Home Grape Average score of exam results in literature. Ministry of Education and Science: the average Unified State Exam score in literature has increased, but in geography has not changed

Average score of exam results in literature. Ministry of Education and Science: the average Unified State Exam score in literature has increased, but in geography has not changed

On the official website of FIPI in the section "Analytical and teaching materials"published" Guidelines for teachers, prepared on the basis of analysis typical mistakes participants of the Unified State Exam 2018", this is where you can find information about Which GPA The Unified State Exam in Literature was held in 2018.

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Table 1

Average USE score 2018 in literature

The total number of examinees in 2018 was more than 49 thousand people, which is higher than in 2017 and 2016. These data indicate a certain stability in choosing the Unified State Exam in literature by graduates entering universities of the relevant profile.

Average test score in 2018 was 61.4, which is slightly higher than the figures for 2017 (59.6) and 2016 (57.9).

The most numerous are the groups of examinees who received 41–60 and 61–80 points. (32% and 43% of participants, respectively). The group of high scorers makes up about 15% of total number participants. Compared to 2017, in 2018 the proportion of examinees with results in the range of low (21–40) and average (41–60) scores decreased.

The trend towards an increase in the proportion of well-prepared participants with results of 61–80 t.b. continues. (an increase of 3%), which is, in particular, due to the tendency to improve the quality of teaching the subject “Literature” in the context of the introduction of the final essay. Minimum primary score The Unified State Exam 2018 amounted to 15 p.b.

Proportion of graduates who did not graduate in 2018 minimum quantity points is equal to 5.2%.

In general, the 2018 graduates successfully completed the tasks assigned to them exam paper. In particular, when completing short-answer tasks, exam participants demonstrated good level possession of theoretical and literary knowledge. At the same time, the most difficult questions for examinees turned out to be those related to reproducing details of a literary text.

As in previous years, difficulties arose when completing tasks that required knowledge of the content of the works fiction(names of characters, names of places of events, significant details, etc.), as well as tasks to establish various correspondences: between characters and their characteristics, authors and the names of their works, heroes and their remarks. The main reason for the low level of completion of these tasks lies in the lack of attention to the literary text itself when preparing for the exam. Often schoolchildren try to replace reading full text literary work familiarization with materials containing general information about its plot and poetics or a condensed retelling, as well as reference to film adaptations and theatrical productions, which is both a subject matter and a general cultural problem today.

Graduates did not always successfully cope with the analysis of a lyrical work, which requires good skills in interpreting a literary text, the ability to find various visual and expressive means in it, identify their role in revealing the author’s thoughts, and determine the poetic meter.

Questions with extended answers have traditionally caused difficulties for examinees. various types. The most difficult of them were full-length essays and tasks for aspect comparison of independently selected examples with the source text, and a significant group of graduates experienced difficulties in attracting a second text for comparison, which indicates an insufficient level of reading culture. Also, many graduates demonstrated a low level of proficiency in the skills of argumentation and generalization, lack of ability to logically construct a written argument, and to quote appropriately artistic text and comment on literary quotations used for analysis.

When turning to an argumentative essay, examinees did not always carefully read the topic, avoiding a direct answer to the question posed. In a number of cases, graduates revealed a lack of awareness about the stages of development of the literary process, about the writers’ belonging to a particular era. A significant group of examinees have a consistently low level of proficiency in written language standards.

Thus, the most important issues school literary education, confirmed by the analysis of the 2018 exam results, should still be considered, firstly, low level reading culture, manifested in a narrow literary outlook, ignorance and shallow understanding of texts works of art, and, secondly, insufficient knowledge of speech culture, which makes it difficult to create high-quality monologue statement on literary theme. In that regarding the Unified State Exam in literature and the final essay with a literary component are an important incentive for the development of the above subject skills and abilities.

Analysis of the 2018 Unified State Exam results confirms the preservation of measurement properties examination model and allows us to state that the degree of complexity of KIM tasks is generally adequate to the cognitive capabilities of the examinees and makes it possible to differentiate them for admission to universities with different requirements for the level of preparation in literature.

Literature in Moscow began a few weeks ago, when the exam results were announced. It turned out that some of the capital’s schoolchildren, who became prize-winners of subject Olympiads in literature, did not even score 65 points. This is exactly how many points are needed to confirm your status as an Olympiad winner for admission.

In Moscow, the number of high-scoring and 100-scoring literature students has decreased, while, for example, in St. Petersburg it has increased. The appeals that schoolchildren filed to revise their grades sometimes ended with an increase of 2-3 points, but more often with threats that their score for another assignment would be lowered, or with nothing at all. The students complained that during the appeal they could not really explain to them what their mistake was. And if they tried, the explanations looked very strange. For example, in the phrase “Take, for example, Bazarov. His behavior suggests that…” experts from the subject commission on literature of the city of Moscow found two speech errors and explained them to the schoolchild something like this: “Let’s take Bazarov by the hand, or what? And his behavior is the behavior of an example?

Frustrated schoolchildren began to write to the literature teacher of school No. 57, a member of the Public Council and the chairman of the subject commission All-Russian Olympiad on literature to Sergei Volkov and other caring teachers. As a result, the Moscow Department of Education organized a meeting of teachers, schoolchildren and parents with members of the capital’s subject commission on literature, that is, with precisely those people who checked the students’ work and participated in the consideration of the appeal.

Act one: accusation

The head of the subject commission, Elena Chernyshova, began with a reminder that the student’s work is checked by two experts and if their assessments differ, then a third expert is involved. All works are assessed according to criteria prepared by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements. “We work seriously and responsibly to ensure that the team of experts is professional,” said Chernyshova. If a student does not agree with the scores, he comes to an appeal, where his work is assessed by two experts. However, from this year the appeal has become absentee, that is, work can be re-checked without the presence of schoolchildren.

Chernyshova presented Sergei Volkov with press publications in which he called the experts’ work biased. “A teacher, lecturer at the Higher School of Economics, chairman of the subject committee of the All-Russian Olympiad in Literature, Sergei Vladimirovich is also a journalist, he knows how to present facts. But here he rather operates on rumors. His articles repeat the phrases “there is a feeling”, “an impression has been created” and others. All of them are applied primarily to the winners of the Olympiads who did not score the required points,” Chernyshova said, accusing Volkov of bias.

According to her, the Minister of Education and Science also believes that the results of the Unified State Examination in literature in Moscow have not changed much, and the number of appeals has even decreased. “True, Sergei Vladimirovich writes the opposite, that “graduates filed an appeal en masse,” Chernyshev jabbed at her opponent, noting that 699 appeals were accepted. “This is 17% of the total number of those who took the exam: 29% of appeals were satisfied in Part C, and not satisfied in Part B. The picture is quite objective,” noted the chairman of the commission.

Chernyshova could not resist and told about the boy who won the HSE Olympiad “ Highest standard“, but didn’t pass the Unified State Exam required quantity points to the limit that would allow him to immediately enter the university without exams. “We reviewed his work in detail, and his assessment has not changed,” she said.

Act two: defense

Then Volkov himself took the floor, who explained that he decided to help schoolchildren not because he is the chairman of the subject committee of the All-Russian Literature Olympiad, he teaches at HSE and school No. 57 (Volkov teaches math class, his schoolchildren did not pass the Unified State Exam in literature), and since he is a member of the Public Council under the Ministry of Education and Science. The famous teacher Elena Vigdorova was the first to draw attention to the problem with the Unified State Examination in literature. After this, Volkov intervened in the situation.

“Every year something happens with appeals. But this year I received a flood of letters. I will give statistics for Moscow and St. Petersburg, which Dmitry Livanov sent me. She confirms subjective feelings teachers and parents. The average score for the Unified State Exam in literature in 2013 in Moscow was 63 points, in 2014 - 56. In St. Petersburg in 2013 - 50 points, in 2014 - 52 points. Moscow's scores are going down, St. Petersburg's are going up. High scorers in Moscow in 2013 - 12%, in 2014 - 5.6%. In St. Petersburg: in 2013 - 1.7%, in 2014 - 3.7%. Centenarians: in Moscow in 2013 - 1.66%, in 2014 - 0.36%. In St. Petersburg: in 2013 - 0.08%, in 2014 - 0.37%. The children who came to the Olympics from all over the country had approximately the same top level. They received their 90-100 points in the regions. The same Moscow schoolchildren - 65-69 points.

I have no doubt about it professional competence experts. I just want children and parents to at least understand why they got their points when they leave the appeal. There is a collective feeling that the children did not understand why their points were reduced,” Volkov said.

According to him, there are now nine applications addressed to the head of the Moscow Department of Education outlining what happened on appeal. All the problems that are described in them can be divided into two groups. The first group is complaints about the appeal procedure, in particular that the work was re-checked without the presence of students. Children were informed that they could not appeal their scores. And if it is possible, then they will not be increased by more than 3 points or their scores will be reduced for another task. “The mother of the boy who was already discussed here wrote that during the appeal it was the impression that the children were defendants, that a decision had already been made and there were no options,” says Volkov. The second group of problems is content-criteria. As an example, Volkov told how a graduate answered the question in which works of Russian poetry there are stars. She cited as an example Pushkin’s poem “To Chaadaev” with the line: “Comrade, believe: she will rise, the star of captivating happiness.” She is told that this star does not count because it is not the star that was meant in the question. “The girl left the exam without understanding what kind of star was meant. If you needed astronomical stars, then explain this to the child,” Volkov is indignant.

“Teachers are accused of teaching their children poorly, and parents are being accused of not reading books with their children. And the commission seems to have nothing to do with it... But that’s not what I’m talking about. I see some positive steps that are taking place in the teaching of literature: we are holding competitions, essay writing is returning to school. And I don’t understand why there is a formal, scolding approach on the territory of the Unified State Examination and appeals,” Volkov concluded.

However, they immediately began to object to him that there were still no final statistics, that it was incorrect to compare regions, that each child was given 15 minutes to appeal, but much more time had to be spent. “But this year the situation has changed: most appellants don’t want to hear what’s going on with their jobs. You see, they don’t want to hear. But I would like to say this: we need to separate the concepts of “literary education at school” and “final certification”. Literary education at school is a disaster: they take away hours and tie the hands of teachers. The situation with final certification is different. The Unified State Exam in Literature is an optional exam. This year everyone hoped for a leak, they expected the attitude to be like in school: I wrote something and it would be appreciated. And the criteria for evaluating works have been on the Internet since the beginning of the year,” said Natalya Kuteinikova, deputy chairman of the subject commission on literature.

Act Three: Witnesses

This year the appeal procedure has changed: it has become absentee. That is, the work of schoolchildren could be considered in their absence. But the most persistent in the appeal still came to get at least some answers from the experts, for which their marks were reduced. What the schoolchildren faced was told by the parents who were present at the meeting. “How do you explain this fact: during the appeal, my daughter was told that the expert did not have the right to raise the score, that the result could not be appealed?” — one of the parents asked a question. The mother of the graduate, who was discussed by both Chernyshova and Volkov, also spoke - although she got angry and got personal. “My son was so actively caught speech errors, and today I listened carefully to the members of the subject commission. So, if you just as actively caught yourself making speech errors...” - her voice was drowned out by applause.

The teachers also took the floor. “Literature is a highly subjective subject, and we value that subjectivity. But here good example. My student, who by all indications should have received high score, received 56 points. She was upset and said that she did not have time to read one work. And in the Unified State Examination there was an assignment on exactly this work. So she answered this question with what she remembered from the textbook. It turned out that the only task for which she was assigned maximum score, - this is a work that she had not read and remembered the patriotic answer from the textbook. So we need to listen to children,” said literature teacher Daniil Saksonov.

One of the teachers noted that children are afraid to appeal because they are threatened with lower scores for assignments. Another teacher said that the questions themselves in the Unified State Exam in literature are very strange. "My favorite question is from Unified State Exam of the past year - how to apply Chekhov’s statement “Philistinism is a terrible evil” to a fragment from “Ionych.” I didn’t know such a statement from Chekhov. It turned out that this statement was from a letter from Chekhov to one of the actors about Gorky’s play “The Bourgeois.” That is, the author’s statement is placed in a completely different context, and the child is asked to give an answer that Chekhov himself would hardly have answered,” said the teacher.

Graduate Marina, trying not to burst into tears, said that she had experienced all the delights of a literature appeal. “You ask a question, and the inspectors start to get nervous. Yes, I was not the first person they talked to, but I didn’t want to argue with anyone, I just needed to understand the expert’s opinion. I would also like to ask that the escort have a voice so that he can ask questions,” the girl said.

She was supported by school No. 57 teacher Nadezhda Shapiro. The parents of one of her students could not come to the appeal and issued a power of attorney for the teacher. “I have been working in schools for 40 years. I can say that I was an ardent supporter of the Unified State Exam and remained so until I was put on appeal. My children have always passed the Unified State Exam well, although we never specially prepared for it. We had an elective where we mastered the format. And so, we just did a lot of literature,” Shapiro said. This year, its graduates also passed the exam well: of the nine schoolchildren who chose literature, eight did not even think about filing an appeal.

“But if one person out of nine has experienced deep injustice, is this a reason to talk or not? We talk about statistics all the time, but every time we deal with a specific student. This particular student experiences bewilderment, humiliation and receives a sad lesson in hypocrisy and the idea that there is a government service. I saw experts who sat until midnight and tried to delve into the work. I have no complaints about them. We are fighting for greater transparency so that no one can cheat. So, if a child passed everything honestly, he has the right to listen to why he is wrong? When the experts found out that I was not a mother, they wanted to kick me out of the appeal, but after they saw the power of attorney, they still left me. And at the end of the appeal, one of the experts quietly said: “There is nothing I can do.”

Therefore, the installation itself needs to be changed. Now it consists in putting the whole huge state on the child and proving that he is wrong.

We are ready to catch a child in the rough edges that are born of an attempt to formulate something, and if we believe that this is our task, that this is how we evaluate the quality of mastery of literature, then this is a bad path. Our love of literature could still dictate to us more humanity and humanity, which are completely harmless,” Shapiro eloquently stated.

And then the chairman of the Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature of Moscow, a newly appointed member, took the floor Public Chamber Roman Doschinsky, after whose words many parents would probably be glad that their children have already graduated from school. “I would like to believe you, Nadezhda Aronovna, but I can’t,” Doschinsky began. - IN Federal Institute In pedagogical measurements, experts are told that they may be wrong, but the system cannot be wrong. I am deeply convinced that existing system Unified State Examination checks does not allow you to make a mistake... In general, everything that happens here is very ugly. Here we are violating pedagogical ethics at every step, teachers are pitting parents against experts, teacher-student ethics are being violated.”

Volkov’s voice was heard from the hall: “We are not all members of your association yet, so we have the opportunity to say what we think.” Doschinsky, it seems, did not hear and turned the conversation to a different plane, again turning to Nadezhda Shapiro: “Students of the so-called elite schools come to appeal in droves every year. I will refer to the HSE study. Previously, there were strong and weak schools in Moscow. A year ago, educational complexes began to be created in Moscow, which are designed to solve one problem - equalizing chances.

This is a profound understanding of what happened today: teachers who taught in “elite” schools were faced with a situation where the school ended up with children whose bar was lower because they were used to teaching among gifted children. But then ordinary children came to them. And my conclusion is this: these teachers did not have methodological experience teaching for children who were not selected.”

At this moment, the audience whistled, clapped, hooted and started shouting: “Shame!”

A teacher from school No. 1430, Natalya Drozd, said that high school subject teachers need to pass knowledge exams Unified State Exam criteria. The essence of her speech boiled down to the fact that in her school all the children are graduating classes They study not literature, but the criteria by which they must pass literature. “We give them the work of previous years’ graduates and ask them to work as experts. And you know, they lower the scores,” Drozd is proud of this for some reason. "We are discussing here public opinion, not facts,” said methodologist Larisa Chernichenko. — Free society acquired another child protector, like Roshal and Astakhov.” To this, Volkov noted that it was not his business being discussed here, and asked to leave him alone.

And then the motive for the “crime” suddenly became clear, why schoolchildren could not be increased by more than 3 points on appeal. The head of the department of philological education, Lyudmila Dudova, said that experts are responsible to Rosobrnadzor for increasing scores on appeal.

“If Rosobrnadzor considers an increase in points unjustified, then the results are submitted for review. The student does not suffer, but the subject committee receives a penalty. So for each decision The expert bears responsibility in favor of the student,” said Dudova. This year, the commission did not include those teachers who allowed discrepancies in scores in previous years.

Literature teacher Alexander Fedorov ended the argument. “If we talk from two different positions, we will not come to a result. Let us, on the one hand, recognize that experts are worthy of respect, and on the other hand, that the facts that parents and children talk about really exist,” Fedorov said. And then he formulated what the entire meeting was arguing about. “If we have a generation of teachers who teach children to meet the criteria, who say that because of the criteria the scores cannot be raised, and at the same time do not see the child sitting in front of them on appeal, then there is nothing to talk about here,” he finished.

Act Four: The Verdict

“I can’t help but talk about how I became a mathematics teacher,” began the head of the Moscow Department of Education, Isaac Kalina. — I applied to the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics at Moscow State University. By the last exam - the essay - it was already clear that I would not pass the competition. But I went to take it, and out of three thousand who wrote the essay, I got two A’s, including one I got. Therefore, colleagues from the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University came to the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics and offered to transfer my documents to the Faculty of Philology. I proudly refused. Often in my life I regretted it, I thought that I was doing something wrong, that I had to agree. And today for the first time I realized that I made the right choice.”

Kalina gave his verdict in favor of children, parents and teachers who tried to defend the rights of schoolchildren. He noted that this year’s Unified State Exam made it possible to ensure that dishonest students beat out honest ones. “But in the same way, we cannot allow even one of our 50 thousand graduates to suffer. And if there is any problem, then it must be voiced and solved. The only thing I cannot forgive is the words that members of the expert commission may suffer. Over the course of four years, we fired several principals and teachers because they helped orchestrate test cheating. But I don’t remember that we even discussed the fact that someone unfairly increased someone’s points on appeal.

Said federal commission“That you raised your points in vain,” well, she said. They’ll exclude you from the commission—well, they’ll exclude you. But in my opinion, we should always have a principle: all doubts are in favor of the student. Maybe you are mistaken, they will point it out to you. Yes, this is a blow to professional pride. But I think a blow to professional pride is a smaller loss than a blow to human pride. So here I would always ask to decide in favor of the student,” he added.

But most of all Kalina was upset by the phrase “They teach you how to meet the criteria.” “I'm afraid she's close to the truth. What other subject, if not literature, can create a certain sense of freedom in a person? Don’t let the Unified State Exam change the essence of literary education at school. Colleagues, keep it simple. And then, perhaps, we can get rid of the phrase that “Pushkin was killed for me not by Dantes, but by Marya Ivanovna.” Make literature alive,” Kalina concluded.

On the official website of FIPI, in the section “Analytical and methodological materials”, “Methodological recommendations for teachers, prepared on the basis of an analysis of typical mistakes of participants in the Unified State Exam 2017” have been published, this is where you can find information about What was the average Unified State Exam score in literature in 2017?.

Download the document.

Table 1

Average USE score 2017 in literature

The total number of participants in the 2017 Unified State Examination in literature was 41,267 people, which is slightly lower than the number of those examined in 2016 (43,585 people), but higher than in 2015 (37,512 people). These data indicate a certain stability in the choice of the Unified State Exam in Literature by graduates entering universities of the corresponding profile.

The largest number of participants is noted in the following constituent entities of the Russian Federation: Moscow (5392 people), St. Petersburg (2556 people), Moscow region (2679 people), Krasnodar region(1368 people), Rostov region (1090 people), Sverdlovsk region(1035 people), Nizhny Novgorod Region(931 people).

The average test score in 2017 was 59.68, slightly higher than 2016 (57.91) and 2015 (57.12).

The most numerous are the groups of examinees who received 41–60 and 61–80 points. (41% and 40% of participants respectively). The high-scoring group makes up more than 8.6% of the total number of participants. Compared to 2016, in 2017 the proportion of examinees with results in the low score range (0–40 points) decreased. There was a tendency towards an increase in the proportion of well-prepared participants with results of 61–80 t.b. (an increase of 2%), which is explained, in particular, by the tendency to improve the quality of teaching in the subject “Literature” in connection with the introduction of the final essay.

The minimum Unified State Exam score in 2017 was 8 points. (32 t.b.), as in 2016. The share of graduates who did not score the minimum number of points in 2017 is 2.9%, which is 1.4% less than in 2016 (4.3 %) and 2.4% less than in 2015 (5.3%). This result also indicates an improvement in the quality of graduates’ preparation for the literature exam.

In 2017, 343 people received 100 points for the Unified State Exam in Literature. (0.83%), which in absolute terms is more than in 2016 (256 people). The dynamics of the number of 100-point students is associated with an increase in the quality of training of graduates who are motivated to successful completion literature exam.

Analysis of the 2017 Unified State Exam results confirms the preservation of the measurement properties of the examination model and allows us to state that the degree of complexity of the KIM tasks is generally adequate to the cognitive capabilities of the examinees and makes it possible to differentiate them for admission to universities with different requirements for the level of preparation in literature.

In 2019 year of the Unified State Exam 67,500 graduates chose literature. This exam is considered one of the most difficult.

The minimum Unified State Exam score in literature for admission to a university in 2019 is 32 points.

How to file an appeal about disagreement with Unified State Exam scores

Firstly, you should know that you must file an appeal within 2 days of the official announcement of the results. Due to the fact that the date of the official announcement of results is never known in advance (only approximate dates are written on official websites), you must carefully monitor when in your personal account results from the literature will appear. Secondly, keep in mind that Saturday can also be considered a working day, so it is important not to miss the deadline for filing an appeal.

Where can I file an appeal?

Graduates of 11th grade file an appeal at the supporting school. Start this " crusade“You need to come from your home school. It is at your school that you must inform that you intend to protest the points received for the Unified State Exam in literature. They must tell you where and how this can be done. It is imperative to download all materials for the exam in your personal account and show them to the teacher before the appeal in order to understand how to behave during a dialogue with members of the Conflict Commission.

How to properly prepare for an appeal

Step 1. Download all Unified State Exam materials on literature from your personal account.

Step 2. Carefully check the answer sheet against test questions, which was filled out by your hand, with the so-called “reading sheet”. What should I check here? You need to make sure that your answers are correctly interpreted by the computer throughout, that is, all letters and numbers must match. Sometimes there are “computer” errors that deprive graduates of legitimate points, so such a technical glitch must be challenged on appeal.

Step 3. Carefully review Part II with an experienced teacher and check the work against the marks earned for this part of the work. The problem is that not a single USE participant sees either the tasks themselves or the correct answers to them. Part II in your personal account can only be downloaded in an unverified version. Where the experts found your mistakes and why they reduced your points - one can only guess. That is why it is very difficult to figure it out without an experienced mentor. By the way, during the appeal you may have your points reduced if an undetected error is discovered. It is at this stage (after careful verification and analysis) that it is possible to develop a detailed line of conduct for an appeal to the Conflict Commission. We advise you to even write down a plan of your claims with all the arguments in your favor.

Step 4. Be sure to go to the appeal with a teacher or tutor. If you manage to come to an agreement with your school teacher, that will be great. If it doesn’t work out, you can always resort to paid help from professionals. If you studied with a tutor, it is better to take him with you too.

We are ready to provide anyone with assistance in appealing Unified State Exam points in many cities of Russia, since we have the most large network branches in the country. To do this, you need to go to the main site, find your locality in the top location search bar and contact our employees by phone numbers listed on regional websites.

Attention! For accompaniment Unified State Exam participant During the appeal, it is necessary to issue a notarized power of attorney for the teacher.

2 days to prepare for an appeal is, of course, a very short period of time, but it is quite enough if a qualified and experienced teacher helps you. Think for yourself how much money, effort and time was spent on preparing for the Unified State Exam; paying for one trip with you to the appeal of a teacher or tutor will seem like a drop in the bucket, because several are at stake primary points Unified State Examination, which, when converted into test results, can turn out to be quite an impressive result. No need to remind that in competition behind budget places Every point is literally “worth its weight in gold.”

Which university can I enroll in with Unified State Exam scores in literature?

In 2019, about 370 courses were opened for graduates who successfully passed the Unified State Examination in Literature. various programs in more than 140 universities in the country. To select a university and faculty, we recommend using Unified State Exam calculators. Read about this in our material.

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