Home Indoor flowers What to do to make time go faster. Why does time pass so quickly? What to do to subjectively feel it slower? Free time creativity

What to do to make time go faster. Why does time pass so quickly? What to do to subjectively feel it slower? Free time creativity

1. The very first trivial advice an employer can give you is start working... Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, this is true. Time will pass much faster if you are very diligent in your duties. Mark our words, because by the end of the day it will turn out that you have already completed the plan for the day. And even if there is no way to leave work earlier, do not despair. By the long-awaited last minute of the working day, you will be ready to go immediately for shopping, in a cafe, for a meeting with girlfriends or fans. After all, now nothing can hold you back.

2. Even at the time of graduation, we are told that work should be interesting... Indeed, in this case, the likelihood is high that you can easily cope with it. And that means fast. Proven by most of us: work that brings pleasure is faster, and, by the way, it will not be difficult for you to stay late at work once again. During the fun process, time flies by!

3. Fall in love! With only one condition - definitely to a work colleague, then you will want to quickly cope with your affairs in order to pay attention to his person. And then you will come to work on time, and it will not be difficult to stay late. The time spent near the object of your desires will fly by instantly. Just don't forget that falling in love with a housemate or a new acquaintance will clearly unsettle you. Even your favorite business will go slowly and uncertainly, because thoughts will be far outside of work.

4. When you feel tired, pamper yourself a cup of tea or coffee with a lump of sugar or candy. Having a little distracted from the main work, it will be easier to take on it, to finish faster. You can read an article on the Internet, in a magazine, laugh at an anecdote, tell a joke or ask a colleague how he spent yesterday evening, call your loved one and find out how he is doing. Just do not abuse it, because not all offices allow long-term distraction to extraneous matters. And not every boss can approve of your entertainment at work.

5. There are situations when you need not deceive yourself by scrolling through the working day faster, but literally reduce the time spent at work. For example, if you need to pick up your child from kindergarten, go with the cat to the vet, get an appointment with the dentist, or just go away on personal business. Do not worry about this, being afraid to ask whether your boss will let you go or not. Come up early in the day and tell your employer directly... Most likely, they will let you go, slightly changing the plan of your work. Just take care of this in advance.

6. If you want not just to leave once, but to shorten the working day as a whole, also inform the manager of your desire. To retain a good specialist, the employer is ready to make concessions, and if you were refused, but a reduction in the day is necessary, you will have to think about a new job.

7. The working day may seem short to you even if for some reason you are not drawn home... But we do not at all urge you to specially arrange problems at home, we simply state a fact. When there is discord in the family, it is often work that becomes our consolation.

Since the time machine has not yet been invented, it is virtually impossible to speed up the passage of time. If someone says they want the day to go faster, it means that the person feels that time is passing more slowly than usual. This is not the most pleasant situation, but there are many ways to make time go faster under any circumstance.


How to speed up the morning

    Sleep longer. Everyone loves to get some sleep from time to time. If you want your day to go faster, turn off your alarm and sleep as long as you want. Sleep is one of the most effective ways to while away the day. If you’re in bed and want the morning to pass quickly, doing nothing will be enough.

    Spend plenty of time in the shower. The shower is one of the most enjoyable moments of our day. Many people try to shower as quickly as possible, but if you have time, take your time. Stand underwater and enjoy the warmth.

    Read the morning paper. Sitting in the kitchen with a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper when everyone is in a hurry to get together may seem corny, but it will really help you spend a couple of hours unnoticed.

    Leave for work or school early. You probably leave the house at about the same time. Try to get out 10-15 minutes early. The brain perceives everything that happens in fragments, and if you leave early, this part of the day will go faster. You may even like to show up early to get ready for the day.

    How to while away the time at work

    1. Take on tasks you've been putting off for a long time. Of course, the amount of work will depend on the nature of the employment and your position, but you probably have things to do. Do something you've been putting off for a long time. Take on a pending project or sort your mail. All your goals are already in front of you, and when you have done everything, you will have one less problem.

      • To make time pass faster, you need to occupy yourself with something. Find tasks for yourself so as not to sit around.
      • The work may not be the most enjoyable, but it will keep you busy until the evening.
    2. Sooner or later, new tasks appear at work, and if you have little work, it's time to do something new. Scheduling a new task is a very fun process. Take a look around - for sure you can do something useful.

      • If you are an extrovert and enjoy interacting with coworkers, team up with someone.
      • If you cannot start something without the approval of your supervisor, discuss it with him. Keeping busy can help the time fly by and build a reputation for being a hardworking employee who is willing to take the initiative himself.
    3. Listen to music. Music will be useful in many work situations. It will keep you occupied at least for a short while and will not let you get bored.

      Take frequent breaks. If you have little to do at work and want to kill time, try taking frequent breaks. This will allow you to relax and your perception of time will change. Go get some coffee. Go to the restroom. But remember that all of these activities are unproductive, and if you rely on them entirely, the effect will be the opposite of what you expected.

      • Taking frequent breaks distracts from work, but if you need to kill time, they can help you relax. Of course, this is not an option for those cases when you do not have time to get the job done on time.
    4. Browse social networks. People spend hours of their lives looking at how others live, and more often than not, they have no purpose to pass the time. Social media can help you get through your day at work faster. But make sure that such a pastime does not become a habit with you, otherwise your work will begin to suffer.

      • The more a person tries to distract himself, the slower time goes by. To make your work day fly by quickly, keep yourself busy with useful things.

    How to fill your free time

    1. Sleep. Sleep will help you pass the time if you are bored and tired. If you have nothing else to do, sleep. Sleep will help the body recover. Falling asleep during the day can be more difficult than falling asleep in the evening or in the morning while you're still in bed, but it's the easiest way to kill time.

      • When you wake up, you will be more motivated to do something useful and spend the day the way you want.
    2. Read a good book. There are many ways to spend your free time. A person does not notice the time if he is busy with something that he likes. Read a book to take your mind off time. You may even regret that there is so little time to read in a day!

      • The choice of the book is extremely important in this case. A boring or poorly written book will slow the pace of time.
    3. Watch an entire season of the show. Watching the series "voraciously" will take a lot of your time. There are TV shows that are hard to break away from (for example, "Game of Thrones" or "Breaking Bad"). If you have a day to spare that you would like to spend unnoticed, turn on the show and sit back in your chair. If you like the show, you won't notice how time flies by.

      Write an article for wikiHow. If you are good at something, try writing an article for our site. Writing a manual about something you know well can be a lot of fun. When you dive into an article, you stop noticing the time.

      • If you don't know how to write informative texts, select an article on the topic that interests you and master a new skill. Studying is a great way to pass the time. You will be carried away by new information and will not notice how time passes.

    How to while away the evening

    1. Watch a movie. Curling up on the couch and watching a movie at the end of a hard day is a great pleasure. When a person watches a movie, he does not notice the time (unless the movie is boring or if the person does not need to go to the toilet), because he is absorbed in what is happening on the screen. Watch a movie in the evening - you will love it.

      • Sit back on your bed or sofa. If you are relaxed, time will fly by.
    2. Prepare something new for dinner. When a person tries something new, time passes imperceptibly. This is due to the fact that consciousness is so busy with a new task that it ceases to notice the time. Your stomach will thank you, and if you like the recipe, you can use it again in the future.

      Go to bed earlier. Sleep helps kill time. A person cannot keep track of the time when he sleeps. Getting enough sleep will make it easier for you to get through the new day, and this will be a big plus if you are very tired.

    Perception of time

      Think about why you want to speed up the passage of time. People who want time to go faster generally fall into two categories. The former are eagerly awaiting any event, while the latter simply cannot decide how to manage their time. If you want to adjust the time because you are waiting for something, your desire is understandable and justified. If you're bored, you want time to go faster because you don't know what to do with it.

      • If you find something to captivate you (perhaps even something from this article), the problem of the slow passage of time will go away on its own.
    1. Stick to a regular schedule. Psychologists who help people slow down time usually recommend getting out of their comfort zone and trying something new. You need to do the opposite. A measured schedule will become your assistant. Your mind will begin to speed up the passage of time and operate on autopilot if you surround yourself with repetitive, familiar tasks.

      Keep yourself busy all the time. The speed of the passage of time is a relative concept. It doesn't matter if you are doing something new or doing your usual activities. The speed of the passage of time depends only on how busy you are. If you are immersed in something, however simple, you will not think about time.

    2. Relax. Scientists have found that the part of the brain that is responsible for the perception of time is excited in stressful situations. To avoid this, try to relax more often. It will also help you focus better on your business.

      • If you have migraines or headaches, try to find a solution to the problem. Migraines can turn even enjoyable activities into torture.

You can often notice how our time drags on for a very long time or just flies. What it can depend on and how to make it so that the time would run faster when it is really necessary. There are 12 proven ways to make time run. Let's take a closer look at them.

1. More movement.

Everyone knows movement is life. Scientists have proven that movement improves mood. Walk around, clean up, or just take a walk.

2. Small snack

Small, healthy snacks will not only speed up the time, but will also help you eat right, get relaxation and enjoyment.

3. Favorite music

If it seems to you that time is dragging on or not at all. Just turn on your favorite music and immerse yourself in it. The mood is guaranteed for you. Music stimulates brain activity, thereby improving performance.

4. Focus on the action

Find a job that needs to be done and sit down at its job. Concentration and the process of the work itself is addictive, and the hours fly by.

5. Find an activity that you love. Gambling.

Everyone knows that when you are doing what you love, time slips away and there is so little of it. Therefore, doing what you love, for example, your hobby, will help pass the time, and most importantly, this time will not be wasted. Many people like to gamble, for example, slot machines - which have bonuses and promotions -. You need to read more details on the site before you start playing them.

6. Diversify your everyday life

Everyday life depressing and tiresome, when everything is so mundane and boring. Diversify your day. Set yourself some tasks or goals that were not planned, but suddenly appeared. Make an appointment, go to the movies. Take up art. Look for new ways to solve this or that problem.

7. Be proactive

If you are in one place and do nothing, but as they say "spit at the ceiling" the process will not go faster from this. But if you take the initiative and start doing something. Offer your help or your services. Help relatives around the house or something else, the day will fly by, delighting you with good moments.

8. Get enough sleep

Get a good night's sleep. After all, sleep is the main component of good brain functioning. Fatigue can, on the contrary, pump you up and prevent you from working normally.

9. Don't look at your watch

While waiting for a certain time, stop constantly looking at the clock, because this will not speed up the time, but on the contrary will only drag on longer.
10. Watching TV or serials

Watch your favorite channel or series, which will entice you with its plot and help pass the time. Start watching your favorite talk show.
11. Internet

The most common way to kill your time. The Internet is addictive. After all, it contains a lot of interesting information, photos, videos and news. If you start flipping and reading all this. Time can be overlooked. On the Internet, 3 hours can fly by as one.

12. Reading

Take up reading of your favorite literature with an entertaining plot. Immerse yourself in all the subtleties of reading. Imagine yourself there. You can also start reading helpful cooking or home improvement literature. Then try to reproduce what you read.

Today, there are tons of ways to help you speed up your time. Everyone can choose the option to their liking. You can either do your favorite thing or do nothing at all, the choice is yours.

Sometimes you really don't have to try to make time go faster. You just have to be a little more active and it will run forward by itself!

Here is someone waiting for a meeting with a person who occupies almost every thought. And it seems that someone deliberately set the "speed of life" to 0.25x. The minutes passed so slowly, and the days were unbearable. Finally, when the meeting came, a miracle happened - time decided to become like a cheetah, not a snail. Just in time.

It's amazing how fickle time is. While awaiting the death penalty, a person clutches at every second that disappears one after another. And being in the arms of a loved one, there is a lack of a remote control from life to pause it.

Why is the timing so unfair?

They say that happy hours are not observed. If you are wondering what to do and how to make time fly by as quickly as possible, then something in life needs to be changed.

Usually the time is dragged on by boredom, waiting, or not knowing what to do. It’s summer, schoolchildren and students have a lot of free time, and I’m tired of lying in bed for days and watching TV shows and films.

It seems like I want to do something, but I have no strength and desire. You can read a book, but you don't want to. There is an opportunity to go out for a walk, but somehow it doesn’t work. You can think, but there is no mood. In this case, you first need to make a firm decision to give any chosen lesson at least 10 minutes. If it doesn't catch on during this time, just choose another. Most likely, these ten minutes will seem like one and the time will really pass not only quickly, but also useful.

So how do you make the time fly by quickly? In a hospital, at home, or even on an airplane, you can try the following ideas.

A sheet of paper + a pen = fleeting time

Let me tell you a secret - all people are a bit of a writer. Writing a novel is unlikely to work, but you can try to express your thoughts on paper.

  • To make time fly by faster, you can write yourself a letter 5, 10, 20 years ahead. Writing letters to yourself is like repeating a speech in front of a mirror: fearless, easy and free. Indeed, in the future, the letter will be read by a loved one - you yourself.
  • You can choose 5 random words and write them down. Then, including those words, compose the story. You need to write it with pleasure so that you like it.
  • It's never too late to keep a diary. This is a real challenge, by the way! At first it will be difficult to write down your thoughts, feelings, but it is important not to stop. Write what you think: “I liked this,” “I feel this,” “I want the time to fly by quickly. I don’t know how to do it.” Write everything, then it can be burned.
  • You can create your own top 10. Top 10 favorite activities, clothes, words, names, smells. By composing tops like this, you can discover amazing things, like, "Oh, that means I can fight sadness by smelling a cactus!"
  • The next mystery is that we are all a little bit poets. In childhood, many played a game where on a piece of paper you need to write four words in rhyme, and then add them to make a rhyme. This is strange, but all the more fun! For example, the words: "turtle", "slug", "dust", "maniac". And the rhyme:

Oh, unfortunate, stupid I am a turtle!

Why do I need this huge slug ?!

He will burn me, eat me, leaving no dust,

Like a vicious killer and a terrible maniac!

Creativity and games

Human life often turns into monotonous and automatic actions. But how quickly time flew by in childhood! It was about communication, play and discovery. Each of us learned to draw, took apart something, looked at pictures in books and watched animals. What to do now?

  • Origami is an easy way to cheer you up and make time fly by quickly, just like in childhood. First you need to find a simple origami diagram on the internet. It is better to have a diagram, and not a video instruction, because after understanding the diagram, you will get more sense of satisfaction. It is worth making an ordinary bird in 10-15 minutes, and you will be surprised how you want to fold someone else.
  • Intuitive drawing. You really don't have to be an artist here. It is worth taking a sheet of paper and drawing. Forgetting about the rules, pouring out your soul in colors, lines, chaos or order - it's up to you!
  • Musical instruments. If you have any musical instrument at home, it's time to give it life. There are sure to be free lessons on the Internet. It just seems complicated.
  • In order not to wonder in the hospital or in the camp how to make the time fly by quickly, you should take board games with you: monopoly, UNO or checkers, etc.
  • Or, finally, take a Rubik's cube and learn how to solve it in order to surprise your friends or future children later.

Beyond the usual life

Of course, the opportunity to watch an interesting film or read a book does not disappear anywhere. Remembering your childhood, you can always ring the doorbell of strangers, and then run away. Or play Truth or Dare with someone. Or maybe wish the saleswoman a good day by buying sweets for her. And when she is going to give them away, say: "And this is for you, thank you for your work!"

You can get up early and clean the house to please yourself or your parents. What could be more enjoyable than running to the store and buying your favorite sweets for your mom, dad, or sister / brother? Just. So that a pleasant atmosphere reigns in the house. And then you no longer have to think about how to make the time at home fly by quickly - it will itself go unnoticed. It is completely natural and surprisingly pleasant, because the main reason that time drags on like a snail is a bad mood.

The older we get, the faster time flies. If in childhood summer vacations seemed like a huge period of time, now the summer ends before it starts (well, you know, yes, that a third of the summer has already passed?). I always thought it was natural for growing up, but recently I realized that the reason for this perception of time is a little different. It's all about new impressions, experiences, emotions. In childhood, there are more of them, since you see many things for the first time. As we get older, we live day after day, month after month, without experiencing anything fundamentally new, and therefore our memory has nothing to cling to and the past week seems very short. But time is a very subjective concept, one and the same hour can drag on for eternity for someone, and for someone fly by in an instant. So why not lengthen your life by making your personal time longer than others?

Six months ago, time was something very fast for me. In reality, it seemed that from Friday to Friday, not seven, but a maximum of four days pass. Well, it feels like. The weekend, of course, flew by with even greater speed. But on January 1, I started experimenting with new habits, and I noticed that time began to flow more slowly. My raw February, for example, seemed like the longest month of the year to me. It's all about new emotions and experiences, I think. Ideally, of course, it would be best to travel, look at new places and meet new people, but not everyone can afford it. Well, or not everyone can decide so easily. Therefore, the easiest way to slow down the passage of time is to search for new hobbies. Something new every month. In June, you can do drawing, in July, yoga, in August, give up meat. Something new every month. Daily. After 30 days, you can abandon your new habit, or you can continue to live it if you suddenly liked it.

Another important component is the weekend. They need to be planned in advance. Going to the cinema, museum, park, exhibition. It is best to do this yourself, either with people you are really interested in, or with a person who will be appropriate in the place where you are going to go (for example, a photographer, if you are going to a photo exhibition). Visit the most unexpected places for yourself every week. There are so many of them in fact. You can just get out to some cafe, to that part of the city that you have never been to before. If you don’t be lazy and do it every week, then your time will definitely stretch out and your life will be filled with new emotions.

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