Home Diseases and pests The New Year's script for fifth graders is modern. Universal examples of funny scenes for the New Year for children on current modern topics

The New Year's script for fifth graders is modern. Universal examples of funny scenes for the New Year for children on current modern topics

Presenter 1: New Year is the main children's holiday, and one must prepare for it responsibly.

Presenter 2: Picture one, preparatory.

Sketch "Grandmother and grandson"

Grandson: Bah, iron my New Year's suit, I'm going to school for the Christmas tree.

Grandma: Will the girls be there?

Grandson: Of course.

Grandma: Then put on a shirt.

Grandson: Well, bah.

Grandmother: The girls will say: “What a handsome boy, in a shirt.”

Grandson: What, am I a loser?

Grandma: Come on, put on smart trousers.

Grandson: What other pants?

Grandmother: Nice trousers, ironed, grandfather came back from the war in them. Here's a new hat for you... a rabbit one. Before you, only a rabbit wore it.

Grandson: I’m not going anywhere anymore (freaking out).

Grandmother: That’s right, don’t go, we’ll sit at home, breathe over the potatoes, watch “Jury Hour”...

Grandson: I'll go, I'll go!

Grandmother: Grandma knitted a scarf for you.

Grandson: Yeah, the silkworm tied him up!

Grandma: Oh, how beautiful you are.

(The second boy comes in.)

Second boy: Hello, Stalina Hitlerovna!

Grandmother: Oh, Vitalka has come. Why, Vitalka, did your grandmother come to you? Well, go with God. Oh, hold on, girls, the males are going hunting.

Presenter 1: And at this time somewhere near the school.

Presenter 2: The second picture, reasonable.

Boys' skit

First:Yeah, well, what a task for uscool leaderputAcome up withgifts for ourgirls!

Second:That's for sure, myselfA- Now he’s sitting and playing on the computer.

Third:No, he doesn’t play - he sits with his classmates! I saw it myself!

Fourth: Okay, let's think about what to buy for ourmonkeysugh, our maidensvery goodkam per year


Fifth: What is there to think? Everything has long been thought up for us - in the shops there are mugs and souvenirs withmonkeys!

Sixth: No, we already did this last year...Yesand inpast.

Seventh:Listen, we did this every year!And I-then I think, why after every new year our relationship with the women’s team deteriorates?

First:Here, you know what? If the year of the monkey comes, let the monkey girls themselves congratulate.

Footballers skit

(The coach comes out and beckons with bananas, the players leave).

Speaker 1: The Empire Strikes Back.

Presenter 2: The third picture is beautiful.

Girls' skit

First: Have you heard how our boys will congratulate us? We'll congratulate them better. And our gifts are all useful! Come and swoop in, the Baba Yaga auction is starting!

Second: An earth-to-water class arrow, with an error of 50%, will determine your fate. A fidgety tablecloth will ward off uninvited guests.

A self-assembled hat will feed you, keep you warm, and waltz around the buffet.

Third: Self-sprouting boots will sprout a branded miracle tree. Homemade Viy will turn a blind eye to your shortcomings.

Presenter 1: in fact, guys, the main thing is not the gifts.

The clock chimes.

1- We wish you happiness!

2 – Health!

3 – True friends!

4 – learning is a joy!

5 – Good grades!

6 – Peaceful skies above your head!

7 – And the comfort of home!

8 – Free Wi-Fi!

9 – And the Internet 4 G.

10 – Good luck!

11 – Good luck!

12 – Let your dreams come true!

Karaoke song

And the New Year is about to come

Will fulfill your dream in an instant.

If the snowflake doesn't melt,

It won't melt in your palm,

While the clock strikes twelve,

while the clock strikes twelve.

Holiday “Hello, Hello, New Year!”, 5th grade

Participants: 5th grade students, class teacher, high school students - presenters of the festive program in costumes of the Snow Queen and the Little Robber.


1) formation of a friendly, cohesive class team;

2) development of children's creative abilities;

3) education of aesthetic taste, the ability to enjoy a creative find, a small discovery.

Preparatory work

I. In the process of preparatory work, starting a month before the holiday, decorations are made for the New Year tree and the classroom.

II. A New Year's poster for congratulations and wishes is being prepared. (The number of images of bright balloons on the poster corresponds to the number of children in the class. During the holiday, each fifth grader can write a congratulation or wish in his balloon.)

III. Each child learns by heart a poem about winter, the New Year, or composes their own poems.

IV. The class teacher, together with high school students, draws up a holiday script.

Design, equipment and inventory:

a) a festively decorated classroom;

b) a poster with images of balls of different colors;

c) decorated Christmas tree.

The progress of the holiday

A recording of the song “Three White Horses” is playing.

The Snow Queen. The first winter month - December - passing the baton to its brother, gives us the most favorite holiday - New Year.

Hello, New Year's holiday,

Christmas tree and winter holiday.

All my friends today

We invited you to visit.

We are together again today

In this hall, in the bright hour,

Dancing again, singing again

They will sound in our circle.

Today is a wonderful holiday,

You're not supposed to be sad about it.

So, our holiday begins!

Little Robber. Is everyone in a good mood at our holiday? Let's check it now. Answer my questions using only two words “true” and “false”. Ready?

Everyone knows Santa Claus, right?

He arrives at seven sharp, right?

Santa Claus is a good old man, right?

He wears a fur coat and galoshes, right?

He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right?

We went to the Christmas tree with you, right?

They carried two marks in the diaries, right?

Santa Claus will come soon, right?

He will bring gifts to everyone, right?

The Snow Queen. Well done! Judging by your answers, you are in a wonderful mood. Our holiday must take place!

A young man appears in a costume from the time of Peter I.

young man. On the eve of 1700, Tsar Peter I, by a special decree, determined how to celebrate the day of the beginning of the new year. Listen: “As a sign of that good beginning and the new century, we wish each other a Happy New Year in joy. Along the noble and public streets at the gates and houses, make some decorations from trees and branches of pine, spruce and juniper, fire small cannons and rifles, launch rockets, as many as you can, and light fires.” (Leaves.)

The Snow Queen. So, thanks to Peter I, the New Year comes to us on the night of December 31 to January 1. Over time, spruce and pine decorations moved from the streets to houses and apartments. Following the decree of Peter I, which is already more than 300 years old, we decorated our house with spruce wood. But, in my opinion, it lacks decorations.

When dressing up our beauty, say only “yes” and “no”.

What's hanging on the tree?

A loud cracker?

Old clay pot?

White snowflakes?

Torn boots?

Red lanterns?

Bread crumbs?

Apples and cones?

Bunny pants?

Old newspapers?

Tasty candy?

Little Robber. Well, so we decorated our Christmas tree. What would a New Year's holiday be without songs around the Christmas tree?

The round dance “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” is held.

The Snow Queen. This song, guys, is more than 100 years old, and for about half of its life the poem “lived” unnamed. Some thought that the composer himself composed the text, others believed that the words were folk. Do you know who wrote the famous “Christmas Tree”? Its author is Raisa Adamovna Kudasheva, who lived in 1878-1964. The music was written by composer L.K. Beckman.

Little Robber. Well, the mood is good, the Christmas tree is decorated, the round dance is friendly. We can now start implementing our holiday competition program.

Children are divided into three teams: they choose a snowflake for themselves. Snowflakes of three colors, each with one of the numbers from 1 to 15 (according to the number of children in the class). This is necessary for a win-win lottery.

Competition 1. Come up with a name for your team (it should be related to the theme of the holiday), defend it (dance, song, poem).

Competition 2."Warm-up." Each team receives a riddle in turn (a token for the correct answer).

Competition 3."Homework". Students recite poems by heart about winter, winter fun, and the New Year holiday.

Competition 4.“The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it...” Fifth-graders answer the following questions.

1. Air fairy transport? (Carpet plane.)

2. A fabulous plant that changed the life of a merchant and his daughters? (The Scarlet Flower.)

4. How is Alyonushka related to Ivanushka? (Sister.)

5. Fabulous utensils for cooking porridge? (Pot.)

6. He got tired of lying on the window, and he rolled down the path. Who is he? (Kolobok.)

7. What is the name of the city in which Dunno lived? (Solar.)

Competition 5. According to my assignment, what word should Kai have made from ice shards? (The competition is hosted by the Snow Queen, correct answer: eternity.)

So you are invited to collect a New Year's card.

Teams receive a set of geometric shapes from a cut card.

Now come up with a congratulation, show originality and creativity, congratulate everyone gathered at our holiday.

Children write and read their congratulations. The winning team receives sweet prizes and is photographed near the Christmas tree. Then all the participants of the holiday are photographed.

The Snow Queen. My dear young friends! Today you showed that you know how to have fun, you were friendly and passionate, original and quick-witted. I wish you a Happy New Year! I will be very glad if you invite me to the next holiday.

The Snow Queen and the Little Robber say goodbye to the guys and leave. There are games and a win-win lottery. Fifth graders are asked questions.

1. Fireworks for the home? (Clapperboard.)

2. Did you dream of seeing the world? You need it. (Balloon, etc.)

At the end of the holiday, Santa Claus unexpectedly appears for the children and hands out souvenirs - soft toys symbolizing the Year of the Monkey.


1. Kaleidoscope of school affairs /Auth.-comp. V.N. Shcherbakova, E.M. Smekalova. Vol. 2. Pskov, 2000.

2. Encyclopedia - for schoolchildren. For curious young children / Comp. G.P. Yakovenko, N.G. Yakovenko. Kyiv, 1994.

Farafonova Oksana Sergeevna,

music teacher, class teacher of grade 5B.

New Year's holiday scenario for 5th grade

The date of the: 29.12.2014

Location: MKOU "Secondary School No. 1"

Time spending: 13.00

Equipment and inventory: laptop, 9 balls, 3 spoons, 3 tangerines, 3 ropes of 1.5 meters, 15 cotton snowballs, 3 hoops, 3 rolls of toilet paper, 3 newspapers.

Musical arrangement: recordings of New Year's songs, recordings of the sounds of train and airplane wheels, the cries of seagulls, recordings of dances "Letka-enka", "Macarena", "Twist", songs "New Year's toys"

The New Year's song is playing. The presenter comes out.

Presenter. What kind of holiday is coming to us?
The long-awaited New Year!
A time full of miracles...
We are going to the forest for a Christmas tree.The past year has not been easy -
Gave someone growth.
Hello to new days,
So that they come with a soul;To bring health
The population of the entire Earth;
So that cheerful laughter sounds,
Bringing happiness to everyone;
Through joy so that God
Came to our doorstep.

Presenter.Hello guys! New Year is the time for wishes to come true. Who among you hasn’t dreamed of traveling to distant lands? So let's all go on a trip to the New Year's planet today!

The sound of train wheels

Presenter. And the first country on our way is snow-covered Finland.

Finland is the northernmost country on our planet.Christmas and New Year are celebrated there on a grand scale. What is the name of the Finnish Santa Claus?

Finnish Santa Claus is called Joulupukki. "Joulu" means Christmas in Finnish, and "pukki" means goat. According to legend, many years ago, Santa Claus dressed in goat skin for the holiday, and then delivered gifts on the goat. Since then, Santa Claus began to bear the “goat” name. True, now it is perceived as “Grandfather Christmas”.

Finland is the birthplace of the wonderful Letka-Jenka dance.

Let's learn the movements.

Dance Letka-Enka.

Presenter. Let's continue our journey

The sound of train wheels

Presenter. We arrived at Poland. On New Year's Eve, the streets are filled with the ringing of bells, sirens, cheerful screams, and colorful fireworks. Let us also arrange a festive fireworks display!

Competition "Balls". 3 boys are invited from each class. Whose team inflates and bursts the balloon faster is the winner.

The sound of train wheels

Presenter. Next stop - Germany. It is considered a lucky omen to meet a chimney sweep on New Year's Eve and get dirty with soot. And at 12 o’clock it is customary to climb onto chairs and tables and “jump” into the New Year with joyful greetings.

Competition "Jumping". 1 boy from each class is invited, line up in one line and “jump” into the new year. Whoever jumps further, shouting joyfully, is the winner.

Funny music. A competition is being held.

Presenter. Who knows who gives gifts to children in Germany at Christmas? (St. Nikolaus)

And we continue our journey around the New Year’s planet

The sound of train wheels

Presenter. IN Italy On New Year's Eve it is customary to shout loudly, scream with all your might, saying goodbye to the old year.

Let us also say goodbye to the passing year in Italian ( shouting).

“Macarena” is a favorite dance not only of Italians, but also of many inhabitants of the planet. And we will fulfill it now.

Learn the movements. Dance "Macarena".

Presenter. We had a great dance...and then we were on our way again...

The sound of train wheels

Presenter. We took a ride around Europe, and now we are going to hot, exotic Africa, but there are no trains there, we will go by car.

Car engine noise

Presenter. Africa...hot scorching sun, impenetrable jungle.

On the ground Abidji On New Year's Day, villagers gather not only for ritual dances, but also for races on all fours with an egg in their mouth. The winner of the race is the one who reaches the finish line first and does not damage the shell. After all, Abija’s egg is a symbol of life!

Squatting competition. 3 girls from each class are invited, line up in one line and begin squatting (goose step) with a spoon in their mouth on which a tangerine lies. The first team to reach the finish line is the winner.

Funny music. A competition is being held.

Presenter. We continue our journey. We transfer from the car to the ship and sail to America.

The splash of waves, the cries of seagulls)

Presenter. So we're in America

Every year on New Year's Eve in America there is a competition for the strongest, most resilient and dexterous man.

Competition "Newspaper". And we will hold a New Year's competition for the most dexterous girls. One participant from each class is invited. Your task: holding your right hand behind your back, gather the newspaper into a fist with your left hand, holding it by the corner. The fastest and most agile is the winner.

Funny music. A competition is being held.

Presenter. America is not only skyscrapers, the Statue of Liberty and Hollywood, but also the birthplace of the wonderful dance “Twist”. Let's learn his simple movements.

Dance "Twist"

Presenter. It's time to move on. We board a plane and fly to Asia.

Airplane noise

Presenter. IN India On New Year's Eve they try to invite as many guests as possible to their home.

Competition “Gather Guests”. So now we will try to gather as many guests as possible. 10 people are invited from each class. As you thread the rope through your clothing, you will need to pull yourself together. Whoever does it faster will win.

Funny music. A competition is being held.

Presenter. It’s good to celebrate the New Year at a party, but at home it’s still better. We are returning home to Russia.

The sound of wheels

Presenter. You know, dear friends, that until 1700 the New Year was not celebrated in Russia. On December 15, 1699, Peter I issued a decree that on January 1, 1700, a new chronology in Rus' begins, on this day you need to fire cannons, burn resin, decorate the house with spruce and fir branches, and also “have fun with dancing, music and games." Let's follow, friends, the decree of Peter I and continue to celebrate the New Year!

Competition "Snowballs". 5 people are invited from each class. You need to use 5 cotton “snowballs” to hit the hoop lying on the floor. Whoever manages to hit the most times is the winner.

Funny music. A competition is being held.

Competition "Snowman". For the next competition I need 3 people per class. Choose one who will play the role of a snowman. For the rest, use toilet paper to make a snowman.

Funny music. A competition is being held.

Presenter. Guys, do you know poems about winter? Well done.

Now let's write a poem together. I will say the first line, start the second, and you will say the last word for me. Agreed? Begin…

Winter dressed everything in white,

In winter, the guys have a lot... (to do)

Hurry for a hat, for a scarf,

Take your skates and go to...(skating rink).

Here Seryozha is running on skates,

He ran, fell and is riding... (lying down).

But Egor’s company,

Having taken the sled, he is looking for... (mountain).

The mountain is steep. White as dough

We sat in the sleigh and didn’t... (from our place).

The sled barely moved,

Well, and then how... (they flew).

The wind is blowing head-on.

The sleigh flashed in... (snowdrift).

Little Alyosha disappeared

Sticking out of the snow... (felt boots).

The wind covered the sky with silk,

And at school it shines brightly... (Christmas tree).

And Santa Claus will hear us,

If we call him... (now).

Let's all call together: Grandfather Frost! ( shouting)

Bells ring, Santa Claus appears

Father Frost.

I walked to this school for a long time,

They brought me the path of snow,

All paths and paths

There was a blizzard.

Got there by all-terrain vehicle

And then .

Both on foot and on skates,

Both on skis and in a sleigh,

By taxi, and by hitchhiking,

Both in the subway and on minibuses.

I can't be late!

My friends have been waiting for me!

Somewhere out there, dear blizzard,

The winter holiday is coming to us.

So let's say it together:

“Hello, hello, New Year!”

Presentation of gifts to classes.

Father Frost.

I wish you success in the New Year,

Excellent grades in various subjects.

More cheerful, loud laughter,

And all teachers receive decent salaries.

I wish everyone not to get sick and to work well.

Have fun near the Christmas tree in the New Year!

Final song "New Year's toys".


Internet resources:



New Year's performance. "Miracles for the New Year"


One simple fairy tale, or maybe not a fairy tale,

Or maybe it’s not simple, we want to tell you.

We remember her from childhood, or maybe not from childhood,

Or maybe we don’t remember, but we will remember...

In one Russian school, or maybe not in a school,

Or maybe in the lyceum there lived one people,

And they had holidays, and maybe not holidays,

Or maybe concerts just before the New Year.

We will tell you about them, or maybe we won’t tell you,

We'll show something, and maybe we'll sing.

Students sing to the tune of the song “Our Neighbor”, lyrics. and music B. Potemkin.

How can we not have fun?

Don't lead us in a round dance,

We are together today,

Let's celebrate the New Year.

We will forget about studying

And let's not grieve

Let's jump and have fun

Songs to sing and dance,



It's snowing, it's snowing, it's falling, it's falling,

The New Year is already approaching again.

New Year's bright days.

New Year, New Year...

Christmas tree lights again, they give people

New Year, New Year...

New Year's bright days.

It's snowing, it's snowing, pure as a prophecy

People really want New Year's miracles.

And the snowflakes suddenly fall like fluff

On the eyelashes and shoulders of friends.

Leading. The long-awaited winter holiday has arrived. In this fabulous silence there is wonderful music, new poems, and the voices of loved ones. The charm is so sweet that it’s a pity in advance: now the magical moments will pass and they will never return again. But no, New Year's miracles begin today. Our winter fairy tale is not simple, it is born today in our lyceum on the eve of the magical New Year!


Miracles happen on New Year's Eve,

Sometimes such miracles

It's impossible not to laugh

And not fly to heaven.

. Fairytale performance "Cinderella".


There are those moments in life,

When the New Year comes,

Bananas, apples, cookies

He carries it in his bosom.

He gives out toys to everyone,

Of which he has many.

Cars, dolls, firecrackers,

That's why we love him.

Everyone will sing and smile

Everyone will sing and dance

We will all laugh loudly

Rejoicing, everyone celebrates the holiday.

We have fun and dance

And the people are very joyful,

After all, this is our favorite holiday,

Our long-awaited New Year!

. Comic competitions.

. Brakedance.

. Final song to the tune of “Call me with you” (from the repertoire of A: Pugacheva, lyrics and music by T. Snezhina).

The stars quietly give us a gentle light,

And we dream

Quietly covered the ground

White snow,

And we don't know

Why is my heart light and light?

And who knocked on the window?

Oh, who's knocking on our window?

New Year is coming to us,

And there is no holiday more desirable,

Everyone believes, everyone waits,

He will fulfill all wishes.

We are waiting with hope and dreams,

That he will give us joy

And will save you from troubles

Our magician and magician New Year.

Everything will be fine with us, we believe,

Since we're all together,

Let it be even tighter

The ranks will close

To the sounds of a song.

So let's stretch out our hands

To each other, friends,

And you and I will boldly step

On New Year's Day, no grudges.

New Year in 5th grade. Scenario

Scenario of the New Year's holiday "New Year's adventure of fifth-graders"

Bondarenko Marina Eduardovna, teacher of preschool schools of І-ІІІ stages No. 101 in the city of Donetsk, Donetsk region
Description of material: The material is intended for 5th grade students
- education of morality, aesthetics and taste;
- fostering cohesion in children, a sense of friendly support and kindness;
- development of creative activity, theatrical skills
Form of the holiday- a game in which students take part individually and collectively. The guys prepare musical numbers, amateur performances, and fun competitions for the audience.
Location: Class

Scenario "New Year's adventure for fifth graders"

Guys in carnival costumes and masks gathered to celebrate the New Year.
Forest Fairy.
Father Frost.
Snow Maiden

We ask teachers to come to the hall,
We invite all children to the Christmas tree,
We ask their parents.
We need to take the holiday seriously
Everyone take part
So that Santa Claus is in the final
He wished us happiness!
And now we will play a game.
You only need to answer “yes” or “no”.
-Is Santa Claus known to everyone?
-Does he come exactly at six?
-Is Santa Claus a good old man?
-Does he wear a fur coat and galoshes?
-Is Santa Claus afraid of the cold?
-Is he friends with Snegurochka?
-Have you all come to the holiday?
-Will Santa Claus come soon?
(music sounds, snowflakes dance)
Snow is blowing down the street,
Brightly silver.
There's something at the door Santa Claus
He doesn't knock for a long time.
We've been waiting for him for so long,
Haven't seen you for a whole year!
Maybe he got lost?
Can't find the way to us?
We need to look for him
Shout out to everyone together:
Father Frost! Father Frost!
They shout together.
(Solemn music sounds, Santa Claus appears.)
Hello Dedushka Moroz!
Father Frost.
Hello, dear children. (cries). Oh, trouble, trouble! The Snow Maiden has disappeared, I don’t know where she went. And I have no idea what to do next. Where to look, who can help?
Presenter. And the guys and I will help. You, Grandfather, sit down and rest, otherwise the poor thing is tired.
(ominous music plays, goblins run in, dance “Grandmas-Christmas Trees” and Maleficent appears)
Maleficent. Hello, harmful and naughty kids! Well, are you having fun? And aren't you ashamed? Have you decided to celebrate the New Year without me? Will not work!
(music plays, Maleficent dances and pronounces the words of the spell)
Let the ominous winds blow
Frosts will freeze the rivers
Granddaughter Snegurochka will be taken away

They will lock you in a castle because of the ice.
You won't see the Snow Maiden. And since I, Melificent, am not at the holiday, that means you won’t have any holiday.
Presenter. In our country, the New Year holiday is loved not only by children, but also by adults. The doors of the house are always open for guests, who are sure to be treated to a treat. In England, too, as in many other countries, you can come for a visit on New Year's Day without an invitation and even enter an unfamiliar house. At the same time, a polite Englishman should have a piece of coal with him as a symbol of warmth in the house. Millificent, forgive us! We are happy to invite you and your friends. It's more fun together, right, guys?
Maleficent. I was wrong about you, I didn’t know that you were so friendly and welcome guests. But I can’t remove the spell. I was angry at you, I cast a strong spell on you. Only friendly, brave, dexterous and resourceful guys can remove it and free the Snow Maiden.
Presenter. So it's all about us. Really, guys?
Maleficent. Goblin, my friend, quickly bring the envelope with the task first.
(to the music, a goblin appears, drags a huge envelope along the ground, opens it and reads the task)
Leshy. The northern winds will go away only when you warm them with your warmth and friendship.
Maleficent. Leshy, what are you saying? How can we warm the wind? You can’t catch him, you can’t wrap him in a warm blanket?
Presenter. Take your time, Melificent. It seems the guys have figured out what needs to be done.
(dance “Ice Ceiling” performed by children, fairy-tale characters also dance)
Maleficent. Oh, how hot it got!
(against the background of howling wind, a voice sounds)
Voice. Attention! Attention! The castle has suffered a heat attack!
Presenter. Maleficent, call your assistants quickly.
Maleficent. Swamp kikimora, quickly start a new task.
(Kikimora runs in laughing to the music)
Kikimora. Unscramble the words
1.K I N L E V A
2.F A R SH
3.O M O Z R
4.T E L E M
5.I N K O K
6.R A P K I D O
Maleficent. Have you eaten too much swamp greenery?
Presenter. Guys, are you ready to help us? (children answer). Kikimora give tasks to the children.
The children received answers.
1.FELT boots
Presenter. Well done guys, but that's not all. Guess the riddles.

He draws on glass
palm trees, stars, skiffs.
They say he is a hundred years old
but he plays pranks like a little boy.

He's busy all the time
He can't go in vain.
He goes and paints it white
Everything he sees along the way.

They fly faster than the wind
And I fly three meters from them.
My flight is over. Clap!
Soft landing in a snowdrift.

Under my feet
Wooden friends.
I fly at them with an arrow,
But not in summer, but in winter.

The hedgehog looks like her
You won't find any leaves at all.
Like a beauty, slim,
And for the New Year it’s important.
(Christmas tree)

We looked out the window,
I can’t believe my eyes!
Everything around is white - white
And it’s blowing... (Blizzard)

(against the background of a snowstorm, a voice sounds)
Voice. Attention! Attention! The castle has come under another attack! He's melting. The process is irreversible.
Presenter. Maleficent, what's next?
Maleficent. Fairy of the forest, what should the boys and I do now?
(the forest fairy enters smoothly and majestically to the music)
Forest fairy. The Snow Maiden does not want to leave the ice castle. Her heart froze, everything around her became boring and uninteresting. Cheer up the Snow Maiden.
Maleficent. I think I know what to do. Guys, I need your help.
Dance-game “If life is fun.”
Maleficent sings the common phrase:
If you have fun, do this... (clap your hands)
If life is fun, we will smile at each other,
If you have fun, do it! (clap).
The song then continues with the same words, but the actions change:
knock on knees;
snap your fingers;
And at the end repeat everything without stopping:
If you are having fun, do this... (clap your hands, knock on your knees, snap your fingers, stomp your feet).
(the music “Snowflake” plays, the Snow Maiden appears and words are heard against the background of the music)
Snow Maiden
Hello, here I am!
I am the Snow Maiden, friends.
Wow! what a tree you have!
Silvery, bright, sharp.
I see, I hear, the holiday is here
All the guys are waiting for me.
Together with Grandfather Frost,
We'll have fun too.
It's a little dark in the hall,
And the guys suggested -
I need to ask for a Christmas tree
Repeat loudly and in a friendly manner.
“Christmas tree, Christmas tree, light up!
Light up the lights,
Golden, any -
Red and blue."
Happy New Year! With new happiness!
Congratulations, friends!
May bad weather pass you by
I wish you all the best!
Presenter. Guys, Santa Claus has prepared gifts for us.
Father Frost(presents comic certificates and a sweet gift)
Awarded. . .
- for the ability to sing so that we forget where we are
- for the fact that despite all the efforts of teachers, . . ., like a real secret agent, does not give away the secret of his voice
- for the gracefulness of movement not only of the body, but also of the voice
- for the ability to control oneself in any situation
- for an inexhaustible supply of energy
- for the ability to hurry and at the same time make people laugh
- for being faithful to your word and deed
- for the ability to appear rarely but accurately at school
- for the ability to go underground while at a desk
- for the ability to always, everywhere and feel sorry for everyone
- for a sweet and charming smile
- for the ability to restore order in the classroom in any situation.

Presenter. And now, I invite everyone to the New Year's disco.

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