Home Grape The youngest participant in the Olympic Games. Top rating the most famous athletes of Russia

The youngest participant in the Olympic Games. Top rating the most famous athletes of Russia

Yes they were. Moreover, she is much younger than Yulechka (she is only the youngest among single skaters in the history of the Olympics). By the way, one of these sports prodigies, Danish Inge Sørensen, though only a bronze medalist in the 200m breaststroke, pushed the organizers to debate about the need to introduce age restrictions for the participants in the Games. At the 1936 Berlin Olympics, Inge performed at the age of 12 years and 24 days. She never managed to become an Olympic champion, but the Dane later won the European Championship, “gave out” 4 world records.

By the way, at the XI Summer Games in Berlin, she was not the only "youngster" - then the American Marjorie Gestring became the Olympic champion, who won the gold medal in springboard diving when she was 13 years and 268 days old. The chance to repeat his success from Gestring was taken away by World War II - the next Olympics took place only 12 years later.

In the same 1936, but already at the IV Winter Olympics in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, another young star won Olympic gold, this time the German figure skater Maxi Herber - in pair skating with Ernst Baier (Ernst Baier). At that time, Maxi was 15 years and 128 days old, that is, 15 years, 4 months and 5 days. At the same time, let us remind readers that the first Olympic champions in figure skating were also Germans - Anna Hübler and Heinrich Burger - in 1908 at the IV Olympics in London, when figure skating competitions were first held. Gerber's age record is already impossible to beat: according to the current rules, figure skaters who turned 15 years old on July 1 of the previous year before the Olympics are allowed to participate in the Games.

A little more about Gerber and Bayer. By the time of the 1936 Olympics, they were already titled athletes, winners of the national and European championships. This duo became four-time world champions (and in a row from 1936 to 1939) and permanent five-time European champions (in 1935-1939), five-time German champions (in 1934-1936, 1938-1939). Director Leni Riefenstahl cast the couple in her film Olympia. By the way, they remained a couple even at the end of their sports career - in 1940, Maxi and Ernst got married, they had three children. True, after 24 years they divorced (moreover, Bayer married a Swedish figure skater, with whom he had another daughter), then they got married again ... and divorced again. Both died in Garmisch-Partenkirchen: Bayer in 2001, Gerber in 2006.

Shortly before her death, Maxi claimed in an interview that she and her husband sold their Olympic medals and donated the proceeds to the Israeli Holocaust Relief Fund.

Well, back to the young Olympians. The youngest athlete in the history of the modern Olympics is the Frenchman Marcel Depayer (Marcel Depailler). It is believed because the boy, who in 1900 “on the go” was replaced by the too heavy coxswain of the Dutch rowing team Hermanus Brockmann, did not even receive an award. After the final, the boy simply left. And the crew of Francois Brandt (François Brandt) for the use of a foreign athlete received an Olympic award as a mixed team, not the Dutch. Depayer's exact age is also unknown. According to historians, Marcel was no more than 10 years old.

But the age of another young medalist is precisely known - a participant in the first Olympics, in 1896 in Athens, the Greek gymnast Dimitrios Loundras won a bronze medal in the uneven bars competition when he was 10 years and 218 days old. Lundras is a legendary person: he later became an admiral, took part in the Balkan War of 1912-1913, in the First and Second World Wars.

Well, the youngest (at the age of 13 years and 83 days) the owner of the Olympic gold medal in the history of the Winter Games was Korean Kim Yoon-mi. True, in the team competition - the relay race for 3000 meters on the short track in Lillehammer-1994.

Compared to the above, figure skater Tara Kristen Lipinski from the USA (gold in women's individual competition in Nagano 1998 in Japan at the age of 15 years 255 days), swimmer Rūta Meilutytė from Lithuania (gold in London 2012) in the 100-meter breaststroke at the age of 15 years and 133 days), the absolute sensation of Montreal-1976 gymnast Nadia Comaneci (Nadia Elena Comăneci) from Romania, who won three "gold", "silver" and "bronze" at the age of 14 years 251− 253 days - just "old women"!

The World Table Tennis Championship starts in China on Sunday. One of the openings of the tournament may be a 14-year-old Japanese schoolgirl Itoh Mima. At this age, no one has yet managed to win the world championship in this sport, and the young Japanese woman already has a victory in a representative tournament in Germany. "Championship" remembers the youngest winners of the World Championships and the Olympic Games in various sports.

(figure skating), 15 years old

Firstly, she became the youngest Olympic champion in the history of Russia. Secondly, for six days she beat the one belonging to her almost namesake Tara Lipinski record as the youngest Olympic champion among single skaters. Finally, Lipnitskaya became the youngest champion of the Sochi Games. Yulia was only a few months younger than a German Maxi Gerber, who became the winner of the 1936 Olympics in Garmisch-Partenkirchen in pair skating.

Nadia Comaneci (artistic gymnastics), 14 years old

The star of the most titled Romanian athlete of all time rose unusually early. At just 13 years old, she became the absolute champion of Europe, and a year later - the triumphant of the Games in Montreal, winning gold in the absolute championship, on beam and uneven bars. Comaneci became the youngest absolute champion in gymnastics, and four years later in Moscow she brought the number of her gold medals to five and was truly a cult figure in her homeland. In 2006, the gymnast ranked 10th among the 100 greatest Romanians of all time and first among living people.

Kristina Egersegi (swimming), 14 years old

At the games in Seoul, the young and small Hungarian, nicknamed the Mouse, stunned the swimming community and her main rivals from the GDR, who unconditionally dominated women's swimming in the late 1980s. A tiny weight of 45 kg did not prevent the 14-year-old schoolgirl from winning the 200-meter backstroke, and then winning silver at a distance twice as short. Egersegi was not a one-day girl and won three more golds at subsequent Olympics, while becoming the first athlete in history to win the 200-meter backstroke at three Olympics in a row.

Marjorie Gestring (diving), 13

The youngest Olympic champion in history remains the winner of the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin in American diving Marjorie Gestring. After the introduction of the age limit at 14, her record will remain unsurpassed. When Gestring flawlessly completed the winning final jump, she received applause even from her main rival, the 29-year-old Katherine Rawls, who defeated her in the qualifying competitions in the United States. Gestring's career was interrupted by the Second World War, and therefore we can only guess how many more medals and records she would have submitted.

Toni Nieminen (ski jumping), 16

The Finnish prodigy first made history as the youngest World Cup winner, winning the event in Thunder Bay, Canada at 15 years old. He became one of the first adopters of the V-shaped flight technique and due to this, he quickly broke into the world elite of ski jumping. A year later, in Albertville, he won gold and bronze in individual competitions and won with the Finnish team. Later career Nieminen began to decline, but he became the author of another achievement. In 1994, he was the first in the world to break the 200-meter mark on a giant springboard.

Ilya Ilyin (weightlifting), 17 years old

The two-time Olympic champion and the main weightlifting star of Kazakhstan became famous in 2005, when in Qatar he became the youngest world champion in history at the age of 17, and even set a world record and was recognized as the best athlete of the tournament, regardless of weight categories. Subsequently, Ilyin rewrote the entire light heavyweight record book and won two Olympics in a row and did not lose a single major international start. At the games in Rio, Ilyin will be only 28 years old, and he has every chance of winning a third Olympic gold.

Jackie Fields (boxing), 16

The record for the youngest Olympic boxing champion will also never be surpassed, as now at the Olympics the age of boxers is limited to 18 years. History is silent about whether there were among the relatives Fields immigrants from Russia, but this is not excluded, because he was born in Chicago in a family of Jewish emigrants and from birth bore the name Yakov Finkelstein. Fields began his path to Olympic victory on a ship that carried boxers to the Olympics in Paris. It was there that he defeated two of his more experienced competitors, and at the same time got into excellent shape before the Olympic boxing tournament.

Kim Yun-mi (short track), 13 years old

The title of the youngest champion in the history of the Winter Olympic Games is forever assigned to the Korean skater Kim Yoon Mi. At the 1994 Lillehammer Olympics, she won the relay team. She repeated her success four years later in Nagano, and also became world relay champion three times. Kim's personal successes are much more modest. It wasn't until 1995 that she won two bronze medals in the 500m and the all-around. At the age of 18, the young record holder ended her career, and subsequently moved to the United States, where she now works as a coach.

1. Sarah Hughes
The American figure skater became the Olympic champion at the Salt Lake City Games in 2002. Sarah Hughes was then 16 years old and her name was not among the main contenders for medals. The victory of the young athlete was a complete surprise. Sarah has never won any world championships, or even the US championships, and suddenly Olympic gold! After the short program, Sarah Hughes was only fourth, but after showing an impeccable long performance, she unexpectedly overtook her rivals, the famous figure skaters Michelle Kwan and Irina Slutskaya, and won the gold medal. Already in the next 2003, Sarah Hughes left the big sport, enrolling to study at Yale University.

2. Nadia Comaneci
Romanian gymnast from the small town of Onesti, five-time Olympic champion, the most titled athlete in Romania. Nadia Comaneci won her first Olympic gold at the age of 14. The young gymnast became an absolute sensation at the 1976 Montreal Olympics, winning five medals - three golds, a silver and a bronze - and demonstrating impeccable skill. Nadia Comaneci brought four more Olympic awards from the next Games in Moscow - two gold and two silver medals.

3. Jordin Wieber
American gymnast, absolute world champion in 2011 and Olympic champion at the London Games in 2012. Jordyn started gymnastics at the age of two. She says that her parents noticed her strength and unusually large muscles compared to other children, and sent her to the gymnastics section, where, according to Jordin's recollections, training was more fun games than serious sports activities. At the age of three, Viber began to go to dances, but a year later, when she was four, she returned to gymnastics, and it was then that she really became interested in this sport. At the age of 11, Jordyn Wieber became a member of the US Olympic team, at 14 she was already the undisputed champion of the United States, and at 16 she won the title of absolute world champion. Jordin Wieber won her first Olympic gold at the 2012 London Olympics at the age of 17.

4. Tatiana Gutsu
Soviet and Ukrainian gymnast, four-time Olympic medalist, world champion and three-time European champion. Tatyana Gutsu was born in Odessa. Tatyana began to practice gymnastics at the age of six. According to her stories, gymnastics coaches Tamila Evdokimova and Viktor Dikiy once came to their kindergarten, after watching the children, they chose little Tanya Gutsu and said that the girl must do gymnastics. They explained to their parents that Tanya has a great future and has every chance of becoming a champion. What instinct then prompted the coaches that the talent for gymnastics is hidden in this particular child is a mystery. But they were not wrong. Already at the age of 12, Tatyana Gutsu became a member of the USSR Olympic team. At the age of 14, at her first world championship in Indianapolis (USA), Tatiana Gutzu became the champion in team exercises. And a year later, at the Olympics in Barcelona, ​​in 1992, she won four medals at once - two golds, a silver and a bronze.

5. Inge Sørensen
The Danish swimmer entered the history of the Olympic Games as the youngest individual medalist. Inge started swimming at the age of 8, and after a few years she could easily compete with adult athletes. At the 1936 Berlin Olympics, Irge Sørensen won a bronze medal in the 200m breaststroke. Then the newspapers dubbed this curly girl, who was able to bypass adult eminent athletes - "Charming Little Inge." Sorensen immediately became a celebrity. However, it was her speech that initiated the discussion about the need to introduce age restrictions for participants in the Olympic Games. However, all this was later. Inge Sørensen continued to compete in various competitions for several more years. She is a nine-time Danish Champion and a European Champion. Sørensen has 4 world and 14 national records. After completing an active sports career, she began working as a coach, eventually moving to the United States. Inge Sørensen died in New Jersey in 2011 at the age of 86.

6. Donna de Varona
Today, Donna Elisabeth de Varona is best known as a sportscaster. Back in 1964, she first appeared on the ABC television program - Wide World of Sports. Donna was 17 years old, and she became the youngest sportscaster in the history of American television, and one of the first female commentators. By this time, Donna de Varona was already a famous athlete. In 1960, at the age of 13, she became a member of the US national swimming team and competed in the 4x100 meters at the Rome Olympics that year. Even before the 1960 Olympics, Donna set a world record in the 400m individual medley. However, these competitions were included in the program of the Games only in 1964. At the Tokyo Olympics (1964), Donna de Varona won two gold medals and set a world record.

7. Marjorie Gestring
American athlete who became the youngest individual gold medalist in the modern history of the Olympic Games. When Marjorie Gestring won the gold medal in ski jumping at the 1936 Berlin Olympics, she was 13 years and 268 days old. Gestring's victory was brought by the last jump. It was executed so flawlessly that even her rival, 19-year-old Katerina Ravls, hailed Marjorie as the winner even before the judges announced the result. This Olympic gold was the first and last in Marjorie Gestring's sports career. Despite the fact that everyone was sure that she would win more than one medal at future Olympics, the Second World War took Gestring's next chance. The 1940 games were cancelled. And the next Olympics took place only 12 years later, in 1948. Then Marjorie Gestring was no longer able to get into the Olympic team.

8. Dimitrios Lundras
The youngest medalist of the Olympic Games in their entire modern history was the Greek gymnast Dimitrios Lundras, a participant in the first Olympics in Athens in 1896. Dimitrios took part in the team competition on uneven bars and received a bronze medal as part of his team. He remains the youngest medalist to this day - Dimitrios Lundras received his Olympic bronze at the age of 10 years 218 days.
However, his life in the future was not connected with sports. Lundras graduated from naval school and later became a famous Greek military man. Admiral Dimitrios Lundras took part in the Balkan War of 1912-1913, in the First and Second World Wars.

9. Tony Nieminen
The youngest Winter Olympic champion. In 1992, at the Albertville Olympics, he was only 16 years old. Competing in ski jumping, Toni Nieminen won two gold and one bronze medals. The peak of Tony's sports career came in 1991-1992, when he was 15 and 16 years old respectively. During the Olympics, he was already the absolute world champion. However, a brilliant performance at the Games in Albertville essentially completed the stellar path in sports for Tony. Of the 9 World Cup victories that Toni Nieminen won, only one he won after 1992. In team competition, Tony once again climbed the podium in 2001. And in 2004 he officially retired from ski jumping. However, Toni Nieminen remained connected with sports, working as a sports commentator on Finnish television.

10. Carly Patterson
American athlete, one of the youngest Olympic champions in artistic gymnastics. Carly got into the sport when she was 6 years old. The first to notice her abilities was coach and three-time Olympic medalist Johnny Moyal. Subsequently, the famous Soviet acrobat, and now the coach of the US Olympic team Evgeny Marchenko, worked with Carly Patterson. At the age of 12, Carly won silver and bronze medals in competitions in Belgium. At 15, she became the world champion in the team event, and at the age of 16, at the Olympics in Athens, she won three medals at once - one gold and two silver. Shortly after the end of the Games, Carly Patterson was diagnosed with serious spinal problems. The athlete announced that she was temporarily leaving the competition in order to undergo treatment. However, Carly Patterson never returned to big sport; in 2006, she officially announced the end of her sports career.

Officially, the rules of the Olympic Games do not provide for an age limit for participants - international sports federations are responsible for this - so the age gap between the youngest and oldest athlete at the Olympics is often quite significant. So, in Rio, he was 49 years old, but this is not a record yet. Age records of this and previous Olympics are in the Izvestia selection.

The youngest participant in Rio 2016

Based in London, 11-year-old Gaurika Singh is a top 20 swimmer of her age in the UK and regularly competes in national competitions in Nepal, where she has set seven national records. Nevertheless, she was not sure until the last that she would get to the Olympics, because of her age.

“I really wanted to go, but I wasn’t sure because I was afraid that I would be too young. When I found out that I was going, it was a shock, ”she said in an interview with the official Rio 2016 website.

A year ago, after coming to Kathmandu to participate in the national championship, Gaurika almost became a victim of a devastating earthquake in Nepal. When it started, she, along with her mother and younger brother, were locked on the fifth floor of the building.

"It was terrible. We hid under a table in the middle of the room for 10 minutes and then went down the stairs during the aftershocks that followed the main quake,” Singh recalled in an interview.

Later, she donated the money she won at the national competitions to a charitable foundation created in order to rebuild the schools destroyed by the elements.

Each sport has its own age record

62-year-old Australian Mary Hanna became the oldest participant in the 2016 Games, but she hardly had to worry that her age would be an obstacle to participation in the Olympics - age requirements in equestrian sports are very flexible. So, for example, the oldest representative of the US team, 52-year-old Philip Dutton, also performs in equestrian triathlon and has already won his first medal.

Athletes themselves say that in some sports - such as shooting - age does not interfere with the athlete, but, on the contrary, helps: more experienced athletes cope better with stress.

However, in sports such as gymnastics, by contrast, younger athletes are more successful. In terms of age, one of the main record holders of these Games was the gymnast Oksana Chusovitina. The 41-year-old athlete from Uzbekistan competes at her seventh Olympics, despite the fact that the average age of the participants performing at the Games in Rio is 20 years old. At her first Olympics, Chusovitina performed in 1992 in Barcelona.

“I don't know how it's possible. Yes, they call me grandmother, but during the competition we are all equal - it doesn’t matter if you are 17 or 40,” Chusovitina said in an interview with the BBC.

In London in 2012, Chusovitina announced that this was her last competition, but changed her mind the next morning.

Disappeared medalist

In the past, the boundaries were even more blurred. So, in 1896, 10-year-old Dimitros Lundras received bronze at the Olympic Games, becoming officially the youngest medalist of the Games. His record may have been broken by a French boy who entered the Danish rowing team at the 1900 Olympics: in its composition, he took part in the awards and was photographed, as stated in the documents of the Olympic Committee. It is believed that the young rower was from 7 to 12 years old, but no one managed to establish his name and exact age.

72 year old medalist

But the name of the oldest medalist in the history of the Olympic Games is known for sure - he was the Swedish shooter Oscar Homer Swan: he was 72 years old when he won a silver medal in 1920. In total, Oscar Swan took part in three Olympics (1908, 1912 and 1920), winning three gold, one silver and two bronze medals. In his first Games, in 1908, the shooter competed at the age of 61. At the same time, the Svan sports dynasty did not end with his victories - Oscar's son, Alfred, who also played for Sweden, followed in his father's footsteps and also became a three-time Olympic champion.

Good day.

The hallmark of director Vladimir Menshov, Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears, became the third Soviet film to be awarded the Oscar film award. Initially accepted by domestic critics rather coolly, the tape, however, gained incredible popularity and audience love.

So what's behind the scenes of this amazing film? Why the picture could not be removed? Who instead of Menshov received an Oscar and why was the director not allowed out of the country? What scenes were cut out by "respectable" censors? Why did Menshov not want to shoot his wife in the title role? I will tell you about this and many other things today.

Enjoy reading!



Good evening ladies. The view of the collective mind is welcome, from the side the decision is more visible.
In the distant Soviet times, there lived a family. Dad, mom, daughter in an ordinary Moscow 2-room Khrushchev. The daughter married a promising young specialist, the young people gave birth to two children, worked long and hard and moved in the mid-1990s to an apartment they earned with their own hands. Not too big, but still yours. A few more years passed and the mother-in-law suddenly died, leaving her son a legacy of one. And after a certain amount of time, having retired, he began to drink, and then completely went into a steep binge. The mother-in-law, who could not stand the booze, turned to our heroes: “Can I live in an empty apartment?” Of course, mom, live, how can you refuse a loved one.
It's all a hint. The eldest son got married. And, of course, the question arises: where should the young family go? The father of the family says: "Of course, in one room." She was left to our children for this purpose. Mom in tears, mother-in-law in hysterics. Should the old woman go outside? Or back to the apartment, which for 10 years of her absence has turned into a uniform homeless person? Father-in-law, despite the fact that the drunk is cyanotic, still vigorous, and does not burn with the desire to live with his wife in the same house, the cyanotic girlfriend lives there even without a wife.
Young people go for rent? Now they are already renting, but there is a child on the way, income will drop sharply when the young wife sits at home on maternity leave.
Relatives met in hand-to-hand combat, everyone in the family drinks valocordin.


Irina Vetrova


Elena Pirogova

Good afternoon everyone! I read the topic about "sweets for children." Many wrote that they do not know what soda is and do not buy it. The question arose, how do you breed rum with whiskey without cola? We have diet cola included in the mandatory set of products.


Valentina Maskaeva

Hello! Please help with advice and sorry in advance for errors in the text. The thing is that my husband works in shifts, i.e. Two days a night, two a day and two or three days off, he works on an ambulance, of course I understand everything, the heavy regime is his merit, but this is not to carry bags, he constantly travels more precisely, he visits his mother every day, of course, I also understand that this is my mother and I don’t say anything against, But of course, besides this, he finds other things: affairs, after all, we also need to understand this, as it were. We have a 1.5 year old son and a 5 year old daughter. But again, besides these things, he always finds something else now he needs to learn traffic rules and he supposedly goes to classes, he still needs to repair an ambulance because This is part of his duties, besides this, he always has some business with his mother and so he always disappears for whole days, and if he finds time, then at home he naturally tries to relax, sleep until three in the afternoon, sit on the TV phone, everything would be fine, the person strives well done and sometimes helps me when I need to go to the hospital with children, he takes him on his car, to his mother very rarely, but we go together. And for some reason, I don’t see him as a husband and father, because there is no communication, no walks with us, no attention, neither to me nor to the children, the truth sometimes scolds the children when they do something wrong, screams when they don't let him sleep. Maybe I'm snickering and asking for so much I don't know. He never gave me money in my hands, he doesn’t give it, and it doesn’t make sense to ask either, I can’t even go to the hairdresser with my children all the time, Yes, on maternity leave, my eldest daughter goes to the garden, but at the moment at home, because I get sick very often, I treat it and the thing is, we don’t get sick at home, but everything is like going to the garden ..., the younger one is promised a turn only in June, I myself worked in Stumps, the decree will end and I need to go to work as soon as I send the children to the garden. Children's money up to 1.5. years 7.200. R. I pay utility bills from them for something else, I also pay for my daughter’s garden myself, and dad rarely helps. But of course, he buys groceries, but every time I can ask him for money for something, but I’m already scared because he will start saying something to save money, and I don’t want to ask right away, there were communications from him in the past I don’t know if they slept together with one girl or not, but I think yes, I don’t have confidence either, this girl was in love with him, she wrote to him, let’s meet, go out for a walk, and all that, and he says that he didn’t meet her, even though she wrote . She’s just a dispatcher in a taxi, and at that time he worked as a taxi driver and drove her home .... (and I’m at home with a baby) I forgave but ate myself from the inside, with my husband we hug and kiss, we have it, But intimacy it’s not clear, that is, no, once somehow he didn’t come to me for three whole weeks, his work schedule was from 8-5 hours, it seems he can find time for communication and intimacy, but no, he doesn’t care about what I want, and I every time I go up to him to find out the reason, to find out his preferences and what he lacks, but he says that everything suits him, I also try to explain what I want, but he does not understand me or pretends not to understand. Please tell me a lot require? Attention to oneself and children, is it really not so bad and there is no interest in us, can a person for the sake of children not be able to take a walk or give a hundred rubles for entertainment to children on a trampoline. Tell me, should I demand or can he somehow take the initiative? I can’t already demand, I think I’m being imposed on me, I want him to do it from the heart, I’m tired of always coming up to ask and not receive, what is my fault, what am I doing wrong ??? I cook, I look at the children, I don’t burden him much, I do the household chores myself, he is too lazy to remove his socks even. I'm tired of living like neighbors, but I can't quit either. I love them, but they take advantage of my attitude. We live in a small family bought on a mat. Cap. Plus surcharge relatives on my part 200tysyach. What should I do with myself so as not to suffer and not to ask him for anything, not to beg. How to be in this situation, am I so crazy that I don’t even see the life around me. Help good people with practical advice on how to get attention to yourself, how to behave ..


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