Home indoor flowers Raspberries in sugar without cooking how much is stored. Freezing garden raspberries: recipes with sugar and syrup base. Freezing steps

Raspberries in sugar without cooking how much is stored. Freezing garden raspberries: recipes with sugar and syrup base. Freezing steps

We fall asleep raspberries in a deep container, I took a pan, since I have as many as 1.5 kg of raspberries. Sprinkle the berries in layers with sugar. It turns out such a combination, which needs to be given time to stand, it is better to leave it overnight. This is done so that the raspberries release the juice, which means that the sugar in this juice will begin to melt.

If the sugar melts, it will no longer crunch on the teeth, the result will be a delicious treat that can be consumed not only for colds, but also for ordinary life. Those who love raspberries can eat them under any circumstances and conditions. Raspberries grated with sugar will complement any dessert, it will be an excellent option for breakfast, you just have to fry fresh toast.

Puree the raspberries and sugar in a blender to a thick puree. Thanks to the resulting syrup, the raspberries will whip up perfectly. If there is no blender, first twist the raspberries through a meat grinder, then add sugar and let the mass stand.

Then stir so that the sugar melts faster. We leave the whipped raspberries with a blender to stand for about 30 minutes, so that all the sugar melts at the bottom, because it has the property of settling.

We put raspberries with sugar in clean jars, but the sugar is no longer visible, and if you taste it, you will immediately feel it. Such raspberries need to be made sweet, well sweet, so that they do not sour in winter. We will not cook raspberries, thereby preserving all its healing properties.

It is better to pre-steam the jars, cool completely and dry. In this form, the jars will be completely sterile and the jam in them will stand all winter without problems. We fill the jars to the neck, the less oxygen in the jar, the better.

We twist the cans with lids: it is better to use screw ones, they can always be opened without using any openers and can keys.

Ready raspberries, grated with sugar, put in the refrigerator until the right moment. It is not necessary to wait for winter, there is such a damp and rainy autumn that the immune system asks for support, so we keep fresh raspberries at hand just in case.

Fragrant and sweet fresh raspberries with sugar will be the most delicious treat for you and a lifesaver from many ailments. Bon Appetite!

Since childhood, we know that raspberry jam is the best remedy for colds and all winter ailments. But how to keep all the vitamins in berries for the winter? The best thing is to make raspberries grated with sugar for the winter, according to my recipe without cooking and step by step photos.

Raspberries are perfect for this method, since raw berries retain the maximum amount of vitamins, and for a harsh and cold winter, such a delicacy will be the best medicine. The raw raspberry preparation is so fragrant that in winter you will get a boost of energy and practically the rays of the sun.

Such a vitamin preparation will be able to keep you strong on a bad day, since raspberry jam is the best way to prevent many seasonal diseases. It is also worth noting that raspberries grated with sugar are eaten with pleasure by children who cannot be forced to drink pills, but here it turns out that medicine and a tasty treat are collected in one jar.

Cook for health, cook with pleasure!

Required products:

  • 500 grams of raspberries,
  • 500 grams of granulated sugar.

How to cook raspberries grated with sugar for the winter

We twist the raspberries through a meat grinder to a puree state. If the berry is homemade and you yourself picked it from the bush, then it is not necessary to wash it. If bought on the market, then you can rinse the berries with water and dry on paper napkins for reliability. The main thing in the washing process is not to crush the raspberries, but simply pour them into a sieve and rinse quickly under running water.

Add all the sugar to the raspberry puree. Sugar is an excellent preservative and has been proven over the years. Our grandmothers also sprinkled fruits with sugar and kept them fresh until spring. The more sugar in the fruit, the fresher it will be. Therefore, the 1:1 ratio is the best and most universal., we can say proven.

Mix sugar with raspberries, and do not do it quickly, since the crystals should practically dissolve in raspberries. Stir for 3-5 minutes until sugar can be felt at the bottom of the dish. Why you need to knead for a long time: because sugar will not melt in the refrigerator, but on the contrary, it can crystallize even more and then the raspberries will simply crunch on your teeth. To prevent this from happening, you need to mix the fruit with sugar well.

We lay out the raspberry blank in sterilized and dry jars, fill to the top.

We twist the jars with lids and put them in the refrigerator for storage until the right moment. Even for the prevention of SARS, raspberries grated with sugar are great and will be your home doctor.

Hello dear readers. Raspberries differ from other berries in their beneficial properties. Since early childhood, our mothers have been preparing warming tea with these fragrant berries. He always helped with colds and flu, saved after long winter walks. During the raspberry season, it can be prepared for future use. For this, the option of freezing berries is excellent. It retains not only its shape, but also its usefulness, subject to the preparation technology and the freezing process.

How to prepare raspberries for freezing

For freezing, it is worth picking up dense, not overripe berries that were collected recently. If the raspberries have already been lying for some time, then juice is formed, it can wrinkle under its weight.

Such a crop will not be able to remain in a crumbly state when frozen, as they say "berry to berry." Another nuance when collecting, it is better to choose cool weather or time in the late afternoon, raspberries taken from the bush in the heat will quickly darken and let the juice go.

Freezing steps

  1. To pick berries in your garden, it is better to use shallow containers, and small boxes or trays.
  2. Be sure to sort out raspberries before freezing, if they were bought on the market, then rinse them. Do this only in a bowl of water, not under a tap. Running water can damage the berries.
  3. After washing, transfer the berries to a paper towel, wait for them to dry completely. If this is not done, then being in the freezer, an ice layer forms on it.
  4. Depending on the size of the shelves in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator, spread the raspberries on a tray in a single layer, or in a tray. For convenience, you can cover it with a baking mat, then it will be easier to pour the frozen berries.

How to freeze raspberries pureed with sugar

Raspberries are very helpful in winter, grated with sugar before freezing. For this, it is not necessary to use only selected berries.

You will need the same ratio: to 1 kilogram of raspberries, 1 kilogram of sugar.


  1. Berries with sugar are transferred to a container of suitable volume.
  2. Grind in any convenient way: using an immersion blender is most convenient.
  3. A mixture of raspberries and sugar is left at room temperature until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  4. It is better to choose containers small, portioned. So the raspberries do not have to be re-frozen.
  5. Containers and lids, if necessary, are washed and dried until moisture is completely evaporated.
  6. Grated berries are mixed and poured into prepared containers. Cover tightly with lids and transfer to the freezer.

You can freeze raspberry juice, for this, transfer the sweet-berry mixture into a colander lined with two layers of gauze or into a fine sieve. Squeeze out the juice, pour it into small plastic bottles or containers and send it to the freezer. This recipe is suitable for those who do not want to drink tea with raspberry seeds in winter.

How to freeze fresh raspberries so that the berries are whole

It's nice to surprise children with fresh raspberries on the table in the winter season. To do this, it is enough to freeze it with whole berries. This is very easy to do if you follow these tips.

Sort the crop in advance, remove all stalks, leaves or insects that have fallen. If necessary, rinse the berries by carefully pouring them into a colander and lowering them several times into a container of water. Or gently soak the raspberries in water.

If there are a lot of bugs on raspberries, you can get rid of them if you add a spoonful of table salt to the washing water. After that, rinse the raspberries in plain water without removing them from the colander.

If the berries were washed, dry them completely on a clean cloth or paper towels. It is preferable to choose raspberries that do not need to be washed. She'd rather freeze.

You will need to arrange the berries in a single layer on a pallet that fits the freezer shelf in size.

Once again check the integrity of the berries, if there are crumpled ones, immediately remove them. Send for a few hours to freeze.

After that, take out the pallet, pour the ice raspberries into a tight bag, tie it well.

Subject to this sequence, the berries will remain intact, after freezing they will remain in a crumbly state.

How to freeze raspberries without sugar

If there is not enough time to prepare jam or no one in the family eats it, and the raspberry crop is already ripe, you can save it. Freezing berries without sugar is suitable for this. This method will allow you to cook jelly or compote in winter, bake fragrant pies.

Three ways to freeze without sugar

1. In a container

For this method, prepare raspberries in advance: sort out twigs and bad berries, rinse if necessary, immersing in a container of water (to remove bugs, add a little salt to the water), then dry well on a paper towel.

Arrange the sorted berries on the shelf of the freezer, after covering it with a baking mat. After freezing, it will be easier to separate it from the surface.

Leave to freeze for a couple of hours. When the berries are frozen, pour them into plastic containers.

For convenience, you can sign them. Put back in the freezer.

2. In a package

This method is similar to the previous one. Its difference is that after preliminary freezing, the berries are poured into tight bags and tied well.

Each package can be signed. This method is suitable for those who have a small freezer or want to save space in it.

3. Chopped raspberries

Raspberry puree can be frozen without adding sugar. To do this, sort through the berries, removing debris. You can grind in any convenient way: through a meat grinder, with an immersion blender, or knead with a fork.

Distribute the resulting mass into plastic containers or small bottles, the most optimal volume is 0.33 liters. Capacities to sign and put in the freezer.

Frozen raspberries - what can be prepared from it

Raspberries are perfectly frozen, retain their shape after defrosting. Such a preparation will allow you to cook fragrant desserts with your favorite berry all year round. It will be an excellent filling for pies, rolls, a component for a smoothie or milkshake. Of course, you can cook compotes from it, the taste will be like that of fresh berries.

Recipes with frozen raspberries.

1. Mannik

You will need:

  • kefir - 2 cups;
  • frozen raspberries with whole berries - 250 grams;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • semolina - 2 cups;
  • chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • soda - 1 teaspoon;
  • soft butter - 3 tablespoons.


  1. Pour kefir into a bowl, pour semolina. Mix, leave to swell for 1 hour.
  2. Remove the raspberries from the freezer, leave on the counter to defrost.
  3. Beat sugar and egg with a whisk or blender, add to the kefir-semolina mixture.
  4. Add oil and soda, mix well.
  5. Pour the contents of the bowl into a pre-oiled mold, if silicone is used, it is not necessary to lubricate it.
  6. Drain the liquid from the raspberries, spread the berries on top of the dough, deepening a little.
  7. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

2. Lazy Oatmeal with Frozen Raspberries

This option will be an excellent breakfast that will not take away precious morning time. All preparation takes place in the evening, then it is removed until morning in the refrigerator.

Would need:

Long-cooked oatmeal - 25 gr.;

Frozen raspberries (mashed potatoes or berries without sugar) - 40 gr.;

Ryazhenka - 150 ml;

Sugar - 1 teaspoon.


  1. Prepare a small jar or glass;
  2. Pour oatmeal into it, add fermented baked milk and sugar, frozen raspberries.
  3. Stir, cover with a lid or cling film.
  4. Put in the refrigerator until the morning.

If you properly prepare and freeze raspberries, they will not lose their shape and vitamins. How to choose it correctly:

  1. For freezing, use only dense berries. Refuse overripe, darkened. They will definitely release the juice, which will turn into ice.
  2. Only chilled raspberries should be sent to the freezer. We'll have to wait a while until it cools down from the hot summer sun. In your garden, it is advisable to pick berries in the evening, and having bought them in the market, put them on the table for them to acquire room temperature.
  3. Any variety of raspberries is suitable for freezing, the preparation technology for them is the same. First freeze, then put in a container for long-term storage.
  4. It is preferable not to wash the berries before freezing. Under this condition, it will not freeze in one lump, but will be crumbly.
  5. It is more convenient to freeze raspberries in portions, in small containers or bags. If you take it out and then re-freeze it, then a layer of frost will definitely appear on the berries.
  6. Raspberries from the freezer, with proper defrosting, will be no worse than fresh berries.

    Slow defrosting

    Remove the berries from the freezer and place on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator. 30 minutes will be enough, but you can leave it for 1 hour. After this time, take out the berries and completely defrost at room temperature.

    Raspberries, which are used for pies, can be thawed if desired, but this is not necessary at all. So that it does not let juice in during the heating process, you will need to sprinkle it with potato or corn starch, for every 250 grams of berries, two teaspoons will be enough. If you put frozen raspberries in water for faster defrosting, they will definitely lose their shape and release juice.

Everyone knows about the benefits of raspberries since childhood. After all, how many times hot tea with raspberries helped with colds, flu, or after a long stay in the cold.

Useful properties of raspberries

  • Raspberries are rich in sucrose, fructose and pectin. Its berries contain vitamins C, B, PP, A, E, D, fiber.
  • Raspberries contain salicylic acid.
  • It contains potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iodine, strontium, zinc, chromium and a lot of iron.
  • Raspberries are recommended for anemia and atherosclerosis.
  • Raspberry has a diaphoretic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, antiemetic, analgesic effect.

No wonder they try to prepare it for future use in the form of jam, jam, compote.

Raspberries freeze well. Then it completely retains all the useful substances for a long time. The main thing is to freeze the berries correctly.

How to prepare raspberries for freezing

For freezing, it is best to use freshly picked berries, until they have given juice and are not crushed. Therefore, the berries are harvested in dry weather, but not in the heat. Otherwise, overheated berries will quickly darken and lose their shape.

It is impossible to put the collected raspberries into deep buckets and baskets in which they will be rumpled. For this purpose, it is best to use shallow drawers or trays.

  • Collected raspberries need to be sorted out, removing leaves and other debris.
  • It is believed that raspberries do not need to be washed. But if earlier the environment was better, now you should not expose yourself to the danger of picking up some intestinal infection because of unwashed berries. Even if raspberries grew in the country. After all, all the same, she was not under a hood: dusty winds blew her, and no one knows what kind of precipitation washed.

    Raspberries can not be washed only if jam is made from it, because heat treatment completely kills all microbes and bacteria.

    Therefore, before freezing, raspberries need to be washed. To do this, the berries are placed in a colander and washed in small batches under running cold water and preferably under a shower, so that a large pressure of water does not damage the integrity of the berries. Or a colander with berries is dipped several times in a container of cold water.

  • Larvae often live inside raspberries and insects crawl in. To get rid of them, you need to make a saline solution (take a tablespoon of salt for 1 liter of water) and pour raspberries over them. Larvae and other insects will float to the surface. They need to be caught, and the berries rinsed with clean water.
  • Then the berries are laid out in one layer on a fabric that absorbs moisture well and dried.
  • Dried raspberries are laid out on a tray so that they do not touch each other, while removing rumpled or spoiled ones.
  • A tray with berries is placed in the freezer for several hours to freeze.
  • As soon as the berries are frozen, the tray is taken out, and the berries are poured into plastic containers with lids. Since frozen berries cannot be re-frozen, they are packed in small batches. And again they clean it in the freezer - already for permanent storage. In this state, the berries can be stored until the next harvest.

If the primary freezing procedure is omitted, and the dried berries are immediately put into containers, then after freezing they can turn into a solid lump that cannot be divided without first defrosting.

For storing frozen raspberries sometimes cellophane bags are used. But it is undesirable to use ordinary bags, since they are made from recycled materials and are not designed for prolonged exposure to sub-zero temperatures. Some packages during such storage emit harmful substances that the berry successfully absorbs.

Also, the package may tear, and then the berries will be in an unpleasant neighborhood with meat products or absorb extraneous odors. Therefore, only durable bags and those specially designed for food packaging can be used.

How to freeze raspberries with sugar

  • Washed and dried berries are placed in small plastic containers. To do this, a layer of sugar is poured onto the bottom of the container, then a layer of berries is laid out.
  • The berries are sprinkled with sugar.
  • So create 2-3 layers.
  • The container is tightly closed and put into the freezer.

How to freeze raspberry puree

  • Crumpled and overripe berries (but not spoiled) that are not suitable for freezing are crushed with a potato masher.
  • Sugar is added to the berry puree and mixed.
  • Raspberry puree is laid out in small plastic containers with lids or in resealable jars (not glass). But you need to remember that when freezing, all liquids increase in volume, so the puree should not be applied flush with the top, but about one third of the container should be left free.
  • If there are not enough plastic containers, then you can use them to form briquettes with raspberry puree. To do this, put a plastic bag intended for food products into the container and pour puree into it.
  • The top of the bag is tucked under the container, which is then placed in the freezer.
  • After the puree is frozen, the bag is removed from the container and tied well. It turns out a neat briquette with frozen raspberry puree, which is placed in another tight bag to prevent leakage and tied up. Such briquettes are very convenient to store and take as needed.

Rules for defrosting berries

Fast defrosting is contraindicated for any products. Therefore, frozen berries are transferred from the freezer to the refrigerator and thawed naturally.

Raspberries are such a useful berry that with the onset of cold weather, one cannot do without it. Since last year I have been preparing raspberries mashed with sugar for the winter without boiling. A friend gave me the recipe when I had a chance to taste fresh confiture at her place, and I just fell in love with it. In addition, raspberries grated with sugar are a storehouse of vitamins, divine aroma and delicate taste.

With the onset of the raspberry season, I no longer heat the berries. I collect scarlet fruits in sunny weather in small boxes. I process raw materials necessarily within a few hours. To remove small bugs, soak for 10-15 minutes in a saline solution. I prepare the brine at the rate of one teaspoon of salt per half-liter container. Then I sort the raspberries and rinse with plain water.

To dry, I place it in one layer on a paper towel or clean napkin. Moisture is often the main reason for reduced shelf life. If you buy fruits in the market, pay attention to the appearance of the berries. The released juice or the presence of moisture on the walls of the jar indicate improper storage or cast doubt on their freshness. In any case, they are not suitable for fresh jelly.

Required Ingredients:

How to cook raspberries mashed with sugar for the winter

Wash a metal or ceramic (not aluminum) container for chopping raspberries with baking soda to degrease. Pour in water and boil for a few minutes. Drain the boiling water and turn the plate or pan over to dry. Put the raspberries in a container, pour in water, add salt and leave the raspberries for 5 minutes. Then rinse with plain water and dry.

Place the raspberries in a prepared container, add sugar and mash with a wooden crush until it dissolves. To save time, you can use a blender. In this case, the consistency of confiture will be more homogeneous.

Before using your immersion blender, read the instruction manual for the immersion blender. Most typical electrical devices of this type are designed for continuous operation for no more than one minute.

Keep the fragrant sweet mass for two hours. During this time, the components will be mutually enriched and the mixture will not delaminate if stored properly.

Sterilize the cylinders defatted with soda in the most convenient and safe way. Soak the lids in boiling water for 3-4 minutes.

Transfer the pureed raspberry mixture to prepared dry jars and seal tightly.

No need to flip. Store fresh raspberry jam in the refrigerator or in a dark, cold place. Bon appetit. Be healthy!

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