Home indoor flowers Elastic kinesio tape. Kinesio Taping - Pain Relief Without Medicines! Kinesio tapes are used

Elastic kinesio tape. Kinesio Taping - Pain Relief Without Medicines! Kinesio tapes are used

Quite often, in the process of active sports, an athlete can get various injuries. These can be both harmless sprains, and more serious ones - dislocations, fractures, and All this, of course, can also affect a person who is far from sports, but if an ordinary citizen can still lie on a sofa at home in a hospital, then it is important for an athlete as much as possible get back on track faster.

Currently, a completely new method of treating such injuries has appeared - this is kinesio taping, which is based on the imposition of kinesio tapes on the damaged area of ​​the body. We will try to understand the features of such treatment, the advantages and contraindications.

What is kinesio tape

This method of treatment was developed specifically for the treatment and speedy rehabilitation of injured athletes. Treatment of sprains and bruises is carried out without limiting the mobility of a person.

When applying teips, not only does motor activity not decrease, but the possibility of further training remains. In this regard, kinesio tape is a unique tool in the treatment of musculoskeletal problems.

Sports kinesio tapes help to relax overstressed muscles and thus help them recover faster.

Japanese physician Kenzo Kase deserves special thanks. It was he who developed this method of treating injuries in 1973, but the kinesio tape plaster received its well-deserved popularity only after the 2008 Olympics.

Currently, the demand for patches is increasing not only among athletes, but also among people leading

How does the kinesio patch work?

Muscles in the human body not only perform a musculoskeletal function, but take an active part in venous circulation and lymph movement. Therefore, any damage to muscle tissue leads to problems with blood circulation. It is in connection with this that it is necessary to use such methods of treatment that would guarantee a speedy recovery after an injury.

Kinesio tape is an elastic bandage for athletes, which is made from natural cotton. It has a wavy structure, and in addition there is a layer that does not cause an allergic reaction. Glue is activated only under the influence of human body temperature. The unique structure of the patches makes them very similar to human skin.

Tape acts at a microscopic level - it seems to lift the skin over the damaged area, which significantly reduces pressure and reduces pain. As a result of exposure, blood circulation and lymph flow improves, which leads to faster resorption of hematomas and tumors.

After the kinesio tape is applied, the instruction allows you to maintain a mobile lifestyle, as intensive muscle support is guaranteed. All this, subject to proper application, but with this, as a rule, there are no difficulties.

How does the patch affect the athlete's body

After kinesio tape is applied to the problem area, it has the following effect:

  • By normalizing muscle function, pain is reduced.
  • If you study the kinesio tape, the instruction states that the muscles quickly move from a tense state to a relaxed one.
  • Improves blood circulation.
  • The movement of lymph and the outflow of tissue fluid become more efficient.
  • Eliminates neuralgia.
  • Stimulates skin and muscle activity.
  • If an athlete attends massage sessions, then the effect of them is much more noticeable and longer.

Given this impact, we can conclude that active citizens can also use kinesio tape, the price, especially for them, is relatively low.

Benefits of using kinesio tape

When compared with such a tool as a conventional elastic bandage, kinesio tape has significant advantages:

The use of kinesio tape in medicine

All these advantages make it possible to use this method of treatment not only in sports medicine, but also for the treatment of certain diseases, for example:

  1. For the treatment of scoliosis.
  2. In the presence of juvenile kyphosis, the use of kinesio tapes is effective.
  3. Achilles bursitis therapy.
  4. To correct the curvature of the legs in children.
  5. If there are neurological manifestations of cervical, thoracic or lumbar osteochondrosis.
  6. Muscular-fascial pain syndromes of the trunk or limbs.
  7. With varicose veins, there is a violation of blood flow in the muscles. Kinesio tape - the instruction mentions this - can help in this situation.
  8. After a mastectomy.
  9. For the treatment of algomenorrhea.

Here is such an extensive area of ​​\u200b\u200buse for such patches.

Where is the most appropriate use of kinesio tapes?

You can use the patch for athletes on various parts of the body.

Kinesio tapes are produced in various colors, but this does not affect their characteristics in any way, but only allows you to choose the patch to match the color of the sports uniform. Although among athletes it is believed that black tape is more durable in terms of its adhesive characteristics, therefore it is often used in water sports. The width is about 5 centimeters, and the length of the roll is five meters of kinesio tape. The price ranges from 500-600 rubles.

Varieties of sports teips

Kinesio tapes come in a variety of types. If we talk about sports, then among them most often distinguish:

  1. Inelastic. This is a classic version that is white or slightly creamy. Such patches are used for and wrists.
  2. Elastic kinesio tape has greater extensibility, which allows you to increase the degree of fixation and increase the coverage area.
  3. Special kinesio tapes are designed for use on specific parts of the body and have a specific shape.

All types of kinesio tapes in the sports world are quite in demand, since there is no particular difficulty in applying them, and they perform their function perfectly.

How to apply kinesio tape

In addition to the varieties of such patches, there are also various methods for applying them. They are selected depending on the purpose of use.

  1. If there are also joints, then such a patch must be applied around the perimeter of the damaged area.
  2. If it is necessary to use as an adjuvant therapy for or incorrect posture, kinesio tape is applied along the length of the entire spine or foot.
  3. Some use the patch prophylactically to prevent injury. In this case, it must be glued to those areas that are most susceptible to injury.

Rules for sticking teips

If you lead an active lifestyle and decide to purchase kinesio tape as a safety net or as a remedy, the instructions will tell you how to glue it correctly. If you follow all her recommendations, then there will be no doubt about the correctness of the application. Here is the sequence of actions:

  • Before sticking the patch, you need to make sure that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin on which the application will be made is clean and dry.
  • Next, you need to cut off a strip of patch of the desired length from the roll and remove the protective film.
  • To ensure a better fixation of the patch on the leg, it is recommended to round off the edges. It must be remembered that the first and last few centimeters must be applied to the skin without stretching.
  • The rest of the patch must be stretched and glued.
  • After complete gluing, to activate the adhesive layer, rub the surface of the body well.

If the kinesio tape is glued correctly, then it can be worn without removing it for several days. All this time it will exert its healing effect. Those who have repeatedly used leave positive. The main thing is to apply it correctly on the skin. Otherwise, not only discomfort may be felt, but the risk of injury may also increase.

How to stick a tape on the knee

The most difficult is the process of sticking tape on the knee joint. To do this correctly, you must carefully read the instructions.

Before applying kinesio tape on the knee for the first time, it is better to consult with a specialist who has knowledge of human anatomy and knows how to do it correctly.

Where can I buy teips

Nowadays, there are many online stores that are happy to offer you a variety of kinesio tapes to choose from. The buyer has the right to choose a patch of any color.

If we consider the sizes that they can offer you, then they come in two options:

In rolls, it is more convenient to purchase a patch for those who often use it, for example, athletes. The properties of kinesio tapes from packaging, color and manufacturer do not change. Although some note that Chinese-made patches have a weaker adhesive base and they can be distinguished by a specific smell. While such patches should not smell of anything.

You can buy teips in a regular pharmacy, but not every one can find them, and prices may vary. Therefore, most people purchase kinesio tape through the Internet.

Various types of injuries are a fairly common occurrence both in everyday life and in sports. Medicine does not stand still in the development of methods for rapid recovery. One of these methods does not involve the use of ointments and tablets. It was developed in Japan. This is a great way to recover from injury. All you need is a kinesio tape. Let us further consider what it is, how the patch is used, and what reviews users leave about it.

What is the structure of the patch?

The medical patch is a tape consisting of three layers:

The general structure is very close to the human skin, and the tape can stretch up to 140% of its original length. It is almost not noticeable on the body and you can perform physical exercises with it.

How does kinesio tape work on the body?

Due to injury or any disease of the joints, muscles, we feel pain and discomfort. This is due to the fact that fluid and blood have collected at the site of impact. The result is bruising or bruising, as well as swelling. If, after an injury, an inflammatory process begins to develop, the lymphatic vessels are compressed and do not allow fluid to be removed well. The supply of oxygen and blood circulation slows down, which reduces the healing process.

In this case, it is necessary to apply a kinesio-tape patch. The instructions describe in detail how to properly apply the patch. It is applied to the affected area.

At the same time, it begins to fasten small spaces between the internal tissues and the skin, accompanied by an alternation of negative and positive pressure. The result is an expansion of the lymphatic vessels and a decrease in pressure on the blood vessels. Reduces pain and speeds up the healing process.

Types of kinesio tapes

There are several types of medical plaster:

  • in the form of stripes;
  • in a roll;
  • in the form of strips intended for any part of the body.

Kinesio tape comes in a variety of colors and sizes. They do not have to be cut, but can be used immediately.

In a roll, the patch is great for home use, as well as for medical institutions or sports events. Will tell you how to properly cut the kinesio tape patch, instructions. Reviews say that it will take some time, and therefore this method is not suitable for providing urgent assistance. As a rule, medical professionals and trainers have experience in using kinesio tape.

The patch in the form of strips for any parts of the body is very convenient to use. Especially for those who use it for the first time. These are ready-made templates from wide stripes. They are very handy if you need immediate assistance. No time is wasted cutting and measuring.

When is kinesio tape essential?

Kinesio tape patch - what is it and why is it needed? You can answer this question by considering the indications for its use.

  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system: curvature of posture, scoliosis in its original form, torticollis, periarthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis;
  • domestic and sports injuries;
  • hematomas and edema;
  • scars on the skin;
  • headache;
  • muscle pain;
  • menstrual pain.

The instruction recommends using the kinesio-tape patch separately or as an addition to drug treatment, physiotherapy, manual therapy, physiotherapy exercises, reflexology.

The effectiveness of the patch

It must be remembered that if all the instructions are followed, positive dynamics will definitely emerge. Therefore, if you decide to use a kinesio-tape patch, the instructions should be carefully studied, since the effectiveness of the impact depends on this. Namely:

  • muscle endurance increases with prolonged load;
  • the skin is tightened;
  • swelling decreases and tissues are not squeezed;
  • improves blood circulation and lymph flow;
  • there is confidence in the execution of movements.

Who is contraindicated for kinesio taping?

It is necessary to pay attention to the following point: if you decide to use a kinesio-tape patch, the instructions indicate conditions in which it is impossible to use it. Contraindications include:

  1. Hypersensitivity to the composition of the kinesio tape.
  2. Oncological and systemic skin diseases.
  3. Skin injuries.
  4. Open wounds of the skin and ulcerative formations.
  5. A rare skin disease is xeroderma.
  6. Pregnancy (first trimester).
  7. Thrombosis of deep veins of the lower extremities.
  8. Very sensitive skin, especially in old age.
  9. Predisposition to the formation of bruises, bruises, blisters and microtrauma.

Kinesio tape in medicine and sports

In addition to the fact that the patch helps to fight pain, relieves muscle tension, it is also very often used in sports. But before resorting to such a measure, it is necessary to determine the goal.

Several features of sports and medical kinesio tape:

  1. In sports, kinesio tape is used for rigid fixation, especially if it is necessary to immobilize a damaged muscle. In this case, a patch in the form of a bandage is used. This helps to significantly reduce the risk of re-injury.
  2. The kinesio-tape therapeutic plaster should not be fixed rigidly. First of all, it relaxes and tones the muscles, relieves them of the load. Kinesio tape is applied to the affected area.

Discussing the patch, we have already found out, and now we will highlight several features of how to use it:

  • you can wear kinesio tape without removing it for 3 to 5 days;
  • it does not get wet, in addition, for water sports there is a kinesio tape with a reinforced adhesive base;
  • after taking a shower, it is enough to get the pasted tape wet;
  • kinesio tape must be applied 30 minutes before training;
  • it should be removed with a special liquid for removing tapes;
  • after removal, it is necessary to moisturize the skin well.

The use of kinesio tape during pregnancy

The patch should not be used during the first trimester of pregnancy. However, the use of kinesio tape becomes more and more popular at a later date, when the tummy is already large, and the following problems may appear:

  1. Pain in the lower back.
  2. Pain in the joints, wrists.
  3. Swelling of the legs.

Kinesiology tape is made of hypoallergenic materials and helps to improve blood circulation. For pregnant women, with the correct use of the patch, this is, first of all, help and support. With it, you can walk from 3 to 5 days while taking a shower and sleeping peacefully. It does not cause any discomfort, but at the same time it provides tangible help.

Medicine does not stand still, developing further and further, inventing the latest methods of helping people in different situations and pathological processes. One of the relatively new inventions is an elastic patch - kinesio tape. Although it was invented about 25 years ago, it has only recently begun to be used. The pioneers of this method were because they cannot "go the distance" and after various injuries a quick recovery is required. This method is becoming more and more popular every year for ordinary people. Why did he deserve universal approval? Kinesio tape - what is it? How do they help with various muscle injuries?

The latest invention - kinesio tape

Among the latest medical inventions that greatly facilitate the lives of athletes and people who are far from sports, the kinesio tape patch, which has appeared relatively recently, is interesting. What is it and in what area is this tool used? "Kinesio" in literal translation sounds like "movement", and "teip" - "patch" or "tape". That is, a tape that protects when moving. The properties of this tool are as similar as possible to our skin.

This tape has some resemblance to regular tape in that it can ease movement when it is difficult. People who are far from sports may also need a kinesio tape patch. What is this magical remedy and how effective is it? The result of the application is a stable analgesic effect in case of injuries, or it becomes possible to protect the muscles from sprains and ruptures.

Alternative to pills and ointments

A special patch that sticks to the body and is an excellent alternative to elastic and pain-relieving ointments, rubbing and tablets, has recently appeared in retail.

To the question: "What is kinesio tape?" - athletes who, after injuries, glue it to the body to reduce pain can give an answer. It is also used when and in order to protect them from excessive loads. To find out what kinesio taping is, you need to try this patch at work, because the range of its application is quite wide. Kinesio tape is nothing more than a tape with elasticity and mobility. The composition of this patch is slightly different from the usual.

Kinesio tape - what is it, what does it consist of?

This ribbon is made from cotton. A special acrylic gel is applied to the part that is applied to the skin, which keeps it on the body. The plaster does not hinder movements, provides normal air circulation. Thus, kinesio taping is a completely new direction in desmurgy, which opens up completely new possibilities in the treatment of many ailments and alleviation of some conditions.

Who is using this tape?

Along with the question of what kinesio tape is, they often ask: "Who uses it most often?" The following categories of people use medical tape:

  • athletes involved in active sports;
  • with injuries of muscles and joints, accompanied by a pronounced pain syndrome, if immobilization is needed for hematomas, bruises, subluxations, sprains;
  • in orthopedic practice, they are used, for example, for flat feet or for posture correction;
  • for pain in the back, lower back, for fixing the abdomen after surgery, during pregnancy and swelling of the legs.

Reasons for using it

What is the therapeutic effect of the kinesio tape patch? Recovery of muscles and joints is the main reason for using this multifunctional tape. The skin that is over the affected ligaments and muscles is lifted. As a result, they are fixed in one position, but at the same time they are not squeezed and movements are not constrained. Lymph begins to move away from the affected area, which reduces pain.

How does kinesio tape work?

Pain is a protective reaction of the body, a signal of the brain about danger. Damage causes a rush of blood to the affected area and swelling, a signal about this reaches the brain, and it reacts with muscle or joint pain. If you need to ensure the fixation of a particular joint or other place on the body, use kinesio tape. What is this wonderful remedy, why is it so effective and popular? The gel securely adheres the patch to the skin, while no negative sensations are observed. It also provides the effect of the application. In this case, the pain decreases, the movements become smooth.

In order for the patch to take effect, certain conditions must be met. After all, the therapeutic effect of the drug directly depends on this. The skin must be prepared before applying this tape: the hair must be shaved off and the skin must be degreased with alcohol. Only after that you can proceed to the application of the patch. But even if the tape is well glued, you should not immediately put a load on the affected areas. In order for the tape to grab well, you need to wait a while - about half an hour.

There are some other features when applying kinesio tape that you need to consider:

  • if joints or muscles hurt, then the remedy must be applied along the length of the affected area;
  • if fixation is needed for children in order to correct posture or treat flat feet, then a patch is applied along the entire length of the spine or foot;
  • if the purpose of applying kinesio tape is to protect the muscles during an unusual load on them, for example, during the first sports activities, then they are glued to problem areas, as indicated in the instructions.

Contraindications to the use of an improved patch - kinesio tape

It is worth considering that any remedy has not only indications for use, but also contraindications. The patch should not be used if a person has:

  • acute thrombosis;
  • skin surface lesions, dermatitis or other skin diseases are observed at the site of the intended application of the tape;
  • skin cancer;
  • diabetes;
  • renal and heart failure.

Where can the tape be applied?

This is an absolutely universal remedy that can be applied not only to the joint, but also to the back, stomach. Therefore, the opinion that kinesio tape is intended for specific parts of the body can be considered a delusion. It is important to follow the basic rules when applying in order to achieve maximum results. Also, do not have contraindications to the use of this patch.

The main advantages of this method

This method can be considered progressive in medicine, as it appeared recently, but has already gained popularity due to its ease of use, efficiency and availability. The advantage of kinesio tape is that it can be worn for up to five days from the moment of fixation. You can take a shower in it, wear any clothes. The skin breathes normally during this fixation. Elastic bandages and plastering will not achieve such an effect. The tape is easy to apply and just as easy to remove, does not create any discomfort, does not cause allergies and skin irritations. The patch is well fixed, does not slip. Another advantage of this method of fixation is the absence of side effects. Therefore, it can be taken by almost all people who have received any muscle injuries or who have an excessive load on them.

Application rules

In addition to the fact that it is necessary to prepare the skin before applying the patch, there are also basic rules for applying kinesio tape.

  1. Before gluing to the skin, the corners of the patch should be slightly rounded with scissors, in order to prevent snagging on clothing and premature peeling.
  2. During gluing, the tape should not be stretched too much, and the ends should be glued without stretch. Then the tape will stick well, and the effect will be the best.
  3. Since the tape has its own sticking time, you need to prepare in advance for its application, especially before playing sports or taking a shower. The minimum time between gluing and these steps is 45 minutes.
  4. The application must be accompanied by smoothing, as the glue must be evenly distributed over the skin - it only works at skin temperature.

What sizes are kinesio tape available in?

The use of kinesio tapes, as mentioned above, is very wide. The choice of different models is also not small. You can choose from a variety of colors and sizes. You can buy a tape that is five centimeters wide and twenty centimeters long, or you can buy it in a roll five meters long and five centimeters wide. Whoever buys the roll will be able to model the patch as long as he wants. And the coloring does not affect the properties of the patch in any way.

Where are these patches popular?

Kinesio tape was invented by a Japanese doctor back in the 1970s. Its first use occurred in 1988 in Seoul at the Olympic Games. Since that time, it has been used only in professional sports for a long time. Then it began to be used by amateur athletes and even ordinary people who are not related to sports. The popularity of these patches is growing and expanding around the world every day.

Opinions of people who have used kinesio tape

As they say, how many people, so many opinions. Every new method has its advantages and disadvantages. So in the application of kinesio tape - some found a panacea for all muscle troubles, while others did not appreciate the effectiveness of the patch.

Some patients note that the patches of some companies peel off quickly. Naturally, the effect turned out to be weak, which led to human discontent. Don't get hung up on price or color. Korean-made tapes are famous for good action.

Many athletes and people with back pain also note that the effect may not be achieved immediately. It depends on the tape itself, the correctness of its application, as well as the neglect of the disease. On average, pain relief was noted for 3-4 days. At first, he helps those who have just begun to have pain, and they did not delay the treatment. But with a severe injury or prolonged pain, the patches help a little later.

Professional athletes note the almost magical effect of kinesio taping while running or swimming long distances. They help the muscles adapt to any conditions and prevent the onset of cramps. Therefore, sometimes they are even used not for treatment, but for prevention, because professionals already know their weaknesses.

The effectiveness of tapes in accordance with current medical standards has not yet been proven. Nevertheless, it is used daily with great success by professional athletes and therapists and shows amazing results.

Instructions for using kinesio tape

  1. The skin at the site of application should be clean and dry; if there is excess hair, it is recommended to remove it.
  2. Cut the tape to the desired length and prepare for use. Round off the ends of the cut tape with scissors so that it does not cling to clothing. As you stick the tape, gradually remove the protective backing.
  3. Tape acts due to elasticity, so when sticking it needs to be stretched. The recommended tension is from 0 - 75% of the maximum tension.
  4. Muscles at the site of application of the tape should be in a stretched state.
  5. To facilitate the removal of the tape, it is recommended to pre-moisten with oil or hot water.

Kinesio tape application:

  • with muscle tension;
  • with injuries of the tendon;
  • with injuries and inflammation of the joints;
  • with sports injuries;
  • with diseases of the spine;
  • with varicose veins;
  • with swelling of the legs in pregnant women;
  • with pain in the abdomen during menstruation;
  • during recovery after operations;
  • when correcting a violation of the eye;
  • during rehabilitation after a stroke;
  • in children with cerebral palsy;
  • in cosmetology to prevent the formation of scars;
  • for the treatment of animals.

Kinesio tape contraindication:

Before using kinesio taping, please read the contraindications, which are:

  • malignant neoplasm of any localization;
  • infectious disease in the acute stage;
  • acute period of stroke or infarction;
  • early period after operations;
  • any disease with a rise in temperature;
  • skin disease or there is a wound in the place where it is necessary to apply a patch;
  • bleeding external or internal;
  • bone fractures in the place where kinesiology taping is supposed;
  • thrombophlebitis of the veins of the extremities;
  • if movements of the affected limb after taping are accompanied by severe pain.


The overlay method is called Kinesiology taping., impose:

Along the lines of the muscles to reduce pain when stretching or overstraining the muscles;
- reduction of muscle inflammation;
- to relax overstressed and tired muscles;
- to support muscles and ligaments.

Effects of the Kinesio Tape patch:

Action on muscles and muscle attachment sites;
- Action on skin sensors;
- Action on blood circulation and lymph flow;
- Maintaining the function of the joints;
- Improving the stabilization of the joints;
- Action on meridians and acupuncture points
- Action on scars;
- Action on internal organs.

Kinesio tape (muscle patch) are used not only by professional athletes, but also by ordinary people.

The patches are applied to the damaged area from the proximal end of the muscle to the distal end for support and from the distal end to the proximal end for rehabilitation and treatment.

The main mechanism in the work of tapes is the modeling of the muscular-fascial segment, which occurs due to a certain tension and special gluing of tapes.

When applying the application, the skin, subcutaneous tissue, fascial formations, muscles, ligaments are affected. During movement, the human skin rises above the muscles and ligaments, which creates additional interstitial space and facilitates lymphatic drainage. With the help of a tape, the top layer of the skin - the epidermis, is slightly raised. This helps to increase, increase blood and lymph flow, which reduces pain. In addition, the tape does not lose its function for several days, even if you get wet or take a shower.

It is important that this taping method does not impede movement and allows athletes to continue training and compete - while conventional taping methods involve fixation of the joints and are intended only for stabilization and support.

In addition, Kinesio tapes can be used for a wide range of therapy: they are used in post-traumatic rehabilitation, treatment of the spine, knees, shoulder joints, lower back, osteochondrosis, ankle and other parts of the body.


There are several ways to apply kinesio tapes.

Unstretched shape. Before applying the tape, the damaged muscle and the skin above it are passively stretched. After applying an unstretched tape, the skin, muscle and ligaments contract and return to their original position, which leads to the formation of skin folds. Thus, the skin rises above the muscles and ligaments, which creates additional interstitial space and facilitates lymphatic drainage.

Stretched shape. If the ligaments or muscles are injured and unable to stretch, the second application method is used - Kinesio tape is stretched before application to the skin. Due to its elasticity, the tape shrinks and forms folds on the skin and at the same time supports the injured area.

The basic principle of applying Kinesio tapes is that the tape should not be applied strictly straight, nor should it be too loose or too tight. It is advisable to stretch the part of the body on which the tape will be applied as much as possible before applying it, if this is not possible, it should be stretched a little.

Tape stretches only along the length, so they are always cut and pasted only along.

A few general rules: in case of local pain, kinesiotape should be applied with slight tension on the entire affected area, while keeping in mind that the ends (approximately 5 cm) should be left with little tension. To create a "buffer zone". When using the Kinesio tape, it is placed between the 1st and 2nd fingers, the inner textile protective film is removed, stretched, and glued onto the patient's body.

Timing of wearing teip: 5 to 7 days.


Kinesio tape plasters have all the necessary documents for sale in Russia. Documents for these products are provided to the buyer.

Material: 90% cotton, 10% spandex, acrylic adhesive


5 cm x 5 m per roll (color: beige, black, pink, turquoise, yellow)
5cm x 32m per roll (color: beige)

Producer: "Dittmann International GmbH", Germany

Tape sets

Sets of pre-cut kinesiology tapes "Ditmann" are produced specifically for self-imposition with common injuries (the set includes instructions for imposing):

- for neck VTN386 (neck ligament injuries)
Packing composition:
Y ribbon black - length 30 cm, quantity 1 pc.
I ribbon pink - length 10 cm, quantity 2 pcs.
I ribbon black - length 7.5 cm, quantity 1 pc.

Buy a set of tapes for neck ligament injuries in the online store

Shoulder VTS391 (shoulder ligament injuries)
Packing composition:
Y ribbon black - length 25 cm, quantity 1 pc.

I ribbon blue - length 10 cm, quantity 1 pc.
I ribbon pink - length 8 cm, quantity 1 pc.
application instructions (in Russian)

Buy a set of tapes for shoulder joint ligament injuries in the online store

For hands VTH392 (wrist ligament injuries)
Packing composition:
I ribbon blue - length 25 cm, quantity 1 pc.
I ribbon blue - length 15 cm, quantity 2 pcs.
I ribbon pink - length 18 cm, quantity 1 pc.
application instructions (in Russian)

Buy a set of tapes for hands in the online store

For back VTR387 (back ligament injuries)
Packing composition:
Y ribbon blue - length 25 cm, quantity 1 pc.
I black ribbon - length 15 cm, quantity 3 pcs.
application instructions (in Russian)

Hip VHS445 (chronic muscle strain/muscle overload/example: hamstrings)
Packing composition:
I ribbon blue - length 50 cm, quantity 2 pcs.
application instructions (in Russian)

Knee VTK390 (in case of damage to the ligaments of the knee joint)
Packing composition:
I ribbon blue - length 20 cm, quantity 2 pcs.
I black ribbon - length 25 cm, quantity 2 pcs.
application instructions (in Russian)

Runner's Knee VRK446 (Top Patella Syndrome/Jumper's Knee/Runner's Knee)
Packing composition:

application instructions (in Russian)
Price: RUB 450.00

Gastrocnemius VWA443 (calf pain/muscle cramps)
Packing composition:
I ribbon blue - length 45 cm, quantity 2 pcs.
I black ribbon - length 10 cm, quantity 1 pc.
application instructions (in Russian)

For legs VTF385 (external ankle ligament tear)
Packing composition:
I ribbon blue - length 40 cm, quantity 1 pc.
I black ribbon - length 10 cm, quantity 2 pcs.
I ribbon hot pink - length 25 cm, quantity 1 pc.
application instructions (in Russian)

Achilles tendon VAS442 (Achilles tendon irritation/calcaneal spur)
Packing composition:
I ribbon blue - length 45 cm, quantity 1 pc.
I ribbon hot pink - length 10 cm, quantity 2 pcs.
application instructions (in Russian)

For foot VFS444 (complaints in the foot area / aponeurotic spur / calcaneal spur under the foot)
Packing composition:
I ribbon blue - length 22 cm, quantity 2 pcs.
I ribbon pink - length 12 cm, quantity 1 pc.
application instructions (in Russian)


red/hot pink:

has a stimulating effect, improves blood circulation (expands blood vessels);
have a warming effect;
used for chronic colds, chills (for women, mostly red)

blue / turquoise

have a damping effect, reduce blood flow (vasoconstriction), relieve tension;
used for chronic colds, chills (for men, mostly blue)

beige / yellow

have a neutral effect;
selected depending on the response of the patient;
used for damage to nerve endings;

alternative to all other ribbon colors;
used for allergies;
for soccer player - black

shelf life: 3 years

production material: 90% cotton, 10% elastane


Sports cooling gel Sport- & Kühlgel (BodyConcept) ideal for use in sports medicine, therapy and in the home.

Dittmann Sports Cooling Gel is specially designed for Dittmann Kinesiology Taping - it maintains the taping effect and increases adhesion to the skin. Increases the duration of wearing teips on wet skin (during sports, on hot sunny days, with increased sweating), on oily skin.

Sports Cooling Gel has a cooling effect on muscle pain, sprains, sprains, bruises, distortions and insect bites
A specially formulated gel is used in conjunction with Kinesio tape patches.

For external use only
Avoid contact with eyes, mucous membranes and open wounds
Keep away from children
Not recommended for children under 3 years of age


Before use, cleanse the desired area on the body. Before applying teip tapes, it is necessary to remove the hairline. Apply Dittmann sports cooling gel until completely absorbed, then stick on the tape. If slight skin reactions are observed after applying the gel, then the tape should not be glued, as it enhances the reaction. After sticking the tapes, you can engage in a dispute, since Ditmann tapes bond especially well with the skin during the session.

You can apply Dittmann Sports Cooling Gel to the affected area several times a day.
Apply only to intact skin, avoid open wounds.
Do not use in hypersensitivity to any of its components.
Please read the instructions before applying!

Volume: 150 ml.

Cooling gel, composition - only natural ingredients: natural menthol, camphor, chamomile extract.
Store below 30°

Using Dittmann Sports Cooling Gel with other tapes may cause skin irritation.



It is a necessary and useful manual, it describes in detail and in an accessible way the methods of application, safety instructions, effects and procedure for handling tapes.

On the example of 32 taping methods using kinesiology D-tape, the author describes the basic techniques, and also explains step by step the sequence of actions when applying tapes for the most common pain symptoms and sports injuries, a list of sports and the most common injuries.


Kinesio tape bag is a professional taping kit widely used by sports doctors.

Kinesiology bag includes a basic set of equipment for kinesiology taping.

The bag set includes:

  • Kinesiology tape: 5 cm x 5 m - 2 rolls (color: red and blue)
  • Coated tape scissors: 1 pc.
  • Sports cooling gel Dittmann 50 ml: - 1 pc.
  • Spray to improve adhesion: 50 ml: 1 pc.
  • Sticking instruction: 1 pc.

Producer: "Dittmann International GmbH", Germany

Buy types bag set in Moscow at retail. Page in the online store:

Joints and ligaments injured in sports or everyday life require support. It can be obtained using Kinesio tape patches. Kinesio tape - patch for injured areas of the body

Kinesio tape - what is it?

Kinesio tape is an elastic kinesiology tape (patch) or adhesive cotton bandage. The main task of such a device is fixation and support of damaged tendons, muscles or ligaments.

Therapeutic plaster can be of different types and colors. It holds the injured areas well, repeating all the curves of the human body. This property allows it to be used both in sports and in the medical field, as well as in everyday life.

The use of a sports patch to eliminate negative deviations in the musculoskeletal system is called kinesiology taping (kinesiology tape). This is a new method of non-drug treatment of injuries of the spine, knee and elbow joints, ligaments, muscles and tendons.

Kinesio tape is an elastic bandage that does not hinder movement.

Tapes have a number of advantages:

  • do not hinder movement;
  • do not cause inconvenience and discomfort;
  • do not interfere with the entry of a sufficient amount of air into the skin;
  • do not provoke allergic reactions;
  • thanks to elasticity, they repeat all the movements of the human body;
  • support muscles throughout the week 24 hours a day.

Kinesiology tapes are waterproof, which makes it possible to use them when swimming.

The composition of the patch

Adhesive plaster for kinesiology taping consists of:

  • 90% high quality cotton;
  • 10% spandex;
  • adhesive gel (acrylic adhesive).

Kinesio patch is based on cotton

The combination of two components creates an elastic base to support damaged areas without infringement and any discomfort during active movements.

The composition of the patch is hypoallergenic. The material is breathable and pleasant to the body.

Where to buy and price

The medical device can be bought on the Internet through the official website of the manufacturer or in an online pharmacy.

The cost of the tape depends on its purpose:

  • on the neck (injury to the ligaments of the cervical spine) - from 300 rubles;
  • on the shoulder (bruise or sprain of the shoulder joint) - from 240 rubles;
  • for hands - elbow injuries, sprains in the hands (on the wrist) - from 290 rubles;
  • on the knee (on the knee structure, in order to fix damaged ligaments or muscles) - from 420 rubles;
  • for legs - damage to the ankle - from 410 rubles;
  • with complaints of pain in the foot - with a heel spur - from 370 rubles;
  • on the thigh - muscle strain, ligament rupture, contusion of the hip joints - an average of 560 rubles.

There are also tapes for the back. Their cost starts from 285 p.

Kinesio tape for injured ligaments of the cervical spine

Tape types

Plastic tapes may vary in color, material and main application. Some types are more suitable for muscles, others for joints. There are special plasters for athletes, and there are teips with a wide range of indications and can be used both in sports and in medicine and everyday life.

The main types of kinesiology tapes:

  1. Kinesio tapes in rolls are the most economical option. Adhesive bandages are widely used in medicine and in everyday life.
  2. Frame strips. The advantage is their ease of use and the ability to apply for fixation on any part of the body. Thin tapes are glued both in aggregate and separately.
  3. Medical patches for sensitive skin. They do not cause irritation, they are produced in rolls and in separate strips of different thicknesses. The only difference from conventional tapes is less structural support for the joints and muscles.

Kinesio tape in roll

Another type of adhesive plaster for kinesiology taping are kinesio tapes for individual parts of the body:

  • on the elbow;
  • on the knee;
  • on the lower back;
  • on fingers;
  • on the stomach, back.

To correctly determine the teip, you need to seek the advice of a specialist. Medical or sports patches are always selected individually.

Kinesio tape - which is better?

All kinesiology tapes are similar to each other in the main action - they fix and support injured areas.

Among the most effective and reliable tapes are the following brands:

  1. BBtape - sports and medical tapes of this company have a high quality material, which allows you to reliably support damaged areas of the body;
  2. Rocktape is a high endurance sports patch that is widely used in sports and daily life, has great endurance during physical exertion and wear resistance;
  3. Kinesio tape sfm - anesthetic and fixing tapes, they help well with sprains, have a high adhesive ability (allows you to do without additional application of special glue);
  4. Kinexib pro is an effective tape with a wide range of applications, easy to use and affordable.

BBtape plasters are of high quality

Which kinesiology patch is better is determined by the doctor. Only after identifying the nature and severity of the injury, you can choose the right tape and achieve the maximum therapeutic effect.

Indications for taping

Kinesio tapes are used both for the treatment of injuries and for the prevention of injury to certain parts of the body.

Kinesiology taping is relevant in the following situations:

  • with osteochondrosis - the patch helps to alleviate the patient's condition with a hernia of the spine, protrusions, displacement of the vertebrae and severe complications of the disease (lumbago, sciatica);
  • with varicose veins - helps to reduce the load on the weakened walls of blood vessels, stimulating their tone;
  • shoulder-scapular periarthrosis - muscle strain, rupture of ligaments and tendons;
  • paralysis and paresis associated with disorders in the central or peripheral nervous system;
  • inflammation of the periosteum;
  • with heel spurs.

Kinesio tapes are suitable for the treatment of muscle strain

In addition to diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the elastic band is effective for headaches, painful periods, discomfort in the lower back and chest during pregnancy.

In addition, therapeutic adhesive plaster is an indispensable remedy for mechanical damage:

  • sprain;
  • hematomas, bruises of soft tissues;
  • edema;
  • subluxations, fingers, shoulder or ankle.
The tool is used as a support for athletes who are often injured (when playing volleyball, football, basketball, swimming, tennis).

How Kinesio Tape works

A medical patch is used to fix a sore spot that has been injured as a result of playing sports or at home. The main action of the elastic device is to support the vulnerable part of the body without restricting the patient's usual movements.

How Kinesiology Tape Works:

  • lifts the skin above the sore spot, which improves blood circulation in places that have received a bruise, and improves lymph flow;
  • tightly holds weak areas, providing reliable fixation of joints, ligaments and tendons;
  • reduces inflammation and relieves pain discomfort;
  • relieves swelling in soft tissues.

How Kinesio Tape works

Due to the elasticity and strength of the tapes, they prevent muscle overload and contribute to the rapid recovery of the affected areas.

Instructions for use Kinesio tape

The effect produced depends on the correct gluing of the medical (sports) tape. Therefore, it is important to know how to prepare for taping, how to properly apply the patch and how long it can be used. Before using this method of treatment, experts recommend undergoing training.

Preparatory stage

Applying the tape requires some preparation of injured areas.

  1. Shave hair in areas to be taped.
  2. Cleanse the skin from oiliness, moisture. To do this, wipe the desired areas with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol or a special solution.
Only on a dry and clean surface, the kinesiology taping patch firmly fixes the weakened areas.

General tips for applying teips:

  1. Removing the paper base. The tape should be held with the cotton side towards you, so that it is more convenient to remove the paper layer.
  2. The end of the tape, which should fix the device, should be glued without tension.
  3. To increase the effectiveness of the adhesive tape, the fixing ends must be rounded. This will increase the duration of the patch.
  4. It is important to avoid wrinkles when applying kinesio tape, otherwise a rash may appear. In addition, a loose fit of the patch reduces the effectiveness of such therapy.
  5. The tape adheres better to the skin if it is heated. It is important to carefully use heat sources so as not to overdry the epidermis.
  6. All tapes are glued only along the length. When a thin strip is required, it can be cut, but also along the length.

The patch must be glued along the length of the muscle

Usually therapeutic or sports patches are easy to glue. For strong adhesion of the skin to the tape, it is enough to rub the fixed bandage well. This will help heat up the glue and securely attach the adhesive tape to the injured surface.

Any teip is suitable for fixing damaged areas of the body. Only the method of applying the plastic tape can differ.

To eliminate the asymmetry of the joints or correct the position of the hand with a patch, you need to:

  • pick up a tape 45–55 cm long;
  • take your hand to the side as much as possible and turn your palm up;
  • stick the tape at the level of the wrist strictly in the middle;
  • tension is carried out in the form of a spiral towards the shoulder joint.

Manipulation is difficult to carry out on your own, so it is better to seek help from a specialist.

Kinesio tape helps with dislocations of the hands

Application of tape for dislocation of the elbow joint

Dislocation of the elbow joint is treated as follows:

  • you will need 2 tapes of 15-20 cm;
  • bend the arm at the elbow at an angle of 90 degrees;
  • fix the middle of the first patch at the base of the elbow joint (the proximal part of the ulna and radius), and fix the ends without tension on the medial and lateral sides of the distal zone of the humerus;
  • fasten the middle of 2 strips to the distal part of the humerus under the elbow joint, and fix the ends (without tension) on the lateral and medial side of the proximal part of the radius and ulna.
In this way, a bruise or hematoma of the soft tissues in the elbow area can be treated.
Kinesio tape helps with elbow dislocations

Taping for headaches and hand numbness

With the help of kinesio tape, you can eliminate weakness and numbness in the hand and fingers, reduce pain in migraines.

How to apply:

  • you need a Y-shaped tape;
  • fasten the base under the elbow and lead the tape along the arm to the shoulder blade area;
  • the upper end of the tape is attached along the trapezius muscle, and the lower end across.

The tips of the patch are applied without tension, and the base of the device is attached with a slight tension.

Kinesio tape helps to get rid of numbness in the hand

Taping for varicose veins

For varicose veins, a tape 5 cm wide and 2 m long is suitable. The strip must be cut according to the markup into 4 identical tapes, leaving the common base intact. You need to glue the bandage in the supine position. Fix the base on the inside of the thigh, and wrap the legs in strips (alternately).

Kinesio tape is suitable for the treatment of varicose veins

Application of tape on the feet with a heel spur

With a heel spur, tape treatment has several methods:

  1. Use of narrow patches. With their help, thin strips are superimposed on painful places crosswise, forming an asterisk.
  2. The use of wide bands. They need to be glued in the form of a cross. One tape covers the heel and stretches to the toes (in this area you can cut it into 4 strips). The second - is fixed in the middle of the foot and is displayed on the outer part of the foot.

Taping the heel spur can reduce inflammation and pain at the site of injury.

For the treatment of spurs, you need to glue a patch in the form of a cross on the heel

Taping of the spine

In osteochondrosis of the spine, 2 straight tapes and one Y-shaped tape are used.

Overlay technique:

  • strips are superimposed along the spine on the sides;
  • the tension when attaching the tape to the body should be maximum.
Taping helps relieve pain and reduce inflammation in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions.

With a hernia of the spine in the lumbar region, the tape relieves muscle tension and reduces pain. For manipulation, you will need 4 patches 18–25 cm long.

Taping the spine reduces pain and muscle tension

How to apply:

  • the patient needs to lean forward as much as possible (from a standing position);
  • the specialist sticks the first segment of the bandage longitudinally to the muscle that takes part in straightening the spine, and the center of the tape is attached exactly to the hernia;
  • the second patch is applied horizontally (there should be a cross);
  • Tape 3 and 4 are glued diagonally.

The strips should fit snugly against the patient's body. If, after straightening to the initial position, the tape is covered with folds, it means that the skin (connective tissues) has risen and the tape is applied correctly.

Taping on the knee

For knee pain caused by:

  • joint wear due to age;
  • an operation to remove the meniscus;
  • household bruises and injuries during training.

For the fixation to be effective, you need to cut 2 patches to make the letters Y. Attach the base of the tape over the knee cup, and glue the bandage around the cup. The knee is bent at the same time. The second tape is fixed like the first, but the base is attached under the kneecap.

For a visual example, all methods of applying kinesiology tapes are shown in the photo.

Taping will quickly relieve knee pain


It is important to understand that in order to achieve a high therapeutic effect, taping should be carried out by a specialist. Otherwise, there is a risk of improper application of the patch, which can disrupt blood circulation and cause serious complications.

How much to wear?

All tapes can be worn for no more than 5 days. Tapes are waterproof, so you can take a shower, swim in them. This does not affect the main action of the device. The duration of treatment with medical or sports patches depends on the injury or disease, and on average can be from 3 to 8 weeks. At the same time, the teip should be changed to a new one every 3-5 days. Reusing used tapes is useless.

During the period of bearing a child, a woman may experience lower back pain and severe swelling of the lower extremities.

Kinesio tape is able to alleviate the condition in such situations as:

  • swelling in the feet and ankles;
  • pain discomfort in the back.

Kinesio tape can be used during pregnancy

Tapes not only provide treatment, but also support the growing belly well. The main thing is to use kinesiotherapy after consultation with your doctor.

How to remove the tape

After a few days of wearing, the therapeutic application can be removed painlessly and safely. The main thing is to adhere to the basic recommendations of experts.

  1. It is necessary to impregnate the tape with a special liquid for removing tapes. After 5–10 minutes, slowly detach the base of the patch and slowly roll it into a roll, without jerking.
  2. The tape must be removed slowly at a slight angle, behind the hair growth. If a special solution is not used, after removing the patch, the skin should be treated with a nourishing cream.
To remove patches, use a special spray

You can not wet teips in order to remove them. This may lead to skin irritation. In addition, the glue is poorly washed off, which can further complicate the process of getting rid of the adhesive gel.

Kinesio tapes are widely used in medicine and sports. The tool helps with osteochondrosis of the spine (hernia, protrusion, displacement of the vertebrae), injuries of the shoulder, knee and elbow joints, various kinds of sprains. The correct application of such tapes improves blood circulation, reduces pain and speeds up the recovery process in injured areas.

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