Home Potato Physicists have explained why the clock gets up after the death of the owner. Why does a watch stop when a person dies Why does a watch stop when they die

Physicists have explained why the clock gets up after the death of the owner. Why does a watch stop when a person dies Why does a watch stop when they die

An interesting coincidence: it happens that at the hour of death of a person, the clock stops. Why? How is this possible? They write that the reason is in the human electromagnetic field, which affects the electronics of the watch. And how to explain the cases when not only wristwatches, but also wall clocks stop, and even thousands of kilometers away? When do all the clocks in the house rise? When do they stop years later on the anniversary of death?

Someone explains such incidents as the intervention of supernatural forces. We call it mysticism simply because the nature of these phenomena is incomprehensible to us. Or, they say, coincidence. The famous psychologist Jung investigated such unusual coincidences - synchronicities. In his book Synchronicity and Human Destiny, he wrote that there are two worlds that reflect each other - external and internal. The world of nature, things and the world of the human psyche, its internal images, feelings, aspirations. Jung contrasted the principle of causality with the principle of synchronicity (when physically independent and random events are connected in meaning). Jung emphasized that the phenomena of synchrony should not be treated rationally, perceive them with feelings, as symbols. Synchronizations are the result of a deep connection between consciousness and our material world. But this connection lies beyond our usual logic. Stopping the clock at the time of death is an example of the intersection of two realities, when the outside world addresses us in its own language - unusual coincidences, events, incidents. You just need to be able to feel the meaning of such a message.

“Today, February 3, is the death date of my close friend. We lived together for some time. Then he left for another city. He had a heart defect. He died suddenly at 4.30 in the morning, and then, 11 years ago, at that time, a clock-clock fell from the wall in the kitchen and broke. Surprisingly, the whole nail remained in the wall, and the mount on the clock was also not damaged.”

“On January 27, my grandmother died. She lived with my mom. Today my mother told a story that I cannot explain. The day before yesterday, at exactly 11:00 pm, the electronic alarm clock rang in the late granny's room. Grandmother died exactly at 23-00. Mom turned him off more than once, but he stubbornly called and called. Surprisingly, the last scheduled call time was set to 8:30.

“A friend told me that on the day her mother died, all (three pieces !!!) clocks in the house stopped. And the fix didn't help. And they went by themselves for 40 days ... She told this after I spoke about the tradition of celebrating 40 days of death in the spirit that it was people who came up with why exactly 40, where did they get it from? Now I don't think so anymore. There is something in this, not invented by people. There is something in the beginning."

If such facts do not scare you, then you can read more examples. It's amazing how often stories like this happen! The world is more complex than we perceive it, the line between life and death is thinner than we think. Clock - a device for determining time and measuring the duration of time intervals. This is a symbol of the transience of life, its constant transformation, movement from birth to death. The clock doesn't just stop at the hour of death, it can fall off the wall at that moment, and an old alarm clock set for 8 am can ring at 11 pm, reminding the hour of its owner's departure.

That stopping the clock is an example of the implementation of the principle of synchronicity is demonstrated by this unusual story. Man is not dead, man is born! And the clock recorded this important moment.

“The family says: “We are sitting at home, my mother was taken to the hospital, we are worried. Telephone call. "Apartment like that?" "Yes". "You have a baby girl." They look at the clock, but the clock in the kitchen has stopped. When I returned from the hospital, I looked. We stopped exactly at 19.37, as Nastya was born.

The world is full of mystical and magical phenomena. Legends tell about the bottom, they use it in literature and, of course, they try to explain it. For example, do you know why when a person dies, the clock stops? There is a lot of documented evidence of such facts in history, but no one has yet been able to really understand how this happens. Let's try to figure out why the clock stops with the death of a person, using the versions available today.

Historical background

To understand our difficult topic, you should plunge into the depths of centuries. Then, at the dawn of modern civilization, mechanisms were rare. Their creators were considered practically magicians, and the chronometers themselves were considered a miracle. The owner, as a rule, did not let anyone in to watch, he wound up and looked after. And when his last moment came, he did not have time to transfer the secrets of the precious mechanism to anyone else, the person did not think that he was not eternal. Relatives, of course, wondered why, when a person dies, the clock stops. Only due to their illiteracy they could not find an answer. They treated such an event almost like witchcraft. But you and I are quite capable of revealing such a clock, because it was mechanical in the Middle Ages. Nobody started them, so they stopped counting the time. However, the idea that something strange is happening is deeply embedded in the heads of our ancestors. They whispered quietly, passed on legends, and tried to figure out why, when a person dies, the clock stops. It turned out that now it is customary to call "karkali".

Why does the clock stop when a person dies?

Mystics approach the event, taking into account their own understanding of the structure of the universe. By the way, physicists also began to look closely at their point of view for several decades when they proved the corpuscular-wave nature of light. But it's not about that. Our universe is made up of energies. Each object has its own field. And everyone interacts with each other. In particular, the watch adapts to the owner's aura, orients itself to it. If a person wears his mechanism for a long enough time, then he reacts to his mood, "feels" the movement of the soul, having lost this connection, it stops working, and that's why. When a person dies, the clock stops, as their work becomes aimless, unnecessary. Such a strange theory does not withstand any criticism from the realists. However, it is confirmed by so many documented facts that the debaters fall silent, losing ground under their feet. The fact is that the mystical connection of the murdered person with the mechanism that counts time was noticed by criminologists. Too often they saw a watch with frozen hands on the wrist of a crime victim.

Esoteric version

The soul is not quite a non-physical entity. Experiments were carried out with the dying, as a result of which a change in body weight was proved at the time of transition to another world. Esotericists rely on this fact (not denied by science), explaining why, when a person dies, the clock stops. Experts in this branch of knowledge are sure that the departure of the soul from the body is accompanied by the release of a huge, gigantic amount of energy. It looks in the subtle worlds, almost like a supernova explosion. We, the inhabitants of our universe, cannot see, feel, or fix this. It's just that the technique has not yet been invented so perfect, and the bodies are not equipped with suitable tools. But the clock turned out to be able to respond to this energy release. Their mechanism cannot cope with the power of the attack, so they die with the owner. This theory is also not perfect. In history, there are facts of stopping chronometers that are away from the dying owner. The esoteric critics, without getting lost, answer with the question: “Do you all already understand what the subtle fields are and how they function?”. Science has nothing to cover at the moment. Therefore, the version is considered as working, but requiring clarification.

Opinion of physicists

Scientists do not particularly like to engage in nonsense, popular beliefs. So they speak to the public, while they themselves draw new ideas for their theories from diverse folklore. Physicists are also interested in why wristwatches stop when a person dies. Firstly, criminologists have bothered science with such a problem, and secondly, it is their duty to be able to explain any phenomenon recorded in the universe. They only dealt with electronic clocks. Physicists put forward a hypothesis that the electromagnetic field of the mechanism closes on the aura of the owner. A person also has a certain small charge. Its value may vary depending on the state of the individual, the weather and other factors. Excess electricity people dump on the surrounding objects, on those that are closer. In our case, a watch. The mechanism receives additional feed and tunes to it. And when death comes, the energy stops flowing, the mechanism breaks down.


You know, while there is no experimental, confirmed evidence, each of the specialists has the right to defend his hypothesis. Let them collect facts and think about how to beat competitors. Have you thought about such a problem? Perhaps this will be the first step towards the Nobel Prize. Good luck!

They say that when a person dies, his watch stops with him. And not only wrist. There are many stories when, unexpectedly, after the death of the owner, the wall clock, as well as the grandfather clock, stopped. Here are just a few stories.

When grandfather was dying, absolutely all the clocks in the room suddenly stopped, and they never went again.

Mystic? Here is another case about watches and the infamous Kursk submarine.

The man used to sail on this submarine, but then retired. And on that very terrible day, his watch suddenly stopped, although he was at that time on vacation in Sochi.

An interesting incident happened to a female student. She was hit by a truck and the wristwatch that was in her purse suddenly stopped.

There is also a story that tells us that absolutely all the clocks, both very old and modern, stopped in the apartment of an old woman after the death of the mistress.

However, it is worth noting that, basically, such mysticism occurs exclusively with cheap Chinese watches. High-end watches are not familiar with such a problem.

Is it possible to somehow logically explain why when a person dies, his wristwatch stops?

There are several explanations for this fact, fantastic and physical.

Parapsychologists say that a body that dies releases energy so powerful that the clock simply cannot stand it.

However, physicists do not support this hypothesis. They claim that when a person wears a watch with a metal strap on the left hand for a long time, it becomes part of the electromagnetic field of its owner. They become the so-called grounding. All energy is directed to the watch on the hand. When a person dies, his pulse stops, the clock has nothing to “eat” and they die along with their owner, as they are left without energy.

Fans of the detective genre know for sure: if a watch is found on the dead person and it stops, then the exact time of death has been recorded. And the astute "pinkertons" will look for the criminal, taking into account the indications of the arrows frozen on the dial.

Death and stopping the clock: reality or fiction?

All famous literary detectives from Sherlock Holmes to Hercule Poirot know that at the moment of death of a person his watch stops. What is it, beautiful fiction or reality? Is it used in the work of real criminalists?

The first memories of such a strange combination of events date back to the beginning of the 18th century. When Queen Anne of England died, her favorite clock stopped in the palace. A little later, at the death of Louis IV, a large pendulum clock also stopped in the imperial chambers. Moreover, they could not start after.

Similar coincidences were repeatedly observed both by investigators and pathologists. Yes, and ordinary people often notice this feature when their loved ones leave. This phenomenon happens too often to be an accident.

What is the nature of such a phenomenon? The human inquisitive mind, on the one hand, loves to mystify everything, on the other hand, it tries to delve deeper into each obscure situation.

How do experts in different fields explain this phenomenon?

Fukuri Teachings

There is such an entertaining oriental teaching - "Fukuri". According to him, on the hand (just where it is customary to wear a watch) there is a special point "Cun". It is directly connected to our heart channel and is located on the left wrist in men, on the right wrist in women.

Esoteric version

Esoteric mystics give watches a certain sacred meaning. This item symbolizes the transience of time, it is considered a kind of counter of the minutes of life allotted to a person. Therefore, it seems natural to them that the watch stops at the same time as the death of its owner.

Surely, this is where the roots of many signs and superstitions associated with this device come from. You can’t just accept it as a gift, you must certainly lend a coin - “buy” them. It is considered a bad sign to give a watch to the newlyweds or, for example, to the office of the boss. In these cases, they mean the beginning of the countdown to the end of family life or tenure.

Opinion of parapsychologists

Parapsychologists are sure that when a person dies, there is a powerful release of psychic energy, a kind of energy exhaust. It is he who provokes the stop of the mechanisms. For the same reason, even some household appliances can turn off in the house.

According to this theory, it is advised to look at the work of your watch. They can begin to fail with a strong deterioration in health, during serious prolonged depression or other negative conditions. And, if we do not immediately notice our problems in the frantic pace of modern life, our watches can give us a hint about this in advance.

Coincidence according to Jung

A very interesting explanation of the phenomenon can be found in the works of the famous psychologist Carl Gustav Jung. He was interested in the nature of such extraordinary coincidences. Jung called them "synchronicities" and described them in his work Synchronicity and Human Destiny.

The essence of his discovery is that the external and internal world for a person are two sides of one whole. There is a deep relationship between them and these worlds mirror each other. Changes in external, material life depend on our internal mental state, on changes in our consciousness.

This metaphysical principle is very popular in modern psychology (“the theory of positive thinking”, etc.). In the light of this scientific hypothesis, it becomes much clearer why the clock can stop at the same time as a person dies.

Confluence of electromagnetic fields

Physicists did not remain aloof from the problem either. Their version is as follows: mechanical watches with a metal case, as well as quartz or electronic ones, create electrical or magnetic impulses during operation.

It has long been known that man himself is also a carrier and generator of various kinds of biofields, including the electromagnetic field. With prolonged contact, the pulses of the human and wristwatch fields merge into one single electromagnetic field. They interact and feed on each other.

The clock is included in the general electrical circuit of a person and works in it as a ground. Electronics specialists call such a link in a circuit that collects all the energy on itself a stub.

Scientists believe that it is enough to constantly wear a metal watch for about two months for it to accept the charge of the field of its owner. After the death of a person, this ideal symbiosis is destroyed and, left without energy replenishment, the wristwatch stops.

Which of them is right?

It is worth noting that the phenomenon under consideration concerns not only wristwatches. For example, in stories with monarchs, it was about wall paintings. Moreover, facts were observed when the clock stopped and fixed the time of death not of the owner, but, for example, of the donor. At the same time, a sad event could take place in a completely different city or even country.

There are also reports that a broken clock suddenly started to run after the joyful news of the birth of a child in the family. Simple coincidence or synchrony?

And if the version of physicists is correct, then it turns out that the mutual electromagnetic field is so large in size that it works not only on the human body, within its home, but also at a distance of thousands of kilometers?

Impressive scale, agree? Maybe Carl Jung's explanation is still closer to the truth?

As for modern criminologists, it is reliably known that they take note of such coincidences and enter data about them into the protocol.

I had a similar situation.

When my father died, while still a schoolgirl, I was

in the sister's house, - the wall clock stopped, but later still served the sister.

I realized then that this case is interconnected with the death of my father, but I did not know how to explain ....


The strange phenomenon has lost its mystical coloring!

Usually, during the death of a person, his wristwatch stops, and not only wristwatches, but even wall, floor and others. There are several real stories that tell about it.

“When my grandfather died, the clock on the wall in his room stopped and I never managed to start it again.”

“When Kursk sank, my dad’s watch stopped, in the past he was a submariner, and now he is retired. Although he himself at that time was in Sochi on vacation. I was on vacation. And not only he alone stopped the clock.

When a person dies, his wristwatch stops.

True to say, this problem is more often seen when you have a cheap Chinese watch, and not a high-end watch like an American wrist watch.

“When I was in school, I had a classmate. In her senior year, she was hit and killed by a truck. Her purse contained a watch with a broken bracelet. They stopped at the moment of her death. I know another interesting case when my grandmother was dying, ALL the clocks in the whole apartment stopped. Both vintage floor standing ones and modern cheap ones with an alarm clock.”

There are several opinions about this, fantastic and physical. Parapsychologists say that when the body dies, it releases a powerful energy that stops the clock. Physicists disagree with this.

When a person wears a metal watch on his left hand for a long time until death, when the strap is especially leather or metal, they become part of his electromagnetic field. They seem to be included in the electrical circuit of a person and play the role of grounding. All energy is directed to the clock mechanism on the hand. Already after two or three months of wearing it on the arm, the watch receives a charge from the field of its owner and feeds on it, and therefore, after the death of a person, the watch remains without its energy, and therefore also “dies”.

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