Home Fruit trees List of youth slang. Cool phrases for teenagers, girls and boys. How to understand what teenagers are talking about

List of youth slang. Cool phrases for teenagers, girls and boys. How to understand what teenagers are talking about

Words you heard from teenagers this year but were too embarrassed to know their meaning

The expert council at the Center for Creative Development of the Russian Language has compiled a list. In the first place, according to the council, the word “renovation” is in first place, “bitcoin” is in second place, and “hype” is in third place. According to the majority of Moscow teenagers, “hype” can no longer surprise anyone, since even the world of parents has recognized it as one of the main ones. But there are many such words and memes that even the most inquisitive adults still have to translate.

For example, the word " fame"(from English fame- glory, notoriety) - in the literal meaning of fame, fame. Unlike “hype”, it has no emotional connotation.

Example: Druzhko loses fame (Druzhko loses popularity).

Another actively used word, primarily due to the culture of rap battles, is Punch or punchline(from English punch- to hit with a fist). This is a laconic phrase/line ( line), which should hit the opponent very hard. Like a crushing blow in boxing, in rap battles the main blow is the punchline, where the enemy is “hurt” as much as possible.

Example: Yesterday the math teacher gave me a pair of counters, and even rolled out a punchline.

Many words in the teenage vocabulary express feelings. Often these are English or Japanese borrowings, often tracings from English, and there are also Russian words used in an unusual sense. But almost always these words are so emotionally charged and pronounced with such feeling that they are intuitively understandable without translation.

Creepy/crippot(from English creepy- creepy, creepy) - something terrible or vile.

Example: Yesterday I watched the movie “It” - no, it’s kind of creepy for me.

Zashkvar- an obscene, shameful, unworthy act. Also - wearing unfashionable or, conversely, clothes that have become too common.

Example: Just think, Yegor’s parents took away his smartphone, it’s a complete mess!

Wearing sweatpants with Chelsea is a mess!

Vinishko- a representative of the “vinishko” subculture, a girl with short (not below the shoulders) hair, bleached or dyed in bright colors. She wears glasses with large lenses, often without prescriptions, T-shirts with mysterious inscriptions, high-waisted jeans, vintage dresses, can talk about serious philosophical literature, is not a stranger to the aesthetics of decadence, and drinks affordable wine.

Example: I have a friend who is a typical vino.

Lamp- warm, touching, nostalgic.

Example: Yesterday we had a great time sitting behind the garages.

Crush(from English crush- hobby, object of adoration) - a person who is madly liked, an object of desire.

Example: You don’t have to hide it - I realized a long time ago that he’s your crush!

Sasny(from English sassy- impudent, impudent, lively) - very sweet, extremely positive, handsome, sexy.

Example: Olya's pine crash.

Hater(from English hate- to hate) is a person who openly expresses his hatred, envy, anger towards some person or towards everyone.

Example: Every successful blogger is full of haters, this is normal.

Hate- to hate, publicly humiliate, insult, discredit.

Example: There are girls in our class who hate me.

Zhiza- a truth of life, a life situation.

Example: Well, what did you want, this is life when they laugh at you because of such lousy slippers.

In addition to numerous definitions, the teenage dictionary contains a huge number of verbs, and you can often make a mistake when trying to translate at random - as, for example, in the case of the word “yell.” Now it means more than just shouting loudly.

Yell, yell- laugh wildly and joyfully, fall into hysterics from laughter.

Example: Have you seen this cute coon? Screaming from his latest video!

Kun- not at all about the Maine Coon cat. This Japanese suffix, which is used in Japanese to express friendship towards a boy/man, is called a boy.

Example: Who is this kun with purple bangs?

Tian- also a Japanese suffix, used to give a word a diminutive connotation. Sometimes used to mean “girl, girl.”

Example: My girlfriend is so cute!

Kawaii- be in a state of delight and tenderness. Although the word is not entirely new, it is now experiencing a second wave of use, associated with going beyond its use exclusively among anime fans.

Example: We had a blast with Luda-chan!

Trip(from English trip- trip, journey) - a psychedelic, altered state of consciousness, characterized by atypical perception and an intense process of awareness. Such conditions can be caused in various ways, for example, by taking psychoactive substances. The word, which originated in the hippie era of the last century, is again actively used. Sometimes it is used for its intended purpose - in the sense of traveling, going somewhere.

Example: Yesterday's trip was just right.

Byte- completely copy the words or style of another person. Steal someone's ideas and appropriate them for yourself.

Example: Damn MC stole Lil Pump's beat!

stalk- keep an eye on someone, avoiding personal contact.

Example: It seems to me that Dima is stalking me.

Wipe, wipe(from English wipe- erase, sweep away) - the original technical and gaming meaning of “destroying the data of any group of characters, clearing the game world of changes, resetting settings” is now not the only one. This verb means to clutter up an online conversation with a huge amount of unnecessary and meaningless information, spam pictures and memes in manual and automatic mode. Just like the verb “ban”, it is also used outside the online context.

Example: Kolyan, you started wiping!

Flex(from English flex- bend, bend) - sway, dance to a pumping beat, and also clearly express yourself and your physical capabilities.

Example: Excellent reflection at the Lebanese concert.

There are a huge number of words with unknown, legendary origin, as well as words - abbreviations and abbreviations.

So, rofl- a word based on an English abbreviation that stands for Rolling On Floor Laughing- roll on the floor laughing. Accordingly, to roar is to laugh wildly, to have fun, to be in a state of violent joy. Rofl is also used in the meaning of “joke, prank.”

Example: I hate his comment.

Diss(from English disrespect- treat with disdain, disrespect) - a rap composition that insults another rapper, or a long emotional statement with the aim of insulting or belittling the interlocutor.

Example: Oxy issued a diss track against Gnoyny.

OTP is an English abbreviation that stands for One True Pairing- the only true couple. A pair of romantic characters from the same or different works of fiction that have special meaning to the individual and/or fans.

Example: For me, Elsa and Jack are OTP.

And finally, the mysterious " eshkera“- a word that, apart from the fact that it sounds funny and is shouted out without any connection with the situation, does not have much meaning. It can, however, be used as a kind of call to action. Its popularizer in Russia is the controversial Gucci and burger lover, the performer Face. It is believed that “eshkere” is a derivative of the expression of the American rapper Lil Pump - esketit, which, in turn, came from let's get it.

Whether this is true or not is difficult to say. It is important to remember that not every word and expression used among teenagers has a clear meaning. And like any other living language, teenage language changes, transforms and enriches itself.

We wish you in the new year 2018 to find and not lose a common language with your teenagers!

By the way, 2018 in this language will sound like this: 2k18. “K” in the year number means the abbreviation of the prefix kilo-, or thousand. Example: 2k17 is coming to an end!

Prepared by Victoria Sverdlova-Yagur with the help of Ekaterina Krinitskaya and teenagers from the Kavardak Center for Self-Determination.

How to understand what teenagers are talking about.

In April 2018, City 812 published for the first time a dictionary of St. Petersburg youth slang. However, over the past year, many words have become outdated - teenage language is changing rapidly. We have again collected all the newest and most incomprehensible things from their language and are publishing an up-to-date dictionary with comments by Doctor of Philology, Professor Tatyana Nikitina.

Linguists call youth slang a sociolect - that is, a speech feature characteristic of a certain group of people. In Russia, the development of youth slang has gone through three stormy waves. The first wave (1920s) was associated with an increase in the number of street children and criminals after the revolution and the Civil War. The second (1950s) - with the advent of dudes. The third (1970s) - with the emergence of informal youth movements during the period of stagnation - hippies, for example.

According to Doctor of Philology Tatyana Nikitina, today we are on the crest of the fourth wave associated with the active use of social networks and the Internet. It used to be that teenage slang was a sign of rebellion. Now everything is different.

– There is no rebellion, it’s no longer fashionable. Young people are busy with their own affairs, studies, careers. The priorities are different. Now it is fashionable to be original, creative, and, in my opinion, youth slang is a manifestation of this trend. It is, rather, a language game - playful, playfully ironic. There is nothing conspiratorial about it. Previously, teenagers used slang to hide some of their thoughts and secrets from adults or from those who are not in the “system.” For example, there was such a well-known expression - “laces in a glass”, which meant: “parents at home.” Or drugs were called by women's names - Marfa, Marfushka, Katya. “Give Katya 20 kisses” meant: “Bring me 20 grams of such and such a drug.”

– They say that most of the words turned into youth slang from criminal jargon. Where do new words come from now?

“Probably everything that could come from criminal jargon has already come.” Nowadays, word formation by abbreviating words is relevant. The law of linguistic economy is at work. Instead of tests - tests, instead of competitions - competitions. Corporate event - building, conference - conf. The same trend exists in English youth slang.

– Is the teenage language the same throughout the country or does each region have its own?

– There is general youth slang, which is widespread throughout the country, and there is regional slang. The latter is used mainly for some local names - streets, monuments, and so on. Usually - to cause a comic effect. For example, the Mayak store is called “Maniac”. Cinema "Pobeda" - "Trouble". Kindergarten "Kolobok" will be deprived of the first two letters in its name.

– At what age do children start using slang? And when do they quit?

– We conducted research in elementary school: even small children use slang. For example, those who are smaller are called blotters. When do they stop? It happens differently for everyone. Some words from their own youth are used in speech by quite old people. Among the seventies, the word “nishtyak”, for example, is still popular.

Do words often pass from youth to “adult” language?

- It happens. For example, the words “party”, “cool”, “cool” used to be purely slang, but are now used everywhere. The democratization of language is taking place, and these colloquial words have already penetrated the pages of newspapers and TV.

Are such words included in dictionaries? Is there a special procedure for the official recognition of new words?

– There is no dictionary fixation now. But earlier dictionaries were published, which were called: “New words and meanings.” It was believed that if a word appeared in a standard explanatory dictionary without the label “special” or “slang,” then it could already be considered commonly used. Now the boundaries have blurred. It is difficult to say when the novelty ends and a word becomes common language. Of course this is a problem. It would be nice to publish dictionaries more often. But publishing houses take a long time to sway: you submit the material, then work goes on for about a year, and by the time it goes to press everything is already outdated. Slang was, is and will be. Of course, it needs to be studied. At least to explain to foreigners what words can be used and where. I teach Russian to foreign students. They sometimes write in official documents: “Please transfer me from dorm No. 1 to...” Or: “Teacher so-and-so...”

How quickly does youth slang change?

- Very fast! I work with students and often suggest that they read dictionaries of youth slang from past years. The last one I gave them was released in 2013. They no longer use fifty percent of the words from there,” said Tatyana Nikitina.

Elena Rotkevich

Fashionable words in 2010–2012

Professor Nikitina has been studying youth slang for many years. She prepared the first dictionary back in 1994. But now, she says, she has switched to other projects. Here are a few examples of words that were fashionable in 2010–2012, from Nikitina’s monograph “Modern youth lexicon in linguocultural and lexicographical aspects”:

vipar– VIP person;
golduha- Golden medal;
help gun– cheat sheet;
CD– compact disc (CD);
pussy- Personal Computer;
businessman– a policeman who takes bribes;
herocopy– photocopy;
squeeze the keyboard– type text on the keyboard.

The newest dictionary of youth slang2019

2k19– 2019th year.
Aggressive- to be angry, to swear at someone. Why are you getting angry at me?
BombIt– infuriates, irritates, stresses. It's bombing me!
GorIt– very angry, boiling. I'm on fire with his manners.
Pull in- hit, beat. I'll sneak it for you if you take my thing.
GodnotA- good, suitable. The film is good!
Zhiza– vital. I wrote this paper poorly. - Zhiza! (Me too).
FatAs- fat man.
BookReserve– book. I reserved a table at the cafe.
InfasOtka– 100% reliable information. You are sure? - Infasotka!
KripOvo- scary. Crip film.
Post a screenshot– send a screenshot (a screenshot of a computer or phone).
Krch- Briefly speaking.
Lalka- a girl caught in an awkward situation. Well, you lalka!
Lan- okay, good. Lan, I'll do it.
LivnUt- to leave, to leave. Well, that's it, I'm leaving.
Loys– like
OverdofigA- so many. The people are overdone.
Okie- OK.
ORU- laugh. I'm screaming from this video.
Horn loudly- laugh out loud.
Very good- Very.
Please- Please.
REPET- tutor.
RESTIC- restaurant.
SAsny – attractive, sexy, cute. Sassy guy.
Sorry- I'm sorry. Oh, sorry! I accidentally.
Top, top- the best. This dress is simply top! Top dress!
Dead end, dead end- blunt. Oh, I'm a dead end!
I have paws– approximate meaning: “Well, I’m so cute!” Usually used as an excuse. Why didn't you wash the dishes?! I have paws!
FORCE– promote, persistently advise, propagandize. He's pushing this book.
Chill- relax, idle. I'll go chill.
Shmot- thing, things. I bought top gear.
ShnYazhka- a pleasant thing, something cute or tasty. I want some fun.

No longer in fashion. Words of 2018

Go – let's go.
Y – expresses emotion when there is nothing to say, something like “uh-uh.”
Drain the skating rink - lose in a computer game.
Fire! – great, great!
Azaza – funny (hahaha).
Lol – well, funny.
Rofl, rofl - joke, joke.
La! – replacement of consonant obscene swearing.
Heh – that's it, eh.
Check – check, view.
Yes, damn - What is this?!
Blat nevelny – again Navalny is to blame for everything.
Flashback – when something happens again.
Bayan – beard joke, tall tale.
Hype – what is fashionable is what is relevant at the moment.
Zashkvar – ugh! Something bad, low quality, shameful.
Xs – Don't know.
Fumble – to understand, to understand something.

In the modern world, it is becoming increasingly difficult for a teenager to gain popularity, attention and recognition from their peers. One has a gadget of the latest model, another bought a newly released computer game, the third is a permanent winner of the Olympiads, to whom everyone turns for help and advice. What to do, how to express yourself? There is an exit - these are cool phrases, using which you can declare yourself as a progressive young man who is well acquainted with modern culture.

Cool Words for Teens

Children and teenagers often use some kind of “secret” language, as if they specifically want adults not to understand them. Non-standard words and expressions are present in the speech of young people, teenagers, people of certain professions and social classes. Modern sources of information contribute to the widespread dissemination of slang in society, making it popular and in demand.

Are you in a bad mood? And you try to say without smiling: “Misha-target, bear! Teach me to fart!”

You must believe in yourself even when the whole world doubts...

On the slippery porch the number of cultured people decreases sharply...

The person who says he understands me is lying! Because even I don’t understand myself, let alone others.

Take risks! If you win, you will be happy, and if you lose, you will be wise.

It's easy to be brave when it's not your fears.

Try to say to my face what you say behind my back.

Even if you are alone against everyone, this does not mean that you are wrong...

Shut your mouth, otherwise it smells like yesterday's soup...

Even the coolest guy will look stupid in shoe covers with a urine test in his hands.

Some go to people as if they were going to war - with rudeness at the ready. And they often win! But then they have to live with a scorched soul on a scorched earth...

The boy said it, the boy did it! The guy didn’t do it - the guy was joking!

When women have their period, men have their period.

Everything is great with me, I have nothing to please you with.

My mirror, shut up! I came to comb my hair!

They say that when people lose something, they gain something else. I hope that after losing me, you will finally find some brains.

Cool expressions of youth

Be stronger than circumstances and whining!

Don’t you think... that you are losing weight... without the letter D.

If you can't bring a woman to orgasm, at least bring her home.

The amount of happiness depends on the amount of freedom you have in your heart...

Marina, I have loved you for a very long time, and let me kiss your gums on this bright evening!

I would like the self-esteem of those women who wear leopard print leggings on their fat legs.

It is better to be late where you are expected than to show up on time where you were not invited.

The strong one is not the one who does not cry. The strong one is the one who smiles through his tears.

Don't shed tears in vain, screw it all - life is wonderful!

Stay strong even if you feel like everything is falling apart.

Nothing ruins a good mood like a bad one...

One careless move and you are a father.

A woman should be like honey! On the one hand - soft and sweet! On the other hand, I'm so screwed!

Everyone ruins their life as they see fit.

This person called you 50 times. Conclusion: don't give your number to idiots.

Willpower is always needed in order to step over something important for the sake of something priceless...

Modern art is so strange. If you rush into an exhibition and piss on all the paintings, they will only become more expensive.

The show-offs are through the roof, but I don’t give a damn, I don’t hear such people.

Some think they have risen. In fact, they just popped up!!!

Jerking off and cuddling. Just what the doctor ordered.

A wisdom tooth is not a certificate of intelligence.

You can't be good to everyone.

Teen fashion phrases

Only mountains, whales and eggs can be steep. Everything else is an impostor!

Who is in favor of creating a button in contact “Fuck you”?

It’s such an unusual feeling when you don’t really know a person, but you’re already dreaming about your mind-blowing future.

I live opposite the cemetery. If you show off, you will live opposite me!!!

What makes me stronger would have destroyed you long ago...

In this world I am a queen, if you don’t like it, live in another!

The truly cool person is not the one who buys a car to go to work, but the one who buys an apartment near work so that he can walk there.

It's better to be a simple ace than a trump six.

When I'm in a bad mood, everyone else's self-esteem drops sharply.

Now you are driven by pride, and then you will bite your elbows.

One more “Vyak” in my direction... and your dad was sweating in vain...

My kindness ends where your insolence crosses the border.

It seemed that things couldn't get any worse... It turned out that it didn't seem so.

I'm a simple person, so I wipe my crown only once a day!

If you're completely screwed, don't be sad or worry... Find a skinny one.

I keep the room in chaos so that those who come to kill me will get lost in the chaos and die.

He is such an educated and well-read person that he even beat women with books.

I’m not hysterical, I’m not a psychopath, just one asshole radically changed my attitude towards life.

It’s very easy to turn a sweet girl into a hellish bitch. We take her trusting heart, a couple of assholes and voila, voila!

It's cool when someone cares about you, misses you and forgives you for being a bad person. In general, it's cool when people love you.

That cool feeling when you wake up and know that you don’t have to go anywhere.

I fall asleep with tearing pain. Waking up ready to fight.

Cool words and phrases

It is very unusual to meet people from the past in the present. But it’s even more unusual to understand that the past will again be the present, and then the future...

The called party has not yet come up with an excuse.

You want to go to heaven, but knowing that one dude borrowed a fortune from you and was sent to hell, you follow him...

My dad and mom are normal, they don’t drink, my legs and arms are intact, I have you... How happy I am!

I love you, I know for sure, although before I simply hated you... But now, something has changed in you?

Virtue is courageous and goodness never fears.

Be careful - fucked up is possible!

Don't flatter yourself by sleeping with a hot chick. Maybe she's just wondering... what it's like... with a sucker.

As one wonderful poet said: “And everything seems to be pretty fucked up, but it’s all some kind of bullshit!”

A person can not only die from non-compliance with safety precautions, but also be born.

Don't wait for the Last Judgment. The Last Judgment occurs daily.

Close the vent so it doesn't blow.

You can find a common language with me, while biting your own.

The main surprise for Russians in this whole story is that our army now looks so cool.

Rules are made to make you want to make mistakes...

Not everyone in our lives is a monogamist. After all, some of us were doused with resin in order to catch fire one more time.

Few people will remember the naked king by sight.

Shut up your mitten! Don't waste air!

Remember this phrase: everything will happen, but not right away.

Vodka was created to prevent Russians from ruling the world...

Don't shut my mouth! I'll put the freckles in the box! I'll drill new holes in the nose...

There is no TV, so I eat mushrooms and watch the carpet.

Take care of the keyboard - the organ of communication with the outside world.

Listen here, victim of a drunken midwife!

Love... Love is... In general, Love is such a feminine name...

Do you have anything for tomorrow's exam???
- Faith, hope, optimism.

So that all your teeth fall out, and one remains - for toothache!

Listen, rose! The tulip is out of here, otherwise you’ll turn gray like a dahlia!

Honey, take the corkscrew out of your ass and put it in your head so that there is at least something twisty there.

They love not for something, but in spite of it!

Of course, we have collected these phrases only to introduce you to them, but we still do not recommend using them in everyday speech. We encourage you to learn “decent” vocabulary, which you can show off in an official setting and at the same conferences.

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