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What is more prestigious Cambridge or Oxford. Unique features and ancient traditions of Oxford and Cambridge. rowing competition

Master's degree (English) in London for Russian and foreign students. We ask you to get acquainted with the educational institutions verified by our specialists, which offer unsurpassed quality in the field of education and education of character, discipline of students. This section offers comprehensive information about schools, international study programs, prices and reviews. If you have any questions, you can always consult our specialists. FREE enrollment services at partner institutions, places are limited. Assistance in the selection of institutions, advice on what documents you need to collect, what are the requirements for filing and enrollment deadlines.

Short info. A program for those wishing to obtain a master's degree in the humanities, social sciences, English philology, linguistics, psychology, sociology, pedagogy, media.

About the course. The master's program provides for the possibility of studying in the following areas:

  • psychology,
  • science, technology, mathematics,
  • international education and development,
  • educational policy,
  • primary, preschool education,
  • pedagogy (including assessment tools),
  • learning programs,
  • language, communications,
  • art,
  • culture,
  • humanitarian sciences.

Students in the learning process receive the academic knowledge necessary for subsequent effective work, develop practical skills. The course ends with writing a master's thesis (realization of a project in the chosen area).

Students age: 21+

Start dates: September.

Requirements for admission: IELTS from 6.5, diploma of higher education (bachelor, specialist, master) with an average score of 4 on a five-point scale (80 on a 100-point scale).

The result of the training: obtaining a master's degree of international standard.

Lesson duration: 45 minutes.


  • from £14,850 per year (three trimesters);
  • from £4,950 per trimester.

A small excerpt from the description of educational institutions in this section:

King's College London is one of the founding institutions of the famous University of London. Today it is the second largest college in the British capital. The structure of King`s College London University of London includes 60 departments. The educational institution offers educational programs in more than 200 different specialties.

The educational institution is known for fundamental scientific directions. King`s College London is an impeccable reputation, high quality educational services and great prospects for a future career. The prestigious educational institution was chosen by more than 25,000 students. There are many foreigners among them. Today representatives of more than 100 countries study at the college.

We offer training programs and admission to universities in the UK.

How to choose an English university?

The UK is a country with one of the most advanced education systems, so the famous English universities of Cambridge, Oxford and London attract thousands of students every year.

You can enter the master's program after graduating from higher education in Ukraine (bachelor's, master's or specialist's degree). The duration of training is 1-2 years, and in terms of prestige, diplomas from English universities are unrivaled!

Preparation for admission to the UK

Prestigious British universities rarely accept Ukrainian students for master's programs "directly", exceptions are possible with a high level of English proficiency (IELTS 7.0 and above), excellent academic success in Ukraine and only if they continue their studies in the same specialty in which the diploma was received about higher education in Ukraine.

With those who meet the specified requirements, it is possible to work on direct admission to universities in the UK. If your knowledge of English or grades in the diploma are not perfect, or if you plan to change the profile of your higher education, admission to the leading English universities is possible only through a special preparatory course.

Pre-Masters and Pre-MBA

For students who receive a bachelor's or master's degree at a Ukrainian university, there is an opportunity to continue their studies in their specialty in an English master's program. A special Pre-Masters preparation program helps you prepare for exams and choose the right university in just a few months.

With a good level of language proficiency and a high average grade point at a Ukrainian university, the duration of training in the preparatory program can be as little as 3 months. This program provides an opportunity to enter the most prestigious universities in the UK, including Cambridge and Oxford.

note for a short English Master's degree program at Bellerbys College, or for a one-year preparatory program at the EF Study Centre.

University-based preparatory programs

A very popular pre-Master's program in the UK based on universities where students plan to study in the future. The disadvantage of such programs is that they make it possible to enter only one university, while studying, the student does not have the opportunity to change his mind and choose another university, on the other hand, these programs are usually cheaper and admission to them, subject to sufficient academic performance, is most often guaranteed.

An example of a good preparatory program on the basis of English universities - International Graduate Diploma at the INTO preparatory center.

To make it easier for you to choose a university in the UK, we have prepared for you a ranking of universities for the most popular specialties.

A complete list of our partner universities in the UK can be found below.

ONCAMPUS ONCAMPUS is an international educational concern that is part of the Cambridge Education Group. It conducts preparation programs for international students, allowing them to continue their studies at the undergraduate and graduate levels of leading universities in the UK, the USA and Europe.

Queen's University Belfast The first public university in the capital of Northern Ireland, which today has almost 24,000 students. The university has extensive international connections and is considered to be the best in terms of teaching and research quality.

University of Northampton In 2017, the university received the "gold" - the highest mark for the quality of teaching in the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF). The university was judged on a number of factors, including employment levels, academic support, and student experience.

University of Dundee The University of Dundee is ranked first in the UK for its contribution to scientific research. The strongest areas of the university are: biochemistry, medicine, information and computer technologies.

Bellerbys College

City University London The public research university based in London has over 100 years of teaching and research experience and a consistently high employability rating for its graduates.

EF Education First EF was founded in 1965 and today is the largest educational institution in the world, EF branches are represented in more than 100 countries around the world. To date, EF Centers have helped thousands of students get into top UK universities.

Bath Spa University The history of the university began more than 160 years ago, with the founding of the Bath School of Arts and Design. Bath Spa University is an excellent choice for young people from all over the world, at the moment the number of university students is about 8500 from more than 40 countries.

Goldsmiths Goldsmiths College is renowned worldwide for its creative and groundbreaking approach to both teaching and research. At the moment, the college offers students undergraduate and graduate programs in ra

The Courtauld Institute of Art The Courtauld Institute of Art is a British institute of art history, which is part of the University of London. The founders of the university believed that the study of art history should be based on the example of outstanding works of art, which

London South Bank University London South Bank University is the largest educational institution in the UK, which focuses on obtaining a modern education that best meets the current needs of employers. London South Bank University

London Finance School The college is one of the leading educational institutions in England. During their studies, students receive the most relevant knowledge and skills, exchange experience and receive information about the main aspects of doing business with other countries.

University of Hertfordshire A dynamic and modern university offering exciting and diverse courses, renowned for its academic excellence and cutting-edge research. From year to year, the University of Hertfordshire is included in the rankings of the TOP universities in Britain.

University of Exeter The history of the university began in the middle of the 19th century, and in 2013 Exeter was named the "University of the Year" in Britain, according to The Sunday Times, was included in the top ten universities in the country and in the 200 leading universities in the world.

University of Ulster The second largest university in Ireland with 4 campuses located in Northern Ireland. Prestigious are also 2 relatively new campuses located in Britain, whose work is aimed at training in the field of business, accounting and IT.

Glasgow Caledonian University Glasgow Caledonian University is the largest university in Scotland with over 17,000 students. Foreigners from more than 100 countries of the world enter Glasgow Caledonian University along with English students.

University of East Anglia Many of the graduates of the University of East Anglia become the elite of British society. Among them - a huge number of members of Parliament and the Cabinet of Ministers of Great Britain, and among the teachers of the university - two Nobel Prize winners.

University of Southampton The University of Southampton is a member of The Russell Group (a small "brotherhood" of the most advanced universities in the world) and leads the rankings in all technical areas, is among the top ten universities in the UK in terms of competition among applicants.

Durham University The University of Durham is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in the UK. Successful completion of the programs allows you to continue your studies in the master's or undergraduate programs of the University of Durham.

INTO The international educational concern offers students from different countries admission programs to leading universities and colleges in the UK and the USA. Since 2006, the concern has launched 17 educational centers based on the best English-speaking universities in the world.

University of Sheffield An advanced research university with Nobel Prize winners among its alumni and staff. During their studies, students have the opportunity to gain work experience. Engineering specialties are a strong direction of the university.

University of Strathclyde The university is the 3rd largest educational institution in Scotland and is among the top ten universities in the country. It was founded in 1796 and became the first British technological university, forever entering the history of teaching and scientific achievements in Britain.

University of Stirling The University of Stirling is one of the best universities in the country and takes first positions in such rankings as International Study Barometer, The Good University Guide, The Times and Guardian University Guide. The university is famous for its special system of

Queen Mary Queen Mary is one of the largest research colleges in the UK. Today, about 17,850 students from all over the world study here. Queen Mary College is known for its strong teaching of the humanities and social sciences, law, medicine and

University of Westminster One of the oldest educational institutions in the UK, whose campuses are located in the center of London and other parts of it. The university offers students a wide variety of modern specialties.

Bournemouth University Bournemouth University, in addition to an excellent base for learning and a rich social life, also offers accommodation in one of the most popular tourist cities in Britain. The strong areas of the university are the faculties of media and tourism.

University of Central Lancashire The University of Central Lancashire is one of the largest universities in Britain, located in the North West of England. Founded in 1828, the university is a modern, rapidly developing educational institution with high standards of teaching.

Bellerbys College MQP Bellerbys College is the largest preparatory center in England, with campuses located in all major British cities. The college offers preparation programs for undergraduate or graduate majors in English

City University London City University London is one of the strongest universities in London, which is known for the high percentage of employment of its graduates. The business school of the university ranks 1st in London and 2nd in the UK in terms of student preparation.

Newcastle University One of the leading universities in Britain, a member of the Russel Group - an alliance of 24 largest research universities. Newcastle University has earned an excellent reputation for world-class education and research across a wide range of disciplines.

Kings Colleges Founded in 1957, Kings Colleges is one of the leading international educational groups in the UK and USA. The mission of the college is to provide high-quality and effective preparation of foreign students for future studies at the universities of these countries.

FoundationCampus FoundationCampus is the Cambridge Education Group's partnership with universities around the world. Education takes place on university campuses, providing students with a unique opportunity to plunge into student life from the first day of study.

Birmingham City University Birmingham City University is the largest university in the UK, which is famous for its history and quality education. The university was founded in 1843, today its students are about 23,500 students from 80 countries of the world.

University of Sunderland The University of Sunderland is an innovative, cutting-edge university with high teaching standards. The University of Sunderland has been ranked as the best new university in North East England by the Guardian University Guide and

Edinburgh Napier University A leading innovative university located in Edinburgh, it is one of the largest institutions of higher education in Scotland. It is a dynamic and progressively oriented institution with high standards of teaching and research.

Education in Foggy Albion has long been the dream of all ambitious people and fans of the culture of this country. Recently, the UK has been generously offering free places in the magistracy of its universities for Ukrainians.

Admission to a master's program in England is possible only after the diploma of higher education of their country is already in the hands of the applicant. For those who are seriously thinking about how to enter a foreign university and our agency works. Here, experts will tell you how much it costs to study in the chosen specialty, as well as share feedback from graduates. If necessary, they organize admission to preparatory courses, which are different in their cost.

How to apply for a master's degree in England

Right after school, it will not work for Ukrainians to enter a university in England. This is best done on the basis of a bachelor's degree obtained in Ukraine. Tuition fees may vary depending on the chosen specialty. In the UK, there are special adaptation courses for foreigners, they greatly facilitate the process of admission to the magistracy. Their cost needs to be specified additionally.

For all foreigners, and for Ukrainians in particular, final exams in adaptation courses are usually equated with entrance exams, but it is still worth submitting an additional set of documents. It includes:

  • application for admission;
  • an IELTS language proficiency certificate can sometimes be suitable for TOEFL;
  • a motivation letter in which the student states why he chose this particular specialty;
  • sometimes they are asked to attach several essays or existing publications.

Additional arrival details

You need to find out how much the training costs in the year in which you plan to enroll, otherwise the data may be unreliable. The program and the university where you want to take a master's course should be chosen in advance, and you should also learn in detail about the rules for entering this university. You can additionally take an interest in the feedback of graduates about life, training in various educational institutions in the UK.

In advance, it is worth attending to the financial side of the issue. For example, it can be a very unpleasant surprise if the cost of food is not included in the contract amount. And the student himself will have to look for money for life. It would be useful to find out how many hours foreign students are allowed to work in England. After all, the prices in this country are quite big and, most likely, many students will have to work.

A lot of different useful information about a master's degree in the UK, about its universities and admission can be found in our agency. Also here you can get acquainted with a variety of entertaining information about the traditions of the British, the cost of living and much more, without which a stay in this country may not be so pleasant and exciting.

Master's in London promises a lot of career opportunities and adventures. Master's student Vadim Titov talks about British universities, their approaches to learning and the chosen specialty

According to statistics from the UK Home Office, the number of international students applying for visas increased over the past year (2017) by 8%. Vadim Titov, perhaps, is just the person who applied, entered and is now studying for a master's program in the Computational Finance program, which is not yet widespread in Russia. The agency talked with Vadim and found out what difficulties await foreign students in London and what surprises British education.

– Why did you choose to study in the UK?

I wanted to go to London because it is one of the world's largest financial centers. Consequently, some teachers in large schools are directly employed by financial institutions. They really have something to teach, especially from a practical point of view and in terms of the relevance of the material being studied.

At the University of King's College London, the program itself, MSc Computational Finance, attracted. There are no such programs in Moscow yet (I completed my bachelor's degree in Moscow), since the Computational Finance industry itself is relatively new.

- Was it difficult to enter the chosen specialty?

A big plus of studying in the UK is that it is easy to complete a master's degree in one year. Yes, education is expensive and living expenses are also rather high, but you can get a degree in just a year instead of two in other countries, which in the end turns out to be profitable.


– Do you plan to return to Russia or do you want to work in London for a while after graduation?

- What does this master's program give you in terms of personal development? Were your expectations justified?

It, in addition to knowledge, gives me communication with people from all parts of the planet. Expectations were fully justified. Specifically, in my program, the vast majority of professors teach very well. My verdict - if there is an opportunity, then it's worth going.

The material was prepared by Nadezhda Ozonyuk together with specially for the site. The opinion of the editors may not coincide with the opinion of the student.

Education in the British master's program can be described in three words - interesting, prestigious, expensive. Due to these characteristics, study here attracts some students and is inaccessible to others.

In any case, obtaining an English diploma is something that almost any modern student should strive for. Let's try to understand what attracts young people from all over the world so much, and how much does it really cost?

About the benefits of a British master's degree

  • Studying for a master's degree here takes only one year. Usually, master's programs consist of two parts: in the first half of the year, the student attends classes, writes tests, etc., and in the second, he does his thesis work. Of course, the classes are very intense, but you get the opportunity to save time and money.
  • The excellent reputation of English universities in the higher education market is a well-known fact. Here you can get a quality education and a diploma that is recognized in any country in the world.
  • There are many oldest universities in England with a unique history and traditions. Here you can also find young educational institutions founded quite recently. At the same time, all universities in the country are actively combining the centuries-old way of British education with modern technologies and innovations.
  • Universities in England today offer more than 50,000 different master's programs, many of which have a fairly narrow specialization. This allows the student to receive a diploma in almost any specialty that interests him.
  • Being in an English-speaking environment while studying in England, the student has the opportunity to significantly improve their language performance and fully prepare for further work in English

About the cost of a master's degree in England

Perhaps today England is the leader in the cost of higher education in the world. Speaking about England, it is worth noting that tuition fees here directly depend on the chosen university and specialty. Often, programs that do not include laboratory and other serious types of research cost somewhat less than others.

So it can be said that MAs in the Humanities typically cost £7,000 - £9,000, in Science £8,000 - £12,000, Medical programs can cost upwards of £20,000 and an MBA usually starts at £4,000 and goes up to up to £30,000 per year.

As already mentioned, the cost of studying in a British master's program largely depends on the university. Many universities offer programs in similar disciplines at completely different prices. Let's give some examples.

Interior Design

  • Cranfield University - £6,000
  • University of Bedfordshire - £9,900
  • Cardiff University - £17,000
  • Inchbald School of Design - £27,090


  • London South Bank University - £5,670
  • Coventry University - £9,660
  • University of Lincoln - £14,719
  • Cardiff University - £16,542

Information Technology

  • University of Sunderland - £3,750
  • Coventry University - £9,660
  • University of Oxford - £15,150
  • Imperial College London - £25,500
  • University of Hertfordshire - £1,170
  • Bournemouth University - £15,000
  • Durham University - £25,000
  • Imperial College London - £38,000

As we can see, the range of prices in different universities is really large. For an international student who wants to study in England, this is a plus, because almost everyone can find a program that suits him from a financial point of view. Therefore, if it seems to you that the dream of getting a British education is unattainable due to the high cost - just spend a little time looking for a suitable program, it is quite possible that you will be able to study in England.

However, it is worth remembering that tuition costs are not the only expenses that you will face during the year of study at the magistracy. To deduce of course the numbers, find out how much your accommodation and meals in England will cost, and also do not forget about the costs for and for.

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