Home Fruit trees Satan interferes. How does Satan speak to a person? Dream Interpretation - Brush, long nails interfere with playing the guitar

Satan interferes. How does Satan speak to a person? Dream Interpretation - Brush, long nails interfere with playing the guitar

in a dream indicates the Alim following the innovations introduced into religion, as well as the commission of sins and crimes. He also points to intrigues, deceit, witchcraft, envy and a split between spouses. And whoever sees that the devil beats him, he will eat from the interest on the loan (riba).

Shaitan is the enemy of both faith and this world, an insidious deceiver and a liar who does not look back at anything. This dream means a ruler, and possibly household members. And if someone sees that he was touched by the ghost of a shaitan, and at that time he glorified the name of Allah Almighty, then this means that he has many enemies who want to destroy him, but they will not be able to achieve their goal, based on the words of the Almighty: " Those who are God-fearing, when a vision from Satan touches them, remember ... ".

And if someone sees that a shooting star is chasing a shaitan, then this dream speaks of the correctness of the beliefs of the one who saw the dream.

Whoever sees in a dream that the devil scared him, that faith is sincere and the soul is calm and he is not threatened by what he is afraid of, based on the words of the Almighty: "And do not be afraid of them, but be afraid of Me, if you are believers!"

Seeing in a dream that the devil is joyful and cheerful, he will wallow in passions. And the one who sees that the shaitan has taken off his clothes will lose his governorship, if he was the governor, or something will happen to his estate, if he has it, based on the words of the Almighty: "Oh, sons of Adam! May Satan not tempt you ... "

If someone sees in a dream that the shaitan touched him, then he has an enemy slandering his wife and seeking to seduce her. And someone said that this dream speaks of getting rid of sadness and curing illness, based on the words of the Almighty: "And remember our servant Ayyub. Here he called to his Lord:" Satan touched me ...."

The one who sees in a dream that he is following the shaitan has an enemy who deceives him, deceives him and undermines his work and honor, based on the words of the Almighty: "And Satan made him his follower, and he became one of the lost."

And if someone sees in a dream that he is the lord of the shaitans and they follow and obey him, he will gain supremacy and respect and overcome his enemies, according to the Almighty: "... And of the shaitans, those who dive for him." If he sees that he has tied the devil, he will win, according to the Almighty: ".... Bound with chains."

If anyone sees that the devil descended on him, he will commit a sin and invent a lie, according to the words of the Almighty: "They descend on every liar, sinner."

And if he sees that he is secretly talking with the shaitan, then he will ask for advice from his enemies and will help them against pious people in order to quarrel them among themselves, but they will not succeed, according to the Almighty: "Secret conversation is from Satan, to grieve those who believe."

If someone sees that the shaitan is teaching him something, then he will speak falsely or deceive people.

Interpretation of dreams from the Islamic dream book

Dream Interpretation - Satan

The dream tells the dreamer that in reality he does not attribute all his physical (normal) needs to the machinations of the devil. We are People living in the rough material world in order to replenish our earthly experience of the Soul and move on... To learn and develop, in many ways and in many ways, will help the Dreamer in this life. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - Brush, long nails interfere with playing the guitar

The girl who cried, it's you (Soul) in pursuit of external gloss (nails) you forgot about your Soul ... (music is for the Soul ...) the children in your dream are the offspring of your personality in the real aspect of life, t E. Some humiliations created by you, and you think (they tell you) that without removing the importance of external gloss, you will be able to develop the Soul.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

Dream Interpretation - Water prevents entry

The dreamer saw in a dream her new Hypostasis - a Beautiful Two-Story HOUSE with a Roof, in harmony with the environment (Feelings in harmony with the Mind - inner Soul harmony, two halves of one whole). Pure Water in a Pond with smooth edges, but without walls - sincere and reasonably manifested (weighted) Emotions leading to internal and external Harmony (the Way to oneself, one's Happiness). A voice rather similar to a man's (indeterminacy of the gender) means the merging of kindred Souls into one whole, consisting of two inseparable halves of Yin - Yang, uniting in Love (merging of female and male). Thus, we can say that the Dreamer is already looking for and will certainly meet her soulmate after this dream or decide on the Chosen One. Sincerely, Livia.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

The obligation to protect the heart from the whispers of the devil cannot be fulfilled until a person knows the weaknesses of his heart, thanks to which the devil can penetrate him.

Anger and passion

Anger is one of the most powerful feelings that a person can succumb to. Anger destroys everything good that is in it. When a person gets angry, one of the secret threads of his soul rushes to the accursed shaitan.

Moreover, when a person is in a state of rage, he becomes a toy in the hands of shaitan, as a result of which he weakens and tends to surrender to the passions of his nafs.

Envy and greed

Envy and greed, like night and day, one inevitably gives birth to the other, making a person absolutely unhappy. Envy arises only from ingratitude to Allah and dissatisfaction with the position that the Lord has allocated for a person. While a person is envious, he forgets about Allah, which means he is on the path of Satan.

Greed is a consequence of envy, and ignorance that everything we have belongs to Allah alone and comes from Allah.

Binge eating

Some may think how eating food can be Satan's way to the heart. Islam prescribed moderation in everything for Muslims, since excess in everything leads to disobedience, self-indulgence and pushes a person to commit dubious things.


The hadith says: "Deliberation and prudence are from Allah, and haste and impatience are from Shaitan." Any deed, if a person hurries to do it without thinking, is a trick of the devil. Haste leads to consequences that you later regret. The Almighty endowed people with reason so that they use it, considering every word, deed and not become victims of ardor.

Fear of poverty

The fear of poverty comes from giving great importance to money and from the fact that people do not have confidence in the Almighty.

Allah said in the Quran: “Satan threatens you with poverty and orders you to do abominations. Allah promises you forgiveness from Him and mercy. Allah is All-Encompassing, All-Knowing" (Sura 2, verse 268).


As mentioned above, Islam is moderation in everything. Excess leads to obsession and excess, which in turn leads a person out of the rut and leaves him to the shaitan.

The Almighty said in the Quran: “We have made you a middle-ground community so that you can bear witness to all mankind” (Sura 2, verse 143).

Thinking badly about others

“O you who believe! Avoid many assumptions, for some assumptions are a sin." (Sura 49, verse 12).

Islam forbids suspecting people of evil and orders them to be judged by their behavior and their obvious deeds. It is also forbidden to condemn, as this is the prerogative of Allah Almighty and only Him.

Judging, suspecting, gloating, a person causes harm both to others and to himself, and most importantly, he leaves the path of Allah, choosing Satan as his guide.

May Allah protect our hearts from the tricks of Satan and strengthen them with a strong impenetrable iman!


You may not believe in jinn and shaitans, but you will certainly feel when some force moves you to an evil deed and stubbornly achieves your goal. This is the same Satan. He is attached to a person from the moment of birth and does not part with him until the soul leaves this world. If a person has embarked on the path leading to hell, then the shaitan only occasionally takes him close. For example, when his next sin can spoil the lives of other people. But if a person believes and worships only Allah, then the shaitan does not leave him alone even in a dream. He inclines him to sin, scares him with poverty, casts doubts, exaggerates in his eyes the misdeeds of good people. In order to protect yourself from his machinations, my friend, regularly follow these simple tips:

1. Remember Allah often. In the last surah of the Qur'an, Satan is called 'hannas' because he retreats when a person remembers his Lord. Therefore, often repeat 'Subhanallah' (Allah is holy), 'Alhamdu lillah' (praise be to Allah), 'La ilaha illallah' (there is no deity but Allah), 'Allahu akbar' (Allah is great), 'La haula wa la kuvwata illa billah ' (there is no strength and power except from Allah), etc. Feeling an obsession from the shaitan, resort to the protection of Allah and say: 'Auzu billahi min ash-shaytani-r-rajim'. Perform obligatory prayers on time and do not miss the dhikrs that must be read before dawn and before sunset. Remember that whoever misses the dawn prayer loses the protection of the Lord of heaven and earth.

2. Maintain a state of ritual purity. Knowledgeable people say that angels surround a person while he is in a state of ritual purity. People who have been spoiled are often advised to perform ritual ablution. Even before going to bed, it is desirable to take a bath, and then the angel is at the head of the person until the morning, praying for him.

3. Spend more time with righteous people. They themselves are fighting the devil and you will be helped in the fight against him. They will keep from sin in time, give the right advice, offer to do a good deed. Our Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “Verily, the wolf devours the sheep that has strayed from the flock” (Abu Dawood, an-Nasai, al-Hakim). He also said: “Do not make friends with anyone except the believers, and let only pious people share your meal” (at-Tirmidhi). And the Righteous Caliph ‘Ali ibn Abu Talib, may Allah be pleased with him and his descendants, said: “Stock up righteous brothers for this world and for the Hereafter.” He was asked, "We understand why for this world, but why for the next life?" He replied: “Did not the Mighty and Great Allah say:“ On that day, all loving friends will become enemies, except for God-fearing ones ”(Surah 43“ Ornaments ”, ayat 67).

4. Stop lying and stay away from unworthy deeds. Anything that distances you from Allah makes you weak and vulnerable to the machinations of Satan. The Almighty said: “Shall I tell you about whom the devils descend on? They come down on every liar and sinner"(Sura 26 "Poets", verses 221-222). There is only one way to protect yourself from the consequences of committed sins - to bring sincere repentance and, if possible, correct what you have done. If you know your sin, then do not hesitate to repent.

5. Do not attach importance to the instigations of Satan. When the shaitan fails to persuade a person to sin, he begins to throw obscene thoughts into his soul. Sometimes they cause a believer a lot of suffering and anxiety, especially if he does not understand the nature of what is happening. The more a person worries about this, the more Satan incites him. But as soon as you stop thinking about it, the promptings stop. And it’s not worth thinking about it, if only because Allah forgives us any thoughts that arise in our head if we don’t say or don’t do it. Our Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “Verily, Allah has forgiven my followers what the shaitan inspires them, and what arises in their souls, if they do not do or say it” (al-Bukhari, Muslim) .

God! I seek refuge in You from the delusions of the devils. I resort to You, Lord, so that they do not come near me!

How to avoid jinns

Imam al-Shafi'i said: "If a normal person says that he saw genie then after that, his (any other) testimony is considered invalid, because Allah Almighty said (interpretation of the meaning): “Indeed, he and his tribe see you while you do not see them.”". (Ahkam al-Quran 2/195-196)

Ibn Hazm said:

Jinn are real beings created by Allah. Among them are unbelievers and believers. They can see us, but we cannot see them. They eat, have children and die.

“O host of jinn and people!”(Quran 6:130). “And even earlier We created the jinn from the scorching flame.”(Quran 15:27). “There are Muslims and deviants among us. Those who became Muslims followed the straight path. Those who deviate will be firewood for Gehenna.” (Quran 72:14-15). “Verily, he and his kindred see you from where you do not see them. Verily, We have made the devils patrons and helpers of those who do not believe.” (Quran 7:27). “Do you really recognize him (Iblis) and his descendants as your patrons and helpers instead of Me, while they are your enemies? This is a bad substitute for the wicked!” (Quran 18:50). “Everything that is on it (the earth) will perish”(Quran 55:26). "Everyone will taste death"(Quran 3:185) (al-Muhalla 1/34/35)

As for the harm that genies Man, it's been proven and it's a fact. Protection against this is obtained by reading the Qur'an and azkars as prescribed in Shariah.

Sheikh ibn Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy on him) said:

Undoubtedly jinn can harm people and can even kill them. They may harm a person by throwing stones at him, or try to intimidate him, and other things that are proven in the Sunnah, or that are indicated by real events. It was reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) allowed one of the Companions to visit his wife during one of the military campaigns - I think it was at the battle of the ditch - as he was a young man who had recently married. When he got to his house, he saw his wife standing at the door, and he did not like it. She told him, "Come into the house," he entered and found the snake lying curled up on the bed. He had a spear with which he began to pierce her until she died, and at the same moment as the snake died, the man also died. And it was not known which of them died first, a snake or a man. When the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) heard of this, he forbade the killing of the harmless species of snakes that are found in houses other than those that are stubby or with two white stripes.

This means that jinn can attack people and that they can harm them, as is known from real events. There are many stories that show that a person can come to a deserted area and a stone can be thrown at him, but he does not see anyone, or he can hear voices or rustling, like the rustling of trees, and other things that can make him afraid. . Genie may also enter a person's body, either out of love or with the intent to harm him, or for some other reason. This is stated in the verse (translation of the meaning): “Those who devour interest will rise up, as one rises whom Satan has brought down with his touch.”(Quran 2:275).

In such cases, the jinn may speak from within that person to the one who recites verses from the Qur'an over him; the reader can take a promise from the genie never to return, and another, about which there are so many stories that are widely circulated among people.

Protection to prevent evil genies- is to read what is transmitted in the Sunnah, as this will provide effective protection, such as Ayat al-Kursi, because if a person reads Ayat al-Kursi at night, he will be under the protection of Allah, and the devil will not approach him until morning . And Allah is the Protector. (Majmu' Fatawa Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen, 1/287-288)

The Sunnah mentions azkars, with which you can get protection from shaitans (devils). These include:

1 - Seeking refuge with Allah from the jinn:

Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “And if an obsession from Satan touches you, then resort to the protection of Allah, for He is Hearing, Knowing”. (Quran 41:36).

“And if Satan incites you, then resort to the protection of Allah, for He is Hearing, Knowing”. (Quran 7:200).

It was narrated from Suleiman ibn Sard that two men insulted each other in the presence of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) until the face of one of them turned red. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

I know the word, if you say it, then his anger will go away: “ A'uzu billahi min ash-shaytani-rrajim.(I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed shaitan). (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 3108 and Muslim 2610)

2 - Reading al-Muawwizatain(the last two surahs from the Qur'an: "al-Falaq" and "an-Nas").

It was narrated that Abu Said al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) resorted to protection from jinn and the evil eye before Muawwizatayn were sent down. After sending them down, he began to read them and left everything else. (Narrated by at-Tirmidhi, who called him Hasan Gharib. Also, this hadeeth was narrated by an-Nasai 5494, Ibn-Maja 3511. Shaykh al-Albani, may Allah have mercy on him, called this hadeeth authentic in Sahih al-Jami’ 4905)

3 - Reading Ayat al-Kursi.

It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said:

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) put me to guard zakat al-fitr. Someone came and started grabbing food. I took it and said: "I will take you to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)." He said: "I will teach you words by which Allah will benefit you." I said, "What are those words?" He said: “When you go to bed, then read this verse: Allah - there is no deity but Him, the Living, the Sustainer of life. Neither drowsiness nor sleep takes possession of them. To him belongs what is in heaven and what is on earth… [al-Baqarah, 2:255] - until he completed the verse. “Then Allah will appoint a guard for you and the devil will not approach you until morning.” The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) asked me: “What did your captive do last night?” I said, "O Messenger of Allah, he taught me something and claimed that Allah would benefit me because of it." He said, "What was that?" I said: “He taught me to read Ayat al-Kursi when I go to bed and said that the devil will not come near me until the morning, and that Allah will appoint a guard for me.” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “He told you the truth, although he is a liar. It was the devil." (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 3101)

4 - Reading Surah al-Baqarah

It was narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Do not make graves out of your houses, the devil runs away from the house in which Surah al-Baqarah is recited.” (narrated by Muslim, 780).

5 - Last verses of Surah al-Baqarah

It was narrated that Abu Masud al-Ansari said: “The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever recites the last two verses from Surah al-Baqar at night, that is enough for him.” (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 4723 and Muslim 807)

It was narrated from al-Bashir ibn Nu'man (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Allah wrote a book two thousand years before He created heaven and earth and sent down from it two verses from Surah al-Baqarah. If you read them in the house for three nights, then the shaitan will not be able to stay in this house. (Narrated by at-Tirmidhi, al-Albani declared it authentic in Sahih al-Jami', 1799)

6 - Reading a hundred times: La ilaha illa-llohu wakhdahu la sharika lyahu, lyakhul mulku wa lyakhul hamdu, wa khuva ‘ala kulli shayyin qadir.

It was narrated from Abu Hurairah that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Whoever says: « La ilaha illa-llohu wakhdahu la shara lyahu, lyakhul mulku wa lyahul hamdu, wa huva ‘ala kulli shayyin qadir« a hundred times a day, he will receive a reward that is equal to the release of ten slaves, a hundred good deeds will be recorded for him and a hundred bad deeds will be erased, this will be protection for him from the devil for this day, until evening. No one can achieve anything better than him, except one who does more than him. (Narrated by al-Bukhari, 31119 and Muslim 2691)

7 - Frequent remembrance of Allah (dhikr)

It is narrated from al-Harith al-Ashari that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allah commanded Yahya ibn Zakariya (peace and blessings be upon him) five things to do them himself, and command this to the sons of Israel ... he ordered them to remember Allah, because the one who remembers is like a man who fled from enemies and hid in a fortress in which he found protection; also, a person will not be able to find protection from the shaitan, except by the remembrance of Allah ... ". (Narrated by at-Tirmidhi. Sheikh al-Albani called it authentic in Sahih al-Jami’ 1724)

8 - Azan

It is narrated that Suhayl ibn Abi Salih said: “My father sent me to the Ban of Khyaris, our slave or our comrade was with me. And someone called his name from the garden, he looked into the garden and saw nothing. I told my father about it and he said, “If I had known this was going to happen to you, I would not have sent you. But if you hear a voice, then make a call to prayer, for I heard Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased with him) who said that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “When the devil hears the call to prayer, he quickly runs away emitting stench." (Narrated by Muslim, 389).

9 - Reading the Qur'an Provides Protection from Shaitan

Allah says (interpretation of the meaning): “When you read the Quran, We erected between you and those who do not believe in the Hereafter, an invisible veil.”(Quran 17:45).

And Allah knows best.

Sheikh Muhammad Salih al-Munajid

A bad habit can ruin a life. You understand this very well and really want to get rid of it, but ... nothing comes of it. Do you want to know why?
But because Satan knows many tricky ways to keep you at the mercy of your habits.

1. Shaitan inspires your mind that you are a "future" completely different person.

You know that in the next life you will have to answer for your sins before Allah ta'ala. And, anyway, you don’t perform five prayers a day, don’t hold a prayer in Ramadan, you are going to a resort when you haven’t performed Hajj. Spend money on entertainment without paying zakat. Complain about the circumstances that prevent you from earning money without ever paying ‘ashir. Choose haram, refusing halal. With your mind, of course, you understand that it is high time to observe the decrees of Allah and that neglect of the religion of Allah will end badly on the Day of Judgment, but on a subconscious level, the "tomorrow's version" of himself, Satan presents you with a completely different person. That, tomorrow will be honest and just, will be grateful to his Creator, will achieve His contentment and receive His mercy; and today will look at some other action movie.

In one study, psychologists found that when we think about ourselves and about other people, completely different parts of our cerebral cortex are activated. This is understandable - the brain assigns different proportions to itself and to everyone else, because, first of all, Satan calls us to think about our own needs. In this regard, it is interesting that for some people, when thinking about themselves in the future, those areas that were reserved for “outsiders” became more active.

Well, how do you now motivate yourself to refuse to visit the disco and go to the mosque? You can convince yourself as much as you like that you will get up from Friday for prayer, but the shaitan whispers to you that the fire will somehow be avoided later and will manipulate your subconscious so that on the next Friday you go with drinking friends and vulgar girls to a nightclub.

2. It takes about ten weeks to form a sustainable “good” habit.
Let's say you have one or two bad habits that you definitely need to get rid of. You decide to start by getting a few good ones, because, as you know, the surest way to overcome an addiction is to replace it with another addiction. You start getting up for morning prayers, plan to go to jum'ah on Friday and finally conquer the passion for fornication. Or for beer. Or to something else.

How long do you think you will have to force yourself until prayer and communication with brothers in faith become an integral part of your life? And how soon will the worship of Allah ta'ala begin to bring pleasure?

According to psychological research, it takes about 66 days to form a habit. During this time, conscious effort and coercion become a habit. So if you stand up for prayer, keep in mind that only after two months it will turn from endless “again forgot to read in time” into a habitual activity.

During these two months, all sorts of obstacles and slingshots will constantly stand in your way. Either you will catch a cold, or you will have to stay at work ... And during this period, many who are trying to observe give up prayer and return to their former sinful “joys” - because the latter have long been formed and built into your life.

This is because your brain is used to obeying a “bad adviser” - it loves endorphins that bring short-term pleasure, and bad habits always bring instant pleasure. As a result, Satan achieves what turns your life into a set of repetitive bad actions that you can do on autopilot, develop a set of rules based on your experience that would allow you to live life with a minimum of energy and silence your conscience. Everything.

Therefore, if you want to disrupt the usual course of "secular" life, you will have a very difficult time. Month two.

3. Willpower is a limited resource
If you nevertheless firmly decided to pray, and set yourself up for a long struggle with yourself, we consider it our duty to warn you: the biggest danger on your path to perfection is not all sorts of circumstances beyond your control, but ... a weak iman. That is, if you, say, read five prayers daily for a week and can already boast of certain successes, then at some point you may decide that you can afford a break.

It turns out that the more often and longer people resist their desires, the less willpower they have left to resist the subsequent desire. Psychologists call this phenomenon “willpower depletion”.

During a psychological experiment, one group of students was asked to memorize a two-digit number, and the other - a seven-digit one. Participants from both groups were then given the choice between cake and fruit salad. Strikingly, students who memorized seven-digit numbers were twice as likely to choose brownies. That is, in order to significantly reduce willpower and throw out a white flag, it is enough to remember some five extra numbers.
The psychologists then conducted another experiment in which they approached the same problem from a different angle: volunteers were shown two dishes, one with freshly made cookies and the other with radishes. Half of the participants were previously instructed to take a biscuit, the other half to take a radish. After that, everyone was asked to solve a complex geometric puzzle. Those who took the radish quit the task after eight minutes, and those who got the cookie struggled with the puzzle for a full 19 minutes.

Despite the fact that the task did not require any physical effort, the rejection of delicious cookies took away from the participants some of the energy that could have been spent on the task.

4. Satan uses your success as an excuse to indulge himself.
For one recent study, psychologists recruited a group of dieters who had already achieved notable success. The volunteers were divided into two groups. Some began to be praised for their success on the path to achieving their ideal, others were not told anything special.

After that, both groups were offered a choice between an apple and a chocolate bar as a thank you gift for participating in the study. Of those who were praised, 85 percent chose chocolate; in the second group, only 58 percent preferred chocolate.

Those to whom the praises were sung decided that they had every right to reward themselves once for their successes, while others humbly chewed apples.
In other words, realizing success is the first step to failure.

If the "celebration" was limited to only one chocolate bar, this would not be a big deal. But ... ask any person who has got out of any kind of addiction, and he will confirm that “once” almost always turns into a whole stream of small defeats, and before you have time to look back, there is no trace of your successes.

As we have already said, shaitan imposes on your consciousness the former, familiar, and therefore less energy-consuming way of existence, even if you risk entering hell with it.
But sometimes…

5. Shaitan convinces you to put up with a bad habit to save yourself from inconvenience.
There is a special type of people who are always whining. Some kind of insurmountable barrier always stands on their way to success - not one, but the other. After talking with such a person for a long time, you understand that he does not strive to achieve anything, he simply invents new and new obstacles for himself all the time - and, apparently, on purpose.

Psychologists call this phenomenon “masochistic personality disorder”. Such behavior is explained as follows: a person subconsciously “agrees” to a failure that he can relatively easily survive, because he is afraid of another, some very painful one. That is, he makes a deal with the devil.

For example, a young man would rather date unbelieving girls, realizing the inadmissibility of such a situation, than allow an observant Muslim woman to reject his proposal to marry him.

And then - it is very easy to understand how another sin grows out of this. Suppose visiting a mosque is complicated for you by the fact that you do not like to wear a skullcap and do not want to grow a beard and are afraid of the reproachful glances of fellow believers who welcome the wearing of a headdress and a beard. In this case, you have a very strong motivation to nurture and cherish these weaknesses in yourself, because they protect you from the shame of appearing insufficiently pious and failing in the eyes of your brothers. Therefore, you continue the secular lifestyle, but with the illusion of your own God-fearing and deep faith. A bad habit imposed on you by the enemy of humanity helps you build your own self-esteem.

And while your conscious “I” hates itself for its weaknesses, the nafs, who has obeyed the shaitan, sabotages any of your attempts to cope with them, because the shaitan does not need your self-improvement, to take you into the fire with him is his only goal.

Every person regularly experiences the influence of shaitan, which encourages them to commit bad and sinful deeds.

Shaitan (Satan) is a being who seeks to lead people astray. The main shaitan is Iblis, who is our main enemy.

In His Revelation Allah says:

“He (Iblis) said: “I will certainly sit against them on Your straight path. And then I will approach them in front and behind, on the right and on the left” (7:16-17)

Shaitan is constantly next to every person and 24 hours a day tries to harm him in every possible way, that is, to force him to commit as many sins as possible. In one of the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) it is said: “Shaitan is next to a person during every deed” (Muslim).

How Satan leads people astray

There are many ways in which Satan encourages people to commit sin, as he clings to every opportunity to seduce a person. Let's take a closer look at some of them.

1. Doubts and disputes about Allah

Shaytans inspire people with doubts and disputes about the Almighty, as the Qur'an says:

"Verily, the devils inspire their helpers to quarrel with you" (6:121)

2. Embellishment of earthly life

“(Satan) said: “... I will adorn the things of the earth for them and will certainly pervert them all ...” (15:39)

3. Empty promises

“He makes them promises and arouses hope in them. But Satan promises them nothing but deceit” (4:120)

4. Delusion

The Revelation tells of the following promise from Satan:

“I will certainly lead them astray…” (4:119)

5. Distraction from prayer

One of the hadiths says: “When someone prays, the shaitan comes to him and begins to confuse him” (at-Tirmidhi).

6. Laziness

Shaitan loves if a person is lazy, if he is lethargic and has no desire to do anything. It is in such situations, as a rule, that a believer yawns, which, according to the saying of the Prophet Muhammad (S.G.V.), given in the collection of hadiths al-Bukhari, is from Shaitan.

7. Bad dreams

The Prophet (S.G.V.) instructed: “Good dreams are from Allah, and bad dreams are from Shaitan” (al-Bukhari and Muslim).

8. Poverty

The Quran says:

“Satan threatens you with poverty and commands you to do abominations” (2:268)

9. Anger

Once, to his contemporary, seized with a fit of rage, the Prophet (J.G.V.) advised: “I know the words, and if they are uttered by a person who is in despondency and burden, then everything will pass. This is "Aguzu billahi min ash-shaitan ir-rajiim"(hadith cited by al-Bukhari and Muslim).

How to deal with the wiles of Satan

The fight against one's vices and shortcomings that come from shaitan is one of the most important goals in the life of every believer. Any Muslim should strive for self-improvement in order to successfully resist the machinations of Satan:

1) By pronouncing the phrase "Aguzu billahi min ash-shaitan ir-rajiim" (“I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed shaitan”), about which the Grace of the Worlds Muhammad (s.g.v.) instructed in the hadith cited just above.

2) Call to prayer (Azan), as the hadith narrates about this: “When it is heard, then Satan flees from there” (al-Bukhari and Muslim).

3) Remembrance of Allah, since the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) instructed: “E If a person enters his home and remembers Allah at the entrance, and does the same before eating, then the shaitan will say to his companions: “You have neither overnight nor dinner” (Muslim).

4) giving alms, after all, there is a hadith: “Verily, the devil approaches during the trade, in connection with which knead it with alms” (at-Tirmidhi and Nasai).

5) Commitment, as the Messenger of the Almighty (s.g.v.) advised: “ Whoever seeks to get to Paradise, let him be in a jamaat, for the shaitan is next to those who remain alone"(at-Tirmidhi).

6) Reading "Ayatul-Kursi", as one hadeeth says: To the one who read “Ayatul-Kursi” before going to bed, Allah will assign a sufficient number of guards, and until dawn the shaitan will not be able to approach him.”

7) Phrase « There is no god but Allah alone, Who has no partner, He owns the power, praise is His, and He can do everything. - The final Messenger of God (LGV) instructed: “ The one who says a hundred times a day "La ilaha illa L lah wahdahu la sharika lyahu lyakhul-mulk, at a lahul-hamd wa huwa ala kulli shayin qadir" , ... they will serve him as protection from the shaitan on this day until the evening ”(hadith lead alb-Bukhari and Muslim).

One of the biggest and most dangerous enemies of a Muslim is the devil. Satans These are creations of the Almighty invisible to us. The purpose of their existence is to commit all kinds of evil. One thing is certain - they are not capable of anything good.

Shaitans are known to be created from fire. This fact became for Iblis (the chief shaitan) the main argument for allegedly his superiority over Adam (peace be upon him). Those whom we call shaitans are Iblis and his offspring.

When Almighty Allah created Adam and ordered everyone to bow before him, Iblis refused to fulfill this order, referring to the fact that he was created from fire, and man (Adam) from clay.

Since then, Satan has become the main enemy of the believer, so the fight against him continues throughout the history of mankind. In the course of this struggle, Satan resorts to all sorts of tricks and tricks to lead a person astray from the truth.

In no case will he show a person the true goals of his actions and will never say: “ I am your enemy, I will deceive you and my goal is to lead you to Hell».

On the contrary, the shaitan constantly inspires a person with his suggestions, hiding even his own existence. A person who is not aware of the presence of Satan considers his instigations to be his own thoughts that are born in his head.

It is reported in authentic hadiths that the devil is very close to a person, moreover, he can pass through the blood vessels of a person and inspire him with evil thoughts when he is in a state of carelessness (gaflat).

Anas ibn Malik (may Allah be pleased with him) reported that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

إِنَّ الشَّيْطَانَ يَجْرِي مِنَ الانسان مجْرى الدَّم

« Indeed, Satan moves in (the body of) a person like blood ». ( Bukhari, 3281; Muslim, 2175)

However, when a believer commemorates the Almighty, shaitan retreats from him, and when he is in gaflat, shaitan is very close to him, moreover, he moves inside his body like blood.

By acting in this way, Satan studies all the habits and desires of a person and works on how to decorate forbidden desires for his eye. Shaitans, just like angels, can know what a person doubts and what he is more inclined to, good or evil. Considering all this, he inspires a person with his suggestions.

In addition, Satan is able to make a person believe in the correctness of these thoughts. And thus, a person, without realizing it, is completely under the control of shaitan.

However, this enemy, capable of inspiring insinuations to a person, can be neutralized by reading the Holy Quran and asking our Creator, Who is both the creator and owner of Satan, to warn us against him.

If someone realizes that he has become the target of the shaitan's instigations, he should steadily follow what the Qur'an prescribes and resort to the protection of Allah, since the shaitan's instigations do not have any effect on the one who remembers Allah.

This important secret Allah Almighty reveals in the Quran:

وَإِمَّا يَنْزَغَنَّكَ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ نَزْغٌ فَاسْتَعِذْ بِاللَّهِ ۚ إِنَّهُ سَمِيعٌ عَلِيمٌ إِنَّ الَّذِينَ اتَّقَوْا إِذَا مَسَّهُمْ طَائِفٌ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ تَذَكَّرُوا فَإِذَا هُمْ مُبْصِرُونَ

(meaning): "A if any delusion (waswas) from the Shaitan touches you, O Muhammad, then turn to Allah for protection, because, verily, He is Hearing all your words, knowing all your deeds ". (Sura Al-A'raf: 200)

Almighty Allah in this verse calls not only the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), but also all of us to resort to His protection. The best way to do this is to say the famous expression: A'uzu bi-Llahi mina-sh-shaytani-r-rajim » ( I resort to Allah for protection from the accursed shaitan).

It is well known that one who has enough strength and ability does not need the help of others to defeat the enemy, and who is deprived of this, he is forced to seek help. Therefore, the slave, saying " A'uzu bi-Llahi ”, turns to Allah with a request for protection.

He does this knowing that he is unable to protect himself from Shaitan, except with the help of Allah, and recognizing his weakness and impotence. Pronounce " A'uzu bi-Llahi » is necessary in the state of Khuzur (sincerely and with the presence of the heart). It is not enough just to say it with the lips, with an abstracted heart.

Thus, the devil harms us, suggesting his suggestions, subjecting us to diseases, misfortunes, difficulties, poverty and various other misfortunes. Therefore, it behooves us to pronounce A'uzu bi-Llahi ” in a state of huzur, mentally turning to Allah for protection from all these misfortunes.

Pointing out how to defeat Satan, Sheikh Said-Afandi Al-Chirkawi in his book " Motivation to Heed the Call of the Qur'an ' gives the following story.

A certain Taliban (student) from Khorasan went to Iraq in search of religious knowledge. There he studied with various scholars and memorized four thousand hadiths. At the end of his studies, when he asked his teacher for permission to return home, the teacher asked him: “ To teach you a saying that is better for you than all the hadith you have memorized? »

The student wanted to know this saying, and the teacher asked him: Does Iblis live there? »

The student answered in the affirmative. The teacher also asked: Does he plant you in your hearts? »

Again receiving an affirmative answer, the teacher asked: What are you doing with it? » – « We drive away from the heart of shaitan, that is, waswas, which he instilled in our hearts". “And if he comes to you again?” "We'll drive him out again."

Then the teacher taught him: When this enemy of Allah harms you, instills you in your hearts, distracting you from worshiping Allah, do not try to drive him away, do not get carried away by this, but behave as if you are next to a shepherd with an evil shepherd.

If someone begins to defend themselves against this shepherd dog, will drive it away without resorting to a shepherd for help, what will come of it? The shepherd will rush at him and will not calm down until he bites him.

He fights back, waving his arms, but he does not have the strength to kill the shepherd, and without killing it, it is impossible to calm her down. Isn't it better and more reasonable in such a situation to turn to a shepherd for help, to hide behind his back, than to compete with a shepherd dog? After all, one shepherd's cry is enough to calm down and drive away the dog».

Thus, the teacher teaches the student to constantly turn to Allah for protection from the shaitan, like a person who turned to a shepherd for protection from an evil shepherd.

May Allah protect us, especially our hearts, lips and minds, from the devil, as He protected the Prophet Ayyub (peace be upon him).

Muslim Abdulaev

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