to teach how to take a pose of correct posture and maintain it for a long time. Posture training is accomplished through the use of posture sensing exercises.

ORUs become more sophisticated when performed to the accompaniment of music. Music affects the emotions of people, creates a certain mood in them, affects the expressiveness of movements. Music can promote a greater range of motion, or, conversely, cause their restraint, clarity in performance. Such a variety of performance of movements, depending on the nature of the piece of music, affects their improvement. Movements become easy, coordinated, rhythmic, correctly reflecting the character of the piece of music.

When using general developmental exercises, it is relatively easy to regulate physical activity. The load depends on the selection of exercises and their number in one lesson. Some exercises are easier, others more difficult, depending on the intensity of muscle tension with which the exercises are performed. The intensity of muscle tension can be increased: a) by increasing the duration (number of repetitions) of the same exercise, the speed of the exercise, load (with the help of weights or mutual resistance of the practitioners); b) changing the starting position; c) the need to apply volitional efforts; d) the way it is carried out.

OSG classification allows you to distribute physical exercises into groups, subgroups in accordance with the signs we have established.

Outdoor switchgear can be divided (classified) into several groups:

1. On the basis of belonging to a particular system (European, Eastern, Euro-American, rhythmoplastic, etc.).

2. On the anatomical basis of the selection of exercises depending on the work of certain muscle groups: for the arms, shoulder girdle, neck, legs, trunk and the whole body. exercises for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle.

3. The form of the ORU is determined by the basic movements in the joints: flexion, extension, adduction, circular movements, turns. The nature of the exercises largely depends on the degree of muscle tension and relaxation, speed of movement. Therefore, all exercises, in turn, are divided into three groups: strength and speed-strength; stretching; for relaxation.

3. On the basis of the predominant effect on the body: on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the musculoskeletal system, on the activation of metabolic processes, the nervous system (development of the properties of the psyche - attention, intelligence, orientation in space, in time, etc.).

4. On the basis of the development of certain motor abilities and physical qualities (strength, speed-power qualities, flexibility, speed of movements, endurance, coordination of movements).

5. Based on the use of exercises: without objects, with objects (gymnastic stick, dumbbells, stuffed and rubber balls, jump ropes); on gymnastic apparatus (bar, parallel bars, etc.) and with apparatus (bench).

6. On the basis of group organization: performed individually, together, three,

7. The spatial arrangement of the trainees: in a circle, in close columns, ranks, in grip and in motion.

8. On the basis of the starting positions from which the exercises are performed: from stands, squats, stops, sitting, lying.

9. By the method of conducting: the game method (relay races, obstacle courses, plot-like, etc.), the flow method (on the spot, with promotion), the serial-flow method, the method of circular training, etc. ...

10. By application. In particular, in physiotherapy exercises, the classification of ORU is subdivided into passive (with limited and full amplitude) and active exercises (with the help of a healthy symmetrical limb, without shells, with shells, with the help of medical personnel, on land, in water),) with increasing effort , with tension, with resistance; corrective, respiratory.

In each group it is possible to distinguish subclassification. Here are some examples. Hand movements are divided into the following subgroups:

  • raising and lowering straight arms forward, up, to the sides simultaneously, alternately and sequentially, the same with clenching and unclenching of the hands;
  • flexion and extension of the arms at different rates, in different starting positions;
  • circular movements of the hands at different rates, in the front and side planes, alternately, sequentially and simultaneously;
  • turns of the hands in and out from the position of the hand forward, up, to the sides, back;
  • swinging and jerking hand movements;
  • free shaking of relaxed hands.

OSU for the torso:

  • tilts, turns, circular movements of the head;
  • turns of the head and body to the right, left;
  • tilts of the head and body forward (with a straight and bent back with turns to the right and left), tilts to the sides with different positions of the arms - from different starting positions;
  • circular movements of the trunk with different hand positions;
  • raising and lowering the body, lying on the stomach, on the back;
  • flexion and extension of the trunk, lying in support, standing in support, on your knees;
  • relaxation of the muscles of the body from a sitting position, lying down.

Exercises for the legs:

  • raising and lowering the legs from the starting positions sitting, standing, lying;
  • bending and straightening the legs;
  • swing legs forward, backward, to the sides with support and without support by hands;
  • squats and half-squats, springy movements in the squat;
  • circular movements of the feet from different starting positions;
  • keeping the legs in various positions (static exercises) - the leg is bent at the knee, stretched forward, to the side, back;
  • putting the feet on the toe forward, to the side, back.
  • jumping exercises.

A clear classification of exercises allows you to systematize the extensive material on ORS, navigate in a variety of existing physical exercises and select from them the ones necessary for solving the intended tasks, which, ultimately, facilitates the methodology for their mastering.


1. Gymnastics and teaching methods / Ed. V.M.Smolevsky, M., 1987.

2. Gymnastics. Ed. M.L. Zhuravina, N.K. Menshikov. Ed. "Academy". - 2001 g.

3. Zaletaev I.P., Polievsky S.A. General developmental exercises. - M., 2002

4. Kuznetsov V.A. Gymnastics in the system of physical education. - M .: SGIFK, 1974.

5. Matveev L.P. Theory and methodology of physical culture. - M., 1991.

General developmental exercises

1. What is called general developmental exercises

General developmental exercises (ORU) in gymnastics are called accessible to the trainee, simple in technical terms, elementary movements of the body and its parts, performed with the aim of improving, educating physical qualities, improving the functional state of the body.

... Exercise classification

General developmental exercises are used to selectively affect certain muscle groups and therefore are classified according to anatomical characteristics:

Exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle.

Exercises for the neck.

Exercise for the legs and pelvic girdle.

Exercises for the trunk.

Exercises for the whole body.

Exercises to form correct posture.

In each group, a number of exercises of a more local nature can be distinguished. For example, in the group "exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle" there are exercises for the fingers, hands, forearms, and shoulder.

In the group "exercises for the legs and pelvic girdle" - exercises for the foot and lower leg. Hips. In the group "exercises for the trunk", exercises for the muscles of the anterior or lateral surface of the trunk, etc. are distinguished.

Anatomical classification of exercises is supplemented with indications of the nature of their physiological effects. This refers to the predominant influence of exercises on the development of motor qualities: strength, speed, flexibility, endurance, dexterity.

The form of the ORU is determined by the basic movements in the joints: flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, circular movements, turns. The nature of the exercises largely depends on the degree of muscle tension and relaxation, speed of movement.

Exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle

... Exercises for fingers and hands

Strength exercises:

Squeezing a tennis ball for every count;

emphasis on your fingertips against the wall, standing tilted against the wall. The same in the lying position;

pushing off with the hands from the wall with the support with straight arms against the wall, standing at a distance of a step from it.

Exercises to increase joint mobility:

Hands up, palm rest on palm with fingers up, lowering hands along the body, without having the position of the hands;

"Clap hands" in the position of elbows to the sides, fingers forward, up;

in the lying position, the transfer of the weight of the body, from one hand to the other, changing the position of the hands: fingers forward, inward, outward.

2. Exercises for flexors and extensors of the forearm

Strength exercises for the flexors:

Medicine ball (s) below. Bending the arms to the shoulders. The same with a rubber shock absorber, standing on it, gripping the ends with your hands;

pull-ups in the hang while lying or hanging on the bar, rings, uneven bars.

in an emphasis lying on wide apart arms, bend one arm.

Moving the body alternately to support, lying on the left or right hand.

Strength exercises for the extensors:

Extension of the arms (push-ups) in the lying position;

extension of the arms in the support lying behind with the support of the hands on the bench, the seats of the chairs;

jumping on hands in support lying with cotton;

extension of the arms up from the dumbbell position to the shoulders.

Exercises to increase shoulder mobility:

One hand up, the other down. Change of hand positions with a jerk at the end of the movement;

reduction of straight arms behind the back in jerks;

from the support lying behind, bending the legs, springy movements. Hands straight, fingers back;

twisted in the shoulder joints, transfers the stick back behind the back and back with a grip on the ends. The same with a rope shock absorber.

Neck exercises

Exercises to increase joint mobility:

Head tilts forward, backward, sideways;

head turns to the left, to the right;

circular movements of the head.

Strength exercises:

Hands on the back of the head, tilting the head back and forth, overcoming hand resistance;

kneeling with the head resting on the palm (on a soft support), rolling from the forehead to the back of the head;

from a lying position with bent arms (palms at the head) and legs a wrestling bridge (on a soft support).

Exercises for the legs and pelvic girdle

... Exercises for the foot and lower leg

Strength exercises:

Raising on socks, the same with dumbbells in hands;

walking on toes;

jumps on two and one leg in place and with advance.

Exercises for joint mobility:

In the forward lunge position, springy movements, trying to touch the floor with the heel behind the leg;

from the support, sitting on the heels, springy movements, lifting the knees from the floor;

walking on the outside of the foot.

2. Exercises for the muscles of the thigh

Strength exercises:

Squats on two and one leg; the same with dumbbells in hands; the same with a partner on the shoulders;

walking in a half-squat and jumping in a half-squat;

kneeling, bending with a straight torso back. The same, but forward, with the partner holding the shins.

Exercises to increase mobility in the hip joints:

Circular movements of the pelvis in a leg stand apart;

springy movements in the position of a wide lunge forward. The same in the position of the lunge to the side;

bends forward in gray with straight legs (legs together and legs apart);

half-twine, twine;

standing on one, the other rests on the bar of the gymnastic wall. Bends in different directions without bending your legs.

Exercises for the trunk

... Exercises for the muscles of the anterior surface of the trunk

Strength exercises:

From a lying position, raising the body to the sed;

lying, raising straight legs to a lying position on the shoulder blades, bent over;

Standing legs apart, tilting back, hands on the belt, to the shoulders, up;

sitting. With a lumbar support on a medicine ball. Bending back, arms up;

bridge from a prone position.

2. Exercises for the muscles of the back of the trunk

Strength exercises:

Forward bends with medicine ball held by hands at the back of the head;

lying on your stomach, arching, arms up;

in the forward tilt position, raising the arms to the sides with dumbbells.

Exercises to increase the mobility of the spine:

Spring bending, bent forward, standing, sitting.

3. Exercises for the muscles of the lateral surface of the trunk

Strength exercises:

From gray, legs apart, leaning on one hand, with a turn of the support lying sideways, the other hand up;

in gray, legs apart (with socks to hook on the bar of the gymnastic wall or with the partner holding the legs) tilt back 45 degrees and turns the body to the right and left, hands behind the head.

Exercises to increase the mobility of the spine:

Spring-loaded tilts of the body to the sides in the stand of the legs apart, hands on the belt, to the shoulders, up.

Exercises for the whole body

1. From o.s. emphasis squatting emphasis lying, emphasis squatting, etc.

The same, but with bending of the arms in the lying position.

Walking on hands with the help of a partner supporting the legs.

In a stand, legs apart, circular movements of the body.

From the leg stand, sit crosswise, lie down, sit down, stand up.

Exercises to form correct posture

1. Stand against the wall, touching it with the back of the head, shoulder blades, buttocks, heels. Move away from the wall while maintaining this position. Determine the difference between the usual posture and the posture of correct posture against the wall.

Take a straight body position with the back of the head and spine touching the stick. A gymnastic stick vertically behind the back with a grip with the hands at the lower back. Fix the pose while standing in front of the mirror.

Stand with your back against the wall. Squatting, tilting the body to the side, without lifting the back and pelvis from the wall.

Lie on your back, hands behind your head. Tighten your back muscles, maintaining a straight body position and allow partners to raise themselves to the o.s. position.

Relaxation exercises

Hand exercises:

Standing, hands up. "Drop" your hands, then your forearms, relax your arms down and, with a half-bend forward, perform a passive swing to the right and left.

Exercises for the legs:

Sitting with arms resting behind. Bend and unbend your legs alternately; when unbending, "slap" the back surface of the leg on the floor in a relaxed manner;

standing on one leg, grasping the hands under the thigh, raise the bent leg. Letting go of the grip, "throw" the leg down.

Exercises for the trunk:

Lying on your back with support with the back of your head and hands, bend slightly and lie down relaxed.

Exercises for the whole body:

lying on your back, hands down, palms forward, toes out. Close your eyes, relax completely. Long pause.

3. Compilation of complexes of general developmental exercises

.1 Dependence of the forms and content of the OSU classes

When selecting individual exercises and compiling ORS complexes, it is necessary to be guided by those for whom these exercises are intended and for what purpose they will be used, i.e. clearly define pedagogical objectives.

The most typical forms of ORU classes are "small" forms: morning exercises (exercises), physical training pauses, gymnastics lessons, etc., depending on the tasks of the lesson, the forms of organizing classes are determined.

general developmental complex exercise

№ p / pFormsMain tasksContingent of students and organization of classesDuration of classes1 2 3 4 5 6 Morning gymnastics - exercise Introductory gymnastics. Physical culture break. Physical education. Micropause. Sports warm-up. Sports warm-up Lesson of basic gymnastics (including women's, rhythmic) Lesson of athletic gymnastics The procedure of medical gymnastics. Remedial gymnastics lessonHygienic effects on the body; increasing the physical and emotional tone; Prevention of diseases and the fight against fatigue; increasing labor productivity. Warming up the musculo-ligamentous apparatus; toning the body; Education of physical qualities; the acquisition of gymnastic skills; increasing the functional state of the body or maintaining it at a certain level; education of correct posture Education of physical qualities (mainly strength); increasing the functional state of the body Restoration of body functions, prevention of diseases All age groups; individual sessions; group lessons in kindergarten, school, pioneer camp, rest homes, in the army. Workers and employees, individual and group lessons at the place of work. Athletes; individual and group lessons in sections, sports camps, training camps, etc. School-age children, student youth, adults of all age groups; group lessons at school, vocational school, university, health groups Boys, youth, adult men; individual sessions; group lessons at the place of study or work All age groups; individual and group lessons in medical institutions 10-15 10-15 15-20 45 - 90 45 - 90 30 -60

Specific focus of outdoor switchgear

The effect on the body of exercises of the same form (for example, squats) depends on the nature of their performance (fast or slow squats, with or without weights, etc.). in order to correctly navigate in the choice of exercises, it is necessary to have an idea about the manifestations of motor abilities, about physical qualities: strength, endurance and flexibility.

Power qualities, i.e. the ability to overcome external resistance,it is recommended to develop using outdoor switchgear in three ways:

Multiple (up to 18-20 times) lifting an available weight or overcoming your own body weight (when push-ups in a lying position, getting up from a squat, pull-ups, etc.). performing such exercises before fatigue develops strength endurance, helps to increase muscle mass. If repetition of 8-12 times is not difficult, it is necessary to increase the weight of the weights or change the I.P. (for example, push-ups with high support of the legs).

Lifting near-limit weight (1-3 times). These exercises develop maximum muscle strength. Their mass is also growing.

Performing movements with maximum speed. The speed-strength qualities of muscles, speed are developing.

Endurance is the ability to resist fatigue during prolonged muscular work that requires significant effort.Using OSU, they develop local and general endurance. Doing as many exercises as possible, involving a limited number of muscles, develops local endurance (for example, lifting dumbbells to the shoulders, pulling up on the bar).

Exercises that involve many muscle groups for a long time and therefore work with increased stress on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, develop general endurance (for example, prolonged running in place, jumping, squats in combination with bending and lying).

Flexibility is a measure of the mutual mobility of body links.

The size of the available range of motion depends on the development of flexibility. Exercising only with strength exercises leads to limited mobility in the joints, to enslavement. Therefore, strength training must be combined with flexibility exercises.

Distinguish between active and passive flexibility.

Active flexibilityis associated with the demonstration of mobility in the joints due to the overcoming work of the muscles (keeping the leg high, high swinging the legs, etc.). The development of active flexibility involves the use of exercises with an increased range of motion, as well as exercises to strengthen the muscles that fix the joints in extreme positions (high leg, high angle, etc.).

Passive flexibility- the manifestation of mobility in the joints due to the gravity of one's own body or its parts, the actions of a partner or weights (lowering into a twine, bending forward in a sitting position with an inclination to the legs with the help of a partner, tilting the body to the leg with its support on the bar of the gymnastic wall, etc. .NS.). Passive flexibility is developed by the method of repeated active or passive actions (tilting with additional movements, the same with the help of a partner), by fixing static positions in poses where joint mobility is manifested (bridge, twine, tilt, etc.)

Relaxation exercises are also part of the ORU. The pauses between individual RVs for the development of strength, endurance, flexibility are associated with rest and involuntary natural muscle relaxation.

It is necessary to teach the trainees to actively (voluntarily) relax the muscles by volitional effort. For this purpose, the method of contrasting actions is used: alternation of strong tensions and rapid relaxation. This method is especially effective when lying or sitting. Swing movements with relaxation, shaking, self-massage techniques are also used.

Exercise selection rules

When choosing exercises according to the principle of their compliance with the main pedagogical tasks, the following rules should be followed:

The exercises should have a multifaceted effect on the trainees. This is especially important to take into account when compiling ORU complexes for morning exercises, sports warm-up, basic gymnastics. To do this, you need to include in the complex exercises for all parts of the body. It is recommended to alternate the exercises, adhering to a certain pattern, for example "arms - legs - trunk". In the complex of hygienic gymnastics there can be 3-5 series. In each subsequent series, exercises for individual parts of the body should be changed. If the extensor muscles were predominantly involved in the first series, then in the second series the flexor muscles should be involved in active work.

It is also recommended to change the nature of the exercises. Performing a series of speed-strength exercises is replaced by a series of strength exercises, then a series of exercises for the development of flexibility, and the final series should contain exercises of general impact in order to develop endurance. The complex ends with relaxation exercises.

Along with the many-sided effects on the body, those involved in ORU should be selected taking into account their local influence on the development of certain muscle groups or certain physical qualities. The ORU complexes, compiled taking into account the local impact, are typical for athletic and basic gymnastics, and this rule is also guided in the preparation of a set of industrial gymnastics exercises (taking into account the characteristics of professional activity) and in the preparation of a complex of medical gymnastics in order to accurately local impact on the restored organ and function.

The rule of "progression", widely used in sports, is also implemented in the preparation of the ORU complex in the form of an increase in the effect of the use of exercises by increasing the amplitude and speed of movements, the degree of tension, the number of repetitions. This is manifested in the course of performing one exercise, and a complex of ORU, as well as from one lesson to another.

So, each exercise can be enhanced by additional actions. For example: tilting the body forward, backward or to the side is enhanced by raising the arms to the shoulders, up, using weights, and additional springy movements. The increase in the load in the ORU complex is achieved by the inclusion of more intense exercises in the subsequent series and an increase in the number of repetitions. Gradual addiction (adaptation) to the load from one lesson to another with an unchanged ORU complex testifies to the beneficial effect of exercises on the body and indicates the possibility of changing the complex towards its complication.

The gymnastic method of conducting ORU is distinguished by a strict regulation of movements, which is achieved by a clear indication of the initial and final positions, the direction and amplitude of movements, and their nature. This determines the accuracy and dosage of the exercise. When choosing exercises, the rules of gymnastic regulation of exercises must be observed. For example: when leaning forward, it is important to clarify the position of the legs, since when the legs are positioned together or apart, with toes outward, inward or parallel feet, the effect will be different. The position of the torso when bending can also be different (with a rounded or arched back). The nature of the exercise also changes on whether the incline is performed slowly or quickly.

When compiling ORU complexes, it is necessary to determine and indicate the methods of performing each exercise, the nature of the movements.

With all the abundance of exercises, the following exercises and their varieties have passed the test of time and should form the basis of these complexes:

Stretching with straightening and bending.

Circular and swinging movements with hands.


Tilts of the body forward, backward, to the side and circular movements.

Tilts and circular movements of the head.

Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position.

Raising the legs while sitting and lying (or the trunk with the legs fixed).

Swing your legs forward, backward and to the side.

Jumps (jumps) are multiple.

Walking and running in place.

4. Methodology for conducting general developmental exercises

Styling movements.Natural movements and skills such as walking, running, bending, squatting, etc., become gymnastic exercises due to the clear regulation of postures and movements in accordance with traditional gymnastics norms. The most general requirements include straight arms and legs, drawn toes, clear starting and ending positions.

Emotional background,especially when working with children, is of great importance. It is recommended to carry out the OSG in a playful way. Many outdoor games and gymnastic relay races are full of movements that can be ordered and used as an open circuit (walking, running, squatting, jumping, bending, etc.). The competitive method of conducting ORU also increases the emotional tone of the trainees. For the same purpose, the ORUs are carried out in various formations and with rearrangements: in a line, column, circle, in a closed and open formation, in motion, in pairs and triplets. Outdoor switchgears are especially useful (in a park, forest, beach)

Peculiarities of carrying out the ORU with the use of objects

In the course of the training of ORU, objects are used for various purposes, most often as burdens, and also as a means of training the accuracy of movements and increasing interest in classes.

Gymnastic stickused as a limiter of movements, specifying their direction and amplitude. It can also be used as a support for exercises in stops and hangs when training with partners.

Typical rope exercisesare jumps with jumping over it: on two and on one leg, with rotation of the rope forward and backward, for each rotation of the rope and with intermediate jumps, with double rotation, in a squat and a number of other jumps. A long rope is used for jumping over by rotating it by the ends by two partners.

Inflatable ballsused for throwing and catching for individual, pair and group exercises. Small balls (tennis) are also used for throwing at a target.

Stuffed ballsof different weights serve as a burden, as well as a limiter of movement and support when performing a number of exercises (for example, lying down with the support of your back on the ball).

Dumbbellsof different weights are widely used as weights that enhance the effect during dynamic exercises of a speed-strength nature (low weight) and during strength dynamic and static exercises (medium and large weight). For the same purpose, rubber and spring shock absorbers are used. Block devices, weights and barbells are used for special strength training in sports gymnastics and athletic gymnastics and are not typical means for general developmental exercises in types of health-improving gymnastics.

Exercises with clubswooden ones are performed for the development of mobility in the joints of the upper extremities, coordination of movements, and are also used in games and relay races.

Exercises using a gymnastic bench and a gymnastic wall.The bench serves as a support in a sitting position, an emphasis lying down, an obstacle when jumping. On the gymnastic wall, you can perform exercises with support with arms and legs on slats at different heights, exercises in hanging and mixed hanging.

It is advisable to carry out the ORU also with a partner- two, three. This expands the possibilities of using ORS: the interaction of partners can facilitate or complicate the motor task, and in general increases the emotional background of the classes.

When composing a training program, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of including exercises with objects and using gymnastic equipment in the complex. Places of employment should be equipped with this equipment, which diversifies classes and provides great opportunities for solving physical education problems by means of gymnastics.

ORU training

The most effective teaching methods for educational institutions are: the teaching method as a whole and by divisions. In this case, you can use the methods of teaching by display, by story and combined.

1. The way of teaching in general for the show.The teacher first shows the whole exercise. Then he gives the command "Starting position (indicates the way of execution, if necessary -" step "," lunge "," jump ", etc.) to accept!". A pause is made to correct possible errors. If it is necessary to interrupt the execution, the command "Drop!" Is given. In the starting position, the command "Exercise start-NAY!" The conductor performs the movements, standing in front of the group, in a mirror image, which makes it easier for the trainees to copy the exercise. OSU is recommended to be held under the account. Most often for 4 and 8 accounts. This allows for musical accompaniment.

Teaching the switchgear "by show", at the same time, instructions are given which movements are performed on what account. After 2-3 repetitions, together with the group, the conductor switches to counting and showing. Finish the exercises on the command "STAND!". It is served instead of the last bill.

When teaching children of primary school age, not commands are given, but orders: "Accept the starting position", "Perform the exercise like me", "Finish the exercise".

2. The way of teaching in general according to the story.This method is used when teaching simpler exercises or in order to activate the attention of students. The instructor explains the exercise by indicating the starting position and briefly explains which movements should be performed on the count of "one", "two", etc. The commands are the same as those given in the training method "by show".

It is recommended to suggest basic actions along the way instead of counting, but in the rhythm and tempo of the exercises. For example, instead of counting "one - two - three - four" say: "Bend - straighten - sit down - stand up." In the combined method, the teacher combines the demonstration of the exercise with an explanation.

3. Method of teaching "by divisions".This method is used when teaching more complex ORU coordination, as it allows pauses between individual movements to clarify them and correct errors. After the command "Take the starting position!" the teacher gives commands, dividing each count with pauses. For example: "Right leg back on toe, hands up - do it once!"

With this method of training, a high motor density of the lesson is maintained.

OSU dosage

The regulation of physical activity during the training of outdoor switchgear is carried out by changing:

- the number of exercises(depending on the forms of ORU training, there may be a different number of them. In the complex of hygienic gymnastics - 8-12, in the complex of rhythmic gymnastics - 50-70);

- exercise content(Movement of individual parts of the body with the participation of a small number of muscles is less stressful than exercises for the whole body with the work of many muscle groups. Strength exercises, resistance exercises and endurance exercises affect the muscles, cardiovascular and respiratory systems more than exercise for flexibility);

- rest intervals between exercises(reducing rest pauses increases the load);

- the number of repetitions(when conducting simple ORUs that fit into the score "1 - 4" or "1 - 8", to the music, as a rule, each exercise is repeated 4,8,12 or 16 times. Exercises without music can be repeated within the same limits without adhering to the exact amount dictated by the structure of the musical work);

- pace(fast paced exercise is usually more stressful);

- starting positions(The same exercise with different starting positions has a different load. For example: flexion and extension of the arms in the support lying with the support of the hands on the elevation, on the floor, with the support of the legs on the elevation or in the support on the uneven bars).

It is necessary to dose the exercises based on the general rules for taking into account the degree of preparedness of the trainees, their age, gender and the tasks solved with this contingent.

In individual lessons, it is necessary to assess the load by the pulse and by the state of health, focusing on the feeling of fatigue. In group lessons, the teacher may instruct you to stop the exercise on your own if it becomes difficult to continue with everyone together.

In strength training, the feeling of fatigue is easily perceptible and repetition to failure is acceptable. In endurance exercises, it is impossible to bring the body to such a degree of fatigue, especially when practicing with beginners. Flexibility exercises should be guided by a feeling of mild pain, indicating the limit of the range of motion.

From class to session, the load should be gradually increased, adjusting it due to the factors listed above and the number of days of classes per week. When monitoring and self-monitoring the permissible load on the cardiovascular system when performing general developmental exercises, especially in intensive series - in-line, it is recommended to use the following technique:

the initial ceiling is determined individually - the maximum heart rate - by subtracting from the number 220 the number corresponding to the age of the student (220 - age);

by probing (at the wrist, on the neck), the number of beats is counted in 10 or 15 seconds at the teacher's signal before the start of the lesson (initial pulse) and at some of its moments (after peak loads, at the time of recovery, etc.). this number is multiplied by 6 or 4, and the number of beats per minute is determined;

the found value (number of beats per minute) should be in the zone 60-85% of the maximum (220 - age), characterizing the individual permissible load. For example, for a 40-year-old practitioner, the maximum value of the number of heartbeats per minute will be 180 (220 - 40). The load, at which the pulse will be 110 - 130 beats / min, will be sufficient for a beginner (60 - 70%), and for a trained one, it can be higher - characterized by a pulse of 140 - 150 beats / min (80 - 85%).

Breathing is closely related to movement. The depth and frequency of breathing should be appropriate to the needs of the body at the moment. This complex physiological function of the body is carried out automatically. For practically healthy people, it does not matter when to inhale or exhale; moments of short-term urging are not harmful either. As far as possible, it is necessary to combine the pace of movement with breathing. When expanding the chest, when moving the arms to the sides, extending the trunk, it is recommended to inhale, and when bending, bending, exhale.

5. The value of the switchgear

General developmental exercises have a versatile effect on the body of those involved, especially on the musculoskeletal system. They are quite simple and do not require a lot of learning.

Due to their accessibility, these exercises constitute the main content of classes for health groups, are widely used in physical education lessons in kindergartens, schools, vocational schools. Universities. The ORU complexes are used in morning hygienic gymnastics, when conducting classes in basic, rhythmic and industrial gymnastics. Representatives of all sports include RPM in training as a means of warm-up and development of certain physical qualities.

The relative simplicity and the ability to gradually complicate them make the ORS accessible to those who are engaged in any age and fitness.

Mastering the ORU is a school of motor training. Starting with elementary, single-joint movements, the trainees gradually move on to more complex exercises. The stage of initial training in sports is also characterized by the use of a large volume of ORU. These exercises are easy to dose, allow targeted and selective action on certain muscle groups. Particular importance is attached to the ORU in the formation of the correct posture.


1. "Gymnastics": Textbook. for stud. higher. ped. study. institutions / Ed. M.L. Zhuravina, N.K. Menshikov. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2001. - 448 p.

... "Gymnastics and teaching methods": Textbook for institutes of physical culture / Ed. V.M. Smolevsky. - Ed. 3rd, revised, add. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1987. - 336 p., Ill.


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When composing a complex of general developmental exercises (GED), the following rules must be observed:
The content of the set of exercises should correspond to its purpose (gymnastics before lessons, the preparatory part of the lesson, a complex for the development of physical qualities, etc.). The complex of morning exercises and the preparatory part of the lesson should not include exercises that require significant functional stress. For the preparatory part of the lesson, it is better to make up the complexes from combined exercises involving a large number of muscle groups, thereby exerting a positive effect on the body of those involved.
Take into account the place and conditions of the classes: hall or open area; the state of the weather.
Complex exercises should have a comprehensive effect on the main muscle groups.
Take into account the characteristics of those involved (preparedness, gender differences).
For each ORU complex, it is necessary to choose the most suitable form of organization (separately - in-line; in a competitive or game form).
The content of the ORU complex should correspond to the tasks of the lesson (educational, developmental, health-improving, educational).
The content of the ORU complex should correspond to the content of the main part of the lesson.
Several exercises in each set of ORU should have a corrective focus (formation of posture, alternation of tension and relaxation).
The implementation of the exercises of the ORU complex should have a certain sequence. The most widespread in the practice of physical education in determining the sequence of exercises in the ORU complex was the "top-down" principle. However, judging by the technology of circular training (where the trainees, going from station to station, perform exercises, violating such a sequence), this principle can be neglected in the conditions of realization of physical training tasks.
In determining the number of exercises of the complex and the number of repetitions of each of them, one should first of all proceed from the resource allocated for this lesson time.
All methods of organizing the implementation of complexes of general developmental exercises can be classified into three types: standing still, in motion, complex (a combination of exercises while standing still and with movement). At the same time, the execution of exercises can be organized with separation (explanation, demonstration, execution, correction of errors) and continuously (flow, aerobically).
The organization of the system for using the outdoor switchgear (for variety and completeness) can be carried out on the basis of the following classification. All RVs of a dynamic nature in relation to the demands and possibilities of mass physical education can be classified into five groups: elementary, with the weight of their own body, with a partner, with objects, on sports equipment. This classification makes it possible to use a fairly diverse list of educational programs, implement their system (one by one or in a complex), form the composition of the educational institutions of each of the selected groups, and specify the educational institutions of each group in relation to the peculiarities of the content of the sections of the educational program and the capabilities of students in connection with age prerequisites.
Performing physical exercises causes a certain tension in the functional systems of the body of those involved. The measure of this voltage, depending on the load effects, can be different - from optimal to unacceptable. Therefore, the determination of the measure of load influences is a necessary component of control over the process of physical education of students. It is customary to judge the measure of physical activity in the practice of medical and pedagogical control by the reaction of indicators of the activity of various functional systems, primarily the cardiovascular system.
Control over the functional state of those involved in mass physical education is possible using simple and reliable indicators. These are various heart rate indicators... This is due to the fact that the heart rate (pulse) is a fairly informative and most accessible indicator of the activity of the cardiovascular system (CVS). Changes in heart rate (HR) are the most important physiological mechanism that demonstrates the adaptation of the circulatory system to muscular work. The heart rate indicator is widely used to assess the functional state and adaptive capabilities of the cardiovascular system, since a linear relationship has been established between the heart rate and the amount of physical activity. Therefore, heart rate indicators are used as a criterion for assessing the severity of the load and its tolerance (those who are engaged in physical culture). All methods of measuring heart rate are united by the general term "heart rate monitoring".
There are a number of ways to find and analyze your heart rate. At rest, the pulse is measured for 30 s, and after the exercise is done - for 10 s. The obtained indicators are respectively translated into the value of the pulse for 1 minute. Heart rate measurements are always carried out on the same part of the body (wrist, temple, heart area). Pulse measurement can be carried out by palpation (hands) or instrumental (using various devices). For any measurement option, it is necessary to comply with the requirements of standardization, reliability and representativeness. Standardity presupposes the same measurement conditions - by the choice of a body area (wrist, neck, temple, region, heart), by and. p. (lying, sitting, standing), by translating the pulse values ​​in 1 min. Reliability assumes the duration of the measurement (5, 10, 15, 30 or 60 s), the accuracy of fixing the time intervals, etc. Representativeness suggests the appropriateness of the selected option for heart rate monitoring and the number of measurements.
To create an idea of ​​the composition of heart rate indicators, we will discuss a list of them.
1. Resting pulse. Serves as a reference point for determining the initial state of those involved. In addition, it is the starting point for the relative calculations of other indicators and the assessment of the degree of recovery after exercise.
2. Pulse after exercise. Serves as a guideline (by the magnitude of the shifts) in determining the load impact and the characteristics of the individual reactions of the students. The table shows the approximate values ​​of pulse values ​​after exercise with their differentiation according to four zones of intensity (according to M. Ya. Nabatnikova, Ya. S. Vainbaum).

Intensity zone

Qualitative characteristic of load intensity

Heart rate indicator, beats / min




Up to 130

Up to 135


Up to 155

Up to 160


Up to 175

Up to 180


More than 175

Over 180

3. Average heart rate. Several heart rate values ​​are recorded in the lesson. The resulting values ​​are added and divided by the number of measurements. An example. Conducted during the lesson 5 heart rate measurements. Their values ​​(based on 1 min) are 100, 120, 120, 180, 100, which is the sum of 620. Divide by 5 (the number of measurements). We get the average heart rate equal to 124. The value of the average heart rate allows you to correlate various activities according to the degree of load impact, as well as to determine the measure of its admissibility (provided that the approximate value of the average heart rate for those engaged in different abilities has been worked out). In principle, you can focus on the values ​​of the average heart rate, which are in the range of 100-120.
4. Total heart rate. The total heart rate (the sum of all measured heart rate indicators for the session) gives more information to the same as the average heart rate. However, with its help it is possible to indirectly characterize the level of energy expenditures of those involved in a lesson.
5. Truncated recovery heart rate. Serves as an indicator of the normalcy of the recovery process, and therefore the adequacy (or inadequacy) of the load effects. In addition, it also indirectly characterizes the level of energy consumption. This indicator is determined by the sum of the pulse values ​​measured at the beginning of each minute of the recovery period (of 3 or 5 minutes). The following ratios can be used as orienting values ​​of energy consumption by heart rate values: pulse values ​​equal to 80–100 beats / min correspond to energy consumption (in kilocalories per minute) equal to 2.5–5.0; pulse 100-120 beats / min corresponds to 5.0-7.5; pulse 120-140 beats / min corresponds to 7.5-10.0; pulse 140–160 beats / min corresponds to 10.5–12.5; pulse 160-180 beats / min corresponds to 12.5-15.0. (Moscow: GTsOLIFK, 1989).
6. Difference in maximum heart rate in class(for the observed subject) and heart rate before the start of the session. This indicator can be used to judge the intensity of the load. In addition, the correlation of the calculated difference in a series of exercises allows one to judge the level of adaptation and fitness of the trainees.
The presented data allow you to focus on the optimal values ​​of the heart rate and long-term continuous work with an intensity of 20 to 70%, taking into account the differences in age and gender.
7. The difference between the heart rate before the session and the pulse after the end of the session. This indicator makes it possible to judge the compliance of teachers with the requirements to ensure load reduction by the end of the lesson.
8. The recovery time of the pulse after the lesson to the initial (beginning of the lesson) level. This indicator characterizes the adequacy of the proposed load in the lesson for a given subject. Fast (in relation to average rates) recovery - the load is insufficient, long-term recovery - the load is excessive.
9. Determination of the index of tension of physical activity. Load stress index (TIN) is determined by the formula:

INN = [∑ HR (5 min recovery) - Initial HR] / t work

The higher the load intensity, the higher the index value.
10. The dynamics of heart rate values ​​during the lesson (heart rate monitoring). With the help of heart rate monitoring, you can trace the reaction of the cardiovascular system to stress during exercise.
11... Determination of individual heart rate values to implement the set intensity of the load impact based on the calculation by the formula:

Pp + (Pm - Pp) × I% / 100,

where Pp is the resting pulse, Pm is the maximum pulse reached by the student, And is the specified load intensity.

An example. Pp = 60. Pm = 220. I = 80%. We substitute in the formula: 60 + (220-60) × 80: 100. We get 188. This means that to perform the load with 80% intensity, the pulse values ​​must be at the level of 180-190 beats / min.

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1 are combined into 2 groups: 1. Tasks in a closed form, that is, with the proposed answer options. When performing these tasks, you must choose one of the proposed options. Among them, there are both correct and incorrect endings, as well as statements partially corresponding to the meaning. Only one is correct that most fully corresponds to the meaning of the statement. The selected options are marked by crossing out the corresponding square in the answer form: "a", "b", "c" or "d". Read the assignments and suggested answer choices carefully. Try not to guess, but to logically justify your choice. Skip unfamiliar tasks. This will save time for other tasks. Subsequently, you can return to the missed task. Correctly completed tasks of this group are estimated at 1 point. 2. Tasks in an open form, that is, without the proposed answer options. When performing these tasks, it is necessary to independently choose a definition that, completing the statement, forms a true statement. Enter the selected definition in the appropriate column of the answer sheet. Correctly completed tasks of this group are estimated at 2 points. The time for completing all tasks is 45 minutes. Be careful when making notes on the answer sheet. Corrections and erasures are evaluated as an incorrect answer. Fill out the questionnaire in the answer form: write your last name, first name, patronymic, name of the subject of the Federation, city, school and class that you represent. 1. Instructions for the test to me a. Understandable. b. Partly understandable. in. Not fully understood. d. Not clear. 2. Would you like to ask questions to clarify the assignment? but. Yes. b. No. in. Do not know. d. Difficult to answer. We wish you success! one

2 THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL TOUR I. Tasks in a closed form, that is, with the proposed answer options. 1. From what year is the countdown of the first Olympic Games of Ancient Greece? a) from 595 BC; c) from 776 BC; b) from 684 BC; d) from 836 BC 2. In what sport did Viktor Chukarin, Evgeny Podgorny, Elena Zamolodchikova, Aliya Mustafina, Dmitry Trush become champions of the Olympic Games? a) artistic gymnastics; b) fencing; c) athletics; d) swimming. 3. The First Russian Olympic Committee was created: a) in 1900; c) in 1952; b) in 1911; d) in 1990. 4. The honorary right to light the Olympic flame at the 1980 Moscow Olympics was deservedly received by: a) hockey player Vladislav Tretyak; c) gymnast Nikolai Andrianov; b) basketball player Sergei Belov; d) wrestler Alexander Karelin. 5. Artistic and rhythmic gymnastics refers to: a) basic gymnastics; c) applied gymnastics; b) industrial gymnastics; d) athletic gymnastics. 6. What does the physical culture of a person include? a) knowledge about your body; b) physical exercise; c) the ability to apply knowledge in life; d) all of the above. 2

3 All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in physical culture uch. d. School stage. 7. The types of tourism include: a) pedestrian, mountain, combined tourism, excursions; b) cycling, sports tourism, outdoor activities, weekend hikes; c) hiking, skiing, mountain, water tourism; d) speleotourism, tourism by car, weekend walks, motorcycle tourism. 8. The functional indicators characterizing the characteristics of a person's physical development include: a) the level of development of general endurance; results of standing long jump, shuttle run, forward bend; b) chest volume; posture form; body length and weight; the size of the hips. c) heart rate; the strength of the main muscle groups; d) calendar age. 9. All OSS (general developmental exercises) of a dynamic nature in relation to the demands and possibilities of mass physical education can be classified into groups: a) performing OSS from a standing position, performing OSS from a prone position, performing OSS from a sitting position, performing OSS in place, performing OSS in move; b) outdoor gear for sports games, outdoor gear for gymnastics, outdoor gear for athletics, outdoor gear for ski training, outdoor gear for swimming; c) elementary, with the weight of their own body, with a partner, with objects, on sports equipment; d) complex, simple, mixed, complex. 10. What are the main physical qualities; a) coordination, heart rate, flexibility, strength, speed; b) agility, strength, speed, endurance, flexibility; c) general endurance, speed-power endurance, speed, strength, agility; d) general endurance, strength endurance, flexibility, biceps volume, agility. 11. The most effective way to develop a sense of balance when exercising on: a) uneven bars; c) gymnastic balance beam; b) a high crossbar; d) the Swedish wall. 3

4 All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in physical culture uch. d. School stage. 12. Independent physical exercises during the school day provide: a) maintaining high performance, active rest; b) prevention of the onset of fatigue, contribute to maintaining high performance for a long time without overvoltage; c) maintaining a healthy lifestyle during the day, body correction; d) a rational daily routine, the development of physical qualities. 13. What is the main criterion for comprehensive and harmonious physical development? a) the quality of theoretical knowledge about physical culture; b) the level of development of physical capabilities; c) health status; d) socialization of the personality. 14. A healthy lifestyle is a way of life, aimed at: a) the development of physical qualities of people; b) maintaining high performance of people; c) preservation and improvement of human health; d) preparation for professional activity. 15. What is the daily routine? a) fulfilling the instructions of the teacher; b) preparation of homework; c) distribution of main tasks throughout the day; d) breakfast, lunch and dinner every day at the same time. II. Tasks in an open form, that is, without the proposed answer options. Complete the definition by writing the appropriate word on the answer sheet. 1. A set of fundamental principles of Olympism, rules and by-laws adopted by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). 2. The official motto (slogan): “Hot. Winter. Yours ”belong to the city of the capital of the Olympic Games. 3. Teaching motor actions and training physical qualities is the basis. 4. Sound attribute of a sports judge. 5. The sport that combines cross-country skiing and rifle shooting is called. 4

5 Surname, name, patronymic City, school, class ANSWER FORM Control questions on the instructions for the test: 1 a b c d 2 a b c d I. Tasks in a closed form, that is, with the proposed answer options. Variants of answers to the question "a" "b" "c" "d" 1 a b c d 2 a b c d 3 a b c d 4 a b c d 5 a b c d 6 a b c d 7 a b c d 8 a b c d 9 a b c d 10 a b c d 11 a b c d 12 a b c d 13 a b c d 14 a b c d 15 a b c d II. Tasks in an open form, that is, without the proposed answer options. Question Answer options Score (terms and sum) Signatures of the jury 5

ALL-RUSSIAN PHYSICAL EDUCATION OLYMPIAD 2015 2016 academic year SCHOOL STAGE 9 11 grades THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL TOUR Instructions for completing assignments. You are offered tasks corresponding to

9-11 CLASSES OF THE OLYMPIAD OF SCHOOLBOYS in the subject "Physical culture" Instructions for completing assignments You are offered assignments that meet the requirements for the level of knowledge of students of secondary schools

THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL TOUR Instructions for completing tasks. You are offered tasks that meet the requirements for the level of knowledge of students of secondary schools in the subject "Physical culture". Tasks

ALL-RUSSIAN PHYSICIAN OLYMPIAD. 2014 2015 SCHOOL STAGE. MOSCOW. 7 8 CLASSES Theoretical and methodological round Instructions for completing assignments You are offered assignments that meet the requirements

THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL TOUR Instructions for completing assignments You are offered assignments that meet the requirements for the level of knowledge of students of secondary schools on the subject "Physical culture". Tasks

7-8 CLASSES OF THE OLYMPIAD OF SCHOOLBOYS on the subject "Physical culture" Instructions for completing assignments You are offered assignments that meet the requirements for the level of knowledge of students of secondary schools

THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL TOUR Instructions for completing assignments You are offered assignments that meet the requirements for the level of knowledge of students of secondary schools on the subject "Physical culture". Tasks

I. THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL TASK Instructions for completing the task You are offered tasks that meet the requirements for the subject "Physical culture". Tasks are combined into 3 groups: 1. Tasks in a closed

MUNICIPAL STAGE THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL TOUR 9-11 CLASSES Instructions for completing assignments You are offered assignments that meet the requirements for the level of knowledge of students of secondary schools in the subject

II. THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL TOUR Boys and girls (grades 7-8) Instructions for completing the assignment. You are offered test tasks on the subject "Physical culture". Tasks are presented in a closed form,

THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL TOUR Instructions for completing assignments You are offered assignments that meet the requirements for the level of knowledge of students of secondary schools on the subject "Physical culture". Tasks

ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD OF SCHOOLS ON THE SUBJECT "PHYSICAL CULTURE" SCHOOL STAGE Theoretical and methodological tasks 7-8 grades Instructions for completing tasks 1. Tasks in a closed form, that is, with the proposed

II. THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL TOUR Boys and girls (grades 7-8) Instructions for completing the assignment. You are offered test tasks on the subject "Physical culture". Tasks are presented in a closed form,

ALL-RUSSIAN PHYSICAL EDUCATION OLYMPIAD FOR SCHOOLS. 2017 2018 academic year THE MUNICIPAL STAGE. 7 8 CLASSES THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL TOUR Instructions for completing tasks You are offered tasks that correspond to

Theoretical assignments in the subject "Physical culture" for students of grades 8-9 Testing the level of knowledge in the field of physical culture and sports Instructions for completing assignments You are offered assignments,

Instructions for completing tasks You are offered tasks that meet the requirements for the level of knowledge of students of secondary schools in the subject "Physical culture". Tasks are combined into 2 groups:

Theoretical tasks on the subject "Physical culture" for students of grades 10-11 Testing the level of knowledge in the field of physical culture and sports Instructions for completing tasks You are offered tasks,

ALL-RUSSIAN PHYSICAL EDUCATION OLYMPIAD 2016 2017 academic year d. MUNICIPAL STAGE 7 8 Grades Instructions for completing assignments You are offered assignments that meet the level requirements

MUNICIPAL STAGE THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL TOUR 9-11 CLASSES Instructions for completing tasks. You are offered tasks that meet the requirements for the level of knowledge of students of general education schools in the subject


MUNICIPAL STAGE THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL TOUR 7-8 CLASSES Instructions for completing assignments You are offered assignments that meet the requirements for the level of knowledge of students of secondary schools in the subject

Instructions for completing tasks You are offered tasks that meet the requirements for the level of knowledge of students of secondary schools in the subject "Physical culture". The tasks are grouped into 3 groups:

Theoretical and methodological task for grades 9-11 The maximum possible amount is 64 points. You are offered tasks that meet the requirements for the level of knowledge of students of secondary schools in the subject "Physical

I. THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL ASSIGNMENT Instructions for completing the assignment You are offered assignments that meet the requirements for the minimum knowledge of secondary (full) school graduates in the subject "Physical culture".

ALL-RUSSIAN PHYSICAL EDUCATION OLYMPIAD FOR SCHOOLS. 2017 2018 account THE MUNICIPAL STAGE. 9 11 CLASSES THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL TOUR Instructions for completing tasks You are offered tasks that correspond to

Theoretical and methodological task 7-8 grade The maximum possible amount is 40 points. You are offered tasks that meet the requirements for the level of knowledge of students of secondary schools in the subject "Physical

Theoretical and methodological round Boys 9-11 grades Girls 9-11 grades REGIONAL OLYMPIAD OF SCHOOLS on the subject "Physical culture" Testing the level of knowledge in the field of physical culture and sports Instruction

ALL-RUSSIAN PHYSICAL EDUCATION OLYMPIAD 2013/2014. SCHOOL STAGE. 7 8 CLASSES. Instructions for completing theoretical tasks 7-8 grades You are offered tasks that meet the requirements

2011 ALL-RUSSIAN PHYSICAL EDUCATION OLYMPIAD II (MUNICIPAL) STAGE Grades 7-8 Instructions for completing tasks Tasks are presented in the form of tests and definitions. 1-30 questions are given

ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD FOR SCHOOLBOYS 2016 2017 in the subject "Physical culture"

I. THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL TASK Instructions for completing the task Tasks are combined into 6 groups: 1. Tasks in a closed form, that is, with the proposed answers. When performing these tasks, it is necessary

Theoretical and methodological round Boys 9-11 grades Girls 9-11 grades REGIONAL STAGE OF THE ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD OF SCHOOLS on the subject "Physical culture" Testing the level of knowledge in the field of physical culture

SEROSSIYSKAYA OLYMPID PHYSICAL EDUCATION SCHOOLBOY 2013/2014. SCHOOL ETP. 9 11 CLASSES. THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL BUILDING 9-11 grades Instructions for completing the assignment. Dear participant! you are offered

ANSWERS THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL PROBLEM of the District stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the subject "Physical culture" for students of grades 7-8 Instructions for completing assignments You are offered assignments,



ALL-RUSSIAN PHYSICAL EDUCATION OLYMPIAD 2015 2016 academic year d. MUNICIPAL STAGE 9 11 grades Instructions for completing assignments You are offered assignments that meet the level requirements

ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD FOR SCHOOLBOYS 2016 2017 in the subject "Physical culture"

Instructions for completing the tasks of the theoretical and methodological round of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the subject "Physical culture" 2015-2016 academic year MUNICIPAL STAGE Grade 7-8 (girls, boys) You

Theoretical and methodological round 5-6 CLASSES Instructions for completing assignments You are offered assignments that meet the requirements for the level of knowledge of students of secondary schools in the subject "Physical culture".

Regulations on the I (school) stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the subject "Physical culture" for students in grades 5-11 Prepared by: E.V. Azarenok The head of the RMO is a teacher of physical





I approve the Fund of Evaluation Tools MBOU "Secondary School 5" for the current monitoring of progress and intermediate attestation Subject Class Form of the evaluation tool Brief description of the evaluation tool

ALL-RUSSIAN PHYSICAL CULTURE OLYMPIAD 2015-2016 academic year d. MUNICIPAL STAGE Grades 7-8 Instructions for completing assignments You are offered assignments that meet the level requirements

Evaluation materials on physical culture 7 grade MBOU Gymnasium 3, Sharya Codifier of content elements for physical culture in grade 7. The codifier is compiled on the basis of the mandatory minimum content

2011 ALL-RUSSIAN PHYSICAL CULTURE OLYMPIAD II (MUNICIPAL) STAGE 9th grade Instructions for completing tasks Tasks are presented in the form of tests and definitions. 1-25 questions given

Physical culture Explanatory note Goals and objectives of the subject "Physical culture" at the level of basic general education Physical education in basic school should provide physical,

State budgetary educational institution, secondary school 207 with in-depth study of the English language in the Central District of St. Petersburg. Accepted Confirmed Chairman

Testing the level of knowledge in the field of physical culture and sports of students in grades 10-11 1. The initiator of the revival of the modern Olympic Games is a. Roman Emperor Theodosius I .; b. Pierre de Fredy,

Instructions for completing the assignment. You are offered tasks of the municipal stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the subject "Physical culture". Read the assignments and suggested options carefully

Physical culture Explanatory note The approximate curriculum of the subject "Physical culture" at the level of basic general education is compiled in accordance with the requirements for the results of the basic

Grade 5 2. Who is the founder of the modern Olympic Games? 3. When were the Olympic Games held in our country? 4. What is physical exercise? 5. What causes posture disorders? 6.In

ALL-RUSSIAN PHYSICAL EDUCATION OLYMPIAD 2015 2016 academic year d. MUNICIPAL STAGE 9 11 grades Instructions for completing assignments You are offered assignments that meet the level requirements

Physical culture 5th grade 9 FSES The main content of the academic subject Physical culture as a field of knowledge History and modern development of physical culture Olympic Games of antiquity. Revival



Theoretical assignments in the subject "Physical culture" for students of grades 5-7 Testing the level of knowledge in the field of physical culture and sports Instructions for completing assignments You are offered assignments,

Work program for physical culture Work program for physical culture for grades 5-9 was developed on the basis of: 1. Federal state educational standard of basic general education

Theoretical and methodological assignment Grades 9-11 Surname, Name, Patronymic Subject of Federation City School Class You are offered assignments that meet the requirements for the level of knowledge of students of secondary schools

Theoretical and methodological assignment Grade 7 Surname, Name, Patronymic School Class District Instructions for completing assignments. You are offered assignments that meet the requirements for the subject "Physical culture".

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Malozinovievskaya basic school" Work program for physical culture for grade 3 for the 206-207 academic year Compiled by: Ershov E.M. Physical education teacher

School stage of the Olympiad on the subject "Physical culture" Grade 9-11 Instructions for completing the assignment. You are offered test tasks on the subject "Physical culture". Tasks are presented in a closed

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