Home Diseases and pests About non-unique content and the theft of unique content. How to make a text unique: you will recognize it from a thousand But and unique

About non-unique content and the theft of unique content. How to make a text unique: you will recognize it from a thousand But and unique

Copywriting Basics

How to write a unique article?

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Any site should not only be interesting for readers, but also unique. It is important to know how to write a unique article in order to fill the resource with quality information. Thanks to the material read, the reader receives answers to his queries.

Content is not just text. It can be presented in the form of drawings, pictures, audio and video. But you can’t do without the text, it should occupy at least 75% of all the information presented.
The basis of website promotion is , everything else is .

for example

The authority of the Habrahabr site does not allow the resource to publish non-unique articles, so the site's audience will not come and discuss cases. This is one of the leading websites for developers and programmers.

Popular resource for programmers

The Spark.ru project has long been a platform for promoting new startups. Any self-respecting company must keep a blog on Sparke and only unique and very interesting articles are published here, which are difficult to find analogues. This is one of the few sites where a lot of different cases are collected.

Promotion of new companies and cases

Article writing methods

Imagine that you have been assigned to write an article. People who are just starting to work in this area know almost nothing. It is difficult to write a material about the dangers of smoking if it has been posted before you on hundreds of other sites.
And how is uniqueness defined? With the help of anti-plagiarism programs that show the percentage of coincidence. Below 90%, the article is unlikely to be accepted by anyone, it is already considered not too unique.

  • you can write an article on the topic from the head. Such a work is considered an author's work - the method is called;
  • You can find interesting information on the Internet and write in your own words. Such work will be unique and is called a rewrite;
  • if you translate an article from a foreign language into Russian, the text will also be unique.

Translations of texts by foreign copywriters are not always suitable for a Russian-speaking audience, only if this does not apply to a site with IT news or a fashion magazine, for example, Vogue.

Best Fashion Magazine

Let's share more secrets on how to write an article for a copywriter with a high percentage of uniqueness:

  1. The article should use words that can be replace with synonyms. Try not to use specials in your presentation. terms and technical expressions.
  2. Avoid verbatim quotes and catchphrases. Believe me, there are a lot of them on the Internet, and when checking in programs, they will reduce your uniqueness.
  3. Also try to avoid quotes that are used in public laws.
  4. If you have a specific source that you are working on, then come up with a completely different structure for your text, like .
  5. Try to replace words that you often use with rare synonyms. This technique will increase the percentage of uniqueness.

Is uniqueness important for content?

There is only one answer to this question - yes, it is important! But why is this necessary? You can find a site, take information from there - place it on your own, but not everything is easy.

There is little benefit from such actions; a stolen article will not take the first line on demand in Yandex or Google searches. It can and will provide information, but you can forget about search traffic to such a site forever.

Therefore, site owners strive to get the most useful and unique text that will overtake competitors in the TOP and take one of the leading positions.

I wonder how search engine robots find the same articles? Each system performs a specific job, which consists in processing new information.
So they search, search and find a new site or page. If the page has unique content, then it will be assigned its own index number and remembered.
The robots then place it in a specific category based on the theme of your site or page.

Now how will people find my site? The answer is simple - the robots themselves determine the key phrases in the texts. And in the future, if you enter it in the search bar, it will be displayed and users will come in and get acquainted with the information.

for example
An article about now in the search ranks first. This is at the time of November 12, 2017, but the situation on the sites changes every time and the position of the article may decrease during the day.

If you want the page to be in demand, then think about creating unique content. Thus, you can get into the rating of visited sites on your topic.

How are texts analyzed for uniqueness?

As far as progress has come, the search engine can easily distinguish a unique article from a non-unique one. But how? No one can answer this question for you, this is classified information.
There are people who are engaged in the promotion of web resources. They created special programs that check texts for uniqueness. There are many such programs. You can check your article online, or you can download the program to your computer. But everyone uses online checks, except for Advego.

The most common are Advego and Text.ru. Let's see how they work.
First, the text is divided into fragments consisting of several words. They are obtained as one whole word, without punctuation marks and spaces. Automatically received data is sent to search engines and they start looking for something similar.

When the search engines process the data, they send it back and indicate the percentage of uniqueness of the received article.

Uniqueness according to text.ru

Different programs have different uniqueness, so when working, you need to find out in advance which program to check uniqueness with. For some, even 1% deviation plays a role.

Unique text for Vkontakte

Now people are opening Vkontakte groups and pages, selling goods or providing services.

Vkontakte product catalog

You can grab attention with visual elements, interesting structure, headings and unique information.

A Vkontakte user should not get tired of your group, so try to give a few posts and only with the necessary information (these tips do not apply to entertainment content where you can publish funny photos every hour).

There are three secrets on how to write a unique article on any Vkontakte topic.

- this is the main and key requirement for articles on the site. If the articles are not unique, then there will be no promotion, no matter what you do, no matter how much money you invest in the site, its traffic will not increase. Therefore, the uniqueness of the article is important, like, for example, breakfast for a person.

What does a unique article mean?

A unique article is a text that has no analogues on the Internet. Search engines are not yet very good at recognizing the meaning of the text, so only the text analogue is taken into account, that is, the words, and not the essence. Therefore, any thought can be presented in dozens of unique, in the eyes of the search engine, articles.

How to check the uniqueness of an article

The uniqueness of the article is checked using a variety of services, we wrote about some of them. It is noteworthy that each of them can show different results of checking the uniqueness of the article, as it works according to different algorithms. And it is impossible to say for sure which of them is the most correct.

But no matter how complex the algorithms used by the program for checking the uniqueness of the text, if the article is 100% unique, this result will be shown in all services. Therefore, in order to be sure of the uniqueness of your article, you need to achieve just such an indicator.

How a non-unique article will affect promotion

Uniqueness up to 95% is considered normal. However, even a small deviation from 100% can affect the position of the site within the TOP 10. Therefore, if you are aiming for such high positions, you need articles with 100% uniqueness.

The uniqueness of an article below 90% can begin to negatively affect the promotion of the site, since when ranking, the search engine will take this into account and significantly reduce the position of the site.

Uniqueness below 80% can attract overlay filters from search engines, which will permanently lower the site to the bottom of the search results, from where it will be difficult to get out.

Therefore, if you think about an article with “average uniqueness” “maybe it will do”, then you are mistaken. This will not only not benefit the site, but can also harm it.

How to make a unique article

The best option is to do absolute copyright. That is, to express your unique thought that was born in your head, and not to rewrite other people's words. But the presentation of someone else's thoughts in your own words will also do.

The worst way is rewriting, especially if the method is used as a synonym. Search engines have long learned to recognize not deep rewriting of articles.

(2 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

All copywriters, without exception, face the uniqueness of the text, and for many it becomes a serious stumbling block. Why do customers pay so much attention to uniqueness? Everything is very simple - modern algorithms, on which the work of search engines is based, do not like copy-paste and low-quality rewriting, and a site with such content has practically no chance of getting into the top.

Most customers are satisfied with uniqueness within 80-95%, but some of them are adamant - 100%, and that's it. To achieve such figures, as practice shows, is not always an easy task that requires some experience and knowledge.

"Good" and "evil" services

A small digression: at one time, at the dawn of the Runet, I had to work hard as a webmaster for several sites. At that time, no one had heard of uniqueness, and the content could simply be “ripped off” from other people's sites, although the boss still demanded that the text be composed of several pieces taken from different resources.

To check the thoroughness of the work, he had his own way - he enclosed any sentence from the middle of the text in quotation marks (“”) and “driven it” through Google. Subsequently, the need for this disappeared, as special services for checking uniqueness appeared.

Today there are quite a lot of them: some check the content online, others require the installation of a program on a computer, and some even require you to pay a certain amount for full functionality. Most often, customers check the uniqueness of the following services:

  • text.ru;
  • content-watch.ru
  • Advego Plagiatus ;
  • eTXT Anti-plagiarism.

In addition, almost all copywriting exchanges have their own check service, for example, https://miratext.ru/orders/text_check (the link is available only to registered users).

I will not describe each of them, but from experience I can say that one of the most "evil" services is Advego Plagiatus. Once he drove me crazy and white-hot, and I tried to understand the algorithms of work a little - to put it simply, he checks the uniqueness of the "overlap".

For example, the sentence “I write texts for the Miratext exchange” must be checked with shingle 3 (the number of words in a separate fragment). The program divides its pieces: “I write texts”, “I write texts for”, “texts for the exchange”, etc., and if at least one of them is found to be an exact match, that's it, uniqueness is reduced.

A little “kinder” attitude towards content copywriters - watch .ru and eTXT , and text .ru is one of the most loyal (modest IMHO).

The result of checking this article by the Text.ru service
The result of checking this article by the Content-watch service
The result of checking this article by Advego Plagiatus

What indicators depend on

First of all, of course, from the experience and skill of the copywriter, but the subject matter of the articles plays an important role. The most difficult thing is to write a unique text on topics that involve the use of special terms - medicine, construction, law, etc.

From experience, I can say that in articles with a large number of culinary recipes and instructions for medical preparations, it is almost impossible to derive 100% uniqueness: phrases like “beat eggs with sugar” and “take 2 tablets 3 times a day” are too common.

Quite “stubborn” in this regard are short texts of 500-1000 characters, which is quite logical - if in an article of 10 thousand characters one non-unique sentence practically does not play a role, then in a small one it can reduce the figures to 50% or lower. The numbers are also affected by the speed of the Internet connection and other factors, so the copywriter and the customer often get different results.

How to increase uniqueness

To make the text absolutely unique, you need to write it in your own words and use as many sources as possible - at least three to five. If the service still showed the hated numbers of 80% or lower, you can do the following:

  • rearrange the words in non-unique fragments (while preserving the meaning, of course);
  • replace the numbers with words where appropriate, but without abuse and reduce the quality of work - for example, the same phrase "take 2 tablets 3 times a day" can be written like this: "take two tablets three times a day";
  • remove “worn out” and meaningless expressions like “today”, “in the modern world”, etc.;
  • describe the terms in your own words, if the style of presentation allows it;
  • replace some words (not necessarily all) with synonyms;
  • if it is not possible to correct uniqueness without sacrificing quality, you can try to negotiate with the customer and slightly lower the bar.

A little tip: before each change, save the last version of the text - in my practice it happened that after replacing two sentences, the uniqueness dropped from 95% to 70%.

How not to uniqueize texts

Do not forget that the uniqueness of texts is not the only requirement for quality. The article should be easy to read and generally look “smooth” and “beautiful”, so to improve performance, you should not:

  1. Intentionally make mistakes. He doesn't need comments - dirty work, as Ostap Bender said.
  2. Change Russian letters to similar Latin ones. For example, "a" to " a" - at first glance, they do not differ from each other, but when placing an article on the site, the customer may notice the substitution and will be very dissatisfied.
  3. Use too literary expressions, especially in technical texts. In articles on medicine by novice copywriters, I came across the expression “the doctor will make his verdict” in the sense of making a diagnosis. In my opinion, it sounds archaic, grandiloquent and inappropriate.
  4. Invent new words. A good (or rather bad) example is the word "unique" ;).

Using the above methods to increase uniqueness is a direct path to customer complaints, low ratings, account bans on exchanges and other troubles.

The uniqueness of this text:

  • content watch - 100%;
  • text.ru - 100%;
  • Miratext - 100%;
  • Advego Plagiatus (shingle 4) - 9 7/100%;
  • eTXT Anti-plagiarism - 98%.

Good luck with your work and unique texts!

The importance of content is difficult to overestimate. If the site contains a large amount of quality content, then the site is doomed to success. But everything would be fine if not for one thing: content must be. Your own, unique, interesting and useful. And here on the word " unique» Cut off 90% of those who have discovered the beauty of the content.

And really, why invent something if everything has already been invented? The Internet is big, and everything is already written there, why reinvent the wheel? We take a piece of text from Wikipedia, a bunch of paragraphs from a competitor's site, a pinch of beautiful phrases from sites from the top of search results and decorate with photos from Google Images. Links to sources? No, have not heard. That's it, the article is ready. Welcome to the world of modern copywriting!

Unique content

Unique content is the basis of the Internet. There is more communication, but this topic is out of scope. That is, Internet users, apart from the opportunity to communicate, go to the Internet to gain access to some information of interest to them. Content search is exactly what search engines are for and what search engines value above all else. Yandex openly says that the main thing for Yandex is content. Analogy for Google - "Content is King". Accordingly, search engines value those who regularly deliver unique and relevant content.

Question, what is unique content, has long stirred the imaginations of people who want to protect their intellectual rights or want to cash in on other people's work. I do not want to get into controversy, but creating something from scratch is almost impossible. To create something, you need to create it from something. That is, in any case, the new appears on the basis of something already existing, and to say: “I created this!” is at least strange.

However, this does not mean at all that labor, time and effort should not be rewarded, let alone borrowed. Therefore, the question is not so much in protecting rights and not even in creating difficulties for using someone else's content, but in speeding up and simplifying its indexing, that is, in recognizing the content for you as the primary source.

Non-unique texts

Content is evaluated in terms of potential applicability and usefulness that this content can bring. But if we are talking about content from the point of view of search engines, then the UNIQUENESS of the content is added to the potential applicability of the content. Therefore, it begs the question, who determines the uniqueness of the content? Indeed, the uniqueness of content is a comparative concept.

So who, how, what and with what compares? Compare search engines, compare new content with already indexed. Roughly speaking, whoever has the text indexed first has the original text. I repeat, roughly speaking, the source of content is the resource on which this content was first discovered. Roughly because different types of content are analyzed in different ways to determine the original source. It can be assumed that the original content source may change depending on the data accumulated about the content and content sources and the state of these sources.

Non-unique pictures

Let's take images for example. Today, the search engine found a new image with a resolution of 640x480 on one site, and tomorrow the same image with a higher resolution of 800x600 on another site. Who is the original source? It depends on and, in fact, the search engine itself, which found these pictures.

Content on the Internet is laid out for free use, and all users can do whatever they want with this content. This is so, in fact. Of course, someone can claim that this is his picture and start proceedings for misuse of copyright material. But the very ability to use this content is not going anywhere.

Therefore, no one can be sure that 100% of the content he creates will be recognized as 100% of his authorship. And the © icon won't help.

Stolen content

Texts are stolen. Photos, pictures and all kinds of images are also stolen. Videos are stolen. Music is stolen. They also steal oil, gas, timber, people, fur seals, love, freedom and independence. Everyone steals. This needs to be understood, accepted and thought about how to resist it, especially since here they have really thought and invented for you. Why not take advantage? 🙂

I will not list all the possible ways to combat content theft (if you really want, write in the comments, you can write a separate article about this). I will try to explain the general principles of placement and primary protection of content on the Internet.

Basic principles

The first and most important principle is the maximum uniqueness of the content.. It is clear that there are a limited number of letters in the alphabet, and there are only three colors (ok, there are still black and white). But, in each text there is a unique logical structure and if the text is written by a person, then the logical structure and manner of writing become a unique imprint. And it is impossible to create two absolutely identical photographs.

Conclusion: By creating content on your own, the probability of significant matches tends to zero.

The second important principle is indexing speed.. The faster the search engine finds and indexes the content, the faster its source will be determined. For example, you actively blog, but search engines index your site poorly for one reason or another. Someone whose site is indexed better (faster) starts stealing your content with a banal copy-paste and posting it on their site. If your content is indexed faster on someone else's site, it's not your content. From the point of view of search engines, the site where your article is first found will be considered the primary source. And you, it turns out, stole the article.

Conclusion: High indexing speed is your best friend.

Yandex.Webmaster — Original texts

This is a service that can be used to inform Yandex about the appearance of the original text on the site.

Quote: If you publish original texts on your site, and other Internet resources reprint them, warn Yandex about the imminent release of the text. We will know that the original text first appeared on your site, and we will try to use this in setting up search algorithms.

There are many ways to prevent misuse of your content. But for each of them there are several ways to get around them. And if someone is known to systematically steal your content, you can request that your content be removed from the third-party site or initiate legal action. But practice shows that if a third-party resource does not remove content voluntarily, then an attempt to achieve this through a court may cost more than damage from the theft of a content.

Post your own unique content. Think about how, when and where to post content. And you will be happy 🙂

    Sergei Burykh

    Example: I am a startup. opened an online store, at first I do not have the physical ability to post unique content. And of course I do a baaalshoy copy-paste. But, for example, things went uphill, I had resources, and I decided to improve the situation. And he began to systematically, well, at least rewrite the texts. Will search engines index them?
    And another question, what percentage of uniqueness can be considered suitable? for example, 70% is enough, or do you need 99, no less?

    1. Anton Soshnikov

      1. "...I don't have the physical ability to post unique content." If the site has nothing to offer the search engine, then it has nothing to do in the SERPs.
      2. “... I began to systematically, well, at least rewrite the texts. Will search engines index them? Search engines will index anyway.
      3. "... what percentage of uniqueness ...". Percent relative to what? Do you know exactly how search engines determine the uniqueness of the text on the site and how to express it as a percentage?
      4. “... can be considered fit? for example, 70% is enough…”. "Good" and "sufficient" for what?

      Based on the example you gave: You are trying to plug a hole in a site with the fancy name of SEO, not quite understanding what it is and why. SEO is a large complex of interrelated factors, and rewriting texts alone will not make the weather.

      1. Sergei Burykh

        I understand that the SEO hole is big, and there are many factors that affect its size. And they are being worked on. Let's take a hypothetical situation where all the technical issues are more or less resolved. But the content remained the same, that is, non-unique. So I take, rewrite the text, check it on Advego Plagiarism, or in another way, and the program gives me that the uniqueness is 70%. And highlights sections of text that are already on other sites. And here I just wanted to ask the professionals a question: “how do search engines determine the uniqueness of the text on the site and how to express it as a percentage?” I understand that these algorithms are probably unknown. But at least I want to understand the principle. And “suitable” means that the text is perceived by search engines as unique. Mess turned out, but I hope it is clear at least a little bit)

        1. Anton Soshnikov

          There is no clear value that could characterize the originality of a particular text through the eyes of a search engine. Therefore, it makes no sense to focus on this. That is, literally, we should not think about the originality of the content if we ourselves are the source of the content. This means that the rewriting of the text as a free paraphrase can be considered original. Revealing a percentage match with the source text is good, as it allows you to move further away from the source code. But here, too, everything is not so simple. Search engines like Google or Yandex perfectly recognize synonymization and read the logic of the text. Ideally, when rewriting, the logical constructions in the text should change, and instead of synonyms, it is better to use logical synonyms (you can always describe the same thing in different words and with different meanings). Google wrote somewhere that it is not so much the uniqueness of the text that is important for it, but the unique opinion that a person expresses using the text. Therefore, I wrote above about a FREE retelling of the source, namely a personalized rewrite. Within an online store, the task can be more difficult, since the volume of text descriptions is usually small and it is difficult to express originality in them. But the essence of the approach does not change. If you make original, unusual and more informative text descriptions, you will definitely see that they will rank better than competitors' standard descriptions.

  • The uniqueness of the text indicates the proportion of original content, that is, text that is not found on other sites on the Internet. For example, if you write 90% of the article in your own words and copy 10% from other resources, the uniqueness will be 90%.

    It is important for search engines that site owners host original content, and not copy it from other resources. Thus, the Internet is filled with new knowledge, and does not turn into mountains of copy-paste.

    The site that first placed unique content on search engines considered the source. If other resources copy this text in the future, then the source will be preferred in the search results. It is logical to display the author of the content (the original) higher in the search, and not the sites that copied this content and did not have a hand in preparing the article.

    Text uniqueness: how many percent is acceptable?

    Many site owners ask, what should be the uniqueness of the text on the site? Ideally, 100%, but we all understand that:

    • As soon as you place content on the site, other webmasters can copy it, and the text will become non-unique.
    • In some cases, it is impossible to achieve 100% uniqueness. For example, on product cards, a large share is occupied by technical characteristics that can be repeated on dozens of sites. It is impossible to remove characteristics, and 100% uniqueness cannot be achieved with them.

    In the course of the article, we will analyze different situations that arise in practice.

    The table below shows what should be the indicators of uniqueness of new texts for different types of pages (as a percentage, approximately):

    ** - if the main content of the product card is technical characteristics, then uniqueness less than 50% is acceptable. This will not be a problem, since search engines understand that the parameters for the same product on different sites will be the same.

    Where to check the uniqueness of the text on the page?

    It is necessary to distinguish between two situations.

    1. You need to check the uniqueness of the new text that you plan to place on the site.

    For example, you ordered new content for your website. The experts wrote the texts. You need to check that they wrote the texts themselves, and did not copy from somewhere.

    In this case, use the services of checking texts for uniqueness. You can find many of these sites by following this link. In my opinion, it is best to check on Content-watch.ru (one of the best, shareware), Plagiarisma.ru (free, but may be wrong), anti-plagiarism on Etxt.ru (after registering on the site, log in to your account and go to the tab "Checking Uniqueness"). Checking on Etht.ru costs 1.5 rubles. for 1000 characters, which is very inexpensive.

    The essence of the services is simple - you copy the text into a special form, run the check and get the results - the level of uniqueness of the text. If it is lower than necessary (see the table above), then the article needs to be finalized.

    Please note that verification results in services may differ due to differences in their algorithms. When working with copywriters, be sure to specify in which service you will check the uniqueness and what it should be.

    If the text is original and is not found on other resources, then add it to the original texts tool, then place it on your project.

    2. You need to check the uniqueness of the previously published text on the site page.

    For example, you have placed some text on your site. Over time, it could be copied by other resources. You want to check if it is unique (only hosted on your site) or not.

    In this case, copy the text to the verification services, but make an additional setting so that the service ignores your site when checking, and looks for matches on other resources (this can be done in a number of services for checking texts for uniqueness). If your content has been copied by other sites, you will see information about it.

    Do I need to rewrite non-unique texts on the site?

    You need to rewrite the text if your site is no longer considered a source of content.

    To understand this, you need to perform the following checks:

    • Set a query in the search in the form of a piece of the text being checked. For example, copy 2 sentences from page and put them in the search.
    • If your page is in the first place in the search results, then it is recognized as a source of content. If not, then another site is recognized as the source.
    • Copy from the page several pieces from different parts of the article and check each in the way described above.

    If, when checking by pieces of text, the site in most cases does not take the first line of the issue, then it is necessary to completely rewrite it. In this case, the new text must have high uniqueness (see the table above).

    How to protect texts from copying?

    It is technically impossible to do this. Disabling right mouse buttons and similar methods will not work.

    Google does not have such a tool, so the best defense is to submit new pages for indexing through the Webmaster Center. So new texts will get into the database of the search engine faster.

    How to increase the uniqueness of the text?

    If you wrote a new text, but it turned out to be not unique, then you can solve the problem:

    • By rewriting parts of the article that are not unique.
    • Removing or reducing non-unique parts in the article.
    • In some cases, UGC (content added by users) allows you to increase the uniqueness of a page on a site. For example, to increase the uniqueness of product cards in an online store, you can make it possible to add product reviews. They will increase the proportion of original content on the page.

    Where to order unique content?

    Good content helps a site rank high. You can order texts:

    • On the copywriting exchanges. Services guarantee that the authors will complete the work according to your TOR. Otherwise, the copywriter will not receive money. The customer's risk is minimal. To get high quality content (not only in terms of uniqueness, but also in terms of interesting presentation), choose authors with high ratings and not the lowest rates. It is optimal to find people who specialize in your subject and are well versed in it.
    • Hire a freelance copywriter directly. For example, find a contractor in the catalog of private specialists and place an order. You save on exchange commissions, but you risk more, because. there is no guarantee between you. Direct cooperation is suitable for experienced webmasters who can work with freelancers without intermediaries.

    In order for the copywriter to do what is needed, it is important to correctly compose TK for texts. Follow the link for a good tutorial on how to write a TOR.

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