Home Flowers Fell in love with a celebrity what to do. What to do if you fall in love with a celebrity? Emotional immaturity, infantilism

Fell in love with a celebrity what to do. What to do if you fall in love with a celebrity? Emotional immaturity, infantilism

List of the best films for teenagers about school and love, selected by our site visitors: First Girl I Loved, The Simple One, It's Good to Be Quiet, Rebel (TV), Hello Julie! 17, Another Cinderella Story (video), LOL [laughing], Fuck, Die John Tucker!, Mean Girls, Hurry to Love, 10 Things I Hate About It, That's All Her, Sorry for Love, Good Kids Don't Cry, Lovely " Prince (TV), Advice from the Other World (TV), A Night with Beth Cooper, Bring It On: Fight to the End! (video).

1 The First Girl I Loved (2016)

Genre: drama, melodrama
Country: USA

Seventeen-year-old Ann is in love with Sasha, the most popular girl at her Los Angeles high school. But when Ann tells her best friend Clifton about this - who has been secretly in love with her for a long time - he begins to do his best to stop them.

2 Simple (2015)

Genre: comedy, melodrama
Country: USA

Jock, nerd, rocker, bitch - every company has characters with such nicknames. Bianca Piper is unaware of her name behind her back. Girlfriends write off physics from her and take her with them to parties in order to look cooler against her background. School playboy Wesley Rush opens her eyes to the truth... How can Bianca get rid of her shameful status, become irresistible and win the heart of the first handsome man?

3 It's good to be quiet (2012)

Genre: drama, melodrama
Country: USA

The story is about Charlie, a high school student in Pittsburgh who is shy and unpopular. Before our eyes, Charlie is growing up, his social circle is changing, his opinion about the world is changing.

4 Rebel (TV) (2012)

Genre: melodrama, comedy, family
Country: USA

High school student Tara has to overcome a lot in order to overcome her shyness and express herself at the top of her voice. At first glance, she is a real "gray mouse". But in the home radio studio, the modest woman, who is terrified of speaking at the blackboard, turns into a star on the air. It is worth closing in your room and putting on headphones, and she is no longer quiet, but a troublemaker - Rebel! Not embarrassed in expressions, the girl expresses everything that she thinks about her offenders. Her radio show intrigues the whole city: both classmates and the guy of her dreams fall in love with a stranger. But only one person - Tara's stepfather, a state radio producer - knows her secret. He invites his daughter to the big air, and the whole of America now hears Rebel's performances. Can the young star shed her mask of anonymity and show the world her true self?

5 Hi Julie! (2010)

Country: USA

Julie Baker, seeing Bryce Loski, immediately falls in love with him. And Bryce himself, on the contrary, immediately begins to harbor antipathy towards Julie. But then, after the eighth grade, Julie loses interest in him, and he, on the contrary, begins to find something interesting in Julie.

6 A student of easy virtue (2010)

Genre: melodrama, comedy
Country: USA

The main character is the girl Olive, who is mocked because of the rumor about her loss of innocence in a school with puritanical customs. But she turns this rumor into dignity and immediately becomes popular, noticeably shaking school foundations.

7 Breakfast Fans Don't Stay (2010)

Genre: melodrama, comedy
Country: Germany

After a year in the US as an exchange student, 17-year-old Lila returns home to Germany, where she falls in love with an attractive young man named Kritz. What Lila did not initially know: during the year of her absence, a super-popular youth group appeared in Germany, overnight achieving huge success among teenagers. The glory of the group has not yet reached the USA, but in Germany they have become megastars, and Kritz is the lead singer of the group. When Leela finds out about this, difficulties are inevitable. In addition, Kritz shares Leela's feelings about his manager's great horror: under the contract, Kritz is forbidden to have girlfriends, as this will ruin his image of a lonely handsome man. Is there a chance for Leela and Kritz's love?

8 Pape is 17 Again (2009)

Genre: fantasy, drama, melodrama, comedy
Country: USA

Would you like to start life over? Father of two Mike O'Donnell would like to. And then suddenly he gets a magical chance to return to his native school, Hayden High. Now Mike is the star of the basketball team, the dream of girls and a classmate of his own offspring, who has turned from a negligent dad into a great friend.

9 Another Cinderella Story (Video) (2008)

Genre: Musical, Romance, Comedy, Family, Music
Country: USA, Canada

In this film, Selena Gomez plays Mary, and the modern-day Cinderella is completed with dance shoes instead of a glass slipper. Andrew Seeley plays Joey, Prince Charming who is looking for the girl of his dreams. Could Mary be her?

10 LOL [laughing] (2008)

Genre: melodrama, comedy
Country: France

LOL - in the language of the Internet means - Laughing Out Loud, "laughing". That is the name of fifteen-year-old Lola by her friends. However, when Lola returns to her class after the holidays, she is not laughing. The boyfriend hurts her, admitting that he cheated on her in the summer, and the mother does not want to notice the problems of her growing daughter at all - she herself has a complete mess in her personal life.

11 Tears (2008)

Genre: drama, comedy
Country: USA, UK, France

Sixteen-year-old Poppy Moore is a spoiled, narcissistic girl living in Los Angeles. When the next party ends in a scandal, Poppy's father sends her to an English school to bring her daughter to her senses. The girl is eager for freedom and does everything to be expelled, but it is not so easy for teachers to resist British schoolgirls. Finally, it becomes clear to Poppy that bad behavior will not help her, and together with her new friends, she develops the perfect escape plan. But it is thanks to this plan that she realizes that she may want to stay...

12 Die, John Tucker! (2006)

Genre: melodrama, comedy
Country: USA, Canada

Three former girlfriends of a tough school womanizer decide to take revenge on him. It takes bait to put a cruel plan into action. The choice falls on a charming blonde who has just moved to their school ...

13 Mean Girls (2004)

Genre: comedy
Country: USA, Canada

Having spent her entire childhood in Africa with her zoologist ancestors, Cady Heron thought she knew all about the survival of the fittest rule. But the law of the jungle is completely redefined when a homely 15-year-old girl enters a regular school for the first time and falls in love with the ex-boyfriend of the meanest girl in school...

14 Hurry to love (2002)

Genre: drama, melodrama
Country: USA

Landon Carter is the idol of his school: he is independent, handsome and cruel to outcasts. And of course, he does not notice the nondescript Jamie, who thinks only about her studies. After another stupid antics, Carter is forced to work with the lagging behind and play in a school play. Here he can’t do without the help of a modest honors student. Jamie agrees to help Landon, but only if he promises he won't fall in love with her. The arrogant guy willingly takes an oath, but soon he will be convinced that it will be very difficult to keep it ...

15 10 Reasons I Hate (1999)

Genre: drama, melodrama, comedy
Country: USA

The strict father set a condition: Bianca will go on a date if her sister Kat also agrees to meet with the guy. But Kat is a bluestocking and a desperate man-hater. Bianca is trying to find for her sister the same bore as she is.

16 That's All Her (1998)

Genre: melodrama, comedy
Country: USA

Zack Siler is the most popular of the high school students, the object of adoration of teachers and the sigh of girls. He is class president, captain of the football team, and one of the top performers. Undoubtedly, Zach will become the king of the prom, but ... this lucky one is treacherously let down by the queen! Zach and Taylor were considered the best couple in school, but Taylor, a arrogant and self-important person, dumps Zach six weeks before the prom. Failures on the love front could break anyone, but not Zach Siler. He undertakes to "make" himself a new queen! Zack makes a bet with friends that in six weeks he will turn the ugliest girl in the class into a written beauty. The choice falls on Lenny, a bespectacled "nerd" with a good figure, hidden under baggy clothes. This girl is a very run down specimen! Pygmalion gets to work and... of course, falls in love with his Galatea.

17 Sorry For Love (2014)

Genre: melodrama
Country: Spain

Calm personable Alex meets eccentric Nikki. Despite the fact that they are complete opposites and fight constantly, Alex and Nikki start dating. But the problem is not only dissimilar characters, the main hitch is the 20-year age difference - he is 37, and she is 17.

18 Good Children Don't Cry (2012)

Genre: drama, family
Country: Netherlands

Sixth grader Akki is a real hooligan: she loves football, fights with boys and is not afraid of anything. Nothing but love. However, when she is diagnosed with leukemia, it is love that gives her the strength to fight the disease and accept the inevitable.

19 Prince Charming (TV) (2011)

Genre: Drama, Romance, Comedy, Family
Country: USA

The main characters of the film are the narcissistic Dylan Shounfield, for whom the main thing is to always be in the spotlight, and the modest boy Josh Rosen, who is obsessed with cinema. Fate pushes the guys together when fashionista Dylan accidentally drops her expensive handbag into the mall's fountain. The spoiled beauty persuades Josh, who happened to be nearby, to get the bag out of the water. In gratitude for the help, the girl agrees to become the heroine of his documentary about the phenomenon of popularity. During filming, Josh gets to know the real Dylan, who opens up from a completely new side for him. And the girl is surprised to understand that Josh, whom she always considered an eccentric bore, she begins to like ...

Genre: fantasy, drama, comedy
Country: USA

The plot revolves around Amber, a bitchy popular girl who dies from electrocution. She won't be allowed into heaven unless she helps the most unpopular girl in school - Lisa - become prom queen within a week, but... things didn't go as planned.

21 Nights with Beth Cooper (2009)

Genre: melodrama, comedy, adventure
Country: Canada, USA

The head nerd and class loser realizes he has nothing to lose, so he uses his graduation speech to publicly confess his love for Beth Cooper, beauty queen and cheerleader captain. After that, together with the girl, he is involved in a series of misadventures.

A few days ago, a friend of mine came to me completely happy and pierced by Cupid's arrow, as they say. And of course, the theme of the evening was her new love, so I was already prepared to listen to her “ooh-sighs” how wonderful he is, but as soon as I found out who became the object of her love, I was a little shocked. He was a star of SHB (*show business), sang in one of the many boy boy bands and, as expected, "caught a star" and felt all the delights of the fanaticism of young female fans. In short, he was an average boy singer who is strictly forbidden to fall in love with, but everyone does. In addition to stories about how “masik” and “nyashka” he is, we also began to search for all kinds of information on the Internet, thoroughly study his photographs, and the culmination of the evening was watching video clips and performances of this nyashka. And of course, we couldn't help but send him a text message and sat lurking over the mobile phone waiting for a response text message, which contained: “Hello! Busy".
And then I thought, why do people from the “box” attract and beckon us? And we fall in love not with a real person, but with the image that he lives on stage? And we are ready to shout to everyone that it is with you that he connects fate (although this may be far from the truth)! But do these “relationships” always end in a happy ending and a cloudless future until old age?
Most likely, at first we fall in love with the image of a person, as, for example, when we first like a picture, and only then we are looking for its author. Knowing my friend, I am sure that she will not be able to live in such a rhythm of relationships for a long time. And he won’t be able to share it with thousands of fans, and maybe fans, whose roof sometimes moves down thoroughly and can no longer be repaired. Sometimes when I read interviews of the wives of famous people, it seems sly to me to say that they are above jealousy and are completely calm about the army of fans, and sometimes they are friends. Jealousy is different, but any person has it, in any relationship and manifests itself in any form. But it was completely useless for my “fool in love” to hint that these relationships are fragile and very rarely end in favor of the “simple girl”. So is it worth developing a relationship with your own idol, or is it better to immediately run like hell from incense.
Another friend of mine chose the second scenario. And it was possible to say for sure in advance that the couple would take place, and even the wedding and live to the grave. But she decided to break up because his way of life was far from ideal: he snored wildly, did not lower the toilet lid, and put dirty dishes not in the sink, but around. Here is an idol for you!
At the end of my reflections, I want to say that we are all ordinary people, with our own "cockroaches" and characters that are peculiar only to us. It's just that someone lives with all this, and someone puts on a mask and plays a role. But do not forget that there are stars and you can admire and admire them, you just need to raise your head to the night sky!

We visualize our dreams about the very best guys.

We all sometimes dream that a ship with scarlet sails will suddenly sail, the captain will descend from it and fall in love with you from the very first second. Unfortunately (although rather fortunately), this rarely happens in real life. Nobody forbade dreaming, so especially for you we made a selection of films where a rich guy falls in love with an ordinary girl. Buy popcorn, handkerchiefs and enjoy :)

"Breakfast Fans Don't Stay"

Why you should watch: you will spend the whole day with Harry Styles. Need more explanation? :)

Plot: For a whole year, Lila studied as an exchange student in the United States. When the girl finally returns to Germany, she discovers that much has changed in her native country. In particular, a super-popular group appeared with a handsome soloist, for whom thousands of fans go crazy, including Lila's younger sister.

And so, under very unusual circumstances, the girl meets a nice guy named Chris. They spend the day together, and the next morning the girl finds out that Chris is the very lead singer of the popular group! But under the contract, he is forbidden any serious relationship ...

"A Cinderella Story 1,2,3,4"

Why you should watch: eternal story, touching relationship, handsome guys :)

Plot: All four films are about different girls, but the plot is always the same - they fall in love with popular guys. The heroine of the first film, Sam, dreams of getting to Princeton on weekdays, and on weekends he chats online with a mysterious guy. He turns out to be the captain of the football team, with whom the girl eventually falls in love and ... well, let's leave a little secret :)

In the second film, the main character, played by Selena Gomez, dreams of becoming a famous dancer.

Her goal is to participate in the competition, which is organized by the famous pop artist.

On the way to the goal, you can get a boyfriend;)

The third film is about a girl who dreams of singing. She is played by Lucy Hale. She also participates in a song contest held by a popular handsome man, but only as a soundtrack for her evil half-sister. So sad…

And in fourth film the heroine will almost have to repeat the feat of Hannah Montana: change her appearance, turning into herself, then into a contestant, the winner of which will play in the musical. There is only one problem - the star guy now cannot decide who he loves more ... In general, one continuous drama, but with an obligatory happy ending.

"Princess for Christmas"

Why you should watch: cool castle. Not a cottage, not a villa - a castle!

Plot: Incredibly touching and beautiful story, enveloping the atmosphere of winter magic. Jules is raising her two nephews alone after the death of her sister and her husband. A girl is fired from her job, there is absolutely not enough money to live on, but we know that miracles happen just before Christmas.

So the main characters waited for their miracle: Jules and her nephews receive an invitation to stay in a real castle, which belongs to the children's grandfather - a very wealthy man. The children go there to spend the most fabulous and family Christmas in their lives, and Jules - to meet her prince - the only heir to the castle.

"Star fever"

Why is it worth watching: everything will be very, very funny, and then very, very sad, and then fun again. And so in a circle.

Plot: Jessica Olsen hates lies, which is why she will never understand the universal love for singer Christopher Wilde, whose fans include her own sister. His whole life is just a fictional picture! Relations with girls are PR, his own parents are managers, and no one knows what he really is and what he feels.

And it is Jessica who will have to find out who is hiding under the mask of a superstar.

Will the girl be able to come to terms with all the lies that surround the singer?

Or maybe he will change?

"Rock at Summer Camp"

Why is it worth watching: young Demi Lovato and a groovy soundtrack.

Plot: Mitchie Torres is an incredibly talented girl with an amazing voice. To learn something new from real musicians, Mitchie goes to a summer music camp. Children there turn out to be much richer and appreciate people for their connections with the world of show business, and not for personal qualities, so the girl comes up with her own story about herself and her family. She doesn't want anyone to guess that she's actually helping her mom, the camp cook, in the kitchen.

When the deception is revealed, Mitchie will have to face serious consequences. Shane, a popular singer and member of the Connect 3 group, reacts especially sharply to this, who was sent to teach at the camp for eternal scandals and antics. He was tired of the lies that surround him, and Mitchie seemed so sincere and understanding ...

"Monte Carlo"

Why you should watch: Selena Gomez in the title role. More precisely, even in two roles!

Plot: Paris is Grace's dream. The girl saved money so that after graduation from school she would go on a trip with her friends. It would seem that this summer should be the best in her life, but everything did not go according to plan: her parents sent an annoying half-sister along with her, the hotel turned out to be so-so, and then they completely lost the guide with their tourist group.

To keep warm and hide from the rain, the girls go to one of the best hotels in Paris, where one of the main characters is accidentally confused with a rich heiress.

After that, the journey really turns into a fairy tale: puffy dresses, expensive jewelry, magical balls and rich receptions and, of course, the prince.

But what happens when the deception is revealed?


Why you should watch: Cinderella's dress and shoes are just a dream. Oh, and Richard Madden from Game of Thrones is also good, yes.

Plot: For girls in those days, the prince represented the same ideal of a man as your favorite singer or blogger, so we simply could not help but add him to the list. In addition, the classic story that you have known since childhood is presented in the film in an incredibly fabulous and bright way: a castle, a dress, a carriage, a ball. Details will help you plunge into this fairy tale and believe in a miracle. By the way, the role of Cinderella, who lost her shoe and stole the prince's heart, is played by cutie Lily James;)

"Under the disguise"

Why you should watch: a serious but touching story for everyone.

Plot: Jordan Jane is a popular singer, reminiscent of sixteen-year-old Justin Bieber. The film shows the dark side of popularity and all the difficulties of the profession of a young musician: he terribly lacks the usual life of a teenager, ordinary problems, friends and freedom.

Wanting to escape from annoying attention, Jordan grabs a skateboard, escapes right in the middle of a musical tour and embarks on an adventure.

Having met an ordinary girl Emily, he begins to wonder: is his popularity so valuable?

"How to Marry a Millionaire"

Why you should watch: the son of a millionaire is our beloved Ed Westwick.

Plot: Kim really needs money, and to earn money, the girl goes to a ski resort in the Alps - to provide a comfortable stay for millionaires and their offspring. The handsome son of the owner of the resort also rests here, though with a girlfriend, but Kim attracts him with her confidence and spontaneity. As they communicate, they begin to understand that when it comes to love, differences don't matter.


Why you should watch: because Julia Roberts is famously wiping the nose of arrogant saleswomen.

Plot: Pretty Woman is a movie classic with a rich man falling in love with a poor girl and is a must see! Financial tycoon Edward Lewis, passing through the city at night, stops near a beautiful woman. Her name is Vivien and she only takes cash.

The next morning, he realizes that he does not want to part with her and invites the girl to stay in his hotel room for some more time - for an additional fee and accompaniment at important events. In a few days, Viv is so transformed that he simply cannot return to his old life, but he does not want to be a kept woman either. The only solution left is to leave. Will he let her?

"Lady Maid"

Why you should watch: young Jennifer Lopez is simply charming.

Plot: Marisa works as a maid in a five-star New York hotel. One day, while cleaning the room of a rich lady, Marisa saw a pantsuit - white, luxurious and insanely expensive. The temptation was too great, and she dared to try on an outfit, and at that moment a young millionaire and future senator, Christopher Marshall, entered the living room.

Marisa's beauty struck him to the very heart.

He fell in love at first sight and began courting, besides, he decided that the stranger belonged to high society, and the girl did not have the courage to immediately say that she was just a servant ... How will she get out? Turn on the movie and watch.

"That's All She"

Why you should watch: it is not the Fairy Godmother who will make the princess out of Cinderella, but the prince himself.

Plot: Zack Siler is the most popular of the high school students, the object of adoration of teachers and the sigh of girls. He is class president, captain of the football team, and one of the top performers. Undoubtedly, Zach will become the king of the prom, but ... this lucky one is unforgivably betrayed!

Looking for someone as chic as his ex-girlfriend, Zach has no time ... And he decides on a bet to transform the local ugly Lenny and make her the queen of the ball. The plan is great, but who said Zach wouldn't end up falling in love with her?

Why you should watch: and who doesn't like bad boys who are willing to be good just for you?

Plot: Sebastian knows the sweet taste of easy victories. In his hands are other people's secrets and the keys to impregnable bedrooms. Katrin is tired of simple intrigues and banal confessions. Then the modern Casanova and the bored beauty come up with a new entertainment for themselves.

In their cruel game, only the victim is missing ... Annette Hangrow, the daughter of the school principal, vowed to keep her virginity until the wedding, Sebastian Valmont - that she would do everything, no matter what he undertakes, and his half-sister promised Sebastian a prize if he wins. But will he need a "prize" if he falls in love with Annette?

"Timeless 1,2,3"

Why you should watch: you will improve the history of England and learn a couple of French expressions.

Plot: Sixteen-year-old Gwendolyn Shepherd, who lives in London, accidentally discovers that she has a unique time traveler gene that she inherited from her great-great-grandmother. Now the girl can be transported into the past every day, and every day there are more and more mysteries.

What is the "Secret of the Twelve"? Who preys on time travelers in the past? And why does everyone around think that she has some kind of "raven magic"?

But all this pales before the most important question: what to do if you fell in love with another time traveler?!

"The Prince and Me"

Why you should watch: to refuse the prince himself is powerful.

Plot: The peaceful Kingdom of Denmark is in complete disarray. This is due to the heir to the throne named Edward, who is obsessed with sports cars and likes to watch videotapes of indecent content. One day, a recording of a party of girls from Wisconsin fell into the hands of the hero, and Edward realizes that there are no stupid rules and daily ceremonies in the college.

Having quarreled with his parents, the heir to the Danish crown pretends to be a student and goes to study, where he meets Paige Morgan. Strong feelings flare up between young people, the prince is ready to offer the student a hand and heart, but is she ready to become a princess? There are five parts in this series of films, so you will have something to do;)

You fall asleep and wake up with his name on your lips, with his image before your eyes. He comes to you in a dream, smiles, takes you by the hand, and you seem to fall into an ocean of hopes and sweet dreams. His beautiful face meets you on the screen of a mobile phone, his photo - on the desktop of a laptop. It would seem that any girl will be able to understand this state - which of us has not been madly in love? But everything is a little different with you, like with others: you fell in love with a star and don't know what to do about it.

What to do if you fell in love with a famous person as a teenager?

We hasten to reassure - girls and teenage girls so often fall in love with famous personalities that it is simply impossible to consider this something abnormal. It would be strange if you, on the contrary, did not fall in love with some actor or musician in your 12 or 15 years. Perhaps now you are worried that your parents or one of the elders will find out about this sympathy - but believe me, most women and even many men were once also in love with screen stars. Therefore, even if your confession makes an adult smile, she will be good-natured and understanding.

Well, among your peers, you are certainly not alone. It is very likely that you even know someone with whom you have a common lover. The main thing is not to be jealous of his other fans, because they are in the same position as you. On the contrary, it will be great if in this way you find friends with the same interests.

A young girl who has fallen in love with a singer or actor does not need the advice of a psychologist. As they say, it will pass. Perhaps now it seems to you that this is forever, that this is a great passion that will stay with you for life, but, fortunately, this is not so. Yes, yes, it’s fortunate, because mutual love is perhaps the best thing that can happen to a person, but you will never expect reciprocity from a screen star (yes, most likely, you won’t even have a chance to meet ).

So what to do if you fell in love with a star? Enjoy the emotions that this feeling brings you. Find like-minded people in real life and on social networks - yes, you will never meet your idol, but you will have girlfriends and friends with whom you share common interests. Try to make your passion not bring you suffering and envy of those who have the opportunity to communicate with the object of your sympathy, but benefit and development. Why not?

Many girls embody their feelings for an idol in creativity - someone writes fanfiction, someone draws, someone translates interviews, someone creates and develops fan communities in social networks.

One day - whether you like it or not - your love for a famous person will dry up, but the experience that all these classes have brought you will help you become more successful and in demand in the future. Who knows, maybe it is the love of an idol that will reveal your creative potential?

And finally - never, never be jealous of your favorite actor (singer, showman or politician - we don't know who he is) to those who are now next to him. After all, this often happens: a girl fell in love with a famous person and now she can’t find a place for herself. He follows his personal life, and when he learns that the idol has a girlfriend or wife, he goes crazy with rage. You will never know everything that happens between your loved one and his soulmate; their relationship may not be perfect, but that doesn't give you the right to hate this woman or wish her harm. If you really love a person, then you wish happiness to him and those whom he loves. Do you want your favorite actor or musician to be happy? If his girlfriend makes him happy, then you should accept her role in his life as well.

I am an adult girl / woman, but still fell in love with a star

Yes, romantic feelings for a popular performer in adolescence will not surprise anyone. But what if you are no longer a schoolgirl, but an adult woman, maybe even a married one - and suddenly fell in love with a famous person? You won’t tell your friends - they’ll only twist it at the temple. It seems that everyone has idols and favorite actors, but you have somehow gone too far, and now you are ready to write yourself into the category of abnormal. Do not rush to do this - but we do not advise you to completely go into the world of fantasy.

  • You need to figure out why this is happening. Why did your choice fall on a star, and not on a living, real person? You may not be satisfied with the life you are currently leading. Perhaps a difficult period has come in a relationship with a boyfriend or husband, and you want to somehow escape from pressing problems. Maybe it seems to you that there are no worthy contenders for your heart nearby. Or maybe they really don't? But after all, everything is in your hands - by changing yourself, you will change your social circle and meet more interesting people. There is no need to escape from reality - on the contrary, delve into the reasons, look for ways of development for yourself, and at some point your love will disappear by itself, like an unnecessary, superfluous link.
  • We know this advice may seem banal, but a little sobering truth will not hurt you now. What to do if you fell in love with a star? First of all, stop idealizing your idol. Yes, he looks like a perfect example of what a man should be. But in fact, he is the same person as you, as well as those around you. Try to look at his glossy photos less and look more often at those pictures that are posted on the network by the paparazzi - those where he walks to the nearest store in worn-out sneakers. Maybe it will bring you back to reality.
  • If you are completely confused and cannot understand yourself, you may need the help of a specialist. Do not be afraid and do not hesitate to ask for it - it is much worse if you give up and do not try to change anything. A girl who has fallen in love with an actor may need the advice of a psychologist. Find a good specialist you can trust - you'll see, very soon you will find a solution to your problem.

Hello to all! My name is Masha, I am 19 years old. Not so long ago, a story happened to me, with the consequences of which I still suffer. I was on vacation in Bulgaria in the summer. A chic hotel, delicious food, parties and entertainment. It seemed like it would be the best holiday of my life.
On the third day of my stay in Bulgaria, I noticed a very handsome guy by the pool. He was reading some thick book about the power of the subconscious. I was interested in such strange preferences in literature for such a handsome man. I am also a lover of psychology. I watched him for a long time and we even made eye contact several times. That evening I found myself falling asleep thinking about him. In the following days, I constantly looked for him with my eyes and found. He was always reading something. Is always! Classics, philosophy and even religion. He didn’t really communicate with anyone, although I saw that girls approached him, probably with the aim of getting to know each other. Some kind of detached from everyone, insanely beautiful and mysterious. I wanted to know more about him, but I was afraid to approach him.
One evening I spotted him at the gym. I noticed that he has amazing control over his own body and a chic stretch. Is he a gymnast? Curiosity didn't leave me. Yes, and the thought of him completely took possession of me.
I approached with some stupid question and we started talking. I was surprised how quickly he contacted me. I said that he was so cute and shaggy, and he, in turn, noted my curly hair. I tried to ask him what sport he was into, to which he didn't want to answer at all. As if in every possible way he avoided this topic. I decided not to embarrass him with personal questions.
That evening we talked about everything in the world and even took a walk together. I found out that he, unfortunately, is only 16 years old. But I was so carried away by him as a person that I spat on the age difference.
He seemed to know everything in the world. We talked about books, art, nature, loneliness. Raised many philosophical topics about the meaning of being. I've never met guys so rich on the inside. Acquaintance with him seemed to open the world for me from the other side, as if I discovered how flatly I lived before meeting him. To say that I fell head over heels in love is an understatement. I just feel like I was just born.
The next week we talked as old friends. We even went together to look for one archaeological building, which took almost the whole day. It was very interesting for us together, I drew new knowledge from him and became my own.
For some reason, he kept silent about the truth about his life and hobbies. I only learned about him that he is a creative person, loves sports, and drawing, as well as loneliness and abandoned buildings. For some reason, he didn't want to share his life anymore.
At the end of the holiday, we exchanged phone numbers and parted ways. I am in St. Petersburg, he is in his native Moscow.
But the real shock was ahead of me. I found his viber, said that I wanted to send him pictures from the rest through VK. It was as if he didn’t want to give at all, he said, they say, leave it here, but I was persistent, because I wanted to know more about him, at least through social networks. In general, he gave me a link and I was shocked. He turned out to be a very famous dancer who won some TV project in Ukraine and he just has a lot of female fans. I asked why he didn't say, to which he only cryptically wrote "because I like life in the shadows better."
Since then, I, as a convinced fan, have been watching him through social networks and drooling. I feel very bad, I'm hopelessly in love with him and probably unrequited. We rarely communicate, as I am embarrassed to write, I am afraid to be known as one of those youngsters in love. It’s just that I’ve never been fond of stars before, I lived in peace and met with ordinary guys. His fame complicates everything. And I have all thoughts about him, my heart burns ... I suffer and miss him. How can I overcome my indecision and is it worth it at all?

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