Home Fertilizers Fortune telling on wax the meaning of the figures of the shoe. Fortune-telling in wax - We read fate like an open book! Step-by-step instructions for conducting fortune-telling

Fortune telling on wax the meaning of the figures of the shoe. Fortune-telling in wax - We read fate like an open book! Step-by-step instructions for conducting fortune-telling

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Lesson type: combined.

Lesson objectives:

  • Consider axial, central and mirror symmetries as properties of some geometric shapes.
  • To teach how to build symmetrical points and recognize shapes that have axial symmetry and central symmetry.
  • Improve problem solving skills.

Lesson Objectives:

  • Formation of spatial representations of students.
  • Development of the ability to observe and reason; developing interest in the subject through the use of information technology.
  • Education of a person who knows how to appreciate beauty.

Lesson equipment:

  • Use of information technology (presentation).
  • Drawings.
  • Homework cards.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Report the topic of the lesson, formulate the objectives of the lesson.

II. Introduction.

What is symmetry?

The outstanding mathematician Hermann Weil praised the role of symmetry in modern science: "Symmetry, no matter how broadly or narrowly we understand this word, is an idea with which a person tried to explain and create order, beauty and perfection."

We live in a very beautiful and harmonious world. We are surrounded by objects that delight the eye. For example, a butterfly, a maple leaf, a snowflake. See how beautiful they are. Have you paid attention to them? Today we will touch upon this wonderful mathematical phenomenon - symmetry. Let's get acquainted with the concept of axial, central and mirror symmetries. We will learn to build and define figures that are symmetrical about the axis, center and plane.

The word “symmetry” in translation from Greek sounds like “harmony”, meaning beauty, proportionality, proportionality, uniformity in the arrangement of parts. Since ancient times, man has used symmetry in architecture. It gives harmony and completeness to ancient temples, towers of medieval castles, modern buildings.

In the most general form, "symmetry" in mathematics means a transformation of space (plane) in which each point M passes to another point M "relative to some plane (or straight line) a, when the segment MM" is perpendicular to the plane (or straight line) a and divides it in half. The plane (straight line) a is called the plane (or axis) of symmetry. The fundamental concepts of symmetry include the plane of symmetry, the axis of symmetry, and the center of symmetry. A plane of symmetry P is a plane that divides a figure into two mirrored equal parts located relative to each other in the same way as an object and its mirror image.

III. Main part. Types of symmetry.

Central symmetry

Symmetry about a point or central symmetry is a property of a geometric figure when any point located on one side of the center of symmetry corresponds to another point located on the other side of the center. In this case, the points are on a line segment passing through the center, dividing the segment in half.

Practical task.

  1. Points are given A, V and M M relative to the middle of the segment AB.
  2. Which of the following letters have a center of symmetry: A, O, M, X, K?
  3. Do they have a center of symmetry: a) a segment; b) ray; c) a pair of intersecting straight lines; d) square?

Axial symmetry

Symmetry about a straight line (or axial symmetry) is a property of a geometric figure when any point located on one side of a straight line will always correspond to a point located on the other side of a straight line, and the segments connecting these points will be perpendicular to the axis of symmetry and divide it in half.

Practical task.

  1. Given two points A and V symmetric with respect to some straight line, and the point M... Draw a point symmetrical to a point M relative to the same straight line.
  2. Which of the following letters have an axis of symmetry: A, B, D, E, O?
  3. How many axes of symmetry does: a) a segment; b) straight; c) ray?
  4. How many axes of symmetry does the drawing have? (see fig. 1)

Mirror symmetry

Points A and V are called symmetric with respect to the plane α (plane of symmetry) if the plane α passes through the midpoint of the segment AB and is perpendicular to this segment. Each point of the α plane is considered symmetric to itself.

Practical task.

  1. Find the coordinates of the points to which the points A (0; 1; 2), B (3; -1; 4), C (1; 0; -2) go when: a) central symmetry about the origin; b) axial symmetry about the coordinate axes; c) mirror symmetry about the coordinate planes.
  2. Does the right glove turn into the right or left glove with mirror symmetry? axial symmetry? central symmetry?
  3. The figure shows how the number 4 is reflected in two mirrors. What will be seen in place of the question mark if the same is done with the number 5? (see fig. 2)
  4. The figure shows how the word KENGURU is reflected in two mirrors. What happens if you do the same with the number 2011? (see fig. 3)

Rice. 2

It is interesting.

Symmetry in nature.

Almost all living things are built according to the laws of symmetry, it is not for nothing that the word “symmetry” in translation from Greek means “proportionality”.

Among the colors, for example, there is rotational symmetry. Many flowers can be rotated so that each petal will take the position of the neighboring one, the flower will be combined with itself. The minimum angle of such rotation is not the same for different colors. For the iris it is 120 °, for the bell - 72 °, for the daffodil - 60 °.

Helical symmetry is observed in the arrangement of leaves on plant stems. Positioning the screw along the stem, the leaves seem to spread in different directions and do not obscure each other from the light, although the leaves themselves also have an axis of symmetry. Considering the general plan of the structure of an animal, we usually notice a certain correctness in the arrangement of body parts or organs, which are repeated around a certain axis or occupy the same position in relation to a certain plane. This correctness is called body symmetry. Symmetry phenomena are so widespread in the animal kingdom that it is very difficult to indicate a group in which no body symmetry can be noticed. Both small insects and large animals have symmetry.

Symmetry in inanimate nature.

Among the endless variety of forms of inanimate nature, there are such perfect images in abundance, whose appearance invariably attracts our attention. Observing the beauty of nature, you can notice that when objects are reflected in puddles, lakes, mirror symmetry appears (see Fig. 4).

Crystals bring the charm of symmetry to the world of inanimate nature. Each snowflake is a small crystal of frozen water. The shape of snowflakes can be very different, but they all have rotational symmetry and, in addition, mirror symmetry.

One cannot fail to see symmetry in faceted gems. Many cutters try to shape diamonds into a tetrahedron, cube, octahedron or icosahedron. Since the garnet has the same elements as the cube, it is highly prized by gem connoisseurs. Artistic items made of pomegranates were found in the graves of Ancient Egypt, dating back to the pre-dynastic period (over two millennia BC) (see Fig. 5).

In the collections of the Hermitage, special attention is paid to the gold jewelry of the ancient Scythians. The artwork of gold wreaths, tiaras, wood and precious red-violet garnets is extraordinarily delicate.

One of the most obvious uses of the laws of symmetry in life is the building of architecture. This is what we see most often. In architecture, axes of symmetry are used as a means of expressing architectural intent (see Fig. 6). In most cases, patterns on carpets, fabrics, and room wallpaper are symmetrical about an axis or center.

Another example of human use of symmetry in his practice is technique. In engineering, the axes of symmetry are most clearly indicated where it is required to estimate the deviation from the zero position, for example, at the steering wheel of a truck or at the steering wheel of a ship. Or one of the most important inventions of mankind, having a center of symmetry, is a wheel, and a propeller and other technical means also have a center of symmetry.

"Look in the mirror!"

Should we assume that we see ourselves only in a "mirror image"? Or, at best, only on photographs and film can we find out how we "really" look? Of course not: it is enough to reflect the mirror image a second time in the mirror to see your true face. Trellises come to the rescue. They have one large main mirror in the center and two smaller mirrors on the sides. If you put such a side mirror at a right angle to the middle one, then you can see yourself exactly as others see you. Close your left eye and your reflection in the second mirror will follow your left eye movement. Before trellis, you can choose whether you want to see yourself in a mirror image or in a direct image.

It is easy to imagine what confusion would reign on Earth if symmetry in nature were broken!

Rice. 4 Rice. 5 Rice. 6

IV. Physical education.

  • « Lazy eights» – activate structures that ensure memorization, increase the stability of attention.
    Draw in the air in the horizontal plane the number eight three times, first with one hand, then with both hands at once.
  • « Symmetrical patterns "- improve hand-eye coordination, facilitate the process of writing.
    Draw symmetrical patterns in the air with both hands.

V. Independent verification work.

Ι option

ΙΙ option

  1. In the rectangle MPKH O is the point of intersection of the diagonals, PA and BH are the perpendiculars drawn from the vertices P and H to the line MK. It is known that MA = OB. Find the corner of the POM.
  2. In the rhombus MPKH, the diagonals meet at the point O. On the sides MK, KH, PH, points A, B, C are taken, respectively, AK = KV = PC. Prove that OA = OB, and find the sum of the angles POC and MOA.
  3. Construct a square along a given diagonal so that the two opposite vertices of this square lie on opposite sides of a given acute angle.

Vi. Summing up the lesson. Assessment.

  • What types of symmetry did you learn in the lesson?
  • Which two points are called symmetrical about a given line?
  • Which figure is called symmetrical about a given line?
  • Which two points are said to be symmetrical about a given point?
  • Which figure is called symmetrical about a given point?
  • What is Mirror Symmetry?
  • Give examples of figures that have: a) axial symmetry; b) central symmetry; c) both axial and central symmetry.
  • Give examples of symmetry in living and inanimate nature.

Vii. Homework.

1. Individual: complete by applying axial symmetry (see fig. 7).

Rice. 7

2. Construct a figure symmetric to the given one with respect to: a) points; b) straight (see Fig. 8, 9).

Rice. eight Rice. 9

3. Creative task: "In the world of animals." Draw a representative from the animal world and show the axis of symmetry.

VIII. Reflection.

  • What did you like in the lesson?
  • What material was the most interesting?
  • What difficulties did you encounter while completing this or that task?
  • What would you change during the lesson?

Problem on the topic "Symmetry"

"Order, beauty and perfection"

Personally significant cognitive question

"Symmetry, no matter how broadly or narrowly we understand this word, is an idea with the help of which a person tried to explain and create order, beauty and perfection" - these words belong to the outstanding mathematician Hermann Weil.

We live in a very beautiful and harmonious world. We are surrounded by objects that delight the eye. For example, a butterfly, a maple leaf, a snowflake. See how beautiful they are. Have you paid attention to them? Today we will touch upon this wonderful mathematical phenomenon - symmetry.

The word “symmetry” in translation from Greek sounds like “harmony”, meaning beauty, proportionality, proportionality, uniformity in the arrangement of parts. Since ancient times, man has used symmetry in architecture. It gives harmony and completeness to ancient temples, towers of medieval castles, modern buildings.

What is axial, central and mirror symmetry? and how are these concepts manifested in the world around us?

Information on this issue, presented in various forms

Text 1.

The concept of symmetry runs through the entire centuries-old history of human creativity.“Once, standing in front of a black board and drawing different shapes on it with chalk, I was suddenly struck by the thought: why is symmetry pleasing to the eye? What is symmetry? This is an innate feeling, I answered myself. What is it based on? Is there symmetry in everything in life? " L. N. Tolstoy "Boyhood".

New dictionary of the Russian language by T.F. Efremova:

SYMMETRY - proportionate, proportional arrangement of parts of smth. in relation to the center, middle.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by D.N. Ushakov:

SYMMETRY - proportionality, proportionality in the arrangement of parts of the whole in space, full correspondence (in location, size) of one half of the whole to the other half.

In general, "symmetry" in mathematics means such a transformation of space (plane) in which each point M passes to another point M "relative to some plane (or straight line) a, when the segment MM" is perpendicular to the plane (or straight line) a and divides it in half. The plane (straight line) a is called the plane (or axis) of symmetry. The fundamental concepts of symmetry include the plane of symmetry, the axis of symmetry, and the center of symmetry. A plane of symmetry P is a plane that divides a figure into two mirrored equal parts located relative to each other in the same way as an object and its mirror image.

Text 2.Types of symmetry.

Central symmetry

Symmetry about a point or central symmetry is a property of a geometric figure when any point located on one side of the center of symmetry corresponds to another point located on the other side of the center. In this case, the points are on a line segment passing through the center, dividing the segment in half.

Axial symmetry

Symmetry about a straight line (or axial symmetry) is a property of a geometric figure when any point located on one side of a straight line will always correspond to a point located on the other side of a straight line, and the segments connecting these points will be perpendicular to the axis of symmetry and divide it in half.

Mirror symmetry

T glassesA and Vare called symmetric with respect to the plane α (plane of symmetry) if the plane α passes through the midpoint of the segmentABand is perpendicular to this segment. Each point of the α plane is considered symmetric to itself.

Text 3. This is interesting.

Symmetry in nature.

Almost all living things are built according to the laws of symmetry, it is not for nothing that the word “symmetry” in translation from Greek means “proportionality”.

Among the colors, for example, rotational symmetry is observed. Many flowers can be rotated so that each petal will take the position of the neighboring one, the flower will be combined with itself. The minimum angle of such rotation is not the same for different colors. For the iris it is 120 °, for the bell - 72 °, for the daffodil - 60 °.

Helical symmetry is observed in the arrangement of leaves on plant stems. Positioning the screw along the stem, the leaves seem to spread in different directions and do not obscure each other from the light, although the leaves themselves also have an axis of symmetry. Considering the general plan of the structure of an animal, we usually notice a certain correctness in the arrangement of body parts or organs, which are repeated around a certain axis or occupy the same position in relation to a certain plane. This correctness is called body symmetry. Symmetry phenomena are so widespread in the animal kingdom that it is very difficult to indicate a group in which no body symmetry can be noticed. Both small insects and large animals have symmetry.

In the 20th century, through the efforts of Russian scientists - V. Beklemishev, V. Vernadsky, V. Alpatov, G. Gauze - a new direction in the theory of symmetry was created - biosymmetrics. The study of the symmetry of biostructures at the molecular and supramolecular levels allows one to determine in advance possible variants of symmetry in biological objects, strictly describe the external form and internal structure of any organisms.

Symmetry in inanimate nature.

Observing the world around him, a person historically tried to more or less realistically display it in various types of art, so it is very interesting to consider symmetry in painting, sculpture, architecture, literature, music and dance.

We can see symmetry in painting already in the rock paintings of primitive people. In ancient times, icons were a significant part of the art of drawing, in the creation of which artists used the properties of mirror symmetry. Looking at them today, one is struck by the amazing symmetry in the images of the saints, although sometimes an interesting thing happens - in asymmetrical images we feel symmetry, as a norm, from which the artist deviates under the influence of external factors.

Elements of symmetry can be seen in general building plans.

Sculpture and painting also provide many striking examples of the use of symmetry to solve aesthetic problems. Examples are the tomb of Giuliano Medici by the great Michelangelo, the mosaic of the apse of the Cathedral of St. Sophia in Kiev, which depicts two figures of Christ, one communing with bread, the other with wine.

Symmetry, ousted from painting and architecture, gradually took over new areas of people's lives - music and dance. So in the music of the 15th century a new direction was discovered - imitation polyphony, which is a musical analogue of an ornament; later, fugues, sound versions of a complex pattern, appeared. In today's song genre, I believe the chorus is an example of the simplest figurative symmetry along the axis (of the lyrics).

Literature also paid attention to symmetry. For example, palindromes can serve as an example of symmetry in literature, these are parts of a text whose reverse and forward sequence of letters coincide. For example, “A rose fell on the paw of Azor” (A. Fet), “I rarely hold a cigarette butt with my hand”. As a special case of palindromes, we know many words in the Russian language that are shape-shifters: kok, stomp, cossack and many others. On the use of such words, riddles are often built - rebuses.

Another example of human use of symmetry in his practice is technique. In engineering, the axes of symmetry are most clearly indicated where it is required to estimate the deviation from the zero position, for example, at the steering wheel of a truck or at the steering wheel of a ship. Or one of the most important inventions of mankind, having a center of symmetry, is a wheel, and a propeller and other technical means also have a center of symmetry.

Tasks for working with this information


1. Consider the variety of objects in our school, including furniture, visual aids, sports equipment, that resemble geometric shapes. Determine which ones have symmetry?

Answer the questions:

What kinds of symmetry have you met?

Which two points are called symmetrical about a given line?

Which figure is called symmetrical about a given line?

Which two points are said to be symmetrical about a given point?

Which figure is called symmetrical about a given point?

What is Mirror Symmetry?

Give examples of symmetry in living and inanimate nature.

-How many axes of symmetry does: a) a segment; b) straight; c) ray?

Does the right glove turn into the right or left glove with mirror symmetry? axial symmetry? central symmetry?


Complete Assignment: Children were running along the beach and left footprints in the sand. Considering the chains of traces to be unrestrictedly extended in both directions, indicate with the arrows for each chain the types of its alignments, i.e. movements that translate it into itself.

Answer the questions:

Which of the following letters have a center of symmetry: A, O, M, X, K?

Which of the following letters have an axis of symmetry: A, B, D, E, O?

Find the coordinates of the points to which the points A (0; 1; 2), B (3; -1; 4), C (1; 0; -2) go when: a) central symmetry about the origin; b) axial symmetry about the coordinate axes; c) mirror symmetry about the coordinate planes.


Build a figure symmetrical to the given one with respect to: a) points; b) straight

Solve problems in groups

1.In a rectangleABCD O- the point of intersection of the diagonals,Bh and DE- the heights of the trianglesAVO and COD respectively, Boh= 60 °, AH= 5 cm. Find OE.

2.In a rhombus ABCDdiagonals meet at pointO. OM, OK, OE- perpendiculars lowered to the sidesAB, BC, CDrespectively. Prove thatOM = OK, and find the sum of the anglesMOU and COE.

3. Inside a given acute corner, build a square with a given side so that two vertices of the square belong to one side of the corner, and the third to the other.

4. In the rectangle MPKH O is the point of intersection of the diagonals, PA and BH are the perpendiculars drawn from the vertices P and H to the line MK. It is known that MA = OB. Find the corner of the POM.

5.In the rhombus MPKH, the diagonals meet at the pointO.On the sides MK, KH, PH, points A, B, C are taken, respectively, AK = KV = PC. Prove that OA = OB, and find the sum of the angles POC and MOA.

6. Construct a square along a given diagonal so that the two opposite vertices of this square lie on opposite sides of a given acute angle.

Analyze how many axes of symmetry the image has.

Create a sketch representatives from flora and fauna and show in the pictures the center, the axis of symmetry, applying mirror symmetry.

Make palindromes or use such words to build riddles - rebuses.

Suggest possible criteria for evaluating your sketches and literary works in terms of art and literary critics

Base Radius Generators Height Axis Side Surface Page

1. The radius of a cylinder is the radius of its base. 2. The bases of a cylinder are called its circles. 3. The generatrices of a cylinder are the segments connecting the points of the circles of its bases. 4. The height of the cylinder is the distance between the bases. 5. The axis of a cylinder is called a straight line connecting the centers of its bases. 6. The lateral surface of a cylinder is its cylindrical surface.

The ends of the segment AB, equal to a, lie on the circumferences of the base of the cylinder. The radius of the cylinder is r, the height is h, the distance between the straight line AB and the axis OO 1 of the cylinder is d. 1. Explain how to construct a segment, the length of which is equal to the distance between crossing straight lines AB and OO 1 A B O O1O1 ah r C K d 2. Make a plan for finding the value of d by the given values ​​of a, h, r. Plan: 1) find AC from ABC, then AC 2) find d from ACO 3. Make a plan for finding the value of h for the given values ​​of a, d, r. Plan: 1) find AK from AK, then AC 2) from ABC find BC = h Problem 1.

Problem 2. The plane γ, parallel to the axis of the cylinder, cuts off the arc AmD with the degree measure α from the base circle. The height of the cylinder is h, the distance between the axis of the cylinder and the secant plane is d. γ D В А С O m α K h 1. Prove that the section of the cylinder by the plane γ is a rectangle. 2. Explain how to draw a line segment whose length is equal to the distance between the axis of the cylinder and the cutting plane. 3. Make and explain the plan for calculating the cross-sectional area according to the data α, d, h О1О1

1. A rectangle with sides 6cm and 4cm rotates about the smaller side. Find the surface area of ​​the body of revolution and the area of ​​its axial section. 2. The axial section of the cylinder is a square with a diagonal of 12cm. Find the surface area of ​​the cylinder.

The height of the cylinder is H, the radius of its base is R. A pyramid is placed in the cylinder, the height of which coincides with the generatrix AA1 of the cylinder, and the base is an isosceles triangle ABC (AB = AC) inscribed in the base of the cylinder. Find the area of ​​the side surface of the pyramid if A = 120 °. Given: a pyramid is inscribed into a cylinder with a height H and a radius R, forming АА1 - the height of the pyramid, ABC, AB = AC, ABC - is inscribed into the base of the cylinder, angle A = 120 °. Find: Side of the pyramid. Solution: 1) Draw AD BC and connect points А 1 and D. According to the theorem, we have А 1 D BC. Since the arc CAB contains 120 °, and the arcs AC and AB - 60 ° each, then BC = R, AB = R. 2) In ABD we have AD = R / 2. Further, from AA 1 D we obtain A 1 D = ½ Therefore S A1AB = ½ AB RH + ¼ R = = R / 4 (4H +). Answer: R / 4 (4H +). O O1O1 A A1A1 C B D

The height of the cylinder is 12 cm. A straight line is drawn through the middle of the generatrix of the cylinder, intersecting the axis of the cylinder at a distance of 4 cm from the lower base. This straight line intersects the plane containing the bottom base of the cylinder at a distance of 18 cm from the center of the bottom base. Find the radius of the base of the cylinder. М2М2 M1M1 O1O1 O2O2 R BC A Given: cylinder, height О1О2 = 12 cm, В - the middle of the generatrix М1М2, AB intersects О1О2 at point С, СО2 = 4 cm, AO2 = 18 cm. Find: R of the base. Solution: Let us draw a plane through the straight line AB and the axis of the cylinder O 1 O 2 given in the problem statement. This plane also contains the generatrix M 1 M 2, in which it intersects with the surface of the cylinder. The length M 1 M 2 is equal to the height of the cylinder, i.e. M 1 M 2 = 12cm, then according to the condition VM 2 = 6 cm. M 1 M 2 || О 1 О 2, which means that triangles ABM 2 and ASO 2 have a common angle A, and therefore they are similar. Hence the Answer: 9cm

Topic: Cylinder Objectives 1. The height of the cylinder is H, the radius of the base is R. The section by a plane parallel to the axis of the cylinder is a square. Find the distance of this section from the axis. 2. The height of the cylinder is 8 cm, the radius is 5 cm. Find the cross-sectional area of ​​the cylinder by a plane parallel to its axis if the distance between this plane and the axis of the cylinder is 3 cm. ) sides. a) Draw this body of revolution. Give it a definition b) What forms the BC segment during rotation? Segment AB? c) What segments are the radii, height, axis of the cylinder? d) Write a formula for calculating the area of ​​the base and the area of ​​the axial section of the cylinder.

Fortune-telling was once again popular with our great-great-grandmothers. Over time, the demand for them has not diminished in any way. That is why today the services of fortune-tellers, magicians, psychics are relevant and find their consumers.

You can read fortune online with wax for free on the page Hieromancy on wax online.

But it is not necessary to turn to another person, if not, you want to know your future. Having developed intuition, it is fundamentally realistic to perform fortune-telling on your own. You can dwell on a simple and informative prediction for wax. Fortune telling on wax the meaning of the figures - we learn from this article.

Figures footnote

  • Lamp shade- you are being deceived, you should be careful.
  • Auto- is a sexual symbol, and in turn says that cardinal changes for the better have come to your life.
  • Marabou- a symbol of family happiness, promises many children.
  • Alligator- you consoles can not always correctly assess others, because of this, anxiety arises.
  • Amphora- a sign of alarm, your chosen one is afraid of a serious relationship.
  • Gabriel- promises a change in the inner world, moral maturation.
  • Arch- if you are going to keep a new step in life, a trip is also possible.
  • Arch... It symbolizes the change from one situation to another. It also portends a trip.
  • Butterfly- to significant changes in life.
  • Banana- they are jealous of you, you may have traitors.
  • Bow- pay more attention to family and colleagues.
  • Doal... Receiving important news. Shown now to express your opinion.
  • Vezha... A harbinger of imminent marriage or finding your calling.
  • Shapeless warehouse- negative.
  • Crap- to loneliness;
  • A bracelet- break off a hopeless relationship.
  • Tubercles- will have to resist with difficulties.
  • Letters or numbers- if clear, then to good events, indistinct - backwards. If with dots, you will gain material wealth.
  • Bouquet... Acts very well heard, promising a solemn event, happiness, receiving gifts. Sometimes - indicates here an imminent wedding.
  • Boomerang... His appearance during fortune-telling promises why you will feel the "boomerang effect" on yourself in the near future.
  • Bottle- do not abuse anything.
  • Bull... You are in danger, show caution.
  • Vase- spiritual harmony.
  • Vareniki- business will be completed successfully.
  • Fan... The first sign of a flirtatious relationship.
  • Wreath- your cherished desire will easily come true.
  • Cord- a symbol of life's difficulties.
  • scales- Strive for balance in everything.
  • Master key... You have a deceitful person around you, do not trust him.
  • Amber berry- a symbol of love, friendship, luck and prosperity.
  • Cello- your loved one is not controlling himself well.
  • The padlock... Open - portends some kind of surprise. Closed - will act as a warning.
  • Weightless ball- temporary difficulties.
  • Question mark- a symbol of indecision and uncertainty.
  • Bird- get your courage and get ready for trouble.
  • Volcano... Something will "explode" soon. Take control of your emotional sphere.
  • Weight- be more vigilant in life.
  • Gypsy heart- to harmonious relationships.
  • Eye... Calls to be attentive, careful: the big sword of Damocles is to be deceived.
  • Head... It will be a sign of getting a higher position.
  • Dove- Harmonious relationships will follow the difficulties.
  • Mushroom- a sign of vitality, health and perseverance.
  • Duchess... What was started earlier will complete successfully. In some cases, the fruit speaks of a new, happy relationship.
  • Caterpillar- do not be frivolous, think about loved ones.
  • Door- a new part of your life follows.
  • Dolphin- easy overcoming of difficulties, support.
  • House... Acts as a very positive symbol. It can be interpreted in accordance with different ways: as a purchase of new real estate, a sign of family happiness, or motivation to start new business.
  • Forked road- new opportunities.
  • The Dragon... The figure speaks of Tomishko that you need to preserve your personality, not depending on outside opinions.
  • Chimney... You have a fuzzy and vague plan for the future.
  • Hedgehog- be undemanding.
  • Raccoon- you're wrong.
  • Acorn... A new venture begins, a new recipe is born.
  • Female- a new friend.
  • Capital letter... Often it symbolizes a specific intimacy, which is important for a fortuneteller. But it can also indicate take the first letter of a country that is important to you or where your brother will soon go.
  • Lock... A symbol of new beginnings, for example, a new love union.
  • Share- fulfillment of a secret desire.
  • Snake- a harbinger of pathology.
  • Umbrella... Open is a harbinger of small unrest, and closed - indicates serious difficulties.
  • Indian rooster- Justice will prevail.
  • Fireplace... A symbol of home, home comfort, good emotions.
  • Cell... Tells about stability and comfort. Sometimes it symbolizes excessive self-love.
  • Khanjar... The people you think are friends are actually enemies.
  • Birdcage... Closed - a person feels driven into a trap. Open - promises quick overcoming of difficulties.
  • Button- promises the fulfillment of everything conceived, the achievement of goals.
  • Book... The symbol of new knowledge. Closed - will tell you about classified materials. Open - portends a new streak in life.
  • Claws... Tells about malevolent gossip.
  • Wheel... In all cases, it is the personification of life stages: the end of one and the departure) of a new one.
  • Bell... Received unexpected news. A pair of bells is a sign of a wedding.
  • Collar... Will tell about the imminent engagement, marriage and other solemn events. The presence of points shoulder to shoulder with him will indicate business ties.
  • Comet... Ayushki will happen in your life - something unexpected and unplanned.
  • Ship... A harbinger of a happy trip.
  • Basket... Filled - you will be presented with gifts, you will be lucky. Empty is a sign of loss.
  • Box... Taking a presentation.
  • Crown... A symbol of success, achievements, career growth. Also testifies to constant public life.
  • Wallet... Foreshadows the purchase. Doing that there are many points next to him - get finances.
  • Cat- unpleasant action, loneliness.
  • Crab... Beware of false friends, rely on your sixth best feeling.
  • Cross- pathologies with troubles.
  • Bed... Moderate your ardor and take a short break.
  • Jug... He will tell you about your excellent state of health. Sometimes it portends a pleasant friendly friendship.
  • Swan- get the good news.
  • a lion... A sign of strength, demonstrates a courageous person, be healthy.
  • Ladder... Life is changing for the better. It is possible that you will be promoted in your work.
  • Lines... Travel signs. Wavy - tell about indecision.
  • Leaves... Embody prosperity from the face. And if there are several of them at once, they promise great happiness.
  • Chuhlo or face... Happy means joy. Frowning - enemies or competitors. More than enough faces - get ready for a noisy party.
  • A boat... Telling about a short trip is not something - or it will act as a symbol of help in trouble.
  • A spoon- to the guests.
  • A car... Go on a short trip, meet up with friends.
  • Plaque... Get a reward for your actions.
  • Bear- to failures due to their stupidity.
  • Chopper- empty chatter.
  • Broom... Indicates the need to remove all unnecessary things from your life.
  • Hammer... Stand your ground until the end.
  • Line... Signals of getting over a happy chance.
  • Hoe... Acting decisively, you will cope with obstacles, most importantly, do not overdo it!
  • Man... Symbolizes the visitor. Otherwise) it will be that you can see his hand on the figure - you will receive an offering or an opportunity.
  • Fly... Something will make you a little angry. Waiting is anticipated.
  • Last-ball... Ideas are being actively implemented.
  • Handcuffs... Personalizing problems with the law. Occasionally - they will tell about bad addictions, addictions.
  • Knife... Because of conflicts, this will not happen a break in relations.
  • Scissors- you should not quarrel with family and friends.
  • Grimace- they lie to you.
  • Cloud... Prepare for difficulties. When surrounded by dots, you will worry about money.
  • Blanket- a symbol of warmth.
  • Window... Look at the situation or intimate relationship from a different angle. And if they help you, listen to the opinions of others.
  • Daredevil- dreams will turn into reality.
  • Glasses- look at the situation differently.
  • Pheasant- you are too worried about your appearance.
  • Tent... Adventurous travel sign. It is also possible that they are trying to hide some information from you.
  • Coat... The symbol of the final parting.
  • Parachute... You will be able to safely deal with all the difficulties and get your way.
  • Spider- a symbol of finance and cunning.
  • Hourglass... Enough to postpone everything for later!
  • Rooster- positive changes in life.
  • Dungeon, pit- to serious pathology, death.
  • Pyramid... Your soul is disturbed by the unknown what is secret, about which you can not tell anyone. It can also indicate property, when a person, on the one hand, is overcome by material needs, and on the other - by spiritual ones.
  • Pistol... Symbolizes conflict and warns of danger.
  • Horseshoe... The figure will tell a relatively very fortunate fate!
  • Egg stand... Getting rid of minor difficulties.
  • Column- successful implementation of new beginnings.
  • A parrot- they gossip about you.
  • Package... Making a gift, a surprise.
  • Bird or birds... Flying - wait for good news. The presence of points next to them - will tell about a strong quarrel.
  • Bee- symbolizes musty labor.
  • Child or fetus... A new business begins. In some cases, it symbolizes an exit. Ant. the disappearance of a real baby.
  • the Rose- dreams will become reality.
  • Hand... You will find a good lover or a true friend. Squeezed in a fist - a sign of a quarrel, revenge.
  • A fish- you will easily go through the adaptation.
  • Airplane... Promises a trip. Near the direction of his nose downwards - he will tell about disappointment, unfulfilled dreams.
  • Lamp(shade). You will be able to reveal what has been classified or soak up the problem of the past.
  • Candle... Tells about a significant period in life.
  • Heart... Index of long-term relationships, true love.
  • Crescent moon... Something new begins.
  • The rocks... Prepare to cope with difficulties.
  • Shell... Getting good news.
  • Tuzi... A sign of a faithful friend. Standing on its hind legs - will tell what fate a person needs help with.
  • Owl... A sign of illness or betrayal.
  • Dazhbog... It symbolizes everything good: happiness, creativity, success. Sometimes he talks about the appearance of the light of children.
  • Spiral... Impersonation of fraud.
  • Cup... Indicates an unimportant condition, increased vulnerability. When there is more than one glass - get ready for a festive event.
  • Arrow... Acquiring bad news.
  • Chair... You will be promoted soon.
  • Steps... Epitome of success, career growth.
  • Feet... You will be required to make a decision.
  • Pay phone... Receive important news. In a number of situations, it indicates a moral unwillingness to provide an opinion.
  • Axe... Difficulties, controversial issues. Without a handle - will tell you about an unrealistic task.
  • Cake... Benchmark of the celebration.
  • Shamrock... Your life will be happy, fortunate.
  • Magnifying glass... Study all the details of what is happening.
  • Forefinger... He himself prefixes carry semantic meaning. What matters is what it shows. Is it turned to nowhere - will tell about the failure of plans.
  • Snail... It is important now to moderate the haste.
  • An ear... You should listen and accept what is being said to you. That receiving fateful information.
  • Torch... Knowledge symbol.
  • Flag... A harbinger of danger, it is worth being careful.
  • Vane... The people around you greatly influence you. The game is worth showing more objectivity.
  • Camera- promises popularity.
  • Fruits... A sign of prosperity, a happy fate.
  • Already... Will talk about strong emotional connections.
  • Church... Receiving an inheritance. In the same century, he is the personification of various vows and promises.
  • Numbers... They will tell you about a specific time: weeks (located in the middle), days (near being closer to the rim). The numbers also point to finance.
  • Bottle- wasting your time.
  • A cup... The personification of happiness and feelings of emotional pleasure. Inverted - will tell about the gap.
  • Caretta- wisdom and longevity.
  • Ball, ball- indicates perfection.
  • Hat... The center of meaning is the present. But you will know more by its form. For example, a jester's hat will tell you that a person will create the illusion of who sympathy is not.
  • Apple... The situation is back to normal. Occasionally symbolizes bait.
  • Egg... The implementation of new ideas will be very successful. This is an ex-libris of the birth of something, both literally and metaphorically.
  • Anchor... Get ready for a sea voyage. Lying at the bottom - someone or something is holding you.
  • Pothole- bad symbol, indicates death or serious illness.
  • Lizard- meet an unpleasant person.

Rules for conducting fortune-telling on wax

One has only to observe them to achieve the most correct result:

  1. Purchase Wild Beeswax... You can get more information on it than from artificial material. You can find real wax from people who breed bees or in specialized beekeeping stores.
  2. Using the easiest way to predict with wax(simply dripping with a candle into the water) - you need to try so that the wax pours into one outskirts, because this is how it forms a figurine. Fortune-telling is considered incorrect, sooner or later wax is collected in water in the form of droplets. Remember that if a figure is not created out of it, the wax has blurred - accordingly, your answer is very vague, too.
  3. Water is a carrier of information... For fortune-telling, old water or water poured from the tap is not suitable: sympathy is saturated with the energy of pipes and treatment facilities. It is better to replace it with Epiphany (in case there is one). Otherwise, fill the bottle with plain water and send it to the freezer for a couple of days. On the day of fortune-telling, remove and melt. Melt water has an excellent energy structure, which is why it will additionally allow you to achieve better results.
  4. Wanting to achieve even greater effect, it should be put on the bottom of the vessel in which you are guessing, a small mirror. It is necessary (for this, the wax was poured clearly over it. The mirror itself is a mystical object, it will reflect information flows, the unprofitable will allow them to spread to the sides. All this will provide a more clear and information-filled casting.

On a bad death, if there is no way to get wax, you can purchase a couple of church wax candles. Over time, remove the wick from them, melt and use in the process of fortune-telling.

That is to say, fortune-telling is performed

The ritual itself is carried out as follows:

  • The bowl is filled with cool water, a candle is lit on the table.
  • Wait until this (the time the fire will light up, tilt the candle over the water, and then pour the previously melted wax into the water.
  • Wait until the mass hardens and the figures form.
  • Extract the resulting brand and start interpreting it.

The characteristics of the figurines obtained from fortune-telling for wax are similar to the meaning of prediction from tea leaves or thicker from coffee. Therefore, you can use the same values ​​in the techniques listed.

Listen to the meaning of the figures obtained near fortune-telling. They are designed to warn of impending troubles or to please with good news.

And in conclusion - a useful video:

The magical world of magic and esotericism or MAIN LAWS OF THE UNIVERSE

Both the one and the other person wants to touch something special and previously unknown, to close for themselves new boundaries of understanding, to come into contact with something supernatural and unfamiliar. As a result, everyone who is in search of high spiritual practices, who wants to turn behind the curtain, eventually gets answers. Turning to the depths of the universe, it should be said that at all times there was a talk about wizards, sorcerers and healers, mystical phenomena, inexplicable events and many other things, as if they were beyond understanding. Over time, people managed to disperse all their practices and interests in the mysteries of the Universe through the path of self-knowledge. And today it is called in one word - esotericism.
However, it is worth immediately directing attention to the fact that magic and esotericism are two cardinal opposites. Despite the fact that they directly work with supernatural things, esotericism professes pure practices, in which any trace of negative consequences has disappeared. Magic, in turn, implies working with spells, the use of props and appeal to the Forces of Light, whether it is possible for the Forces of Darkness. Esotericism prefers not to touch on this, it preaches a prayer to energy flows that can transform the life of everyone who learns to "adapt" to them. So, in order to understand the vital necessity of esotericism, trace its laws and learn to master it perfectly, one should get to know it more to the point and understand how it works.

First of all, it should be said that with the help of esotericism you can tow good luck. To do this, it is enough to direct your thoughts in this direction and prejudge yourself that phenomenal success will surely happen in the near future. In view of the fact that thoughts are material, you can never leave without doubt that everything planned will come true in the near future. Thanks to this, we can say with confidence that the main rule of esotericism is this belief in oneself, in one's own strengths and in the fact that with the help of positive thinking and an inner attitude at the reception of light waves, one can achieve phenomenal success.

Monetary luck will also not take long if you regularly keep your mind with the right thoughts. So, it is worth taking one from the banknotes in your wallet, place it in front of you, put your hand and sign it, close your eyes and imagine how this banknote attracts other means to itself, as if it is like a magnet, attracts money to itself, like a wallet becomes thicker and thicker, like a nag comes from different sides ... Thus, visualizing a picture of your successful financial future, it is not forbidden to be 100% sure that it will definitely come, and quite just the way it was born in the imagination.

In view of the fact that esotericism teaches to experience the world through self-knowledge and self-improvement, it will be much easier to understand those same other representatives of modern society in a certain situation. Being in an absolutely harmonious state, being filled with inner strength, there is no doubt that fortune in business will come suddenly and unexpectedly, or the problematic situation will be solved by the hostess herself, as if by magic. Esotericism teaches us to raise our eyes at someone to the world with bright and clear eyes, to grow spiritually, cultivating love and harmony in our engine, and you don't have to think about the coming of success, because someone will be around all the time, accompanying a spiritualized person, get every step, increasing his income, filling it with immense bondage, joy and boundless peace.

The meaning of figures in fortune telling on wax - both old and small secrets of the unknown world of magic and esotericism on the site

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