Home Fruit trees DIY felt products. Felt toys. Schemes and patterns of felt toys for beginners. Easter eggs - patterns for beginners

DIY felt products. Felt toys. Schemes and patterns of felt toys for beginners. Easter eggs - patterns for beginners

Felt is a type of felt made by felting animal hair. DIY felt crafts are soft and pleasant to the touch.

This material is used to make a variety of original jewelry, keychains, bags, appliqués on clothes, decorative elements, toys and much more.

How to choose felt for crafts

Why is felt so popular among craftswomen of all ages? There are a number of reasons for this:

  • the material is easy to process, it can be stitched and glued;
  • cut edges do not fray;
  • there is no front and back side;
  • keeps its shape;
  • Manufacturers produce material of different densities;
  • a wide range of colors is available.

Important! Felt is available in thicknesses from 1 to 5 mm in sheets and rolls.

Small parts and appliqués are cut out of thin material; thick felt is used for the base.

Types of material:

  1. Woolen. Used for decorations. It has a high cost. Dense, but loose, may shrink when washed. Thickness 2.5-5 mm.
  2. Wool blend. Contains at least 50% wool fibers. Suitable for making dolls because... It easily takes shape, is flexible, and has a rich color palette.
  3. Viscose. Soft, breathable and absorbs moisture, used for clothing decoration.
  4. Synthetic (polyester, acrylic). Acrylic felt is quite hard and quickly loses its original appearance. It's cheap. The polyester craft keeps its given shape and does not fade. This is a good material for making children's toys. Its low cost is attractive. Produced in thicknesses of 1-4 mm.
  5. Simulated. It can be shaped by wetting it. After drying, the product retains its desired shape.


Important! Before you start making crafts, you need to prepare templates.

You can download them on the Internet, copy them from a book, or create them yourself.

If you are planning a multi-color craft, then the life-size diagrams must be made in duplicate: one is cut into elements, the other remains intact until the end of the work.

What do you need for work?

So that things don’t stop at the most interesting place, you need to prepare tools and materials:

  • felt;
  • depending on whether the product will be glued or stitched, you need thread (preferably floss) or glue (Moment-crystal);
  • pencil or disappearing marker;
  • scissors (large and small, as well as curly ones are useful);
  • decorative elements.

If the product is to be sewn, you will need needles of different thicknesses. A glue gun is useful for gluing. Holofiber or padding polyester will be needed for stuffing a voluminous product.

Felt decorations for children and adults

The most popular accessories are flowers. This could be hair jewelry or brooches. You will need a pattern, felt of the desired shades and decorative elements (rhinestones, beads, beads, satin ribbons). Brooches require a special pin.

The pattern of the flower you like is transferred to felt, the parts are cut out, sewn or glued together, decorated with decor. The decoration is sewn to clothing, secured with an elastic band, headband or hairpin.

Flowers can be an independent gift for March 8 or a birthday. In this case, the base is decorated with embroidery or buttons, different tones of felt are sewn on in layers, then mounted on a stick-stand and assembled into a bouquet.

The cat brooch looks good. Made in a laconic style from black and white felt, it will become the highlight of the costume. The cat can be decorated with antique lace or Swarovski crystals. The flower brooch is finished with beads, zippers, and hanging stones.

The brooches, which are a small embroidered picture, look like real works of art. Such a handmade item will be a good gift for adults.

Bracelets are made from simulated felt.


Nowadays it is fashionable to put mobile phones in homemade felt cases. This is a fairly simple craft that requires minimal skills.


  1. Pattern. 2 parts are made according to the size of the phone, an allowance is added for the thickness of the phone in double size. If there is a valve on the cover, you need to cut it out in 2 parts.
  2. The front side is decorated. This can be a thermal image or rhinestones, embroidery, felt and fabric applique. Even sewn multi-colored buttons will make the case unusual.
  3. On the wrong side you can sew a pocket for credit cards or travel cards.
  4. If the case has a flap, then first the flap is sewn onto the back side, a magnetic button is placed on it, and the second part of the button is installed on the front part. It is important to accurately calculate the connection location of the magnetic fastener.
  5. Sew both parts either by machine or by hand.

A felt keychain looks good on a backpack or youth bag. Figures of raccoons, foxes, hares, cats, owls, as well as fantasy weirdos, donuts and ice cream are popular. To work you will need:

  • threads;
  • stuffing material;
  • keychain ring;
  • braid.

All details of the selected figure are cut out and sewn together with a buttonhole stitch. Filling is placed inside the craft, and a loop is made from the braid into which the ring is attached.

You can make many original home accessories from felt:

  • hot stand;
  • cover for the cup to preserve heat;
  • basket for needlework;
  • newspaper girl;
  • pencil holder, etc.

Toys for babies

Felt can be used to make excellent educational toys, such as:

  • finger theater;
  • numbers and letters;
  • educational book;
  • searcher;
  • game food, transportation, etc.

Theater on your finger

To do this, you will need thick felt for the base and soft felt for making figures. As a first step, you need to decide what fairy tales can be performed in the theater. Usually they choose 1-2, among them “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, “Three Little Pigs”, “Mitten”.

For example, for the fairy tale “The Three Little Pigs” you will need:

  • figurines of a wolf and 3 piglets;
  • decoration of 3 houses;
  • Apple tree.

You can draw animal patterns yourself or take ready-made ones, the main thing is to maintain the proportions. The size of the wolf and piglets depends on who will be the actor and on whose hands the figures will be put. The pattern is transferred to felt, 2 parts are cut out, and a muzzle is drawn or embroidered on the front side. Then the edges of the parts are sewn together, while sewing in the tail and ears.

The diagram of the house is first drawn on paper, correlating the dimensions with the figures of the characters. Then the template is transferred to felt, cut out, and interesting details are added (straw, brick, stove, door or window). An apple tree is made in the same way.


An educational book is suitable for children over one year old. It is made according to the same principle as the theater, but all the figures are made flat. The theme of the book will be suggested by the parents’ imagination and the child’s emerging interests. This could be the sea with its inhabitants, seasons, plants and animals, large and small geometric shapes, the alphabet, counting, etc.

The base is made of hard felt, onto which fastening elements are sewn (the reverse side of the adhesive tape, buttons, loops, laces with stringed beads). The removable parts on the reverse side are equipped with Velcro or another element that will help the child secure the figurine in the book.


Food crafts are also a hit with kids. After all, such products look realistic and tasty, they are fun to play with, and they can also be used as a keychain.

To make felt ice cream you will need:

  • wooden stick;
  • felt (white, red, pink);
  • black and red threads;
  • filler.

Step by step work:

  1. According to the diagram, 2 parts are cut out of white felt - the base of the popsicle ice cream.
  2. A strip of red felt is sewn to the bottom, which imitates a fruit layer. Its height is ¼ of the entire height.
  3. Unevenly cut pink felt is sewn on top of the white felt to imitate icing, decorated with beads or a cherry is sewn on.
  4. Eyes and a mouth are embroidered on the central part of white felt.
  5. Sew the front and back parts of the “popsicle” with a seam “through the top”, not forgetting to leave an unsewn space at the bottom.
  6. Fill the product with holofiber, sew it up by inserting an ice cream stick.

This work is easy for beginners.

You can make pizza, burger, vegetables, fruits, and cakes from felt.

If you provide the “food” with Velcro on the back side, and make a kitchen out of hard felt, then it will be interesting for little housewives to learn the basics of housekeeping while playing.

You can also collect exciting versions of “tic-tac-toe”.

New Year's crafts

Felt makes wonderful New Year's toys. Both adults and children can make them. You can decorate your apartment with felt toys, decorate a Christmas tree, or add them to a gift.

New Year's simple crafts:

  1. Mitten.
  2. Gift sock.
  3. Snowman.
  4. Snowflake.
  5. Snowy house.

From several of these figures you can assemble a garland, alternating toys with flags or bows. The toys packed in a box will make a wonderful gift.

Volumetric ball

  1. 8-10 identical circles are cut out from felt of the same color.
  2. Bend in half.
  3. 2 circles are sewn along the central fold, and the rest are added using the same principle.
  4. Attach a ribbon to the top.


The easiest option is to cut out squares of different sizes from green or white felt and string them on a thread, decorating the loop on top with a bead.

You can cut out the details of the Christmas tree using a template and sew them together - this will create a Christmas tree decoration, pendant or decor for a gift. The main thing is not to forget to decorate the Christmas tree with curly braid, beads or seed beads.

A wonderful accessory for the New Year is a “skirt” under the Christmas tree, which will protect the floor and carpet from drops of resin. The “skirt” can be sewn from cotton fabric, reinforced with non-woven fabric or thin padding polyester, but appliqués are best made from felt.

Felt is a wonderful material. Working with him calms you down and brings you the joy of creativity. Even without sewing skills, you can make a wonderful craft with your own hands.

Felt is a universal material that is used to make a huge number of different crafts for the home, children's toys, various jewelry and decorative elements. Felt is made, in most cases, from wool, sometimes it may contain a small amount of synthetic additives; the material resembles soft felt. Semi-synthetic felt is usually used to make various crafts.

Read also: DIY felt crafts for New Year.

Decorative felt flowers

Making felt flowers is quite easy. Since this material does not crumble, there is no need for additional processing of sections. In addition, felt retains its shape well. To work you will need:

Flower patterns;
Felt of various shades;

In order to get a cute rose, you need to cut a strip of material and make one of its edges zigzag. In this case, one edge of the strip should be slightly narrower than the other. Then you should carefully roll the strip, starting from the narrow end. Now you need to fasten the rosette with threads, stitching its base several times. This rosette will look even more attractive if you attach a small bead on top.

The double-sided felt rosette also looks very cute. This flower has a more realistic appearance, but its production takes a little more time. For a double-sided rose, you need to cut out circles of different colors from felt. The circles should also be of different sizes: large, medium and small. Next, each circle should be cut in half. You need to work with each resulting semicircle separately. First, the smallest semicircle is twisted to form a flower petal, and a semicircle of the same size but a different color is added to it. Each resulting petal is secured with a thread and a needle. Thus, it is necessary to continue working until all the prepared petals are finished.

Felt hot pot stand

Sometimes with the help of the simplest and smallest things you can make a room very cute and cozy. Such things are especially visible in the kitchen. So, you can transform the room using interesting coasters for glasses or hot plates. To make such stands, needlewomen often use felt.

Even beginners in this business can make such coasters for dishes in the form of citrus fruits with their own hands. To work you need to stock up:

A set of felt in bright colors;
Pre-prepared template;
A needle;
Threads in the color of the fabric;
With pins.

For the citrus stand you will need the following parts:

2 large circles (one for the peel of the fruit, the other for its lower part);
1 medium size circle;
8 slices (triangles). For the slices you will need felt of the same shade as the first 2 circles.

Before you start connecting all the parts, they must be laid out in the correct order. A medium-length circle should be placed in the center of a large circle, and slices should be placed on top. Secure everything with pins and you can start sewing. All segments around the perimeter should be sewn with small stitches, while sewing through all layers of the fruit. So that the threads are not visible from the reverse side, the resulting workpiece must be placed on another large circle and secured. All that remains is to trim the uneven edges a little and the craft is ready.

Felt bottle decoration

A craft in the form of a felt bottle decoration will not only decorate any holiday table, but will also be a good gift for family, friends and relatives.

To work you will need:

Pre-printed and cut out pattern template;
Felt of any shades;

To decorate such a craft, you can use all available materials that are at hand: beads, satin ribbons, sequins, seed beads, decorative butterflies and much more. Decorate with crafts and various stitches that are easy to do on a sewing machine. First of all, you need to prepare a bottle-mannequin on which you can try on the resulting “clothes”. Ready-made bottle templates can be downloaded on the Internet, but it’s not at all difficult to make them yourself. Using the templates, you need to cut out all parts of the craft. It is better to sew them on the front side, but if you need to hide all the seams, you should increase the size of the template by approximately 0.5 cm, otherwise the craft will be small.

This type of craft does not have to be used only during the holidays. Decorated bottles can be placed in the kitchen where they will perform their decorative functions, lifting the mood of all residents of the house and guests.

DIY felt home crafts photo

Felt is becoming especially popular among needlewomen these days. There are many reasons for this: environmentally friendly material that is pleasant to the tactile sensation, a variety of colors, its cuts do not require additional processing, and it is easy to work with. If you decide to use it once, be prepared to return to felt more than once. This is great material for those who are not yet professionals. Felt will give you real joy of creativity. You can make many useful things from it.

Here are 10 master classes on how to make felt crafts with your own hands with step-by-step photographs.

You shouldn’t buy expensive and not always high-quality decorative items for your home if you can make them yourself. And store-bought toys of unknown origin and dubious quality are absolutely not suitable for infants. It’s better to give up plastic template purchases and make a felt toy yourself.

This material can be sewn by hand or by machine, as well as glued. Children can be involved in making crafts from felt, starting from preschool age. The joy of joint creativity will give you many pleasant moments and develop your creative streak.

DIY “Bunny with a Basket” made of felt

To make an adorable bunny, in a basket in which you can store decorative Easter eggs, textile carrots or cards for the Memory game.

You will need materials and tools such as:

  • A sheet of white paper (for patterns);
  • Simple pencil;
  • Stationery scissors;
  • Pink felt in three shades, hard (for the bunny’s body; you can take any other color);
  • Felt is white, hard;
  • Felt black hard;
  • Felt is blue or hard blue;
  • Brown hard felt (for the basket);
  • Pink grosgrain ribbon (for decorating the top of the basket);
  • Cutting scissors;
  • Embroidery threads (floss) black and white;
  • White and black thin threads (for sewing machines);
  • Glue “Moment Crystal”;
  • Ball pen;
  • Tailor's chalk.

First of all, you need to prepare paper patterns. The pattern of the toy you like must be transferred to paper with a simple pencil and then cut out with stationery scissors. In this case, there is no need to add seam allowances anywhere.

By superimposing the internal parts of the bunny’s body onto the external ones, you should check that their sizes and shapes correspond to each other. This kind of check is needed when working with absolutely any patterns. Thanks to it, you can avoid difficulties and errors when cutting and subsequent installation of the product.

From pink felt you need to cut out the bunny's body, from dark pink - the inner part of the ears, from white - the heels, and from black - the pads on the heels. For cutting on felt, it is most convenient to use a ballpoint pen or tailor's chalk.

For convenience, all cut out parts should be connected to each other first with a small amount of glue. Then each part should be sewn with small hand stitches to the main part of the toy.

You need to cut out the bunny’s breast from white felt, and his belly from light pink felt. The cut parts also need to be sewn onto the base of the toy.

After this, you need to sew a muzzle cut out of white felt onto the bunny’s head.

From white and light pink felt you should cut out the details of the eye, and from black felt - the nose of the animal. These parts must be sewn to the toy.

From blue and black felt you need to cut out eyeballs and pupils for the eyes. They need to be carefully sewn with small stitches.

Black threads should be used to embroider eyelashes, eyebrows and a smile on the bunny’s face, and white threads should be used to embroider highlights on his nose and pupils.

You need to cut a basket out of brown felt. Its upper edge can be decorated by sewing a bright grosgrain ribbon. Its end sides should go around the sides of the basket. Before sewing, the ribbon should be melted over a fire to prevent fraying and unraveling.

The prepared basket should be sewn onto the bunny’s body. Then the toy needs to be glued onto a piece of dark pink felt. After this, you need to lay a neat hand stitch along the entire perimeter of the animal, firmly holding both layers of felt together.

Then the excess dark pink felt must be trimmed, leaving it to protrude beyond the contours of the toy by 1-1.5 mm.
On the dark pink back of the bunny you can glue a miniature tail cut from white felt.

You can “store” textile carrots, memory cards, or even miniature Easter eggs in the bunny’s basket.

From small bright pieces of felt, you should cut out and sew exactly those parts that will be needed according to the craftswoman’s idea. The main thing is that they proportionally correspond to the size of the bunny and his basket.

You need to fill the bunny’s basket with the prepared elements. This charming felt toy is completely ready! While playing with it, the baby will develop fine motor skills and enrich his tactile experience when familiar with material such as felt. All this will undoubtedly have a positive impact on his development.

How to sew a felt doll with your own hands

DIY felt bag

Every girl, even the smallest one, always wants to be special and stand out from the crowd. To do this, they most often use various accessories - jewelry, headbands, handbags. To make it bright and noticeable, you can make a handbag like this with your own hands, which will certainly attract the attention of others.

Materials and tools:

  • Green felt in two shades:
  • A piece of yellow, white, blue and light blue felt;
  • Needle with red thread;
  • Ruler;
  • Scissors;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Glue "Moment"
  • Pins for fastening parts;
  • A compass or any round object.

To make the base of the bag, using a compass or saucer, draw two circles of the same diameter on light green felt.

Cut out these circles.

Then at the top of one of the circles we make a curved oval, which will later serve as the handle of our handbag. Fold the circle in half and make a cut exactly in the middle of this oval. The cut is needed so that the blade of the scissors can fit into it and carefully cut a slot for the handle.

Now we place the part with the slot on the second part (second circle) and trace the slot on the second part. This is necessary so that the slot is the same size as the hole for the handle on the other part.

After this is done, cut out a strip of felt of the same color about 3 cm wide. The length of the strip should be sufficient to cover the bottom and side walls of the bag. It can be cut off later, after sewing the strip to the round parts.

Then we do the same with the other part.

As soon as the base of the bag is ready, we begin to design the decorative elements - flowers and leaves. To make a leaf, cut out an oval from dark green felt, and then sharpen its ends to give the desired shape.

Using scissors, make cuts along the edges of the leaf.

Then we also make cuts, but at a slightly different angle, to create ribbed edges of the leaf.

We cut out several of these leaves - 5-7 pieces. To make a daisy, use a compass to draw a circle, cut it out, and then draw lines on it dividing it into 8 parts. Between these lines we draw petals.

We cut out several of these flowers of different sizes, which we then place on top of each other and glue. Cut out the core from a piece of yellow felt and glue it in the middle of the flower. We cut out another flower in the same way.

Glue all the leaves to the base of the bag.

At the end of the work, we glue the flowers. The handbag can be decorated with beads or seed beads. The felt bag is ready.

How to make a craft keychain from felt “Orange”

Anyone can make a soft and bright keychain in the shape of an orange slice from felt, following the proposed master class.

To work, you will need orange and white felt, a pencil, a compass, scissors, thread and a needle, and accessories for a keychain.

We start with circles, of which our orange will require four. Two of them should be 6.5 cm in diameter and cut from orange felt, and the other two should be 5.5 cm from white felt.

We also need to prepare small pieces of orange felt, they will be the pulp on our keychain. You will need 14 of them - 7 on each side.

We first outline the location of these pieces on a white circle.

Now let's start connecting the individual elements. We take a needle with an orange thread and sew three layers together - small pieces of orange pulp, white and orange circles.

Thus, we sew all 7 elements on one side of the future keychain.

We repeat the same with the other two circles. We have two sides of the orange keychain ready.

All that remains is to connect these sides to each other. We do this using a needle and thread using a loop stitch.

We attach the accessories and our “Orange” felt keychain is ready.

Do-it-yourself felt mouse - a symbol of 2020

In this master class we will sew a coaster for a glass in the shape of a felt kitten. This activity does not require much time and effort. You can involve your child in its implementation.

Materials and tools:

  • Sheet of cardboard;
  • Felt yellow;
  • The thread is lilac;
  • Scissors;
  • Needle;
  • A simple pencil.

First, take some cardboard and draw a template on it. To do this, first place a glass on a sheet of cardboard and trace it with a pencil. Cardboard can be taken in absolutely any thickness and color.

This is the body of our cat. Draw the paws. They should be approximately the same distance from each other and have the same size.

Now we put the template on the felt and trace it with a pen. When drawing, do not press too hard on the ballpoint pen so as not to stain the felt. The color of felt and thread is, of course, not important. You can take a sheet of felt of any color you like. The main thing is that it matches the color of the thread with which we will trim and sew all the details.

Cut out the piece from felt using scissors.

You will need two such parts. They need to be sewn together with lilac thread. Sew using regular vertical stitches. The stitches should be spaced approximately the same distance from each other. Their length should also be approximately the same.

The body is ready! Now we need cardboard again. Now let’s draw a template of a cat’s head on it. First, let's determine the size of the part. To do this, substitute the body and make a sketch. And then we draw precise lines. It is important to note that the ears should be as identical as possible.

We also attach the template to the felt and cut out the part.

There should also be two such details. We'll sew them together later.

Let's put one of them aside. Using pink thread we embroider a triangle-shaped nose with the top down on another part. We also embroider the mouth. And we embroider the eyes with black thread. For the eyes it is enough to make two stitches. You can make the eyes blue or green.

All we have to do is sew the head to the body. We place the part between the legs and sew it in any convenient way. All we have to do is check and remove the extra threads.

This is how the craft turns out - a felt stand! This product will make your child's mealtimes more fun.

DIY felt grapes

If you want to please your child with an unusual toy, then felt products that imitate real food will be the best option. Felt is a unique material, it allows you to create magnificent works, even fruits, vegetables and other food. In this case, the result is as realistic as possible! Don't believe me? Try it yourself and you will understand that it is very simple and accessible.

To make it you will need:

  • Felt in purple and green.
  • Threads to match.
  • Scissors.
  • Filler.
  • Ruler with circles.

Draw as many circles on purple felt as there will be berries on the finished bunch of grapes (diameter approximately 4-5 cm). Of course, the larger the bunch, the more natural and rich it looks.

Carefully cut out circles.

Sew the circles one by one along the edge using a simple stitch and pull the thread lightly.

Place the filler in the middle and pull the thread so that the circle forms a neat ball - a grape berry.

Repeat the same with the remaining circles.

From green felt, cut out large leaves that resemble grape leaves in shape. Also cut out a small strip to which the berries will be sewn in the form of a bunch.

Embroider a natural design on the leaves using simple stitches (see photo).

Sew the grapes to the felt strip, stitching them together as you go, thus forming a bunch. Finally, sew the prepared leaves onto the grape bunch.

The finished product is stunning with its naturalness and natural appearance, so this bunch can be used as a decorative element in the kitchen, workplace or children's room.

Another cat that can be used as a mug coaster or as a hand toy for a child.

The cat consists of a head (ears (2 parts), nose (2 parts), paws (2 or 4 parts)) and a body. We first cut out all the elements from paper. See how to do it here.

Then fold the felt in half and cut out the head and body from yellow felt according to the template, and the rest from green felt.

We will sew two parts of the body or two parts of the head manually using a buttonhole stitch. Try to keep the same distance between stitches. This determines what the finished stand will look like.

To decorate the face we will need glue. Glue on the ears and nose, sew on the eyes, and then a bow on the left ear. Add a mustache and a smile. Stuff the inside with cotton wool or other material for volume and sew both parts of the head. You need to connect the face and body with an invisible seam. Glue four legs.

Now all that remains is to make a couple more of these cats for all family members or children.

DIY felt bear

To sew this incomparable, soft bear we will need:

It is necessary to create patterns corresponding to the template.

Trace the patterns on felt and additionally cut out: two beige circles (bear's paws), two smaller black circles (bear's foot), two small circles (bear's eyes), one black nose and one white oval (muzzle). Cut all the blanks along the contour.

Sew the face (nose, white oval, two eyes) and paws (two beige circles and smaller black ones) to the bear’s body; you need to embroider “fingers” on them in the shape of short stripes using black cotton thread. Due to the black color, the effect of contrast and highlighting is created, so the bear turns out rich and unique.

Using an air seam, using an edging method, sew two halves of a heart from red and scarlet felt.

Fill it with airy white padding polyester or any other filler (down, cotton wool, holofiber, foam rubber, etc.) and finish it off.

Use the same stitch to sew the bear's paws.

In exactly the same way, sew the two halves of the bear and stuff them with stuffing. Sew the paws and heart to the body. The felt bear is ready!

DIY felt educational book

What other crafts can be made from felt?

  1. Educational toys for little ones. Instead of the usual padding polyester, you can use foam balls, rustling paper or various cereals to fill them. Playing with such unusual toys develops fine motor skills and gives pleasant tactile and auditory sensations.
  2. For an older child, you can cut out the letters of the alphabet from felt. And if you also sew pieces of Velcro tape (Velcro) to the alphabet or numbers, and make a board from a large sheet of felt, then you can play real school.
  3. Now it is fashionable to decorate a children's room with the child's metric. Why not make it yourself from felt?
  4. Fruits and vegetables made from felt can become kitchen decor or a toy. They are made quickly and using the same technology. To add small details, it is easier to use a glue gun rather than a needle.
  5. Decorative hot supplies will help make an ordinary meal festive. To make them, you just need to choose a template, cut out the felt and add the finishing touches. Such a bright and necessary thing will be a pleasant gift for a loved one. Each family member can make a personal stand, because any item can become a template.
  6. A pendant in the shape of a heart made of red felt will be a wonderful gift for Valentine's Day, and it is made simply: cut out the fabric, make a hole with a hole punch and insert a narrow ribbon into it. This item can be used to decorate a house or car.
  7. Decorative pillows give the room a cozy look. Sew a felt pillowcase for one of them. It retains its attractive appearance for a long time and is very pleasant to use. Manufacturing will not take much time. There are many ways to decorate a pillow: you can use buttons, beads, feathers, beads. Here there is limitless scope for the manifestation of imagination. You can also make a contrasting applique on any theme. Or another idea: cut equal-sized felt circles of different colors and place them between the pillowcase pieces before sewing. It will turn out very original.
  8. You can give a nice gift to a needlewoman friend or to yourself – a pincushion. It can have any look, even abstract, but it’s worth filling it more tightly.
  9. Felt is a suitable material for making cases for a mobile phone or tablet. Such products are very popular at exhibitions and sales of handicraft goods, but sewing a cover yourself is not at all difficult. It will protect your equipment from damage when dropped or from accidental scratches.
  10. Felt holds its shape perfectly. This quality is useful for making a box-shaped organizer. It is suitable for tidying up your wardrobe, kitchen or bathroom. You can store linen, cosmetics, jewelry or spices in it. Everything will depend on the size. Handles can be cut into the side walls for ease of movement. To make a box, it is better to use polyester felt.
  11. An organizer in the form of a book will come in handy on the road. When folded, it will not take up much space in your luggage, but will allow you to conveniently place the little things you need for your trip. Felt will be an excellent material for its manufacture.
  12. Lastly, felt is great for making jewelry. Any woman will be happy to receive an elegant brooch as a gift, which can be used to decorate clothes, a bag, shoes or a hairband. The shape of a brooch can be any, but stylized flowers and bows are always popular.
  13. If you have no experience in working with felt, then you should start with the simplest thing, for example, by making a three-dimensional toy in the form of a jellyfish or a starfish, or whatever. To do this, you need to trace your favorite design of a suitable size on felt, folded in half, cut out a couple of identical blanks and sew them together. Sewing threads can match the color of felt or, conversely, stand out brightly against it. In order for the toy to have volume, any filler should be placed inside, for example, synthetic padding. This work will give you confidence in handling felt.

Thus, felt is a unique material for creativity. It can be used for children's crafts, making toys and souvenirs, designer jewelry and home decor items. The proposed master classes will help you master the technique of working with this material.

Felt is a material from which it is very easy to make various crafts. It is not only comfortable and dense for this purpose, but also very pleasant to the touch, so once you start, it is impossible to stop. Simple felt crafts for beginners will help you understand the technique, and a few completed crafts will allow you to get your hands on and move on to more complex products that require more skill and patience.

This material is widely sold in specialized stores, so there should be no problems with access to it.

Tools for work

In addition to diagrams and templates for felt crafts, you will need some tools that will be impossible to do without. Among them, you will need felt, which will be of different densities, since it will be easy to fill the toy with contents, you need to select the thinnest material.

You also need threads of different colors, which will be required to make multi-colored crafts. A few needles will also not be superfluous, since you will have to stitch the product. You will also need a pencil to cut out the material. An awl is important if you want to make holes in the felt.

It is better to take sharp and large scissors, as they will be easier to work with. A glue gun will also not be superfluous, since some decorative elements will have to be glued rather than sewn on. And the last element is decoration items, without which not a single craft can do.

The best felt craft ideas for kids

Crafts that are made especially for children with their own hands help them become addicted to needlework themselves. To do this, you can make products together with your children, so they will not only learn something new, but also have fun.


Soft letters can be used as toys, and later as a teaching aid for learning the letters of the alphabet. Find letter patterns that are not the most complex in design and start cutting.

When all parts of the letters are cut out, you can move on to the most labor-intensive process in this matter - stitching. When the product is almost completely sewn, start filling the contents; for this you can use padding polyester. This process can now be completely entrusted to even the smallest children.

By the way, this approach will allow you not only to make wonderful crafts, but also to make some small piece of furniture. If you want your child to do this with you, we recommend that you consider making soft books from this material.

At first glance it may seem difficult, but after a few hours of study, you will be able to do it without any problems. Photos of such felt crafts can be viewed on the Internet to have a complete idea of ​​the appearance of the products.


The next instruction on how to make a felt craft can be a remarkable brooch that can easily be attached to any outfit and it will look quite harmonious with it. For this you will also need patterns that can be found on the Internet.

This craft can be complemented with many decorative elements, but one of the best is the addition of a lightning bolt, so if you have one lying around at home, feel free to sew it on your brooch.


You can find a master class on making your own crafts from felt in the form of food. Believe me, such a product from a distance very closely resembles real food, so crafts can be used to play with children, as well as teach them certain foods.

Manufacturing follows the general principle, so there are no difficulties, but only joy from the resulting process. Having prepared several dozen different products, vegetables or fruits, you can move on to whole dishes.


In addition to these items, you can make completely different crafts from felt. These can be various keychains, hairpins, pincushions and even jewelry. You can even create a whole bouquet of multi-colored flowers from felt, which will look very realistic, voluminous and beautiful.

Remember that crafts made with love are sophisticated and unique; they can be given as gifts or used by yourself to add color to your home. We wish you creative success.


Photos of felt crafts



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