Home fertilizers The ray of fate in the tarot sun. Mission Beam World: Harmonizer. How to know your beam

The ray of fate in the tarot sun. Mission Beam World: Harmonizer. How to know your beam

However, meditations, acquaintances and new books, which were often little understood, but gave a good sensory experience, have done their job, and I am ready to write an article.

Let us first see what the theory tells us about this Ray of Mission. We know that the person with the Mission Ray Magician is the one whose task is to learn how to work with ideas. To be able to issue, convey, implement them ... A magician is a person who always knows the answer to the question "What to do?" (unlike who knows "who is to blame" =)). Unlike the Jester, whose creativity is often divorced from reality and has no limits, untimely and inappropriate, the ideas of the Magician are practical and mainly aimed at solving very specific problems.

But a Magician is much more than coming up with an idea and bringing it to life.

The magician is the first lasso, and that is why it is so important. Yes, without the Jester there would be nothing, but without the Magician there would not be that orderly acting world as we know it now - fit for life, functioning according to certain rules. It is under the Arcanum Magus that the Gospel of John begins.

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2 It was in the beginning with God.
3 All things were made through Him, and apart from Him nothing was made that was made.
4 In him was life, and the life was the light of men.
5 And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.

The quotation was given in order to show the importance of the idea expressed in the word. It’s as if the first impulse, which was then picked up and tested for compliance with objective reality by the Popess, is filled with the love of the Empress, tested and turned into an experience by the Pope, set for implementation by the Force ... Yes, the Jester appeared and brought his ideas from nothing, but the Magician - came up with how to make something worthwhile out of this heap of incoherent and not always suitable for implementation ideas. He spoke the Word, which contained the Will, and that Will was able to create something new. God created the universe. People with the Mage Mission Beam do things immeasurably smaller, but also very important for other people.

A magician in the generally accepted, non-tarological sense is one who, by concentrating the will, has the ability to influence the realization of events in the material world. That is, it is important for the Mage to Know, what he does (idea) for what(be motivated) what should be the result(practical purpose), and have the Will to do it. To put it as simply as possible, the Magician is when the idea came, the person voiced it and it was realized. And this is a very important sacred process, which is very wrong to reduce to simple creativity. This is not creativity. It is Creation in the highest sense of the word, as man can cognize it. Each project of the Magician is his small Universe, where he is the Creator.

For representatives of other Rays, these Universes may seem very ordinary. The organization of a holiday for the Magician will be a field for inspiration and implementation of ideas, accounting is an interesting challenge where you can show your creativity to optimize and introduce new technologies, the family is a place where he will create an interesting and boring life, and so on. A magician cannot be just an artist, like the Sun, but he can draw wonderful pictures if he knows why he is doing it - for example, for the logo of some organization. And approach it as creatively as possible.

On reflection, the first similarity I found when I learned about my Mission Ray was the frequent feeling of sudden inspiration but lack of interest in seeing things through. Then gradually came memories of how it happened in other people's emergency situations, I just took it and instantly gave out some optimal solution.

Of course, in the real world, people with the Mage Mission Beam do not necessarily have magical abilities like those in Harry Potter =) In the case of the Mage, the implementation of his idea simply happens with the help of representatives of other Beams - for example, the Force. The idea came to the magician, and it is the power contained in his word that pushes other people to embody it. That is, the Mages are very good at inventing and very inspired to tell, but to bring it to the end is no longer their business.

Despite the initial unawareness of the Magician with his beam, he explained a lot in me! For example, restlessness, inability to endure rigid limits, the presence of Yang energy in actions and thoughts (despite my attempts to be mimic).

By the way, about the Yang energy - the Magician is not an exclusively "male" Ray, as the Empress is not a female one. In the Magician, the main thing is activity, mobility of mind, impulsivity (but not necessarily impulsiveness), and these qualities are traditionally considered masculine, in contrast to feminine passivity and acceptance. However, in the real world, a girl with the Ray of Mission Mage usually feels very comfortable - in the Ray itself there is no task for women to accept their masculinity. Although no one has canceled the individual characteristics of each.

What can not be done if you are a Magician?

Mage can't think too much. Of course, the intellect is its main tool, but it is important to keep it mobile, flexible, open-minded. As soon as the Magician begins, on the basis of his ideas, to build a large structure of fears, doubts, thousands of weighing pros and cons, he immediately loses in the speed of considerations, which is acceptable for the Popess or the Pope, but not for him.

What I have never noticed in myself before is that a bunch of ideas really constantly crawl into my head. Only most of them do not pass the filters of fear, laziness, winding up a bunch of problems to complete. In addition, they are often tritely forgotten, if not written down. So far, I am just getting acquainted with this energy, trying to understand and feel it, in order to start using it productively and harmoniously.

The magician knows how to masterfully control the word, it is the main tool for him. But it's important to know the line between "getting your message across" and "arguing to satisfy your ego." Some Mages tend to fall into demagogy for the sake of demagogy, and this is just an unconstructive use of their talents.

For the Magician there is no strict rule "not to lie", as for the Popess, but "not to lie" - there is.

For example, I have a friend, a sub-beam Mage. Often, the lack of knowledge in some area (and deep academic training is not fundamentally important for a Magician) did not become an obstacle for her to be included in the discussion, for example, of historical events. Having only a vague idea of ​​the names of the people she was arguing about, it was important for her to prove her opinion at all costs, which she did not have before the discussion began.

The same ability to quickly invent, get out and influence with the help of the word could be used more constructively.

And yet - the Magician should not be fixated on the result. He should enjoy the process, finish it to the end instead of him.

I noticed a lot, I just get hung up on the result itself, I already start to feel sick from everything and everything infuriates

So do it as long as you like it

What to do if your Mission Beam is a Mage?

As for all representatives of the basic Rays (Magician, Popess, Empress), it is difficult here to give recommendations regarding a specific place of work - after all, the energies of Idea, Clarity and Love are needed everywhere. Therefore, it is especially important here what a person does. The magician, no matter what he does, must always find constructive solutions to problems of different levels. But! specific problems. You see, even in the images of the Arcana, the Jester goes nowhere, and in front of the Magician is a table with objects, that is, a specifically outlined field for activity, where he does specific things.

So do it, Mages) Offer your ideas to the Universe, optimize, implement something new, look for other points of view. No one will do this except you.

How to interact with the Mage?

Mages are usually friendly companions. They are interested in everything, they talk a lot, and, of course, they have a lot of ideas.

The question is how ready you are to support these ideas. It will be easy for you if you are an easy-going person, picking up proposals on the fly, even better if you have enough strength to realize at least a small part of what the Magician offers.

Even in everyday life, the Magician will tell you how to revive a fading flower in a flowerpot, how to clean the house faster and how best to spend a day off. Many pass these recommendations on deaf ears, and in vain - the Magician knows what he is talking about.

Magicians are useful for the Worlds, for the Forces, they work well with the Popess. They do not get along very well with the Popes, who only use experience. They do not understand how it is possible to implement something that just came to mind without careful study of the issue. Incomprehensible to the stars. Stars are serious comrades, and they have one Cause with which they burn. Magicians in their eyes "scatter over small things", light up too quickly and cool down too quickly.

But the main thing in communicating with the Magician, as with any other person, is the desire to understand and accept him as he is. And then, maybe, he will allow you to be a part of his creations.

If you are interested - you can always, I will be happy to help you with this.

For me, this is perhaps one of the most significant information that can be obtained from tarot cards.

What is a Mission Beam.
The Ray of Mission is the actual mission of man. Why he was born. This is his purpose. These are the tasks that he feels satisfied doing. This is what he can do (has the ability) and what he needs to do (what he is important to the world).

Why it is useful to know your Mission Beam.
Knowledge of the Ray allows you to accept yourself and your features. For example, I am a Popess, a person who transmits information. "I don't know what I know until I'm asked." My job is to answer questions. To be a kind of Pythia (as in the Matrix): sit and wait for someone to come to me with a question and answer it. However, when I was in school, I was worried that I was inactive and did not have leadership qualities. I went to trainings and tried to become “not myself”. It is clear that nothing worked for me. And it is understandable that this made me even more upset. And then came the knowledge of my Ray. A friend went to study for a Tarot course and in the evening in the kitchen took out a card and told me about me. About here the “secret me”, with which I struggled for a long time. And only then I realized that my silence is my tool, and not depression, as it seemed. It can be said that knowing the strengths of your Ray inspires, and knowing the weak ones warns and shows what you need to work with.

History of the Rays of Mission.
I first learned about the Rays of Mission from Isset Kotelnikova, who in turn points to Blavatsky's Agni Yoga and Alice Bailey and her book on the seven rays. Isset connected the theory of Rays with the Tarot arcana, calculated the missing rays and understood how they can be determined using Tarot cards.

Rays 12.
Beams of Energy: Mage, Popess, Empress
Rays of Action: Papa, Force, Star, Sun
Dark Rays: Moon and Devil
The Higher Rays: Jester the Fool, Peace and the White Card.

How the Mission Beam is determined.
To determine the Ray, the tarologist makes a “7 bodies” layout. If one of the 12 ray cards falls out in a certain position, then it indicates the Ray of a person.
Every person has a beam. It is one and does not change throughout life. However, it doesn't always show up. Only in the case when a person is ready to know his Ray, and when this knowledge will be useful for him. If the Beam doesn't appear the first time, it usually means that now is not the time. That now it is more important to pay attention to other tasks, which are voiced in the resulting layout. And the knowledge of the Ray can now bring down and distract from the important. For example, if a person has Luch as a “commander”, and in the next month it is important for him to master the role of a drummer, then after learning about his “commandership”, he will probably refuse to drum and thereby deprive himself of important experience.
If for the first time the Ray does not come out, the next time the Ray can be viewed after 21 days, when the energies of a person are completely replaced.

You can sign up for a consultation to determine the Mission Beam by mail: [email protected] or via Skype: ekaterina.shmeleva (Ekaterina Dikerman. Tarot). Payment via MTS, Sberbank or Paypol. It is possible (and desirable) to make an audio recording of the consultation.

The cost of a consultation (from one hour to two hours) is 3,500 rubles.

To do this, you need a charged Tarot deck. If you do not have a loaded deck and you can contact me personally or online. It is possible to know your beam remotely. https://vk.com/natalyaboriskina

How is the alignment about the mission beam done?

As I said, a charged Tarot deck is taken. 22 Major Arcana and a White Card stand out from it (23 cards are obtained), then the deck is shuffled and the client (silently, without asking any question) draws seven any cards from the shuffled deck (you cannot pull them out in a row, just counting from the very top of the deck) and puts them on top of each other (stack) closed (shirts up).
The alignment itself is done by the Tarot reader. The seventh card lying on top is placed in the top position, the rest are sequentially laid out in a column - from top to bottom. This layout is called the "seven body layout." If the top card is a ray card, then you have recognized the ray of the client's mission. If another, non-ray card came out, then the alignment can be repeated at the earliest in a week.

How to recognize a subray?

If the mission beam is out, then the sub-beam can be recognized. To do this, all cards of the layout are removed, except for the top one - the radial one.
The highlighted Major Arcana are shuffled again, this time by the Tarologist, the Tarologist asks the question: “please show the subray of such and such (client’s name), if there is one,” and pulls out any card, placing it in a cross on the beam. If another ray map came out, then we see a subray. If any other, then the card is removed back into the deck, the cards are shuffled again and the Tarologist repeats the question, pulling out another card. You can try to pull out the second beam three times in a row.

If the ray did not come out all three times, then the Tarologist will find out from the deck whether the sub-ray card is the same as the ray card. If the answer is negative (no, the subradial map is different than the radial one), then the “seven-body layout” is done again (in a week, not earlier).
If the answer is yes (yes, the sub-ray coincides with the ray), then, accordingly, the influence of the ray map on the client is very significant. We say: a pure Popess (and a ray and a sub-ray of the Popess) or a pure Mage. This most often means that the client's mission is very specific.

If it is necessary to find out the sub-beam (in the first scenario, the sub-beam did not come out), the client again pulls out seven cards from the shuffled deck of the Major Arcana. The tarot reader lays out the alignment. If in the layout, in any place, there is a ray card of the client, then all other cards are removed, only the ray card remains and the process of searching for a sub-ray is repeated: The tarot reader asks the question “please show the sub-ray ...” and so on. You can also make three attempts to pull out the subray. True, this time the question of whether the ray and the subray do not coincide is no longer given.

It happens that several repetitions of the “seven-body layout” are required in order to find out the client's subray. And, given that the alignment is not done more than once a week, then you can be in the dark about your subray for a long time ... alas ...

When pulling out the mission beam, it is very important to remember the following things:
- the ray and subray come out only once, re-pulling out the ray (subray) when they have already come out in the “seven bodies” layout is impossible.
- if the deck on which the beam (sub-beam) was pulled out was charged, then there can be no mistake.
- a ray (subray) does not change during life (except in cases of splitting of dark rays, you can read more about dark rays here).
- with a “seven-body layout”, there is no need to ask a question - this is a “general” alignment.

And the last thing - the ray and subray of the mission indicate its type, it is impossible to find out a specific description of the mission from the maps.

When a person recognizes his own ray and subray of the mission, a natural question arises for him: what to do with this knowledge now.

We already had an article about the Ray, whose task is to bring Love to all living beings in this world. This is . The world and the Empress are somewhat similar - their actions are aimed at maintaining the environmental friendliness of the environment. So why do we need two similar Beams and what is the difference between them?

In fact, they have a lot in common only at first glance. Although the result of their action is similar, the principle is fundamentally different. Let's remember the Empress. She is the Great Mother. Yes, she is, but at the same time she is also a "cleaner" of the surrounding world from the unviable, and in this she can be quite tough. I have already written two articles about this, so I will not dwell separately.

To begin his realization, a person with the Ray of Peace must first reach the level when he cognizes the Divine.

Of course, this has nothing to do with religion as such. This happens when a person accepts for himself the fact that God (the World, the Universe, the Higher Mind - everyone calls it differently for themselves) exists, and it is his will, and not the will of our Ego, that determines our existence. This level is a little passive, it is associated with humility, with the acceptance of everything that happens - purely from the belief that everything happens for the best. A person begins to open up, love the world and everyone who lives in it, he is relaxed and not fussy, because he knows that everything has its time. He ceases to "bend" everyone to his will, does not try to "do good" by force.

So the first part of a person's life with the Ray of the Mission World is devoted specifically to spiritual development. And I want to emphasize that I separate spiritual development from spiritual practices. For example, a teacher in a rural school or a housewife who has never been interested in energies and practices in her life can, with a big heart and love for everything around her, reach this level faster than those who have been doing yoga or qigong for years, but at the same time doing it out of pride , from the thought “Look, how spiritual I am! I'm better than you!"

The universe itself pushes a person to embark on the path of self-development, and Worlds very often "grow" to such a level of world perception earlier than others.

From a well-developed, realized person with the Beam of the Mission Peace, the energy of warmth and comfort always radiates. They are usually calm and friendly, non-conflict, smile a lot. When I try to explain how to recognize a person with the Peace Mission Ray from the outside, I recommend looking at a wonderful representative of such a Ray, Anna Gak. That's all, who watched at least a couple of videos with her, begin to understand what I'm talking about. After interacting with such a person, a feeling of peace immediately appears, faith that everything will be fine, goodness. The worlds don't do anything on purpose. Just their task is to balance themselves, to transfer this state to all the people around them.

If the Empress is like a warm blanket, she will find words for everyone, she has a very individual approach, then the World is a heater. Just by appearing in a harmonious state in any place, the World is already fulfilling its task, because those around you read this calmness at a deep level and also become more harmonious.

So what is this state of harmony that the world needs to achieve?

It includes three components.

First, this unconditional love and acceptance. It works through an open heart. This is when we see the best part in any living being and turn to it. It has nothing to do with rose-colored glasses and a childish naive belief that "everyone is good." This is the ability to see any person objectively, without embellishment, and yet love simply for the fact that he exists. This is the ability not to judge, not to label “good” and “bad”, “right” or “wrong”. This is the same kindness that keeps us from getting angry at ourselves and others, and that allows us to see the good in others.

Secondly, this trust in the world. . This is not a state of the heart, but of the mind. This is when we realize that “you want to make God laugh? Tell him about your plans." In this state, we are not attached to the result. We accept the events that happen to him, and not out of thoughtless humility, but out of a firm belief that this is really for the best. This is the moment when a person perceives all failures with a slight curiosity and the question “what good is the World preparing for me instead of this?”. This is the knowledge that the Universe is not at all interested in us suffering, and therefore we get only the best.

And thirdly, it feeling like a part of the whole world. The feeling of life "on the flow." This state is the most difficult, because it is not a question of the mind or heart, but of intuition, attunement with the flow of events. This is the state when we are not late - and not because we arrive punctually, but because we intuitively arrive at the right moment. And now I'm talking not only about meetings;). This is when we get everything we need at the right time and in the right quantity, and intuitively know that if we don’t have something yet, then the right moment has not come. And when it arrives, we will have everything we need.

What I described above is the ideal picture to strive for. But a person with the Ray of Peace on the way is waiting for dangers that can lead him aside. And here, as always, there is a conflict between the individual and the social program.

Somewhere in Tibet, Miram would have lived well.

But in our realities it is customary to be nervous - otherwise society will consider you soulless. You need to achieve and earn material wealth, build a career - otherwise society will consider you a weakling. You need to have a reserve "for a rainy day" - otherwise society will consider you crazy. And many people with the Ray of the World follow the society's lead - they worry, they don't know how to surrender to the flow of events, they don't believe in the lordship of tomorrow ... And if, for example, this is acceptable for or, then for the World it is fraught with unfulfillment.

People with the Ray of the Mission Peace should not be nervous, conflict, quarrel, be afraid, experience any negativity and try to bring drama into life. For them, the main thing is to live in a state of calm and harmony, enjoy today and spread positive emotions. It is also undesirable for them to abuse alcohol, smoke and use drugs.

What to do if your Mission Beam is Peace?

The good news is that you don't need to do anything special. Worlds, in fact, are needed everywhere, at any job, in any team, in any family. After all, they are the people who smooth out all the negativity. Therefore, you don’t have to rack your brains over the issue of vocational guidance - you can work wherever it is pleasant to work.

After all, the main thing for the World is not what it does, but what state it is in and what energies it transmits to others. Therefore, the first thing that is important for the World is to find a way to live in harmony.

It can be an open heart, love, yoga, meditation, qigong, tai chi… Worlds are very shown to practice Reiki. Reiki is precisely the energy of love that a person with the World Ray naturally conducts, and it is the Worlds that eventually become the best Masters.

The worlds are very good meditation guides. It is they who know how to conduct meditative practices gently and at the same time deeply.

The worlds are very well realized through creativity, but specific creativity is one that helps people to harmonize. It can be meditative music, paintings, stone decorations, leveling states, and so on. This is by no means "tearing for the soul" or "making you cry" creativity, it is light and kind creativity, aimed at making others feel calm and harmonious from contemplating it.

Wherever the World is located, it is very important for it not to enter into conflicts, but, on the contrary, to “reconcile” all the participants. After all, the World is the one who, with one word, can prevent an imminent quarrel and remove tension from the air.

What to do if the World is your loved one?

If it's a well-designed World, then you're in luck. It is very pleasant to be with such a person, he always creates a feeling of calmness, security, emotional comfort.

But the World has one feature - they are often terribly lazy and they need ideas, something that would inspire them and tear them out of a state of inertia and peace. That is why the Worlds get along wonderfully with Jesters and Mages. And another very interesting symbiosis of the Star and the World - the Stars inspire them, and the World gives the Stars moments of rest from the struggle, a feeling of complete relaxation so that the Star recovers and rests more and faster.

Therefore, while relaxing next to the World, do not forget to give him ideas for shaking up so that the World does not get bogged down in its intert state, but gets new impressions, moves and rejoices.

You don't know what your Mission Beam is yet? You can, and I will help you determine it at my consultation over tea and cookies.

Many people at a certain stage of their lives ask themselves the question “who am I?”, “Why am I?”, “What is the meaning of my existence?”. These questions, no matter how difficult and painful they may seem, speak from one thing - a person has reached a certain level of development, when it is not enough for him to simply exist and enjoy. He wants to live more meaningfully.

Indeed, we all come into the world with a specific task. And she's different for everyone. That is why some things we do well, we develop in them with pleasure, while others are not interesting or difficult for us. Often, following the society, transferring other people's expectations to ourselves, out of a sense of envy or simply obsessing over something, we begin to go the wrong way. This brings us neither results nor satisfaction, and is fraught with depression, tantrums and the feeling that life is passing us by.

This can be avoided by knowing your Mission Beam. What is it? In terrible words, this is the name of the type of egregorial energy that a person conducts. To put it simply, it is a certain talent, an ability, by realizing which we realize ourselves. We do it, we like it, we can easily earn money on it - not only in terms of money, but also a good personal life, health and so on.

Thanks to the Moscow tarot reader Isset, it became possible to use the Major Arcana in order to understand exactly what type of energy we should work on.

Of the 23 Major Arcana Tarot (22+White Card) 12 are Ray cards, which describe the type of energy for a particular person, his Mission in the broadest sense of the word. The Ray of Mission does not indicate a profession or area of ​​activity, it shows how a person should interact with the outside world in order to realize himself. For example, someone is destined to sparkle with ideas, someone - to inspire, a third - to organize or instruct ... And so on.

What gives us the implementation? Not social, as we used to think about it - career, money, success, but real, when we do what is destined?

When a person goes about his business, he is successful in the broadest sense of the word. He is happy because he does not force himself to do what is boring and difficult for him to do. There are no obstacles in front of him that cannot be overcome - if they arise, then only for learning and for development. He has money, because this is the subtle law of the world - you work in your Ray, for your egregor, nourishing it, and the egregor thanks you for this materially and non-materially. His desires quickly materialize.
This is the answer to the question why some people easily do something and get paid for it, and others, trying to repeat their success with their own methods, remain unhappy. Some simply copy other people's schemes and alien actions, not realizing "their own".

The Ray of Mission gives us a hint - how to organize our activity so that it brings pleasure and material benefits.
Knowledge of the Ray is not a guarantee of happiness, but an essential step towards it through understanding oneself and one's destiny.

In my practice, I have not yet seen a person who would pull out the Ray for himself incorrectly))) Sometimes the first resistance happens - “Is it me? no, it’s not me at all!”, and then the person carefully tries to work in the Ray, realizes with surprise that life has become much easier and, finally, accepts himself.

The Mission Ray does not change during life. This is what the soul came into this life with and must develop to the end. Sometimes, according to the layout technology, the Ray does not come out the first time - and this means that a person needs to solve other problems at the moment, or he is simply not ready to accept the information, or will not be able to use it correctly.

You can find out your Mission Ray in Kyiv - this is a free alignment. I do not do it via Skype, but I will be glad to see you in my office and try to learn it for you.

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