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All about science and technology. Interesting in the world of science and technology. HTC Virtual Reality Headset

Scientists at the National University of Athens in Greece found that people who watch less TV and eat breakfast regularly are less likely to suffer from deposits in their blood vessels and have more elastic arteries, which reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. It is reported..

2019-03-12 539 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Princeton University and Harvard University have determined a safe level of aerosol emissions into the atmosphere to reflect sunlight and reduce the increase in global warming. In other words, solar geoengineering can be used as the only effective way to..

2019-03-12 441 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

The American Academy of Neurology found that sugary drinks and soda increased the severity of symptoms of multiple sclerosis, a common autoimmune disease that affects the central nervous system. This was reported in a press release on EurekAlert!. The study involved 135 people..

2019-03-10 490 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

What is SEO? Search Engine Optimization - search engine optimization of your site to raise it to the top - leaders of search engines. People most often click on the first 2-3 options. Now every self-respecting company has a website. People are ordering more and more..

2019-03-10 458 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

Specialists from the US National Center for Atmospheric Research and Rutgers University told about the threat of using nuclear weapons in the conflict between India and Pakistan. Even if only part of the nuclear missiles available to countries is launched, this will seriously affect the global climate, ..

2019-03-03 399 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

Scientists at Rutgers University in the United States have found that an increase in the temperature of the oceans due to climate change leads to a significant decline in the fish industry, which is exacerbated by overfishing of seafood. This was reported in a press release on Phys.org. The researchers studied the impact of global warming on 235 populations..

2019-03-03 375 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

Many of us who travel frequently sometimes plot our route not only to be the shortest, but also to pass through certain airports. The reason is that in some airports there is simply nothing to do, and in some you won’t even have enough steam.

2018-11-15 1534 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

From November 10 to November 16, 2004, aircraft and ships of the US Navy aircraft carrier strike group Nimitz tried three times to pursue a maneuvering unidentified flying object (UFO) over the waters off the Baja California Peninsula (Mexico). The details of the incident are reported by The War Zone. Although information about the meeting of the US Navy with Tic Tac for the first time..

2018-06-04 22444 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

Chinese scientists plan to increase the amount of precipitation in the Tibetan Plateau to 10 billion cubic meters per year. As part of the Tianhe (Sky River) project, tens of thousands of chambers will be installed in the mountains, which will release particles of silver iodide into the atmosphere - compounds ..

2018-05-02 6479 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

Swiss physicists have demonstrated for the first time the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox (EPR paradox) on a quantum system consisting of 600 rubidium atoms. Scientists managed to break local realism by entangling between two parts of a cloud of supercooled gas and proving the possibility of control..

2018-05-02 6308 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

Scientists at the National Center for Scientific Research in France have shown that reducing the number of calories in the daily diet prolongs life in primates. The researchers came to this conclusion based on the results of an experiment involving lemurs, according to a press release on EurekAlert!. During a long-term study..

2018-04-09 6906 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

Scientists at the University of Michigan have found that in the unconscious state in the human brain, interaction between different regions becomes more difficult, and local regions become more connected. Thus, the researchers concluded that consciousness is the result of the integration of separate parts.

2018-03-04 4287 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

Scientists from Brigham Young University in the US have established a link between running and improved memory. A study on this topic was published in the journal Neuroscience. According to scientists, running reduces the negative impact of chronic stress on the hippocampus - the part of the brain responsible for memory. The researchers conducted an experiment..

2018-02-22 5875 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

Indian scientists have found that specific proteins in the mitochondria, called sirtuins (SIR), help slow down aging. The preprint of the study is published in the bioRxiv.org repository. Sirtuins are enzymes that catalyze the removal of acetylase from various proteins. The researchers found that a number of sirtuins contained in the nucleus,..

2018-02-06 4226 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

US Geological Survey scientists have found that 793 million kilograms of mercury have accumulated in the permafrost of the Earth's northern hemisphere. The melting of ice as a result of global warming will lead to the release of toxic metal into the environment and a global environmental disaster. Researcher's article published..

2018-02-06 5821 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

An increase in the activity of telomere lengthening proteins is associated with an acceleration of aging, and not its slowdown, as previously thought. This conclusion was reached by a group of American scientists from the University of California at Los Angeles, Boston University, Stanford University and the Institute for Aging Research at the non-profit organization Hebrew..

2018-02-05 3799 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

Evolutionary psychologist Gordon G. Gallup claims that the rumors of a human-chimpanzee hybrid are true. According to him, such a hybrid was born in 1920 in Florida, USA. This is reported by the publication Science Alert.According to the scientist, the chimpanzee egg was..

2018-01-31 3654 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

The hands of the symbolic doomsday clock, whose movement reflects the level of danger of nuclear war and climate-related threats, after analyzing new risks, it was decided to move 30 seconds forward. This was reported in a press release on the Bulletin of Atomic website..

2018-01-28 3257 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

An international team of scientists from France and Canada has suggested that human consciousness is a by-product of entropy growth. In mathematics, the latter is equal to the amount of information that the system can contain. In the human brain, entropy is determined by the maximum possible number of configurations, ..

2018-01-28 3748 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

Moscow State University scientists have studied the chemical composition of organic films left in the folded imprints of ancient organisms Beltanelliformis. It turned out that the mysterious creatures were colonies of benthic cyanobacteria. This was reported in a press release received by the editors of Lenta.ru. Beltanelliformis is one of the oldest forms of ..

People have different ideas about how their body moves, scientists have confirmed

09/09/2019Russian scientists, together with Spanish colleagues, experimentally confirmed that people mentally imagine the movements of their bodies in different ways. Some have visual imagination, that is, they “see” them, while others have kinesthetic imagination, that is, they imagine the sensations that their muscles experience at work. The data obtained can be used to develop new methods of rehabilitation, for example, for people who have had a stroke. The work was published in Scientific Reports. The research was supported by a grant from the Presidential Research Projects Program of the Russian Science Foundation to support world-class laboratories. Most people use visual images in their imagination, that is, they simply imagine any action as if they are seeing it from the outside. This is visual imagination. But some "trained" people, such as athletes, can imagine the sensations of their muscles. They have kinesthetic imagination. Different images arise as a result of activation of different areas of the brain. When a picture is presented, the areas responsible for the processing of visual information are activated, and when using kinesthetic images, the same zones are activated that are involved in the performance of a real action. Thus, in order to determine the type of imagination in a particular person, you need to understand which part of the brain is actively working during the presentation of movement. Press Service of the Russian Science Foundation using magnetoencephalography. A special installation registers ultra-weak magnetic fields resulting from the electrical activity of the brain. The more intensively the zone works, the stronger the magnetic field emitted by it. Thanks to this, it is possible to understand which parts of the brain were the most active at a particular point in time. The experiment involved 10 volunteers aged 20 to 31 years. In a special room shielded from the Earth's magnetic field, the subject sat in a chair and placed his hands on the armrests. Magnetoencephalograph sensors were placed above his head, which recorded ultra-weak magnetic fields of the brain. When the beep sounded, the subject had to imagine the movement of his hand. The volunteer had a screen in front of him, on which it was reported which limb movement, left or right, should be presented. Press Service of the Russian Science Foundation The data obtained on the functioning of the brain were analyzed in several ways. First, we used the method of transforming mathematical functions, which allows you to trace the smallest changes in the signal over time. In this experiment, the signal was the magnetic activity of the brain. Then artificial intelligence methods were applied. In some cases, scientists did not train a neural network, but simply combined data into groups based on similar parameters of brain activity. In others, an artificial neural network was trained to classify the results of an experiment. The use of three different techniques made it possible to create the most complete picture of the processes occurring in the brain. Thanks to this, scientists were able to accurately divide the subjects into 2 groups according to the types of imagination. The ability to imagine their movements remains even in a person who is paralyzed as a result of an injury to the brain or spinal cord. It is this ability that is used in modern rehabilitation medicine in a special brain-computer interface. An important application of such systems is neurorehabilitation, for example, of patients who have suffered a stroke or suffered a head injury. In this case, movement imagination will speed up the recovery of motor activity, while it is important to pre-classify patients in terms of the type of movements they imagine. The further rehabilitation strategy will depend on this, which will significantly speed up the process of restoring the body's motor functions after brain damage, - commented the project manager, professor at Innopolis University Alexander Khramov. scientists confirmed appeared first on Search - news of science and technology.

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The year 2016 was rich in high-profile scientific discoveries and spectacular technical achievements. The discoveries are widely covered in the media, and the most interesting new gadgets were demonstrated at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES). For 50 years now, it has been a launching pad for innovation and hi-end technologies.

December has come and it's time to let down the most interesting results of 2016 in science and technology.

Top 10 most high-profile achievements of science in 2016

10 Multicellular Life Is The Result Of Genetic Mutation

The GK-PID molecule allows cells to divide, avoiding malignant tumors. At the same time, the ancient gene, an analogue of GK-PID, was a builder enzyme necessary to create DNA. Scientists suggested that in some of the ancient unicellular organisms 800 million years ago, the GK gene was duplicated, one of the copies of which then mutated. This gave rise to the GK-PID molecule, which allowed the cells to divide properly. This is how multicellular organisms appeared

9. New prime number

They became 2 ^ 74,207,281 - 1. The discovery is useful for cryptography problems, where both very complex and prime Mersenne numbers are used (49 of them were found in total).

8. The ninth planet

Scientists from the California Institute of Technology have provided evidence that there is a ninth planet in the solar system. Its orbital period is 15,000 years. However, due to its colossal orbit, no astronomer has been able to see this planet.

7. Eternal data storage

This invention of 2016 was made possible thanks to nanostructured glass, on which information is recorded using ultra-high-speed short and laser pulses. The glass disk holds up to 360 TB of data and can withstand temperatures up to a thousand degrees.

6. Relationship of the blind eye and four-toed vertebrates

A wall-crawling fish called the Taiwanese blind eye has been found to have anatomical abilities similar to those of amphibians or reptiles. This discovery will allow biologists to better understand how the process of transformation of prehistoric fish into terrestrial tetrapods took place.

5. Vertical landing of a space rocket

Usually spent rocket stages either fall into the ocean or burn up in the atmosphere. Now they can be used for subsequent projects. The launch process will be significantly faster and cheaper, and the time between launches will decrease.

4 Cybernetic Implant

A special chip implanted in the brain of a completely paralyzed man restored his ability to move his fingers. It sends signals to a glove worn on the subject's hand, which contains electrical wires that stimulate certain muscles and cause the fingers to move.

3. Stem cells will help people after a stroke

Scientists at the Stanford University School of Medicine injected human stem cells into the brains of 18 stroke survivors. All subjects showed an improvement in mobility and general well-being.

2. Carbon dioxide rocks

Icelandic scientists pumped carbon dioxide into volcanic rock. Thanks to this, the process of turning basalt into carbonate minerals (later becoming limestone) took only 2 years, instead of hundreds and thousands of years. This discovery will allow carbon dioxide to be stored underground or used for construction purposes without releasing it into the atmosphere.

1. Another Moon

NASA has discovered an asteroid that was captured by Earth's gravity. Now it is in its orbit, in fact, being the second natural satellite of the planet.

List of Unusual New Gadgets of 2016 (CES)

10. Casio WSD-F10 smart watch

This waterproof and very durable gadget works at a depth of up to 50 meters. The "brain" of the watch is the Android Wear OS. can sync with Android and iOS devices.

9. Spherical drone

Drone blades can injure the owner or bystanders. To deal with this problem, FLEYE created a drone with a spherical design. Its blades are hidden, which means they are completely safe.

8. Arke 3D printer

Mcor has introduced a desktop device that allows you to print color models in 3D using regular office paper. The print resolution is 4800x2400DPI.

7 Garmin Augmented Reality Device

Varia Vision is a special display for cyclists placed on sunglasses. It not only informs about the heart rate and pressure, but also helps to make the best route.

6. Origami Drone

Paper novelty from POWERUP is controlled via Wi-Fi and can be equipped with an augmented reality helmet.

5. HTC virtual reality helmet

The HTC Vive Pre helmet allows you to physically move around objects in virtual space. The device claims: improved display brightness with greater detail and a built-in camera that allows the gadget to work in augmented reality mode.


LG engineers have integrated the OLED screen of the 65-inch TV model into 2.57 mm thick glass. Thanks to the declared color depth of 10 bits, the TV can show a fantastically colorful image.

3. Solar Grill

The GoSun grill has a unique design that directs sunlight towards a cylinder that can heat up to 290 degrees in 10 or 20 minutes (depending on model).

2. Passenger drone EHang 184

The stylish novelty of 2016 technology will be able to carry one passenger for 23 minutes at a speed of 100 km/h. The destination is indicated on the tablet.

1. Flexible Smartphone Screen by LG Display

In the first position of the top 10 is a prototype of an 18-inch screen that can fold like a sheet of paper. This type of futuristic display is promising for use in smartphones, TVs and tablets.

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