Home Diseases and pests Old grandmother and boy. Boys and girls: sex education. Still from the film "Insidiousness"

Old grandmother and boy. Boys and girls: sex education. Still from the film "Insidiousness"

Nothing accelerates old age more than immoderate drinking, unbridled love and unbridled lust.

Erasmus of Rotterdam

The sexual relationship of an adult woman with a teenager can be episodic - in this case we are not talking about perversion (sexual deviation of a non-pathological nature). But there may also be a woman’s persistent attraction to teenage boys with a lack of interest in men. In this case we are talking about perversion (sexual perversion), which is called ephebophilia.

In the lives of many men, there was a relationship with an adult woman when they themselves were still minors. Some women like to act as a mentor, teaching the boy all the intricacies of carnal love. There may be maternal feelings for the teenager. And some women like the sincerity, affection and romantic feelings of teenagers; they give them preference over men, considering them more cynical and selfish.

Society has a negative attitude towards the fact that an adult woman has a long-term sexual relationship with a teenager, and such women prefer to hide their addictions. This problem cannot be assessed unambiguously.

In many cases, the feelings are mutual - a teenager falls in love with his adult lover. Personally, I find it difficult to evaluate such cases. I have seen quite a few of them, and usually the conflict occurred when other people, most often the teenager’s parents, intervened. They can also be understood - no one wants their son to be molested by an adult woman.

The lovers themselves, of different ages, most often desperately defended their right to love and demanded that everyone leave them alone.

Modern teenagers mature early and already from the age of 13-15, and sometimes earlier, they live sexually with their peers. Therefore, it is difficult to be an arbiter here. Sympathy and empathy are evoked by all participants in the conflict - a teenager in love whose parents forbid him to meet his beloved, and a woman whom everyone condemns, and parents who are worried about their son.

But there are also cases when a woman forces a teenager to have intimacy - not necessarily with the help of physical violence, but using his addiction or psychological pressure. There may be threats, intimidation, blackmail.

Kirill is 15 years old, he is a tall, handsome boy, he looks older than his age, he is an athlete. He had a girl with whom he was in love; they dated for about a year and were sexually active.

In the 8th grade, the coach of the women's basketball team began to literally pursue him. She constantly got in his way when he went to the gym, flirted with him, said ambiguities, offered to spend the evening together, visit her at home, came to training and watched him, and under various pretexts went into the locker room when he was changing clothes.

He didn’t like her at all, but he felt somehow embarrassed to respond rudely to an adult woman. The boy began to avoid her, running late, hoping that she would think that he had missed training, and if she came out of the training room towards him, he quickly ran down the corridor, saying that he was late. He tried to constantly be among the other guys so that the woman would not come up with another invitation. The guys from the team began to make fun of him, advising him to sleep with her, but this large, tall woman inspired the teenager with purely physical disgust. Besides, he had a favorite girl.

Seeing his negative attitude, the coach somehow hinted to him that it largely depends on her whether he will be included in the main team of the youth team, she can put in a good word for him, and say against it, and his coach will listen to her, since he her old friend. Her persecution bothered Kirill, and he even thought about moving to another club.

Once, when they were at a competition in another city, the coach entered Kirill’s room when his neighbor was not there, supposedly to ask him if he would take part in the excursion that was organized for them, then she asked about something else and despite obvious embarrassment teenager, sat down next to him and hugged his shoulders. Kirill sat tense, not knowing how to behave. His upbringing did not allow him to be rude or push away an adult woman. When she began to unbutton his trousers, he jumped up abruptly and asked indignantly: “Why are you doing this? Shame on you?! You’re old enough to be my mother!” She laughed in response and said that it didn’t matter at all, there was no age in love, and if he was still a virgin, then she would be a good teacher for him. She tried again and almost pulled his trousers down, despite his resistance, and at that moment the leader of the team entered along with two guys from the team. Everyone froze in place, and the woman stated that Kirill himself lured her into his room and sexually harassed her.

Kirill was severely reprimanded “for immoral behavior” and was almost expelled from the team. As he says, the most offensive thing for him was that no one stood up for him, although everyone saw that she herself had been pursuing him for many months. In addition, he felt disgraced, as the guys made jokes and hinted that he was impotent, so he ran away from this woman like hell. Unable to bear all this, the teenager attempted suicide.

If we are talking about the corruption of a minor or coercion to acts of a sexual nature, to sexual intercourse, then this falls under Article 134 of the new Criminal Code. But in real life, there are hardly any cases where an adult woman is criminally punished for molestation or sexual activity against a minor. Typically, such teenagers prefer to remain silent and hide what happened even from their parents.

It is extremely rare, but it still happens that an adult woman molests a little boy who has not reached puberty. The literature describes cases when, in the last century and the beginning of this century, governesses cohabited with their young pupils. Nowadays, boys are molested only by mentally ill or mentally retarded women. Due to a mental defect, such women do not have the opportunity to have a normal intimate life with adult men. They teach the child to lick his genitals (cunnilingus) or stimulate the clitoris with his hand, and they themselves stimulate his penis, achieving an erection or pleasant sensations for the child.

His mother sent 8-year-old Tolya to the village to stay with his grandmother for the whole summer. He had visited his grandmother before, but usually together with his mother, and that year she did not have a summer vacation. The mother brought her son over the weekend and then left. From previous visits, Tolya knew many of his grandmother’s neighbors and was glad to meet them again. All day long, with a gang of village boys, they rushed through the streets, ran to bathe, fished, and went into the forest. The grandmother was old, she didn’t have much control over her grandson, she didn’t have any problems with him.

About a week later, the neighbor flooded the bathhouse, and Tolya’s grandmother asked her to take the boy with her to the bathhouse and help him wash, since she herself was sick and had not gone to the bathhouse for a long time.

According to Tolya’s mother, the villagers said about the 35-year-old neighbor that she was “strange.” She had two daughters, adopted from someone unknown, she never had a husband, since she was considered “ugly,” and her temporary cohabitants were only visiting builders and laborers.

According to the boy, the neighbor first washed her daughters and then called Tolya. While soaping him up, she began to “play” with his penis, saying: “Look what we already have! Almost a real man!” Tolya was not embarrassed by her, since he had known her for many years, and the morals in the village were simple; some children under 3-4 years of age ran around without pants. The irritation of the genital organs was pleasant for the boy, and after some time he had an erection. The neighbor continued to “play” with his penis, and at some point Tolya felt “good” and very pleasant. The neighbor laughed and said that he had now become a “real man,” and then she lay down on the bench and asked Tolya to “play” with her too. She showed the boy where he should stroke, and as he later said, after a while she “twitched all over” and began to moan loudly. The child was afraid that he had done something wrong, so she was in pain, but the woman jumped off the bench, picked up the boy in her arms and began to spin around and kiss him, saying that she also felt “very good.” She asked not to tell her grandmother anything, saying that this was now “their secret,” he was already “big” and should act “like a big one.” And Tolya didn’t say anything to his grandmother.

A week later everything happened again. This time, the neighbor herself suggested that Tolina’s grandmother wash the boy in the bathhouse, and she readily agreed. This happened several times, and then the neighbor began to invite the boy to her place when her daughters were not at home. First, she stimulated the child’s penis and brought him to orgasm, and then asked him to stroke her genitals.

Once, when Tolya had an erection, she even tried to have sexual intercourse with him, but the boy did not know what to do, although she showed him how he should move, but nothing worked for him, and later she abandoned this undertakings.

This went on all summer. Tolya told his friends what he and his neighbor were doing, he was proud that he was already “big”, they envied him and once even looked out the window when Tolya was “playing” with his neighbor. To see everything in detail, they climbed onto each other's shoulders, those who stood below pushed and hurried those who had access to the window, and in the end the whole bunch fell to the ground laughing and squealing. The neighbor ran out, throwing something over herself and dispersed them. But Tolya’s grandmother never found out anything.

Returning home at the end of the summer, Tolya one day asked his mother to “play” with him the same way “Aunt Varya” did. At first the mother did not understand what kind of “games” we were talking about, and when the son took off his pants and showed how “Aunt Varya” did it, the boy’s mother was horrified and brought the child to me for a consultation.

In such cases, the most important thing is to destroy the existing associative connection between the pleasant sensations that the child experienced and the actions through which he experienced an orgasm. Without the reinforcement of an orgasm, over time, everything will be forgotten and the child’s sexuality will be restored within normal age limits.

If you do not have the opportunity to consult with a child psychiatrist or sex therapist, you need to switch the child’s attention to something else and, of course, save him from communicating with the molester.

And in general, when allowing someone into your family, inviting a nanny to your child, be very careful. Take a closer look at her, how she treats the child, and whether there are any strange behavior. Otherwise, dramatic events are possible. I will give two such cases from my practice.

Semyon is 8 years old, he is a quiet, obedient, extremely impressionable boy. Since childhood, he has been afraid of the dark and only fell asleep in the light. When he fell asleep, his mother tiptoed into his room to put out the light, but he slept very lightly, woke up from the slightest rustle, and if the light was turned off, he began to cry loudly and call for his mother. She was forced to lie next to him for a long time, waiting until he fell asleep, and then tried to leave very quietly. But more often than not he woke up again and she stayed with him again.

At the age of 4, his mother sent him to kindergarten in order to be able to work, but from the first days Syoma cried so pitifully, would not let her go, clung to her clothes, begging her not to leave him, that her heart was breaking with pity. The boy was afraid of everyone, even teachers and children, he cried all the time, and after suffering for two weeks, his mother took him and quit her job so that she could be with her son herself.

When Sema went to school, his mother dropped him off and picked him up after school. She worked part-time to be able to pick up the boy on time, since he categorically did not want to stay at school for an extended day and was looking forward to his mother’s arrival. He was also afraid of his classmates; during recess he did not go out into the corridor, but sat at his desk. Over time, I got used to the teacher and tried to stay close to her.

Syoma fell asleep still with his mother. Sometimes she was forced to stay all night in her son’s room, because having woken up in the middle of the night, he could no longer sleep, all the time he checked with his hand whether his mother was there. The child fell asleep only in the morning, and in the morning she could not wake him up; He often missed school because of this.

In the summer after finishing 2nd grade, mother and son visited their relatives in the Moscow region. The owners had an 18-year-old daughter who wanted to study in Moscow, but she had nowhere to live. Semyon's mother invited her to her place, saying that she would feed her and pay her if she agreed to pick up the boy from school and go out with him so that she could work full time. The girl's parents agreed.

In terms of mental development, the girl clearly “did not reach” her age; she ran and played with the child as if they were the same age, and the boy quickly became attached to the future nanny and willingly spent time with her.

In August, the girl came to them and tried to enroll in a trade school, but according to Semyon’s mother, she was such a “fool” (that is, with obvious mental retardation) that she didn’t even know that to enter she needed to pass exams (! ), so I was completely unprepared for them. This girl barely completed the 8th grade of a rural school, and then worked in a greenhouse farm, so she had no chance of entering a school where there was high competition.

The girl liked her new job, since problems with housing and food disappeared, there was free money (Semyon’s mother paid the nanny well), and such a life suited her quite well. In the evenings, she did not leave the house, as she was afraid of getting lost in a city unfamiliar to her, and Semyon’s mother breathed a sigh of relief, since she and her husband had the opportunity to go to the cinema or visit.

The boy willingly stayed with the nanny and played with her. She picked him up from school, walked with him in the yard, fed him and sat next to him while he prepared his homework. She slept in the boy's room. At first, Semyon’s parents set up a folding chair for her at night, but Semyon became capricious in the evening, demanding that either his mother or the nanny lie next to him until he fell asleep, and the nanny began to sleep on the couch in his room.

It is unknown how the molestation occurred, since his mother did not notice anything for six months.

But one night, passing by their room, she heard the girl’s moans and, deciding that she felt bad, she quietly entered the room and turned on not the overhead light, but the sconce, afraid to wake up her son. She saw that both were awake, her son was licking the genitals of his nanny, and she was kneading his penis with her hands.

The woman screamed loudly, and her husband came running in response to the scream, pulled the nanny out of bed and whipped her on the cheeks, ordering her to get out immediately. But the boy grabbed the girl with his hands, hugged her and shouted that he loved her and didn’t want her to leave. The parents left the girl until the morning, took their son to their room, and in the morning they sent her back to the village, giving her money and ordering her not to tell anyone about what had happened.

The boy cried all night, in the morning he flatly refused to go to school, he was trembling all over and his teeth were chattering. He did not eat anything for several days, cried constantly, called the nanny, pushed his parents away, said that he hated them, did not sleep at night, and his parents were forced to place him in a psychiatric hospital.

The sexual actions of a mentally ill molester who threatens to force a child to have sexual intercourse can lead to neurosis.

Alexey complained of low mood, a feeling of hopelessness and loneliness.

In the conversation it turned out that in childhood he had a nanny, a weak-minded woman whom his parents brought from the village. She lived with them, slept in the nursery, and from the age of 4 forced the boy to lick her genitals. If the child cried and refused, the molester pinched him painfully or twisted his ear, threatening that if he did not obey or tell his parents something, she would turn into a witch and bewitch him. He was scared, he cried, but in the end he obeyed. The nanny instilled fear and disgust in the boy - she was a fat, unkempt woman, she smelled disgusting, but he was very afraid of her and did not say anything to his parents.

Lesha grew up fearful, flinched from sharp sounds, often cried, slept poorly, woke up from nightmares and was covered in tears, loudly calling for his mother. His parents considered him a nervous and vulnerable child, they not only never punished him, but did not even raise their voices at him and were at a loss as to why the boy was so whiny and afraid of everything. The father suggested that his son be consulted by a child psychiatrist, but the mother objected, believing that a visit to the doctor would frighten the child.

When Lesha went to school, he tearfully begged his parents to leave him for an extended day, just so as not to see the hated nanny. He told his parents that this made it easier for him to prepare his homework. At 6 o'clock the nanny picked him up from school and on the way home “hissed” her threats. By this time, his parents were already at home, and the boy tried to spend all his time next to them, dreading the night. And at night, the nanny again forced him to stimulate her genitals with beatings and threats or masturbated in his presence. When she began to moan and convulse, the child, not understanding what was happening to her, hoped with secret joy that she would suffocate and die.

This continued until Lesha turned 12 years old. He no longer needed a nanny, but she did all the housework and still lived with them. By this time, Lesha already knew a lot from the stories of his peers, was burdened by his “shameful secret” and, more than anything else, was afraid that one of his classmates would find out about it. He considered himself a “dirty bastard” and a “weak-willed rag,” but due to his character traits he could not resist the cruel nanny.

When Lesha was in the 5th grade, during a medical examination, the school doctor noticed that the boy’s arms, chest and back were bruised from pinches. She began to question him, and Lesha burst into tears and ran out of her office. The doctor told the class teacher about everything, and she was amazed. Lesha’s parents are intelligent people with higher education, the teacher has discussed with them more than once why he is so fearful, avoids his classmates and often cries over every trifle.

Deciding that the parents were systematically torturing the child, the teacher called them to school. They were simply shocked. At home, they interrogated both the nanny and Alexei. He admitted that she was torturing him, but did not tell them anything about her sexual harassment - he was ashamed, he was afraid that even his parents would despise him. The nanny was sent to the village, but the boy was still depressed, withdrawn and whiny.

Over time, the severity of his experiences smoothed out somewhat, but nevertheless, for many years he suffered from an inferiority complex. His peers courted girls, and Alexey despised himself and believed that he was unworthy to communicate with girls.

After finishing school, he entered college, but even among his fellow students he was alone. For himself, he wrote tragic poems about his “ruined life”, about the fact that he was “doomed to loneliness.” One day, a piece of paper with his poems accidentally ended up on the table of a fellow student, who decided that they were dedicated to her. She laughed and read the poem in front of the whole group, asking which of the guys was her admirer. She didn’t even think about Alexei, deciding that the author was a guy she liked, and flirtatiously seeking recognition from him as the author. Arriving home, Alexey tried to poison himself by drinking some pills from the home medicine cabinet, but then he got scared and induced vomiting. Why he did this, he himself does not know. He didn’t have any feelings for that girl, it just seemed to him that everyone would immediately guess about “his shame.”

After this incident, he was depressed and absent-minded for a long time, hardly slept at night, and during the day he “nodded off” at lectures and neglected his classes. He did not pass the summer session and his parents, fearing that he would be expelled from the institute, decided to take an academic leave, allegedly due to illness. The therapist did not find any grounds for Alexey to be excused from school, and after an examination the neurologist recommended contacting a psychiatrist.

Ephebophilia (sexual attraction to adolescents) can occur in both adult men and adult women. In these cases, the molestation is more open, with persuasion or coercion to have sexual intercourse

Remember the common phrase that after fifty life is just beginning? We absolutely agree with her, especially when there are so many colorful examples before our eyes.

85-year-old woman who likes to take matters into her own hands

Elena Nikolaevna lives in Moscow. She has two children, eight grandchildren and already eight great-grandchildren. This incredible woman never sits still: she has traveled half the world, does yoga, swimming and... goes to sex training.

Elena Nikolaevna has a man, and he is 20 years younger than her. It seems, what can young coaches teach if they already have vast experience behind them? The lady is sure that it is necessary to improve your skills, be it a foreign language or sex. In an interview with the media, Elena Nikolaevna said that modern men lack skills, which is why they have to take everything into their own hands. Including accessories for sex, which are discussed in detail during the training. The last time Elena Nikolaevna visited the Sex.RF training center was to take the “” course. One should not think that such events are the height of vulgarity: much more than “toys”, the trainings pay attention to sexual health and how to properly lead an intimate life at age.

Sexologists say that sex is not just a natural pleasure, but also a way to keep fit and increase life expectancy. Now the center is holding a promotion - all pensioners are provided with the training “Sex at a beautiful age”, you just need to present a pension certificate.

81-year-old Instagram star from Nakhodka

Nothing accelerates old age more than immoderate drinking, unbridled love and uncontrollable lust.

Erasmus of Rotterdam

The sexual relationship of an adult woman with a teenager can be episodic - in this case we are not talking about perversion (sexual deviation of a non-pathological nature). But there may also be a woman’s persistent attraction to teenage boys with a lack of interest in men. In this case we are talking about perversion (sexual perversion), which is called ephebophilia.

In the lives of many men, there was a relationship with an adult woman when they themselves were still minors. Some women like to act as a mentor, teaching the boy all the intricacies of carnal love. There may be maternal feelings for the teenager. And some women like the sincerity, affection and romantic feelings of teenagers; they give them preference over men, considering them more cynical and selfish.

Society has a negative attitude towards the fact that an adult woman has a long-term sexual relationship with a teenager, and such women prefer to hide their addictions. This problem cannot be assessed unambiguously.

In many cases, the feelings are mutual - a teenager falls in love with his adult lover. Personally, I find it difficult to evaluate such cases. I have seen quite a few of them, and usually the conflict occurred when other people, most often the teenager’s parents, intervened. They can also be understood - no one wants their son to be molested by an adult woman.

The lovers themselves, of different ages, most often desperately defended their right to love and demanded that everyone leave them alone.

Modern teenagers mature early and already from the age of 13-15, and sometimes earlier, they live sexually with their peers. Therefore, it is difficult to be an arbiter here. Sympathy and empathy are evoked by all participants in the conflict - a teenager in love whose parents forbid him to meet his beloved, and a woman whom everyone condemns, and parents who are worried about their son.

But there are also cases when a woman forces a teenager to have intimacy - not necessarily with the help of physical violence, but using his addiction or psychological pressure. There may be threats, intimidation, blackmail.

Kirill is 15 years old, he is a tall, handsome boy, he looks older than his age, he is an athlete. He had a girl with whom he was in love; they dated for about a year and were sexually active.

In the 8th grade, the coach of the women's basketball team began to literally pursue him. She constantly got in his way when he went to the gym, flirted with him, said ambiguities, offered to spend the evening together, visit her at home, came to training and watched him, and under various pretexts went into the locker room when he was changing clothes.

He didn’t like her at all, but he felt somehow embarrassed to respond rudely to an adult woman. The boy began to avoid her, running late, hoping that she would think that he had missed training, and if she came out of the training room towards him, he quickly ran down the corridor, saying that he was late. He tried to constantly be among the other guys so that the woman would not come up with another invitation. The guys from the team began to make fun of him, advising him to sleep with her, but this large, tall woman inspired the teenager with purely physical disgust. Besides, he had a favorite girl.

Seeing his negative attitude, the coach somehow hinted to him that it largely depends on her whether he will be included in the main team of the youth team, she can put in a good word for him, and say against it, and his coach will listen to her, since he her old friend. Her persecution bothered Kirill, and he even thought about moving to another club.

Once, when they were at a competition in another city, the coach entered Kirill’s room when his neighbor was not there, supposedly to ask him if he would take part in the excursion that was organized for them, then she asked about something else and despite obvious embarrassment teenager, sat down next to him and hugged his shoulders. Kirill sat tense, not knowing how to behave. His upbringing did not allow him to be rude or push away an adult woman. When she began to unbutton his trousers, he jumped up abruptly and asked indignantly: “Why are you doing this? Shame on you?! You’re old enough to be my mother!” She laughed in response and said that it didn’t matter at all, there was no age in love, and if he was still a virgin, then she would be a good teacher for him. She tried again and almost pulled his trousers down, despite his resistance, and at that moment the leader of the team entered along with two guys from the team. Everyone froze in place, and the woman stated that Kirill himself lured her into his room and sexually harassed her.

Kirill was severely reprimanded “for immoral behavior” and was almost expelled from the team. As he says, the most offensive thing for him was that no one stood up for him, although everyone saw that she herself had been pursuing him for many months. In addition, he felt disgraced, as the guys made jokes and hinted that he was impotent, so he ran away from this woman like hell. Unable to bear all this, the teenager attempted suicide.

If we are talking about the corruption of a minor or coercion to acts of a sexual nature, to sexual intercourse, then this falls under Article 134 of the new Criminal Code. But in real life, there are hardly any cases where an adult woman is criminally punished for molestation or sexual activity against a minor. Typically, such teenagers prefer to remain silent and hide what happened even from their parents.

It is extremely rare, but it still happens that an adult woman molests a little boy who has not reached puberty. The literature describes cases when, in the last century and the beginning of this century, governesses cohabited with their young pupils. Nowadays, boys are molested only by mentally ill or mentally retarded women. Due to a mental defect, such women do not have the opportunity to have a normal intimate life with adult men. They teach the child to lick his genitals (cunnilingus) or stimulate the clitoris with his hand, and they themselves stimulate his penis, achieving an erection or pleasant sensations for the child.

His mother sent 8-year-old Tolya to the village to stay with his grandmother for the whole summer. He had visited his grandmother before, but usually together with his mother, and that year she did not have a summer vacation. The mother brought her son over the weekend and then left. From previous visits, Tolya knew many of his grandmother’s neighbors, and had the chance to meet them again. All day long, with a gang of village boys, they rushed through the streets, ran to bathe, fished, and went into the forest. The grandmother was old, she didn’t have much control over her grandson, she didn’t have any problems with him.

About a week later, the neighbor flooded the bathhouse, and Tolya’s grandmother asked her to take the boy with her to the bathhouse and help him wash, since she herself was sick and had not gone to the bathhouse for a long time.

According to Tolya’s mother, the villagers said about the 35-year-old neighbor that she was “strange.” She had two daughters, adopted from someone unknown, she never had a husband, since she was considered “ugly,” and her temporary cohabitants were only visiting builders and laborers.

According to the boy, the neighbor first washed her daughters and then called Tolya. While soaping him up, she began to “play” with his penis, saying: “Look what we already have! Almost a real man!” Tolya was not embarrassed by her, since he had known her for many years, and the morals in the village were simple; some children under 3-4 years of age ran around without pants. The irritation of the genital organs was pleasant for the boy, and after some time he had an erection. The neighbor continued to “play” with his penis, and at some point Tolya felt “good” and very pleasant. The neighbor laughed and said that he had now become a “real man,” and then she lay down on the bench and asked Tolya to “play” with her too. She showed the boy where he should stroke, and as he later said, after a while she “twitched all over” and began to moan loudly. The child was afraid that he had done something wrong, so she was in pain, but the woman jumped off the bench, picked up the boy in her arms and began to spin around and kiss him, saying that she also felt “very good.” She asked not to tell her grandmother anything, saying that this was now “their secret,” he was already “big” and should act “like a big one.” And Tolya didn’t say anything to his grandmother.

A week later everything happened again. This time, the neighbor herself suggested that Tolina’s grandmother wash the boy in the bathhouse, and she readily agreed. This happened several times, and then the neighbor began to invite the boy to her place when her daughters were not at home. First, she stimulated the child’s penis and brought him to orgasm, and then asked him to stroke her genitals.

Once, when Tolya had an erection, she even tried to have sexual intercourse with him, but the boy did not know what to do, although she showed him how he should move, but nothing worked for him, and later she abandoned this undertakings.

This went on all summer. Tolya told his friends what he and his neighbor were doing, he was proud that he was already “big”, they envied him and once even looked out the window when Tolya was “playing” with his neighbor. To see everything in detail, they climbed onto each other's shoulders, those who stood below pushed and hurried those who had access to the window, and in the end the whole bunch fell to the ground laughing and squealing. The neighbor ran out, throwing something over herself and dispersed them. But Tolya’s grandmother never found out anything.

Returning home at the end of the summer, Tolya one day asked his mother to “play” with him the same way “Aunt Varya” did. At first the mother did not understand what kind of “games” we were talking about, and when the son took off his pants and showed how “Aunt Varya” did it, the boy’s mother was horrified and brought the child to me for a consultation.

In such cases, the most important thing is to destroy the existing associative connection between the pleasant sensations that the child experienced and the actions through which he experienced an orgasm. Without the reinforcement of an orgasm, over time, everything will be forgotten and the child’s sexuality will be restored within normal age limits.

If you do not have the opportunity to consult with a child psychiatrist or sex therapist, you need to switch the child’s attention to something else and, of course, save him from communicating with the molester.

And in general, when allowing someone into your family, inviting a nanny to your child, be very careful. Take a closer look at her, how she treats the child, and whether there are any strange behavior. Otherwise, dramatic events are possible. I will give two such cases from my practice.

Semyon is 8 years old, he is a quiet, obedient, extremely impressionable boy. Since childhood, he has been afraid of the dark and only fell asleep in the light. When he fell asleep, his mother tiptoed into his room to put out the light, but he slept very lightly, woke up from the slightest rustle, and if the light was turned off, he began to cry loudly and call for his mother. She was forced to lie next to him for a long time, waiting until he fell asleep, and then tried to leave very quietly. But more often than not he woke up again and she stayed with him again.

At the age of 4, his mother sent him to kindergarten in order to be able to work, but from the first days Syoma cried so pitifully, would not let her go, clung to her clothes, begging her not to leave him, that her heart was breaking with pity. The boy was afraid of everyone, even teachers and children, he cried all the time, and after suffering for two weeks, his mother took him and quit her job so that she could be with her son herself.

When Sema went to school, his mother dropped him off and picked him up after school. She worked part-time to be able to pick up the boy on time, since he categorically did not want to stay at school for an extended day and was looking forward to his mother’s arrival. He was also afraid of his classmates; during recess he did not go out into the corridor, but sat at his desk. Over time, I got used to the teacher and tried to stay close to her.

Syoma fell asleep still with his mother. Sometimes she was forced to stay all night in her son’s room, because having woken up in the middle of the night, he could no longer sleep, all the time he checked with his hand whether his mother was there. The child fell asleep only in the morning, and in the morning she could not wake him up; He often missed school because of this.

In the summer after finishing 2nd grade, mother and son visited their relatives in the Moscow region. The owners had an 18-year-old daughter who wanted to study in Moscow, but she had nowhere to live. Semyon's mother invited her to her place, saying that she would feed her and pay her if she agreed to pick up the boy from school and go out with him so that she could work full time. The girl's parents agreed.

In terms of mental development, the girl clearly “did not reach” her age, she ran and played with the child as if they were the same age, and the boy quickly became attached to the future nanny and willingly spent time with her.

In August, the girl came to them and tried to enter the trade school, but according to Semyon’s mother, she was such a “fool” (that is, with obvious mental retardation) that she did not even know that to enter she needed to pass exams ( !), so I was completely unprepared for them. This girl barely completed the 8th grade of a rural school, and then worked in a greenhouse farm, so she had no chance of entering a school where there was high competition.

The girl liked her new job, since problems with housing and food disappeared, there was free money (Semyon’s mother paid the nanny well), and such a life suited her quite well. In the evenings, she did not leave the house, as she was afraid of getting lost in a city unfamiliar to her, and Semyon’s mother breathed a sigh of relief, since she and her husband had the opportunity to go to the cinema or visit.

The boy willingly stayed with the nanny and played with her. She picked him up from school, walked with him in the yard, fed him and sat next to him while he prepared his homework. She slept in the boy's room. At first, Semyon’s parents set up a folding chair for her at night, but Semyon became capricious in the evening, demanding that either his mother or the nanny lie next to him until he fell asleep, and the nanny began to sleep on the couch in his room.

It is unknown how the molestation occurred, since his mother did not notice anything for six months.

But one night, passing by their room, she heard the girl’s moans and, deciding that she felt bad, she quietly entered the room and turned on not the overhead light, but the sconce, afraid to wake up her son. She saw that both were awake, her son was licking the genitals of his nanny, and she was kneading his penis with her hands.

The woman screamed loudly, and her husband came running in response to the scream, pulled the nanny out of bed and whipped her on the cheeks, ordering her to get out immediately. But the boy grabbed the girl with his hands, hugged her and shouted that he loved her and didn’t want her to leave. The parents left the girl until the morning, took their son to their room, and in the morning they sent her back to the village, giving her money and ordering her not to tell anyone about what had happened.

The boy cried all night, in the morning he flatly refused to go to school, he was trembling all over and his teeth were chattering. He did not eat anything for several days, cried constantly, called the nanny, pushed his parents away, said that he hated them, did not sleep at night, and his parents were forced to place him in a psychiatric hospital.

The sexual actions of a mentally ill molester who threatens to force a child to have sexual intercourse can lead to neurosis.

Alexey complained of low mood, a feeling of hopelessness and loneliness.

In the conversation it turned out that in childhood he had a nanny, a weak-minded woman whom his parents brought from the village. She lived with them, slept in the nursery, and from the age of 4 forced the boy to lick her genitals. If the child cried and refused, the molester pinched him painfully or twisted his ear, threatening that if he did not obey or tell his parents something, she would turn into a witch and bewitch him. He was scared, he cried, but in the end he obeyed. The nanny instilled fear and disgust in the boy - she was a fat, unkempt woman, she smelled disgusting, but he was very afraid of her and did not say anything to his parents.

Lesha grew up fearful, flinched from sharp sounds, often cried, slept poorly, woke up from nightmares and was covered in tears, loudly calling for his mother. His parents considered him a nervous and vulnerable child, they not only never punished him, but did not even raise their voices at him and were at a loss as to why the boy was so whiny and afraid of everything. The father suggested that his son be consulted by a child psychiatrist, but the mother objected, believing that a visit to the doctor would frighten the child.

When Lesha went to school, he tearfully begged his parents to leave him for an extended day, just so as not to see the hated nanny. He told his parents that this made it easier for him to prepare his homework. At 6 o'clock the nanny picked him up from school and on the way home “hissed” her threats. By this time, his parents were already at home, and the boy tried to spend all his time next to them, dreading the night. And at night, the nanny again forced him to stimulate her genitals with beatings and threats or masturbated in his presence. When she began to moan and convulse, the child, not understanding what was happening to her, hoped with secret joy that she would suffocate and die.

This continued until Lesha turned 12 years old. He no longer needed a nanny, but she did all the housework and still lived with them. By this time, Lesha already knew a lot from the stories of his peers, was burdened by his “shameful secret” and, more than anything else, was afraid that one of his classmates would find out about it. He considered himself a “dirty bastard” and a “weak-willed rag,” but due to his character traits he could not resist the cruel nanny.

When Lesha was in the 5th grade, during a medical examination, the school doctor noticed that the boy’s arms, chest and back were bruised from pinches. She began to question him, and Lesha burst into tears and ran out of her office. The doctor told the class teacher about everything, and she was amazed. Lesha’s parents are intelligent people with higher education, the teacher has discussed with them more than once why he is so fearful, avoids his classmates and often cries over every trifle.

Deciding that the parents were systematically torturing the child, the teacher called them to school. They were simply shocked. At home, they interrogated both the nanny and Alexei. He admitted that she was torturing him, but did not tell them anything about her sexual harassment - he was ashamed, he was afraid that even his parents would despise him. The nanny was sent to the village, but the boy was still depressed, withdrawn and whiny.

Over time, the severity of his experiences smoothed out somewhat, but nevertheless, for many years he suffered from an inferiority complex. His peers courted girls, and Alexey despised himself and believed that he was unworthy to communicate with girls.

After finishing school, he entered college, but even among his fellow students he was alone. For himself, he wrote tragic poems about his “ruined life”, about the fact that he was “doomed to loneliness.” One day, a piece of paper with his poems accidentally ended up on the table of a fellow student, who decided that they were dedicated to her. She laughed and read the poem in front of the whole group, asking which of the guys was her admirer. She didn’t even think about Alexei, deciding that the author was a guy she liked, and flirtatiously seeking recognition from him as the author. Arriving home, Alexey tried to poison himself by drinking some pills from the home medicine cabinet, but then he got scared and induced vomiting. Why he did this, he himself does not know. He didn’t have any feelings for that girl, it just seemed to him that everyone would immediately guess about “his shame.”

After this incident, he was depressed and absent-minded for a long time, hardly slept at night, and during the day he “nodded off” at lectures and neglected his classes. He did not pass the summer session and his parents, fearing that he would be expelled from the institute, decided to take an academic leave, allegedly due to illness. The therapist did not find any grounds for Alexey to be excused from school, and after an examination the neurologist recommended contacting a psychiatrist.

Ephebophilia (sexual attraction to adolescents) can occur in both adult men and adult women. In these cases, the molestation is more open, with persuasion or coercion into sexual intercourse. The libertine is a stumbling block for those who know him. (Pierre Buast).

She was 73, in fact,
And wisdom gave her the keys...
And he is only 15... a boy.
And no one asked for love..
They met one summer
At the most unnecessary, lousy moment,
And in general they didn’t need to meet...
But from above they said - he’s here and - “Hello!”

They looked at each other reproachfully...
She is condescending, and so important, to match,
She glanced at her pale skin,
I forgot that he was there about five minutes later...

And he still looked at her incomprehensibly.
Who is this bitch, an adult mother..
And the mop fell, the rag fell...
She smiled, trying to hide...

The day is over, it's time to go home,
She's going, powder, backpack,
And he spoke so timidly and timidly
Trying to pick everything up...

Should I escort you out?! -Sama, what nonsense,
They'll meet you here, but no, I'll call a taxi...
A little sad - well, bye! no need!
She just waved her hand at him...

To his home, minibus, on foot,
She will gently press herself to her beloved,
But something in my soul will whisper there - He!
And having driven away the thought, she still smiles...

And life will flow and spin, spin,
She's 73, she's putting on lunch..
Then he carries him gently to work,
So that my dear one can taste the cutlets...

And he’s still a boy, 15 no more,
Rollerblading at night...
Clubs, girls... but someone's heart...
Suddenly in no hurry to forget..

Mobile number - “See you”, “Bye!”
I didn’t know why I gave him the truth..
But the numbers were written from the heart by the hand...
I hardly understood anything myself.

And he’s smiling, in his gray jacket...
She would knit one like this for him..
If only I learned to knit..and soon..
He will be the first to write spring...

She's 73, what...he's a boy,
Where there..grow and grow..
But here he calls for a walk.. deceiver..
They had a date...

In the park, by the sea, on foot, and the wheels,
He hid it behind his back...
Small, stupid, nasty roller...
She's wearing heels, tall...

He jokes with sarcasm, smiles like a cat...
She covers herself...lips,
Sometimes lowering it into place,
She seemed a little strict and rude...

But the heart inside was beating so fast...
The old madam likes...
Feelings and laughter almost made me feel sick...
And I remembered my youthful days...

And he kept looking at her incomprehensibly...
She's not like everyone else...
And in her thoughts she whispered, so sweetly...
What's wrong with me... I'm in a dream...

The evening ends, the entrance and farewell...
She's so timid towards him...
Gently hugs... touching with hands,
Afterwards - Bye, I’ll write...

He enters the apartment, slides down the wall...
In a fairy tale or in reality...
Don't go to bed, his text messages...
Waiting...and how can I fall asleep...

“Thank you for the evening; (eyes lit up)
We had a great time together
No jokes, no sarcasm, I hope you'll believe it,
Be quiet. Kiss before going to bed...”

Goosebumps, playful happiness...
What is this in her life..
and they started dating for a while...
We fell in love and waited together...

She said goodbye to her beloved forever...
And he was always free...
She's 73, but she believes she's a girl
To him and wonderful words..

He doesn’t understand himself, he’s scared of what happened...
She leaves everyone for her...
But evil fate played a joke on them,
The phone is silent and silent...

When we meet - hello, she lowers,
Eyes so that he doesn't see tears...
It’s as if he’s in shock at the sight...
And the smell of brown hair...

She's 73, but in fact...
Only 19..sorry.
By the looks of it, he's about 15...
But he is the same age as her.. alas..

Such a meeting, such an episode...
Why did we meet?
Not a couple, alas, and from whatever heights...
Old lady and boy in love.

Where is our world heading? In general, some kind of tinny!!!
Pearl Carter, a resident of Indiana, shocked the public with her plans to have a child with her own grandson. Reports
Carter, 72, claims she had never been happier until she started an affair with her 26-year-old grandson Phil Bailey. An Indiana retiree is saving her pension to pay for a surrogate mother to give birth to the couple's child.

“I don’t care what other people think,” says Crater, “Phil and I love each other!” Soon I will be holding our son or daughter in my arms and Phil will be a proud father!
Her lover is the son of Pearl's daughter, Lynette Bailey, whom Carter gave up for adoption when she was 18 years old. When his mother died, Phil Bailey tracked down his grandmother and they fell in love almost instantly.

When I saw him for the first time, I immediately realized that we would never have a relationship like a grandmother and grandson. For the first time in many years, sensuality awakened in me!
During their second week of living together, after dinner and a few glasses of wine, Pearl made the first move.
“I called Phil into my bedroom, sat him down on the bed and kissed him,” says Pearl. “I expected him to pull away, but he responded to my kiss.
“I really wanted to kiss her, my feelings were stronger than me,” Phil admits. - I love Pearl with all my heart! I've always been attracted to older women and I think she's gorgeous. Now I can't wait to become a father!

The couple spent $54,000 to pay for a surrogate mother and a donor egg.
Phil says he's always been drawn to older women and finds his grandmother "lovely."
Pearl says: "I never thought that at 72 years old I would fall in love with my own grandson and would be expecting a child with him. I think that God gave me a second chance."

“At first I was shocked,” says the surrogate mother of the unborn child, 30-year-old Roxanne Campbell, “but they are a great couple, I can see how much they love each other. It is safe to say that the child will also be surrounded by love.

“I don’t regret anything, I don’t apologize for anything, and I regard what happened as a second chance given to me by God,” Carter says.

Where is our world heading? In general, some kind of tinny!!! Pearl Carter, a resident of Indiana, shocked the public with her plans to have a child with her own grandson. Reports 72-year-old Carter claims that she has never been happier until...


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