Home Fruit trees How do the hips begin to lose weight. How to lose weight in the hips and buttocks. Long Cardio Workouts to Burn Fat Without Gaining Muscle

How do the hips begin to lose weight. How to lose weight in the hips and buttocks. Long Cardio Workouts to Burn Fat Without Gaining Muscle

If you want to gain weight, you can only envy! At least, that's what those who are gaining weight even because of one candy eaten think so. However, there are not so few people who dream of correcting their figure and making it more rounded. It is much more difficult for them to “acquire” the missing kilograms than to lose weight for a well-fed person.

Proper nutritional adjustments will make the process of weight gain fast and efficient, and its results harmonious and beautiful. What is to be done?

If the state of health does not raise questions, the cause of thinness may be innate characteristics of the body. Asthenics often face a lack of weight, fat and muscle mass. People of this body type have thin bones and a minimal amount of muscle mass.

You can find out if you belong to this type by measuring the circumference of your wrist. If the resulting value is less than 15 cm for women, and 18 cm for men, you can safely be classified as an asthenic body type.

Another reason for thinness is often a good metabolism. And this is more a plus than a minus. Whatever it was, and with age, the metabolism slows down, so harmony will not always be your "flaw".

Expert comment

Elena Kalen, nutritionist, expert in the psychology of weight loss, certified coach

Today it is fashionable to lead a healthy lifestyle and have a beautiful body. Millions are busy losing their weight. However, there is another category of people who dream of gaining weight. A person who is not slender, but thin, evokes the thought of a diseased state.

It is also necessary to remember that constant stressful situations, malnutrition and lack of a healthy lifestyle can lead to thinness. Some people work so hard that they simply collapse in the evening from fatigue, forgetting about food.

To lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit. Hence, to get better - to form an excess.

An important note - while leaning on unhealthy high-calorie foods, such as fast food, is a frankly bad idea. Such food will not only harm your health (provoking serious illnesses), but you will also get better on it not harmoniously with your whole body, but locally - in “fat traps” (shoulders, hips, stomach, buttocks). In addition, the abundant consumption of junk food often leads to problems with the gastrointestinal tract, exacerbation of chronic diseases. Therefore, the main rule of weight gain is to choose healthy foods.


The main rule of weight gain is to choose healthy foods.

The nutrition schedule should be fractional - 5-6 small meals per day, or 3 main meals and two snacks. In this case, the last meal should take place no later than 1.5-2 hours before bedtime. Pay attention to the drinking regimen. You need to drink 30-40 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight per day. Since all processes in the body, including the build-up of muscle and fat mass, occur with a sufficient amount of water in the body.

Did you know?

On average, a man should eat 2000-3000 kcal per day, and a woman 1600-2400 kcal, depending on lifestyle, working conditions and level of physical activity. To gain weight, the daily calorie content must be increased by 400-500 kcal.

10 healthy foods that are guaranteed to help you get better

Nutritious smoothies and shakes

Sweet drinks with fruits and berries are not only tasty, but also good for health. Eating them as a snack or in addition to the main meal, you will enjoy and desired weight gain. It's all about the number of cocktails!

Make Chocolate Banana Shake!

If rice porridge seems boring to you, try cooking it differently! The secret of the dish is in the flavors. Feel free to supplement rice with berries and dried fruits, eat it with proteins - slices of fish and meat, combine with dressings - tomato, mushroom, seafood. Don't forget about nutritious dishes like sushi and plov. Complement vegetables with meatballs or try fish cakes with rice.

healthy oils

All types of vegetable oil and natural butter will complement the taste of cooked dishes and help you get better. Nutritionists classify them as high-calorie foods, but this makes them no less useful. A tablespoon of oil contains about 90-100 kcal.

red meat

The fatter the meat, the better for someone who wants to gain weight. But fatty pieces are potentially harmful to health, especially if there is a history of gastrointestinal disease. An excellent way out is red meat. It is a valuable source of protein and an affordable product for building muscle mass. It contains two important substances - creatine and leucine, they stimulate protein synthesis and muscle tissue growth, which means they help to get better harmoniously.

They are included in a limited number of fatty foods that are beneficial to health. Including, due to the high content of protein and Omega-3 fatty acids.

Cottage cheese

A portion of cottage cheese is a great start to the day and preparation for an active workout. Protein products are an important part of the menu of professional athletes. In addition to strengthening bones and replenishing calcium deficiency, proteins promote muscle growth. Combine cottage cheese with dried fruits and nuts to bring even more benefits to the body.

On a note!

With a regular power load, the figure acquires a beautiful relief, body weight increases. But cardio loads are “contraindicated” for those who want to get better - they actively burn fat.


Starchy vegetables, including potatoes, enrich the body with fiber and fast carbohydrates. This means that after such a dinner you will be full of energy, your ability to work will increase. Potatoes are best eaten mashed, baked or boiled in slices. In addition, cook proteins (fish, meat) or make salads from fresh herbs and vegetables.

The season of berries and fruits is a great time for both weight gain and weight loss. Fresh crispy and juicy fruits perfectly replace sweets and cakes, enrich the body with fiber. For those who strive for harmony, nutritionists advise eating fruits and berries in the morning so that the body has time to “work them out” - that is, to spend the energy received.

Well, for those who want to get better, fruits will be an excellent option for a snack in the afternoon. Choose the most high-calorie types - bananas, grapes, peaches, apricots.


A couple of eggs for breakfast and another for a snack. For those who seek to get better, nutritionists advise eating up to 3 eggs per day. Scientists have long proven that there is no connection between this product and the increase in "bad" cholesterol in the body. But the fact that eggs combine high-quality protein and healthy fats is a proven fact.

Have you always considered yourself too skinny? Skin and bones? At a time when most need to lose weight, gaining it can be a very difficult task.

Want to learn how to quickly gain weight without harm to health? In this article we will tell you how to increase body weight in a short time.

1. Eat often to get more calories

Although everyone should follow this rule, it is especially important for those who are trying to gain weight quickly. Eating often means eating five to six small meals a day that contain as many calories and nutrients as possible.

This does not mean eating junk food and sugar, it means more protein and complex carbohydrates. If you want to gain a healthy weight, then don't stock up on fat. Your snacks should be nutritious but high in calories, think about:

  • nuts
  • nut butter
  • dried fruit
  • avocado.

And this is your evening snack. Forward!

And while it's a great way to gain weight, it's unhealthy, so avoid sugary drinks and coffee. And replenish your fluid supply with plain water and smoothies (like an iced milkshake) or skimmed milk or juice shakes for a more active calorie boost.

Diet menu for weight gain

Have you already figured out how to gain weight in a short time? That's right, you need to eat well, then eat to consume enough calories for muscle growth. And you need to take into account the amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The bottom line is that each of these nutrients is very important in nutrition, and in the diet of a person who wants to quickly gain weight, they must be present without fail.

To make it easier for you, we have compiled an approximate diet for weight gain for men and women. For starters, you can use them as they are on the site, or you can customize them by changing products or increasing their number if you feel that this will not be enough for active growth.

For men


Dinner and supper

Snacks between main meals

Sample menu for girls


Lunch - dinner

Snacks 2-3 times a day

To gain weight as quickly as possible, you can use the suggested nutritional options. If there is no result, then the calorie content needs to be increased. This can be done by simply doubling the number of servings, or adding 1-2 more meals, or adding high-calorie foods. It's up to you whichever is more convenient for you.

2. Eat the Right Fats

You want to gain weight and look healthy, not like a skeleton with a belly. Then maximize your intake of cereals, dairy products, nuts (including nut butter), and meats, and avoid ice cream, fried foods, and fatty junk food.

Healthy fats should be obtained from fish, peanuts, cashews and olive oil. Beware of saturated (bad) animal fats. If you want something tasty, bran muffins, yogurt, fruit pie and fitness bars are good alternatives.

3. More protein

While the notion that the more protein you eat, the more muscle you build is a myth, protein is an important part of your diet. It is the building material for our entire body: muscles, bones, skin, hair and blood. Therefore, complete your menu.

Foods fortified with proteins are meat, cheese, milk, fish and eggs. For vegetarians, protein can be obtained from soy foods such as tofu, or even better from a combination of foods such as rice or corn and beans.

4. Increase the amount of carbohydrates in the diet

Although criticized, carbohydrates provide energy and help build muscle and are involved in all life functions. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for your body. But simple carbohydrates are best avoided. They hold empty calories and are likely to be stored as fat because the sugar entering your bloodstream quickly causes your blood sugar levels to spike.

Buckwheat, rice, pasta (durum wheat pasta), potatoes and all cereals fall into the approved category. Glucose from them is released into the blood slowly and provides a stable supply of energy for a long period without causing insulin spikes that lead to fat deposition.

When gaining weight, the total calorie intake per day is considered. And to gain weight, you need to increase your daily calorie intake. Eating before bed will add another meal and increase your overall caloric intake.

In addition, the body needs about 3-4 hours to digest and assimilate food. After this time, he is in a state of hunger and begins to use the muscles to obtain nutrients. That is, it begins to destroy, with difficulty, the muscles obtained.

In order not to gain excess fat as the last meal before bedtime, you can eat:

  • cottage cheese
  • white meat
  • fish.

2. Exercise for fast weight gain

If you decide to go to the gym or have some equipment at home, pay attention, this will allow you to correctly compose a training program. And also use our selection tips, because the length of the limbs, the size and strength of the muscles impose certain restrictions on training.

1. Strength training

To get better quickly, it is not enough just to increase the calorie intake. The fact is that the body must see the need for a set of additional muscle mass. Because more weight is an increase in the load on the cardiovascular system, an increase in the load on the nervous system. What, for security reasons, our body will not do. He should see a clear need for muscle recruitment.

This is where strength training will help us, which will give a signal that the existing muscles are not enough and you need to build new ones. And increased calorie intake will be a good opportunity for weight gain.

Yes, cardio develops some of your muscles, but how can you quickly gain weight if the body is not getting enough strength training? No way. And here training with additional weights will come to the rescue. Here is a good set.

This doesn't mean you have to get attached to the gym (although it certainly works!). Do push-ups, crunches, lunges and squats in the comfort of your own home. But to speed up the process and better results, you need to use additional weight.

Exercise will also increase your appetite. A protein bar or post-workout shake will give you what your muscles need.

2. Increase physical activity

As mentioned above, in order to increase weight, the body must receive a stimulus. Your muscles should receive more load and work hard. If your loads are small, change them and make them more complex.

Buy home strength training equipment. It works if you only have 15 minutes before going to work, then you can flex all your muscles by doing a quick muscle building program that will put you on the right track.

3. Use less energy outside of training

In addition to hoarding, burn as few calories as you can. Grab the remote, your milkshake, and drop onto the couch. 🙂

If you do become less mobile everywhere, then it is important to do strength training. Even if you don't see fat in your body, visceral fat (the one that covers your internal organs) can appear subtly. And internal fat loves inactivity. Therefore, before you sit down to watch a movie, shake the iron. And only then arrange a movie marathon with a few light snacks.

  • Take snacks, cheese, nuts with you. They can be consumed between meals. This is convenient when it is not possible to take buckwheat with meat with you.
  • If you feel like you're gaining excess fat, reduce your calories, remove or replace unhealthy foods with healthier ones, and do more exercise to burn fat.


The problem of weight is familiar to many women, only some cannot say goodbye to extra pounds, while others crush cakes in the hope of getting a little better in order to make the figure more prominent. Underweight is a serious problem along with being overweight, so it needs to be addressed. Although the goals of thin and fat women are completely different, in order to achieve them, you must choose the same algorithm. To say goodbye to thinness forever, you need to choose the right menu for a girl to gain weight and combine such nutrition with sports training.

How to determine the deficit of weight

To understand whether the weight corresponds to accepted standards, use the formula by which the body mass index (BMI) is calculated. It looks simple: height squared divided by body weight. A figure less than 18.5 is considered critical, which means that the actual weight is not enough for the normal functioning of the body. To stabilize, you need to take action: develop a diet for weight gain or take a ready-made high-calorie menu as a basis.

On the other hand, this formula is not an axiom, since it does not take into account age, constitutional features. Equally important is the ratio of muscle and fat in the body, normally the percentage of fat mass for girls should be 20-32%. To find out the exact numbers, modern methods are used: weighing in water, ultrasound, caliper (a device for measuring fat mass).

What is the danger of excessive thinness for women

In pursuit of the imposed standards, 90-60-90, some girls reach critical weight loss, and it is difficult to restore it to normal. This requires not only a balanced diet for anorexia, but also to be under the supervision of doctors. However, thinness is not always associated with debilitating diets, it can be the result of constant stress or a fast metabolism. In any of these cases, a special diet must be applied to gain weight back to normal levels.

With weight loss, the subcutaneous layer of fat decreases, meanwhile it is an important element of the endocrine system, especially for women. In fatty tissue, hormones are “hidden” that are necessary for conceiving and bearing a child. In addition, during pregnancy, subcutaneous fat is a kind of heating pad for the unborn baby. Scientists have already proven that women with a low BMI are more likely to have a baby with a low birth weight, and menopause occurs earlier.

How to avoid common dietary mistakes

When planning a menu for weight gain, a girl needs to make sure that the percentage of the daily diet looks like this:

  • carbohydrates - 50%;
  • proteins - 30%;
  • fats - 20%.

Just observing the percentage is not enough for a woman to quickly gain weight. Particular attention should be paid to the fats contained in the products. Proper nutrition for weight gain should contain foods containing unsaturated (healthy) fats. These include olive oil, sea oily fish (salmon, tuna, mackerel), nuts, avocados.

A high-calorie diet for weight gain for a girl should be rich in carbohydrates, but you should choose the right ones that will bring the maximum benefit. Carbohydrates are simple and complex. The first are found in chocolates and cakes. They quickly break down in the body, speeding up the metabolism, so they are of minimal benefit. Therefore, when planning a diet for weight gain, choose complex carbohydrates, which are found in cereals, whole grain bread and legumes.

High-calorie menu for 7 days

Proper nutrition for a girl to gain weight should contain more calories than you are used to consuming. For those who do not know which dishes are best to choose, a ready-made diet for weight gain for a girl will help, the menu is scheduled for 7 days. If, eating according to this scheme, the weight gain is about 500 g, the result can be considered ideal. Otherwise, the menu should be reviewed and calories consumed should be increased.

Days of the week




afternoon tea



Rice with chicken breast and spices, apple juice with pulp

orange and walnuts

Stewed beans with vegetables, boiled chicken drumsticks

Yogurt with banana

fish fillet,

vegetable salad

Turkey pasta, fruit juice

Cottage cheese with sour cream and fruits

Buckwheat porridge with chops, tomato, kefir

Protein shake with banana

Cottage cheese casserole, vegetable salad

Fried eggs, oatmeal, low fat yogurt

Kiwi or grapefruit

Corn porridge, salmon fillet, fresh vegetable salad

Cottage cheese with sour cream and fruits

Turkey, vegetable salad

Oatmeal with milk, chicken fillet, vegetable salad

Dried apricots and cashews

Rice, pork with spices

Fish, mashed potatoes, vegetable salad

Buckwheat porridge, scrambled eggs, orange juice

A glass of fermented baked milk or kefir

Borscht, turkey meat, Greek salad

Boiled chicken with salad

Boiled rice with meatballs, fruit juice

Curd with banana

Buckwheat porridge, baked chicken thighs, salad

Kefir or ryazhenka

Barley porridge, steamed mackerel


Oatmeal, fresh vegetable salad, glass of milk

orange, nuts

Wheat porridge, boiled beef with green peas


Chicken fillet with rice, vegetables

How to help the body recover quickly

A properly composed high-calorie menu for weight gain for a girl is one of the main, but not the only condition for successfully normalizing weight. Additionally, the following rules must be observed:

  1. It is best to accustom yourself from the very beginning to eat strictly by the hour. This will help the body quickly adjust to the new mode.
  2. Breaks between meals should not be more than 3 hours.
  3. Half an hour before meals, it is recommended to drink a glass of fresh fruit, vegetable juice, and during the meal itself, it is better to refrain from liquids.
  4. Immediately after the next meal, it is recommended to refrain from physical activity.
  5. If you need to increase the calorie content of dishes, use 10% fat sour cream. This simple trick will increase the energy value of vegetable salad by 200 kcal. In addition, you can increase the number of calories with the help of hard cheeses.

Why is it important to combine enhanced nutrition and sports?

Another secret to helping a girl gain weight for a week helps her gain weight, and it is precisely where there is not enough volume that it consists in sports training. In their absence, all calories consumed will go into fat mass, and this will not affect the figure in the best way.

Arriving at the gym, forget about treadmills and exercise bikes, because they just burn calories. Strength training is best suited for such purposes, which must be carried out under the supervision of a trainer. He will develop for you the optimal program of weight-bearing exercises, i.e. dumbbells, barbell, on simulators. Why is the gym so beneficial? With high power loads, the muscles get micro-ruptures. The body urgently seeks to “repair” them by filling them with new cells.

With a positive mood and strict adherence to a diet for weight gain, you will see the first results in a month.

The weight of a person is reflected not only in the attractiveness of the external image, but also an indicator of health in general. Usually we are talking about the fight against extra pounds. In fact, there is also the problem of underweight. At first glance, a thin person looks slim and attractive, but this can negatively affect well-being. Therefore, the issue of lack of weight and its set must be approached comprehensively.

How to quickly gain weight?

Indicative for determining the deficit in weight is the so-called body mass index, which should not be lower than 18.5. If the calculations showed a reduced value, you should think about gaining additional kilograms. According to statistics, this problem affects the female sex to a greater extent, but men are also prone to excessive thinness.

From a scientific point of view, a low rate is much more dangerous than a high one. It carries very great threats to the health of the body: immunity decreases, muscle tissue atrophies, joints are affected. And according to some reports, the risk of premature death increases. It is worth clarifying that in this case we will talk about thinness as a separate problem of fast metabolism. If it is caused by internal diseases (oncology, thyroid dysfunction, diabetes mellitus), the underlying pathology should be treated.

To recover, to some extent, is more difficult than to lose extra pounds, but, nevertheless, it is quite real.

The fastest way to recruit without stress for the body includes these key recommendations:

Weight gain at home

Many believe that it is very easy to get better, you just need to eat a lot of all sorts of harmful things. But this is absolutely not true. You can get fat and earn a couple of chronic diseases in this way. But to achieve ideal internal and external indicators, you need to work hard.

You can gain body weight quite effectively at home. You just need to know how to do it right and not hurt yourself.

Safe weight gain involves:

  • an increase in the amount of food consumed, in simple words - the portion should be about twice as large as usual;
  • mandatory increase in calorie content due to dairy products, dried fruits, nuts, fatty meats, olive oil, cereals, potatoes, dark chocolate;
  • frequent meals (every 3 hours) at approximately the same time, it is especially important not to skip breakfast;
  • large bowls and plates that serve as a visual trick of the portion size: the larger the plate, the smaller the amount of food seems;
  • a decrease in the number of vegetables and fruits, it is optimal to make juices or mousses from them to replenish the vitamin reserve;
  • constant monitoring of nutrition, which involves daily keeping a calorie diary - this is how the norm is determined so as not to slide into obesity;
  • strength training several times a week, but only if there is knowledge in this area and there are no contraindications.

You should not indulge in all serious, and from the first day follow all the instructions. You need to gain weight gradually, listening to the body's reaction to a particular method. Over time, an individual effective regime is formed, bringing only benefits and positive emotions.

How to quickly gain 10 kg?

It is quite possible to recover by 5-10 kg in a short time, but you will have to try a little. For a thin person, even a couple of kilograms affect the appearance, and what can we say about large numbers. Therefore, it is very important to understand that it is impossible to gain a significant mass only with fat. Or rather, perhaps, but it will already be obesity, and you will have to deal with a sagging stomach or sides.

A set of 10 kg of weight involves a complex of fat and muscle mass. Therefore, the recommendations include two main areas - diet and sports. To recover quickly by 10 kg will help proper nutrition. We are talking about healthy, but high-calorie foods. It is necessary to determine the rate of calories consumed for a comfortable weight gain experimentally. It is only necessary to calculate the caloric content of food consumed every day and compare with the result.

An approximate menu option to get better and gain kilograms:

  • for breakfast, an omelette with porridge cooked in sunflower oil, and cottage cheese with honey or fruit is suitable;
  • lunch should consist of a side dish (pasta, potatoes) and meat or fish, you can drink everything with sweet coffee with cream;
  • dinner is lighter, but hearty, for example, chicken breast with vegetable salad.
  • do not forget about snacks - dried fruits, nuts, eggs, salads, dairy products.

By following a diet and a fractional diet, you can get better by 5 kg, but the rest must be gained in the gym. Exercises should be strength, not cardio: deadlift, push-ups, barbell, dumbbells, squats.

An integrated approach guarantees a harmonious physique and excellent well-being.

How to quickly gain weight for a girl?

A beautiful figure is very important for a girl. And this applies not only to full young ladies, but also too thin. Therefore, sometimes you can hear the question: what to do to gain weight? The answer is simple - you need to play sports. It is training that is given the main role in the formation of a harmonious young body.

A set of simple exercises that can be performed even at home will have a very good effect in just a week:

  • for the hips and buttocks: squats, bringing the legs together in the simulator, bending forward with the barbell;
  • for the muscles of the hands: push-ups from the floor, bench press with dumbbells or a barbell above your head and towards yourself.

The optimal number of workouts in order to quickly recover and gain a few pounds, according to reviews, is 3 times a week. You should not overdo it, there may be a reverse effect due to overwork. Thanks to sports, the right daily routine, a balanced diet and rest, the figure becomes perfect.

How to gain weight in a week?

Gaining weight is better at a slow pace, without creating a stressful situation for the body. But in some cases, prompt measures are required, for example, before a solemn event or filming. Is it possible to recover quickly? The answer is yes - it is quite real, if you significantly adjust your lifestyle.

  1. You can gain 5 kg in 7 days by doubling the calorie content of food. At the same time, most of the calories should be healthy (nuts, fatty meat, honey). Some sweets are also needed, but only as a dessert. As a result, up to 10 kg is added in 2 weeks.
  2. You should not eat all the food supplies for the day at one time. Meals should be frequent, without skipping. In this case, fat builds up steadily.
  3. The menu must contain proteins (chicken, eggs) and fats (pork, olive oil).
  4. Well helps in weight gain dairy products with a high percentage of fat. If there is no lactose intolerance, you need to drink a glass of milk several times a day between meals.
  5. Snacks should consist of healthy foods (dried fruits, nuts, fruit mousses), and not fast food.
  6. It is important in the recruitment process to constantly monitor the calorie content of dishes and adjust according to the sensations. It is better to keep a special diet diary.
  7. To get better, but not to get fat and not to gain too much, you should not forget about physical activity. Fitness will help turn calories into muscle.

If there are no good reasons, then gaining mass in emergency mode is not worth it. By spending a little more time, you can get a much better result that will last a lifetime.

How to quickly gain weight for a man?

Men rarely complain about thinness, rather about figure flaws. Therefore, the approach to weight gain in the male sex is slightly different. The main emphasis is placed, first of all, on nutrition and specific products.

A lack of body weight gives a guy, most likely, a fast metabolism. Everything eaten is processed faster than the body has time to digest. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the calorie content of food, and not its quantity. You should always satisfy your hunger by taking small snacks from home with you. An approximate set of high-calorie and healthy foods has already been mentioned.

A proven folk remedy - brewer's yeast - will help a man recover. In tablet form, they will not form a beer belly, but will stimulate the appetite. You need to take 2-6 tablets with meals. Be sure to maintain a balance in nutrition at this time, do not eat everything.

Many men manage to gain weight up to 5 kg per week with a very intensive diet. But the problem is that, for the most part, it will be simple fat. But you need muscles, relief and strength. Do not do without serious strength training. They can be carried out both at home and in a specially equipped room. The fastest way to build muscle mass is to work out according to an individual program with a trainer. The ideal result will not come immediately, but it will certainly be.

What is a woman to get better quickly?

Diet, as it turned out, plays a leading role in weight gain. It is especially relevant for women who want to get better, but at the same time are afraid to get fat. To correct the figure without harm to health and appearance, you need to know what you can eat during this period.

In the set of mandatory products, in order to quickly recover, there should be:

  • fatty natural milk (up to 3 tbsp.);
  • sweet tea, coffee, compote with rich pastries;
  • sour cream;
  • butter;
  • meat (pork, chicken, beef);
  • fish (fatty varieties);
  • cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • pasta;
  • potato;
  • fruits and vegetables in the form of salads, purees, mousses.

The main condition for a quick result is that calorie consumption should be lower than their consumption. It is also important to understand that the menu is approximate and is designed for a one-time effect. For a prolonged result, a more integrated approach is needed, including sports activities and health monitoring.

All girls want to look beautiful, well-groomed, have a slim figure with outstanding charms. Unfortunately, unbalanced diets, quick snacks, and daily stress cause our body to experience regular weight changes. Some girls go on diets afterwards to get rid of the consequences of a chaotic diet of junk food. However, an unhealthy diet and a crazy lifestyle do not always lead to a set of kilograms.

You may not believe it, but weight gain diets are no less popular than weight loss programs. Someone has a fast metabolism, a lean constitution, a genetic tendency to unnatural thinness, while others have exhaustion due to malnutrition, unhealthy sleep, excessive physical exertion.

In any case, there are many effective methods that allow you to adjust weight, get better and add spicy shapes to a graceful waist, which will make the figure feminine and sexy.

First of all, you should know that diets for weight gain are no less accurate, specially calculated and balanced methods, from which you should not deviate. In order to gain a few kilograms and evenly distribute them over the figure, you should adhere to the right diet and play sports. If you just start eating fatty and high-calorie foods at night, the excess mass will simply be deposited in the most familiar places (stomach, legs), which will lead to disproportionate shaping of the figure.

  • we establish a diet - no hunger strikes, overeating, snacks at night and festive parties;
  • every day you should do at least 4-5 small snacks at regular intervals, but 3 hours before bedtime do not eat anything heavy;
  • be sure to drink enough liquid to maintain metabolism (1.5 liters per day is enough);
  • the main part of the diet should be slow carbohydrates and proteins for the formation of muscle mass;
  • if you want to not just get better, but look attractive and seductive, then be sure to include about 3 sports workouts per week with the addition of weight;
  • do not forget about going to the sauna, taking contrast baths;
  • it is recommended to perform self-massage in the areas where you have the most fat deposits - this will make the figure smooth and symmetrical;
  • nutrition should be high-calorie, especially if you play sports (girls 2000-2100, men 2500 or more kcal per day), but only the caloric content of the diet should be increased gradually;
  • to avoid cellulite and stretch marks caused by a rapid increase in body weight, you should gradually increase the volume of servings, as well as use special creams and preparations that prevent changes in the skin.

All the advantages of specialized diets for weight gain:

  • efficiency and safety, which allows you to smoothly gain a few kilograms and control their distribution over the figure;
  • an increase in body weight allows you to grow sports performance, positively affects the growth of muscle mass;
  • a healthy, balanced, vitamin- and mineral-rich diet will have a positive effect on overall health, strengthen immunity and body defenses, improve the appearance and condition of the skin, nail plate, and hair;
  • diets for weight gain are easily tolerated, they are very satisfying and tasty, while there is no chance of a “failure” during the course;
  • there are no restrictions on the duration of diets - you can sit on them exactly as long as you need to achieve the desired effect, and after a while the program can be repeated as many times as you like;
  • a diet for weight gain instills healthy eating habits, teaches you to eat in a timely manner, control the volume of portions, consume enough liquid, get absolutely all the necessary components;
  • diets for weight gain are universal, suitable for people of different ages, gender and lifestyle, and are also prescribed to patients after an injury, surgery or illness;
  • a properly composed menu will allow you to gain weight on familiar foods without overloading your stomach with cholesterol, fatty and heavy foods;
  • the effect of such a diet is long-term, that is, after leaving it, you will not sharply lose weight to the usual volumes.

The effectiveness of these diets is indisputable - weight gain is about 1-2 per week, which allows kilograms to be evenly distributed without stretching the skin in specific places.

Weight Gain Food Set, Diet Options and Sample Menus

In order to recover without harm to health, you should increase the content of slow carbohydrates and proteins in the diet. The following products are very useful for gaining kilograms:

  • fatty options for dairy and lactic acid products (cottage cheese, sour cream, milk, cheese);
  • any meat and fish of medium fat content, chicken eggs, offal, minced meat;
  • nuts and seeds as essential ingredients for healthy weight gain;
  • natural sweets (honey, marmalade, marshmallows, fructose, dried fruits, chocolate, whole grain cookies);
  • whole grain bread and rolls without sugar and fillers;
  • pasta from wholemeal flour (second grade);
  • any vegetables and garden greens;
  • sweet fruits and berries;
  • natural drinks (water, tea, coffee, compote, herbal decoctions, jelly, fruit drink, smoothies, protein shakes, fruit and vegetable juices)

It is a myth that a diet for weight gain should include fatty, fried, smoked, sweet, rich and confectionery products. All this, as well as gravy, canned food, fast food, chips, snacks, convenience foods, pure sugar and salt, mayonnaise, butter should be minimized or completely abandoned. From drinks, you should limit strong alcohol, coffee drinks, and also give up sweet soda and drinks from sticks.

Now let's get acquainted with the options for diets for weight gain.

    Diet for weight gain for men. It is necessary for those men who want to start actively engaging in powerlifting or bodybuilding to get better, since muscle growth is impossible without appropriate nutrition for weight gain.

    Sample menu for the day:
    Breakfast consists of oatmeal with nuts, dried fruits and seeds boiled in milk. Also put one whole grain sandwich with a thin layer of butter and hard cheese. We drink breakfast with sweet tea.
    Lunch consists of meat soup with vegetables. For a side dish, we prepare mashed potatoes with meatballs, vegetable salad and feta under sour cream sauce. Wash down lunch with citrus juice.
    Snack - protein-banana shake and a few oatmeal cookies.
    Dinner consists of boiled buckwheat, morning sandwich and sweet tea.

    Diet for weight gain for women. Get rid of muscle dystrophy and painful thinness will allow a high-calorie and satisfying diet, specially selected for the female body. The diet consists of 4 meals and plenty of fluids. Already after the first week, a noticeable weight gain of 1.5 kg.

    Daily menu example:
    Breakfast is an omelette of 2 chicken eggs, a whole grain sandwich with chilled pork, a handful of nuts and sweet tea.
    Lunch consists of noodle soup in chicken broth with fillet pieces. It also includes stewed lentils, fried chicken meatballs and whole grain bread (a couple of slices).
    Snack - fatty yogurt with berries and fruits (you can cottage cheese).
    For dinner, we cook mashed potatoes, fish cake. It is also supposed to eat 2 whole grain sandwiches with cheese and a thin layer of butter.

    Diet for weight gain maiden. It is more difficult for young girls aged 18-22 to gain weight, as the body is being rebuilt, as is the hormonal background. If you don't try hard enough, the metabolism of a young body will quickly expel excess fat through intense living, dancing and sports. And if you are zealous, hormonal changes can play a cruel joke, and the girl will gain much more weight than she would like. Moreover, this problem will be difficult to correct even with the help of diets for weight loss. In a diet for young girls, balance, healthy foods and moderate calories are important.

    Daily diet example:
    Breakfast includes fruit salad with raisins with yogurt dressing, 2 boiled eggs and sweet tea.
    We have lunch with vegetable soup with beans and peas, a piece of boiled beef and grapefruit.
    A snack consists of a medium-fat fermented milk drink and a handful of dried fruits.
    For dinner, we prepare a sandwich of chilled pork, bran rolls, tomato and hard cheese. Also put some milk chocolate and berry juice.

    Diet for weight gain carbohydrate. This option is suitable for weight gain of an ordinary person and an athlete, regardless of gender. Basically, the diet consists of slow carbohydrates, which give the body a huge supply of energy. During training, it will be actively spent on the development of muscle mass, and during downtime, it will be deposited by extra pounds in the body.

    An example of a carbohydrate menu:
    In the morning we eat a couple of boiled chicken eggs, a portion of oatmeal boiled in water.
    After a couple of hours, you should drink a glass of milk and eat a couple of oatmeal cookies.
    Lunch consists of boiled buckwheat with mushrooms. We drink everything with carrot-apple juice.
    After a couple of hours we eat 2 bananas.
    Dinner includes a salad of kelp, seafood and vegetables. Also put 2 veal meatballs.
    Before going to bed, you should eat a small portion of cottage cheese with dried fruits.

    Diet for weight gain protein. Another versatile option that is perfect for athletes to increase muscle area, as well as teenagers and children.

    Breakfast consists of boiled brown rice and a glass of fruit yogurt.
    Snack - fresh pineapple, 1 citrus, a glass of nuts (walnuts, hazelnuts).
    For lunch, we cook stewed lentils with beans and carrots. Also put a portion of boiled chicken fillet and a couple of fresh tomatoes.
    Snack - 1 large apple, a glass of fruit yogurt.
    Dinner includes Greek salad and steamed fish meatballs.

    Or another menu option:
    Breakfast includes milk buckwheat porridge with raisins, 1 boiled egg, sweet tea.
    Snack consists of vegetable salad, 2 whole grain toasts.
    For lunch, we prepare a large portion of boiled lean pork, steamed vegetables (beans, asparagus, beans). Also put 100 g of cottage cheese with berries and tea.
    Snack - a drink based on a fermented milk drink, kiwi, nuts and banana.
    Dinner consists of 100 g of cottage cheese with berries, a serving of milk semolina and sweet tea.

    Carbohydrate-protein diet to get better. A very tasty and healthy option that combines the consumption of vegetable fiber, dairy and sour-milk products and lean meat. Such a diet is more balanced and healthy than the protein or carbohydrate diet of the same name.

    An example of a healthy menu:
    Breakfast consists of a package of cottage cheese, 2 boiled eggs, a sandwich with a thin layer of butter and green tea.
    Snack - vegetable salad with olive or linseed vegetable oil.
    Lunch consists of lentil soup with chicken broth, vinaigrette. We drink everything with fruit or vegetable juice.
    Snack - a glass of berries.
    Dinner consists of cottage cheese and fruit casserole and spring salad.

    Dairy diet for weight gain. This menu is perfect for a growing body, as well as for lovers of dairy drinks. After the diet, not only will the weight increase moderately, but the muscles will also strengthen.

    Dairy menu example:
    Breakfast consists of 1 banana, a glass of homemade yogurt and tea.
    For lunch, we prepare a vegetable salad dressed with yogurt. Also put 1 chicken egg and a glass of bifidok.
    Snack - a serving of cottage cheese with berries or fruits. We also eat oatmeal boiled in milk, drink tea.
    Dinner consists of a glass of bifidok and one pear.

    Diet to get better for a vegetarian. It is much more difficult for a person who mostly consumes vegetables and fruits to get better. Such food mainly contains slow carbohydrates and water, has a minimum calorie content, so it is difficult to gain kilograms only on it. How to get better as a vegetarian, without including meat, fish and offal in the menu, see below.

    Breakfast should include a whole grain bread sandwich smeared with nut butter or maple syrup. Everything should be washed down with apple juice. A portion of oatmeal with dried fruits is also laid.
    Snack consists of a tofu sandwich, avocado-based salad and asparagus. Drink everything down with a protein shake or a gainer.
    Lunch includes a glass of soy milk, a vegetarian salad with boiled beans, 2 slices of whole grain bread.
    Dinner includes rice and carrot cutlets, vinaigrette and a glass of soy milk.

    Nut diet to get better. Nuts are vegetable beneficial lipids that improve the appearance and condition of the skin and hair. They are also high-calorie foods, which allows you to quickly gain body weight without stretching the stomach in large portions. Walnuts, pistachios, hazelnuts and cashews are especially suitable in this regard.

    Nut menu example:
    Breakfast consists of any boiled porridge with a handful of nuts. A whole grain nut butter sandwich and tea are also included.
    Snack - 2/3 cup dry furkts with nuts.
    For lunch, we stew any vegetables, prepare steamed meatballs.
    Snack - handfuls of nuts with seeds.
    Dinner consists of a Greek salad, 2 slices of rye bread and a glass of fermented milk drink.

How to get out of weight gain diets

Getting out of such diets is very simple and easy. It is enough to smoothly return to the usual diet and, if necessary, periodically increase the daily calorie content by 200-300 kcal. With a sharp reduction in calorie content, it will be more difficult for the body to adapt, you may feel weakness, nausea, loss of strength, dizziness, hunger, and stomach pain. Therefore, reduce portions in volume should be gradually, day by day.

If you decide to stick to a high-calorie diet for a long time, in no case do not forget about sports activities, otherwise the weight may increase far beyond your expectations, and it will be very difficult to reset it, it will be very difficult to rebuild your metabolism. If you stop playing sports, you should limit the calorie content of meals, fill the diet with vegetables, fruits and lean meats, but pasta, nuts, whole grain bread and fatty milk should be limited.

Disadvantages of diets for gaining kilograms, contraindications

There can be no drawbacks to such programs, since you yourself choose the volumes of recommended portions, you can approximately, and not strictly adhere to the menu. You also regulate the duration of the diet and its effectiveness, the saturation of the diet with vitamins and minerals.

  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • slow metabolism and metabolic disorders;
  • serious cardiovascular diseases;
  • the presence of diabetes;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • elderly age;
  • allergies to recommended products;
  • obesity;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, liver, kidneys.

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