Home indoor flowers Where to install a solid fuel boiler in a wooden house. How to properly install a gas boiler in a wooden house or frame. Chimneys in a wooden house

Where to install a solid fuel boiler in a wooden house. How to properly install a gas boiler in a wooden house or frame. Chimneys in a wooden house

Installing a solid fuel boiler (TT) can significantly reduce the cost of heating a home. With the right approach, you can save not only during operation, but also at the stage of installation work, by doing it yourself.

The basic requirements and subtleties of installing boiler equipment will be discussed in this publication.

Boiler room: convenience or necessity?

in a private house does not require special permits and can be carried out with your own hands, but you should be prepared to arrange a furnace room: a separate, well-ventilated, made in compliance with all fire safety rules. Now about everything in more detail.

Important! Based on SNiP 42-01-2002. the presence of a separate boiler room is required for heating equipment with a power of more than 60 kW. With less power, the equipment can be installed in the kitchen at home. At the same time, the volume of the room should be at least 15 m 3, and the ceiling height should be from 2.5 m.

Despite some financial investment, most homeowners

It's all about the possible release of carbon monoxide and dirt from the use of solid fuels.

Important! If you plan to use a solid fuel boiler plant with a power of 60 to 150 kW, then installation can be carried out in any separate room of the house (and on any floor), with a volume of at least 15 m 3. If the power of the boiler unit exceeds 150 kW, then the installation must be carried out in an annex or a separate room on the first (or basement) floor. The volume of the boiler room is not less than 15 m 3.

There are a few general requirements that you should pay attention to. The furnace room must:

  • have a window for ventilation. The glazing area is standardized: 0.03m 2 / 1m 3 of the volume of the room.
  • be equipped with a smoke exhaust system;
  • be equipped with a ventilation, sewerage and water supply system;


It is necessary to say a few words about the base on which the TT equipment is installed.

  • For boiler units up to 50 kW, a screed can be used as a base.
  • For equipment with a power of more than 50 kW, a separate concrete foundation is required, which is not connected with the base of the house.
  • The foundation must protrude at least 250 mm beyond the boiler plant.
in a wooden house does not differ in any special requirements, with the exception of the use of floor materials. Do not install the TT boiler on a wooden base.

Tip: If a separate foundation for a boiler installation is not provided in a wooden house, then it can be made of refractory bricks, on which a sheet of asbestos and metal is laid. The base must be at least 150 mm larger than the CT of the boiler. from each side. In front of the loading door, the metal must extend beyond the heating system by at least 200 mm.

The problem is related to the large weight of powerful heating installations and the vibration loads that boilers equipped with a screw conveyor for fuel supply exert on the HP support.

Important! To ensure the necessary fire resistance (45 min.), furnaces must be made of non-combustible materials.


The key to proper combustion of fuel in TT equipment is high-quality and reliable natural fuel, which is calculated based on the power of the boiler plant and the dimensions of the furnace room. In most cases, for boiler equipment with a power of up to 35 kW, it is enough to organize:

  • air inlet with a grate, section 300/300 mm in the lower part of the wall opposite the boiler)
  • exhaust opening with a grate, section 400/400 mm at a height not more than 30 cm from the ceiling.

Important! The supply and exhaust ventilation system in the boiler room is necessary: ​​in the process of fuel combustion, a vacuum is created, which is compensated by the supply air. The hood is needed to remove combustion products that have entered the furnace room.

Let's digress a little, because we want to inform you that we have compiled a rating of solid fuel boilers by mode. You can learn more from the following materials:


Any boiler equipment in which thermal energy is produced by burning fuel must be equipped with a chimney. As a rule, a smoke shaft is laid at the design stage of a building. If a stationary chimney is not provided in the furnace, then it should be mounted independently. Most often, stainless steel sandwich modules are used for this, which are double-walled, insulated sections of the chimney, which are easily assembled into a single structure.

The figure shows three options for arranging a chimney for a TT boiler plant.

Basic requirements for a chimney:

  • The cross section of the flue pipe must be constant throughout. For household models, this is 150 - 200 mm 2.
  • Bends and slopes of the chimney are not allowed. In case of emergency, a displacement of no more than 1 m is allowed with a site slope of no more than 30 °.
  • Joints of sections (sandwich modules) should not pass inside the ceiling.
  • The height of the chimney must provide a vacuum in the boiler of at least 10 Pa.

Important: Modern roofing materials provide a high fire resistance. To prevent fires, it is recommended to equip chimneys with a spark arrester.

Stages of installation work

Above, the issues related to the boiler room were considered: organization of the installation site for the TT boiler, ventilation and smoke exhaust systems. So, how to install a solid fuel boiler in the house?

    Remove the factory packaging and assemble the equipment according to the documentation.

    Tip: Do not install or connect automation and attachments until the boiler unit is fully installed on the foundation.

  1. Place the boiler on the prepared base so that the flue gas outlet is opposite the flue duct.
  2. Secure the unit to the foundation using a level.
  3. Connect the TT heat generator to the smoke extraction system.
  4. Install the fan, automation on the boiler.

The scheme for connecting a solid fuel boiler to a gravity-type heating system is as follows: "supply" and "return" are connected directly to the boiler unit. At the "supply" a safety group is installed, consisting of a pressure gauge, a blast valve and an air vent. The expansion tank is mounted at the highest point of the heating system. The main advantage of this scheme is energy independence.

Connecting a solid fuel boiler to a closed heating system with forced circulation requires a three-way valve that will prevent low temperature coolant from entering the boiler installation.

One of the options for this scheme may include an indirect heating boiler to create a cottage hot water system. A popular solution in a TT boiler circuit is the use of a heat accumulator. This scheme can be implemented in conjunction with an indirect heating boiler and a "warm floor" circuit.

As a conclusion: Based on SNiP, after connecting to communications and piping the boiler unit, it is necessary to carry out hydraulic tests under a pressure of 1.3 kg / cm 2. Only after inspecting the system for leaks and inspecting the boiler can a test run of the equipment and adjustment of the thermostat be carried out.

Installing a solid fuel boiler in a private house does not require special knowledge and specific work, but we strongly recommend entrusting this work to professionals. The durability of the equipment and the microclimate in your home depend on competent installation.

If the piping of the solid fuel boiler is done correctly, this significantly affects the life of the heating equipment, prevents the occurrence of emergencies, and ensures the stable operation of the heating system. Connection diagrams may vary, but there are general installation principles that must be followed during installation of the water circuit.

Options for piping a solid fuel boiler

The scheme for connecting a solid fuel boiler to the heating system is selected, depending on the technical characteristics of the heated building. When choosing, pay attention to several parameters:
  1. Type of coolant circulation.
  2. Type of heating system.
  3. Simultaneous use of radiator heating and underfloor heating system.
The choice of piping affects the thermal characteristics and parameters of the heating system, therefore, the selection of a suitable circuit should not be taken lightly.

According to the type of coolant circulation, it is customary to distinguish between the following schemes:

In addition to the distribution of systems according to the type of coolant circulation, it is customary to divide several more schemes on a similar basis:

According to their device or connection principle, it is customary to distinguish several more common heating schemes:

There are modern piping systems for solid fuel boilers using a hydraulic arrow and a collector group. Such solutions are used if it is planned to connect water circuits using the principle of high and low temperature heating. The hydraulic arrow is installed in a heating system with underfloor heating.

When choosing a heating system with a solid fuel boiler, they are guided by the following points:

  1. The cost of tying.
  2. Thermal characteristics of the room.

When calculating and choosing a suitable piping scheme, one cannot do without competent advice from a heating engineer.

Piping scheme without heat accumulator

When choosing a method of tying a solid fuel heating boiler, one of the decisive factors is the presence of a heat accumulator. If a buffer tank is not provided, the heating system is made using a small and large range of heating systems. Installation of a small circle is carried out according to the following rules:

The principle of operation of this scheme is as follows:
  • After turning on the boiler, the heated coolant circulates through a small heating circle. A three-way valve prevents cold, unheated water from entering the heat exchanger. A large difference in the temperature at the supply and return leads to the fact that the boiler begins to "cry". A large amount of condensate is formed, which negatively affects the heat exchanger.
  • The coolant gradually warms up and after heating above 60 ° C, a three-way valve opens. From this moment, a large circle of the heating system begins to work.
  • The small circle of the heating system continues to function as a mixing unit, preventing the coolant from boiling, and reducing the gap between the supply and return temperatures.

Piping with an indirect heating boiler

The piping scheme for a solid fuel boiler with a buffer tank is somewhat different from the previous version. In fact, a buffer tank or an indirect heating boiler is an ordinary thermos in which water is heated and stored for certain purposes.

A simple piping of a solid fuel boiler with a heat storage tank replaces a small heating circle and is performed as follows:

  • The container is installed between the boiler and the heating system.
  • The supply pipeline is connected to the upper part of the boiler, the system return is connected to the lower part.
  • Two circulation pumps are installed on the return line. The performance of pumping equipment should be different. The settings are set in such a way that the movement of the coolant in the buffer tank is carried out from top to bottom. This can be achieved by placing a circulation pump of greater productivity in front of the drive, and less after it.

Tying a solid fuel boiler with an indirect heating boiler performs several important functions:

  • Reduces the temperature difference between the supply and return of the heating system.
  • Allows you to accumulate the received heat and mix hot water into the heating system after the wood burns out in the boiler.
Piping a solid fuel boiler with an indirect heating boiler is the connection standard in Western countries. Among the domestic consumer, the scheme is not widely popular, due to the relatively high cost of acquiring and installing the necessary equipment.

Boiler TT piping together with an electric boiler

The wiring diagram, including the installation and parallel use of an electric boiler, together with a TT unit, is very popular. The advantage of this solution is the possibility of using a cheap solid fuel boiler. And after the combustion of firewood or coal in the furnace, in the absence of the possibility of adding a new portion of fuel, an automatic transition to electricity is carried out.

The binding is performed as follows:

  • Two boilers are connected in parallel.
  • A circulation pump is installed in the electric boiler. For a solid fuel unit, you will need to install pumping equipment.
  • To prevent the appearance of a duplicate flow of the coolant, when two circulation pumps are turned on simultaneously, a special valve is installed that blocks the flow. In this case, a check valve in the heating system is needed so that, with the simultaneous operation of two boilers, the coolant does not stagnate in the boiler circuit. You will need to install two fittings. One valve is installed on the supply pipeline from the electric boiler, the second, on the return line going to the solid fuel boiler.
  • The operability of the system will be provided by two thermal sensors. The room sensor is connected to the electric boiler. When the temperature in the rooms falls below the set minimum, the heating of the coolant with the help of electricity automatically starts. To prevent heat loss, a thermal sensor is also installed on the pump for the TT boiler, which turns off the circulation of the coolant when the combustion chamber cools down.

Which pipe to piping a solid fuel boiler

There are no strict rules governing which pipe to use for tying the boiler's TT. There is only one recommendation related to real operating experience.

A section of a small heating circle is made using metal strapping (steel, copper). This is done so that when the coolant boils and an emergency occurs, the pipes do not deteriorate and retain their tightness under the influence of high temperatures. The material of the rest of the pipeline can be chosen as desired.

The most common strapping options are:

Due to the fact that the heating of the coolant often reaches the boiling point of the liquid, it is better to tie a solid fuel boiler with metal pipes. But, since this option is not always possible, the use of analogues is allowed. The use of polypropylene with fiberglass, in heating systems with a solid fuel boiler, has proven to be one of the most reliable and optimal strapping methods.

How and with what to insulate pipes

Pipe insulation is performed using Merilon or any other insulation designed for this purpose. If the pipeline is laid in the ground, as in the case of a free-standing boiler house, then, for additional protection, PET with a large diameter is used.

PET pipe protects against mechanical damage. The insulation is a kind of protection against condensation, preventing burns when accidentally touching the pipes, as well as reducing heat loss. Fix the insulation with clamps or knitting wire.

Necessary units and components for tying the boiler tt

The complete list of fittings for tying the boiler with the system depends on the chosen scheme, the presence or absence of a buffer tank and other equipment. With a standard connection, the following links are required:
  • Thermostatic or thermomixing valve- necessary to stabilize the heating of the coolant and prevent overheating and boiling of the latter.
  • Expansion tank- provided in any heating scheme. The membrane expansion tank is mounted in closed systems with forced circulation of the coolant. In gravity schemes, at the highest point of the water circuit, an open container is installed.
  • Circulation pump- is installed in closed and open systems with forced circulation of fluid in the water circuit. Some solutions, such as the use of a buffer tank, two boilers connected in parallel, require the installation of two circulation equipment modules at once.
  • Check valve - coordinates the direction of the heat flow of the liquid. Used when connecting a membrane tank. Prevents the appearance of a duplicate flow while connecting electric and solid fuel boilers.
  • Collector - used when connecting underfloor heating and radiators at the same time. It is impossible to do without a collector in the manufacture of a radiant heating system, when a separate pipeline leads to each heater. The collector in the heating system is needed for most modern heating schemes.
  • Air bleeder- automatic valve included in the standard safety group. In automatic mode, it bleeds air from the heating system.
  • System make-up valve- controls the pressure and total volume of the coolant in the system. When falling below the minimum value, it opens and replenishes the water circuit with liquid.
  • System pressure sensor- also included in the security group. Shows the nominal pressure in the heating system, often the first to indicate overheating of the coolant. Thanks to the reconciliation of the readings of the thermometer and the pressure sensor (pressure gauge), it is convenient to set the required operating mode and set up automatic.
  • Coarse filter- is installed on the return line, directly in front of the circulation pump. It is recommended that the filter be installed in front of the buffer tank, expansion tank and other sensitive elements of the heating system.
  • hydraulic arrow- a hydraulic arrow in the heating system, needed for boilers using the principle of long burning and modulating power settings. In practice, this device replaces the buffer tank and has a general principle of operation.
  • Mixing unit or mixing unit- mixes hot and cold water from the heating claw to prevent boiling and reduce the difference between the supply and return of the coolant.

Ways to protect the tt of the boiler and the heating system from overheating

Boiling of the heating system is the main disadvantage of using solid fuel boilers. It is quite difficult to regulate the operation of the units. To prevent boiling, modern systems use multi-level protection:
  • Small heating circle– Initially, the circuit prevents condensation. After a large circle of heating has started working, the design plays the role of a mixing unit.
  • Security group- Includes air vent, pressure gauge and pressure sensor. With excessive overheating, the pressure in the system rises, which leads to the failure of the valve and the discharge of a certain amount of water from the water circuit.
  • Membrane tank - pressure in the expansion tank in a closed heating system of a solid fuel boiler, varies depending on the heating of the coolant. The capacity is selected based on the total volume of the coolant, according to special formulas. The pressure in the heating system must not exceed 2 mbar. Most heat exchangers of TT boilers do not withstand large parameters and are deformed when overheated.
  • Buffer capacity- connecting a solid fuel heating boiler to the heating system through a storage boiler makes it virtually impossible for the coolant to boil.
  • Circulation pump connection- when the power is turned off, the movement of the coolant stops, which leads to almost instantaneous boiling. Safety regulations require the pump to be connected via power supply.

The optimal volume of the heating system is calculated by the formula, 1 kW = 15 liters of water. The result obtained is used when selecting an expansion membrane tank or determining the required amount of coolant / antifreeze.

What is better to fill in the heating system when heated by a solid fuel boiler

The heating system, with a solid fuel boiler connected to it, can operate on almost any type of coolant. Several factors influence the choice:
  • Building type - in heated rooms, it is more expedient to use ordinary water as a liquid for the heating system.
  • If you plan to heat the building from time to time, it is better to use an antifreeze liquid.
The antifreeze used for heating systems, in addition to its main quality (freezing at -15 ° C), has one more property. To heat a liquid, a large amount of heat is required. Accordingly, boiling of antifreeze is observed less frequently than ordinary or distilled water.

The choice of piping for a solid fuel boiler affects the safety and service life of heating equipment. The calculation of the heating system requires the involvement of a qualified heat engineer.

The rules and nuances of placing a boiler room in a wooden house, from choosing a boiler to finishing the room. What you need to know in order to live not only comfortably, but also safely.

One of the main issues that arise when building a house from a bar is the organization of heating. The device of your own boiler room is the best option, allowing you to create comfortable living conditions at any time of the year. The boiler room, or furnace room, is a specially equipped room where the boiler and the whole range of appliances designed to heat the house and provide hot water are installed. Placing a boiler room in a wooden house has many rules and nuances, which we will discuss in our article.


First step boiler house equipment in a wooden house is the choice of premises. There are several types of boiler houses according to their location:

    Boiler room in a separate room. This location is considered the most preferable, both in terms of the convenience of the owners, and in terms of compliance with standards and regulations. Boiler and pump are sources of constant noise, autonomous location solves this problem. On the other hand, the Rules for the placement of boiler plants impose certain requirements on boiler rooms, which are easier to implement in a separate building. The power of a boiler installed in a separate room can be more than 200 kW.

    Boiler room in the annex. The advantage is the possibility of building a room close to the house, savings due to communications. The power requirements of the system are similar to those for stand-alone boilers.

    Boiler room in the house. As a rule, boiler rooms are equipped in the basement or on the ground floor, next to the bathroom, pantry, garage and other utility rooms. If you are looking for a project with the placement of a boiler room inside the house, we will be happy to offer you standard projects No. 18, No. 21, No. 36. These and other options are also possible with the organization of boiler rooms in a separate room or extension. When installing a boiler room in a wooden house, special attention must be paid to fire safety. Also, you will have to take care of the soundproofing of the boiler room. According to the rules, boiler installations with a capacity of not more than 30 kW can be placed in the kitchen, from 30 to 200 kW in separate rooms.


So, the place for the boiler room is determined. The next step is to choose a boiler. When buying a boiler, it is necessary to think over and take into account the whole range of factors: from the required power to the most profitable type of fuel in a particular case.


Gas boilers are profitable from an economic point of view, this explains their high popularity. This method of space heating is the cheapest with main fuel supply. Heating with liquefied gas will cost a little more, but will be no less effective. Among the advantages of gas heating are also: ecological purity of the energy carrier, less need for cleaning the boiler and chimney compared to boilers using other types of fuel.


Coal, firewood, fuel briquettes, pellets can be used as fuel in different types of solid fuel boilers. This is one of the most affordable heating methods, but its use is associated with a number of inconveniences. Fuel is added manually, this must be done constantly. Adjusting and setting the boiler to a certain temperature will be quite problematic. The chimney and boiler are often clogged and require cleaning. In addition, the use of solid fuel boilers in a wooden house is undesirable because of the possibility of sparks and coals falling on the surface, which can lead to a fire.


The source of heat during operation of this type of boiler is diesel fuel. Like solid fuel boilers, they are recommended to be placed in separate rooms to avoid fire. When designing the site, it is necessary to plan the possibility of vehicles approaching the refueling tanks. Oil-fired boilers are one of the most costly ways to heat rooms, they require constant maintenance, cleaning, and when fuel is burned, smoke with a pungent odor is produced.


When installing electric boilers, no additional requirements are imposed on the premises and their fire safety. Cleaning is not required, electric boilers are completely environmentally friendly. However, they also have their drawback - electricity tariffs are constantly growing.


In addition to the boiler, the boiler room requires the installation of a number of other devices and communications.

  • Water heater (boiler)― the storage device for water heating.
  • distribution manifold― for uniform distribution and circulation of water in system.
  • Expansion tank― for compensation of increase in pressure at heating of a heat carrier.
  • Chimney― for removal of products of burning from a copper on the street.

You will also need to install: safety valves, pressure gauge, air vent, make-up system, pipelines, valves, etc.


For safety reasons, a number of requirements are imposed on the arrangement of a boiler room in a private house, a detailed list of which can be found in the documentation SNiP II-35-76, chapter "Boiler installations", article 134 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 123-FZ "Technical regulations on fire safety requirements" . Let's consider the main ones.

  • No more than two boilers can be placed in one room.
  • The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe boiler room must not only be sufficient to accommodate all components of the system, but also comply with the rules established by SNiP. The minimum area of ​​​​the gas boiler room should be 7 square meters, the ceiling height should be at least 2.2 meters. The area of ​​a solid fuel boiler room cannot be less than 8 square meters, the ceiling height is 2.5 meters.
  • The boiler room must comply with fire safety standards. Walls should be brick, concrete, or finished so that all fire-prone surfaces are protected by metal sheets, tiles, or mineral plaster. Wooden buildings are subject to special requirements, up to the arrangement of their own fire extinguishing system.
  • The boiler must be installed at a distance from the walls, necessary for maintenance and repair work.
  • The boiler room must be equipped with an exhaust, forced or natural. Ventilation and chimney must be calculated according to the boiler output.
  • The door of the boiler room must be made of fire-resistant material and installed in such a way that it opens outwards.
  • The electrical wiring in the room must be hidden, the lighting fixtures are protected by a metal mesh. In gas boiler rooms, electrical equipment is taken out of the room, the wiring is laid in steel pipes.

These rules apply mainly to gas and solid fuel boilers. Electric boiler rooms do not need special conditions, they do not even need a separate room and can be placed anywhere, for example, in the kitchen.

Are you too lazy to answer, or do you not know what to answer, or do you consider yourself smarter than all of us, sir, an experienced forum member? We kindly request - do not climb with your advice in this form.
A person has a problem - the boiler room does not correspond to the dimensions stated in the instructions and the walls are made of fire hazardous materials and he asks for help in solving his problem. And you told him: "... read the instructions and the forum .." This personally offends me.
Now the answer and advice. It is necessary to insulate the walls around the boiler with non-combustible material. The boiler has a heat-insulating casing, but this is not enough to completely eliminate overheating of the walls. During operation, the casing does not heat up significantly (the hand endures). The hottest place is the bottom of the boiler - the area of ​​the ash drawer. Therefore, when installing the boiler, it is necessary to take this into account and insulate the bottom of the boiler from contact with wooden structures. Of course, it is optimal to pour a podium out of concrete, but other solutions are possible.
Write your thoughts and together we will look for the right solution.

And let's not be strangely clever either, the topic is not about what offends you personally. And then from the fact that you advise me what to do, I may have an unexpected desire to indicate where you should go.))
In a post by Mr. Arnau there is no word about any discrepancy between the dimensions of the room. There is only one question:

Are there *L*and rules for placing TTK in a wooden house? How to secure the walls from the boiler

The instructions for the boiler clearly spell out the distance to the walls, depending on their fire hazard class. Here is an example instruction from Viadrus:

Location of the boiler, taking into account fire regulations:
1. Installation on non-combustible floor (see picture)

− install the boiler on a non-combustible stand, which is 20 mm wider than the boiler base on the sides and only to the depth of the boiler body.

2. Safe distance from combustible materials.

− during installation and operation of the boiler, it is necessary to maintain a safety distance of 200 mm from combustible materials with a flammability degree B, C1 and C2 (according to ČSN 06 1008)

− for easily burning materials with flammability degree C3, which burn quickly and burn themselves even after the source of ignition has been removed (e.g. paper, cardboard, glassine and tar boards, wood and fibreboards, plastics, flooring) the safety distance is doubled, i.e. up to 400 mm

− the safety distance must also be doubled if the flammability of the building material is not known.

The degree of flammability of building materials and products
Degree of combustibility
building materials and products
Building materials and products included in the degree of flammability
(selection from EN 13 501-1)
A - non-combustible granite, sandstone, concrete, brick, ceramic tiles, building mixtures, fireproof
B- not easy to ignite. akumin, izumin, heraclitus, lignos, basalt boards and felt, fiberglass,...
C1 - difficult to ignite. beech wood, oak, gobreh boards, plywood, verzalit, umakart, sirkolit,...
C2-medium flammable wood pine, spruce, larch, chipboard and cork, rubber, rubber,...
C3 - highly flammable. parchment, wood fiber. boards, cellulose. masses, polyurethane, polystyrene,
polyethylene, PVC,...

Location of the boiler, taking into account the required handling space:
− basic AA5/AB5 according to ČSN 33 2000 – 3
− in front of the boiler there must be a handling space of at least 1000 mm
− minimum distance between the back of the boiler and the wall 400 mm
− leave space on at least one side for access to the back of the boiler
minimum 400 mm
− minimum distance from the side wall 100 mm

The fire hazard class of the walls can be reduced by lining them with non-combustible materials, for example, lining the installation site of the boiler with bricks or decorating the walls with a sandwich of stainless steel and basalt wool, asbestos, etc.

All this is detailed in the Instructions and may differ depending on the model and manufacturer of the boiler. You just need to read. I have the Instructions for my boiler in electronic form at hand, from there I took the data.

A wooden house is an environmentally friendly house, which has an increased fire hazard due to possible fire in case of improper installation of a solid fuel boiler.

All surfaces of a solid fuel boiler have an elevated temperature due to heating in the furnace. In order to protect the house from fire, it is necessary to follow fire safety rules.

1. To install the boiler in a wooden house, it is necessary to provide a concrete foundation in advance.

If the foundation is not provided, then it is necessary to build a base of red refractory bricks, which exceeds the size of the furnace by at least 100-150mm. A sheet of asbestos is laid on top of the brick, which prevents the heating of the brick from the boiler, then a steel sheet is laid, and the boiler is already installed on it.

In front of the loading door, a sheet of metal should extend beyond the boiler by at least 20-30 cm so that if a hot coal falls out of the furnace, it will fall on the metal sheet, and not on the wooden floor.

2. The next important point during installation is to observe the distance of the boiler from wooden surfaces - walls. The distance of the boiler from the wooden wall must be at least 50 cm in order to avoid fire and for possible maintenance of the boiler.

3. The third point that you need to pay attention to is the passage of the chimney through a wooden wall. The flue gas temperature is too high, so when the chimney passes through the outer wall, a square hole is cut out in the wall 150 mm larger than the chimney on all sides. The hole in the wall is filled with expanded clay or non-combustible basalt wool. Outside the house and inside the holes are closed with a special decorative stainless steel element - an apron (sheet) purchased at a specialized store or made independently. That is, when passing through the wall, the hot chimney is protected from all sides with basalt wool or expanded clay.

A similar device is performed when the chimney passes through a wooden floor or roof.

4. A steam trap must be provided on the chimney. When the boiler is operated in winter, the exhaust gas temperature is too high and the outside air temperature is low, so condensation forms on the chimney walls, which must be removed from the chimney walls in order to prevent rapid corrosion on the walls.

5. It is necessary to provide an ash collector.

6. Install the umbrella on the chimney cap.

Thus, after installing a solid fuel boiler, you can tie it up and connect the heating system.

What you need to install a solid fuel boiler.

To install a solid fuel boiler

  1. The room is sufficient for installing the boiler with a window and a door.
  2. The foundation is concrete or brick for the device of the base for the furnace.
  3. Asbestos sheet and galvanized steel sheet 150 mm larger than the boiler.
  4. Expanded clay or basalt wool.
  5. Stainless steel element - an apron for passing through the wall on both sides.
  6. Chimney made of stainless steel with insulation and fasteners for fixing the chimney to the wall.
  7. Ash pan and chimney umbrella.

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