Home Flowers Stuffed cabbage from Savoy cabbage Vysotskaya. Savoy cabbage rolls in the oven. Step by step recipe with photos. Preparing the filling to start the step-by-step cooking of lazy cabbage rolls in the oven

Stuffed cabbage from Savoy cabbage Vysotskaya. Savoy cabbage rolls in the oven. Step by step recipe with photos. Preparing the filling to start the step-by-step cooking of lazy cabbage rolls in the oven

1. For the filling, it is better to use minced meat cooked at home. To do this, the meat must be washed, dried and passed through a meat grinder. You can use beef or pork for cabbage rolls.

2. The recipe for making cabbage rolls from savoy cabbage is similar to the standard one. Cabbage must be carefully divided into leaves, removing the hard part, and dipped in boiling water for literally one minute to make them softer. Then put in a colander so that the excess liquid is drained and the leaves cool slightly.

3. Peel and chop the onion with a knife or pass through a meat grinder after the meat. Garlic can also be rolled with minced meat or squeezed through a press.

4. For juiciness, you can add a little tomato sauce to the minced meat or chopped fresh tomato, peeled and passed through a blender (you can chop with a knife).

5. Combine meat with onion and tomato sauce. Salt and pepper to taste, mix everything thoroughly. To make this simple savoy cabbage roll recipe more original, you can add a few sprigs of thyme during cooking.

6. Put about 1 tablespoon of minced meat into slightly cooled leaves and wrap gently. For reliability and beauty, you can tie up with green onion feathers. Put in a heat-resistant form and, covered with foil, send to a preheated oven or double boiler. To make the cabbage rolls more juicy, you can pour a little water on the bottom of the mold. Bake until ready for 25-30 minutes.

Step 1: cook the rice.

I usually use rice left over from dinner or lunch to make cabbage rolls, but it also happens that I have to cook it on purpose. You don't need a lot of cereal, it's enough 30-50 grams. Cook the rice as usual, i.e. rinse a few times under cold running water, then pour into a saucepan and cook for about 15-20 minutes after boiling over low heat. Cool the boiled cereal a little.

Step 2: prepare the cabbage.

Now let's move on to cabbage. First, rinse it with water, shake off excess moisture and disassemble. Savoy cabbage is loose, and therefore its leaves are easily separated from each other. Take some water in a saucepan, add salt and bring to a boil. Place cabbage leaves in boiling water and boil them for 3-4 minutes. Then drain them in a colander and immediately cool with cold running water. Leave the cabbage leaves to dry.

Step 3: prepare the carrots.

Rinse the carrots thoroughly, cleaning them with a sponge or brush from adhering dirt. Then remove the peel and rinse the vegetable again. Grate the carrots on a medium grater or cut them into cubes, it all depends on how you like it.

Step 4: prepare the bow.

Peel the bulbs from the husk, cut off everything superfluous from them and be sure to rinse after. Chop the peeled onion into very small cubes.

Step 5: Prepare the bell pepper.

Divide the bell pepper into halves, remove the core with seeds from it and pull out the stalk. Rinse the peeled vegetable with warm running water, dry and cut into small cubes.

Step 6: Saute vegetables.

Heat a small amount of vegetable oil in a frying pan. Throw in the onions and carrots. Simmer vegetables for 4-5 minutes stirring all the time until they become soft and slightly change color. Then divide them into two equal parts, drain off excess oil, and cool to room temperature.

Step 7: prepare the stuffing for cabbage rolls.

Mix cooled, but not frozen, minced meat with half the fried vegetables and cooled boiled rice, add salt to taste, black pepper, paprika and other spices. Stir the mass well so that all the ingredients are evenly distributed among each other.

Step 8: Preparing the Cheese

Grate a small piece of cheese on a fine or medium grater.

Step 9: Form the Savoy cabbage rolls.

Lay out the dried cabbage leaves and cut off the thickened part from the bottom. Then, one at a time, spread them in front of you on a cutting board, lay out a little filling, placing it closer to the top of the sheet and fold it into an envelope. Try to get neat cabbage rolls without holes. Since we boiled the cabbage a little, it became more elastic and it is very easy to roll it up.

Step 10: Cook Savoy Cabbage Stuffed Cabbage until cooked through.

Preheat oven to 190 degrees. Lay the cabbage rolls in the form, pressing them tightly against each other. Pour in all the remaining stewed vegetables and slices of bell pepper, pour chicken broth and send to the oven for 40-45 minutes. But for 10 minutes until the cabbage rolls are ready, take them out, brush with sour cream and sprinkle with grated cheese, and then return to the oven. Once the cooking time has passed, remove the pan from the oven and immediately start serving your fragrant savoy cabbage rolls to the table.

Step 11: Serve the Savoy cabbage rolls.

Savoy cabbage rolls are incredibly tasty and look amazing on a plate. As a side dish, serve boiled potatoes sprinkled with fresh dill. Do not forget to generously pour each serving with the broth in which the cabbage rolls were cooked.
Bon Appetit!

Instead of sour cream, you can add tomato paste to cabbage rolls or simply ground tomatoes with spices and salt in a blender.

Finely chopped garlic, green onions, as well as parsley, dill and cilantro can be added to the stuffing for cabbage rolls.

If you want to cook more dietary cabbage rolls, then just do not add cheese to them, take less fatty minced meat, you can even chicken and vegetable broth, not meat broth.

Cooking instructions

1 hour 30 minutes Print

    1. Dismantle a head of Savoy cabbage into leaves. Only large ones will go into business, and from the cabbage there will be a small head of cabbage a little larger than a fist. Chef's knife tool

  • 2. Put the leaves in boiling salted water for three minutes to soften them. Transfer the lightly boiled leaves into ice water so that they do not completely soften.

  • 3. Cut the remaining cabbage into thin noodles. On a mixture of butter and vegetable, add diced bacon, add finely chopped onion - fry until soft, add cabbage, salt, season with a pinch of sugar and simmer, stirring, for seven to ten minutes. Chef's knife tool The chef's knife is a versatile and, in general, indispensable tool that will cope with any cutting work - from cutting a huge piece of meat to much finer chopping of parsley. A favorite of many professional chefs, the Japanese Global is not prone to rust or stains, has a very sharp blade and the only thing it fears is improper sharpening, which is best left to professionals.

  • 4. Cool the prepared cabbage slightly and mix with minced meat and bread crumbs, season with salt and pepper. Form balls the size of a fist from the resulting mixture and wrap them in cabbage leaves. Squeeze the cabbage rolls firmly with your palms to remove excess liquid and fix the shell.

  • 5. In a mixture of butter and vegetable, fry chopped onions, one carrot and a stalk of celery until caramel color. Pour the result into a deep baking sheet, lay the cabbage rolls on top and pour them with hot beef broth. Seal with foil on top, make a few holes to let the steam out, and put in the oven, preheated to 200 degrees, for about an hour.
    Crib How to prepare celery stalks

  • 6. Cut the remaining carrots into large pieces, peel the shallots, pour them - each in its own saucepan - with water, to which a pinch of salt, a teaspoon of sugar and a teaspoon of butter are added.

“Honey, what are we having for dinner tonight?”

- Very lazy pigeons.

- What is it like?

- Cabbage on the balcony, minced meat in the freezer.

This is, of course, an anecdote, but in the topic of today's post about cabbage rolls. By the way, I want to note that I also have cabbage in the freezer, at least for now)).

I'll start a little from afar. My whole family and I have always loved stuffed cabbage, and who doesn't love them at all? Cooked with love and care for the household, seasoned with sour cream and herbs……. M… yummy.

However, as much as we love cabbage rolls, I didn't make them often. It has always been too lazy to mess with cabbage - boil the forks, cool, sort it out ... A dreary task.

But since I discovered for myself, the question of cooking cabbage rolls has disappeared by itself.

Not only are cabbage rolls from Savoy cabbage tender, fragrant and incredibly tasty, but there is no fuss with a head of cabbage. I just take a head of savoy cabbage out of the freezer, put it in a sink or bowl, and let it thaw completely at room temperature - that's all the fuss. After the cabbage is defrosted, I take it apart into leaves, carefully cut off the thickened part, wrap the minced meat prepared in advance in a sheet - the stuffed cabbage is ready!

Well, then with prepared cabbage rolls, you can do whatever you want. For example, fry, put in a saucepan, add roasted onions, carrots, tomato paste, pour water and simmer until tender. You can simply put the cabbage rolls from Savoy cabbage on a pillow of vegetables, season with sour cream, sprinkle with cheese and bake in the oven. You can safely cook such cabbage rolls in a multi-cooker. In general, everyone chooses the cooking method at their own discretion - to whom it is more familiar, easier, tastier.

And now I’ll tell you how I cook Savoy cabbage rolls in the oven. Step by step recipe with photos.

Savoy cabbage - one medium fork,

Any minced meat - 500 grams,

Boiled friable rice - 1/2 cup,

Onion - 2 medium heads,

Carrots - 2 palm-long pieces

Chopped tomatoes - 2/3 cup

Sour cream - 3 tablespoons,

Cheese grated on a coarse grater for sprinkling - two handfuls,

Oil for frying (your choice)

Salt pepper.

First, let's prepare the stuffing for the filling. You can take any minced meat, I will make it from turkey.

Add to the minced meat one carrot grated on a coarse grater and one onion chopped into a small cube, rice boiled until half cooked.

Season everything with salt and pepper, mix thoroughly. That's it, the filling for cabbage rolls from Savoy cabbage is ready.

Now we will disassemble the Savoy cabbage into leaves and carefully cut off the thickening with a sharp knife.

The photo clearly shows that the leaves of Savoy cabbage after defrosting become very tender and thin. They are similar to corrugated paper, they are also stretched. Here, honestly, wrapping minced meat in them is a real pleasure.

Somehow, in one of the social networks, I came across a humorous post about how a young hostess tried to feed her precious husband with cabbage rolls fastened with a stapler ... If she cooked cabbage rolls from Savoy cabbage, then the stapler would definitely not be useful to her)).

Put the finished rolls in a baking dish and put aside.

Now let's prepare the filling.

We have one more onion and one carrot left, we will peel them. Grate the carrots, cut the onion into cubes. Fry onions and carrots in a pan, add crushed tomatoes and simmer until the tomato liquid has evaporated a little, about five minutes.

Now let's season our vegetable roast with sour cream, salt, pepper (to taste) and warm up all this beauty for a couple of minutes.

We will evenly place the finished filling over our cabbage rolls and send it to the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes, sprinkle the cabbage rolls with cheese and return to the oven. Once the cheese is melted, the savoy cabbage rolls are ready.

If you don’t like cheese, or you simply don’t have it at hand, it’s okay, cabbage rolls can be smeared with sour cream.

In general, it takes about 20-30 minutes to bake.

We take out the finished cabbage rolls from the oven, let them “rest” a little, for 5-10 minutes, and set the table.

That's all. As you can see, “Savoy cabbage rolls in the oven. A step-by-step recipe with a photo” is very simple, quite impressive and, believe me, delicious!

Bon appetit, and good for your home!

Lately, I've taken a liking to making savoy cabbage rolls. Of course, I also make this dish from ordinary white cabbage, but if there is a choice, then I give preference to Savoy cabbage. It has softer leaves, they bend easily (white-headed ones are hard), it is easier to wrap the stuffing in them, and cabbage rolls cook faster. But despite this, even cabbage rolls from Savoy cabbage are cooked for quite a long time, because we have to do a lot of operations with our products: first, make the minced meat (you can take it ready-made), then boil the rice, prepare the cabbage, then wrap the filling in leaves and, finally, cook what we have prepared.

But despite all these difficulties, cabbage rolls are a favorite dish for many housewives. They are prepared for the holidays, and for every day. And there are so many recipes that we can cook our favorite dish for a long time and not repeat ourselves.

Rinse the rice several times in cold water, then boil in salted water. You can not cook until fully cooked, it will reach readiness with further cooking.

In the meantime, let's take care of the head. I must say that the leaves of Savoy cabbage are easily separated from the head. Let's hold the separated leaves for several minutes in boiling water, and then cook a little and the head of cabbage itself, cutting out the middle from it.

We will gradually “undress” the cabbage, separating the outer leaves that have already softened.

We clean the carrots, grate and fry.

Divide the passerovka into two parts: add one part to the minced meat, and add tomato paste to the second.

During this time, the rice will be ready. Rinse it and add to minced meat. Also squeeze a few cloves of garlic into the minced meat. Let's mix everything.

Let's prepare the leaves for wrapping the filling in them: cut off the thickening from the outside of the sheet.

At the base of the sheet in the center lay out the filling.

Let's close the filling from the sides.

Roll the leaf with the filling into a roll.

We will close the bottom of the pan with unclaimed leaves, and put our rolls on them. Fill with water and add that part of the sautéing to which we added the tomato paste. Cook cabbage rolls from Savoy cabbage for about an hour in salted water under the lid.

When serving, pour the cabbage rolls with the sauce in which they were cooked.

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