Home fertilizers Secrets of creating an erotic mood. Intimate setting Intimate setting

Secrets of creating an erotic mood. Intimate setting Intimate setting

Surfing the expanses of our worldwide Internet, I came across this interesting article. Everything is very simple and to the point.
Intimate surroundings affect all five senses: sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste. Make sure that the interior brings pleasure to all these senses.

Pleasing to the eye and touch
Curtain the window with a beautifully draped curtain. Throw bedspreads and blankets on the sofa and chairs, let them cover them completely, hanging down to the floor. The feeling of slight negligence will enhance the feeling of pleasant bliss and relaxation.

Best suited fabrics such as velvet, velveteen, soft suede, silk, fleece. Fur blankets look luxurious.

Use the red color scheme, it is the most erotic and perfectly creates an intimate atmosphere. Use scarlet, raspberry, burgundy, cherry, mauve.

Materials with patterns under the skins of wild animals look very sexy: tiger, leopard, jaguar.

Put a lot of pillows on the sofa - an intimate atmosphere without them will be incomplete. Let the room resemble an oriental interior from the tales of the Thousand and One Nights. Lay a long pile carpet on the floor. Better yet, a fur skin.

Hang pictures or reproductions on the walls. The best subject for creating an intimate setting is a naked woman. Still lifes depicting a richly laid table, wine, fruit, game, etc. also look great.

Items to keep out of sight

Remove things that can remind the man you love that you have some other incarnation besides the role of a lover.

Hide what is associated with the image of an independent business woman: a computer, printer and other office equipment. Put folders with documents, books, newspapers, magazines in the closet.

It is best to divide the room into two zones. Separate one part from the other with a screen or shelving set across the room. One part of the room will serve for rest and intimacy, the other - for work. Then they won't interfere with each other.

Thinking over lighting

An intimate atmosphere is nowhere without the right lighting. It is best if the lighting is dim, point. Place small table lamps with beautiful shades of red, orange, golden color in different places of the room. They will give a soft light, reminiscent of shades of live fire.

And, of course, candles - nothing else creates such a pleasant romantic atmosphere. Put a lot of small candles on the tray, their flickering lights will look very beautiful.

Setting the right accents

Don't forget to enjoy your sense of smell. First of all, flowers will help to do this. You can also lightly spray the turned off bulb with your favorite eau de toilette. When you turn it on, it will give off a pleasant smell as it heats up.

Please your ears with good music that you and your lover enjoy.

The final chord of the erotic atmosphere will be wine and delicious treats. Prepare Aphrodisiac Meals that have a sexually stimulating effect (for example, such).

To create an intimate atmosphere, serve food like in an expensive restaurant: use beautiful dishes, crystal, flowers, candles.

Be sure that in such an erotic setting, a love date or an evening with your husband will be great!

Is it important to create an intimate atmosphere in your home in order to easily seduce a girl?

Mistakes of pick-up artists who underestimate the importance of romance in seducing beautiful girls.

Andrey Agafonov: How to create an intimate atmosphere so that a girl on the first date could not refuse?

Andrey Bakhanyok: Will he refuse without an intimate setting?

Alisa Ruleva: I can say as a girl that sometimes it can be like this: you meet a person and are not going to sleep with him, you don’t have this in your thoughts and for some reason it’s somehow strange, but you end up in bed with him))) And with to others, with whom you think that everything will be fine today, nothing will work out)))))

Pavel Frolov: Girls, as I understand it, Andrey has a specific request: what and how to do?

A case from life, and relatively recent: in some central club, I talked with several girls, both verbally and kinesthetically. And with the one that, as a result of communication, I would like to retire more on the couch in the VIP, but her annoying friend still could not leave us alone.

Here I used a universal opportunity: "call a friend" who was in the club. Let's call him "Alex". Alex came and took care of his girlfriend, after 10-15 minutes he offered to go to him “to the Christmas tree”, well, it was a new year, and at his house there was like a real, big, live Christmas tree.

Everyone agreed, except for a friend - she is so stylishly figured, model appearance and at the same time with C breasts, but I didn’t like it in her at once too glamorous. Well, the three of us persuaded our girlfriend, and went to Alex's house "on the Christmas tree" to drink Baileys. The time is 5.30 am.

We go to his house, he doesn’t have hangers, and a coat, which means I hang him on the horizontal bar, something on the door, he seems to have some slippers for girls. Well, definitely not female.

At home, he has a mess, we went to the kitchen for glasses, there he has a frank pigsty, the dishes are not washed in the sink, there is a new white washing machine, which he was so happy about, doused with coffee. A juicer, about which he proudly declared to me the day before in two sticks: and I drink only freshly squeezed juices at home. The juicer was also not washed and stuffed with some unknown thing, well, probably, with what Alex was squeezing juice from.

Instead of such good glasses for Baileys, which lie pleasantly with their wide roundness in the palm of your hand, Alex takes out four ordinary glasses, one of which has to be washed because it is in the sink ... I want to eat, but he has nothing to eat at home, except for salads from the new years in the refrigerator ... I sniffed and did not ...

Alex: well, Pasha, I'm drying myself and on a diet, so I don't have anything to eat. I thought it was good that the girls didn’t want to eat, because when a person is hungry he gets angry ... I started to get angry, so I scoured the kitchen in search of some carbohydrates, while Alex drank Baileys in the room with the girls.

The only thing I found was the carbohydrate gainer of Alexander Vishnevsky, the European champion in bodybuilding, you know how it tastes… I diluted it with water and applying willpower, as with forced repetitions, drank it, went into the room. Everything is rotten there: the same mess, the color scheme of the situation is not harmonious, the bed is not made, but the tree is fresh, green and fragrant, and by the way with a garland. At 7.20 the girls and I went home to sleep, leaving Alex alone.

Result: not allowed? But they don’t give me :-) I take it myself when I want. In that situation, I didn't want to.

Then, Alex told me: well, Pasha, they had to be taken as soon as they arrived, and you all “I want to eat, I want to eat”, eat bl - b at home, stuck out in the kitchen for half an hour, but I want to sleep and it was hard for me to steer in the room alone with them!

p.s. The same 2 girls, only with one more girlfriend, a few days later at the same 7 am, but already at my house. And no friends. Whoever he wanted, he took.

My apartment is rented, but I took care of the situation in it myself.

This is known to the girls who visited me and those who studied with me at the training.

Have you ever thought that socks scattered by the bed can be the cause of dull intimacy? The bedroom is a place of retreat for two lovers, and it always affects relationships. Use simple tips to create an intimate setting for a hot night out!

take it away

Diplomas, medals, certificates, and even a sports bike are not items that should be in the bedroom. They remind us of a social life in which there is no place for sex. Replace them with decor items: paintings, figurines, plants - or close them with curtains and partitions.

follow the harmony

If your cream proudly flaunts on the bedside table, and his book casually rolls around on a stool, this implicitly inspires the thought of injustice. Let your loved one feel that he is no less important here than you. The easiest way to demonstrate that you are equal in the bedroom is with symmetrical bedside decor: two bedside tables and two nightlights.

Use colors

Red represents love and passion, increases blood pressure and increases heart rate. But this does not mean that the bedroom should be red. In the end, he is quite aggressive. It should not be used in large quantities where you plan to rest. Whether it be dark red sheets against light walls or a combination of white linens and seductive red pajamas.

Make sure the room can be locked. Even the simplest latch helps reduce stress and the likelihood that someone will come in, whether it be children or his mother who came to visit. This will make it easier for you to think only of each other.

Look under the bed

Do you believe in feng shui? Keep in mind: in this practice, it is believed that all things have energy, and it can be both negative and positive. Do not store unnecessary papers, photographs of the former, art objects and so on under the bed. There may be emotionally "neutral" objects: bedding, pillows and blankets, out-of-season clothes, and old (but loved!) books.

Buy a magic box

For sex gadgets, allocate a separate place - it is very important that you have easy and quick access to them. An adult toy chest will do, such as the TOYBOX from Fun Factory.

Get rid of the mess

It stops the flow of positive energy and constantly reminds you of yourself - every time you spend energy on thoughts like “Yes, you should get out.”

Use essential oils

Fill the room with aromas: some smells awaken tenderness, others - passion. In addition, after a stormy night, any of them can become an aphrodisiac, because the sense of smell is closely related to memory. For the bedroom, sage, lavender, a spicy combination of clove and nutmeg, rosemary, ginger, cinnamon and, of course, rose are ideal.

Kamasutra. Encyclopedia of Love Samsonov Sergey Anatolyevich

Chapter 12 Love zone. The art of creating an intimate setting. From bed to scents

Love zone. The art of creating an intimate setting. From bed to scents

The environment during sex is of great importance. Lovemaking requires a private inner sanctuary, a secluded space in which partners can completely relax and experiment freely without worrying about anyone disturbing them. The lover's room should be as private and private as possible.

Here is what the Kama Sutra says about the abode of love:

“If possible, a residential building should be surrounded by a garden, have interior and exterior rooms. The main room should be fragrant with exquisite fragrances, it should have a bed, soft and pleasant to the eye, covered with clean sheets and a canopy, low in the middle, decorated with garlands and bouquets of flowers, with two pillows - one on the bed, the other at the foot. The room should also have a couch with a small table at the head, with aromatic oils and flowers laid out on it.

In the second famous ancient Indian treatise, ananga-rank, it says the following:

“The walls of the temple of love are decorated with paintings and other pleasing objects. There are… light snacks and soft drinks, rose water and aromatic oils, fans and books containing love songs and illustrations of sexual positions. Exquisite wall lamps shimmer mysteriously in wide mirrors, while a man and a woman, completely naked, not limited by false shame, indulge in irrepressible passion on a luxurious bed decorated with comfortable pillows and covered with a canopy. The sheets are sprinkled with aromatic oils and strewn with flowers, fragrant incense is burned. In such an environment, a man, ascending the throne of love, easily and freely enjoys a woman, satisfying his and her desires and whims.

How accurate and poetic, isn't it? Three main components stand out, without which harmonious sex is unthinkable: soft, diffused light, giving mystery, luxurious and beautiful draperies and, of course, exquisite, exciting smells.

A pleasant environment uplifts the mood of both partners, "delights the senses and the mind." With very little effort, almost any room can be turned into a real temple of love. First you need to hide all straight lines and hard corners with draperies and canopies, soft, flowing ornaments and lamps. The low bed and furniture create an intimate setting. Carpets and pillows are indispensable attributes of a home erotic temple. It is good to use candles, whose soft light creates a special atmosphere. Candles are many times better than electric lighting, since the electric current has a frequency that does not coincide with the changes that occur with the body during erotic arousal. Candles go well with mirrors. Mirrors allow you to create a sense of space, relieve false modesty and help lovers reveal their erotic potential.

The crackling of logs in the fireplace and the soft murmur of fountains are also good, but only very wealthy people are able to afford fireplaces and fountains. The fireplace can be completely replaced with burning candles, which are available to absolutely everyone. Fresh flowers and oriental incense, which have recently entered the general market and are distinguished by a relatively low price, are also available to almost everyone.

Indoor plants will make the situation more natural, but it is not difficult to breed them. The more natural, natural elements present in your bedroom interior, the better. It is good to use natural fabrics in wall decoration, such as silk draperies, handmade woven rugs, stuffed pillows.

Color also plays a huge role in creating a sensual atmosphere. Red and purple tones have a stimulating, exciting effect on lovers. Violet and rich blue colors help relaxation and promote recuperation.

In the Kama Sutra, making love in a natural setting, in the open air, in the bosom of nature is not forbidden. Sex in a natural setting often gives partners a completely different, much deeper experience of knowing themselves, each other and the whole world around them. In all creations of nature there is a natural energy, or Shakti. When a couple in the country, on the beach or on the wild seashore, has sex, she comes into contact with this original natural force, and this contributes to the disclosure of her sexual potential. When you return to your city dwelling, the memory of the miraculous intercourse under the stars will remain in your memory as a special sign of your feelings for each other. After spending your honeymoon at a beautiful seaside resort, take with you a bizarre pebble or a sea shell, and this talisman will definitely remind you of the time when you were especially happy, and perhaps not only remind you, but also help you experience those same sensations again.

A comfortable bed and additional pillows will help to significantly improve the conditions for a love game. The bed should be strong enough and elastic, but at the same time soft. In the East, low wide beds have always been valued, on which they sat during the day and slept at night.

In India in particular, and in the East in general, beds were surrounded by columns and canopies and covered with a curtain, which turned them into miniature rooms completely isolated from the outside world. Such solitude and seclusion, of course, brought even more sensuality to the love game. The lovers completely and undividedly belonged to each other, their passionate caresses were completely hidden from prying eyes, and this allowed them not to be at all shy in expressing their feelings.

As we can see, such an environment conducive to lovemaking is very different from the modern arrangement of bedrooms.

The Kama Sutra also describes beds that, under the pressure of air, "slowly lowered and rose, repeating the wave-like movements of a snake." In modern conditions, it is not so difficult to build such a mobile love bed. Take an ordinary water mattress, and it will gently rise and fall with each of your body movements.

A loving couple should make sure that the bed is spacious enough. Synthetic bedding is not recommended because it creates static electricity and changes the natural polarity of the body. Cover the bed with sheets made from natural fabrics - silk or muslin. It is best to use down mattresses, pillows and blankets, as they retain heat very well. Once you've got your bed in the right place, it's easy to hang it with curtains, silk draperies, or decorate it with elegant screens to your liking.

Pillows and sofa bolsters are of great importance. In the East, they were extremely widely used, and not a single love nest could do without them. The reason for such huge popularity is simple: when used skillfully, they allow you to take and maintain many love positions. Pillows perfectly support and hold the buttocks, sides or head of a woman.

“Few men take the trouble to learn how to properly use pillows,” says a Taoist love treatise. - Putting one pillow under the woman's buttocks, they leave others under her head, and this is a big mistake, because the woman's body sags in the middle. The weight of the man at the same time gives the woman inconvenience and constrains her movements. As a rule, if a pillow is placed under the buttocks of a woman, then it is better to remove the pillow from under her head.

Oriental textbooks of love also emphasize the great importance of the sense of smell in the love games of two. Pleasantly smelling aromatic substances are an integral part of the oriental lifestyle, widely used to uplift the spirit and mood. Incense also has the ability to create an atmosphere of mental security. The skillful use of aromas allows you to create a harmonious emotional atmosphere in the house. Smells act mainly on our instinctive centers, stimulating many of our desires.

So, which aromas have the most pronounced stimulating properties? Sweet aromas of rose, jasmine, saffron, sandalwood, basil, patchouli, cedar lift the mood and awaken erotic desires. It's wonderful to use fragrances to enhance your natural sensuality. They can be applied to the body, added to bath water or massage oil, burned in the form of incense sticks, sprinkled around the room. In whatever form and in whatever way these substances are used, they invariably contribute to the harmonization of the body and mind. In this case, the use of synthetic fragrances should be avoided for the simple reason that they never have the same effect as natural ones.

Perfume and incense are widely used in Eastern love rituals. Before intercourse, a woman is revered as the embodiment of the creative power of the universe, and as a sign of honoring her creative role and to raise her spirits, various parts of her body are smeared with aromatic substances. Exhaling their scent, she can feel like a goddess and become a real goddess for her sexual partner. Jasmine oil is usually applied to her hands, patchouli oil to her neck and cheeks, St. For a man, sandalwood oil is applied on the forehead and neck, on the chest and abdomen, on the shoulders and hips, on the hands and genitals.

The use of aromatic oils and perfumes will allow you to develop and improve your sense of smell. The problem is that due to harmful environmental influences and unnatural habits, a person has become much less susceptible to smells. Returning to a natural lifestyle (for example, giving up smoking and alcohol) significantly increases the sensitivity to smells and opens the door to a new world of subtle aromas that the average person does not even know exists. But with the proper development of the sense of smell, a man is able to distinguish a brunette from a natural blonde with his eyes closed.

Nowadays, even the most exotic fragrances are available to almost everyone. They are relatively inexpensive, and the effect obtained from their use will many times exceed the money spent on them.

So, our story about intimate surroundings and smells that stimulate desire has come to an end. We hope that our tips will help you achieve maximum comfort and reveal your natural sexuality.

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The situation, which disposes for complete frankness, is called intimate. For simplicity, it is believed that the intimate atmosphere is directly related to sex, which means it should be around the bed - nothing like that. For some, this opportunity opens up anywhere, looking at the sunset, for example, or in a haystack across the river. It is human nature to create this very environment, guided by personal motives in this regard, and this is another stumbling block that does not want to fit into the overall picture of joint complacency at all.

If you fancy an image of a man with an English accent and an Oxford education, make the room elegant and graceful, in tones of ivory, taupe, mauve and gray, with faux marble, yellow copper trimmed with nickels, golden yellow accessories and tapestries. If you imagine an extreme amateur, decorate your bedroom in shades of green. Use plants and natural wood materials and interesting exotic accents from other cultures. If you are looking for a macho with a hot temperament of the southern tropics, mix turquoise and aqua with yellow, orange and red and use tropical design to decorate the rooms.

Deciding on the interior is just the beginning. Let's get down to the basics of mood. Chemistry, smell, human pheromones are made up of certain chemicals that are similar to male and female hormones and create special brain activity when they are sensed by a person of the opposite sex. Scientists believe that the part of our brain that regulates sexual behavior turns on when we are exposed to a substance similar to testosterone. The same area of ​​the brain turns on in a man when he is exposed to a substance similar to estrogen. So it's safe to say that the right scent is important for arousing and setting the mood.

Particles and gases in the air can irritate the lungs, and, in addition, have an unpleasant odor. Think about dust, mold, and household chemicals, including toilet air fresheners with heavy, thick smells. Get rid of all this. Use natural cleaning items such as linen polishing mittens, silk dusting cloths, Chinese twill cloths, burlap towels, turkey feather dusting cloths, horsehair brushes, and brooms. These measures will reduce the pollution in your home.

And don't forget the bathroom. It doesn't have to be a dirty job with toilet cleaners. Use natural products with floral scents. They are much more expensive than synthetic ones, but are less harmful to health.

Your house is clean and smells good. Let's decorate it to create an erotic mood.

We create an intimate environment. Design style

In the East, the visitor was escorted into a tatami room, decorated with the relaxing sounds of the fountain's thin streams and furnished with low tables. He was invited to sit on silk cushions. An elegant guest usually appreciated a hanging scroll or flower arrangement and had the manners to speak about it, as well as comment on the choice and arrangement of art objects. The hostess bowed and offered tea. According to the rules of etiquette, it was supposed to take a second cup.

Everything had its specific place and meaning in order to guarantee the right outcome of the visit. When you invite someone special to you to your home, you also want to get the desired result: make love to him. Therefore, carefully consider the interior that your lover will like.

We create an intimate environment. Furnishings and accessories

Rearrange and change the look of your home using only the things you already have. After all, these are the things that will say the most about you.

Erotic décor can be in the curves of your furniture, soft luxurious fabrics, the right lighting, and pleasant, evocative scents. Surround yourself with peace, harmony and beauty. The clean lines and modular design of traditional oriental furniture will create a minimalist style in your home that pairs well with many other styles, but any style you like will be fine as long as it's harmonious.

  • The most important thing is balance and proportions. Strive for unity to prevent chaos and clutter, but avoid dryness and boredom. A modern room will look good with a few antique pieces, and a Japanese motif will create visual relief with a few modern accents. Mix and match to add fullness and sensuality to your decor.
  • Pick the focal points of the room, then add color and texture. One superb piece can be the center of attention in your room. One large picture will unify the space occupied by individual chairs and tables, or balance the window. Take a piece of beautiful crystal and place it on a stand, illuminating it for more spectacle. Colorful wallpapers are distracting. Most often, soft, solid colors look best as a background.
  • Group accessories by visual effect. Odd numbers of items are more interesting than even ones.
  • The choice of wood is informative: old, darkened with time and with natural veins gives a homely, warm feeling. Maple parquet flooring and a piece door, wood windows create an elegance that speaks of tradition and a long-lost secret of carpentry. A floor made of smooth bamboo or other natural material looks modern and slightly exotic.
  • Surfaces matter too. Stainless steel lends a modern, cool feel. Velvet, silk and bouclé fabrics, twisted cords and fabric wallpapers covered in rich colors create a warm, sensual environment.
  • Rich textures add subtle accents. Seashells from the beach, a rough stone, a rough piece of wood nailed to the shore, thin polished glass, a smooth marble egg, a paperweight, terry pillows for a head, a piece of crystal - all this naturally evokes a sense of touch.
  • Much loved and traditional by many women, black is a statement accent that can help hold the rest of the room together. It always works better than white, blending well with textures and natural materials like stone, copper and iron. It fits into any space, from traditional to pared down. And it's very sexy - imagine your lightly covered naked body against the backdrop of black silk bedding. Do you have any doubts?
  • Avoid piling up items. You can keep your décor discreet by hiding things you don't need at the moment. This shows that you are paying attention to your surroundings and keeping the décor as interesting as you are.

We create an intimate environment. Mirrors

In the East, houses were planned in such a way as to be open to nature. During the warmer months, the exterior wooden doors could be completely removed, as well as the sliding wall panels, opening the rooms directly to the surrounding leaves, flowers, and trees. You can achieve a similar open space effect with mirrors.

Mirrors are extremely versatile. They bring light from windows into dark corners of the interior, creating the illusion of a wider, brighter space. Their reflections eliminate the feeling of separation between rooms, visually enlarging the space.

Mirrors add shine and liveliness.

You can heighten the erotic tension of your favorite retreat with a gilded mirror and a seductively soft velvet cover.

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