Home Fruit trees 12 selected psalms to read. The chant of the twelve psalms. See what the "twelve psalm ranks" are in other dictionaries

12 selected psalms to read. The chant of the twelve psalms. See what the "twelve psalm ranks" are in other dictionaries

The rank, as it is fitting to sing twenty psalms, is the same as the reverend fathers of the wilderness in days and nights, they are also remembered in the books of the fathers and in the lives and torments of many saints. This rite was brought from the holy mountain by the Monk Dositheus Archimandrite of the Kiev Caves.


Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us, amen ( bow).

Shielding our face, we read:

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

The King of Heaven, the Comforter, the Soul of Truth, Who is everywhere and fills everything, the Treasury of the good and the Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Blessed, our souls ( Note. From Easter to Ascension, instead of this prayer, a troparion is read: "Christ is risen from the dead, trampling down death by death, and bestowing life on those in the tombs." (Thrice) From Ascension to Trinity, we begin prayers with "Holy God ...", omitting all previous ones. This remark also applies to prayers for the coming sleep).


Prayer to the Holy Trinity

Lord's Prayer "Our Father"

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. Amen.

Lord have mercy ( 12 times).

Come, let us worship our King God ( bow).

Come, let us worship Christ, the King and our God ( bow).

Come, let us bow down and fall down before the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, our King and God ( bow).

Psalm 26

The Lord is my light and my Savior, whom shall I slay? The Lord Protector of my life, from whom shall I fear? Every now and then approach me maliciously, tear down my flesh that offends me, and strike down mine, you are exhausted and fallen. If the regiment takes up arms against me, my heart will not be afraid, if it rises up against me, I trust in Nan Az. I ask the Lord alone, then I will seek: if we live in the house of the Lord all the days of my belly, see the beauty of the Lord and visit His holy church. Like hide me in Your shelter in the day of my evil, cover me in the mystery of His shelter. Lift me up on a stone, and now lift up my head to my enemies, having lived and devoured in His blood the sacrifice of praise and exclamation, I will sing and sing to the Lord. Hear, O Lord, my voice, I called out to it, have mercy on me and hear me. My heart speaks to you: I will seek the Lord. I will seek thee my face, Thy face, O Lord, I will seek. Do not turn Your face away from me and do not turn away with anger from Your servant, be my helper, do not reject me, and do not leave me, O God my Savior. As my father and mother have left me, the Lord will accept me. Set me a law, O Lord, in Your way and guide me to the right path, for my enemy's sake. Do not betray me in my souls to those who are cold, as if witnesses of unrighteousness have risen against me, and I lie to myself. I believe to see the good of the Lord in the land of the living. Be patient with the Lord, be of good cheer, and let your heart be strong, and be patient with the Lord.

Psalm 31

Blessed, they have forgiven iniquity, and they have covered sins. Blessed is the man, but the Lord will not impute sin to him, below there is flattery in his mouth. As if you were silent, my bones have been obedient, I call to me all day. Like day and night Your hand is heavy on me, I returned to passion, always unze mi tern. I know my iniquity and my sin is not covered, rech: let us confess my iniquity of the Lord against me, and Thou hast forgiven the wickedness of my heart. For this, every reverend will pray to You at the appropriate time, both in the flood of many waters, they will not approach him. You are my refuge, from the sorrow that possesses me, my joy, deliver me from those who surround me. I will admonish you and guide you on this path, but go away, I will fix My eyes on you. Do not wake up like an imsk horse, which has no mind, with the furrows and the bridle of their jaws, pull them up, not approaching you. There are many wounds to the sinner, but he who trusts in the Lord will have mercy. Rejoice in the Lord, and rejoice, you righteous ones, and boast, all you who are upright in heart.

Psalm 56

Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me: for my soul has hoped in Thee. And I hope in the canopy of Your wings, until iniquity passes away. I will call upon the Most High God, the God who has done good to me. Sent from Heaven and save me, give me a reproach trampling me. God sent His mercy and His truth, and my soul was taken away from the midst of the skimen, the sleeper was confused. Sons of mankind, the teeth of their weapons and arrows, and the tongue of their sword is sharp. Ascend to Heaven, O God, and throughout the earth Your glory. A net is prepared for my feet, and my soul is subdued. Excavated in front of my face a hole and fell into a nude. My heart is ready, O God, my heart is ready; I will sing and sing in my glory. Arise my glory, arise the psalter and the harp, I will rise early. Let us confess to Thee among the people, O Lord, I sing to Thee in the tongues. As if Your mercy is exalted to Heaven, and even to the clouds, Your truth. Ascend to Heaven, O God, and throughout the earth Your glory.


Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (It is read three times, with the sign of the cross and a bow from the waist). Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Trinity

Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Lord, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake. Lord have mercy. (Thrice). Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Lord's Prayer "Our Father"

Our Father, Who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Troparion, tone 1

Open the arms of the Father for me, rushing, fornicating my life, but I look at the wealth that does not live out, Thy bounty, Savior: now do not despise my impoverished heart. Bo, Lord, I call with tenderness: I have sinned, Father, into heaven and before You.

Glory: When you come, O God, to judge the earth with glory, and everyone will tremble, the fiery river will flow before the judgment, the books will unbend, and the secret will be exposed, then deliver me the unquenchable fire, and make me worthy to stand on Your right hand, righteous Judge.

And now: We pray to the Mother of God all the Virgin; in Thy bounties we resort to love and to Thy grace; For you, the Imams of sinful salvation, and to you, in misfortune, One all-blameless one.

Lord have mercy ( 30 times).

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever, amen.

The most honest cherubim, and the most glorious truly seraphim, without the corruption of God, we magnify the Word of the birth, the present Mother of God.

And bow.

Bless in the name of the Lord, father.

Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. Amen.

In Great Lent except Saturdays and Sundays), as well as in other posts ( and at Shrovetide on Wednesday and Friday):

Lord have mercy (40 times), Glory, and now (17 bows with the prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian).

1. The most honest cherub ... (great bow to the earth). In the name of the Lord... For the prayers of our holy fathers...

Prayer of St. Ephraim:

2. Lord and Master of my life, the spirit of despondency, negligence, love of money and idle talk, banish me from me (great bow to the earth).

3. Grant the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to me, Thy servant (great bow to the earth).

4. To her, Lord the King, let me see my sins and do not judge my brother, for you are blessed forever, amen (great bow to the earth).

5. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner (twice with bows).

6. God, be merciful to me a sinner ( bow).

7. God, cleanse my sins and have mercy on me ( bow).

8. Lord, who created me, have mercy ( bow).

9. I have sinned without number, Lord, forgive me ( bow).

10. We repeat prayers 5 - 10 with prostrations.

11. Then we read the entire prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian and a great bow to the earth.

Come let's bow thrice).

Psalm 33

I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise is always in my mouth. My soul will boast in the Lord, so that the meek will hear and rejoice. Praise the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together. Seek the Lord and hear me, and deliver me from all my sorrows. Draw near to Him and be enlightened, and your faces will not be put to shame. This poor man lifted, and the Lord heard and, and saved him from all sorrows. The Angel of the Lord will encamp around those who fear Him, and deliver them. Taste and see how good is the Lord, blessed is the man who trusts Nan. Fear the Lord, all His saints, for there is no deprivation for those who fear Him. The rich are impoverished and drunk, but those who seek the Lord will not be deprived of any good. Come, children, listen to me, I will teach you the fear of the Lord. Who is a man, though his belly, loving and seeing good days? Keep your tongue from evil, and keep your mouth shut, so as not to speak flattering. Turn away from evil and do good, seek peace, and marry and. The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are on their prayer. The face of the Lord, against those who do evil, consume their memory from the earth. Raise the righteous, and the Lord heard them, and deliver them from all their sorrows. The Lord is near the brokenhearted, and saves the humble in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, and the Lord will deliver them from them all. The Lord preserves all their bones, not a single one of them will be broken. The death of sinners is cruel, and those who hate the righteous will sin. The Lord will deliver the soul of His servants, and all who trust in Nan will not sin.

Psalm 38

I will keep my ways, if I do not sin with my tongue: I put it with my mouth, when a sinner stands before me. I humbled myself and humbled myself, and kept silent from the blessings, and my illness was renewed. My heart will be warmed within me, and fire will flare up in my teaching. I speak with my tongue: tell me, Lord, my end and the number of my days, which is, so I understand, what am I losing? Thou hast put my days to measure, and my composition is like nothing before Thee; Both every vanity every living person. Wherever a man walks in a certain way, he rushes in vain: he treasures, and who knows whom I collect. And now who is my patience, is it not the Lord? and my constitution is from Thee. Deliver me from all my iniquities, Thou hast given me reproach to the insane. Nimmech and did not open my mouth, as You did. Set aside Your wounds from me, I have disappeared from the strength of Your hand. In the denunciation of iniquity, you showed a man, and melted you, like a spider, his soul; both in vain every person. Hear my prayer, Lord, and give ear to my prayer; do not silence my tears, for I am from You and a stranger, like all my fathers. Relax me, let me rest, I won’t even leave before, and I won’t go to that.

Psalm 40

Blessed is the understanding of the poor and the wretched, in the day of fierceness the Lord will deliver. The Lord will keep and, and live and, and bless on earth, and will not betray him into the hands of his enemies. The Lord will help him on his sickbed; Thou hast turned all his bed into his sickness. Az reh: Lord, have mercy on me, heal my soul, for I have sinned Thee. Strike down my evil resolutions: when will his name die and perish? And you enter to see; He says in vain: His heart has gathered iniquity to him; go out, and speak together. Strike all my whispers at me, I think evil of me. Laying the word of the law upon me, the food of sleep will not add to the resurrection. For a man of my peace, put your trust in me, eating my bread, lift up your heel on me. But you, Lord, have mercy on me and raise me up and repay them. About this knowledge, like a desire for me; for my enemy will not rejoice over me. But I was accepted for malice, and thou hast established me before Thee for ever. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting, will be, will be.


Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (It is read three times, with the sign of the cross and a bow from the waist). Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Trinity

Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Lord, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake. Lord have mercy. (Thrice). Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Lord's Prayer "Our Father"

Our Father, Who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Troparion, tone 4:

Visit my humble soul, Lord, who in sins I have lived out all my life. But accept me like a harlot and save me.

Glory: All my life is fornicated, O Lord, cursed with harlots; like a prodigal, I call with tenderness: Heavenly Father, I have sinned, cleanse me, and receive me, and do not reject me from You, who have moved away from You, and now impoverished by barren deeds.

And now: To the Theotokos, now the sinners are diligent, falling down with humility and repentance, crying out from the depths of their souls: Lady, help us, having mercy on us, sweating, as if we are bending from a multitude of sins, do not turn away Your servant thinness, You are the only helper of the imam.

Lord have mercy (30 times).

Psalm 69

God, stink for my help, Lord, seek my help. Let those who seek my soul be ashamed and confounded. Let them turn back and be put to shame, who want me evil. May those who are ashamed of themselves return and say to me: Well, well, well. Let them rejoice and be glad in Thee, all who seek Thee, God; But I am poor and miserable, God, help me. Thou art my helper and my Redeemer, O Lord, do not stagnate.

Psalm 70

In Thee, O Lord, I put my trust, that I may not be put to shame forever. In Thy righteousness, deliver me and deliver me. Incline Your ear to me and save me. Be me in God the Defender and in a place to save me firmly, as my affirmation and my refuge are you. My God, deliver me from the hand of a sinner, from the hand of a transgressor and offender. For thou art my patience, O Lord, O Lord my hope from my youth. In Thee I have been established from the womb, from the womb of my mother, You are my Patron. I will take out my singing about You, as a miracle to many, and You are my strong helper. Let my lips be filled with praise, for I will sing of Your glory, all the day long of Your splendor. Do not open me in old age, when my strength disappears, do not leave me. As if deciding to oppose mine to me, and the guardians of my soul confer together. Verb: God left him to eat, marry him and have him, as if delivering him. My God, do not get away from me, my God, look out for my help. Let those who slander my soul be put to shame and disappear; let them be clothed with shame and shame who seek evil against me. But I always trust in You and I will add to Your every praise. My mouth will proclaim your righteousness; all day long your salvation. As if I did not know the book, I will enter in the power of the Lord, Lord, I will remember Your truth alone. My God, Thou hast taught me from my youth, and until now I will proclaim Your wonders. And even to old age and matorship, my God, do not leave me until I proclaim the muscle of Your family to all who are to come. Thy strength and Thy righteousness, O God, even to the highest, Thou hast done me greatness. God, who is like You? Eliki showed me many sorrows and evil, and turned me to life, and raised me from the abyss of the earth. Thou hast multiplied Thy majesty upon me, and converted Thou hast comforted me, and from the abyss of the earth raise me again. For I confess to Thee among the people, O Lord, in the vessels of the Psalms, Thy truth, O God, I sing to Thee in the harp, O Holy One of Israel. My mouth shall rejoice when I sing to Thee, and my soul, thou hast delivered. Moreover, my tongue will learn your righteousness all day long, when those who seek evil against me are ashamed and put to shame.

Psalm 76

I called with my voice to the Lord, with my voice to God, and listen to me. On the day of my sorrow, I sought God, with my hands I walk before Him, and I was not deceived. Rejected, my soul is comforted, I remember God and rejoice, my spirit is grieved and overcome. Precede the guards of my eyes, I was troubled and did not speak. Think the first days, and remember the eternal summer, and learn. I sneer at night with my heart, and my spirit is tormented. Will the Lord reject food forever, and will not give favor to the packs? Or will he cut off His mercy to the end, having finished the verb from generation to generation? Food will forget God bless? Or will he withhold His bounties in His anger? And rech: now began, this is treason, the right hand of the Most High. I remember the deeds of the Lord, as if I remember from the beginning of Your miracles. And I will learn in all Your works, and in Your thoughts I will mock. God, holy is thy way; who is a great God like our God? You are the God who works miracles. Thou hast known Thy strength in people, Thou hast redeemed Thy people with Thy arm, sons of Jacob and Joseph. When you see the water, O God, when you see the water, you are afraid; troubling the abyss with the multitude of the noise of the waters. The voice of the dashing clouds, for Your arrows pass away, the voice of Your thunder in the wheel. Thy lightning illuminates the universe, moving and trembling was the earth. Your ways are in the sea, and your paths are in many waters, and your feet are not known. Thou hast taught Thy people like a sheep, by the hand of Moses and Aaron.


Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (It is read three times, with the sign of the cross and a bow from the waist). Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Trinity

Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Lord, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake. Lord have mercy. (Thrice). Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Lord's Prayer "Our Father"

Our Father, Who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Troparion, tone 6:

I think of a terrible day and weep at the deeds of my evil ones; How do I answer the Immortal King? With what boldness will I look at the Judge prodigal az? Merciful Father, Only Begotten Son, Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.

Glory. In the vale of deplorable place where you put it, when you sit down, Merciful, do a righteous judgment, do not rebuke my innermost, below shame me before the angels, but have mercy on me, O God, and have mercy on me.

And now: Open the doors of Mercy to us, Blessed Virgin Mother of God, hoping in Thee we will not perish, but may we be delivered from troubles by Thee, Thou art the salvation of the Christian race.

Come, let us bow (three times).

Psalm 101

Lord, hear my prayer, and let my cry come to You. Do not turn Your face away from me, on the same day I grieve. Incline Thy ear to me, on the same day, if I call on Thee, hear me soon. As if disappearing, as the smoke of my days, and as if my bones dried up, converging. I was wounded like grass, and my heart was gone, as if I had forgotten to take down my bread. From the voice of my sighing my bone clings to my flesh. Likened to the desert owl, like a nocturnal raven on dives. Zabdeh and bykh like a bird specializing on the zde. All day long I have reproached me, and those who praise me swear by me. Zane ashes like poisonous bread, and my drink with weeping solutions. From the face of Thy wrath and Thy wrath: for thou hast exalted me overthrown. My days are like a canopy, and I am like hay withered. You, Lord, remain forever, and Your memory is for generation and generation. You have risen, have compassion on Zion, for it is time to have mercy on her, for the time has come. As Thy servants favor his stones, and his dust will be generous. And the Gentiles will fear the name of the Lord, and all the kings of the land of Thy glory. As the Lord will build Zion, and will appear in His glory. Look at the prayers of the poor, and do not despise their prayers. May this be written in the generation, and the people of the building will praise the Lord. Like a vision from the height of His saints, the Lord from Heaven to earth is a vision. Hear the sighs of the chained, let the sons of the slain. To proclaim the name of the Lord in Zion, and His praise in Jerusalem. Every now and then gather people together, and the king of the work of the Lord. Answering him on the path of his fortress, let me bring down my days. Do not raise me up in the middle of my days, into the generation and generation of Your years. In the beginning, You are the Lord, the foundation of the earth, and the works of Your hands are the heavens. They will perish, but you remain; and all, like a robe they wear out, and like a garment you twist them, and they will be changed. You are the same, and your summers will not fail. The sons of your servants will dwell, and their seed will be corrected forever.

Prayer of Manasseh, King of Judea

Lord Almighty, the God of our fathers, Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, and their righteous seed. He made the heavens and the earth with all their beauty, and made the sea water with the word of Your commandment. Having closed the abyss, and sealed it with Your terrible and glorious name, they all fear Him, and tremble at the face of Your glory. How fickle is the magnificence of Thy glory, and we will not endure the wrath of the hedgehog against sinners of Thy rebuke. Countless and unexamined is the mercy of Thy promise. You are the Lord on high, merciful, long-suffering and many-merciful, and repenting of human malice. But You, Lord, according to the abundance of Your goodness, have promised repentance and forgiveness to those who have sinned against You, and by the multitude of Your bounties I have called repentance to the sinner for salvation. You are the Lord, God of the righteous, bring repentance to Your righteous, Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, who did not sin against You, but Thou didst repent to me a sinner, for I have sinned More than the number of sand of the sea. My iniquities are multiplied, Lord, multiplied, and I am not worthy to look and see the heights of heaven, from the multitude of my iniquities I am bound by many bonds of iron. As if I did not erect my head, and there is no resurrection for me. I have not angered Your wrath, and I have done evil before You. And I did not Thy will, I did not keep Thy commandments. And now I bow down to the knees of my heart, and I pray for goodness from You. I have sinned, O Lord, I have sinned, and my iniquities are gone. But I ask and pray to You: Lord, save me, save me, and do not destroy me with my iniquities. Below in the age of enmity, keep my evils, and do not condemn me in the underworld of the earth. Thou art God, the God of the repentant, and manifest all Your goodness on me, as if the creature is unworthy, save me, according to the many of Your mercy. And I will praise Thee always, all the days of my life. All the powers of heaven sing to You, and Yours is glory forever, amen.

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill towards men. We praise Thee, bless Thee (bow), bow down, praise Thee (bow), thank Thee, great for Your glory (bow). Lord, King of heaven. God the Father Almighty, and Lord the Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, and Holy Soul. Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, Take away the sins of the world, accept our prayers; sitting at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For You are the One Holy One, You are the One Lord, Jesus Christ, to the glory of God the Father, amen.

Every day let us bless Thee, and praise Thy name forever and ever.

Lord, be our refuge for generations and generations. Az reh: Lord, have mercy on me, and heal my soul, for I have sinned against You. Lord, I have resorted to You, teach me to do Your will, as You are my God. As from You there is a source of life, in Your light we will see light. Prove Your mercy to those who guide You.

Grant, O Lord, on this day, without sin, be preserved for us. Blessed are you, O Lord, God of our fathers, and praised and glorified is your name forever, amen.

Wake, Lord, Thy mercy on us, as if we were relying on Thee. Blessed be Thou, O Lord, teach us Thy justification. Blessed be Thou, Master, enlighten us with Thy justification. Blessed be Thou, Holy One, enlighten us with Thy justification.

Lord, Thy mercy is forever, and do not despise the works of Thy hand. Praise is due to you, singing is due to you, glory is due to you, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever, amen.

Prayer of the great Eustratius

Magnifying, I magnify Thee, Lord, as if Thou didst look upon my humility, and hold me shut in the hands of the enemy, but Thou didst save my soul from troubles. And now, Master, may Thy hand cover me, and may Thy mercy come upon me, as if my soul is troubled, and it is painful in its origin, from this accursed and stinking body. Yes, once the cunning adversary will hide the advice, and punish you in the darkness, for the sins that were unknown and known in this life. Be merciful to me, Lord, and may my soul not see the dark gaze of crafty demons, but may Your bright and bright angels receive me. Give glory to Your holy name, and by Your power elevate me to Your divine judgment. Whenever we are judged, let not the hand of the prince of this world receive me, cast me out a sinner into the depths of hell. But stand before me, and be my Savior and Intercessor. This bodily torment, joy are Thy servants. Have mercy, Lord, on my soul, which has been defiled by the passions of this life, and accept it clean for the sake of repentance and confession. For blessed are you forever and ever, amen.


Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (It is read three times, with the sign of the cross and a bow from the waist). Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Trinity

Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Lord, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake. Lord have mercy. (Thrice). Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Lord's Prayer "Our Father"

Our Father, Who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.

Troparion, tone 8

With a merciful eye, Lord, see my humility. Like little by little my life ends, and there is no salvation from works. For this sake I pray: with the compassionate eye of Thee, Lord, see my humility and save me.

Glory: My age is ending, and Your terrible throne is being prepared, my life is walking by, the court is waiting for me, chasing me with fiery torment, and unquenchable flame. Give me a cloud of tears and quench its strength, although the whole person can be saved.

And now: Even for us, for the sake of being born of the Virgin, and having endured the crucifixion, Good, overthrew death by death, and the resurrection is revealed, like God. Do not despise them created by Your own hand. Reveal Your benevolence, O Merciful One. Accept the Theotokos who gave birth to you, praying for us, and save our Savior, people of sin.

Lord have mercy ( 30 times).

The most honest cherubim, and the most glorious truly seraphim, without the corruption of God, we magnify the Word of the birth, the Mother of God. bow).

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (bow), now and ever and forever and ever, amen ( bow).

Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy bow).

And let go: Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Thy Most Pure Mother, and our reverend and God-bearing fathers, and for the sake of all the saints, have mercy and save me a sinner, as Good and Humane. Amen.

Then - forgiveness.

If we fast, we make prostrations according to the prescriptive.

Glory 17 bows, and now. Lord have mercy ( twice), Lord bless ( no bows). And dismiss the psalterist: Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, by the Power of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross, and the holy heavenly powers of the fleshless, and our reverend and God-bearing fathers, and the holy prophet David ( and the saint, his day is) and all the saints, have mercy and save me a sinner, like a good and philanthropist. Amen.

And forgiveness. Leaning to the ground, without crossing yourself, read:

Weaken, leave, let go of God, my sins, free and involuntary, even in word and in deed, and even in knowledge and not in knowledge, even in mind and in thought, even in days and nights, forgive all of us, as Good and Lover of mankind, amen.

Rising, read this prayer with bows:

Forgive those who hate and offend us, Lord, Lover of mankind. Do good to those who do good, to the brethren and to all our relatives, even those who are secluded, grant them everything, even for the salvation of petitions and eternal life ( bow).

In the diseases of the being, visit and heal, in the dungeons of the living freedom, on the waters of the floating, the Ruler wake up and those who are on the way, correct and hasten (bow).

Remember, Lord, and our captive brethren, fellow believers of the Orthodox faith, and deliver them from every evil situation ( bow).

Have mercy, Lord, on those who gave us alms and commanded us, the unworthy, to pray for them, forgive them and have mercy ( bow).

Have mercy on the Lord, those who work and serve us, who have mercy and nourish us, and grant them all, even to salvation, petitions and eternal life (bow).

Remember, Lord, before the departed fathers and our brethren, and instill them, where the light of Your face comes ( bow).

Remember, Lord, our thinness and poverty, and enlighten our minds with the light of the mind of Your holy Gospel, and guide us on the path of Your commandments, with the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints, amen ( bow).

Lord have mercy ( thrice).

And the usual initial bows.

The rank, as it is fitting to sing twenty psalms, is the same as the reverend fathers of the wilderness in days and nights, they are also remembered in the books of the fathers and in the lives and torments of many saints. This rite was brought from the holy mountain by the Monk Dositheus Archimandrite of the Kiev Caves.

According to the usual beginning of the verb:

W and the prayers of our saints, our father, Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us, amen. [bow]

Shielding our face, we read:

C Arya of heaven, Comforter, True Soul, Who are everywhere and fulfilling everything, the treasure of the good and the life of the Giver, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save us Blessed, our soul.

FROM Holy God, Holy Strong, Holy Immortals, have mercy on us. (three times with bows).


P Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, cleanse our sins; Lord, forgive our iniquities; Saints, visit and heal our infirmities; for your name.

G Lord have mercy (thrice)

FROM lava to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever, amen.

O ours, who art in heaven; hallowed be thy name; let your kingdom come; Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth; give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from the evil one.

G Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us.

BUT min.

G have mercy, have mercy 12.

FROM lava to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever, amen.

P come, let us worship our King God (bow).

P come, let us worship Christ, the King and our God (bow).

P come, let us bow down and fall down before the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, the King and our God (bow).

Psalm 26

G the Lord is my enlightenment and my Savior, whom will I slaughter? The Lord is the Defender of my life; from whom shall I fear? Every now and then approach me viciously, tear down my flesh that offends me, and strike down mine, you are exhausted and fallen. If the regiment takes up arms against me, my heart will not be afraid, if it rises up against me, I trust in Nan Az. I ask the Lord alone, then I will seek: if we live in the house of the Lord all the days of my belly, see the beauty of the Lord and visit His holy church. Like hide me in Your shelter in the day of my evil, cover me in the mystery of His shelter. Lift me up on a stone, and now lift up my head to my enemies, having lived and devoured in His blood the sacrifice of praise and exclamation, I will sing and sing to the Lord. Hear, O Lord, my voice, I called out to it, have mercy on me and hear me. My heart speaks to you: I will seek the Lord. I will seek thee my face, Thy face, O Lord, I will seek. Do not turn Your face away from me and do not turn away with anger from Your servant, be my helper, do not reject me, and do not leave me, O God my Savior. As my father and mother have left me, the Lord will accept me. Set me a law, O Lord, in Your way and guide me to the right path, for my enemy's sake. Do not betray me in my souls to those who are cold, as if witnesses of unrighteousness have risen against me, and I lie to myself. I believe to see the good of the Lord in the land of the living. Be patient with the Lord, be of good cheer, and let your heart be strong, and be patient with the Lord.

Psalm 31

B lazy, they also let go of iniquity, and they covered sins. Blessed is the man, but the Lord will not impute sin to him, below there is flattery in his mouth. As if you were silent, my bones have been obedient, I call to me all day. Like day and night Your hand is heavy on me, I returned to passion, always unze mi tern. I know my iniquity and my sin is not covered, rech: let us confess my iniquity of the Lord against me, and Thou hast forgiven the wickedness of my heart. For this, every reverend will pray to You at the appropriate time, both in the flood of many waters, they will not approach him. You are my refuge, from the sorrow that possesses me, my joy, deliver me from those who surround me. I will admonish you and guide you on this path, but go away, I will fix My eyes on you. Do not wake up like a horse imsk, which has no mind, with the furrows and bridle of their jaws, pull them up, not approaching you. There are many wounds to the sinner, but he who trusts in the Lord will have mercy. Rejoice in the Lord, and rejoice, you righteous ones, and boast, all you who are upright in heart.

Psalm 56

P have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me: for my soul has hoped in Thee. And I hope in the canopy of Your wings, until iniquity passes away. I will call upon the Most High God, the God who has done good to me. Sent from Heaven and save me, give me a reproach trampling me. God sent His mercy and His truth, and my soul was taken away from the midst of the skimen, the sleeper was confused. Sons of mankind, the teeth of their weapons and arrows, and the tongue of their sword is sharp. Ascend to Heaven, O God, and throughout the earth Your glory. A net is prepared for my feet, and my soul is subdued. Excavated in front of my face a hole and fell into a nude. My heart is ready, O God, my heart is ready; I will sing and sing in my glory. Arise my glory, arise the psalter and the harp, I will rise early. Let us confess to Thee among the people, O Lord, I sing to Thee in the tongues. As if Your mercy is exalted to Heaven, and even to the clouds, Your truth. Ascend to Heaven, O God, and throughout the earth Your glory.

The same, the Trisagion, andO so ours:

Troparion, tone 1.

O open the capture of the Father to me, panting, fornicating my life, but I look at the wealth that does not live out, Thy bounty, Savior: now do not despise my impoverished heart. Bo, Lord, I call with tenderness: I have sinned, Father, into heaven and before You.

Glory: E When you come, O God, to judge the earth with glory, and everyone will tremble, the fiery river will flow before the judgment, the books will be unbent, and the secret will be revealed, then deliver me the unquenchable fire, and make me worthy to stand on Your right hand, Judge of the righteous.

And now: M Mother of God, we pray all the Virgin; in Thy bounties we resort to love and to Thy grace; For you, the Imams of sinful salvation, and to you, in misfortune, One all-blameless one.

Therefore: G have mercy, have mercy 30.

FROM lava to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever, amen.


And bow.

And bless me with the Lord, father.

W and the prayers of our saints, our father, Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us. BUT min.

In Great Lent (except Saturdays and Sundays), as well as in other fasts (and at Shrovetide on Wednesday and Friday): G Lord have mercy 40, Glory, and now. (And 17 bows with the prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian). 1. H the purest cherub… (great bow to the earth). And me of the Lord... W and the prayers of our holy fathers ... And prayer of st. Ephraim:

2. G Lord and Master of my life, the spirit of despondency, negligence, love of money and idle talk, banish me from me (earthly bow).

3. D wow, chastity, humility, patience and love grant me, your servant (earthly bow).

4. E th, Lord the King, let me see my sins and do not judge my brother, for blessed are you forever, amen (earthly bow).

5 - 6. G Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner (twice with bows).

7. B Oh, be merciful to me a sinner (bow).

8. B God, cleanse my sins and have mercy on me (bow).

9. C Ozdavy me Lord, have mercy. (bow).

10. B No number of sins Lord, forgive me (bow).

11-16. We repeat prayers 5-10 with prostrations.

17. Then we read the entire prayer of St. Ephraim the Syrian and a great bow to the earth.

P come, bow down, thrice.

Psalm 33

B I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise is always in my mouth. My soul will boast in the Lord, that the meek will hear and rejoice. Praise the Lord with me, and let us exalt His name together. Seek the Lord and hear me, and deliver me from all my sorrows. Draw near to Him and be enlightened, and your faces will not be put to shame. This poor man lifted, and the Lord heard and, and saved him from all sorrows. The Angel of the Lord will encamp around those who fear Him, and deliver them. Taste and see how good is the Lord, blessed is the man who trusts Nan. Fear the Lord, all His saints, for there is no deprivation for those who fear Him. The rich are impoverished and drunk, but those who seek the Lord will not be deprived of any good. Come, children, listen to me, I will teach you the fear of the Lord. Who is a man, though his belly, loving and seeing good days? Keep your tongue from evil, and keep your mouth shut, so as not to speak flattering. Turn away from evil and do good, seek peace, and marry and. The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are on their prayer. The face of the Lord, against those who do evil, consume their memory from the earth. Raise the righteous, and the Lord heard them, and deliver them from all their sorrows. The Lord is near the brokenhearted, and saves the humble in spirit. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, and the Lord will deliver them from them all. The Lord preserves all their bones, not a single one of them will be broken. The death of sinners is cruel, and those who hate the righteous will sin. The Lord will deliver the soul of His servants, and all who trust in Nan will not sin.

Psalm 38

R ex: I will keep my ways, if I do not sin with my tongue: put it with my mouth, when a sinner stands before me. I humbled myself and humbled myself, and kept silent from the blessings, and my illness was renewed. My heart will be warmed within me, and fire will flare up in my teaching. I speak with my tongue: tell me, Lord, my end and the number of my days, which is, so I understand, what am I losing az? Thou hast put my days to measure, and my composition is like nothing before Thee; Both all vanity, every living person. Wherever a man walks in a certain way, he rushes in vain: he treasures, and who knows whom I collect. And now who is my patience, is it not the Lord? and my constitution is from Thee. Deliver me from all my iniquities, Thou hast given me reproach to the insane. Nimmech and did not open my mouth, as You did. Set aside Your wounds from me, I have disappeared from the strength of Your hand. In the denunciation of iniquity, you showed a man, and melted you, like a spider, his soul; both in vain every person. Hear my prayer, Lord, and give ear to my prayer; do not silence my tears, for I am from You and a stranger, like all my fathers. Relax me, let me rest, I won’t even leave before, and I won’t go to that.

Psalm 40

B blessed, mindful of the poor and the poor, the Lord will deliver on a fierce day. The Lord will keep and, and live and, and bless on earth, and will not betray him into the hands of his enemies. The Lord will help him on his sickbed; Thou hast turned all his bed into his sickness. Az reh: Lord, have mercy on me, heal my soul, for I have sinned Thee. Strike down my evil resolutions: when will his name die and perish? And you enter to see; He says in vain: His heart has gathered iniquity to him; go out, and speak together. Strike all my whispers at me, I think evil of me. Laying the word of the law upon me, the food of sleep will not add to the resurrection. For a man of my peace, put your trust in me, eat my bread, lift up your heel on me. But you, Lord, have mercy on me and raise me up and repay them. About this knowledge, like a desire for me; for my enemy will not rejoice over me. But I was accepted for malice, and thou hast established me before Thee for ever. Blessed be the Lord God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting, will be, will be.

Same T rice, and by O so ours:

Troparion, tone 4:

FROM visit my peaceful soul, Lord, who in sins I have lived out all my life. But accept me like a harlot and save me.

Glory: AT This is my life of fornication, O Lord, with the damned harlots; as if fornication with tenderness I call: Heavenly Father, I have sinned, cleanse me, and accept me, and do not reject me from You, who have moved away from You, and now impoverished by unfruitful deeds.

And now: To The Mother of God is now diligently a son of sin, falling down with humility and repentance, crying out from the depths of the soul: Lady, help, having mercy on us, rush, as if we are bending from many sins, do not turn away Your servant thinness, You are the only helper of the imam.

Therefore: G have mercy, have mercy 30. And further, as if in pre-writing.

Same, P come, bow down, thrice.

Psalm 69

B Oh, stink to my help, Lord, seek my help. Let those who seek my soul be ashamed and confounded. Let them turn back and be put to shame, who want me evil. May those who are ashamed of themselves return and say to me: Well, well, well. Let them rejoice and be glad in Thee, all who seek Thee, God; But I am poor and miserable, God, help me. Thou art my helper and my Redeemer, O Lord, do not stagnate.

Psalm 70

H but I have trusted Thee, O Lord, that I may not be ashamed forever. In Thy righteousness, deliver me and deliver me. Incline Your ear to me and save me. Be me in God the Defender and in a place to save me strong, as my affirmation and my refuge are You. My God, deliver me from the hand of a sinner, from the hand of a transgressor and offender. For thou art my patience, O Lord, O Lord my hope from my youth. In Thee I have been established from the womb, from the womb of my mother, You are my Protector. I will take out my singing about You, as a miracle to many, and You are my strong helper. Let my lips be filled with praise, for I will sing of Your glory, all the day long of Your splendor. Do not open me in old age, when my strength disappears, do not leave me. As if deciding to oppose mine to me, and the guardians of my soul confer together. Verb: God left him to eat, marry him and have him, as if delivering him. My God, do not get away from me, my God, look out for my help. Let those who slander my soul be put to shame and disappear; let them be clothed with shame and shame who seek evil against me. But I always trust in You and I will add to Your every praise. My mouth will proclaim your righteousness; all day long your salvation. As if I did not know the book, I will enter in the power of the Lord, Lord, I will remember Your truth alone. My God, Thou hast taught me from my youth, and until now I will proclaim Your wonders. And even to old age and matorship, my God, do not leave me until I proclaim the muscle of Your family to all who are to come. Thy strength and Thy righteousness, O God, even to the highest, Thou hast done me greatness. God, who is like You? Eliki showed me many sorrows and evil, and turned me to life, and raised me from the abyss of the earth. Thou hast multiplied Thy majesty upon me, and converted Thou hast comforted me, and from the abyss of the earth raise me again. For I confess to Thee among the people, O Lord, in the vessels of the Psalms, Thy truth, O God, I sing to Thee in the harp, O Holy One of Israel. My mouth shall rejoice when I sing to Thee, and my soul, thou hast delivered. Moreover, my tongue will learn your righteousness all day long, when those who seek evil against me are ashamed and put to shame.

Psalm 76

G I called with my eye to the Lord, with my voice to God, and listen to me. On the day of my sorrow, I sought God, with my hands I walk before Him, and I was not deceived. Rejected, my soul is comforted, I remember God and rejoice, my spirit is grieved and overcome. Precede the guards of my eyes, I was troubled and did not speak. Think the first days, and remember the eternal summer, and learn. I sneer at night with my heart, and my spirit is tormented. Will the Lord reject food forever, and will not give favor to the packs? Or will he cut off His mercy to the end, having finished the verb from generation to generation? Food will forget God bless? Or will he withhold His bounties in His anger? And rech: now began, this is treason, the right hand of the Most High. I remember the deeds of the Lord, as if I remember from the beginning of Your miracles. And I will learn in all Your works, and in Your thoughts I will mock. God, holy is thy way; who is a great God like our God? You are the God who works miracles. Thou hast known Thy strength in people, Thou hast redeemed Thy people with Thy arm, sons of Jacob and Joseph. When you see the water, O God, when you see the water, you are afraid; troubling the abyss with the multitude of the noise of the waters. The voice of the dashing clouds, for Your arrows pass away, the voice of Your thunder in the wheel. Thy lightning illuminates the universe, moving and trembling was the earth. Your ways are in the sea, and your paths are in many waters, and your feet are not known. Thou hast taught Thy people like a sheep, by the hand of Moses and Aaron.

The same, the Trisagion, and O so ours.

Prayer of Jesus.

Troparion, tone 6:

P I think of a terrible day and weep at the deeds of my evil ones; How do I answer the Immortal King? With what boldness will I look at the Judge of the prodigal? Merciful Father, Only-begotten Son, Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.

Glory. AT about the vale of lamentation in the place where you put it, when you sit down, Merciful, do a righteous judgment, do not rebuke my innermost, below shame me before the angels, but have mercy on me, God, and have mercy on me.

And now: M Open the doors of philosophies to us, Blessed Virgin Mary, who hope in You, we will not perish, but let us be delivered from troubles by You, for You are the salvation of the Christian race.

Therefore: G have mercy, have mercy 30, et seq.

Same, P come, bow down , thrice.

Psalm 101

G Lord, hear my prayer, and let my cry come to Thee. Do not turn Your face away from me, on the same day I grieve. Incline Thy ear to me, on the same day, if I call on Thee, hear me soon. As if disappearing, as the smoke of my days, and as if my bones dried up, converging. I was wounded like grass, and my heart was gone, as if I had forgotten to take down my bread. From the voice of my sighing my bone clings to my flesh. Like a desert owl, like a nocturnal crow in diving. Zabdeh and bykh like a bird specializing on the zde. All day long I have reproached me, and those who praise me swear by me. Zane ashes like poisonous bread, and my drink with weeping solutions. From the face of Thy wrath and Thy wrath: for thou hast exalted me overthrown. My days are like a canopy, and I am like hay withered. You, Lord, remain forever, and Your memory is for generation and generation. You have risen, have compassion on Zion, for it is time to have mercy on her, for the time has come. As Thy servants favor his stones, and his dust will be generous. And the Gentiles will fear the name of the Lord, and all the kings of the land of Thy glory. As the Lord will build Zion, and will appear in His glory. Look at the prayers of the poor, and do not despise their prayers. May this be written in the generation, and the people of the building will praise the Lord. Like a vision from the height of His saints, the Lord from Heaven to earth is a vision. Hear the sighs of the chained, let the sons of the slain. To proclaim the name of the Lord in Zion, and His praise in Jerusalem. Every now and then gather people together, and the king of the work of the Lord. Answering him on the path of his fortress, let me bring down my days. Do not raise me up in the middle of my days, into the generation and generation of Your years. In the beginning, You are the Lord, the foundation of the earth, and the works of Your hands are the heavens. They will perish, but you remain; and all, like a robe they wear out, and like a garment you twist them, and they will be changed. You are the same, and your summers will not fail. The sons of your servants will dwell, and their seed will be corrected forever.

Prayer of Manasseh, king of Judea.

G Lord Almighty, God of our fathers, Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, and their righteous seed. You created the heavens and the earth with all their beauty, and the sea with the word of your commandment. Having closed the abyss, and sealed it with Your terrible and glorious name, they all fear Him, and tremble at the face of Your glory. How fickle is the magnificence of Thy glory, and we will not endure the wrath of the hedgehog against sinners of Thy rebuke. Countless and unexamined is the mercy of Thy promise. You are the Lord on high, merciful, long-suffering and many-merciful, and repenting of human malice. But You, Lord, according to the abundance of Your goodness, have promised repentance and forgiveness to those who have sinned against You, and by the multitude of Your bounties I have called repentance to the sinner for salvation. You are the Lord, God of the righteous, bring repentance to Your righteous, Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, who did not sin against You, but Thou didst repent to me a sinner, for I have sinned More than the number of sand of the sea. My iniquities are multiplied, Lord, multiplied, and I am not worthy to look and see the heights of heaven, from the multitude of my iniquities I am bound by many bonds of iron. As if I did not erect my head, and there is no resurrection for me. I have not angered Your wrath, and I have done evil before You. And I did not Thy will, I did not keep Thy commandments. And now I bow down to the knees of my heart, and I pray for goodness from You. I have sinned, O Lord, I have sinned, and my iniquities are gone. But I ask and pray to You: Lord, save me, save me, and do not destroy me with my iniquities. Below in the age of enmity, keep my evils, and do not condemn me in the underworld of the earth. Thou art God, the God of the repentant, and manifest all Your goodness on me, as if the creature is unworthy, save me, according to the many of Your mercy. And I will praise Thee always, all the days of my life. All the powers of heaven sing to You, and Yours is glory forever, amen.

FROM lava in the highest to God, and on earth peace, good will towards men. Praise You, bless You (bow), bow down, praise you (bow), thank you, great for your glory (bow). Lord, King of heaven. God the Father Almighty, and Lord the Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ, and Holy Soul. Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, Take away the sins of the world, accept our prayers; sitting at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For You are the One Holy One, You are the One Lord, Jesus Christ, to the glory of God the Father, amen.

H and every day let us bless Thee, and praise Thy name forever and ever.

G Lord, the refuge was to us in generation and generation. Az reh: Lord, have mercy on me, and heal my soul, for I have sinned against You. Lord, I have resorted to You, teach me to do Your will, as You are my God. As from You there is a source of life, in Your light we will see light. Prove Your mercy to those who guide You.

FROM like, O Lord, on this day be preserved for us without sin. Blessed are you, O Lord, God of our fathers, and praised and glorified is your name forever, amen.

B udi, Lord, Thy mercy on us, as if we were relying on Thee. Blessed be Thou, O Lord, teach us Thy justification. Blessed be Thou, Master, enlighten us with Thy justification. Blessed art Thou, Saints, enlighten us with Thy justification.

G Lord, Thy mercy is forever, and do not despise the works of Thy hand. Praise is due to you, singing is due to you, glory is due to you, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever, amen.

Prayer of the great Eustratius.

AT Magnifying, I magnify Thee, Lord, as if Thou didst look upon my humility, and hold me shut in the hands of the enemy, but Thou didst save my soul from troubles. And now, Master, may Thy hand cover me, and may Thy mercy come upon me, as if my soul is troubled, and it is painful in its origin, from this accursed and stinking body. Yes, once the cunning adversary will hide the advice, and punish you in the darkness, for the unknown and known in this life of my former sins. Be merciful to me, Lord, and may my soul not see the dark gaze of crafty demons, but may Your bright and bright angels receive me. Give glory to Your holy name, and by Your power elevate me to Your divine judgment. Whenever we are judged, let not the hand of the prince of this world receive me, cast me out a sinner into the depths of hell. But stand before me, and be my Savior and Intercessor. This bodily torment, joy are Thy servants. Have mercy, Lord, on my soul, which has been defiled by the passions of this life, and accept it clean for the sake of repentance and confession. For blessed are you forever and ever, amen.

The same, the Trisagion, and O so ours.

Prayer of Jesus.

Troparion, tone 8.

O to whom the merciful Lord, see my humility. Like little by little my life ends, and there is no salvation from works. For this sake I pray: with the compassionate eye of Thee, Lord, see my humility and save me.

Glory: AT my eke is dying, and your terrible throne is being prepared, my life is passing by, the court is waiting for me, chasing me with fiery torment, and unquenchable flame. Give me a cloud of tears and quench its strength, although the whole person can be saved.

And now: And but for us, being born of the Virgin, and having endured the crucifixion, the Good, overthrew death by death, and revealed the resurrection, like God. Do not despise them created by Your own hand. Reveal Your benevolence, O Merciful One. Accept the Theotokos who gave birth to you, praying for us, and save our Savior, people who have sinned.

Same, G Lord have mercy 30.

H the most precious cherubim, and the most glorious truly seraphim, without the corruption of God, the Word that gave birth, the present Mother of God, we magnify you. (bow).

FROM lava to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit (bow), and now and forever and forever and ever, amen (bow).

G Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy (bow).

And leave: G Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, and our reverend and God-bearing fathers, and for the sake of all the saints, have mercy and save me a sinner, as a Good and Humanitarian. BUT min.

Then, forgiveness.

If we fast, we make prostrations according to the prescriptive.

Glory 17 bows, and now. G Lord have mercy (twice), G God bless (no bows). And dismiss the psalter: G Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, by the Power of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross, and the holy heavenly powers of the incorporeal, and our reverend and God-bearing fathers, and the holy prophet David (and the saint, his day is) and all the saints, have mercy and save me a sinner, like a good and philanthropist. BUT min.

And forgiveness. Leaning to the ground, without crossing yourself, read:

O weaken, leave, let God go, my sins, free and involuntary, even in word and in deed, and even in knowledge and not in knowledge, even in mind and in thought, even in days and nights, forgive all of us, as Good and Lover of mankind, amen.

Rising, read this prayer with bows:

H Forgive those who hate and offend us, Lord, Lover of mankind. Do good to those who do good, to the brethren and to all our relatives, even those who are secluded, grant them everything, even for the salvation of petitions and eternal life (bow).

In the diseases of the being, visit and heal, in the dungeons of the real freedom, on the waters of the floating, the Ruler wake up and others like you on the way, correct and hasten (bow).

Remember, Lord, and our captive brethren, fellow believers of the Orthodox faith, and deliver them from every evil situation (bow).

Have mercy, Lord, on those who gave us alms and commanded us, the unworthy, to pray for them, forgive them and have mercy (bow).

Have mercy, Lord, on those who work and serve us, who have mercy and nourish us, and grant them everything, even for salvation, petitions and eternal life (bow).

Remember, Lord, before the departed fathers and our brethren, and instill them, where the light of Your face dwells (bow).

Remember, Lord, our thinness and poverty, and enlighten our minds with the light of the mind of Your holy Gospel, and guide us on the path of Your commandments, with the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints, amen (bow).

G Lord have mercy (thrice).

And the usual initial

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Church worship is a bright rite that conceals all the beauty and depth of the Orthodox faith, unshakable love for God and the eternal desire of a person to become closer to his Creator and fill his heart with tender joy and great grace. Among the many beautiful works performed on such successions, one clearly stands out - the rite of singing the twelve psalms, what it is, how and when it is performed - you will learn from our article.

The History of the Twelve Psalms

The twelve selected psalms are the real beauty of the Orthodox word, which has its own long history, full of secrets and incredible miracles. They are always used in the cell rule and are read with the blessing and guidance of the confessor. You can find them in some editions of the Followed Psalter and the Canon. The basis of this rank is 12 psalms, namely:

  • psalm 26;
  • psalm 31;
  • psalm 56;
  • psalm 33;
  • psalm 38;
  • psalm 40;
  • psalm 69;
  • psalm 70;
  • psalm 76;
  • psalm 101;
  • prayer of Manasseh;
  • daily doxology;
  • prayer of st. Eustratia.

Each of them is filled with a special meaning, which has no equal in other works, for this is what gives rise to the spiritual principle in the heart, penetrates into the soul and remains there as a bright and unquenchable fire for life in the name of the Great Christ forever and ever.

Why read the rank of twelve psalms

There is a legend that in ancient times, future nuns who consciously wanted to devote their lives to the Lord had to go through some tests in order to prove the honesty and righteousness of their thoughts and deeds. According to tradition, before appearing before the image of the Almighty, the nuns had to fulfill the following rules:

  • retire to quiet unsociable places;
  • lead a life of abstinence;
  • read prayers every day, tirelessly and unshakably;
  • do needlework;
  • strictly adhere to the post;
  • avoid everything sinful;
  • constantly develop spiritually.

All this is necessary in order to fully establish oneself in one's desire to faithfully serve the Lord day after day and understand that the choice made is right, honest and faithful for life.

Immediately before the tonsure, the following church injunction had to be accepted and implemented:

  • spend 3 days and nights without a way out in the temple;
  • to sincerely pray with the sisters and mother abbess exactly at midnight;
  • listen to the reading of 12 psalms by mother to the singing of “Praise God, Alleluia”, at the end of which the sisters sing “Behold the Bridegroom is coming at midnight ...” three times and the last night singing of troparia to the saints, in whose honor they were tonsured.

This rite is distinguished by its depth and purity, it seems to open the gates to the temple of God for those who have been going to him for a long time, overcoming difficulties and fear, in order to gain the desired freedom.

Reading the twelve psalms is truly the greatest rite, which not only amazes with its beauty, but also teaches the main thing - a deep knowledge of oneself on the path to the Lord. In every word of these wonderful works, one can hear the voice of God and realize His faith in man and in all life on Earth, and at the end of a righteous life path, one can receive an incomparable gift - eternal grace.

Texts of 12 psalms:

The chant of the twelve psalms,

how the reverend desert fathers sang them day and night, which is remembered in the books of the fathers and in the lives and torments of many saints.

This rite was brought from the Holy Mountain by the Monk Dositheus, Archimandrite of the Kiev Caves.

Priest: Blessed be our God:

If he is not sacred, he says: Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us, amen.

Layman: Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us.

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. King of Heaven: Trisagion. Glory, and now: Holy Trinity: Lord, have mercy. (3) Glory, and now: Our Father: Lord, have mercy. (12) Glory, and now: Come, let us worship: (3)

Psalm 26

The Lord is my enlightenment and my Savior: whom shall I fear? The Lord is the defender of my life: from whom shall I be afraid? When evildoers approached me to eat my flesh, my oppressors and my enemies, they themselves weakened and fell. If an army is built against me, my heart will not be afraid; if war rises against me, and at the same time I hope. I asked the Lord for one thing, I will seek this, so that I can dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, contemplate the beauty of the Lord and visit His holy temple. For He hid me in His abode in the day of my calamity; He kept me secretly in His tabernacle; He raised me up on a rock. And now, behold, he lifted up my head against my enemies: I went around his tabernacle and offered in it a sacrifice of praise and exclamation; I will sing and praise the Lord! Hear, O Lord, my voice with which I called, have mercy on me and hear me. My heart has said to you: “I will seek the Lord.” My face has sought Thee; Your face, O Lord, I will seek. Do not turn Your face away from me, and do not turn away in anger from Your servant. Be my helper, do not reject me and do not leave me, God, my Savior. For my father and my mother left me, but the Lord received me. Give me the law, O Lord, in Your way, and direct me to a straight path for the sake of my enemies. Do not hand me over to the souls of those who oppress me, for unrighteous witnesses have risen up against me - but untruth has deceived itself. I believe that I will see the blessings of the Lord in the land of the living. Trust in the Lord! Be of good cheer, and let your heart be strong, and trust in the Lord!

Psalm 31

Blessed are those whose iniquities are forgiven and whose sins are covered! Blessed is the man to whom the Lord does not reckon sin, and in his mouth there is no deceit. For I have shut up; my bones have grown old because I have cried all day, for day and night your hand has weighed heavily on me; I turned into a sufferer when the thorn struck me. I acknowledged my iniquity and did not hide my sin; I said, “I will confess my iniquity to the Lord,” and You have forgiven the wickedness of my heart. Therefore, every righteous person will pray to You at the right time, and then, with the overflow of many waters, they will not approach him. You are my refuge from the sorrow that has seized me; My joy! Deliver me from those around me. “I will admonish you and instruct you on this path that you will follow; I will fix My eyes on you.” Do not be like a horse and a mule, which have no mind, with a bridle and a bit you need to tighten their jaws, which do not submit to you. Many blows to the sinner, but he who trusts in the Lord will be surrounded by mercy. Rejoice in the Lord, and rejoice, you righteous ones, and boast, all of you who are upright in heart.

Psalm 56

Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me, for my soul trusts in You, and in the shadow of Your wings I will hope until iniquity is over. I will call upon the Most High God, the God who has done good to me. He sent from heaven and saved me, betrayed the reproach of those who trample me. God sent His mercy and His truth, and delivered my soul from among the young lions. I fell asleep anxious: sons of men, their teeth are weapons and arrows, and their tongue is a sharp sword. Ascend to heaven, O God, and over all the earth, Your glory. They prepared a net for my feet, and they bent my soul; dug a hole in front of my face - and fell into it! My heart is ready, O God, my heart is ready; I will sing and sing in my glory. Wake up, my glory, wake up, psalter and harp. I will wake up with the dawn! I will praise You among the nations, Lord, I will sing

Troparion, tone 1

Hurry to open my paternal arms to me: / I have wasted my life fornication, / on the inexhaustible wealth of Your mercies, Savior, looking indifferently! / Now do not despise my impoverished heart, / for to You, Lord, I cry in contrition: / “I have sinned, Father, against heaven and before You!”

Glory: When You come, O God, to earth with glory / the whole world will tremble; / a fiery river flows before the Throne of Judgment, / books are opened and mysteries are revealed. / Then deliver me from the inextinguishable fire / and make me worthy to stand at Your right, / Most righteous Judge.

And now: We all know You, Mother of God, / truly appeared as a virgin and after childbirth, / lovingly resorting to Your goodness; / for in Thee we, sinners, have protection / and in Thee we have acquired salvation under temptations, / the only all-blameless one.

Psalm 33

I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise is always on my lips. In the Lord shall my soul be praised, so that the meek hear and rejoice. Praise the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together. I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my sorrows. Come to Him and be enlightened, and your faces will not be put to shame. This beggar called, and the Lord heard him, and saved him from all his troubles. The Angel of the Lord will encamp around those who fear Him and deliver them. Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him. Fear the Lord, all His saints, for there is no shortage of those who fear Him. The rich have become poor and starving, but those who seek the Lord will not endure the need for any good. Come, children, listen to me, I will teach you the fear of the Lord. Who is the person who wants to live, who wants to see the good days? Keep your tongue from evil and your mouth from deceitful speech. Turn away from evil and do good, seek peace and strive for it: the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are on their prayer; but the face of the Lord is upon those who do evil, to destroy the memory of them from the earth. The righteous called, and the Lord heard them, and delivered them from all their sorrows. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves the humble in spirit. Many are the sorrows of the righteous, and the Lord will deliver them from all of them. The Lord keeps all their bones, not one of them will be broken. The death of sinners is evil, and those who hate the righteous will sin. The Lord will redeem the souls of His servants, and all who trust in Him will not sin.

Psalm 38

I said, "I will keep my ways, that I may not sin with my tongue." I set a guard for my mouth when the wicked stood before me. I became mute, and humbled myself, and remained silent, as if I had no blessings, and my pain resumed. My heart warmed within me, and in my reflection a fire was kindled. I said with my tongue: "Show me, O Lord, my end, and the number of my days, what it is, that I may know what I lack." Behold, you have measured my days in spans, and my nature is like nothing before you; however, everything is vain, every living person. Truly, like a ghost, a transient person, only in vain is worried; saves and does not know for whom he will collect it. And now, who is my patience? Isn't it the Lord? And my nature is from You. Deliver me from all my iniquities: You gave me to the reproach of a fool! I became mute and did not open my mouth, for You have done so. Turn away Thy blows from me, for from the strength of Thy hand I have disappeared. In reproaches for iniquity, You instructed the man and exhausted, like a cobweb, his soul; but vanity is every man! Hear my prayer, O Lord, and heed my prayer, do not remain silent, seeing my tears, for I am a settler with You and a stranger, like all my fathers. Give me relief so that I can rest before I go away and I am no more.

Psalm 40

Blessed is he who thinks of the needy and the poor: in the day of distress the Lord will deliver him. May the Lord preserve him, and revive him, and make him blessed on earth, and may he not betray him into the hands of his enemies! May the Lord help him in his bed of suffering: you changed his whole bed during his illness. I said, "Lord, have mercy on me, heal my soul, for I have sinned against You!" My enemies said evil about me: “When will he die and his name perish?” And if someone went in to look, his heart spoke in vain, he collected iniquity for himself, went out, and conspired together. All my enemies whispered against me, they plotted evil against me; a lawless word was raised up on me: “Will he who sleeps rise again?” For even a man at peace with me, on whom I relied, who eats my bread, has raised his heel against me. But You, Lord, have mercy on me and raise me up, and I will repay them. I know that You have desired me, because my enemy does not rejoice over me. And for my innocence You supported me and strengthened me before Your face forever. Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, from age to age. Let it be, let it be!

Then: the Trisagion. Glory, and now: Holy Trinity: Lord, have mercy. (3) Glory, and now: Our Father:

Troparion, tone 4

Visit my humble soul, O Lord, who has wasted all his life in sins; / just like a harlot, and accept me, / and save me.

Glory: I spent my whole life in shame, Lord, / with harlots, unfortunate. / Like a prodigal son in contrition, I cry out: / “Father in Heaven, I have sinned, / have mercy and save me, / and do not reject me, who by my own will have moved away from You / and now impoverished due to fruitless deeds.

And now: Now let us diligently resort to the Theotokos / we, sinners and humble ones, and fall down to Her, / crying out in repentance from the depths of our souls: / “Lady, help, having pity on us, / hasten, we are perishing from many sins! / Do not let Your servants go empty-handed: / for in You we have our only hope!”

Then: Lord, have mercy, (30). Come let's bow: (3)

Psalm 69

God, turn to help me, Lord, hurry to help me. Let those who seek my life be ashamed and put to shame; let those who wish me harm turn back and be put to shame; May all those who seek You, O God, rejoice and rejoice in You, and may they say unceasingly, “May the Lord be exalted,” who love Your salvation. I am poor and needy; God help me. My helper and my deliverer are you; Lord, don't slow down!

Psalm 70

In Thee, O Lord, I trust, that I may never be put to shame; Deliver me in Your righteousness and set me free; incline Your ear to me and save me. Become for me a God-Protector and a strong place to save me, for my stronghold and my refuge are You. My God, deliver me from the hand of the sinner, from the hand of the transgressor and offender. For You are my patience, O Lord, the Lord is my hope from my youth. I have established myself on Thee from the womb, from the womb of my mother You are my patron; about you my singing is unceasing. How would I become a marvel for many, - and You are my strong helper; let my mouth be filled with praise, that I may sing of thy glory, all day long thy majesty. Do not reject me in my old age; when my strength is depleted, do not leave me. For my enemies have spoken to me, and those who lie in wait for my soul have decided together, saying: “God has left him; persecute and seize him, for there is no deliverer.” My God, do not move away from me, my God, turn to help me! Let those who slander my soul be put to shame and perish; let them be clothed with shame and disgrace who seek evil against me. I will always trust in You, and I will multiply all praise to You. My mouth will proclaim your righteousness; all day long your salvation; for I did not know the sciences of the book. I will enter the temple in the power of the Lord; Lord, I will remember the truth of You, the One. My God, what have You taught me from my youth, and until now I will proclaim - Your wonders. And until old age and advanced years, God, do not leave me until I proclaim about Your arm to all the future generation, about Your power and Your truth. God, to the very heights - in what You have done great for me, God - who is like You? How many sorrows You showed me, many and evil, and, turning, revived me and brought me out of the abyss of the earth. You multiplied Your greatness on me and, turning, comforted me, and again brought me out of the abyss of the earth. And I will glorify Thee among the nations, O Lord, on stringed instruments—I will play Thy truth, O God, on the harp, O holy one of Israel. My mouth will rejoice when I sing to You, and my soul, whom You have redeemed. And also my tongue will proclaim your truth all day long, when those who seek evil against me are ashamed and put to shame.

Psalm 76

With my voice I called to the Lord, with my voice to God, and He heard me. In the day of my sorrow I sought God, at night I lifted up my hands before Him, and I was not deceived. My soul has refused consolation; I remembered God and rejoiced. I reasoned, and my spirit fainted. My eyes preceded the night guards; I was agitated and could not speak; meditated on the days of old, and remembered the eternal years, and penetrated. At night my heart reasoned and tried my spirit: will the Lord reject forever, and will he no longer be pleased? Or will he cut off his mercy to the end, finish his speech from generation to generation? Or will God forget to take pity, or will He restrain His compassion in His anger? And I said: “Now I began to understand: this change is from the right hand of the Most High.” I remembered the works of the Lord; For from the beginning I will remember Your wonders, and I will delve into all Your works and consider Your deeds. God, holy is Your way. Who is a great God like our God? You are the God who works miracles, You have shown Your power among the nations, You have redeemed Your people, the sons of Jacob and Joseph, with Your arm. The waters saw you, O God; the waters saw you and were afraid; The sound came from the clouds, for Your arrows flew by. The voice of Your thunder in the circle of heaven, Your lightning lit up the universe, the earth shuddered and trembled. Your way is in the sea, and your paths are in many waters, and your footprints will not be known. You led your people like sheep by the hand of Moses and Aaron.

Then: the Trisagion. Glory, and now: Holy Trinity: Lord, have mercy. (3) Glory, and now: Our Father:

Troparion, tone 6

I think of a terrible day / and mourn my evil deeds. / How will I answer the Immortal King? / Or how dare I, the prodigal, look at the Judge? / Merciful Father, Only-begotten Son, / Holy Spirit, have mercy on me!

Glory: In the valley of weeping, / in the place that You have appointed, / when you sit down, Merciful, to create a righteous judgment, / do not expose my innermost / and do not shame me before the Angels, / but have mercy on me, O God, and have mercy on me.

And now: Open the doors of Mercy for us, / blessed Mother of God, / so that, hoping in You, we will not be ashamed, / but delivered by Your prayers from troubles, / for You are the salvation of the Christian race.

Then: Lord, have mercy, (30). Come let's bow: (3)

Psalm 101

Lord, hear my prayer, and let my cry come to You. Do not turn Your face away from me, on the day when I mourn, incline Your ear to me, on the day when I call on You, hear me soon. For my days have vanished like smoke, and my bones have dried up like brushwood. I was cut down like grass, and my heart withered, so that I forgot to eat my bread. At the voice of my groaning my bones have stuck to my flesh. I became like a pelican in the desert, I became like an owl in the ruins. He did not sleep and became like a bird sitting alone on the roof. All day long my enemies reproached me, and those who praised me swore by me. For I have eaten ashes like bread, and I have dissolved my drink with tears because of Your wrath and Your fury, for having raised You up, You cast me down. My days have bowed like a shadow, and like grass I have withered. But Thou, O Lord, abides forever, and the remembrance of Thee is for generation and generation. You, having risen, will have mercy on Zion, for the time has come to have mercy on her, for the time has come, for Your servants have loved her stones and pity her ashes. And the peoples of the name of the Lord and all the kings of the earth will fear Your glory, for the Lord will build Zion and appear in His glory. He considered the prayers of the humble and did not neglect their prayers. Let them write this for a different generation, and the people being created will praise the Lord, for He bowed down from His holy height, the Lord looked down from heaven to earth to hear the groans of the prisoners, to free the sons of the slain, to proclaim in Zion the name of the Lord and His praise in Jerusalem, when they gather nations together, and kings to serve the Lord. He turned to Him on the way, in the days of his strength: “To tell me about my few days; do not snatch me away in the middle of my days: in the generation of generations are your years. In the beginning You, O Lord, founded the earth, and the work of Your hands is the heavens; they will perish, but you will remain, and all will be worn out like a garment, and like a garment you will roll them up and they will be changed. But You are the same, and Your years will not end. The sons of Your servants will find shelter, and their seed will be established forever.

Prayer of Manasseh, king of Judah

Lord Almighty, God of our fathers: Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, and their righteous seed, who created heaven and earth with all their splendor, who bound the sea with the word of Your commandment, who closed the abyss and sealed it with Your terrible and glorious name, Whom everyone fears, and they tremble at the presence of Your power, because no one can stand before the splendor of Your glory, and Your terrible wrath against sinners is unbearable! But immeasurable and incomprehensible is the mercy of Thy promise; for You are the Lord, the highest, merciful, long-suffering and many-merciful, and pitying the evil deeds of men. You, Lord, according to the abundance of Your goodness, promised repentance and forgiveness to those who sinned against You, and, according to the abundance of Your compassion, determined repentance for sinners for salvation. So, You, Lord, God of Hosts, did not repent to the righteous Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, who did not sin with You, but did repent to me, a sinner, because I have sinned more than the number of the sand of the sea. My iniquities have multiplied, O Lord, my iniquities have multiplied, and I am not worthy to look and see the height of heaven from the multitude of my iniquities. I am bent with many bands of iron, so that I cannot lift my head, and there is no relief for me, because I have provoked Your wrath and done evil before You: I have not done Your will and have not kept Your commandments. And now I bow the knees of my heart, in need of Your goodness. I have sinned, O Lord, I have sinned, and I know my iniquities; but I ask, praying to You: let me go, O Lord, let me go, and do not destroy me with my iniquities, and being angry forever, do not keep my evil deeds, and do not condemn me to the deepest places of the earth. For You, God, are the God of those who repent, and on me You will manifest all Your goodness, for You will save me, unworthy, according to Your great mercy, and I will praise You unceasingly all the days of my life, for all the Powers of heaven praise You, and Your glory forever and ever. Amen.

Doxology everyday

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will among people. We praise You, we bless You, we worship You, we glorify You, we thank You for Your great glory. Lord, King of Heaven, God Father Almighty, Lord, Only Begotten Son of Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit! Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, who lifts up the sin of the world, have mercy on us. Thou who takes away the sins of the world, accept our prayer, Thou who sitteth to the right of the Father, have mercy on us. For You alone are Holy, You alone are the Lord, Jesus Christ, to the glory of God the Father. Amen. Every day I will bless You and praise Your name forever and ever. Lord, You have become our refuge from generation to generation. I said: Lord, have mercy on me, heal my soul, for I have sinned against You. Lord, I ran to You, teach me to do Your will, for You are my God. For with You is the source of life, in Your light we shall see light. Extend Your mercy to those who know You. Grant, O Lord, that on this day we shall be preserved without sin. Blessed are You, O Lord, God of our fathers, and praised and glorified is Your name forever. Amen. May Thy mercy be upon us, O Lord, as we trust in Thee. Blessed are You, O Lord, teach me Your commandments. Blessed are You, Master, enlighten me with Your commandments. Blessed are You, Holy One, enlighten me with Your commandments. Lord, Thy mercy is forever; do not despise the creatures of Thy hands. Praise is due to You, Singing is due to You, Glory is due to You, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now, and always, and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer of Saint Eustratius

Magnifying, I exalt Thee, O Lord, for Thou hast looked upon my humility, and has not imprisoned me in the hands of enemies, but has saved my soul from disasters. And now, Lord, may Thy hand cover me and Thy mercy come to me, for my soul is in turmoil and suffers at its exit from my miserable and filthy body, fearing that somehow the enemy’s evil plan would not meet and overthrow her in darkness because of the sins that happened to me in this life in knowledge and ignorance. Be merciful to me, Lord, and may my soul not see the gloomy and dark gaze of evil demons, but may Your shining and bright Angels receive it. Give glory to Thy holy name, and by Thy power lead me to Thy divine judgment seat. When I am judged, let not the hand of the prince of this world take possession of me to drag me, a sinner, into the depths of hell, but appear to me and be my Savior and Defender. Indeed, even these bodily torments are joy for Your servants. Have mercy, Lord, on my soul defiled by the passions of life, and accept it, cleansed by repentance and confession, for you are blessed forever and ever. Amen.

Then: the Trisagion. Glory, and now: Holy Trinity: Lord, have mercy. (3) Glory, and now: Our Father:

Troparion, tone 8

With a merciful eye, Lord, / look at my humility: / for little by little my life is shortened, / and there is no salvation for me from works. / Therefore, I pray: / “With the merciful eye, Lord, / look at my humility / and save me!”

Glory: My age is ending, / and Your terrible throne is being prepared, / my life is passing, / judgment awaits me, threatening me with fiery torment / and unquenchable flame. / Give me streams of tears and quench his strength, / desiring the salvation of all people.

And now: For our sake, born of the Virgin / and endured crucifixion, / overthrew death by death / and revealed the resurrection as God, / do not despise, Good One, created by Your hand; / show Your love for mankind, O Merciful One, / accept the Theotokos who gave birth to You, who intercedes for us, / and save, our Savior, the desperate people.

Then: Lord, have mercy, (30). And leave.

God bless you!

In this video you will hear the chant of the 12 texts of the Psalter:

The text of Psalm 12 is a prayer, in which the psalmist David turns to God with a request to deliver him from the persecution of King Saul. Like any creative person, David often wrote his psalms in moments of either deep sadness caused by various circumstances. One of the reasons for the sorrow of the prophet David before the beginning of his reign was the persecution of Saul, the first king of Israel.

The interpretation of Psalm 12 says that Saul was a pious man, but over time he apostatized from God, and He, through one of the prophets, pointed to David as Saul's successor during his lifetime. It goes without saying that this circumstance aroused Saul's indignation and became a cause of persecution on his part.

The Orthodox psalm 12 is very instructive: it demonstrates that even the most highly spiritual person can fall into pride and wickedness, and lose the mercy of God because of their unrepentant sins. At the same time, he shows that an innocent person, turning his prayer to God, even in moments of danger and persecution, does not remain without protection and support. Since ancient times, reading and listening to rank 12 of the psalm has been recommended for people suffering from liver diseases.

Listen on video Orthodox prayer Psalm 12 in Russian

Reading the text of the Christian prayer Psalm 12 in Russian

How long, O Lord, will you completely forget me, how long will you hide your face from me? How long shall I keep advice in my soul, sorrow in my heart day and night? How long shall my enemy rise above me? Look, hear me! Enlighten my eyes, lest I fall asleep in the sleep of death; Let not my enemy say, I have overcome him. Let not my persecutors rejoice if I hesitate. I trust in Your mercy; my heart will rejoice in your salvation; I will sing to the Lord who has blessed me, and I will sing to the name of the Lord Most High.

Psalter, Psalm 12 of David, in Church Slavonic

How long, O Lord, will you completely forget me? how long will you turn your face away from me? How long will I put advice in my soul, sickness in my heart day and night? how long shall my enemy be lifted up against me? Look, hear me, Lord my God; enlighten my eyes, but not when I fall asleep in death; not when my enemy speaks; lean on him. Those who are cold will rejoice at me, if I move. I'm on your mlt hopes; my heart will rejoice in your salvation; I will sing to the Lord who has done good to me, and I will sing to the name of the Lord on high.

The rite of reading the 12 psalms

The rite of reading (singing) 12 selected psalms belongs to the ancient patristic tradition. He is remembered in the ancient Patericons, the writings and teachings of the holy fathers. As church history testifies, this rite was brought from the holy Mount Athos by the archimandrite of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, Ven. Dositheus. These psalms, although they belong to the monastic rules, can also be read by the laity. They can be attached to morning or evening prayers, or read as a separate rule at any time of the day. In addition to the ten psalms from the Psalter, Chin also includes two psalmodic prayers: "The Prayer of Manasseh, King of Judea" and "The Prayer of the Great Eustratius."
The rank, as it is fitting to sing twenty psalms, is the same as the reverend fathers of the wilderness in days and nights, they are also remembered in the books of the fathers and in the lives and torments of many saints.
This rite was brought from the holy mountain by the Monk Dositheus Archimandrite of the Kiev Caves.
According to the usual beginning of the verb:
For the prayers of our saints, our fathers, Lord, Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us, amen. [bow]
Shielding our face, we read:
King of heaven, Comforter, True Soul, Who is everywhere and fulfilling everything, the treasure of the good and the Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save us Blessed, our soul.
Holy God, Holy Strong, Holy Immortals, have mercy on us. (three times with bows).

Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord, cleanse our sins; Lord, forgive our iniquities; Saints, visit and heal our infirmities; for your name.
Lord have mercy (three times)
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever, amen.
Our Father, Who art in heaven; hallowed be thy name; let your kingdom come; Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth; give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from the evil one.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on us.
Lord have mercy 12.
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever, amen.
Come, let us bow to the King of our God (bow).
Come, let us worship Christ, the Tsar and our God (bow).
Come, let us bow down and bow down to the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, the King and our God (bow).

Psalm 26
The Lord is my light and my Savior, whom shall I slay? The Lord Protector of my life, from whom shall I fear? Every now and then approach me maliciously, tear down my flesh that offends me, and strike down mine, you are exhausted and fallen. If the regiment takes up arms against me, my heart will not be afraid, if it rises up against me, I trust in Nan Az. I ask the Lord alone, then I will seek: if we live in the house of the Lord all the days of my belly, see the beauty of the Lord and visit His holy church. Like hide me in Your shelter in the day of my evil, cover me in the mystery of His shelter. Lift me up on a stone, and now lift up my head to my enemies, having lived and devoured in His blood the sacrifice of praise and exclamation, I will sing and sing to the Lord. Hear, O Lord, my voice, I called out to it, have mercy on me and hear me. My heart speaks to you: I will seek the Lord. I will seek thee my face, Thy face, O Lord, I will seek. Do not turn Your face away from me and do not turn away with anger from Your servant, be my helper, do not reject me, and do not leave me, O God my Savior. As my father and mother have left me, the Lord will accept me. Set me a law, O Lord, in Your way and guide me to the right path, for my enemy's sake. Do not betray me in my souls to those who are cold, as if witnesses of unrighteousness have risen against me, and I lie to myself. I believe to see the good of the Lord in the land of the living. Be patient with the Lord, be of good cheer, and let your heart be strong, and be patient with the Lord.

Psalm 31
Blessed, they have forgiven iniquity, and they have covered sins. Blessed is the man, but the Lord will not impute sin to him, below there is flattery in his mouth. As if you were silent, my bones have been obedient, I call to me all day. Like day and night Your hand is heavy on me, I returned to passion, always unze mi tern. I know my iniquity and my sin is not covered, rech: let us confess my iniquity of the Lord against me, and Thou hast forgiven the wickedness of my heart. For this, every reverend will pray to You at the appropriate time, both in the flood of many waters, they will not approach him. You are my refuge, from the sorrow that possesses me, my joy, deliver me from those who surround me. I will admonish you and guide you on this path, but go away, I will fix My eyes on you. Do not wake up like a horse imsk, which has no mind, with the furrows and bridle of their jaws, pull them up, not approaching you. There are many wounds to the sinner, but he who trusts in the Lord will have mercy. Rejoice in the Lord, and rejoice, you righteous ones, and boast, all you who are upright in heart.

Psalm 56
Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy on me: for my soul has hoped in Thee. And I hope in the canopy of Your wings, until iniquity passes away. I will call upon the Most High God, the God who has done good to me. Sent from Heaven and save me, give me a reproach trampling me. God sent His mercy and His truth, and my soul was taken away from the midst of the skimen, the sleeper was confused. Sons of mankind, the teeth of their weapons and arrows, and the tongue of their sword is sharp. Ascend to Heaven, O God, and throughout the earth Your glory. A net is prepared for my feet, and my soul is subdued. Excavated in front of my face a hole and fell into a nude. My heart is ready, O God, my heart is ready; I will sing and sing in my glory. Arise my glory, arise the psalter and the harp, I will rise early. Let us confess to Thee among the people, O Lord, I sing to Thee in the tongues. As if Your mercy is exalted to Heaven, and even to the clouds, Your truth. Ascend to Heaven, O God, and throughout the earth Your glory.

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