Home Fruit trees Calf in India. A calf with a human face was born in India. “Shadow of the CIA”: Turkey called the war with Syria a trap

Calf in India. A calf with a human face was born in India. “Shadow of the CIA”: Turkey called the war with Syria a trap

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A calf was born in India with the remarkable features of a “human face.” died an hour after birth, but attracted crowds of villagers..

God incarnate

In the town of Uttar Pradesh in northern India, a “miracle” by local standards occurred. An unusual calf was born here - with facial features reminiscent of a human face. The animal was born with eyes, nose and ears resembling a human.

Hindus have already called the animal an avatar - one of the incarnations of the Hindu god Vishnu, who has 24 of them. Now they want to build a temple here in his honor. After death, the animal's body was placed in a glass box.

Anomaly or miracle?

Thousands of Hindus who come to Uttar Pradesh from various parts of the country offer gifts in the form of flower garlands and bow to the already dead body.

According to the local representative office religious community, the body of the strange animal will be displayed in public for three days. After this, the calf will be cremated and the ashes will be placed in a specially built temple.

At this time, ordinary veterinarians do not see anything miraculous in this case. Local senior veterinarian called this case a common anatomical anomaly.

Earlier we talked about the fact that for the first time there was a mummy's voice. Italian scientists at a conference in the Ötztal Alps, in South Tyrol, were able to reproduce the voice of the famous mummy.

In the north of India, in the village of Uttar Pradesh, a calf was born with human face. The animal was born with unusual physical anomalies - its head, eyes, ears and nose resemble human organs.

A calf with a human face was born in a shelter, but did not live even an hour. Local residents mistook the unusual animal for one of the incarnations of the Hindu god Vishnu and began to worship it, reports the Daily Mail.

It is reported that the news of the birth of a calf with a human face quickly spread among local residents. Almost immediately after the creature was born, they gathered near the chamber in the shelter to receive a blessing.

After death, the body of the unusual calf was placed in a special sarcophagus and an altar was equipped. People travel from all over India to see the animal. They lay flowers and gifts on him as if he were a deity.

According to the source, the calf's body will remain in the sarcophagus for three days, after which it will be cremated. The ashes of the divine animal are planned to be placed in an urn in a specially built temple.

A calf with a human face was born in India (video):

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