Home Fertilizers Healing runes. Runes for health and healing, powerful runic formulas. How to diagnose health problems

Healing runes. Runes for health and healing, powerful runic formulas. How to diagnose health problems

If a person is sick, then agree to everything, just to return joy, calmness and health. It is impossible to understand this state until you yourself find yourself in it. And if you get sick, then you will run to the doctors, to grandmothers, to magicians, to anyone, just to return back that wonderful carefree state, which you did not appreciate before.

What is disease transfer?

Shifting the disease is a way to get rid of the disease, which has long been known to people who have practiced magic. And the essence is that a person asks or orders a certain object or creature to take away the energy of the disease from him. There are several rituals to carry out such an "event". They differ from one another in ethical meaning.

The fact is that making a transfer to a living being or an inanimate object is completely different things. If you forcibly transfer negative energy (and what else is disease?) To an animal, then you are committing a sin.

But to convey the negative to the subject is not so scary. As you know, inanimate things do not get sick (in our understanding). It will be bad if he, in turn, passes your illness on to another person. Then you have to "answer".

Why are they often shifted to money?

Most often, diseases (especially severe and fatal) are passed on to money or jewelry. This is done by black "healers" to heal the client. They are not able to simply destroy or dispel the energy. So a ritual is carried out, with the help of which the ailment is indirectly transmitted to another person. Not directly, but through a valuable thing. It is then discreetly thrown away in a crowded place. Anyone who covets the value, together with it, will become the owner of the transmitted disease. It is clear that this is not the most “spiritual” way of healing. Of course, you can get rid of a physical illness, only karma is filled with blackness.

Advice: do not pick up money or valuables if you see them on the road (especially if it is). Let them lie where they were laid. This threatens with completely unpredictable consequences. They could transfer not only illness, but also damage, and so on.

The ritual of transferring the disease to the animal

Please note that the animal will certainly die after the transfer of the disease. Therefore, you should not transfer the ailment to pets (yours or others). It is better to pick up the creature for which the patient does not have love. For example, many people hate toads or worms. This organism will do just fine. It should be understood that it is in this case that negative energies will enter into resonance. That is, the disease is quickly absorbed by that living organism, to which the sick person feels a feeling of disgust. Let's take a toad as an example.

The toad will have to be brought home. The person from whom the disease is transferred must hold it in his hands. Then take a new red towel and wipe the patient with it. Then throw it under the toad (you can put the amphibian in a basin with a rag at the bottom). And say seven times:

"From the Servant of God (name) the ailment is gone, to the terrible red toad dangerous!"

The transfer ritual is carried out for three days in a row. If the amphibian dies (or escapes), then you can continue with a new one. Important! If the toad does not live until the morning, then it is impossible to stop in any case. This is a sign that the disease is being induced. It must be removed, otherwise the patient will suffer for a very long time.

Shifting disease to stone

Bring home a small cobblestone. It must be taken in a little-visited place so that it is not infected with foreign energy. Rinse it well in running water and leave it soaked in brine (strong salt solution) overnight. Rinse again in the morning.

What is disease transfer and transfer spoilage? Is it possible to transfer (transfer) the disease to another person?

Transfer of illness or damage by transfer of disease or failure (also known as the term "transfer") is a very common thing. I have to regularly admonish my readers: in order not to get the magic translation, never lift any money, items of clothing or other items! Without everything that lies somewhere on the street, you will somehow manage, but there is a considerable risk of getting a disease or witchcraft along with money or some thing. Transfer, transfer, transfer - this is a fairly common type of black magic.

Here is a classic example of a witchcraft transposition of the disease, described in one of the letters: " Last year I picked up the money and a month later our problems began. I went with my daughter to the hospital and all the money we had was spent on medicine. Since then, one sore follows another. In winter, I lay on the preservation of pregnancy, then I had a difficult birth. Doctors recognize dysplasia in a newborn daughter. The husband was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of erysipelas of the ear. The eldest daughter is constantly ill. What should we do?"

On the eve of working on this material, at my reception there was a well-to-do man, whom, according to him, "the devil pulled me to raise two hundred hryvnias in the supermarket." The money was immediately spent on the purchase of an inflatable mattress. A man who had the same weight for many years gained ... 30 kilograms in the next month!

Another of many similar stories: " A few years ago, my husband picked up sweatpants on the track. I scolded my husband, I wanted to burn them or throw them away, but he did not allow and put on these trousers when he was repairing the car. After a while, my husband developed red spots on his legs. No doctors, no ointments help. Of course, the trousers were then burned, the husband never picks up anything else, he reads your articles first. But the problem persists. Help us please..."

For many years now, I have regularly warned my readers: under no circumstances lift anything on the street, in shops and at intersections, be it money, clothes, toys, a broom, a bucket or something else. Of course, in general, these things are simply lost or thrown away as unnecessary, but some of these items represent damage by transfer. We are talking about a common form of witchcraft damage, when someone transfers some kind of illness or other problem of theirs to a random person who has taken for himself a specially conspired and planted thing. The story about sweatpants described in the letter is a completely typical damage of this type, with the goal of transferring the disease from one person to another.

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