Home indoor flowers Sechenov University passing scores. Sechenov Medical Institute: faculties and specialties. first mgmu them. And. m. sechenova: reviews of students. What was the institute like?

Sechenov University passing scores. Sechenov Medical Institute: faculties and specialties. first mgmu them. And. m. sechenova: reviews of students. What was the institute like?

Average result Unified State Examination for applicants to the First Moscow State Medical University. I.M. Sechenov was 94 points. In total, about 2.5 thousand people entered this university in 2016. This was reported to the Moscow City News Agency by the press service of the university.

“The average score, as in the previous year, remains high. It amounted to 94 for the budgetary form of education in health care specialties,” the agency’s interlocutor said.

According to him, in total in 2016, applications for admission to the First Moscow State Medical University. I. Sechenov was submitted by about 32 thousand graduates, of which 2 thousand 487 became first-year students.

“The maximum competition was 96 people for a place in the specialty “Medical Biochemistry”. For training in an innovative educational program - the profile "doctor-researcher" (specialty "General Medicine") - introduced this year, GPA Unified State Exam amounted to 98. More than 90% of those recommended for enrollment are prize-winners or winners final stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren, while six people are winners of the Sechenov Olympiad in chemistry and biology,” the university noted.

Earlier, Oleg Salagai, Director of the Department of Public Health and Communications of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, said that the average USE score among Russian applicants medical schools to date, 10 points above the average.

One of the hostels of the First Med:

Student of this university: I am a 2nd year student at the medical faculty of Sechenovka - a dream university) I entered the general competition, it was quite difficult, in my 2015, the guys did not pass below 275 points; the target students had, of course, a much lower score, and in total more than 5,000 people applied.
I believe that such an interest of applicants to the university is fully justified: no matter what anyone says, they teach really well! The teaching staff is excellent, especially in physiology and biochemistry (and these are one of the most important disciplines for a future doctor). Other subjects are also taught well; the plus is that general education subjects such as history, philosophy or economics do not require much effort, to get a credit it is enough not to miss too many classes and write a credit computer centralized test (CT). In the main subjects, we write tests almost every lesson, but test tasks adequate, it is not necessary to cram them, because the database has already been edited over the years.
The program is comprehensive and the emphasis is on self-training. There is no place for lazy people here, you need to be able to properly organize your time, and then everything can really be done. At the same time, it is difficult to fly out due to poor progress, because 6 months are given to eliminate debts, and you can go to exams even without credits.
IN Lately for students, life has been simplified by the fact that the same tests are available in the public domain by order of the Vice-Rector for academic work, registration for retake tests is made automatically, created Personal Area, in which the schedule, information about the appointment or withdrawal of scholarships, retakes and all results of the CT are already available, in the future it is planned to publish information about student attendance. This means that there are fewer reasons to stand in line at the dean's office)
Educational buildings are located at different metro stations, but everything is within walking distance. On the 1st course, most of the couples will be on Izmailovskaya. 2 course - basically Okhotny Ryad, where the departments are 5 minutes walk.
Scholarships are not too large, but, as in all universities, they are indexed. Now students, starting from the 2nd semester of the 1st year, receive 3,045 rubles (a single amount, there is no division into excellent students and good students), only freshmen who have entered - about 1,500 rubles a month. Starting from the 3rd year, you can apply for an increased scholarship for educational, sports and scientific achievements.
The only negative is the lack of places in budget hostels (only beneficiaries are accommodated) - this year they plan to compensate, because. Finishing of a new dormitory with >1000 beds is nearing completion.
Information for activists: there are many sports sections in our university, volunteering and student scientific circles are developed.
In general, the atmosphere in the student environment is calm and friendly, study, in my opinion, is still not as difficult as it scares applicants) Groups are most often very friendly, everyone helps each other, otherwise it is almost impossible to adapt to the pace of study from the first days. Those who enter here consciously and by own will, and not only at the behest of parents, it will be interesting to study, so I wish good luck to applicants!

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