Home fertilizers A year of study in Amsterdam is the cost of studying at schools and universities in Amsterdam for Russians. Faculty of Natural Sciences. Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences

A year of study in Amsterdam is the cost of studying at schools and universities in Amsterdam for Russians. Faculty of Natural Sciences. Faculty of Social and Behavioral Sciences

Who: Elena Marselis, 25

Education: 2004−2006 — Moscow State Technical University. Bauman, Faculty of Informatics. 2006−2009 — HvA-HES, Faculty of International Business and Management. 2009−2011 — School of Management Rotterdam (master's degree), Erasmus University, Faculty of Marketing.

What he advises: you should always do a little more than what is required of you.

What I learned during my studies: If you have an average grade of 8 (our four), most companies do not even need to send a resume.

Spent: 63,000 euros (from the 1st to the 4th year - 2,500 per year, the 5th - 8,000, the 6th - 16,000).

Becoming Hermione Granger

Under pressure from my parents, after school, I studied in Moscow, although I knew that I did not want to get an education in Russia: Europe attracted me. In my second year, I heard from a friend about the Amsterdam School of Economics and Business. He spoke so enthusiastically about this university that I immediately wanted to get there! I carefully studied all the requirements and began preparations. It was necessary to send by mail a school certificate and a birth certificate, translated into English and with an apostille. From exams - pass TOEFL for 250.

The first time I got 230, at the retake two weeks later - 232. But, as a friend told me, even if you didn’t score a passing score, it’s worth submitting documents. The Dutch are understanding people, they allow you to pass a trial period. In the curriculum there is a subject "Communication in English". If you take it in the first semester, they will leave you. The main thing is to study well and prove yourself. And foreign students enter in the general stream.

In February, I sent the documents by mail, and in May I received a response that I was accepted. Immediately sent an invoice, which included payment for tuition, insurance, accommodation for the year in advance. I left, deciding that Hermione Granger would become my role model: I wanted to always have an answer for everything.

We make friends with teachers

Arriving in Amsterdam, I spent a lot of money on special literature (the price of one book is from 30 to 90 euros). And she plunged headlong into her studies. The schedule was not very busy: 2-4 days a week, maximum 3-4 couples a day, most often from 10-11 o'clock, many "windows". In my free time, I went to free additional classes. In addition to compulsory Spanish, she taught Dutch and French, as well as Latin American history, international law, and the world economy. Already in the first year, I had the opportunity to attend fourth-year lectures and then pass exams. What I did! And she received her diploma six months earlier than her classmates.

The teachers here are friends. They are demanding, but always ready to meet halfway. Often, when I liked a certain topic, I could agree with the professor that I would partially conduct one of the lectures myself. When applying for a job for me, this was a significant plus. What is especially valuable is that theory is closely connected with practice. We were engaged in the development of business projects and completed assignments for international companies. During the years of study, each student is obliged to go to another country for 6-12 months on an exchange program. I was in France at the School of Commerce Sup de Co La Rochelle. The internship gave me a lot of practical knowledge, and also helped me finish my French and meet interesting people from all over the world.

We go with our sandwiches

At first I lived in a student hostel 20 minutes from the school. One room, bathroom and kitchen, linen, dishes - everything for a minimum of 450 euros per month (including the cost of water, gas, electricity and garbage). The hostel is fully serviced, so everyday problems are solved very quickly.

Three years later I got married, four years later I entered the magistracy and moved to The Hague. Now my husband and I rent an apartment in the center and pay 950 euros per month, of which 250 for gas and electricity, 250 for water, 20 for garbage collection, 15 for the Internet. In addition, once every two months it is necessary to wash the windows. That is, you should find a company that will do this for about 10 euros.

Food prices are quite democratic. The first time I ate in the student canteen. Standard prices: juice / cola - 1-2 euros, sandwich - 2-3.5 euros, salad - 2.5 euros, a cup of cappuccino - 2-3 euros. Bitterballen (a plate with eight meat balls), a very popular snack among students, costs about 6.5 euros. But, as I understood later, mostly visitors from Western Europe eat in the dining room. From the East they bring what's left from yesterday's dinner, and the Dutch come to the university with their sandwiches and fruit. I adopted this habit from them.

To be honest, I did not think that I would find a second home in the Netherlands, but it seems that this is exactly what happened. When I finished my bachelor's degree and it was time to think about the future, I did not even consider other countries, I knew for sure that I would stay here. I became a Master of Marketing at Erasmus University, got a job in a large company, beating 1,500 other candidates, and I do not regret that I once decided to leave my university and leave Russia.

3 reasons to study at the Amsterdam School of Economics and Business:

  1. 96% of school graduates found a job within three months, their average salary is 61,463 euros per year.
  2. There is a lot of practice in the curriculum: you can be a first-year student and still create work projects for Microsoft and Google.
  3. The school is part of the University of Amsterdam, which is considered the best in the Netherlands, not the last in Europe and is in the top 50 universities in the world.


... to return part of the money for training: fill out a special form on the tax website and within three years you will return the tax on the amount you spent on training, so keep all receipts for payment.

…find housing: when applying to the university, note that you need a hostel. Renting an apartment is more expensive.

…pay the bills: only through Internet banking (get a debit card with a chip).

… to find a job: study well, have a diploma from a Dutch university and experience. I taught as a student, worked part-time, and started my own website optimization company. I found a job in three months and a second job, which was even better, two months later.

Recorded by Olga Kobyakina

The difference between what I saw at the University of Amsterdam and how I studied at the University of Tver 15 years ago is truly enormous. I don’t know what our universities look like now, but the differences between Amsterdam and mine were not only in the technical equipment of the classrooms, but also in the burning eyes of the students. We often just sat out couples, but here people really learn.

Well, in the evening I got to a student party and the gap in my mind increased even more ...

Depending on the coolness of the Moscow university, students go to it either by metro, or by Caen and Lamborghini. In Amsterdam, everyone rides bicycles:

The parking lot in front of the university is full of bikes. All of them are similar to each other and differ only in the degree of rusting:


For compactness, they are parked in 2 tiers - one from below, the second from above:


A new bicycle in Amsterdam costs from 400 to 700 euros, and a stolen one can be bought for 20-ku. Bicycle theft is one of the most common crimes in the Dutch capital. They steal in two passes. The first intruder bites the bicycle chain with huge wire cutters and leaves. After a while, another one comes up and, as if nothing had happened, leaves on a bicycle:


By the way, we still managed to find one car in front of the entrance to the university. It is strange that she was not chained to a post, like all bicycles:


In general, my reader organized a tour of the university natusik_22 . Nobody guarded the entrance, and we just went inside:


In the corridors there are tables at which students prepare for classes. The cost of education here is 2,000 euros per year for students from the European Union and 12,000 euros for Russians, so young people really try to get knowledge for this money. By the way (I am very far from this topic), how much does education in our educational institutions cost now?


Since it is forbidden to talk in the library, there are special rooms at the university where students can gather and collectively discuss any problem:


Or just sit and work out:


Wi-Fi is available throughout the university. The schedule of all classes, classroom numbers, homework - all this students learn through the university server:


There are nice sofas in the rooms for self-study:


Some of the tables are fenced off with decorative walls made of hanging ropes:


The technical equipment of these rooms, to put it mildly, is amazing:


Everyone can take a free room and work out:


And this is the chandelier in the self-study room:


For those who do not have a laptop with them, terminals are installed throughout the building through which you can access the university server:


Audiences for lectures are like a cinema hall:


There is a table in front of each chair:


I must admit that we, with our tummies, could hardly squeeze into the space between the back of the chair and the table:


The auditoriums are equipped with a computer, a projector, a microphone, and sound and light control systems:


Training is conducted in English. So even the Dutch are forced to study in a language other than their own. I can imagine what would happen if teaching at my university was conducted in English:


Latecomers or just curious can look into the audience through a regular peephole in the door. By the way, for those who are late, there is a second door to the audience, located at the level of the upper rows. True, you have to enter it from another floor:


Some classrooms have transparent walls and you can watch classes without a peephole in the door.


In the corridors there are cells for letters to teachers. Apparently, email is still missing:


The building has 15 floors, between which 6 elevators run. Call button in the middle of the hall:


Every time we rode the elevator, it was packed inside:


On each floor there is a library of one or another faculty:




Each student himself takes a book and notes it himself in the library computer. Lease books, too, without the participation of librarians. There is a magnetic frame at the entrance, so you can’t steal a book:


There is an exposition of students' works in the hall of the university. Shoes are not real. I checked:


Subjects and their cost on the master's program at the University of Amsterdam for the academic year:

Start: September

Duration 1 year

PROGRAM Master's Qualifying Program (MQP)

1. Age of participants: from 21 years old

2. Program duration: 3 semesters

3. Beginning of classes: August

5. Knowledge of English: IELTS 6.0 (at least 5.5 in all sections)

6. Level of education: bachelor's degree in the relevant field (diploma with good grades).

The program is designed for foreign students who plan to enter the University of Amsterdam (University of Amsterdam) for master's programs and who need to bring the level of knowledge and English in line with the requirements of the admission committee and the standards of the British education system. To participate, you must have a bachelor's degree from the relevant field and a certain, sufficiently high level of English (additional requirements may also apply for directions). Education continues for one academic year, divided into three trimesters (total 9 months). There are up to 25 lessons per week. Two directions are available: "Business" and "Economics".

Training programs include an English language module and up to 7 thematic disciplines. English classes are integrated into academic subjects, and in each of the classes there is time for active language development. In addition, separate English lessons are taught to those who need additional support to develop their skills, knowledge and skills. Classes are built around the main sections of linguistics and additional topics:

  • Grammar and vocabulary
  • listening
  • Colloquial speech
  • Written speech
  • Reading
  • Language in everyday life
  • Language in academic institutions.

Each discipline has a carefully designed structure and provides students with deep knowledge. Much attention during training is paid to the development of critical thinking skills and master's studies. During the training, lectures and seminars, master classes and scientific projects, meetings with experts and specialists are held. To check progress, all students periodically perform test work:

  • Tests
  • "Invisible" Exams
  • Coursework
  • Essay writing
  • Preparing and presenting presentations
  • Debate and defend your point of view.

Disciplines and courses of the curriculum:

  • Research Methods of Management
  • Marketing management
  • Strategies and organizations
  • international Management
  • Business law and ethics
  • Research project.
  • Statistics for the economy
  • Econometrics
  • Mathematics for Economics
  • Game theory
  • Microeconomics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Research project.

In case of successful completion of the program and fulfillment of all requirements, graduates are transferred to the master's programs of the University of Amsterdam (University of Amsterdam).

Master's programs of the University of Amsterdam (University of Amsterdam), available after training:

  • Master of Science in Economics (MSc Economics). With a strong international focus, the program offers a wide range of specializations, from theoretical to applied. A combination of an advanced level of knowledge of the main core of the economy (microeconomics, macroeconomics and econometrics) and a higher level of understanding in the chosen specialization.
  • Master of Science in Business Administration (MSc MSc Business Administration). A program for ambitious students with an entrepreneurial, global focus on an international career in business. It is built around active practice, solving real cases presented by corporate partners. There are 7 specializations available.
  • Master of Science in Business Economics (MSc Business Economics). The program teaches students to analyze the functioning of corporations and other organizations both from a microeconomic perspective and in the market context in which they operate. Particular attention is paid to the analytical and quantitative approach and way of thinking, so that graduates can conduct research in the field of business economics.

Tuition for the Master's Qualifying Program (MQP):

  • Direction Economics (Economics pathway) = 5995 £ / term, 17985 £ / year of study (3 terms)
  • Direction Business (Business pathway): 5995 £ / term, 17985 £ / year of study (3 terms).

The University of Amsterdam is a world-class research and teaching center dedicated to helping students think in an original, independent and academic way.

The University of Amsterdam is a university with a high reputation:

  • QS World University Rankings 2017 - 58th place in the world university rankings. Only 2 Dutch universities are in the top 100 best universities in the world.
    In 2016, the University of Amsterdam was ranked top 50 for 19 subjects in the QS World Rankings:
    • Communication and Media Studies - 2nd place
    • Sociology (14)
    • Anthropology (14)
    • Geography (16)
    • Linguistics (17)
    • Psychology (17)
    • Education (23)
  • Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2017-18 - 59th place in the world university rankings. The following faculties were distinguished by subjects:
    • Social Sciences (26, the highest score of any Dutch university)
    • Arts and Humanities (32),
    • Clinical, Pre-Clinical and Health (55)
    • Life Sciences (68)
  • Academic Ranking of World Universities - 101-150
  • Leiden Ranking - 74th member of the League of European Research Universities (LERU) and the leading global organization of research universities Universities 21

"A modern university with a rich history" - such a brief description is given by experts to the University of Amsterdam. And this is completely true.

The foundations of the University were laid in 1632 with the founding of the Golden Age school Athenaeum Illustre ("radiant Athenaeus") to teach history and philosophy to students. A little later, theology, law and medicine were added to the subjects deeply studied at school.

Until the end of the ninth century. the educational institution remained chamber - annually about 250 people studied here. After its transformation into the University of Amsterdam, which took place in 1877, the number of students grew rapidly: 900 people in 1900 and in just 60 years this figure reached 7500!

The names of some university students are known all over the world. Future Nobel laureates were educated here: Jakob Hendrik van't Hoff (1901 laureate in chemistry), Peter Zeemann (1902 laureate in physics), Johannes Diederik van der Waals (1910 laureate in physics), Tobias Asser (1910 laureate in physics). Peace Prize in 1911).

Today, the University of Amsterdam is the largest university in Europe: it unites more than 30,000 students, of which 3,000 are foreign students from more than 90 countries, 5,000 employees and 285 undergraduate and graduate programs, many of which are taught in English.

The University of Amsterdam consists of 7 main faculties with English-language master's programs: economics and business, law, medicine and dentistry, humanities, natural and social sciences. Separate educational institutions are allocated: International School for Humanities and Social Sciences (International School for Humanities and Social Sciences) - here teaching is conducted in English, as well as the Astronomical Institute. Anton Pannekoek, Chemical Institute. Jacob van't Hoff and the Physical Institute. Jan van der Waals and Peter Zeeman.

Students study in classrooms located in the historic buildings of the university in the very center of Amsterdam, as well as in modern buildings equipped with the latest technology on its outskirts.

University curricula offer students a new level of autonomy, reflecting respect for personal views and beliefs. The result is an interactive teaching style that encourages students to develop self-sufficiency and independent thinking.

The quality of the education received is largely determined by the level of teachers: for example, about 7.5 thousand articles on the topics of their scientific activity are published annually by the teachers of the University of Amsterdam. Teachers actively involve university students in research and, as a result, in the field of fundamental scientific research, the university confidently occupies the first positions in many indicators.

Career prospects: After studying at the University of Amsterdam, students can extend their stay in the country for one year to look for work. The Student Career Center assists foreign graduates in finding employment in the international labor market. The center provides assistance in the form of information, seminars and individual consultations.

The university provides assistance in practical matters: opening a bank account and finding housing.

FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS- The Faculty of Ecomomics and Business (FEB) was founded in 1922 and has about 5,000 students. Quality education is essential in a highly competitive job market. University curricula are brought into line with current realities and needs. Students have the opportunity to receive a world-class education in one of the busiest and most attractive cities in Europe.

Optimal location: the faculty is conveniently located in the city center.

5 reasons to study Economics and Business at the University of Amsterdam

  • Rating "The best business school in the world" - top 1% (Triple сrown)
  • Highly values ​​creative and independent thinking
  • Located in the economic heart of the Netherlands
  • Carefully monitors the academic progress of students, assistance in finding housing
  • More international students from over 100 countries.

The study programs in economics and business reflect Amsterdam's tradition of international cooperation, entrepreneurship, intellectual development and social responsibility. The faculty provides high-level programs and lays a solid foundation for both local and international students. Teaching is in English and the focus is on internationalization.

Program types:

Undergraduate (duration of study - 3 years):

  • Bachelor Actuarial Science
    The faculty prepares professionals in the field of mathematics who have certain skills necessary for calculating insurance risks. In addition, actuaries can make calculations that allow drawing conclusions about the success of investing in certain assets. The profession of an actuary is prestigious in the US and Europe. Such specialists are considered indispensable in various business areas. In Russia, this profession is not particularly popular, but this does not prevent organizations from actively using the services of actuaries in various areas of their activity. They are most in demand in the banking sector, insurance services, and pension funds are also actively using their services.
  • Bachelor Business Administration
    How to build a successful business? How to motivate people to work harder? How to conduct business negotiations for the benefit of your company? This program covers all the business processes of running a successful business - from strategy, marketing to accounting and human resource management.
  • Bachelor Econometrics and Operations Research
    This program allows you to evaluate the consequences of business economic decisions using mathematical and statistical research methods. For example, would an econometrician be able to determine the growth of passengers in public transport if gasoline prices rise, or what will happen to inflation if the Central Bank raises interest rates? And also, how many people can repay the loan ahead of time, and how much money can the bank count on at any given time? Such specialists are highly demanded in the labor market all over the world.
  • Bachelor Economics and Business Economics
    What is the basis of a prosperous economy? Should the government regulate banking? The program provides a deep understanding of the dynamics of the global economy and the role of business in it.
Entry requirements:
  • certificate of complete secondary education and / or academic certificate of completion of the 1st year of the university;
  • English language level: IELTS 6.5 (min. 6 for each intermediate assessment), TOEFL 92 (min. 20 for each intermediate assessment), Cambridge certificate: A for FCE, B for CAE, B for CPE
  • math test
  • interview (by decision of the selection committee)

Tuition fee 2018/19 academic year year: 9380 euros per year.

For students who do not meet the requirements for direct admission to the University of Amsterdam, a special program preparation for admission: Amsterdam Foundation Campus. The program consists of English language courses and three academic modules to choose from: Economics and Finance, Business Skills, Advanced Mathematics, Business Behaviours.

All those who have successfully completed their studies under the preparatory year program - Undergraduate Foundation Program - continue their studies at the Faculty of Economics and Business of the University of Amsterdam from the 1st year.

  • Undergraduate Foundation Program

start date– September, January

Duration– 3 semesters
- 18 September 2017 – 11 June 2018
- 08 January 2018 – 17 August 2018

Tuition fees 2017/18: 16995 euros per year

Entry requirements:
  • certificate of complete secondary education with a high average score;
  • age 17+
  • English level: IELTS from 5.0

Master (duration of study 1-2 years)

It is possible to obtain a master's degree in the following areas:

  • Accountacy & Control
    • Accountancy
    • control
  • Actuarial Science and Mathematical Finance
    • ASMF General
    • Quantative Risk Management
  • Business Administration
    • Digital business
    • Entrepreneurship and Innovation
    • Entrepreneurship and Management in the Creative industries
    • International Management
    • Leadership and management
    • Marketing
    • strategy
  • business economics
    • Competition Law and Economics
    • Managerial Economics and Strategy
  • Business in Society (Research Master) joint degree VU University and UvA (2 years)
  • Econometrics
    • Big Data Business Analytics
    • Econometrics
    • financial economics
    • free track
    • Mathematical Economics
  • economics
    • Behavioral Economics & Game Theory
    • Development Economics
    • International Economics & Globalization
    • Markets and Regulations
    • Monetary Policy & Banking
    • public policy
  • Entrepreneurship (joint degree VU and UvA)
  • Finance
    • asset management
    • Banking and regulation
    • corporate finance
    • Quantative Finance
    • real estate finance
  • Philosophy in Economics joint degree UvA, VU University and Erasmus University (2 years)
Entry requirements:
  • diploma of higher education in the relevant field
  • passing the language exam IELTS 6.5 (min. 6 in each section), TOEFL 92, Cambridge certificate: B2 for CAE, B2 for CPE
  • GMAT or GRE depending on the program, the exception is Entrepreneurship (joint degree VU and UvA)
  • Letter of recommendation from a current or former teacher (at least one)
  • Motivation letter

Start date: September, Business Administration - September/February
Application deadlines (non-EU): April 1/November 1

Tuition fee in 2018/19 academic year year: from 14950 to 16850 euros per year depending on the specialty


Like most other Dutch universities, the University of Amsterdam does not have its own campus. However, the university assists all international first-year undergraduate and graduate students in finding suitable furnished accommodation. The university has agreements with many residences in different areas of Amsterdam. Rent depends on the type of housing, its size and location, which can vary from a shared apartment with other students in the southeast part of the city to a small apartment in the center. Students can easily reach all places of residence by public transport or by bicycle.

Living expenses will range from 950 to 1400 euros per month. These costs are distributed roughly as follows:

  • Visa/temporary residence permit: €340 (one-time payment)
  • Housing rental: from €375-600/month
  • Insurance: €35-100/month
  • Textbooks: €50-100/month
  • Public transport: €40-100/month
  • Operating expenses - €400-500/month
    TOTAL: €900- €1400/month


The university strives to attract talented students from all over the world to its multinational classrooms, therefore it allocates a number of scholarships.

The following scholarship programs are available for the best students from Russia at the Faculty of Economics and Business:

  • Amsterdam Merit Scholarship (Bachelor's / Master's - €6000 / tuition fee + €3500)
  • Amsterdam Excellence Scholarship (Master) - €25,000
  • Orange Tulip Scholarship (Master's) – tuition fee +€3500

Applying for a scholarship: Among other things, the order in which applications are received is important. Therefore, you should apply as early as possible.

University of Amsterdam is an intellectual center with over 30,000 students, 3,000 PhD researchers, 6,000 employees and 100 different nationalities. Our mission is to educate tomorrow's leaders, conduct cutting-edge research, and translate our research results into applications that can benefit society.

From 1632

The open, tolerant and international academic tradition of the University of Amsterdam dates back to 1632, when its predecessor, the Athenaeum Illustre, was founded by two eminent scholars. Since then, UvA has grown into a world-class international research university.

Top 100 Universities

UvA is ranked among the top 20 universities in Europe and consistently ranks the top 100 global rankings, including the Higher Education World University Rankings, QS World University Rankings, Academic World University Ranking (ShanghaiRanking) and CWTS Leiden Ranking.


We believe that Amsterdam is a great place to live and work. That's why:

  • Amsterdam is one of the best places to live in the world (Mercer's Quality of Living Survey 2017)
  • Amsterdam is the fourth best student city in Europe (class of 2020)
  • Amsterdam is ranked 3rd in the EU and 7th in the world in terms of attractiveness for new businesses and talent (Global Power City Index 2017)
  • Amsterdam is the safest city in Europe and the 6th safest globally (2017 Safe Cities Index)
  • The city is also 1st for English proficiency, 3rd for innovation and 6th for happiness. Find out more in the International Studies Review I Amsterdam.

Over 100 nationalities

With over 100 nationalities represented among our students and staff, UvA is truly international. We offer 200 master's programs in English and an increasing number of bachelors. About 35% of the employees are international. UvA is a bilingual university of choice. Both Dutch and English are spoken. English is the lingua franca for many people working in research.

Research University

UvA is a leading international research institution that values, encourages and rewards excellent research. UvA is home to 21 research institutes, the lead organization for 12 national research schools, and a proud member of LERU, a network of prestigious European research universities.

Over the past decade, UvA has received more than 100 grants from the European Research Council, more than any other Dutch university, and more than 400 grants from the Netherlands Research Organization.

As a research university, our curricula have a strong theoretical focus and prepare students for research. Every UvA student will have the opportunity to study and do research.

Comprehensive University

UvA is the largest university in the Netherlands, both in terms of the number of students and the choice of study programs. We offer dozens of different undergraduate programs and hundreds of master's programs, including master's, master's and master's programs in a wide variety of fields. Students can choose from the humanities, social and behavioral sciences, medical, physical and biological sciences, and interdisciplinary fields such as logic and computing, digital humanities, and future planetary studies.

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