Home Flowers One for electricity. How to calculate ODN for electricity according to the established standard? Benefits of excluding the ODN line

One for electricity. How to calculate ODN for electricity according to the established standard? Benefits of excluding the ODN line

The principle of paying for utilities at strictly established tariffs depending on the number of residents (registered) in the apartment is a thing of the past. With the development of market relations, each supplier of energy resources: electricity, water, heat, became interested in receiving payment for the actually supplied resource, regardless of the problems that a particular consumer had, in full.
This caused the need to radically change the system of payment for energy resources received both for owners of premises and for management companies (MC, HOA).
But practice has shown that the volume of resources consumed by premises owners differs sharply from the data thatresource-supplyingorganizations recorded using their metering devices. The result was a situation where a significant part of the resources produced and supplied to the consumer turned out to be unpaid.
Management companies did not want, and in most cases could not, for financial reasons, attribute the part of received but not paid resources that was not accounted for by metering devices or calculated on the basis of consumption standards to their own account.
Thus, common house needs were born ( ONE ) - a line in payment accounts that was intended to compensate for the difference between meter readingsresource supplyorganization and the utility services actually consumed by the owners, recorded using individual metering devices or calculated on the basis of consumption standards.

Regulatory framework for charging fees for ONE

The regulatory framework on the basis of which payments for ODN includes:

The practice of highlighting a separate line in receipts for utility bills ONE showed that this form of presenting information causes a lot of complaints from owners who either do not know or do not understand the calculation mechanism. Because of this, the work of management companies has turned into a bureaucratic mechanism for drawing up responses to countless consumer complaints and providing transcripts of calculations.
Taking into account that additional information only leads to an increase in social tension and the refusal of a significant part of the owners to pay incomprehensible or “unfair”, from their point of view, expenses for the maintenance of common property, the State Duma of the Russian Federation on May 29, 2015 adopted Law No. 176-FZ, which provided for “ disappearing" line ONE from receipts for payment from 07/01/2016.
But, the date of entry into force of the Law was postponed by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation until 01/01/2017, due to the sluggishness of government agencies, utility services,resource-supplyingorganizations for its implementation within the planned time frame.

What is included in general house needs ( ODN)

Most owners believe that general house needs include expenses for:

Lighting of the entrance and local area;
Cleaning expenses;
Costs for heating entrances and technical premises.

Therefore, when in the line ONE they see that cold water was consumed 3-4 times more in the current month than in the previous month, they wonder: where did it go?
In addition to the listed energy resource costs for one-stage power supply, they also include:

For power supply:

Operation of elevators;
Water supply pumps;
Alarms and intercoms;
Emergency lighting in basements and attics;
Technological losses inside MKD associated with the characteristics of the electrical equipment installed in it.

For water supply:

In addition to the listed resource costs, it is prohibited to include other payment items.
This also applies to payment for consumed resources by enterprises or private companies located in MKD.
The same should apply to the numerous service providers who use the premises MKD for placement of telecommunications equipment. When a receiving antenna is placed on the roof of a house, several residents can use its services, but the energy costs for maintaining this telecommunications equipment are attributed to ONE - it is forbidden. The provider whose equipment is located in the house must pay the bills for the use of electricity.

General house needs in 2017

Despite the fact that there will no longer be an “unclear” and irritating line in the invoices ONE – payment for them will not disappear anywhere. Simply all payments for those consumed for public purposes to maintain the power supply, heating, sewerage, sanitary systems in working order MKD (apartment buildings) will be evenly distributed and added to the payment for consumed utilities in proportion to the owner’s share in the common property.
The methodology for calculating general house needs will change.
From now on, payments cannot exceed the norms calculated for each categoryapartment buildingdepending on the period of their commissioning, number of storeys, area of ​​location, condition of utility networks and a number of other factors. These standards are approved by decisions of municipal authorities in the regions and are designed to level out the difference between charges for the same volume of supplied resources from different management companies and HOA.

Advantages of Row Exclusion ONE

Take advantage of the inclusion of fees for ONE Only management companies will be able to pay invoices. From now on, the ground for consolidated expression of dissatisfaction at general meetings has been “knocked out” from under the feet of owners of residential premises. In order to establish what common house needs and to what extent a particular property owner pays, it will be necessary to conduct a complete reconciliation of the accounts of at least two owners. This is a troublesome matter. Talk about what is on the agenda of the general meeting of owners MKD From now on, questions will be raised about overcharging for ONE no longer necessary.
There won't be such a line. Consequently, everyone will have to express disagreement with the tariff levels individually, and seek a response from the management company or HOA - alone.

Do I have to pay for ONE

Question about the need for payment ODN automatically stops be relevant from January 1, 2017, since there will no longer be such a separate line in the invoices.
Non-payment of bills for consumed utilities due to the owner’s disagreement with the amount of payment for ONE , which are included in his individual account - entails the application of penalties, up to restriction of the use of any public resource: electricity, water supply. Appeal deactivation actions energy resource only possible in court. As a rule, courts obligeenergy supplyorganizations to stop supply restriction actions energy resource due to violation of the rules for the sanitary condition of residential premises and violation of the rights of citizens living in residential premises (minor children).
But this does not relieve the obligation to repay existing debt.
Whatever the law is, it is the law. Therefore, whether you like it or not, pay for ONE - necessary. The question is how much? But this is resolved in each specific case and again - only in court.

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To ensure comfortable living conditions for people in cities and other populated areas, there are utility services provided by local authorities that must be paid for. They also include such types of services as maintaining and restoring the proper condition of buildings in accordance with technical and sanitary-hygienic rules. Residents of one or another housing stock must also pay for all this.

Unfortunately, recently, when it comes to utility bills, people are beginning to be outraged due to their constant rise in price. In order to navigate changes in the legislative framework for housing and communal services and not become a victim of fraud during the calculation of payments, you need to know how this is done and be able to calculate their amounts yourself. People are especially interested in the nuances of accruals for general household needs, namely the formula for calculating the one-hour charge for electricity.

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Utility bills for electricity

Every month, property owners in apartment buildings receive payments for electricity, which include both payment for the use of kilowatts for personal interests and expenses incurred to provide the entire house. Personal electricity consumption needs are assessed mainly depending on the indicators of the meter assigned to individual housing. But the amount of payments for general house electricity consumption can be calculated both according to a meter installed for the whole house, and without it.

At the moment, the size of housing and utility payments for electricity consumption is set by the government authorities of a particular region, and not, as it was before, by local governments. Accordingly, each region has its own standards, the sizes of which can be found on the administration website.

Dimensions of standards for single electricity supply

To ensure the efficiency of housing and communal services, to introduce clarity and transparency of utility payments, according to the Housing Legislation of the Russian Federation, new rules for calculating utility payments were introduced on January 1, 2017. Since the beginning of this year, the concept of payment of debts for services provided, used not personally by each resident, but spent on general house needs, has been introduced. As mentioned above, in each region the administration sets its own standard for payment for electricity spent on general household needs.

When setting the standard, pay attention to such features of an apartment building as:

  • Number of floors, as well as the presence of a basement and attic;
  • Provided number of lighting sources;
  • Pump equipment;
  • Elevators and their load capacity;
  • Fire protection and alarm systems;
  • Availability of intercoms, CCTV cameras, etc.;
  • The general solvency of the people of a given region and the availability of energy resources on its territory.

Calculation for one electricity supply for a house with a common meter

If an apartment building is equipped with a special meter, then charges are made by the head of the housing committee of this building together with a representative of Elektronadzor. Here are the actions they must take:

The generally accepted formula for calculating one tax for electricity consumption is:

“Indications of ODPU - Consumption in common premises - Consumption of IPU - Consumption according to the standard) * Apartment area / Area of ​​all apartments in the house"

How to calculate ODN for a house without a meter

The method of calculating payment for electricity consumption in an apartment building, where there is no special metering device, is to use a standard clearly established by the state authorities of the region.

In other words, calculations occur according to the formula:

“Consumption standard * Area of ​​common building premises * Area of ​​apartment / Area of ​​all apartments in the house”

The owner of the apartment receives a general receipt indicating the amount to be paid for electricity used for personal and public needs, in accordance with the norm of the given region.

Legal information! Federal Law No. 176-FZ “On Amendments to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation” was adopted in the summer of 2015 to optimize the work of housing and communal services and more carefully control the use of their payments. According to its content, changes were introduced regarding the formula for calculating one-time electricity consumption.

Examples of standards in different regions of the Russian Federation

  1. Moscow region:
    • from 0.04 to 0.28 kW/h depending on the number of storeys;
    • from 1.19 to 1.58 kW/h, if the high-rise building has an elevator (depending on its load capacity).
  2. Rostov region:
    • 1.7 kW/h – houses with elevators;
    • 0.6 kW/h – cost of lighting on the floor;
    • 0.9 kW/h – fee for equipping the house with a pump pumping cold water.
  3. Saratov region:
    • 1.82 kW/h – lighting;
    • 2.4 kW/h – presence of a passenger elevator;
    • 2.10 kW/h – pump equipment;
    • 2.72 kW/h – power plants.
  4. Novosibirsk region:
    • 6.128 to 7.014 kW/h – for residents of high-rise buildings with autonomous electric heating (presence of 12th and 13th floors).

What you should pay attention to

The introduction of innovations in any sector of the economy with the aim of efficiency and improvement of its work cannot always immediately cover all possible nuances. Of course, people must first try it out and feel the advantages and possible shortcomings of innovations. Only after this are positive adjustments made and enshrined in law.

So it is with changes in housing and communal issues. When calculating payments under ODN, there are still some unanswered questions:

Based on the above difficulties, it may be necessary to come up with a new way to process the necessary data. For example, make the collection of indicators automated and conduct it through computer programs.


If the actual amounts spent on repaying the energy expended for general household needs exceed the theoretical calculations of consumption according to established standards, then the responsibility for repaying them falls on the shoulders of the utility service providers. Such executors can be management companies or homeowners’ associations, that is, organizations that have been entrusted with the right to manage an apartment building.

This point is also a recent innovation in housing legislation, because previously all additional costs were covered by the residents of the house.

When the majority of people live from paycheck to paycheck, the issue of paying utility bills, the size of the standards for which does not stand still, but is constantly growing, will always be in the first place. Therefore, it is very important to be able to correctly calculate expenses. After all, the material well-being and state of the nervous system of your family members depends on whether you can independently calculate and control the amount to pay for utilities.

General household needs have recently been listed not as utilities, but as housing services. This change in status led to changes in payment for housing and communal services. What are the features of ODN in 2019?

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In 2019, the implementation of the bill regarding payments for general household needs began.

In receipts, the payment for single-use services is now indicated in the line about the maintenance of housing, and not in the line about utility services, as was previously the case. What are the features of general house needs in 2019?

Basic moments

Starting from 2019, payments for general household needs are calculated according to new rules. This innovation is due to the need for calculations taking into account real consumption.

According to the legislator, changing the status of the service will allow payments to be made only for actually used resources.

The new calculation algorithm was introduced gradually. While preparing for the transition, owners and service companies had to prepare for changes in payment.

In particular, management companies had to inspect each house, detect cases of misuse of utility resources, and carry out work to improve energy efficiency.

Since 2019, receipts include common household needs in the fee for the maintenance of common property.

What it is

The ODN payment is calculated based on the readings of common building meters installed in most apartment buildings, in comparison with the readings of individual meters.

ODN represents the difference between the readings of personal meters installed in residents’ apartments and common building meters in apartment buildings.

When a meter is not installed in the apartment, the amount of resources consumed is calculated as the ratio of the apartment area to the sum of all areas of the common property.

If we talk about the purpose of ODN, then these are utility services necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the entire apartment building.

The revision of the calculation of one-time income is explained by the fact that many management organizations began to write off their own debts to resource suppliers and other third-party costs in this section.

What are they made of?

Most of the owners do not understand enough what is included in the general needs of the house. The general idea is that ODN is only for lighting and heating the entrance.

In fact, in addition to the listed costs, the RDN includes the following costs:

It is strictly prohibited to include other resource expenses in the ODN. Residents should not pay more than normal for general household needs.

In practice, it looks like this: if part of the energy resources is lost during delivery to the end consumer due to the fault of the management company, then the costs are paid by the management organization.

Legal regulation

To apply the new procedure, the Government of the Russian Federation made changes to the “Rules for the provision of public services...” approved by .

Emerging nuances

How is the ODN fee calculated in 2019? There are two calculation options. The main criterion is the presence/absence of a common house metering device in the apartment building.

In both cases, the volume of resources spent on general house needs is first calculated, and then the resulting value is distributed among the personal accounts of residential and non-residential premises.

If the MKD is equipped with a counter, then the value is calculated as the difference between the readings of the general and individual counters.

The identified difference is divided between all residents of the house in proportion to the area of ​​the occupied apartments.

If there is no meter in an apartment, then the calculation is carried out using standard indicators for resource consumption for each registered resident and the area of ​​the premises.

When an apartment building does not have a common building meter, the volume of the ODN is determined by multiplying the standard established by local authorities by the total area of ​​the building.

Applicable regulations may vary by region. Among the nuances of the new order, it should be noted that they are now required to independently pay for the overexpenditure of resources.

This will lead to the fact that management companies will be more interested in the timely elimination of accidents and will begin to more carefully monitor overruns.

Consumption standards

To calculate the payment for ODN at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, consumption standards must be approved. To determine the correct values, experts collect readings from hundreds of thousands of objects.

In particular, the volume of received resources according to the general counter and the volume of individually spent resources according to personal counters are taken into account.

The difference is considered to be the volume of communal resources that is necessary to maintain the common property of the apartment building. Comparing the results of all inspected houses allows us to determine the average indicator and approve it as a single standard.

Some issues related to the new procedure regarding ODN were clarified by the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation. So, when including ODN in housing services, the Criminal Code (, etc.) should be guided by.

In fact it looks like this:


There is no uniform national standard for electricity consumption for apartment buildings. Determining the indicator depends on many factors, for example:

If we compare the standards approved for 2019 in different regions, the values ​​​​turn out to be very different. For 1 sq.m. The standard for electricity consumption according to ODN ranges on average from 0.6 kW/h to 7 kW/h.

To reduce the payment of one-time tax for electricity, you must:

What is water used for?

ODN costs for cold water include:

  • network cleaning;
  • losses inside the apartment building;
  • water consumption for general expenses for premises and adjacent areas.

One's expenses for hot water are spent on:

  • technological work related to ensuring the operation of the heating system;
  • water discharge during heating system repairs;
  • intra-house losses.

Official standards for cold water consumption according to ODN, using the example of the Stavropol Territory, range from 0.029-0.067 cubic meters per 1 sq.m.

This takes into account factors such as:

  • the presence of a drainage system in the apartment building;
  • availability of centralized water supply;
  • types of installed baths by volume, etc.

As in the case of electricity, the calculation of ODN for water supply is based on the difference in the readings of communal and individual meters.

Water disposal for general house needs in 2019 cannot exceed the volume of water spent on single-use water supply systems.


In addition to electricity and water supply, the ODN includes heating fees, since heat must be maintained not only in apartments, but also in common areas of the house.

But in this case, it is impossible to determine using meters how much heat is spent on each room separately. In addition, heating is always a utility service.

Regardless of the method of managing the MKD, heat is paid for collectively without dividing into personal and general household consumption. This norm is enshrined in clause 40 of the Rules for the provision of public services.

To calculate the payment for heating as part of the ODN, a thermal energy consumption standard is used, which is multiplied by the area of ​​common premises in the house. The resulting value is divided among all residents.

What are the tariffs for 2019?

Tariffs approved by regional authorities are published on the websites of management companies. Consumption standards for ODN are also subject to publication.

This way, every citizen can check the correctness of payment calculations. Thanks to this, the calculation of payments for utility services becomes more transparent.

In this case, two options are possible:

It is not at all difficult to detect criminal fraud. Residents simply need to familiarize themselves with the information about tariffs and standards posted publicly on the Internet and independently calculate the amount due for payment.

If fraud on the part of the management company is discovered, then the rights of the residents are protected on the basis of Federal Law No. 176 of June 29, 2015. In particular, the management company faces prosecution for knowingly false increases in pay.

The management company will be required to pay a penalty to consumers. In addition, an administrative fine is imposed on the Criminal Code.

The new procedure for calculating one-time income is already a fait accompli. Accurate calculations will improve the quality of home maintenance.

But achieving the goals set by the Government depends on each owner, since only the residents of the house themselves can sufficiently control the work of management organizations and the correctness of the calculations made.


The Ministry of Construction has allowed paying less than the standard for the maintenance of common property in an apartment building - according to the readings of common building meters.

From January 1, they pay for general household needs according to regional standards. Some management companies used the new law to further enrich themselves at the expense of residents. They charged payments for general house needs according to standards, even if the house saved electricity and water for general needs.

The Ministry of Construction explained when it is possible to pay less than the standards. If the consumption of resources according to the general house meter is below the norm, you only need to pay for actual consumption.

It's worth checking your receipts and checking with the management company.

The Ministry of Construction also instructed the regions to take into account the technical features of houses, even if these parameters are not specified in the general rules. For example, the general rules do not include energy-saving measures, but they need to be taken into account.

What are general house needs?

Apartment buildings have common property: entrances, courtyard, elevator, intercom, basement. They need to be cleaned, lit and heated. These costs are proportionally distributed among the apartment owners.

Residents are required by law to pay for the maintenance of common property. These payments are charged by default and cannot be waived. Each utility bill already contains this amount.

As it was before?

Before January 1, 2017, general household needs were indicated on receipts as a separate line. Management companies calculated these payments differently, and no one regulated the standards. In one house, residents paid 200 rubles for light in the entrance, and in another - 1000 rubles.

The management companies themselves entered bills for general household needs into receipts - without control and according to their own schemes. And payments were made to resource suppliers based on actual consumption. This allowed them to make a profit at the expense of the house's residents. For example, rent out the elevator room as a beauty salon, and distribute the water consumption among the residents.

Or the mother-in-law of the director of the management company lives in your house and does not pay for electricity. Her expenses are included in the receipts of other residents. No one will be able to check the accruals, so everyone pays for the neighbor under the guise of general house needs.

Take a closer look 👀 at your management company

And what has changed?

From January 1, general household needs were excluded from receipts. Now the costs of maintaining common property are included in the individual account. For example, the line for electricity indicates the fee for light in the apartment and for light in the entrance and elevator.

By June 1, 2017, the regions will establish standards for the consumption of utility services for general household needs. Residents must pay only these standards. The excess will be paid by the management company or the homeowners association.

For example, in one house the management system works well: the doors in the entrances were insulated, motion sensors and door closers were installed, the faucet in the basement was repaired, and plastic windows were installed on the landings. In another house, the control system works poorly: it blows from the windows on the staircases, the radiators work at full power, pipes are leaking in the basement, and the light at the front door never turns off. The second company will not be able to include the excess consumption of electricity and water in the residents' receipts and will itself pay for exceeding the standards.

So what did the Ministry of Construction explain to whom?

According to the law, residents must pay no more than the standards for general house needs. But there is no direct indication that you can pay less.

Some management companies take advantage of this and calculate general house needs according to standards. And in many regions, new standards have not yet been approved and calculations from three years ago are used.

Because of this, for residents of some buildings with motion sensors, modern elevators and insulated entrances, the cost of maintaining common property has increased since January 1. For example, last year the management company calculated general house needs according to its scheme, took into account energy-saving measures and actual consumption. And from this year, I began to calculate general house needs according to the standard - as written in the law. Due to misinterpretation of the law, tenants are forced to pay more.

The Ministry of Construction explained that residents cannot pay more than the standards, but they can pay less. He sent this letter to the governors so that they could restore order in the regions.

  1. Take readings from public meters.
  2. Calculate the volume of services according to individual meters.
  3. Find the difference between total and individual consumption.
  4. Compare the difference with the standard.
  5. If the difference is greater, only the standard is distributed among residents. The rest is paid by the management company.
  6. If the difference is smaller, residents pay only for actual consumption.

If there are no common meters in the house, then it is impossible to find out the actual consumption. Then you need to pay according to the standards.

Where can I get these standards?

Standards are set by regional authorities. In all regions, new standards must be calculated by June 1, 2017. If there are no new standards, those in force on November 1, 2016 are used.

For example, in Udmurtia, 2013 standards apply for some types of general house services. In the Belgorod region, standards were established in 2015. And in the Moscow region - in October 2016.

The standards depend on the technical features of an apartment building: year of construction, number of floors, type of heating, size of baths, presence of toilets and central sewerage.

In a letter to the governors, the Ministry of Construction instructed to take into account even those parameters that are not in the general rules when calculating standards.

For example, in one brick house with central water supply and sewerage, motion sensors, energy-saving light bulbs and thermostats are installed. In another similar house across the road, the lights on the landings are always on, the front door can be open even in winter, and the batteries in the entrance are turned on at full power until April 10. Or in one house there is a small yard with a children's swing and a sandbox, and in the neighboring yard the residents have laid out flower beds, installed a fountain and now use a lot of water.

Residents of such houses must pay for general utilities according to different standards. Regional authorities will take this into account and recalculate the indicators.

What if they don’t count anything for our house? What to do then?

Several management companies can submit a collective application to calculate the standard, even for individual houses.

For example, there are only five houses with innovative technologies in the region. They use solar energy to illuminate the yard, and purify wastewater and water the flower beds with it. By default, the authorities will not calculate separate standards for such houses. But if the management company justifies the request, they can calculate it.

How do I know that I am not overpaying for the maintenance of common property?

The exact calculation will be provided by the management company. If the receipt for January has already arrived, ask to provide readings of public meters and calculations according to the standard. This can be done in person or at a meeting of owners.

If you were charged for general household needs according to the standard, but actual consumption in January was less, insist on recalculation according to the recommendations of the Ministry of Construction.

If the actual consumption of utilities for the maintenance of common property is more than the standard, the difference must be paid by the management company: this amount cannot be taken into account in residents’ receipts.

Is there any way to reduce the cost of maintaining common property?

This is the responsibility of the management company. She must make sure that the house is light, warm and clean, but the residents do not overpay for utilities.

For example, you can use LED bulbs and motion sensors in entrances to save energy. If you install a closer on the front door, it will not be open in winter - heat loss will be reduced. The house must have a common house meter in order to pay for actual consumption, and not according to standards. Your management company should be responsible for all this.

Elevators, heating systems, water supply and sewerage systems must be serviced on time. Then they break less. If a pipe bursts in the entrance, the residents will pay for the excess costs above the standard.

Change the management company if it does not work well or does not listen to the recommendations of the Ministry of Construction. If the management company violates the contract, it can be terminated. Or you can hold a general meeting of owners and notify the management company of the termination of the contract within 5 days, even if there are no violations.

We want to dig a swimming pool in the yard of the house. We also like to have lights on all floors around the clock. Will residents still pay according to the standard, and the overspending will be at the expense of the management company?

Not necessary. At a general meeting of residents, you can voluntarily increase the standards for the maintenance of common property.

There are luxury buildings in which the volume of utilities is always higher than the standards, and residents do not mind paying for this excess. For example, they want lights in the entrances and parking lot to be on all night, even if no one is there. Or they set up a room in the lobby where dogs’ paws are washed after going outside.

Apartment owners will sign a general decision and will voluntarily pay more than the standards for electricity and water, so as not to shift their costs to the management company.

Payments for utilities make up a significant portion of the expenses of any family budget. Therefore, the introduction of additional payments, in some cases, causes indignation among payers, since sometimes utility services are of poor quality. In 2013, a payment for one-time service appeared in payment bills. What this is will be covered below.

What is ODN? Photo No. 1

In 2013, by Government Resolution No. 314, the concept of one water tax was introduced into the utility payment system. This abbreviation is interpreted as general house water consumption needs.

According to the above regulatory document, general house water consumption needs relate to its use not by specific consumers, but for the maintenance of the entire multi-apartment building.

Let's figure out what ODN is.

As you know, cold and hot water enters an apartment building, where it is distributed through utility networks to all consumers. But some of it does not reach due to technological or other problems.

Technological problems mean losses due to various leaks, flushing of utility networks during their diagnostics and other processes.

Other cases mean the use of process water for the maintenance of the multi-story building itself (watering lawns, washing staircases, use for other needs). Based on this, a certain cubic capacity of water enters the house (maximum value), and a smaller portion reaches consumers.

Naturally, the utilities that supply the water must receive payment for all water.

As you know, ODN applies not only to cold, but also to hot water.

The components of cold water ODN are as follows:

  • watering the common area;
  • use of water resources for washing staircases, as well as other common areas for residents;
  • technological loss, such as leaking utility lines;
  • other needs for maintenance of an apartment building.

Components of hot water:

  • flushing the heating system before starting it hot;
  • filling engineering systems with process hot water for their diagnostics;
  • troubleshooting problems in which you have to drain hot water and bleed it.

Now let's move on to considering the question of where payments for one-way tax are received. These are utility companies that provide cold and hot water supply services. They are the providers of such public services, and accordingly are required to receive payment for them.

It is important to remember that due to the fact that general household needs for water consumption are classified as public services, they are also subject to the rules on the provision of subsidies.

Frequently asked questions regarding the calculation of ODN standards

Answers on payment for one-time tax. Photo No. 3

Despite the fact that this tariff was conceived as a payment for water resources that are used for the maintenance of houses, it is not formed transparently, which is why many utility companies try to inflate the consumption standards of ODN.

Let's look at frequently asked questions. The first concerns calculation schemes. There are several formulas for calculating ODN, but none of them are perfect and there are many ways to confuse consumers.

It’s easier for those who have an apartment building equipped with a common building meter for cold and hot water. Having it, utility consumers can always compare how much water entered the house, as well as the amount spent by all consumers. Accordingly, the difference will be the amount of one.

Those houses that do not have communal metering devices will pay for ODN based on calculations from utility service providers. The formula for them is as follows - H = 0.09 x K / C.

N is the value of ODN for a specific consumer facility (that is, for one personal account), 0.09 is a standard number used for all calculations, K is the total number of citizens living in the house, C is the total value of all residential and non-residential in a particular apartment building home.

As can be seen from this formula, it will not reflect an accurate indication of the water used to service the house and its utilities.

The next question concerns payment for services not provided. For example, there are situations when there is no water in the house due to repair work on the central water supply, or other breakdowns, and the received payment contains one. No need to panic. It is enough to submit a statement in the form of a claim to the utility company supplying water.

In it, indicate from what time and for what time there was no water, and ask for a recalculation, which can be checked using the above formula. If such a recalculation is not done, then you can contact and demand that it be done forcibly.

The ODN standard provides for payment for water (cold and hot) which is used for maintenance of an apartment building (watering, checking utility networks, and other needs).

You can learn about approaches to setting tariffs for one-way service by watching the video:

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14 Sep 2017 127

Discussion: 3 comments

    It is likely that many residents have not even heard about one-room service, although they knew that they had to pay for it. Although I think that these expenses should be included in the rent rates. The population pays for all existing utility services according to meter readings.


    ODN was introduced to secretly increase tariffs. Previously, all water and electricity were included in the same tariff, but then ONE was removed from there, but the tariff was not reduced! I have ONE more electricity for individual consumption! How does this happen?


    1. General house needs, such as lighting in the entrance, water consumed by the cleaner, losses due to poor-quality networks. Resources consumed in the apartment are paid according to meter readings according to issued receipts directly to the resource supplying organization. Each house has the same water supply, electricity, and heating devices for the entire house. The difference between the consumption of the entire house and each apartment according to the meter will be one. General house needs are paid to the management company or homeowners association, which directly maintains the common property of the house (washing floors, changing light bulbs and electrical wiring, etc.). If the difference between the payment in the apartment and the ODN is significant, you must contact the service company with an application for an inspection. Perhaps due to the deterioration of the networks, a leak occurs, or the fact of resource theft is revealed. A commission appointed on the basis of your application will conduct an examination, identify and eliminate these facts. The amount of ODN should decrease.


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