Home Fruit trees Alcoholic delirium of history. When the "squirrel" comes: shocking stories of victims of alcoholic psychosis. Real stories of delirium tremens

Alcoholic delirium of history. When the "squirrel" comes: shocking stories of victims of alcoholic psychosis. Real stories of delirium tremens

"Delirium tremens" - "shaking madness", and colloquially delirium tremens, has recently acquired the character of an epidemic. According to experts, the number of alcoholic psychoses among Russians has increased by at least five times since 1994.

How does the "squirrel" appear? A person drinks for a week, a second, then there comes a moment when his body is no longer able to consume bitter. He stops.

This is where incredible images of the inhabitants of the beyond space begin to flicker in his eyes, in particular, devils, demons and similar creatures. A person begins to be haunted by continuous nightmares and horrors. However, there are also original visions.

As the Moscow narcologist Yevgeny Nesterov told the ME columnist, one of his patients had delirium delirium expressed in the fact that he began to suspect his wife of treason. At first, the wife was perplexed when her faithful, rushing from work, first of all climbed under the bed, in the closet and on the mezzanine, looking for a non-existent lover wherever possible. And then. The “deceived husband” suddenly felt that horns were growing on his head. Because of them, he had to move around the apartment only on all fours, otherwise the horns interfered. The poor woman had to call the doctors, who immediately diagnosed delirium tremens.

Although humanity has been acquainted with alcoholic psychoses for a long time, their mechanism, and most importantly, the nature of hallucinations, has remained a mystery until recently. Narcologists only shrugged, and the orderlies only managed to “scare away” the devils with chlorpromazine and other drugs.

Meanwhile, in the last decade, representatives of alternative medicine have joined the fight against hard drinking. Many of them consider alcoholism a cosmic disease, referring to the theory of rhythmodynamics. It is based on the principle of frequency variability. This was adopted by the psychics of the Arnold Samoilov School, specializing in withdrawal from hard drinking. Using an innovative technique, they easily found an explanation for the appearance of glitches.

It turns out that the destabilization of the frequency characteristics of the brain is inherent in the nature of the “squirrel” (the electromagnetic principle of the nervous system was discovered at the beginning of the century).

Imagine for a moment that you are able to change the frequency oscillations in nerve cells. If the frequency of signals in the brain increases, then, accordingly, visible objects will grow in size. In fact, alcoholics often see giant cockroaches crawling out of cracks in the floor and elephant-sized flies appearing in the air.

Then, when the radiation shifts towards the ultraviolet spectrum, the familiar surrounding world gradually dissipates like fog. This is where the devils come in. Real, but from a parallel world. The hosts of these mysterious creatures are actually spinning literally under our feet. However, a person with a normal frequency of vision cannot see them. But under the influence of alcohol, and especially its half-life products, the signals generated in the brain cells begin to gradually change their frequency. The picture of the perceived world is being transformed right before our eyes. At the same time, alcoholics do not faint at all when devilry appears. They continue to live in a world of a different frequency range, which is a second reality for them.

Once the nature of the disorder is determined, treatment is a matter of technique. The methodology developed by supporters of non-traditional views is simple and effective. The patient is placed in a special chamber that emits a demodulation signal. It dampens the hypertrophied frequency of internal signals in the nervous system, thus bringing the sufferer himself. True, such a luxury is currently not available to every victim of delirium.

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We also read:

    - The devil from delirium tremens turned out to be real - how delirium tremens arises, its original manifestations, what and why alcoholics see in delirium tremens

- Personality integration - a technique of psychoanalysis, a person's knowledge of himself, "clarification" - is designed to work in pairs

My first delirium tremens

As promised, the story of my "delirium". The first delirium tremens visited me about eleven years ago. By that time, I already knew what an alcohol hangover, withdrawal symptoms were, I had already done droppers in the hospital a couple of times. True, it was not a free pleasure, but at the words: "psychiatric hospital", "narcology", "dispensary" I was frightened and shunned them like fire, I was simply seized by panic.

These institutions, in my opinion, were some kind of terrible monsters, where only finished alcoholics and psychos are placed, after which a person can never be normal again. I was partly right...

As I remember now, it was autumn... Having drunk, as it usually happened, on the weekend and quarreling with my family to the nines, I, wound up by a scandal, jumped out into the street with a furious face and... landed with one foot in a deep hole! I remember how severe pain fettered my body, but not for long, alcohol anesthesia was still seething inside. Not understanding yet what had happened, I jumped to my feet and tried to walk, but could not. I could only jump on one leg ... so I jumped to the emergency room, since he was not very far from home. There I was diagnosed with a fracture, put in a cast, called a taxi (we have such a service in the hospital) and sent me home. On the way, I asked the taxi driver to stop by the store and buy me a bottle of vodka for pain relief. The taxi driver turned out to be his dude, bought me a bubble and, when he drove me home, helped me up to the apartment.

Since that day, my hospital days have dragged on ...

On TV they showed only the hostage-taking in Nord-Ost. Remember this!? A very sad, terrible and terrible sight, God forbid anyone to experience such a thing. Well, I was worried, and additionally relieved the pain in my leg with general anesthesia in the form of regular bottles of vodka, which my friends sympathetically brought me. As a result, this "anesthesia" dragged on, as you might guess, and turned into a real long binge. The family saw this, but could not tell me anything - I was sick!

Soon, I began to slowly walk on my own feet, cut the plaster, took it off my leg to put on shoes and walked slowly to the store, but one day something stirred in me and I thought it was time to end this booze. It wasn't that easy to do! However, I stopped drinking.

The first day passed more or less, I endured it, the second ... I couldn’t sleep anymore, I just lay there and that’s it, I didn’t eat, I only drank water. The third day passed ... evening ... and then it began!

I remember some kind of carousels, colored circles, a ferris wheel ... I was riding it, and before my eyes my uncle, the deceased, was saying something to me, then more relatives and more ... then some music ... I honestly was very scared! I got dressed and wandered to the nearest emergency room in the hospital ... they said that my blood pressure jumped, the doctors didn’t guess anything, there was no more exhaust ... they gave an injection of magnesia and let me go home ... but at night specific “hallunics” began.

Since this happened to me for the first time, naturally I didn’t think that it happened my first white fever. I just thought that it was some kind of garbage, there was no Internet, there was nowhere to find out what it was. I remember calling an ambulance, they asked: "What's wrong with you?" Of course, I began to talk about carousels and all that ...

In general, a brigade came for me and took me to a narcological dispensary.

Here I experienced all the delights of "mating" and treatment of orderlies. After the first drop, I lasted the night and the next day until evening, but the orchestra in my head did not stop, I listened to this music and went nuts, I could not fall asleep, if I was at home, I might have fallen asleep, but there was no way, so as there were a dozen poor fellows like me who were visited by the “fluffy”, I can’t express it in words, but I don’t advise you to see it, although if you want, you can find similar videos and articles on the Internet.

By nightfall, after the second drop, insects and dragonflies began to seem to me, sockets appeared in the wall, through which I talked with someone from the other world ... they called and called me somewhere, they said that they (orderlies) would be you today kill and I need to jump out of the window..

I remember how I went out into the corridor, it was about twenty meters before the window from which I had to jump out and I ran ... there was a door with glass in front, I jumped and kicked the glass forward with my foot, flying into the sector where the women were lying ... then it was the turn orderlies!

How they mocked me, tied me up in such a way that “mom don’t cry”, I shouted something to them about a sore leg, but they didn’t care, they grabbed me by this leg and dragged me to the isolation ward for violent ones, where they tied me to the bed so that he could not move more than one of his members. They put some kind of injection into a vein and I fell into darkness, but before that I remember that policemen were looking through the window through the bars (there were no police then) and they were preparing an operation to free me. As you understand, this was also the fruit of my tormented imagination ...

The next or the next day, I don’t know for sure, I woke up from the fact that the attending physician was doing rounds and trying to find out if I was in my memory or not. Yes! The orchestra disappeared, the hallucinations stopped, but there was pain in the body from the “bindings” and general weakness. Then some compassionate nurse fed me with a spoon and carried out a duck ... so I lay all day and, when the consequences of the psychosis passed, they untied me and let me go to the toilet.

The guys who had been in bed for a long time told me in detail everything that happened, but I already clearly remembered everything, as the doctor later told me: “You will remember this for the rest of your life!” And so it happened.

I won’t tell what happened next, every new day was similar to the previous one, I can only say that I spent almost a month in narcology, although sometimes I was released on receipt - to the emergency room, and then I brought a broken glass to replace it and put it in. The doctor who examined me, after that, became hospitable to me, turned out to be a peasant and, upon discharge, did not register with the narcological dispensary, for which he is very grateful!

This is how it ended my first white fever .

God forbid anyone to experience this, but I know for sure that every day with a diagnosis of "alcoholic psychosis" one or two people are consistently diagnosed. Here, count for yourself. This is about 30 per month and 400-500 per year only in our city, but how much in the whole country!

But these are only those who are on the edge, and how many of those who come in a state of withdrawal symptoms or put IVs at home, as I, for example, did recently, when it was unbearable to go to narcology for a paid IV, then you get just terrible numbers !

Finishing... Why did I write my story? Firstly, I promised :-), well, at least in order to sometimes look here and think a little about whether it is worth starting to drink alcohol and what, as a result, can wait for me later.

Friends, do not repeat other people's mistakes, read my and other people's stories, draw your own conclusion: "To drink or not to drink", and I, as always, want to discuss this article in the comments and wish you:

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44 comments on “My first delirium tremens”

Yurik, hello! I agree that there is no need to start, but it was “my first” and a very long time ago ... after this binge it was also quite longer and scarier, and the “squirrels” resorted regularly. Now I don’t drink, which is what I wish for all of you, friends.

I didn’t drink for 6 years.

Lech, hello! Yes, people like us cannot drink at all. But! It is necessary not to hold on, but to learn to live a life in which there is no alcohol. When you understand this, it becomes not so difficult to give up alcohol and live differently from the previous drunk. Alcohol is simply unnecessary. That's how I urge you to learn to live in my Diary.

Lech, go to the forum; tell your story, I think you have something to say.

Fuck. Ferris wheel (I was also recently dripped. At work, delirium tremens started, only I realized it late, and at home at night before work there was also something like a spinning record and on it various unpleasant pictures and images appeared and changed (here it is the ferris wheel, apparently similar The whole night I did not sleep and looked at this plate with images.

What are your plans for the future now, after the squirrel? Did you draw conclusions? What am I... just a squirrel - this is such a "bastard", then it will start coming to you with enviable regularity .. so I suggest you start a sober life with us .. do you agree? then come to our "club of former alcoholics" ... we will tell you, show you, help you overcome the fear of sobriety ...

My mom is a drinker. She no longer had delirium tremens, she heard music, voices and supposedly otherworldly entities talking, telling her a lot of things .. recently she said that they told her that I was not carrying a child and would not give birth))))))). Unfortunately, it’s not even funny, but ... like this (. The worst thing is that she DOESN’T UNDERSTAND that she drank herself to the point of white .. She stubbornly wants to believe that vodka has nothing to do with it. But the damage caused to her by someone is to blame. . I tried to explain to her what the essence of B vodka, but she defends it and does not consider herself an alcoholic.

Yesterday, my father's symptoms ended and he slept normally that night. We (children) did not have time to arrive when it all started. According to his story: people in identical clothes came, they sat in another room and were forbidden to enter there. they didn't talk to him, he didn't see their faces, he just saw the guys going out to smoke in the street. When he felt bad, they seemed to come up to him from behind and prick some kind of carnations in his back and legs, but it didn’t hurt, but as if they only glued him. They lay next to him and breathed in the same rhythm. then breathed hot air on it. And they had two cats with them - also treating. They walked around him when he had an attack, hid behind the curtain on the window when he drank tea and crumbled paper into his tea finely, finely. And the girl was hiding behind the curtain too. And all these people moved at lightning speed. and cats flew with a propeller. Now he tells it very seriously, and I don't understand if there was really someone there or he was alone. He says if not for these people we would have buried him now.

Good afternoon. I read the story, comments and want to get advice!

My father drank heavily and for a very long time, for many years intermittently. By ambulance they took me to the hospital, there was an attack of alcoholic epilepsy. They made droppers, suddenly delirium tremens began and he was twisted and sent to a narcological dispensary. He has been there for two days, tied up, the doctor said that delirium tremens continues, that he is in a very serious condition.

Tell me, please, they can bring him out of this state and cure him. I love my father very much and am very worried about him. How long can he stay there?

Are visits allowed?

Hello Julia. Of course, your father will be cured. I mean, not from alcoholism, but they will drip and bring you to your senses. Visits will be allowed as soon as he is released from his bunk. Now it makes no sense to go to the dispensary, anyway, you will not be allowed to see him until the attack of "delirious tremens" has passed. When he leaves, then visit. They can keep it up to a month. They will prescribe injections, medicines, therapy. In short, they will bring him into a human form, but after leaving the dispensary, he will be waiting for registration in a psychiatric clinic and whatever you call this institution. Three years will be celebrated, there will be problems with getting a job and with the replacement of water. certificates. I don't scare you, Yulia, I want to give you practical advice, if you ask: try to convince him to come to our forum after the clinic, and we will try to set him on the path of "correction". Good luck to you and patience, and of course recovery to your father.

Today was the first time in the dispensary, I went to my father ..

I talked to the doctor, she said that his condition is very serious, the fever has been going on for almost 4 days.

the liver is destroyed according to tests, the doctor diagnosed hepatitis and possibly ceirosis, and most importantly, what worries her about his condition is the brain, he does not react to anything, refuses to eat, sleeps today, yesterday he was talking quietly to someone from his work, his fired and this stress greatly exacerbated his condition. The doctor does not give forecasts, she said to buy Mexidol, she says a good medicine should help the brain and liver recover. Do you know such a drug?

Tell me if my father will be able to get out of this state or it will remain with him forever.

Why they don’t let him in, I would like to sit next to him, take his hand, tell him how much I miss him. Don't love and care help?

Julia, you asked so many questions.. why didn't you take up your father earlier, why did you admit that he ended up in a drug addict? today's situation is only a consequence of actions, including yours. They are not allowed into the dispensary and they are doing the right thing. You are a doctor? No! You, with your emotionality, will begin to teach doctors what is right and what is not. All you have to do now is wait! Now it all depends on the state of your father's body. I am not a psychic .. doctors - even more so ... I can’t say anything about the drug that you named, doctors know better. Hold on and wait.

You are absolutely right in everything, I do not relieve myself of guilt either, but my father is very strong in character, sharp, he always does only what he wants. He did not want to admit that the alcoholic himself could not get out of this state. We said many times that let's get together, let's get treated, but he didn't. He didn’t let his mother call an ambulance, he shouted, cursed, and he wouldn’t have let an ambulance into the apartment. I haven’t lived with my parents for a long time, I’m in Moscow, they are 100 km away in the Moscow region. He had various seizures and two minor strokes over the years, and more and more often, epileptic seizures began to occur due to alcohol, he lost consciousness, but I only found out about all this later from my mother, and she didn’t even call an ambulance at such moments. What could I do?

It could only be done by force, but I didn’t even imagine it, my father is very strong, athletic, and in general, I couldn’t do anything against his will. Mother would not have called an ambulance this time either ... She calls me and tells me on Monday evening that her father became ill again, her legs fail, her speech is confused, I screamed simply from impotence, call an ambulance urgently, maybe now there could be a stroke, anything, but she said that she has no repair to call an ambulance! You represent it!

And that evening, her nephew accidentally stopped by to spend the night with them, God probably sent, and he already had an epileptic seizure, and then, apparently, she called an ambulance in his presence. But they took him to an ordinary district hospital, where they simply dripped glucose, where he got worse, a fever appeared, he was twisted and taken by ambulance to a drug addiction dispensary and they didn’t tell us anything, the next day we looked for half a day where he was taken, it was terrible, Finally found it here...

I can’t find a place for myself, I love my father very much, all my childhood memories are connected only with him, although my mother was, but in fact she was not. And he started drinking so much from life with his mother, she sawed him all her life, love would have washed down in his place, from the daily removal of the brain.

So here is my story.

Maybe someone will read it, maybe it will be useful to someone.

Take care of your loved ones, appreciate them, love them, and if your relative is in such trouble, do not waste time, even if he refuses treatment!

Julia, hello! About mexidol. The drug is good, it is used in the complex therapy of alcohol withdrawal syndrome (including delirium tremens), it improves the nutrition of brain cells, protects it from toxic damage, and has an anticonvulsant effect. In the case of alcohol withdrawal treatment, intravenous administration in combination with other drugs is preferable. God bless your dad, and give you patience and strength!

Hello! Thank you very much! Yesterday my father felt better, I prayed to my beloved Matronushka, I am sure that she helped. Of course, he is still very weak, but he got out of the fever, thank God! But what really upset me, he asked for a beer. I don’t know what to do with this .. Maybe after treatment, ask the doctors to code it or is it all useless?

Julia, I'm glad everything worked out. The coding decision should be made by only two people: your father and the narcologist. Your desire to “sew up” your father can lead to sad consequences. Did you ask for a beer? Why not vodka?)) Ridiculous .. a couple of days ago I could throw back my hooves, sorry, but now .. apparently, the attack did not teach me anything.

But seriously, Julia, for your father to stop drinking, he must want to do it himself! He should have some kind of incentive, meaning, for the sake of which he will do it. Try talking to him about this. You won't stop drinking for your father! Do you understand? Will leave the hospital - give him food for thought in the form of anti-alcohol books, websites, examples of other alcoholics, but do it unobtrusively, but in such a way that he thinks that this is his decision!

Good luck.

My husband had 2 squirrels. The first 6 months before we met (spring 2009), which no one told me about. Second yesterday. Drink for 10 days. At night, while sleeping, I took a hunting knife. I wanted to take a gun, In the morning I went with a knife to catch criminals. The police helped. As a result, they were taken to narcology. In 2012, 2 girls were born. And it began until everyone drinks, he calms down, he got drunk with strong beer. There are no feelings left. It's scary to live with him. A good, smart man.

Everything was exactly like yours… and the cops saved… and asked me to jump out the window… and I jumped from the fourth floor. …. How to live with it?

Hello Galina. How to live? I think it's best to continue to be a sober person.

Such memories cannot be filled with alcohol, but I don’t know how to erase from memory. Almost 14 years have passed since my “case”, and I still clearly remember everything that happened.

Good sobriety to you.

And who told you that what we consider to be a figment of the imagination or "glitches" does not really exist? The brain, consciousness, subconsciousness are not studied absolutely. There is no need to even talk about other worlds. What if the hell that you see in the "squirrel" really exists? How to get there - you already know. How not to communicate with that world - too. By the way, it is not at all necessary to bring the body to communicate with otherworldly forces with the help of alcohol. It is quite possible to do this in a completely sober form. Altered state of consciousness, meditation - from the same area. Crazy, maybe too. People are not able to explain such phenomena, everything is still at the level of hypotheses. We are not the greatest in the Universe - we do not understand much and far from everything in the Universe was created by us. There are Higher forces that are revealed to the human mind only to a small extent. There is Illumination - a natural, natural process of knowing the essence of the world. Learn to communicate with the Information Center of the Universe in a sober way. And may Love always be with you - the greatest creative force of the Universe. Everything in the world is created with the help of Love. And everything is possible with the help of Love. Good luck!)

Thank you, Igor, for such a detailed comment! Your theory has a place to be, as it was correctly noted: neither the brain nor the unconscious has been fully studied. But God forbid that I experience that "communion" with the unknown, which happened 14 years ago, on myself again. And I don't recommend it to others...

I can not get rid of constant fear, after nightmares I am afraid of soft toys in the house. It seems that some monster from hell is looking at me through them. Under dream books it becomes easier, but all day like a vegetable. Sometimes, out of the corner of my eye, instead of ordinary human faces, I see some kind of ugly monsters, then I look closely at the face becomes normal. Often a broken record plays in my head, some fragment of the song repeats and repeats with some kind of demonic intonation. And the worst thing is that all this immediately passes after the first 50 grams. I can't sleep at night without TV, it's scary. How did you deal with the post effects after the squirrel?

Artem, you need to seek medical help, go to a narcologist, if you have money call home, but you need to purify the blood with a dropper and sleep.

Hello, Zhenya, you will remember THIS for the rest of your life and you will think about who came to you!

Have you decided not to drink? This is the right decision. Need help, come to our forum and tell what you wrote to me and get great support from the members of the forum. All the best to you and only sober years ahead!

Hi Zhenya. I had the same story with bees. And I also had a voice in my head. Only male. He told me that he was my Guardian Angel and that he would help me cope with this. He made me go to Church and read the Prayer Book from cover to cover. I felt that there was some kind of struggle between this man and someone. It was very scary. Some verses came into my head, someone whispered them to me. By the way, very good verses. There was also a woman's voice, but angry. She shouted obscenities at me, howled, and the Guardian Angel asked me not to listen to her and reassured me saying that if I listen to him and do what he advises, everything will stop soon. Maybe he wanted to enter into trust? Mystic.

Olga, judging by my conclusions, it is better to listen to those who yell obscenities, because such larvae that inspire confidence often drive people to suicide. “All my friend, you have achieved everything that is possible in this life, end this torment, you just need to kill yourself and you will be free and saved.”

Hello. Today is Wednesday, and on Monday I decided to give up alcohol, as my passive addiction (I don’t drive anyone drunk) to alcohol has already taken my family home. I drank from the age of 17, twice a week. So 4 years ago I decided to build a house. 90% made by myself. Friends sometimes came to help, then I had to "thank" them. After 50% readiness, I was so tired physically, but more mentally. Deja vu every day. Especially knead the solution. Tolerable in the morning, not worth it in the afternoon. And so you go to the magician half a liter, until the evening there is enough energy (I think my conscience pushes more when I took a portion, like if you drink, work.) Then you drink at dinner, and now I listen to music, voices in the yard at 4 am (damn creepy topic, I will say)… Fun!?

Well, at least he figured out what it was (White). Fifteen years ago, a cousin cut his throat, he was busy with him until 5 in the morning until the seam this and that. We arrived home, hungover, said in a heartbeat next time ask me how best to kill yourself. It seems like he lay down and let someone talk out the window, if you are a man, come out here (3rd floor). 10 years have passed in the courtyard of the house found dead. Well, they said, like they were drunk. Then I didn’t understand, I thought, yes, not with me, this is not real. And now I'm writing, and the bed is floating under me. Before that, they sang songs, but now the harmonica "felt boots" and "what if there were no" is playing up. I will try to treat at home. Don't bring it to this, live once and it will fly by very quickly. No one around me even guesses that I got carried away with alcohol. Border guard, worked in special forces, profession teacher, who knew? I went now, to the restroom, the shadow of a mouse ran (they were never at home), my kitten is still sitting next to me. I say, okay, I know what's going on, but like the rest. Things like that guys. They don’t let you sleep, damn it (as soon as you fall asleep, some part of the body, as it clicks like not to sleep). Yesterday it happened 10 times, my wife says the brain probably requires alcohol. And today, do not argue. I thought I still can’t sleep, time drags on, and maybe someone will come in handy. I can’t go to narcology, I have a niece for guardianship. (My brother is in a colony, her mother died in 10).

Narcology. My mother lives with us. Thinking with your head is much more important than pouring a glass. Probably tired?

Rustem, and there is an opportunity to call a paid dropper, so that he drips, and gives sleeping pills. Sleep is needed now. If not, then you need something for sleep ... I honestly don’t remember what I need anymore, three years have passed since I quit, well, maybe I donated, phenazepam, something soothing ...

now the brain is inflamed to the limit and how everything can end is unknown, but it is simply necessary to sleep. And when you get out of the squirrel, tie it up and don’t drink anymore, each time can be the last.

Oh my God! How do you feel right now? I also have this problem in my family. I read an article on how to help alcoholics... I got to Belochka... it's terrible... I didn't know that it happens. What to do ... how to help ... a person is not aware of anything and does not want to listen to anyone

My mother had an attack of delirium tremens 6 months ago after prolonged use of alcohol. They did not go to the doctors, they could not cope with it. About a week she had terrible hallucinations, did not sleep. Now all that horror has passed, but the fear remains. Fear that someone is rummaging through the phone (such as hackers), someone is watching in the car, someone is watching on the bus. Some kind of panic. At the same time, she is just as sociable, reasonable and messing around with her grandchildren. Those who communicate closely with her notice this. Tell me who to contact after 6 months. ? To a Narcologist? After delirium tremens did not drink.

Nina, in general, panic attacks are treated by a psychotherapist, I'm not a doctor, so I don't know for sure. If there is no such doctor, contact the narcologists

PA in our frenzied world is not so easy to cure, many live with them for years without any delirium tremens. First of all, everyone prescribes neuromultivit, it is advisable to leave for a month somewhere in a quiet and peaceful place where there is no frantic pace, loud sounds and flocks of people with cars. The psychiatrist has to tell the rest.

Dobrii deni.Mojno li upotreblyati alkigoli posle beloi goryachki .I v kakih dozah i skoliko dnei.Ocheni muchaet etot vopros tat kak sama perenedla pervii delerii v mae etova goda.Hotelasi bi Novii God vstretiti s shampanskim.

Ekaterina, try to celebrate the New Year without champagne, without any alcohol at all. You will see that it is not worse at all, and even better.

Why do you need a drunken first of January, why drink and be afraid to drink too much? Live sober and delirium tremens will never come again

I can tell you this with 100% certainty.

Do not listen to these moralfags, they do not understand what alcoholism is and that the body chemistry changes, just because they can easily not drink, this does not mean that we can too. Depriving us completely of alcohol is like depriving them completely of glucose. The main thing is that instead of champagne, it is better to drink vodka with a normal, but not laden snack. Nothing terrible will happen, but then you definitely need to sleep, the squirrel comes if you constantly have panic attacks and sleepless nights. If you just have a drink for the new year and go to bed in the morning everything will be fine.

Soasibo za answer. No, vsetoli mojno li upotreblati spirtnoe bez posledctvii. Esli uje 1 raz bila belka.

You can if you can stop after the new year. And then again, aliens will come at night to experiment on you)) I once woke up in sleep paralysis, a severed head rolls around my bed and sings songs)) Make yourself a schedule. I drink for 3 days, I will have an ass, I drink a day, not everything is so scary. After 3 days of hard drinking, I'm already in the shower when I'm lying down listening to music in the water, sometimes there are very beautiful compositions. Sounds like he tuned in to some kind of radio. But in terms of squirrels, a lot still plays the role of your attitude to this state, if you perceive it positively, they say you drank everything to hell, you and the squirrel will be positive, if you are in a panic, the more you fool around with it, the more terrible the hallucinations. I even have fun sometimes. Such trash is not filmed even in horror films, but here everything is as if in reality. But somehow Nitsche, I live and even work. But if you are on a drinking binge for a month, then only an ambulance will help you, that's all ..

Good afternoon! My husband is now in Thailand, after a month of drinking he asked to call an ambulance, he was leaving normal! Two days later, the doctors began to behave aggressively, they did not understand what the drunken Russian (debaucher) thought with him. Now he has been tied for 4 days, periodically yelling at everyone and talking. Tell me, how long can he be in this state? Doctors say stable, but I'm afraid that he will remain so! He is actually a doctor

Good evening, well, a month of hard drinking is a lot and it is likely that delirium tremens began due to a sharp start. By and large, it was necessary to take droppers immediately after binge, so that the blood would clear up a little, but now it is difficult to give any forecasts. Delirium tremens usually lasts for several days, if your husband is provided with all the necessary assistance, he will come out of this state without any problems. Wait, the doctors have probably already done everything possible, you still won’t help in any way yet, but it will turn out, it’s time for him to start living soberly, especially as a doctor he should understand this. Patience to you!

And the “squirrel” visited me more than once. It was like that, I hear it’s like the door is opening, they greet me, I go out to the kitchen, and there are 2 men there. For some reason, like a man, I extend my hand to them, and they disappear. it was the first time a couple of years ago, I didn’t understand that this “squirrel” came. And then everything went according to one scenario. I drink for a week. Then until 6 hell. I fall into the darkness and see all sorts of muzzles. I wake up screaming. Well, from 6 I pass out and I start dreaming of rooms with a large crowd of people. There were weddings, water parks, bright greenhouses. But people are all strange. for some reason they smile at me. And yesterday it was something. Everything is as usual according to the scenario, and in the morning I dream that there are a lot of people in my house and a terrible mess. I don’t know how to kick them out and suddenly one woman starts to tickle me, but the dog clings. It hurts me terribly, I started screaming in real life, but I can’t wake up. Thank you, my son saved me. doll. The most interesting thing is that now it hurts under the armpits, like after being tickled, that very hand hurts. I’m in shock. nothing to worry about.

This world is called astral, and these muzzles and a bunch of people are inhabitants of the lower astral. I thought everyone knew this...Under the booze, all this muck reaches us, because alcohol is evil...consider feeding on our energy. I was engaged in getting out of the body, with a "squirrel" I generally go there already like home)) The connection with the body is very weak, so we all get there, many simply apparently do not know about it ...

Hello! how long do you think a person can be in this state, without the help of medicine and people, without food but with water? Your opinion is very important to me, and urgently!

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  • Alexander on What is a binge?
  • Alcoformer on record 50 months of sobriety!
  • Serge on 50 months of sobriety!
  • Arina on What is a binge?
  • Alcoformer on What is a binge?

Diary of a "former" alcoholic © 2013 — 2017 | All rights are mine.

Copying materials is welcome provided a hyperactive link to this site. Thanks for understanding.

Delirium tremens occurs in chronic alcoholics after a period of heavy drinking or with a sudden deprivation of alcoholic beverages (for example, during imprisonment). In some cases, delirium tremens occurs in alcoholics under the influence of some somatic disease (pneumonia, influenza, etc.). Before the onset of the disease, delirium tremens often has a period of precursors: 2 to 3 days before the disease, an alcoholic develops insomnia, a vague feeling of anxiety, and irritability.

Delirium tremens begins acutely with the appearance of a large number of visual and auditory hallucinations, which often take on a frightening character. Visual hallucinations appear in the form of images of outlandish animals, unnatural figures that are constantly moving, attacking the patient, teasing him. The patient is so absorbed in his hallucinations that he perceives the environment poorly and does not notice what is happening. going around. A smaller place in the picture of delirium tremens is occupied by auditory hallucinations: the patient hears voices uttering abuse and threats against him.

The behavior of a patient suffering from delirium tremens is in full accordance with the hallucinatory images he perceives: he fearfully looks around, defends himself from Hallucinatory animals, hides from them, enters into a squabble with hallucinatory voices. We give below the story of a patient who has undergone delirium tremens, about his hallucinatory experiences at the beginning of the disease. This story is illustrated by a number of drawings in which visual hallucinations of the patient are recorded.

“I was sitting at the table, I took the magnifying glass and turned it sideways. The magnifying glass threw a bunny on the wall. I began to peer into the bunny and think where it comes from. Suddenly a man appears, about 35 years old, with a beard. I saw this man several years ago, he is a loader. This man says to me: - Now this bunny will become dark. This is a prediction that you will be chopped into pieces and that you will be cut into pieces with seven knives. - I tell him: This cannot be. - And he: - No, they will cut you. A plate appeared on the wall, on which were seven knives. Then I say to the loader - I do not believe this prediction. I can be sure of its justice only if three kinds of trees grow within one minute: birch, acacia and linden, and if a whole garden of flowers immediately appears. - Then this man gave me seeds of many varieties in my right hand, and I threw them through the window.

The man gave me a hose and I began to pour water on the ground. And suddenly, in one minute, trees began to grow in the form of snakes. They were as thick as a finger and about twenty fathoms high. Then I say to this man: Now I believe. - I look, people are coming from afar outside the window, there are about two hundred of them. In their hands they have crowbars, axes, knives. This man says to me: “Look, do not sleep, because they will cut you down now.” I see a lot of these people have their own heads on poles. And the heads themselves walk on the ground. I tell people: “After all, I have absolutely money. Yesterday I spent the last ruble. Why are you going to cut me? And they say: “Yeah, we were told that we need to chop it up; we have already dug a grave for him, and he says that he has money. We, therefore, would have killed him in vain. So, we came in vain, - And they began to leave. Then I went to the garden to see the grave they had dug. Look, there are thirteen of them. I think: Why do I need so many graves? Maybe they wanted to cut my body into pieces and throw several pieces of my body into each grave?...”.

The incidence of alcoholism has halved since 2005

Over the past 12 years in Russia, the number of newly diagnosed alcoholism and delirium tremens has decreased by 55% and 74%, respectively. This is evidenced by the statistics of the Ministry of Health, which Izvestia got acquainted with. Restrictive measures and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle contributed to a decrease in alcohol consumption.

In Russia, from 2005 to 2017, there was a sharp decrease in the number of patients who were diagnosed with alcoholism for the first time. According to the Ministry of Health, by the end of last year, the figure was 42 cases per 100,000 people. This is 55% less than in 2005. In relation to 2016, the decrease was 11%.

The incidence of alcoholic psychosis (the so-called delirium tremens) shows the same trend: from 2005 to 2017, the number of new diagnoses decreased by 74%, to 13.3 cases per 100,000 population. In relation to 2016, the indicator fell by 23.2%.

The primary incidence of alcohol consumption with harmful consequences (injury after alcohol) has decreased by 67% since 2005 - to 36.9 cases per 100 thousand people. Compared to 2016, it fell by 25%.

According to the Ministry of Health, total alcohol consumption in terms of ethyl equivalent per capita has halved between 2005 and 2017, to 10 liters per person. In 2016, consumption, according to preliminary data, was 10.3 liters per person.

The Ministry of Health told Izvestia that they were taking active measures to reduce the incidence of alcoholic psychosis. The department participated in the improvement of state regulation of the production and circulation of alcohol. Last year, an order of the Ministry of Health came into force, which limited the volume of containers with alcohol tinctures. Also an important measure was the ban on the sale of non-food alcohol-containing products in vending machines, the expansion of the EGAIS state accounting system for medicines and medical devices.

Daria Khalturina, a member of the expert council under the government of the Russian Federation, noted that since 2006 there has been a tendency in Russia to reduce the economic availability of alcohol. Among the restrictions that appeared, she mentioned the introduction of the state system for controlling the production and circulation of alcohol EGAIS, a ban on the sale of beer in stalls, limiting the sale of alcohol at night, an increase in excise taxes on all types of alcohol, the introduction of a ban on the sale of dual-use liquids - "hawthorn" since 2017 - according to the decision of Rospotrebnadzor.

“All these measures made it possible to reduce the volume of surrogate drinks, which are also the cause of alcoholic psychoses. In addition, the number of private clinics has increased, in which patients are “dripped” very quickly, this contributed to a decrease in alcoholism, the expert explained. “But such clinics cannot cope with delirium tremens, patients need a longer stay under the control of a narcologist.”

According to Tatyana Klimenko, director of the Federal Medical Research Center for Psychiatry and Narcology of the Ministry of Health, the overall situation with alcohol consumption in the country is improving. As a result, the primary incidence of alcoholism and alcoholic psychoses is reduced. The narcologist emphasized that in recent years, a powerful information campaign has been underway in the country to promote a healthy lifestyle, which citizens associate with success.

“If 10 years ago it was fashionable to drink, now it is not. As a result, this affects the incidence,” she said. The overall incidence of alcoholic psychosis in Russia in 2017 was 34 cases per 100,000 population, compared to 2005, the decrease was 63.5%, and 15.5% from 2016. The alcohol dependence syndrome accounted for 988 cases per 100 thousand people last year, which is 36.6% lower compared to 2005 and 5.3% compared to 2016.

PS Alcoholics die, they are unlikely to be cured.

Alcoholic delirium (Delirium tremens)

In Russian there is no exact translation for this term, I personally prefer "Mad delirium". As a rule, it occurs 3-7 days after an abrupt cessation of alcohol intake or a sharp decrease in the daily dose in patients.

Harbinger (prodromal stage)

This stage usually lasts from 3 to 7 days. And it is quite easy to see to an outside observer. There is a sleep disorder with frequent awakenings, nightmares, fears, palpitations, sweating. A tremor (trembling) of the facial muscles, hands is striking. The gait becomes unstable, coordination of movements is lost. In the daytime, the condition of patients is characterized by general weakness, anxiety, restlessness. In most cases, the fear of death can be highlighted.

Stage 1 of the classic variant of the development of alcoholic delirium

In the evening, especially at night, the general anxiety increases in patients, they become alert, restless, talkative. Their speech is insufficient and inconsistent.

Imaginative memories and representations appear. There is an aggravation of all the senses (the TV is too loud, the clatter of a cat is heard two rooms away, the light from a weak light bulb becomes too bright, etc.). The mood is changeable: from fear and anxiety to euphoria. In some cases, auditory hallucinations occur.

Subsequently, visual illusions appear from not numerous to pareidolia (instead of one pattern, for example, on a carpet, the patient begins to see another and the more he looks at him, the more distinct the pattern). Sometimes patients see a "movie on the wall."

Sleep deteriorates sharply, with frequent awakenings, patients cannot distinguish dream from reality. A transient disorientation develops in the outside world, out of connection with sleep. Patients become overly suggestible, they can easily be induced into hallucinations by suggestion: they can be asked to read the text from a blank sheet of paper, talk on the switched off phone, pointing to the wall, you can make them “see” non-existent insects on it. Lipman's symptom appears (when pressing on closed eyes, patients experience visual hallucinations corresponding to the doctor's question).

Advanced stage of alcoholic delirium

Complete insomnia develops, orientation in time is disturbed, while maintaining orientation in one's own personality, true hallucinations arise (hallucinations that a person perceives as part of objective reality) in the form of many moving insects, flies, small animals, snakes, less often - large fantastic animals, or humanoid creatures, sometimes patients see a wire, a web, a rope. It all depends on his condition and what his consciousness is currently reproducing. Visual hallucinations change in size, then approach, then move away.

With the deepening of the disorder of consciousness, auditory, olfactory, tactile hallucinations appear. Due to the involvement of a large number of modalities, the patient finally loses touch with the real world and cannot be skeptical about his condition. Violations of the body scheme are not uncommon, its position in space changes. Patients express various delusional ideas of persecution, jealousy, which are specific and not systematized. The subject of delusional statements, as well as emotions correspond to the content of hallucinations. Usually the emotional state is changeable - from fear, bewilderment - to unbridled joy. As a rule, delirium is accompanied by motor excitement, with fussy businesslikeness, flight, desire to hide.

Patients are extremely distractible, their speech consists of short fragmentary phrases or single words. As a rule, painful symptoms intensify at night.

The duration of delirium is from 3 to 7 days. Recovery usually comes critically after a deep, prolonged sleep. After an acute period for several days, the patient has an asthenic condition (weakness, loss of strength, low mood).

Everything that will be written below is not a medical prescription and is written for those patients and their relatives who cannot visit a doctor purely physically, you must be aware that all subsequent actions will be performed by you at your own peril and risk, otherwise, contact any public or private drug treatment clinic!

In addition, the materials of this article are not shown to people with chronic kidney, cardiovascular and other diseases.

Contrary to the common horror stories that not entirely honest narcologists spread, alcoholic delirium occurs only in a sober person, only on days 2-7, only after heavy drinking, if there were sleep disturbances (i.e. a person slept no more than 2-3 hours per day).

hangover horror

Drunken booze is the darkest thing. Words cannot explain what happens to the brain and body after that. It's hard to convey. Only those who have experienced it will understand.

A severe hangover is a terrible thing. Retribution for drunken fun. This is a demonic feeling, when consciousness hangs by a thread over the abyss of nothingness and the feeling of control disappears.

Strong hallucinations with a hangover, not in intoxication. The boundaries of reality are blurred completely. Sleep as such turns into a delusional haze, the quintessence of frightening images and sounds, from which it is impossible to escape.

The first few days you can just lie on the couch in sleepy oblivion. The feeling of anxiety rises to the clouds. The heart can literally jump out. Falling asleep is just terrible. Really terrible things can happen in a dream. And they usually do.

For some reason, it all starts with the fact that I constantly hear a ring on my phone, although it is turned off. Unfamiliar people can call with ridiculous and wild offers. For example, fly to another planet or summon demons.

A TV news anchor might call you “I know you.” Some unusual and strange channels also appear, which cannot be in reality.

Sometimes it seems that some people are walking around the house. Or maybe not people. One day I saw my friend, who was generally from another city. He told me that he was being followed and that a chip was implanted under his skin.

The room can be filled with different people, familiar and unfamiliar, and the hum of voices. Once I saw a friend who went missing 5 years ago in the forest and was presumed dead. I lay on the bed and he stood next to me. A friend with a smile told me that he was taken to himself by higher beings and now he lives much better than before.

It feels like the brain starts to work at a different frequency. You start to see different entities. They come in the forms you fear the most.

You can wake up and understand that someone is sitting on your couch. And this person is clearly not of human nature. You can see dark figures in pitch darkness. They are blacker than black.

You wake up in a panic because you are lying and not breathing. Breath intercepts, because you forgot how to breathe. And it seems to you that your neck is not just tightened, but dark figures are putting a noose on you. Therefore, you have to roll over and moan from time to time to get distracted.

You are immersed in some kind of astral plane, where it is full of all sorts of unclean creatures with severed heads. All sorts of fiends that haunt you. I have seen dragons, reptiles, and people with lizard heads.

Probably, some assemblage point in consciousness is shifting. You begin to see what is not available in the normal state. You may even be in contact with other dimensions.

They say that sometimes devils or little green men come. I didn't believe it until one day I encountered the little green men myself. At first there were only two or three of them, the size of a little finger. They crawled out from under the covers, ran across the bed. Sometimes they would stop and look at me. Then there were more of them.

I could not stand it and went to the window. On the street I saw devils. They were sitting on a tree, at the level of my fifth floor, and looked at me. I was terribly frightened, moved away from the window and went into the corridor.

There I accidentally looked in the mirror. Reflection behaved strangely. My face began to smile a mocking smile, although I did not smile. When I moved away from the mirror, my reflection remained in place and looked at me mockingly. Then it dawned on me that this was not my reflection, but the same devil that I had seen on the street.

The perception of reality changes completely. There may be a feeling as if boiling water is being poured on the head from a bucket. Or electrocuted. You may find that you rise above the bed by 30 centimeters and hang in the air. Sometimes you come to your senses and realize that in a clouded consciousness you are performing the most natural occult rite.

One day I found that my bed was upright. And I'm standing up. The floor was the wall and the wall was the floor. Frightened, I got out of bed and fell to the floor, thinking it was a wall.

Any sharp sound from the street or from neighbors can really scare. The sense of smell is aggravated so that it is impossible to bear the smell of food. The smell and taste are distorted beyond recognition. Once, in the room where I was lying, for no reason, there was a sudden smell of paint. The smell was very strong and I was even afraid that I would suffocate. I had to run outside.

By the way, any exit to the street turns into a nightmare: everything around is perceived as extremely hostile towards you. Every glance of a passer-by cuts to the bone, every sound causes a panic attack. The level of paranoia is on the rise. The feeling that everyone is staring at you.

Once, with a hangover, I went to a neighbor with a bottle of wine. At first it got easier. Then everything became somehow black and white. Suddenly, the neighbor's eyes turned into dark spots. She looked at me with these spots, said something inarticulate and laughed terribly. I became uncomfortable. Even though I knew it was just a distorted perception.

Then I noticed large spiders with hairy legs crawling on the floor. I frantically said that I needed to go to the bathroom to wash my face. The floor in the hallway was littered with broken glass. I stepped as carefully as possible. On the bathroom floor, I saw rusty nails pointing up.

But most of all I was scared when I got out of the bathroom. The neighbor had two children, a boy and a girl, aged 8 and 10. They were ordinary children and ran around the apartment. So, the girl seemed to me without an arm. I knew that in reality she had hands. She laughed, danced, twisted her severed shoulders and hummed something. Instead of eyes, she also had dark spots. The girl opened her mouth wide, and her head rotated around its axis.

The boy, too, was an ordinary child, with arms and legs. But I saw him completely without limbs. It was terrible. He crawled on the floor, moving his stumps and moaning. The skin was torn off his face and he rolled the whites of his eyes.

Fear gripped me. I muttered something in farewell and rushed to my apartment. There I covered my head with a blanket, wanting to fall asleep quickly.

These are the nightmares that happen after drinking alcohol. I haven't drunk for three years now. Which is what I recommend to everyone.

My wife went crazy after drinking alcohol at a bachelorette party

Hello Pikabu.
Help me please.
Himself divorced, met a young girl, began to live together.
Today I went to my friends. Celebrate a bachelorette party. Her friend called. Take yours. She is hysterical. Arrived all right. Brought home. Fell asleep. Then he began to change clothes and she again became hysterical. She considered herself the heroine of the series. And it doesn't work at all. Called her friends to help. Called an ambulance. They fucking came and did nothing. I understand that she needs to sleep. But I can't fucking lay down! They forcibly poured Corvalol into her and gave her sleeping pills.
I'm sitting in the car. I'm waiting to fall asleep.
I pray that I wake up and everything is as before. They were going to get married. And move to the capital. Transferred there for work.
What to do. I am terrified. Help with advice please

I sit at home, I don't touch anyone.

I’m sitting at home, I’m not touching anyone - the doorbell rings, I open it - Zhenya’s neighbor is on the threshold (from drinkers, heavy drinkers):

- Here this, such a thing! Imagine, I’m sitting at home, not bothering anyone - the doorbell rings, I open it, and there are two of these - small ones. I didn’t have time to do anything, but they scurried into the apartment and into the kitchen! I follow them, and they took and grew! Now they sit there and don't leave!

“Something needs to be done, help!”

- So this, Zhenya, will we call the police?

- Then you go, see what they are doing, and I will call.

I, because I’m a novice in this business, I ring the doorbell to my neighbor Valya (she knows everything), describe to her the situation about the obvious signs of Zhenya’s “squirrels”, she waves her hand, saying: “I’ll figure it out, go, I already called him somehow.” I return to myself.

I’m sitting at home, I’m not touching anyone - the doorbell rings, I open it - the district policeman is on the threshold:

- Did Yevgeny from the neighbor address you?

- Well well. And how often does he contact you? With this "disease"?

- Well well. Have you ever encountered white fever in general? Maybe someone else got in touch?

- No one contacted. I once saw a man talking to a driver in a car, but there was no one there.

- Well well. What kind of a man? Where? Local?

- Not. It was in another city.

- Yea Yea. How about yourself? Healthy? How about "this case"?

- Okay, goodbye. Don't drink too much.

I have one explanation: the district police officer had secret information about the spread in our area of ​​a new type of delirium tremens, transmitted by airborne droplets. In order to identify those infected at an early stage, a survey was conducted of all those in contact with the carrier of the "disease", the alcoholic Zhenya.

This is such a movie

A friend worked as a nurse in the neurology department, for some reason they were periodically brought funny and not very characters after binges, not violent ones. Sometimes the characters had a "squirrel" and they began to act weird, they managed to tie someone with bandages to the beds and call "crazy", as the nurse girls called them, someone managed to do something.

She told many funny stories, but one was especially memorable.

They bring a man, put him down, examined him, gave injections, everything is calm. The night is coming. Nurses, when there was nothing urgent, slept in the corridor on sofas. And now, some noise wakes up the nurse on duty, pierces her eyes, waking up she doesn’t have time to figure out anything as this man runs past her and jumps into the window open in the summer heat at the end of the corridor. Office on the second floor. Nurse in shock calls security, runs downstairs. The man was picked up, taken to an injury in a neighboring building. There it turned out that the man had broken both heel bones, his legs were plastered in the manner of boots and returned to neurology.

They called the "crazy", they came to examine the peasant, neighing, drank tea with the nurses and left with the words that, they say, he is now lying down with you, where will he go from you in this form, and we already have a lot of people, here you go rejection, we're off.
In the morning, my friend took over, a story about a man who was visited not just by a “squirrel”, but by a flying squirrel, she was told that everything was calm during the day, the man slept well on drugs. The night is coming.
A strange noise wakes up a friend, a rather fast knock-knock-knock-knock, opens his eyes and sees that our hero is quickly moving all the way to the same window, making a knock with his plaster boots and. jumps down. Girlfriend in shock, the same scenario: a call to security, running downstairs, transportation to an injury in a neighboring building. Nothing new was found in the peasant - a lucky devil, only the boots were corrected. His girlfriend: “Man, are you crazy? What are you doing?!” To which he declares to her: “We are shooting a film here! And the first take failed.
There were no third and subsequent takes, because before the re-arrival of the "nuts" the peasant was tied to the bed out of harm's way, and excuses from the "nuts" were no longer accepted, they still had to take the stuntman for themselves.
My friend, the tag "mine" 🙂

Today is exactly 8 years since my father did not drink.

My father drank all his life. Mom coded it 20 times, enough for three weeks. I remember, I’m probably 5 years old, spring, my father is in the next “set”, in our yard many people have bicycles. Dad receives a salary, comes home and says that we are going to buy a bike for me on the weekend (we are buying it now, but it’s like a gift for someone else in late autumn). My joy knows no bounds. in the evening he swells up, I go up to him and tell him that I don’t need a gift for another bike, give me, dad, that you won’t drink anymore. He agrees. and the next day he goes on a drinking binge with money for a bicycle.

18 years have passed. Father still periodically goes into drinking binges (a quiet alcoholic, did not fight, did not shout, he drank on the street and came home to eat and sleep). My older sister is in the maternity hospital, her eldest son (my nephew) moved to live with us (during the absence of her mother at home).

So. one of these days, my 12-year-old nephew calls me at work with tears and tells me that his grandfather has gone crazy, he screams and kicks his nephew and his friends out of the house for aspirin. I don't understand anything when I go home. At home, I find my father, a calm father, sitting at the table in the kitchen, not understanding what happened, I decide to go out onto the balcony, tear off the balcony, and then it began. the father jumps off at lightning speed, blocks the way to the balcony and informs that the balcony cannot be opened in any way, because. under the windows (1st floor) long, thin people in green hats walk, they suck energy from people in order to kill them, you need to pour boiling water with aspirin on them, and the tribe, so disobedient, does not go to the pharmacy!

All the time, up to this point, I thought that delirium tremens happens in drunken people (as it was later explained to me that “squirrel” occurs in people who were in a long drinking bout, and abruptly got out of it, i.e. on a sober head, after drinking ). I ask my father if he drank or not, I call an ambulance. While the ambulance arrived, funny things were happening at home (at that time I was very scared): He claimed that a naked mermaid was sitting on the piano (it really is) (but I couldn’t see her))) and he was very worried that someone will see her, so he drove her from where she came from. A cat lives in his leg, it is small and without hind legs, it can talk, you just need to listen and lean closer to the leg.

An ambulance arrived, two brave, strong paramedics ?, got into the car and drove to the psychiatric dispensary. on the way, did your father tell the paramedics? about the cat in the leg, they answered him seriously that it was all great! now we will come and the paws will be sewn to her.

In the emergency room they asked about his age, name, he answered everything correctly, and when they asked where his documents were, he answered that he was taken by a policewoman who was chasing him on all floors in the entrance and everyone was laughing at her. The doctor agreed with him and sent him to the ward, asking me to bring the documents.

The next day I brought him the documents, he looked at me very frightened, I told him that the documents should be given to the nurse. I heard his conversation during the transfer of the docks, he said that the docks were brought by the same police lady who took them from him ((((

Two weeks later, my father was discharged, I came to take him home. He recognized me. I asked him if he remembered the cat. He looked at me with hopeful eyes and asked; "Did you see her too?" I went nuts while we were driving home, he was watching a video in which I filmed him at the moment when we were waiting for an ambulance, in an ambulance and in the hospital. It was clear that he was very frightened.

Since then, 8 years have passed. Father doesn't drink anymore. He doesn't drink at all. All the best and take care of your loved ones.

Cool to tell?

I work in heating networks. Once a hack turned up in a drug treatment clinic. The work was to be done, among other things, in the attic of the building, where the sick lay. The manager asked us to walk very carefully around the attic. We asked what the problem was, and we heard this story from her.

A patient with delirium tremens came to them. There were devils everywhere and all that. Classic. After a few days of treatment, he got better. I just began to perceive reality more adequately, and then a sewer riser became clogged in the building. Plumbers were called and they immediately stomped into the attic to break through the riser from there. The floors in the attic were apparently rotten and could not bear the weight of two hefty bodies with a full set of tools.

Now imagine yourself in the place of this poor fellow. Doctors tried to convince him for several days that neither devils nor angels exist. And he almost believed it, and then, breaking through the ceiling, two dust-black creatures fly into his ward with a huge, snake-like metal cable. We laughed, of course, and then asked what happened to him next. “They took me to the madhouse,” the manager answered sadly.

Tanyukha "Oklahoma" Kuklyaeva was placed in a temporary detention facility (Temporary Detention Facility).

By court order on administrative arrest, for committing an offense under the article of the Code of Administrative Offenses. For drunkenness in public places and alcoholism.

For all 15 days.

On the third day, the guard of the internal post of the TDF during his rounds noticed that Oklahoma was constantly standing and looking through the open window into the street. The window was opened due to the onset of hot weather and poor ventilation.

The barred window overlooked the courtyard of the temporary detention facility. There was some rubbish and rubbish in the yard.

The sentry, looking through the razdatka, asked: - Che, are you standing without swinging, Tanyukha? What did you see there?

Bunny, Oklahoma answered without turning around. - There's a bunny!

The guard understood everything correctly and called the head of the temporary detention center.

Fedorych! Campaign Oklahoma catches a squirrel! He sees a bunny outside the window.

The head of the IVS, Vasily Fedorovich, arrived at our place. They entered the cell.

Well, what about Tanya? Overboard?

Tanyukha, smiling tenderly and looking at him, pointed to the window with her finger.

Fyodorovich carefully looked around the window. There were no bunnies (as well as squirrels).

Just a bunny? - the head of the temporary detention center asked Oklahoma sternly.

Yes. Little! the prisoner answered happily.

It's clear, - the head of the temporary detention center issued a verdict and, leaving the cell, went to call the narcology department.

As usual, the “fifth” SMP brigade arrived (for psychos, drug addicts and alcoholics)

Short poll. Bunny.

How long did you not drink alcohol? - a question to both Oklahoma and the head of the temporary detention facility.

Three days, they both answered.

Did you drink before? — the question is addressed to Oklahoma.

I drank, - she looked down, - every day, damn it. The head of the IVS also lowered his gaze.

The doctor-narcologist looked around the audience and announced: - A typical case! Delirium tremens! Alcoholics are our profile!

Oklahoma left with the brigade for drug treatment.

The head of the ITT went up to the window of the cell and looked through it into the yard.

On the street, in the courtyard of the temporary detention facility, there was rubbish, a piece of pipe.

Get out of it bunny. Such a grey. And small.

He sniffed the air left and right, sniffed his nose and mustache and galloped to the fence of the detention center.

- It's time to go home, - thought the head of the temporary detention center, wiped the sweat from his forehead with his palm and went to the exit.

And the bunny really lived there. Got accustomed. Walked outside through holes in the railing.

Stepan Pisakhov How the merchant's wife fasted.

Is the merchant's wife so pious, so correct in her life, that one is touched!

This is how the merchant's wife sits down on Shrovetide in the morning and eat pancakes. And he eats and eats pancakes - and with sour cream, with caviar, with salmon, with mushrooms, with herring, with small onions, with sugar, with jam, various baking, he eats with sighs and with a drink.

And it eats so piously that it is even scary. Eat, eat, breathe and eat again.

And when the fast came, well, then the merchant's wife began to fast. In the morning she opened her eyes, she wanted to drink tea, but tea is not allowed, therefore fasting.

During fasting, they did not eat either dairy or meat, and whoever fasted strictly did not eat fish either. And the merchant's wife fasted with all her might: she didn't even drink tea, and she didn't eat either chopped or sawn sugar, she ate special sugar - lean, like sweets.

So the pious woman drank five cups of boiling water with honey and five cups of lean sugar, five cups of raspberry juice and five cups of cherry, but don’t think that with tincture, no, with juice. And ate black crackers.

While drinking boiling water, and breakfast is ripe. The merchant’s wife ate a plate of salted cabbage, a plate of grated radish, small mushrooms, mushrooms, a plate, dozens of salted cucumbers, washed it all down with white kvass. Instead of tea, Sbiten began to drink molasses. Time does not stand still, it has come by noon. It's time to dine. Lenten Lenten Lunch! On the first day, oatmeal with onions, a mushroom bowl with cereals, onion stew.

On the second milk mushrooms are fried, rutabagas are baked, soloniks are juicy-bent with salt, porridge with carrots and six other different porridges with jam and three jelly: kvass jelly, pea jelly, raspberry jelly. I ate everything with boiled blueberries with raisins. She refused poppy seeds:

- No, no, I won’t make poppy seeds, I want there to be no poppy dew in my mouth during the whole post!

After dinner, the fasting woman drank boiling water with cranberries and apple marshmallow.

And time goes on and on. For the afternoon boiling water with cranberries, with marshmallow, here is the pauzhna.

The merchant's wife sighed, but there was nothing to be done - it was necessary to fast!

She ate soaked peas with horseradish, lingonberries with oatmeal, steamed swede, flour flour, soaked apples with small pears in kvass.

If an impious person cannot endure such a fast, he will burst.

And the merchant's wife drinks boiling water with dry berries until the very dinner. Work hard - fast! So dinner was served.

What she ate at dinner, she ate everything at dinner. Yes, she could not resist and ate a piece of fish, a bream for nine pounds.

The merchant's wife went to bed, looked into the corner, and there was a bream. I looked into the other, and there is a bream!

I looked to the door - and there is a bream! From under the bed bream, bream all around. And they wag their tails. The merchant screamed out of fear.

The cook came running, gave a pie with peas - the merchant's wife felt better.

The doctor came - looked, listened and said:

- For the first time I see that I overate to delirium tremens.

The matter is clear, doctors are educated and understand nothing in pious matters.

post-new year squirrel

I stumbled upon a post about a neighbor who was drunk breaking into someone else's apartment. Then, with the cops drunk, he left in a wheelbarrow, as a result, he lost his rights. The author was sincerely surprised, what do such people think? Is it really worth it to lose your license later and walk? And I remembered a story two years ago, answering the question of the author of that post - SUCH PEOPLE IN PRINCIPLE DO NOT THINK :))
So, the story took place between January 10 and 13, 2016 (I don’t remember the exact date). It was a pretty normal day. Workdays began for those working on a five-day week, the New Year holidays were over, however, not for everyone.
At that time, about 2 months had passed since we moved from the urban smog of a million-plus city to the suburbs. Life flowed at its measured pace, I enjoyed the second consecutive decree, and the specifics of the mentality of a small settlement left its mark: although we lived in the entrance, where there were already 8 apartments, the neighbors were quite calm, everyone knew each other.
My husband was going to go on business, went out to clean the car from snow, and in view of the extremely calm life, he decided not to bother with closing the door with a key :)) I stayed at home with my son, who was not even 2 years old. I didn't know the apartment was open. Suddenly I heard on the site, not typical for a mega-calm village, kipish. Curiosity got the better of me, and even a huge belly did not keep me on the couch, I went to the peephole to observe :)) On the other side of the peephole, a man under 2 meters tall and about 100 kg in weight was rushing about on the site. After an aggressive pounding with his fist on the next door, a neighbor appeared on the site, a godly dandelion for 70 years. The man inconsistently announced that she urgently needed to take the key to the basement (she really had the key, since the homeowners have utility rooms in the basement) and that they urgently needed to run to save Seryoga (a neighbor above me), who was blocked in the basement with something .
Wow, the action is unfolding before my eyes! I froze near the peephole in anticipation of developments. The grandmother of God's dandelion, meanwhile, disappeared behind the door, the closet man did not come up with anything better than abruptly turning to my door and pulling the handle (which the husband, the infection, did not close). Oil painting - the door opens, behind the door I am a bun :)) both froze for a second. I - from the fact that I was crazy about what is happening, the closet man - apparently also from surprise, not every day there are open apartment doors, from which, when opened, heavily pregnant koloboks almost fall out :)))
I was the first to come to my senses, sharply pulling the handle, I slammed the door, turned the lock with trembling fingers, and, realizing that I was safe, through the door I expressed everything that I thought about what was happening. Having yelled obscenities at the closet man, I saw through the peephole a man recoiling from my door and dumbfounded on the landing, a dandelion grandmother. It didn’t work out conveniently :)) Having digested the meaning of my tirade that there was no need to break into other people’s doors, the two of them went to the basement to rescue the overwhelmed Seryoga.
On the way, near the entrance, they met my husband and the three of us went. Needless to say, there was no one in the basement.
My husband went home, listened to me, sobbing from the stress experienced, that the doors should be closed and went in search of the cause of my stress. He found a closet man, still near the basement. I tried to explain to him that it’s not good to scare deeply pregnant women, they can start giving birth ahead of time, but in response I heard a completely different version :))) it turns out that the “wardrobe” saved. me. From snipers. Oh how.
My husband had to go away on business. In the meantime, I called the police. Of course, by the time they arrived, the “closet” had left the place of deployment. And what will they show him, even if he is on the spot? It was ordered to call upon reappearance, in case there would be a rowdy.
Very soon, aggressive blows were heard at the door, only now the “wardrobe” was having fun on the 2nd floor, hammering on the iron door of comrade Seryoga, whom they tried to rescue from under non-existent rubble in the basement a couple of hours ago. Soon, he got bored of hammering on the iron door, she did not want to give in, and her owner was at work. Then the "wardrobe" drew attention to the next wooden door. Honestly, I thought that there were no wooden doors ANYWHERE, but it was not in vain that I mentioned at the beginning of the post the fact that life in the village is extremely calm and measured :)
Quickly realizing that hammering on a wooden door could be more productive than iron, the hero of the day switched to breaking it down. After a few thuds, the door gave way. Of course, my neighbors and I, each behind her own door, understood with quiet horror that
comes, as the sound was quite appropriate. Of course, we called the police again. But they were in no hurry to go.
A 19-year-old boy with a physique NOT a “closet” turned out to be at home in the affected apartment. A body with glassy eyes entered the apartment and found some money. He took the money, the guy began to teach life in the style of “you must definitely go to the army” and stuff like that, and then. He lay down on the sofa, apparently considering that the conqueror of square meters had the right to take a nap on the new lands, and passed out. There, in fact, he was caught by a police squad who came again.
Then there was a door-to-door tour, witnesses testifying. The “closet” was taken away in handcuffs, they say that he later did not remember anything from the events of that day. And the police, by the way, were not at all surprised by what happened, they say that such attacks from the post-New Year "squirrels" are in the order of things.

Are you a dream to me, or not a dream?

A colleague told, because colleague my tag is "mine". After this story, I began to be more careful when crossing roads. Further on behalf of a colleague.

After a friendly festive corporate party, being seemingly fully conscious but in a slightly drunk state, I decided to take my leave and leave for home. Realizing that it was unrealistic to get behind the wheel in such a state, it was decided to leave the car in the parking lot near work and go by taxi.

No sooner said than done. Called a taxi, sat next to the passenger seat, said the address. Then I remember very well all the way, showed the taxi driver how best to drive up to my (private) house.

And only near the house, driving into the garage, I realized that I was driving myself, and there were no passengers with me. In the morning I checked — the car was in the garage.

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I lived in an apartment for a while in the town of Belovo, in Siberia, with an aunt, Tanya. She had a nephew Slavik. And somehow I heard from them about such a case of delirium tremens, so to speak, firsthand. The nephew once went to visit his brother in some city. Well, as usual, the meeting was celebrated. How long their holiday lasted, I will not say, but judging by further events, they were buzzing specifically.

Well, Slavik's brother began to send him home. And you had to go first by train, and then change to the train. According to the nephew, it all started in the train. Opposite sat a couple in love and whispered about something of their own. But it seemed to our hero that they were plotting something against him. He, the poor fellow, endured - endured, then could not stand it, and directly asked: "What have I done to you badly?". But young people found soothing words for their happiness.

When our traveler arrived at the station, a new attack of mania began. It began to seem to him that every group of people was planning something bad against him. He couldn't bear it and went out into the street. And then it began to seem to Slavik that the weight of the station would come after him in order to prevent him from leaving.

Then it “reaches” him, finally, why they all need him. "They want to kill me!" And he went from walking to running. He ran, in the full sense, wherever his eyes look. He ran, and from behind he clearly heard the clatter of the chase, although, of course, no one was chasing him.

When there was no more strength to run, he ran into some kind of entrance. I went up the stairs and listened. And according to him, he clearly heard voices: “Here, he ran here, we need to catch him! Let's all follow him!" Slavik began ringing all the doors on the site. Opened by "some professor". Aunt Tanya explained that her nephew had decided so because the man was wearing glasses and had a goatee.

The "professor" asked what happened, and received the answer:

“Save me, they are chasing me, they want to kill me!”

It was at the very beginning of the 80s, we were not yet afraid to open the doors to strangers, and the man let Slavik into the apartment. I don’t know how the “professor” took the story of our sufferer, but I called the police by phone. Half an hour later, the guys with cockades were already driving the sufferer in their “UAZ” somewhere in the evening city in the direction of the mental hospital.

I must say that, according to the narrator, he was only at first delighted with the police. Like, now he is under reliable protection. But doubts began to creep into his soul. “Maybe it’s the police in disguise? How to check? Here our Slavik comes up with a brilliant idea. He saw that the road forks ahead, and thought: "If you turn right, then the cops are real, and if you turn left, then they are at the same time with those from the station."

Luckily for everyone in the car, they turned to the right. Slavik was under 1.90 m tall. And he weighed exactly one centner. So it is difficult to predict further events, if it had not turned there.

Well, long, short, but they arrived at the mental hospital. In the waiting room, the guy was already waiting for a doctor and a couple of rather strong orderlies. Slavik relaxed again. Well, now everything is fine. Police, doctors, everything seems to be without deception. Recorded his information. All in a bunch, it would seem.

Here the nurse asks the doctor:

- Where shall we put it?

Doctor says:

- Yes, at six. How much do we have there? Ah, eight people. Well, this one will be the ninth.
The doctor did not think what he had said… Slavik was immediately pierced by the thought: “So maybe these doctors are also in cahoots? Eight people have already been laid down. Now they will kill me…”

While he was in anxious thoughts, he began to look for hospital pajamas. The choice was small, all the trousers were too short. Rummaged, rummaged, then the doctor recklessly drops another phrase: “Come on, these trousers will do. It doesn't matter to him what to lie in. It's not for long".

Everything, the last doubts of the new patient were instantly dispelled. "Now everything is clear. Indeed, it doesn’t matter what the dead man lies in!” Without hesitation, Slavik grabs a stool and desperately beats the orderly on the head with it. Here, of course, he was already twisted, stabbed with sedatives and sent to rest. In general, he was a peace-loving guy, they kept him for a week and he went home. He had a diagnosis - "Alcoholic delirium", delirium tremens.

Of what I believe to be six cases of observations in people of delirium tremens (Delirium Tremens - literally, "shaking stupefaction"), I only once had to see a person in an excited, restless state. Usually people behave quite calmly. Until you listen to what they say, you won’t understand at all that they are having an attack of alcoholic delirium.

I didn't see any of them with trembling hands. Well, maybe I'm just unlucky. In this video, a man shares his impressions of his encounter with aliens. See if his hands are shaking? He calmly tells that extraterrestrial guests came to him, put a new lock on him, repaired the sofa, rubbed it hand in hand and disappeared ...

If you do not listen to what he is talking about, it will not occur to him that he has an attack of delirium tremens. Everyone has different visions, according to what a person thinks about. Once, in my distant youth, I foolishly tried strong psychotropic drugs, ate 14 pills. I started having severe hallucinations.

Well, I didn't believe in aliens. Naturally, he did not consider various monsters a reality. I was not afraid of mice or spiders. And snakes have never caused me panic fear. I had then many friends and girlfriends and I thought mostly about them. This is probably why my friends came into my room, appeared from under the bed, talked to me, then disappeared.

At first it was clear to me that my visitors were hallucinations, it was interesting. Then everything began to be taken for reality. The analysis of what is happening turned off, as in a dream. And although my condition was not delirium tremens (the next day, after sleep, everything went away), the principle is the same. All these are mind games.

Then, many times recalling this experience of mine, I thought that, fortunately for me, different dragons and snakes did not come to my mind, otherwise everything could have ended for me in a mental hospital. So, if delirium tremens seizes someone who has aliens or some monsters in mind, then we can expect that they will visit the patient.

When a person is overly afraid of attacks by hooligans, robbers, bandits, then, most likely, an attack of a squirrel will give a persecution mania. And mental complications, more serious consequences, can already be caused by the shock of what they saw. And the fact that hallucinations are not even ninety-nine, but 100% realistic, I had the opportunity to make sure.

One comment on " A typical case of alcoholic delirium

    I'll try my best to be clear.
    1) all my life we ​​are like a cat with a dog.
    2) at 17 I went to live with a guy who is now my husband.
    3) I only heard from her that I was a peled, a confused / night moth, that Sasha would leave me, he would only get tired of playing with me ...
    oh yes, remembering all her words is too long. about now I will.
    4) we moved to a new apartment, I take it and blurt out on the phone that it’s good here, it’s very warm (it was winter). she answers me, “I think it’s nice to hear how everything is fine with you when I walk around the house in felt boots and freeze.” lives in a five-story building, in a normal area, if that.
    I, Alik, have always clung to her. when she complained (and she does it all the time) about other people, I supported her.
    like this: “Yes, mom. so many freaks around you. they are wrong. do not worry"
    and then I was very sick, my soul. because it's unbearable, it's disgusting! she clings to others, climbs to everyone. she is TRYING to run into a scandal.
    the most we did not communicate was a year and a half. I call first.
    after a quarrel, she will never, never call me!
    I'm calling myself, because my conscience is tormenting me. she's alone.
    no one from her family is friends with her.
    she is 55 years old. and in a friend in the hospital, and suddenly something ...
    even when a meteorite fell, my aunt, sister and others called me. but she is not.
    and then, really, he says "I'm not calling because you don't need me"
    after I call to make peace, I listen for two hours to what suffering I bring to her. how her heart hurts all the time because of me, and how she suffocates at night. typical neurosis. a person “with a heart attack” rushes around the apartment like a madman and calls an ambulance, having time to wash and iron the linen while waiting for it.
    came to visit here recently. at 11 am. sits and sits.
    I don't even do household chores with her.
    At 4 p.m. I start to shake. I think it's extremely tactless to sit for so long. no matter what I want to do. With her, I can’t even take up washing the dishes. I just know will start 'faerie is dangerous. should be washed with soap. why are you washing one plate at a time, let me show you ... fu, what ugly mugs. Well, who buys a black teapot? why is it black??? etc.
    I can't even gently hint at failing. I have already heard a hundred times that “we don’t need it. we kick her out forever.”
    or here in general trash. doesn't know what to cling to. my mother in law. that's what she checked, she stuck to her mother-in-law.
    tells me that my mother-in-law wants to divorce me from my husband and live alone with my son.))) it's just ... I have no words.
    advises me to look around the house for needles. again referring to the mother-in-law. mother believes that when we quarrel (my mother and I) are the tricks of the mother-in-law.
    Here are her words: “She needs to live with her son. but first get rid of you. and she will not get rid of you until she liquidates me. so he conjures so that you and I often quarrel"
    that is, maman does not see his shiz at all. she just says, “Sveta, for no reason, you start yelling at me. humiliate me!"
    sometimes behave appropriately. but more often like this. listen, I'm just scared.
    and, of course, what I wrote is three drops in the sea. to describe everything is to start your own blog. I hate her. I'm afraid of her. and I can't quit. she is one.

    all 25 years of my life she remembers my biological father. remembers with hatred. and before, I naturally hated him (left me, not interested). but now ... and rightly so.
    my mother says I am an energy vampire. that I twist any conversation in such a way that it turns out to be a scandal.
    I think Robert, after 1 year of marriage with her, cut through the whole chip and dumped him until she drove him crazy.

    Ilya Reply:
    March 1st, 2015 at 02:33 pm

    @sveta, didn't you stupidly try to filter everything your mom says to you? divide everything said by 17 and listen only to the essence, filter out specific points from the stream of complaints - such as “it’s cold in the apartment”, “the heart hurts”, “the pension is not enough for something”, etc.
    I think if you are over 30 - it’s time to stop being so suggestible and take it easy - you know very well what kind of person and how he crouches, it’s cold in the apartment - bring a heater, the motor hurts - bring some pills, a small pension - a Sberbank card “momentum »give her a present, teach her how to use an ATM and throw money if possible =)) don’t get fooled by provocations even from your mother - listen to complaints, highlight the essence, you can ignore the rest - otherwise you yourself won’t last so long ... it’s time to learn how to filter the incoming flow of information
    don't be discouraged!

    to the topic of whites.
    it all starts on the 2nd-3rd-4th day after the abrupt stop of the spin, NEVER DO THIS! even if you are a masochist, when you go dry - you plant a heart worse than any anabolic muscle, this is half the trouble, the other half is a squirrel!
    the arrival begins with light auditory hallucinations, then minimal visual distortions - I had rain dripping from the ceiling, the effects of an old film like in a movie, the reflection in the mirror lingered, etc. ... you are _still_ in your mind!!! at this moment, either stomp into the hospital yourself with a sharp step, or get staggered! it is better to buy a bottle and according to the Alik method !!!
    it all happens because you don’t eat, you can’t sleep, your nerves are on edge - from a sudden click you’re ready to have a heart attack (my colleague leaned back at a secure facility when they joked about us and suddenly the siren signal turned on - and he was hungover, I there he almost went crazy from such a howl (I must say that the guard’s face was beaten by the whole shift? and don’t give a damn that he was from a special unit, balaklava figli)), you drink a lot but moisture does not naturally leave the body, the brain it is waterlogged and swells, only the brain is not a face - it can inflate the face of the face, okay, but the brain is held back by the cranium (read about hydroencephalopathy) - the general meaning is this - the brain is waterlogged, swells and thereby compresses the channels with the supply of oxygen / substances, etc., that is DRYING! funny, right? but in practice - SHIT THIS IS NOT FUNNY! the squirrel is dangerous because the squirrel has passed and the damaged part of the brain remains!!! even if it didn’t reach the squirrel, a bunch of cells are still lost, so you won’t become a fool for 1-2 times (although how lucky), but you will degrade for sure! and in the case of a specific squirrel and the absence of a hangover or treatment - move the horses, VERY STRONGLY PROBABLY ...
    From the outside it looks really cool! a squad of garbage was called at a neighbor - he was yelling something at the window about Jehovah, they came to knit (4 fat sergeants in my opinion, with AKM shortened at the ready) stand in front of the entrance smoking, then this gavrik flies out in his shorts and starts to SPECIFICALLY fuck them !!! SPECIFICALLY!! they are simply shocked - 4 healthy armed men were somehow killed by Dodik just like a nut! they broke him later, of course, he walks quietly right now ... he didn’t shine with his mind before - but right now he just walks smiling, I think even if they did a lobotomy - it didn’t change the situation much ... in general, don’t bring it to a squirrel !! to hell with him, with a drinking bout - you better get drunk - but you don’t need a squirrel! listen to Alik - his method really works, I came to him myself, then I read it, Alik just measured everything in grams, I did the same, get this neighbor - where you can store the scales and, if necessary, go to pick up (well, of course not for nothing)
    good luck to all and spring!

    Alik Reply:
    March 1st, 2015 at 15:03

    Nevertheless, I came to the conclusion that because of insomnia it covers ... By any means, you need to sleep. phenibut, or diphenhydramine with beer may help. More drugs, less beer. This is if you grab the beginning. It’s better not to delay when control over reality is lost, it will be too late to drink Borjomi ...

    light Reply:
    March 1st, 2015 at 20:37

    @Alik, but you had depression. You must have heard about how some treat depression with insomnia. they don’t sleep on purpose, they endure several days like. oh, I don't remember what it's called.
    I once read about someone else's experience of such an experiment with sleep. It's been a long time since I read it, I don't remember much. but I was surprised that the person wrote that after several days without sleep, such a cheerful, cheerful state sets in. energy is unparalleled..
    What do you think?
    I had an idea to try this. because I was tired of depressive states, of apathy. and I don't like that I'm naturally low on energy. I want to make myself an active, active person. to make things argue. and I don't have much of that.
    not that lazy. just not the same level of energy.
    but it is probably foolish to believe that it is possible to make oneself different.
    how michael jackson color change.

    light Reply:
    March 1st, 2015 at 20:31

    @ Ilya, stunned! about the head, about the liquids. here zhezh, it did not seem to me to mean. when the droppers were put, three were already poured, 2 more were going (this is in a regular hospital, in toxicology), but I refused. I tell them, my head will burst! I directly felt that it was inflating from the inside, crushing.
    and at home when I was dying of a hangover, I lift my head a little from the pillow, I can’t describe such pressure in the skull. terrible heaviness. there is no pain as such, but that's exactly what presses from the inside. it was very scary. sounds, some kind of quiet talk in my head, some small movements were caught by my side vision, as it were ... I’m still an alarmist, so I couldn’t stand it. or alcohol ... but in that extreme case - phenibut, phenibut, phenibut ...
    horror. what a horror. “brain, what are you doing. stop."

    Alik, thanks for the compliment. and I think I understood you correctly. there are naughty children. what to do? be offended and not communicate with the child? with family? Tell him, “We have a complicated relationship. do we have to break up?"
    My mother is a little girl.
    now came to mind. I thought it was time for me to grow up. At the very moment that I am writing, the following dialogue with myself flashed through my head:
    - it's time to grow up. it's time to understand, to feel that something is already big. and look at your mom how it looks.
    -What does it look like? Why didn't I realize that I was already an adult?
    -Ha. adult? is your mom older? and you? adults offended by fate? for life? on other people. right here the pipes are thrown, pouting their lips. almost write down in a notebook - who, when and how offended.
    are you an adult? drink and shirk responsibility “Oh, I'm sick. leave ”... eat and induce vomiting is the same.
    adult? up to 23 years 5 "suicide attempts". more or less began to grow up when she admitted to herself that she never wanted to die. I wanted to run and hug. so as not to be scolded for drunkenness, in the end.
    aha, poisoned at 19. I was in toxicology, Sasha came and said that my mother asked me to convey: “I won’t even go to this creature.” and Sasha himself spoke to me dryly, got angry, and quickly left.
    no one rushed to pity me, talk, take care of me and wear them in their arms ...))) well done, however. broke off.
    so ... and sometimes I get stuck. Simply, God is merciful, I have been living with a calm, balanced husband for 8 years.
    but in general, men, it seems to me that women just enjoy playing the victim. and if you don’t make her humiliated and insulted, then her brain will itself look for how to get out of it, so that it would even be a little offended.

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