Home Fruit trees Simple DIY candy crafts. How to make and decorate DIY candy gifts for anyone. Basket of candy wrappers

Simple DIY candy crafts. How to make and decorate DIY candy gifts for anyone. Basket of candy wrappers

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Hello, dear guests of my blog. We continue the holiday theme, and today I will tell you how to make a gift from sweets with your own hands for various events.

It's no secret that chocolate in small quantities is one of the sources of joy in our body and is the most favorite treat for children. And souvenirs are something that both adults and children love. Today we will combine this into a single whole and prepare delicious souvenirs. We will need certain skills and simple supplies.

How to make a gift from sweets with your own hands: surprising men

Representatives of the stronger half of humanity always radiate confidence and steadfastness, but they, like children, rejoice at even insignificant souvenirs. And their bright presentation evokes genuine delight.

Here are some ideas for such gifts that can be brought to life (there will also be photos).

A pineapple

This is a symbol of the greatness and uniqueness of a creative person. By making such a souvenir, you are not just making a gift, but giving him a talisman. It helps brilliant ideas emerge and bring their plans to life. The manufacturing process is simple. You will need:

  • A bottle of champagne;
  • Round candies in gold wrapper;
  • Green wrapping paper;
  • Yellow sisal (these fabrics can be found in floral);
  • Tourniquet;
  • Glue gun.

I offer you a step-by-step photo of the creative process. All candies will need to be glued with pieces of double-sided tape on one side (or use a glue gun later).

Cut out several layers of pineapple tops from wrapping paper.

Now it's time to wrap the bottle in sisal.

Glue candies to the bottle in rows.

Glue the leaves at the top with double-sided tape and glue them in rows to the top of the bottle.

Master classes in video format

Photos and text descriptions are, of course, good, but video mk is much more convenient.


Such a surprise will delight any man, no matter whether he is related to hunting (military affairs) or not. Guys love war games. And having fun with toy machines or sticks instead is their childhood. In addition, it is in a man’s genes that he is a hunter and breadwinner, which means that such a gift would be appropriate.


Such a sweet surprise is suitable for a man - a husband. And that's why. Even in Ancient Egypt, the anchor was considered a symbol of the universe.

If you look closely at this figure, you will see that it consists of three elements. This is a mast, a boat and a snake. The mast symbolizes the masculine principle, the boat – the feminine. And both of these elements are entwined with the snake of life, which is the sacrament of marriage. Later, the anchor began to be considered simply a sign of a calm family life.

By preparing such a surprise for your husband, you will emphasize your reverent attitude towards the union of your hearts. This video will help you create this masterpiece:

Tank: how to beautifully arrange a surprise for February 23

Incredibly, this toy captivates male representatives, even if the boy is well over thirty. The game "World of Tanks" has taken over the world. And your man will be happy to eat the sweet dance. By the way, this idea can be used as a surprise on February 23rd. How to beautifully decorate this gift is shown in detail in the video:

Candy steering wheel

If the person for whom you are preparing a souvenir is a car enthusiast, then the gift, as they say, “is worth a dozen.” If you don’t have a car yet, don’t worry, because in any case, he’s a cool guy who steers through life. I offer you a video of this master class:

Glass of tea and sweets

This craft is suitable for both beer lovers and kvass fans. And the result of your work is essentially perfect for tea drinking. After all, it consists of tea and sweets. So, to create a glass you will need:

  • A tin of tea (black or green, it doesn’t matter);
  • Candies “Hazel” (“Enchantress” or “Konafetto”);
  • Two round Lindt Lindor-type candies;
  • Angel threads (for beer foam);
  • Glue gun.

First you need to bend the edges of the “Hazel”. Using hot glue, attach them to the jar in two rows (vertically). Attach a handle to the resulting base of the glass. To do this, we glue round candies, and on them 2 “Hazels”. The glass is ready. We decorate the top with threads - we create the illusion of foam. You can attach the finished product to an improvised tray.

Ideas for sweet candy surprises for women

Our mothers, sisters, girlfriends, teachers, fitness trainers, managers - everyone, without exception, loves it when they remember their birthdays and professional holidays.

I offer you the top 5 original projects made from sweets:

Sweet Christmas tree

We certainly associate this evergreen tree with the New Year, with the Christmas holidays, with home comfort and the warmth of the family hearth. The chocolate-wafer tree will be an original souvenir for any representative of the fair sex on frosty days.

Simple instructions for creating a winter beauty are presented in the photo.

Rowan sprig

The ancient Slavs considered rowan a sacred tree. Houses were decorated with its branches and fruits, because... They believed that they were able to protect the house and the person from any harm. In addition, she is a symbol of peace and happiness in the family. Rowan branches are used to create amulets.

And rowan as a souvenir will bring sweet joy. To create it, you need confectionery in a red wrapper, wire, green tape, an artificial leaf and a little time. You need to create elements as shown in the photo:

Bouquet of candy roses

This surprise is perfect for both a teacher on a professional holiday and a manager on a birthday. Living roses, of course, will delight women, but they will not surprise them. A gift made with your own hands is original and creative, and therefore will leave a mark on your memory for a long time. You can use corrugated paper of the same color as shown in the video, or you can choose one to suit your taste. The main thing is that everyone is satisfied with the result.


This gift is perfect for Valentine's Day or any day for your girlfriend. What else can you add? All love and stormy emotions are combined in this symbol. A sweet heart will melt the ice in the eyes of your loved one. You can create it like this:


How can a lady live without this stylish accessory? A bag is needed for going out, for shopping, for a harmonious look with new shoes. I offer you a video of making a handbag, which probably has not yet been in the arsenal of the girl you are going to surprise:

Sweet ideas for boys

The fact that the candy is a tasty surprise is understandable. Here are a few ideas that will please not only the stomach, but also the eyes.


This gift is especially popular among teenagers. In fact, this is a gift, a postcard, and a wall newspaper at the same time. In order to create it you will need:

  • Whatman;
  • Glue;
  • Colored markers;
  • Various confectionery products.

It is better to create a poster on a large table or on the floor. Think over a sketch of the work in advance. Imagine what it will look like on a poster. Write the text first on a draft so as not to make mistakes later.

On whatman paper you write your congratulations and wishes, replacing some words with glued edible elements. Handwriting does not have to be calligraphic. It will be even more fun if it is similar to the Comic Sans font. One condition is that the letters must be large so that they can be seen at a distance of at least 2 meters.

And one more piece of advice from experienced people: buy sweets in at least two copies. Because someone, no, no, will eat candy while working.


Well, what boy doesn’t dream of owning a car, becoming a racer and being a speedway star? And even if his favorite character is McQueen from the cartoon “Cars,” this does not change the essence. You can make a boy happy with a candy machine. This is a surprise, chocolate and a toy (almost like the motto of Kinder Surprise). A visual aid on how to bring this idea to life in this video:


Even if the boy is not a fan of weightlifting, he will like the sports souvenir. And perhaps it will push you to think about playing sports. After all, sport is movement, and movement is life. You will need cardboard, a foil tube, double-sided tape, satin ribbon, sheets of paper and round candies.
A step-by-step master class from this video will help you create a beautiful and tasty barbell:

Crafts for girls

It is much easier to please a child than an adult, the main thing is desire. And on the Internet there are a dime a dozen interesting projects.

As a surprise you can create:

Doll made of corrugated paper and candies

This gift will combine everything a girl likes: a doll, a beautiful outfit, flowers and a treat. As a rule, dolls of the Barbie type from the Small classification are used. Their height ranges from 20 to 39 cm.

But you can make a souvenir with a doll with a height of 40-49 cm MSD (Mini super Dollfie) or SD (Super Dollfie) with a height of 50-69 cm. In this case, the consumables will need to be increased accordingly.

And the master class presented in this video will help you create this beauty:

This is a joyful and long-awaited present. You can be sure that it will bring a lot of pleasure to both the little girl and the teenager. Although it’s hard to bend one’s heart – even for an adult.

This gift is reminiscent of the essence of a chocolate egg - there's a surprise waiting inside.

To create a cake you will need:

  • Cardboard and paper;
  • Chocolates and eggs;
  • Satin ribbon;
  • Glue gun;
  • Bows, rhinestones;
  • Lace.

The stages of work are as follows:

  1. From cardboard we cut out 2 circles corresponding to the diameter of the future cake - this will be the base and the lid.
  2. Inside this one circle we draw a smaller circle - we will glue the side of the cake to it.
  3. From thick A4 paper, cut out a rectangle with a height equal to the desired height of the cake.
  4. On one of the long sides we cut out small triangles, approximately 1 cm - this will make it more convenient to attach the side.
  5. Glue it to the cardboard base with the triangles facing down.
  6. We attach kinder chocolates to the board.
  7. We wrap the chocolates with a festive satin ribbon.
  8. Decorate the cardboard cover. You can glue lace, rhinestone bows and Kinder surprise eggs to it.

The cake is basically ready. It remains to figure out what the “filling” will be. Inside the resulting box you can put more chocolates, a soft toy, and anything else that can fit in it.

You can use the cake box for any event: March 8, birthday, New Year, Valentine's Day, etc. After all, she looks solemn.

Once again about materials for design and some nuances

Creating homemade surprises is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. As you can see, even the materials for their production are used at hand: cardboard from shoe boxes, leftover foam from a new purchase, tape, sheets of paper that are already on our worksheet, toothpicks. And even decor: lace, bows, ribbons can be found on already unnecessary clothes.

You may need to purchase a glue gun and corrugated paper, although alternatives can be found for them.

And if you go to stores that sell handmade products, you can find anything there, down to the smallest details.

  1. If you want to make a surprise with your own hands, but you are new to this business, start making a souvenir in advance.
  2. Choose an idea. Watch master classes and step-by-step instructions.
  3. Purchase and prepare everything you need for work. The manufacturing process may take longer than you think. This is especially true for small design nuances: bending the edges of confectionery products, attaching wire, etc. It takes time to get the hang of it and adapt.

This is where I end. I know that you will succeed. Make your loved ones happy and make yourself happy. Don't forget to leave your comments and share your little tricks. If you liked the article, don’t be greedy and recommend it to your friends on social media. network to read it. See you later!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva

Unusual gifts always evoke positive emotions. The most valuable are those made by hand.

Good imagination and various materials allow you to create a real masterpiece that will appeal to many.

Our material provides detailed instructions for beginners on how to make a bouquet of sweets. Here are recommendations from experienced craftswomen who guarantee a positive result.

The creative design of a sweet gift will pleasantly surprise the birthday boy. A detailed master class on how to make a bouquet, includes all the subtleties of the process of creating an edible masterpiece.

Materials and tools

Bright packaging of sweets, decorative paper and satin ribbons will help turn your ideas into reality.

  • confectionery (sweets, marshmallows);
  • a set of multi-colored corrugated paper;
  • foil;
  • wrapping paper;
  • wooden skewers;
  • polystyrene foam for fixing products;
  • scotch;
  • decorative vase, flower pot;
  • satin ribbons of different sizes;
  • wire of various diameters;
  • scissors;
  • pliers;
  • glue;
  • glue gun

Good imagination and a little creativity allow you to create a sweet gift that will remain in the memory of people close to you for a long time.

Additional decorations can become a kind of highlight in the bouquet.

The original use of natural materials can highlight your refined taste. For small children, it is recommended to add soft toys. They will be the main element in the composition.

A glue gun helps to secure some parts together. The main requirement when creating a sweet bouquet of candies is that the elements are correctly selected. There should be no unnecessary decorative elements here.

Master class on creating a bouquet of sweets

Many beginning craftswomen often ask the question: “How to make a bouquet of sweets?”

Step-by-step instructions will allow you to create an interesting design for an unusual gift:

  • The candies must be secured on wooden skewers. To do this you will need a small piece of adhesive tape. One edge of the candy is fixed to the wooden base of the stick.
  • Next, each element is wrapped in pre-prepared corrugated paper. Before you start creating a bouquet, it is recommended to carefully consider the design of the composition. Candies can be wrapped in paper flowers or colorful decorative packaging elements.
  • When all the details are ready, you can proceed to making a sweet bouquet. To do this, all the blanks are combined into a common composition.
  • For tight fixation, it is recommended to use tape. The sticky base of the tape helps to hold the wooden sticks together.
  • The final stage will be the beautiful design of the sweet composition using wrapping paper and satin ribbons.

The technique of making a bouquet of sweets has some tricks that allow you to get a beautiful result.

It consists of some points:

  • To create paper flowers, you must use durable corrugated paper. You can make the contour smoother with a slight movement of your finger;
  • decorative tape can create more neat blanks;
  • the base for a candy bouquet must be stable;
  • Thick cardboard is suitable for the hard bottom of the basket;
  • if the bouquet contains fresh leaves, then their base must be pre-treated with liquid paraffin. As a result of this, a shiny surface appears on the surface of the sheet, which will ensure its fresh appearance;
  • paper for decoration should be 2 times larger than the composition;
  • Satin ribbons are best cut with sharp scissors. To prevent the fabric from unraveling, the cut edge must be held over a burning candle;
  • A liquid gypsum solution will help add stability to a large bouquet in a decorative pot.

The main advantage of a sweet bouquet of candies is its versatility. It is perfect as a gift for a birthday, family holiday or wedding celebration.

Photos of do-it-yourself candy bouquets



Candy is a favorite sweet for many. They are given with or without reason. But it’s so easy to create original crafts from sweets with your own hands, showing only a little imagination and ingenuity. You can please your relatives, children and friends with an unusual and bright surprise.

Creative individuals on the Internet share their photographs of candy crafts on various topics. It follows that suite design, which appeared relatively recently, has become popular. This article contains ideas and instructions on how to make your own craft.

Basket of sweets

A sweet basket is a simple candy craft that even a beginner can easily make.

You will need:

  • long and regular candies;
  • thin cardboard;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • scissors;
  • satin ribbon.

Stages of work:

  • Make a cylinder out of cardboard and attach the bottom.
  • Glue long candies to the walls of the workpiece, first bending their tails.
  • Decorate the perimeter of the resulting basket with ribbon and tie a bow.
  • Fill it with a variety of sweets.

Basket of candy wrappers

Crafts can be made not only from sweets, but also from candy wrappers. A basket made from this material will look very unusual.

You will need:

  • 150-200 candy wrappers;
  • candies;
  • thin cardboard;
  • scotch;
  • beads.

Stages of work:

  • First you need to make blanks for the basket. To do this, roll the candy wrapper into a 3 cm strip.
  • Next, press its ends to the center and bend it exactly in half.
  • We create a chain of candy wrappers by inserting the blank one into the other. We close each row.
  • We fasten all the parts together, modeling the walls of the basket.
  • Glue the bottom from cardboard and the handle from candy wrappers. By adjusting the number of blanks, you can make a basket of any shape.
  • We decorate the walls of the basket with beads, which we glue with glue. Fill with treats.

Candy cake

The presented master class for making a candy cake is quite easy. You can please your loved ones with this craft, both on their birthday and on any other day.

You will need:

  • chocolate candies;
  • Styrofoam;
  • scotch;
  • corrugated paper;
  • small cardboard box;
  • scissors;
  • decorative figures.

Stages of work:

Make two blanks from foam plastic: one larger, the other smaller. Cover the “cakes” and the cardboard box with corrugated paper. Glue chocolate bars to the cake layers of the appropriate size.

Lay out the blanks: at the bottom - a larger one, in the middle - a smaller one, and at the very top - a cardboard box.

The box can be filled with sweets and decorative figures. Decorate the cake with ribbons or candy flowers.

Candy roses

On any holiday it’s nice to receive bouquets of flowers, and sweet bouquets are doubly so.

You will need:

  • candies in the form of hemispheres;
  • polyethylene in bright colors: red, pink, orange;
  • green tape;
  • Red ribbon;
  • green paper;
  • scissors;
  • wire.

Stages of work:

  • Glue the candy hemispheres bottom to each other.
  • We cut circles from polyethylene and wrap the blanks.
  • The wire is covered with green paper.
  • We glue the buds with tape to the wire.
  • We cut out green leaves and attach them to the middle of the stem.
  • Decorate with ribbon.

Champagne bottle in the shape of a pineapple

A bottle of champagne in the shape of a pineapple will look elegant on the New Year's table.

You will need:

  • large candies in golden wrapping in the form of hemispheres;
  • narrow rope;
  • green and orange papyrus paper;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • glue.

Stages of work:

Cut out 6x6 cm squares from orange paper. Glue the squares, dripping a little glue, to the flat side of the candies. We begin to glue the candies tightly from the bottom of the bottle, moving in a circle to the top.

Cut long green leaves for the pineapple. Glue them to the neck of the bottle. Wrap a narrow rope around the junction of leaves and sweets.

Laptop made from candy

A laptop made from candy will be a pleasant and original gift for people who like to spend their time near the computer.

You will need:

  • rectangular candies;
  • computer screensaver printed on a sheet of paper;
  • rectangular candy box;
  • scissors;
  • glue.

Stages of work:

Glue the printed paper picture to the place of the future screen. Cover the perimeter of the laptop with candies, you can decorate it with braid. Make a keyboard from other types of candies.

Beer mug

A beer mug made from sweets is an unusual gift for lovers of beer and sweets.

You will need:

  • long candies;
  • small candies;
  • plastic mug;
  • ribbon;
  • scissors;
  • Double-sided tape.

Stages of work:

  • Cover the entire outer surface of the mug with double-sided tape.
  • Glue long candies to it.
  • Decorate the handle with ribbon.
  • Place a variety of chocolates in a mug.

Candy tree

A candy tree will be a wonderful gift during the winter holidays.

You will need:

  • candies in green wrapper;
  • empty champagne bottle;
  • scissors;
  • Double-sided tape.

Stages of work:

We glue double-sided tape to each candy, and it, in turn, to the bottle. You need to start gluing from the bottom of the tree base. You can glue a bow to the top of the tree. Decorate the Christmas tree with ribbons and New Year's tinsel.

Please your loved ones with beautiful crafts made from candies! After all, this will require a minimum of effort and expense, and you are guaranteed bright emotions!

Photos of candy crafts

Just the sight of sweets already increases the level of the happiness hormone in the blood, and the anticipation of a sweet meal only increases. But you can increase your already high level of endorphins with the help of original compositions of sweets. Such candy crafts can become a real decoration for a holiday table or a wonderful gift for any occasion or without one. And the main thing is that to create such a craft you don’t need any special skills, just mountains of candy and some decorative material.

Candy pineapple

To create a pineapple from candy you need to take:

  • “Golden Lily” candies (they perfectly copy the texture of a living pineapple) about 70 pieces,
  • a bottle of champagne for the base of the pineapple,
  • organza fabric,
  • glue gun,
  • Double-sided tape,
  • sisal fiber,
  • aspiditra tape,
  • material for decorating the neck (ribbon, bow).

The first thing to do is to cover the entire bottle with organza using double-sided tape so that the candies stick well to the bottle.

The tails of each candy need to be wrapped and sealed so that the candies are circles.

Using a glue gun and hot glue, cover the entire bottle with candy in a circle, leaving no gaps.

Using hot glue, insert sisal fiber evenly between the candies throughout the bottle, which will give our pineapple a natural “hairiness”.

Using aspiditra we make pineapple leaves. Choose their number and length yourself. We glue the leaves to our pineapple with an overlap and straighten them like a natural pineapple.

You can decorate the finished pineapple based on your own preferences.

New Year's candy tree

Our candy trees are more suitable for children's parties and holidays. Their theme is so festive and colorful, which is what kids love. By the way, you can also involve them in creating this delicious masterpiece.

For this you will need sweets, preferably caramels, polystyrene foam cones; if you can’t buy blanks, you can find this material at home. You probably store boxes of equipment. Well, they contain large structures for safe transportation that secure the goods. So they consist of the same polystyrene foam. You can form them into the blank you need. You will also need food glue, preferably with a dispenser, for gluing candies.

If you don’t find one, you’ll have to use melted honey. Only in this case, take relatively light candies, for example, jelly or soufflé. Heavy caramels will not hold up.

After that, start decorating the blanks with candies. It doesn't matter where you start, top or bottom. Just follow the chosen pattern. But, it is better to start gluing heavy candies from the bottom, so they will hold each other and the structure will not crumble before it dries completely.

Using edible glue or honey, apply it only for one row, and immediately glue the candy. Once the sweet tree is completely dry, it can be decorated. For this, other sweets and candies are suitable, as well as all kinds of ribbons, bows, flowers, and so on. By the way, you can decorate such beauty with products made from mastic or sweet lace. Both the first and second will fit originally into the theme of this composition, as will their tandem.

Making mastic is not that difficult. You will need marshmallow pastille, another name is marshmallow. It must be melted over low heat with butter. When everything melts, add powdered sugar and mix everything well. If you need mastic of different colors, distribute it into containers and add food coloring, mix everything well, using your hands, until the mastic is similar in viscosity to clay or plasticine. The finished mastic should stand in the refrigerator before use for at least half an hour, then it is better to work with it.

Mastic recipe: 100g marshmallows, 10 grams butter, 400g powdered sugar.

And finally, such wood cannot be stored for a long time, especially if food glue was used. Maximum - two days. But it is better to serve immediately.

Candy gift for a man

A candy weight will undoubtedly be an excellent gift for a man of any age and for any occasion. Such a creative approach to creating a gift will delight and be appreciated.

To create a weight you will need:

  • candy (about a kilogram),
  • polystyrene foam to form the base of the weights,
  • corrugated paper matching the color of the candies in order to hide the gaps between the candies,
  • stationery sharp knife,
  • scissors,
  • cardboard,
  • toothpicks,
  • Double-sided tape,
  • glue,
  • transparent tape,
  • cardboard.

The first thing to do is to prepare a workpiece that will serve as the base of our weights. You need to take thick foam and cut out three identical circles from it. Connect the finished circles with toothpicks and use a utility knife to give this design the shape of a ball.

The finished workpiece must be wrapped very tightly with transparent tape for reliability. Cover the finished ball with corrugated paper to match the color of the candies used.

Next, the tails from the candies need to be bent and sealed. To each prepared candy you need to glue a square of double-sided tape for further attachment to the weight.

We attach the candies to the previously prepared ball, laying them out tightly and without leaving significant gaps, so as not to spoil the aesthetic appearance of the product.

You need to cut out a blank for the handle of a weight from cardboard and also cover it with corrugated paper.

Using glue and toothpicks, we connect the handle to our candy ball.

We cover the entire handle of the weight with candies and enjoy the finished work of art using the sweet design technique.

Sweets are always a welcome gift for any holiday; children eagerly await them; they are given to ladies and loved ones. Sweet gifts are gaining great popularity and can well serve as an independent gift. On the Internet you can find photos of crafts made from sweets for every taste.

Candy stand

Crafts from candies are easy to make with your own hands for any holiday. The most popular are bouquets of sweets. Any candy is suitable for creating bouquets, but it is easier to work with round and light-weight ones.

Bouquet of roses

Necessary materials:

  • Candies 15-20 pieces
  • Long skewers
  • Corrugated paper in two colors for buds and green for petals
  • Glue gun
  • Scotch
  • Threads
  • Organza
  • Satin ribbons

We cut blanks from corrugated paper for petals measuring 8*12 cm, fold the blanks in half and round the ends, forming petals. We secure the candies on the skewers with tape. We tightly twist the candy into the petal and secure it with thread at the base. We stretch the edge of the corrugation, forming petals.

From green paper we cut out small pieces 0.7 cm wide, about 10 cm high, round the ends with scissors. For each flower you will need 4-5 leaves, glue them to the base of the flower so that the leaves are slightly higher than the petals. For realism, slightly curl the ends of the leaves. We wrap the skewers up to the middle with green paper and secure them with glue.

We collect the resulting flowers into a bouquet in a spiral and tie them with ribbon. We turn the bouquet over and decorate it with corrugated paper, and tie the packages with thread. We decorate the bouquet with organza on top and tie it with satin ribbons.

Additionally, the bouquet can be decorated with beads and bows made of satin ribbons. Candy flowers can be placed in a basket.

Candy heart

  • To make it you will need:
  • Styrofoam
  • Skewers or toothpicks
  • Candy flowers
  • Jewelry (beads, ribbons)

We take foam plastic 3 cm high to make the base, draw a heart on it and cut it out. We make flowers from candies according to the previous master class. Instead of long skewers, you can use toothpicks.

Glue corrugated paper to the resulting heart on both sides, use an awl to make holes and insert candy flowers. We decorate the edges of the heart with corrugated paper and organza, or tie it with a wide satin ribbon.

Sweet card

Necessary materials:

  • Thick cardboard
  • Sweets and chocolates
  • Colored paper

We select the size of the postcard ourselves, fold the cardboard in the shape of a book. For the base, instead of cardboard, you can use the cover of an old book. We write wishes on two sheets of paper of the required size and glue sweets; you can use white or colored paper.

We wrap the card-book with colored or wrapping paper, secure everything with glue, and paste sheets of wishes and sweets inside the card. We decorate the outside with beads and appliqués.

A postcard can be given not only for birthdays, but also to coincide with a themed holiday. Candies can be wrapped in colored paper, then they will resemble gift boxes.

Handmade gifts always delight the heart and eye; they speak of a special reverent attitude.

Candy crafts for children

For children, sweet gifts are made in the shape of animals or cars; such gifts are more complex. But with the help of step-by-step instructions, you can make a candy cake for children.

Two-tier candy cake

To prepare, you will need two round cardboard boxes of different diameters; you can make them yourself from cardboard, or use ready-made ones. The larger box will be the first tier of the cake, fill it with sweets and close it, place a smaller box on top and glue it. We also fill the insides with any sweets.

To decorate the ends you will need long candies of square or rectangular shape; we fix them in a circle with glue. The top of the cake can be decorated with small candies in multi-colored candy wrappers and small toys.

After the holidays there is always a lot of candy wrappers left over; they can be used for children's creativity or adult crafts. You can make simple Christmas tree decorations, colored appliques and much more from multi-colored candy wrappers.

Paper candy wrappers are suitable for creating origami figures, and snowflakes can be cut out from foil candy wrappers. Making crafts from candy wrappers will not only diversify children's creativity, but will also help save on materials.

Photos of candy crafts

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