Home Garden on the windowsill How to prepare drinks for weight loss. Effective drinks for weight loss. Celery drink for weight loss: recipe and photo

How to prepare drinks for weight loss. Effective drinks for weight loss. Celery drink for weight loss: recipe and photo

Instead of artificial powders, which instead of the effect give spoiled health, you can use natural products to make drinks that will help you lose weight and improve your health. In this article we will talk about the recipes for such drinks. You just need to remember that the prepared drug should not be fundamental, besides it it is worth directing your efforts to and, i.e. take a holistic approach to weight loss.

Drink Recipes for Weight Loss

Speaking about drinks for weight loss, first of all I want to mention plain water. Yes, yes, simple, if you drink it in sufficient quantities, it can work wonders. Water cleanses the body, starts the metabolic process and gives a feeling of satiety. If you drink a glass of clean water half an hour before a meal, then you are unlikely to be able to overeat. In the morning on an empty stomach it is useful to drink warm water with a little lemon juice. You can use lime or mint to taste.

Grapefruit is considered a good drink for weight loss, as its chemical composition negatively affects fat cells and destroys them. Just follow two conditions: the juice must really be freshly squeezed and do not add sugar to it! Kefir is another great drink. It is not necessary to take fat-free, a medium-fat product will do just fine. It improves digestion and satisfies hunger for a long time, so you can use it, and.

Fat burning drink recipes:

Decoctions for weight loss

Slimming teas can be prepared from a variety of herbs, grains, vegetables, roots and fruits, and each will be effective in its own area. As a rule, the action of decoctions is aimed at normalizing the activity of the digestive tract, accelerating metabolism and giving a feeling of satiety.

Drinks for weight loss: reviews

Drinks for weight loss, prepared with your own hands, always show positive results. The main thing in this business is to choose “your” recipe, and this is already a trial and error method. In any case, drinks that were prepared from natural ingredients will never harm the body if there are no allergies to it and there are no contraindications.

Sweet soda, packaged juices are not energy drinks for weight loss. These drinks contain many harmful substances that do not bring any benefit to our body, moreover, they are also harmful. We all know that they are also very high in calories and are expensive: harmful and expensive.

The most affordable and correct drink for weight loss is plain pure water without gas. Using it for the preparation of drinks for weight loss in combination with different ingredients, you can achieve remarkable results.

Drinks for weight loss at home can be prepared with your own hands, without spending a lot of money and time on it. Of course, the taste will not be as intense and rich as the store-bought ones we are used to, but the benefits will be much greater. We will prepare a homemade slimming drink with a delicate refreshing aroma and fruity taste and not just one…

Drainage drinks for weight loss at home

Do not think that weight loss drinks are a magic tool. If you really want to achieve results, then you should pay close attention to nutrition and start moving more actively. What does it take to make a slimming drink at home?

  • Ice or water. Take regular filtered water
  • Fruits. Fresh or frozen

Of course, it is better to use fresh fruit. But at the beginning of spring, they are expensive and not of very high quality, so you can use winter stocks - frozen fruits. Already closer to summer, use those fruits that grow in the garden or garden.

  • Use herbs. It is an excellent natural antioxidant that helps speed up the metabolism.

Add the herbs you like. Don't be afraid to experiment, they won't spoil the taste. Basically, mint, rosemary, thyme, sage, basil are used for such drinks.

What drink promotes weight loss? Of course, one that contains only natural fruits and does not contain artificial additives and flavors. It would be ideal if it does not contain sugar. To make the taste of the drink sweeter, you can use stevia or honey.

Ginger drink for weight loss

Grind ginger root, pour hot water and boil for 20 minutes. Allow to cool to room temperature and can be consumed throughout the day with the addition of a slice of lemon or a spoonful of honey (to taste).

Ginger and lemon drink for weight loss

  • Green tea
  • Ginger
  • Lemon and honey - optional

Everything is very simple here: green tea is brewed in the traditional way. Then pour the tea through a strainer into a thermos. Add a small piece of ginger root there (you can use dry ginger). After about 30 minutes, the drink will be ready. Consume it by adding a teaspoon of honey or a slice of lemon.

herbal slimming drink

Brew a mixture of herbs with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Strain and take every morning on an empty stomach, 2 tbsp.

Herbal infusion gives excellent results in combination with a diet that limits the consumption of fatty smoked foods.

Lemon, orange and lime drink recipe

  • Water - about 2 liters
  • Lime - 1 pc.
  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.

We cut the fruits into circles, which still need to be cut in half. We put the fruit in a jug, lightly knead with a spoon so that they give juice. Fill the pitcher with ice and top up with water. Stir gently, close the lid and put in a cold place.

The drink can be consumed immediately after preparation, but it will be tastier if it is infused for 1-2 hours, and in a day it will have a richer taste and aroma.

This drink perfectly quenches thirst in the summer and fights extra pounds.

Drink for quick weight loss at home: raspberry water with lime

  • Water - 2 l
  • Lime - 2 pcs
  • Handful of raspberries

Lime must be cut into four parts, squeeze juice into a jug, throw raspberries and squeezed zest into the same place. Mix again with a spoon. Add ice, water to a jug of fruit, mix, close the lid - and refrigerate.

Raspberries are a source of antioxidants and are great for weight loss drinks, and lime, like all citrus fruits, is an unsurpassed assistant in the fight against excess weight.

Sassi water for weight loss

This drink is perhaps the most popular for burning fat and cleansing the body. It is good to cook it from fresh products in season.

Cut the lemon and cucumber into thin circles, tear the mint with your hands, add the ginger. Pour all this with two liters of clean filtered water and mix. Put in the refrigerator overnight to infuse. The drink is ready the next day. It must be drunk all and re-cooked the next day.

What to drink for weight loss at home is up to you to choose. Such drinks can be made from any fruit. You do not need to make such drinks a week in advance, because they can only be stored for 3 days.

Drink for weight loss lemon, honey and cinnamon: Video recipe

Lose weight with pleasure!

To lose weight, you need to be careful in choosing food. Everyone knows this elementary thing. But no less important is what you drink. Some drinks can be great fat burners, while others are high in calories. Let's figure out what drinks should be in the diet when you are trying to lose weight, and which ones are better to forget about.

This article will not look at specially designed products, mixtures or dietary supplements, but about those drinks that everyone has at home and which can be easily prepared if you are losing weight.

Importance of liquid for weight loss

A few simple facts will help you understand the great importance of fluids for the functioning of the body, especially during the period of active weight loss.

1. Biochemical processes in the body occur only in the presence of water. When it is not enough, metabolic processes slow down, fat accumulates.

2. The more liquid is consumed, the more it is excreted from the body. And along with water, toxins and toxins also come out, and fats are broken down in the process of metabolism.

3. With an insufficient amount of fluid, the body begins to accumulate it. It is these deposits that create swelling, give the figure obesity.

4. One fifth of your daily calories come from drinks. This means that you need to be as attentive to drinks as you are to food: you should choose those that contain few calories, speed up metabolism, and reduce appetite.

The action of drinks for weight loss is to cleanse the body and speed up metabolism. With minimal effort and without any restrictions, drinks help you restore a beautiful figure.

Healthy drinks for weight loss


Water is the cheapest, most accessible and incredibly effective way to lose weight. There are no calories in water, it has a positive effect on metabolism, dulls appetite, cleanses the body of harmful substances. Nutritionists recommend drinking a glass of water before meals. This will help you avoid overeating and give you a feeling of satiety.

At least 8 glasses of pure water must be consumed per day (). If you drink cold water, then the body will be forced to spend its energy reserves on heating it. And this, albeit small, but the calories spent. General rules for drinking water are listed at the end of this article.

Tea: green, black and herbal

Tea is a healthy drink that can be drunk freely (but without sugar). It is especially recommended to drink green tea, which contains no calories, improves immunity, is an excellent fat burner and acts as a purifier for the body, improving its ability to eliminate toxins.

Herbal teas are also zero calorie, speed up digestion and help you lose weight. But it is necessary to prepare tea from herbs only after having previously studied its properties and consulted with a doctor, since many decoctions have diuretic, choleretic and other specific medicinal properties.


Despite the widespread belief that coffee is categorically contraindicated for people seeking to lose weight, this is not entirely true. You can drink coffee, but of course without sugar and milk. Black coffee is low in calories, rich in antioxidants, invigorating and boosts metabolism. So these few calories consumed will be quickly burned.

To enhance the effect in coffee, you can add cinnamon (on the tip of a knife) - it reduces appetite and regulates carbohydrate metabolism, slightly speeds up metabolism.

Fruit and vegetable juices

Natural juices contain many nutrients and vitamins, help to cleanse the body qualitatively. Vegetable juices are lower in calories than fruit juices, so drink vegetable juices whenever possible.

When choosing juice, make sure it's natural and has no added sugar. Avoid nectars and juice drinks that have added sweeteners and preservatives. Freshly squeezed juices are the best option. It is better to give preference to juices with pulp, because. it contains fiber necessary for cleansing the gastrointestinal tract. If the juices are too concentrated for you, you can dilute them with water.

In addition to helping in weight loss, natural juices perform many other useful functions:
- apple provides the body with vitamins A, B, C, calcium, potassium,
- grapefruit is a powerful fat burner,
- cranberry juice strengthens blood vessels, cleanses the body of alcohol and nicotine, fights infections,
- apricot provides vitamins A, B, C, K and phosphorus,
- beetroot - vitamin C, calcium, iron,
- cabbage juice cleanses toxins and improves digestion,
- tomato satisfies hunger well, gives a feeling of satiety,
- carrot is also effective in the fight against extra pounds, it can be cooked with the addition of celery.

Drinks with lemon

Lemon is known for its ability to burn excess weight. It contains antioxidants that regulate blood sugar levels and reduce hunger. People who drink lemon juice or plain water with lemon lose weight faster because vitamin C speeds up their metabolism. The only thing that must be taken into account is that citric acid has a destructive effect on the walls of the stomach, and therefore it must be used carefully (it is best to dilute with plenty of water). Various teas with lemon, honey and ginger are good for weight loss.

Drinks with ginger

The fat-burning properties of ginger have long been known. But recently, it has become one of the most popular weight loss products. Ginger protects the body from colds and viruses, has a strengthening effect, contains B vitamins, vitamin C, and many useful trace elements. Ginger improves the functioning of the digestive system, thus promoting weight loss.

Finely chopped or grated ginger is added to tea and other slimming drinks. The easiest recipe for ginger tea: pour grated / chopped ginger with boiling water, let it brew, add lemon and honey. It is best to drink it several times a day before meals.

Kefir and milk drinks

Low-fat kefir is another great drink for weight loss. It reduces appetite, improves digestion, protects the stomach. If spices (ginger, cinnamon, red pepper) are added to kefir, they will additionally burn excess fats. Kefir is good as a snack between meals.

At home, you can prepare various sour-milk cocktails for weight loss. As a base, use kefir, skim milk, fermented baked milk. For taste and color (and as a source of vitamins), add fresh fruits, berries, vegetables, herbs (dill, parsley, celery, cucumber) or bran. A glass of such a cocktail before a meal will protect against overeating, and in the evening it can replace dinner.

Milk contains many nutrients, especially calcium and potassium. It helps to get rid of the feeling of hunger. But keep in mind that milk contains complex carbohydrates and is slowly digested.

What not to drink while losing weight

Carbonated drinks

What you should really avoid is various carbonated drinks. They contain a huge amount of carbohydrates, sugar, food additives and dyes. Carbonated drinks only increase thirst and are one of the causes of cellulite. Even if your life is impossible without soda, it should be replaced with other drinks, such as juices or mineral water.


Be careful with alcohol, as most alcoholic beverages are not only harmful to health, but also contain a lot of calories. The most high-calorie are liqueurs and cocktails. They contain a lot of sugar, which dehydrates the cells of the liver and brain, enhances the growth of fungi. In addition to alcohol itself, a snack contains a huge amount of calories, imperceptibly absorbed with alcohol.

Rules for the use of liquids

And finally, here are a few general rules concerning the use of liquids:
- drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day (mainly pure water),
- drink a glass of water before breakfast (it helps to "wash" the body from the inside, flush out toxins, prepare the digestive system for breakfast),
- drink liquid BEFORE meals and not earlier than one hour AFTER,
- drink tea and coffee without sugar, milk and other additives (and of course without cookies and other sweets),
- between breakfast and lunch you can drink a cup of green tea,
- during an afternoon snack you can drink a glass of juice,
- the last fluid intake - 2-3 hours before bedtime, so that swelling does not occur,
- Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir.

The importance of drinks for weight loss is difficult to overestimate. But still remember that the effect of them will be noticeable only with the right diet. And only physical exercises can create beautiful outlines of a figure.

The problem of excess weight worries many people for more than one generation. There are a lot of provoking factors that contribute to the accumulation of excess kilograms. This includes the ingress of toxins into the body along with food and water, improper nutrition, polluted air, an inactive lifestyle, and much more. All this negatively affects the metabolic and metabolic processes in the body, and as a result, the breakdown of fat cells slows down.

If many are already familiar with a variety of diets, then few people know how important fluid intake is throughout the day. If you do not drink enough, then the accumulation of toxins and fats will lead to inevitable weight gain. However, not every drink is healthy and helps to lose weight. For example, by drinking sugary juices and carbonated drinks, you run the risk of adding even more. Therefore, we want to bring to your attention exclusively healthy, health-improving and fat-burning drinks for weight loss, diet cocktails, as well as teas, herbal decoctions, with the help of which the effectiveness of your weight loss and keeping your figure in shape will be the most productive.

How to use water correctly

Drinking regimen when losing weight is no less important than proper nutrition. Drink during the day you can and should be as much as the body requires. But there is a list of universal rules that are recommended to be followed during any diet.

  • It is better to drink plain purified water, without gases, not boiled.
  • The first fluid intake should be immediately after waking up, you need to drink a glass of water in one visit, thereby washing yourself from the inside, washing away all the toxins and harmful substances that have accumulated during the night, activate the digestive system and prepare it for the upcoming breakfast.
  • Calculate individually for yourself the daily rate of liquid, for each kg of weight it is 40 ml of water. For example, a person weighing 60 kg should drink 2.4 liters per day.
  • Drink water 20-30 minutes before meals to prevent overeating, after eating you can drink at least 30-40 minutes later.
  • In order not to face swelling and “bags” under the eyes in the morning, refrain from drinking liquids about 2-2.5 hours before bedtime.
  • With almost any type of weight loss, green or herbal cleansing tea for weight loss is allowed, in moderation natural coffee without milk and sugar, as well as freshly squeezed juices of some fruits, especially citrus fruits. With a protein diet, you can drink protein-based diet shakes for weight loss.

Drinks for weight loss at home

Water. Of course, without water and maintaining the water balance in the body, you can forget about losing weight. For good health, drink 2 liters of water. If suddenly there is an uncontrollable desire to eat or eat something harmful or undesirable, drink a glass of water, it will fill the stomach and at least temporarily moderate the appetite. But who would have guessed that water can also be diverse. We offer you several recipes, healthy and tasty water.

  • Mint water. To make the water not so monotonous, put a couple of crushed fresh mint leaves in it.
  • Water with lime or lemon. Such sour citrus fruits, when consumed, increase the acidity of the stomach, thereby contributing to the accelerated digestion of food and the effective breakdown of fat cells. Also, I would like to note that lemon water dulls the feeling of hunger quite well, which is important for people struggling with excess calories. Often, we confuse the desire to eat with ordinary thirst. Therefore, such a refreshing drink will be a great addition to any diet or habitual diet. In the morning, you can drink a glass of water with a few slices of lemon squeezed out. You can also create a vitamin drink for the whole family with lemon and honey.
  • Invigorating drink for weight loss ginger, cucumber, lemon, mint. This drink bears its name Sassy water in honor of its creator. He created a drink with the optimal ratio of ingredients that help the stomach to normalize its work, fight toxins and toxins, reduce gas formation and break down unnecessary fats in the body. This very useful and tasty fat-burning drink is becoming more and more popular among women who dream of “throwping off” a certain amount of kg, especially for ladies who dream of correcting their figure in the abdomen. To prepare the classic version of the drink, you will need 2 liters of pure water (of course, it is better if it is spring or mineral, but you can get by with filtered and purified tap water), chopped ginger root, a few leaves of peppermint, and slices of fresh peeled cucumber. When all the components are prepared, put them in a large glass jar and fill it with water, put the container in the refrigerator for half a day, during this time the water will be saturated with useful vitamins and microelements and acquire a pleasant and refreshing taste.

Cleansing teas for weight loss

To date, various manufacturers offer various teas and herbal preparations for weight loss. But still, there is nothing better than home-made tea for weight loss with your own hands, such a drink will be absolutely harmless, without dubious additives, you can also choose the option that suits your taste preferences. We offer you some varieties of tea for weight loss at home, recipes and options.

  • Green tea. Everyone's favorite tea variety is effectively used in the fight against excess volumes. This drink contains a phenomenal amount of antioxidants, activates metabolic processes and promotes fat burning. It is enough to drink 2-3 cups of fresh high-quality tea a day in order to notice a certain positive effect after a while. A pleasant surprise will be not only the “melting” of kilograms, but also an improvement in the condition of the skin and an improvement in well-being. After all, antioxidants remove all the negative effects of lack of sleep, smoking, and overwork.
  • Ginger tea. This drink is given a special meaning. Ginger came to us from Eastern countries, and today it is actively used in various recipes for first courses, salads, sauces, and teas. The rhizome of the plant has a wide range of useful properties, one of which is the stimulation of blood circulation. Tibetan monks are sure that ginger root is one of the products that help enhance metabolic processes, remove toxins, and with its help you can stay young, beautiful and healthy for a long time. So, to make tea, cut a small piece of ginger root into thin slices and pour boiling water over it, after half an hour the drink is ready to drink. To taste, you can add lemon or orange juice, honey, peppermint leaves, a pinch of cardamom or dried lingonberries.
  • Combined herbal tea for weight loss at home. Using this folk recipe, many have already felt lightness. This tea has a laxative and diuretic effect. To prepare the collection, combine in equal parts oak bark, tansy flowers, buckthorn, wormwood and yarrow herb. Brew a spoonful of the finished collection in a glass of boiling water. The product turns out to be quite bitter in taste, so you can add a spoonful of honey. Drink better in the morning, on an empty stomach.
  • Drainage tea for weight loss is used if there is a problem with fluid retention in the body. To remove excess moisture and have a tonic effect on the body, use the following herbal teas for weight loss at home: calendula or coltsfoot infusion, strawberry tea or a drink certified from blackcurrant leaves, and birch leaves infused in boiling water. Drainage drinks for weight loss at home are best used as an additional tool in complex weight loss methods, where proper nutrition and an active lifestyle are required.

Fat burning cocktails at home. cocktails

  • Energy Slimming Cocktail. This option is suitable for people who need to spend a lot of strength and energy throughout the day, as well as athletes. the main components of this drink are: cottage cheese, nuts, kefir and grapes. Mix everything with a mixer until you get a thick, homogeneous mass. This cocktail can completely replace 1 meal.
  • Healthy orange smoothie. This drink contains a whole arsenal of vitamins and minerals, and also promotes effective cleansing. For cooking, it is necessary to grind all orange vegetables in a blender: carrots, bell peppers, pumpkin, for a sweetish taste, you can add persimmons. Pour the orange mass with fat-free kefir or natural yogurt.
  • Green smoothies for weight loss. Green vegetables and fruits are considered the most useful, healthy and anti-allergic, they undoubtedly help to improve metabolism. The popular green smoothie includes: broccoli, cucumber, green peas, ginger and some kefir in case the mixture is too thick.

Today we told you a lot of effective home remedies for weight loss. Getting rid of extra centimeters and kilograms and keeping yourself in shape is easy and for this it is not necessary to go on strict diets and limit yourself in everything.

Try it and achieve the desired results!

Maybe you have a proven and effective method, we will be glad if you share your experience with other readers and tell you what to drink to lose weight at home.

You can cook healthy, natural and, most importantly, effective slimming cocktails at home. Such drinks are taken both in addition to the diet, and instead of meals. It all depends on your goal - fast weight loss at any cost or comfortable gaining harmony without harm to health.

Homemade cocktails are made from different ingredients. But these are always natural and fresh components, which, in addition to the weight loss effect, have a healing effect on the entire body.

The composition of drinks almost always includes vegetable - an indispensable product for weight loss. Once in the stomach, fiber increases in size, thereby creating a feeling of satiety. Passing through the digestive tract, it cleans them like a whisk, which regulates the work of all organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

There is a separate type of homemade shakes - protein shakes. Such drinks will be useful for maintaining and strengthening muscle mass during weight loss and intense training.

Foods to include in drinks

  • . It is a natural source of cleansing the body and accelerating metabolism. Water removes slags, toxins, split fats. With its participation, almost all biochemical reactions in the body occur.
  • Dairy and dairy products are rich in vitamin D and calcium.
  • Protein products. Protein is the building block of muscle tissue. The body spends more energy on its absorption than on the digestion of other nutrients.
  • Grapefruit is known for its ability to reduce hunger. Due to its fat-burning properties, grapefruit will be a significant help on the way to a slim figure with its regular use.
  • Oatmeal is rich in protein, vitamins and fiber. Grain satisfies hunger for a long time.

  • Raw vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals. In addition, most of them have a low energy value, which allows you to eat them without fear for the figure.
  • Olive oil and other vegetable oils are useful fats, with the participation of which the breakdown of adipose tissue occurs.
  • Fruits and berries saturate well and fill the body with useful substances. They are tasty, which is important for a person who is losing weight, forced to deny himself sweets.
  • Green tea is a well-known fat-burning agent, as well as a product for the prevention of many serious diseases, such as ailments of the cardiovascular system and cancer.

Drainage drinks for weight loss at home

The purpose of drainage cocktails is to remove excess fluid from the body. In the body of a full person, the reserves of unnecessary moisture can be up to 10 kg. High-quality drainage allows not only to lose weight, but also to make the body stronger and toned.

Water is the best drainage drink

Surprisingly, but the most affordable and effective drink for drainage is ordinary purified drinking water. Here are some rules for its use:

  • drink 1.5-3 liters of water during the day;
  • do not drink untreated tap water;
  • heat the liquid to room temperature;
  • occasionally buy mineral drinks, but without gas.

Rosehip green tea


  • green tea;
  • (plantain, mint, dandelion, marshmallow root, anise, dill, etc.);
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • lemon - 1 slice.

Brew natural and high-quality green tea in one container with any herbs or collection of herbs for weight loss, as well as rose hips. When the decoction is ready, add 1 slice of fresh lemon with zest to the mug.

Fat burning drinks for weight loss at home

cucumber cocktail


  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • mineral water without gas - 100 ml;
  • garlic - 0.5 cloves.

Remove the skin from the cucumber. Peel and finely chop the garlic clove or finely chop. Send all components to the blender bowl. Instead of a mineral drink, you can use fat-free kefir. Whisk for 10 seconds.

Green tea with citrus


  • green tea - 2 l;
  • orange - 1 pc.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • lime - 1 pc.;
  • stevia for sweetness - optional.

Use only freshly brewed tea. Squeeze juice from citrus fruits, mix it in one container and add to tea. Sweeten with stevia if desired. Drink the drink chilled. Store citrus tea in the refrigerator.

Ginger drink for weight loss at home

ginger lemonade


  • grated ginger - 2 tablespoons;
  • lemon - 4 cups;
  • honey - 1 tbsp;
  • cinnamon and mint to taste;
  • water - 1 l.

Load all ingredients into a blender bowl. Ginger pre-grate on a fine grater. You don't need to peel the lemon. If all you have is candied honey, melt it over steam. Add cinnamon and mint as desired, beat all ingredients for 15 seconds. Pass the drink through a fine sieve. Ginger lemonade is ready.

Such lemonade not only promotes weight loss, but also energizes, brings both the spirit and the body into tone, saturates the skin with moisture.

Ginger tea with milk


  • grated ginger - 1 tbsp;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • skimmed milk - 200 ml.

Brew ginger in water, let the drink brew for 20 minutes, then pour a glass of low-fat milk into the teapot.

Ginger tea with lemon


  • ginger - 1 root;
  • water - 1 l;
  • lemon - a few slices.

Divide the whole root into thin slices and boil in boiling water for about 20 minutes. Add 4-5 circles of lemon with peel to the pot with ready-made tea.

Ginger will create a thermal effect necessary for the breakdown of fat cells, and lemon fibers will help control appetite.

Cleansing drinks for weight loss at home

Fruit drink with ginger


  • lemon juice - 1 pc.;
  • pomegranate juice - 250 ml;
  • grape juice - 250 ml;
  • grated ginger - 0.5 tsp;
  • a pinch of cinnamon for taste.

Load all ingredients into a blender bowl, beat for 10 seconds. Add cinnamon as desired. The finished product must be passed through gauze or a fine sieve. Drink your fruit drink chilled.

Drinks for quick weight loss at home

Sassi water


  • water - 2 l;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • grated ginger - 1 tsp;
  • mint.

Cucumber and lemon cut into thin circles and dip in a container of water. Put some ginger and a few mint leaves in there as well. Stir gently and send to infuse in the refrigerator.

Drink 2 liters of this drink every day for a week or two. Sassi water is a truly miraculous drink, which is simultaneously a cleanser, fat-burner, accelerating metabolic processes and invigorating.

Kefir-oat cocktail with cinnamon


  • kefir - 200 ml;
  • oatmeal - 2 tablespoons;
  • cinnamon - 0.5 tsp;
  • a little apple, berries for taste.

Whisk all ingredients in a blender. A quarter of an apple or a handful of fruit will make this cocktail sweeter and more aromatic, add them if desired.

Drinks for weight loss at home: reviews

Drinks for weight loss are prepared in just a few minutes, and their variety allows you to choose the ingredients to your liking. Moreover, all components are available to every housewife and are often available in any refrigerator.

Slimming cocktails and teas should be taken in addition to the usual diet. It is convenient to make snacks out of them between main meals. For faster weight loss, you can replace breakfast or dinner with one of the fat-burning drinks. Cocktails are also a great option for once a week.

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