Home Flowers How to identify spoiled champignons. Explicit and hidden signs of damage on a person What does spoiled look like

How to identify spoiled champignons. Explicit and hidden signs of damage on a person What does spoiled look like

Nobody wants to start their day with food poisoning. Different types of food spoil differently, and although chemists are working on a special test that would immediately determine whether there are disease-causing bacteria in food, at present it would be safest to adhere to the maxim: "When in doubt, throw it away." If the freshness of certain foods is a concern for you, the last thing you want is to taste them, because a single bite of rotten food can land you in the hospital.

A fish

Benjamin Franklin's famous sarcastic joke: "Fish and guests start to stink after three days." When a fish spoils, it begins to spread a strong amber around it; for fish that have been slaughtered fresh, use the eyes as a back-up checking system. Look for discoloration, discoloration, or dull colors. If the fish appears brown, yellow or greyish - even if it only shows up around the edges - it's time to throw the food in the bin. The same goes for most seafood.


There's a reason nasty people are literally called "bad eggs" in America: they may be hiding behind their outer shell, but a rotten egg used in any recipe can become a source of dormant salmonella. Luckily, all it takes to test the freshness of eggs is a bowl of water and a few seconds. Put an egg without cracks in the shell into a bowl of water and observe. Old eggs allow air to seep through their porous shells, and for this reason they are more likely to float or stand upright in the bottom of the bowl.


The temptation to taste a good steak is great enough for some to "dip their claws" into a piece of meat that these people are not entirely sure about. But the fire of the grill, the heat of the oven / frying pan is not a panacea, and improperly stored meat is overgrown with bacteria with dangerous microorganisms, such as Escherichia and Salmonella. Look at the color. Gray may be one of the shades of fall, but it's definitely not a healthy color for a steak. Also wave it a little, a rotten steak gives off such an amber that it lives up to its title. If you're still unsure, let your fingers do the work: a spoiled steak is sticky to the touch, and that will force you to make a decision.


Pork meat is one of the leanest meats, and pork holds the title of #1 most purchased meat in the world. But, I must say that this little piglet may well deteriorate, and when this happens, he is able to take revenge on people for everything. Apply the same test as for regular meat (see above): smell, look and touch if pork is in doubt. The pork should smell a little bloody, should not be moldy (but pink or crimson - these are the right colors for this meat), should not be discolored, and should not have a viscous film to the touch.


Whether prepackaged or freshly cut at a deli store, any cut is prone to spoilage. Prepackaged (and unopened) cuts should stay fresh for about two weeks, while store-fresh cuts have a shorter shelf life due to exposure to air initially. Use your basic senses, including common sense: a spoiled cut will have a fishy color, a funny smell that your stomach won't find too cheerful, and it will be sticky to the touch.


A rotten chicken is a time bomb in your kitchen. Never store raw chicken in the refrigerator for more than 48 hours, and eat frozen chicken within 6 months of the first factory freeze. Bad chicken gives off a sour smell or ambergris of ammonia. A change in color or a sticky surface are also good indicators that the chicken is dead.

"Rotten Potato" might be a great name for an Irish garage band, but it's hardly something you want to see on your plate. This versatile vegetable lasts longer if kept in a cool (but not freezing!) dark place, but it needs to be checked periodically. When one potato spoils, the rest will start to rot because of it. Squeeze the potato; if it is strong, you can eat it, but if it lends itself, especially if it is soft and mushy, throw it away immediately. Look for the roots, smell them, because the amber of spoiled potatoes is a clear smell of mold.

Lettuce (and others)

This friend of sandwiches and salads has a shelf life of about a week in the refrigerator. Green salad has a period of 4-5 days. Watch for wilted or brown areas: Fresh, edible lettuce and lettuce should be green or reddish-purple, depending on the variety. Also look for bumps on/under the sheets and for moisture in the bag/container (may be cloudy and sticky).

Peanut and other oils

Peanut butter is high in fat, ensuring it won't go moldy, but like other oils, it will go rancid over time. Check the expiration date and smell it properly; if the fragrance is worn out or gives off something strange, discard the product immediately.


Yoghurt is an everyday staple made by bacterial fermentation of milk; so basically it's a product that wants to go bad. Warning signs of spoilage are a strange smell, dots of mold, or a lumpy texture that has nothing to do with the added pieces of fruit. Yogurt may even seem to smell good and have only slight deviations in taste, but poisoning with 1 spoon of such a product causes at least severe pain in the stomach and intestines.

Unlike deliberately aged cheeses made with molds like Gorgonzola or Roquefort, cream cheeses are best consumed fresh. Throw away if it turns greenish or moldy and check the expiration date; after you have opened such cheese, it must be eaten within 10 days.

Strawberries (and other berries)

This delicious berry has a bad reputation for shelf life. Look closely for any changes in color and look for fluffy white dots that can blend into the hair of the strawberry itself, as well as brown spots. Ripe strawberries should still be firm to the touch, and should have a uniform red color.

Meat, like any other product, cannot stay fresh all the time. Over time, under the action of various enzymes, microorganisms, and molds, it deteriorates and becomes unsuitable for human consumption. Any hostess should be able to identify a low-quality product. But how do you know if the meat has gone bad? To deal with this issue will help the advice of experienced chefs.

Main characteristics

Before you start cooking anything from meat, you need to be sure that it is fresh enough and suitable for further processing. Suspicious products should not be used. This may lead to undesirable consequences. Novice housewives in such cases ask the same question: how to understand that the meat has gone bad? Experienced professionals or those who often encounter a similar problem can answer it. According to them, there are three main indicators of the freshness of meat:

  1. Appearance. The meat of any animal should have a color from bright pink to dark brown. Any iridescent overflows and grayish shades are unacceptable. If there are bones or joints in a piece of meat, then they should be white. For fatty layers, a yellowish tint is acceptable.
  2. Smell. When buying a product in a store, you definitely need to smell it. But how do you know if the meat has gone bad? Usually an external examination is not enough. Here we must remember that fresh meat practically does not smell, with the exception of a slight shade of milk. Any extraneous "flavors" indicate a poor quality product.
  3. Consistency. How do you know if meat has gone bad? To the touch, fresh meat should be elastic and fairly dense. The fossa, which is formed with light pressure by hand, usually disappears immediately. A spoiled product, on the contrary, will be loose. Your finger goes into it like butter. In addition, a fresh piece of meat will never be sticky and slippery.

Knowing these indicators, it is easy to distinguish a good product from a bad and low-quality one.

Is the stuffing spoiled?

Inexperienced housewives are often lost when it comes to minced meat. How to understand if the meat has gone bad if before your eyes is not a whole piece, but a chopped semi-finished product? However, the freshness of minced meat is determined by the same indicators.

The product must be well examined, smelled and be sure to touch it with your hands. Only then can a final decision be made as to its suitability. Take, for example, ground beef. It doesn't have to be cherry red. During storage, beef gradually begins to darken from the inside. This is caused by the lack of direct access to oxygen. In the middle, the stuffing may even turn brown over time. But this is quite normal. The semi-finished product should not smell bad. This is a clear sign of a damaged product. Here we must always remember that even in a fresh product there are bacteria. Therefore, in the presence of any suspicious aroma, it is better not to risk it. In conclusion, minced meat must be touched by hand. If it is sticky, slippery or too wet, then no heat treatment will fix such a product.

Determination of pork freshness

Each type of meat has its own characteristics. For example, there is pork on the counter in the store. How do you know if meat has gone bad? Again, there are three key points to remember here.

The color of the piece of pork must be pale pink. A darker shade indicates that it is either no longer fresh, or the meat of an old animal is in front of you. In this case, it is better to refuse such a purchase. A dish prepared from such pork will be disgusting in taste and will not give pleasure. If the meat is very pale, then growth hormones may have been added to animal feed. It is not safe to cook food from such products. If the meat looks normal on the outside, this does not mean that it should not be smelled. Sometimes sellers try to hide an unpleasant odor with spices or table vinegar. The presence of any foreign flavors indicates that the product is not as good as it seems. When pressed with a finger, pork, like any other meat, should be elastic. When buying a product on the market, one must not forget to check the presence of a sanitary inspection stamp.

Characteristics of spoiled chicken

Poultry is no exception. It can also become unusable with prolonged and improper storage. How do you know if chicken meat has gone bad? The inadequate quality of such a product is determined according to the scheme already familiar to everyone. First, the color of the meat changes from pink to grey. This is acceptable in small quantities. The carcass can be cooked a little more. If there is very little natural shade left, then such a chicken can no longer be saved. Secondly, spoiled poultry meat has a characteristic unpleasant odor. Getting rid of it is very difficult, yes, and it is not necessary.

Thirdly, the skin of a spoiled carcass will be slippery and sticky. A small coating is formed on the surface in the form of a thin shiny film. Sometimes you have to deal with an already finished product. For example, spoiled fried chicken smells like sulfur or rotten eggs. And no spices will help here. And another important sign is the presence of mold. Even the initial formation of fluffy black or green formations is a signal that the product is completely spoiled.

When buying cosmetics, it is very important to pay attention to expiration dates. If this period is less than 30 months, then it is indicated in the form of an inscription: Exp 01/2015. This suggests that this product retains all properties and qualities until the specified date.

Until recently, the information that was contained on the product and indicated the expiration date was placed in a closed package. But when you open cosmetics, bacteria get inside and the time is significantly reduced. Also, along with fingers and other devices, microbes are brought into open cosmetics.

But, the issuance of new regulations obligated manufacturers to indicate all product data, including instructions on how to use cosmetics from the moment they were opened. All the necessary data must be printed on packages with a shelf life of 30 months or more. There is an inscription “Period after opening”, which means the period after the opening. For example, if you see 12 M, this means that this product can only be stored for 12 months after opening. This allows us to control expiration dates after we start using cosmetics.

How long can cosmetics be used?

If the package does not contain the necessary data, then you can spend the following approximate shelf life of the product after opening it:
  • Mascara- 3–6 months. Later, it is very poorly applied to the eyelashes, sticks them together, crumbles, and bacteria that cause allergies appear in it.
  • Lipstick-1.5–2 years. After this period, she dries her lips, bitterness appears, a very unpleasant smell.
  • Eyeshadow. Dry - 2-3 years, liquid - 1-1.5 months. Then, when applied, they do not fit well on the eyelids, lumps appear.
  • cosmetic pencils- 1.5 years. After the expiration date, its core breaks and does not lie flat on the surface of the skin.
  • Foundation. Depending on the basis on which it is made, it is stored from one to two years. Then it starts to roll, and lays unevenly.
  • Nail polish- maximum 1 year. If the varnish begins to dry out, then it can be diluted with a solvent, but if it is very dry and hard to apply, then its shelf life has expired.
  • Shampoo- can be stored for a long time, from three to five years. But, nevertheless, if it has deteriorated, then the smell will not be very pleasant and the bottle will swell.
  • Sunscreen It is recommended to use seasonally and store no more than one year.
  • Perfume. Sealed - 3 to 5 years, opening - 6-18 months. They are more likely to deteriorate when exposed to sunlight and open air.

  • avoid exposure to sunlight, store in a humid place;
  • protect cosmetics from temperature changes;
  • brushes, sponges, makeup brushes should be kept clean, washed frequently.
When buying cosmetics, you need to be extremely careful. You need to be interested in the date of manufacture and specify where it was stored. If the funds are frozen in the winter, and very hot in the summer, then they are not recommended to be used. Also, from time to time you need to check your cosmetic bag in order to get rid of stitched products that can be harmful to your health.

More useful information about the expiration dates of cosmetics in this video:

Corruption - what is it? Let's try to figure this out. In our lives, sometimes very strange and sometimes inexplicable events happen that fall like snow on our heads. In a family that has been prosperous until recently, terrible scandals suddenly occur, being a successful and rich person is suddenly unlucky, he is haunted by troubles in business, major contracts are broken, he suddenly loses huge sums of money, relations with friends and relatives deteriorate.

From a neighboring house, the roof suddenly collapses on the head of a calmly walking passerby, a person falls and breaks an arm or leg out of the blue, a healthy and young person is haunted by a series of serious illnesses and adversities. Ridiculous accidents, with quite experienced drivers with experience, suddenly abruptly starting to drink and rowdy husbands, who were previously exemplary family men. And basically, everything changes dramatically in a person, not just in one particular area of ​​life, but in all at once.

As the saying goes: "Trouble does not come alone."

In such cases, we are accustomed to believing that this is a “black streak” in life, it just needs to be experienced, and then there will be a “white streak” and everything will form again. But bad luck and failures begin to haunt a person literally in everything, follow him on his heels. That's when we suddenly begin to think and remember the words « », "corruption" « ».

Signs of damage. What does the person who has been spoiled feel?

How does damage affect a person?

For each person guidance damage And evil eye acts differently. I will describe the main signs to you so that you can immediately suspect that you or your loved ones have been damaged. A person is suddenly attacked by melancholy, aggression, anger, thoughts of suicide may arise. A corrupted person constantly experiences a feeling of fear and oppression. Types of damage may be different and it depends on what exactly his behavior and emotional experiences will be:

  • unreasonable anger and resentment
  • a person can smell bad
  • tormented by bad premonitions, obsessive thoughts and ideas that do not leave him for a second
  • there is a feeling of heaviness in the chest, fatigue, pressure in the chest
  • there is a sensation of unpleasant odors when others do not feel it
  • hallucinations appear when strong damage is induced
  • cockroaches, mice in large numbers may appear in the house, and their removal will not give positive results
  • when visiting a church, it becomes bad, the candles for health, set for such a person, crackle, go out and swim.

Infliction of damage.

You must remember - nothing happens by chance, there is always a real desire behind which an act is generated, that is, a certain action. BUT corruption- this is a secret and invisible action that can threaten human life. And from these actions, the corrupted most often cannot defend himself on his own, because these actions are performed without the knowledge of the persons to whom they are directed.

Thoughts are realized with the help of desires, fixed by a word, which, in combination with certain symbols and figures, forms a strong frame, which subsequently leaves a mark on the astral plane, and after that it is reflected on the victim, influencing her, passing through the energy shell, already taking new forms in it and eventually changes his whole world.

Thoughts must necessarily be expressed in words, otherwise they will be lost, and words that are not supported by actions will become empty.

There are many ways inflicting damage And evil eye, I will tell you about some of them.

Types of damage

So what are the types of damage? Let's take a closer look at some of them.

It is done intentionally, with malicious intent. There are people who have a constant desire to hurt and harm others, they enjoy it. Such damage can be caused by any magician, simply by letting the damage go to the wind, if he has such a desire. Inducing damage is based in this case on the desire to do evil and hatred. A huge number of books on magic are now sold, all of them are easily accessible. Anyone can purchase a book, read the necessary spell, but not everyone who tries to do this will be able to do damage.

But there are also many energetically strong people who can do it. And there are people who love to do nasty things, just like that, because they hate everyone and are angry at the whole world. So they conjure constantly, and send damage to people. And those who fail on their own go to sorcerers, black magicians and order black rituals to damage them.

- this is a very serious magical ritual, not a single black magician does damage directly. He will always do it through the "customer". And when the person who has been damaged turns to a specialist and the damage is removed from him, then the return message will go to the “customer”. And this means that the customer can get this damage back, and even in an enhanced version.

Or are there special "kickbacks”, but not all black magicians offer this to the customer. They don't really care what happens next. But I am not talking about this now, this is another topic, which needs to be devoted to a separate article. So, both children and even relatives of the customer, who will be more vulnerable at a certain moment, receive a backlash.

Think ten times whether it is worth damaging and taking revenge on your enemies in this way. After all, as a result, you can harm yourself and your loved ones!


It is done to induce damage. If you find suspicious objects near the door that you did not leave there, this should alert you. Needles, pins, tufts of hair, knotted thread, dirt, debris, spilled liquids, etc. All this indicates that you have made a lining.

It can be both imposed and ordinary household damage, which will cause various diseases that bring suffering, but will not lead to death. It can be a heart attack, stroke, cancer, diabetes, nervous and mental disorders, alcoholism, drug addiction and many other serious illnesses. The list of diseases that can arise due to spoilage can be cited very large.

This corruption results in death through a long and painful illness that cannot be cured by conventional medical methods. Death can come through an accident, suicide, a person leaves suddenly.

household damage

A person can receive such damage in ordinary everyday life from any other person. For example, you communicate with people at work, maintain friendly relations, just often communicate and meet people whose life principles and interests differ from yours. Spiritual values ​​are important to you, and your friend prefers more material, commercial values. A person pursues selfish goals and your spiritual world does not interest him at all.

Your thoughts, your views, manner of communication and even your behavior, general image causes him internal irritation. A normal and well-mannered person will try to hide this, not to show his negativity towards you, but from this he will not disappear anywhere and will not cease to exist. It is this inner negativity in the form of various clots of energy dirt that finally falls on you.

The stronger your interlocutor, the stronger will be his negative impact on your aura. And the weaker you are energetically, the more likely it is that a hole in your aura and damage to you are provided.

This damage is done in order to remove love from a person’s soul, so that the victim will forever forget a lover or some very close friend, relative, husband, wife, etc. With the help of such damage, you can forever destroy even the strongest family, break a true and strong friendship. These types of damage can be attributed to.

This is a corruption, which is often resorted to by the wives of unfaithful husbands. The husband was carried away by a young beauty who is only interested in money and does not care about the fact that she destroys peace and harmony in the family, which has been created and built over the years. Such women rarely want to finally take a man away, they don’t need it, they just use your man and his material support. They do not pretend to be a wife, they are satisfied with everything. Washing, cooking, messing with children is not included in their plans. Such love affairs can last for years, as long as your husband has money, then his mistress will pull them.

Love spells and rituals to separate lovers do not always help in such situations. In such cases, wives order damage to beauty. The result will not keep you waiting, and soon the young and sexy woman will turn into an ugly woman with acne and ulcers on her face, her health will also deteriorate, she will become irritable, nervous and indifferent to everything. Such changes cannot in any way benefit lovers, and the man himself will soon leave her, because he wanted a young and beautiful body to satisfy his lust.

It so happens that by chance a mistress will pour acid on herself or inadvertently get hit by a car and remain disabled for life. And it happens that even evil envious ladies want to spoil the beauty of their friend, who is popular and successful with men.

What does damage look like?

It may look like a rope, a noose around the neck, which blocks the flow of energy to a person and his vital organs. It is often a very complex mechanism and looks different at the same time. But an experienced person will notice it immediately when viewing a person's karmic view.

It can contain all the envy, anger, irritation, hatred, malice that splash out on the spoiled. It can be imposed like a program to zombify a person. For such types of damage, special sects are used where certain programs are imposed on a person. People become slaves to these sects, zombies, they completely lose their social orientation. Corruption is like a virus on a computer that knows no obstacles, it can be brought in at any time and anywhere. A person will not even feel that a magical black effect is coming to him.

The main thing is to recognize damage in time and seek help and apply an antivirus until the irreparable happens, when it is no longer possible to help a person. They say that if the one who caused damage dies, then the effect stops. These are deep delusions, on the contrary, if the person who suggested it is not in the world of the living, then removing the damage will be much more difficult, and sometimes almost impossible.

Removal of damage. How to get rid of spoilage.

Well, as we have already figured out, damage is a disease from witchcraft, which is mainly induced by magic and is quite conscious. This is an energy clot that absorbs the life energy of a person, obeys and fulfills the will of the one who brought it. Leads to the development of chronic diseases, and in severe cases to death.

Getting rid of damage.

It is very difficult to get rid of damage, sometimes it is even impossible at all. Until now, there is the most famous and frequently used method for getting rid of damage - this is slander on water. There are other methods, but they are less known - pouring on wax, fumigation, etc.

These are real and have their own developments in removing damage, but they keep them in the strictest confidence, no one will tell you about it. Still, it is better to turn to specialists for professional help, you should not risk your health and rely on self-healing. An experienced magician can minimize all possible risks and correctly assess the situation. Although there are a variety of conspiracies to get rid of spoilage, they are all aimed at expelling evil spirits and restoring health and strength to the patient.

How actions are taken to remove damage.

Before applying the main conspiracy or prayer, “Our Father” is read three times, and then an appeal and request to the saints. Various prayers for corruption, often healers use the prayer to the Cross, Alive in help and others. After that, they already proceed directly to reading the conspiracy itself from corruption. To remove damage, I personally use, as well as time-tested ancient methods, as well as my personal prayers, slander and rituals. For one type of damage, one prayer can be applied, for another, completely different conspiracies are needed. This issue must be approached very seriously so as not to make mistakes and not lose precious time.

Types and signs of damage. What is spoilage? Removal of damage.

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